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GFA Geotech Report 4
GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FI,OiuDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 I CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: i 1 NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL;, F;el d Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh 4 Location: CPT @ Lot 33(Front) N27.220381 W80.294821 Plage: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data 9L De Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio FR pth P P+S (ts� FR (meters) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 0 5 10 6.6 0.2 40 45 80 1.2 0.4 111 35 42 70 1.9 0.6 28 38 56 2.4 0.8 27 37 54 2.4 1.0 28 38• 56 2.8 1.2 40 52 80 2.5 1.4 5 45 60 90 2.2 1.6 37 52 74 2.7 1.8 35 50 70 2.8 2.0 35 50 70 2.6 2.2 27 41 54 2.4 2.4 25 35 50 2.6 2.6 20 30 40 3.6 2.8 27 38 54 1.5 3.0 10 35 41 70 1.9 3.2 38 48 76 1.7 3.4 30 40 60 1.1 3.6 30 35 60 1.5 3.8 j 28 35 56 2.4 4.0 28 38 56 2.4 4.2 35 45 70 2.1 4.4 32 43 64 2.1 4.6 15 32 42 64 2.1 4.8 35 45 70 1.9 5.0 40 50 80 5.2 d I w 20 a d i A 25 30 35 40 P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoUppendicesUpp E-CPTSoundings Done I GF'A INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida ate: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL, Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 33(Back) N27.220381 W80.295020 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR P P+S 9C FR Depth (tsf) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 (meters) 0 12 24 2.8 0.2 27 32 54 2.4 0.4 35 45 70 1.5 0.6 28 36 56 2.4 0.8 25 35 50 2.6 1.0 25 35 50 2.6 1.2 35 45 70 2.5 1.4 5 25 38 50 3.7 1.6 27 41 54 2.0 1.8 40 48 80 1.7 2.0 45 55 90 2.2 2.2 50 65 100 1.2 2.4 18 27 36 4.4 2.6 i 18 30 36 2.9 2.8 42 50 84 1.4 3.0 10 37 46 74 1.4 3.2 32 40 64 2.7 3.4 35 48 70 2.5 3.6 35 48 70 2.5 3.8 32 45 64 2.5 4.0 28 40 56 2.4 4.2 25 35 50 3.2 4.4 38 50 76 2.3 4.6 15 35 48 70 2.5 4.8 37 50 74 2.0 5.0 37 48 74 5.2 r-, d . 20 a --------------- d A 25 30 35 40 i P:Wrojects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendiceA4pp E-CPT Soundings Done i GFA Il`iTTTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.Lum,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAR:(772)924-3586 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida ate: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL, F eld Crew: PM/WN ig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 34(Front) N27.220711 W80.295001 Plage: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) i' Friction Ratio FR R Field Data q� Depth P I P+S (t FR 0 40 80 120 160 200 246 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 sf) (meters) 0 i. 5 10 6.6 0.2 li 27 32 54 2.0 0.4 32 40 64 1.9 0.6 25 34 50 2.6 0.8 25 35 50 2.6 1.0 28 38 56 4.2 1.2 42 60 84 1.1 1.4 5 55 62 110 2.4 1.6 32 52 64 1.4 1.8 45 52 90 1.9 2.0 11 42 55 84 0.9 2.2 22 28 44 1.5 2.4 17 22 34 1.9 2.6 14 19 28 1.9 2.8 20 24 40 2.3 3.0 10 19 26 38 3.1 3.2 28 37 56 2.4 3.4 30 40 60 2.4 3.6 37 48 74 1.4 3.8 32 40 64 1.0 4.0 28 33 56 2.8 4.2 45 57 90 1.9 4.4 52 65 104 1.4 4.6 15 52 63 104 1.9 4.8 42 57 84 2.0 5.0 57 70 114 5.2 d 20 a A � 25 30 35 JIET 40 i P:Wrojecisl2012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeolAppendiceslApp E-CPT Soundings Done -GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL! Flield Crew: PNMN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 34(Back) N27.220741 W80.295191 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data yc Depth Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio FR P P+S ( j) (meters)FR 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 is [ 0 10 20 3.3 0.2 35 40 70 2.3 0.4 38 50 76 1.7 0.6 35 45 70 2.3 0.8 35 47 70 2.1 1.0 34 45 68 1.9 1.2 40 50 80 3.3 1.4 5 80 100 160 1.7 1.6 80 100 160 1.7 1.8 80 100 160 1.5 2.0 62 80 124 2.1 2.2 60 80 120 1.1 2.4 50 60 100 2.0 2.6 28 43 56 2.1 2.8 0, 31 40 62 1.7 3.0 10 32 40 64 2.3 3.2 37 48 74 0.9 3.4 32 37 64 1.0 3.6 30 35 60 1.5 3.8 35 42 70 1.9 4.0 38 48 76 1.7 4.2 30 40 60 2.2 4.4 30 40 60 2.4 4.6 15 47 58 94 1.8 4.8 35 48 70 2.8 5.0 43 58 86 5.2 d .0 20 a A i I 25 i I 30 I I i 35 I 40 1 P:Wrojects120121124095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeolAppendicesUpp E-CPT Soundings Done "' GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - Fax:(772)924-3580 I CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) I I Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 35(Front) N27.220951 W80.295271 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade I Field Data ye DepthCone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR P p+S (tsf) FR (me 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 0 8 16 12.4 0.2 20 35 40 4.0 0.4 23 35 46 2.9 0.6 25 35 50 2.6 0.8 30 40 60 2.9 1.0 33 46 66 2.0 1.2 70 80 140 1.9 1.4 5 30 5o 60 2.0 1.6 28 37 56 1.7 1.8 18 25 36 2.2 2.0 15 21 30 3.5 2.2 23 31 46 1.7 2.4 42 48 84 1.1 2.6 29 36 58 1.1 2.8 30 35 60 2.2 3.0 10 30 40 60 1.8 3.2 32 40 64 1.7 3.4 35 43 70 1.5 3.6 35 43 70 1.1 3.8 I 35 41 70 1.5 4.0 32 40 64 1.7 4.2 30 38 60 2.4 4.4 I5 34 45 68 1.9 4.6 60 70 120 2.2 4.8 80 100 160 1.7 5.0 100 120 200 5.2 � I w n 20 a � d A ' 25 I I 30 I i 35 I 40 I I I P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeolAppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done I GFAINTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 ✓ PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAX:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL', Field Crew: PM/WN 1 ig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 35(Back) N27.221091 W80.295361 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR P P+S 9e FR Depth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 (tsf) (meters) 0 i 14 28 4.7 0.2 40 50 80 2.0 0.4 58 70 116 1.7 0.6 55 70 110 1.6 0.8 H 50 63 100 1.8 1.0 48 62 96 1.4 1.2 60 70 120 2.2 1.4 5 50 70 100 1.3 1.6 Ill 70 80 140 0.9 1.8 100 110 200 1.2 2.0 42 60 84 1.6 2.2 60 70 120 0.8 2.4 48 55 96 1.2 2.6 48 57 96 1.7 2.8 46 58 92 1.0 3.0 10 28 35 56 2.1 3.2 30 39 60 2.6 3.4 35 47 70 15 3.6 35 48 70 1.5 3.8 30 38 60 2.2 4.0 33 43 66 1.8 4.2 33 42 66 2.4 4.4 I S11 li 33 45 66 2.0 4.6 60 70 120 1.1 4.8 70 80 140 0.9 5.0 70 80 140 5.2 P, i w 20 A L r 25 j 30 I I 35 40 P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done GEA INTERNATIONAL I, 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAR:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: I NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL; Field Crew: PM/WN lig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 36(Front) N27.221150 W80.295070 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data 9� Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR Depth p p+S ( FR 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 is (meters) 0 15 30 4.4 0.2 f. 40 50 80 1.3 0.4 (I 52 60 104 1.7 0.6 47 60 94 1.7 0.8 40 52 80 2.5 1.0 37 52 74 3.6 1.2 32 52 64 2.1 1.4 5 42 52 84 2.5 1.6 44 60 88 1.2 1.8 45 53 90 1.2 2.0 22 30 44 0.6 2.2 3 5 6 4.4 2.4 5 7 10 4.0 2.6 42 45 84 1.6 2.8 50 60 100 1.7 3.0 10 45 58 90 2.9 3.2 70 90 140 1.9 3.4 80 100 160 1.7 3.6 80 100 160 1.2 3.8 45 60 90 1.5 4.0 30 40 60 1.8 4.2 22 30 44 2.1 4.4 38 45 76 1.7 4.6 15 i 50 60 100 1.3 4.8 70 80 140 0.9 5.0 I 80 90 160 5.2 � I a� I w 20 a A I I 25 I I I 30 i i 35 JJ r. (I 40 P:WrojectsU012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)lGeolAppendiceAApp E-CPT Soundings Done i EGFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 i Liab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FLI Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 36(Back) N27.221271 W80.295040 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR P P+S ( o FR (metes) 0 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 15 30 4.4 0.2 40 50 80 2.1 0.4 25 38 50 3.2 0.6 30 42 60 2.6 0.8 30 42 60 2.4 1.0 31 42 62 2.8 1.2 45 58 90 1.2 1.4 5 �. 62 70 124 1.1 1.6 60 70 _ 120 1.4 1.8 27 40 54 3.7 2.0 �. 25 40 50 3.2 2.2 50 62 100 0.9 2.4 30 37 60 1.8 2.6 22 30 44 6.0 2.8 80 100 160 1.7 3.0 10 80 100 160 1.1 3.2 52 65 104 2.5 3.4 JV 70 90 140 1.9 3.6 70 90 140 1.9 3.8 60 80 120 0.9 4.0 50 58 100 1.3 4.2 42 52 84 1.6 4.4 38 48 76 2.6 4.6 15 II 52 67 104 1.5 4.8 50 62 100 2.0 5.0 j 55 70 110 5.2 (, d I, w 20 a d A I 25 I r 30 ( I'. I 35 i i I 40 P:WrojectA20I2U24095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicest4pp H-CPT Soundings Done I GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 i CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Liab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 37(Front) N27.221190 W80.294741 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade j i Field Data qc Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR ( p P+S tsf) FR (mete s) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 0 27 54 2.4 0.2 10 50 60 100 1.7 0.4 52 65 104 1.9 0.6 42 57 84 2.4 0.8 40 55 80 2.8 1.0 43 60 86 1.5 1.2 70 80 140 1.9 1.4 5 90 110 180 1.5 1.6 60 80 120 2.2 1.8 50 70 100 1.3 2.0 25 35 50 1.8 2.2 30 37 60 2.0 2.4 38 47 76 2.3 2.6 35 48 70 1.1 2.8 32 38 64 1.7 3.0 10 30 38 60 1.8 3.2 35 43 70 1.5 3.4 42 50 84 1.3 3.6 40 48 80 1.8 3.8 i 32 43 64 2.1 4.0 35 45 70 1.3 4.2 28 35 56 2.4 4.4 15 35 45 70 1.9 4.6 40 50 80 1.7 4.8 55 65 110 2.4 5.0 100 120 200 5.2 a� w 20 a A 25 i i I i i 30 I 35 I I i 40 P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeolAppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 I CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) I Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PNI/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 37(Back) N27.221381 W80.2947211 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade I Field Data qc D Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR FR Depth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 P P+S (tst) (meters) 0 13 26 3.6 0.2 28 35 56 2.4 0.4 28 38 56 2.6 0.6 30 41 60 2.9 0.8 35 48 70 2.8 1.0 40 55 80 3.3 1.2 80 100 160 1.2 1.4 55 70 110 1.7 1.6 5IL 20 34 40 3.0 1.8 24 33 48 2.2 2.0 22 30 44 2.7 2.2 21 30 42 2.5 2.4 22 30 44 2.1 2.6 28 35 56 1.7 2.8 25 32 50 3.4 3.0 10 25 38 50 1.1 3.2 32 36 64 1.7 3.4 32 40 64 2.7 3.6 32 45 64 1.0 3.8 40 45 80 2.5 4.0 35 50 70 2.5 4.2 32 45 64 1.7 4.4 27 35 54 2.0 4.6 15 32 40 64 2.5 4.8 40 52 80 1.7 5.0 60 70 120 5.2 d w 20 a I A i 25 I 30 35 40 I I P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done i GFA INTEPMATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAX:(772)924-3580 i CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 38(Front) N27.221491 W80.294461 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data q� De th Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR P P+S (tst) FR (meter) 0 40 80 120 160 200 246 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 0 18 36 1.5 0.2 18 22 36 2.9 0.4 40 48 80 2.5 0.6 65 80 130 1.8 0.8 62 80 124 2.1 1.0 60 80 120 2.0 1.2 50 68 100 2.0 1.4 5 50 65 100 2.0 1.6 55 70 110 1.2 1.8 60 70 120 2.4 2.0 48 70 96 1.5 2.2 27 38 54 0.0 2.4 48 48 96 1.7 2.6 30 42 60 1.5 2.8 40 47 80 2.5 3.0 10 45 60 90 2.2 3.2 55 70 110 1.3 3.4 r 37 48 74 1.4 3.6 22 30 44 3.6 3.8 43 55 86 1.5 4.0 45 55 90 2.2 4.2 j 40 55 80 1.3 4.4 15 40 48 80 2.3 4.6 37 51 74 2.1 4.8 48 60 96 2.1 5.0 55 70 110 5.2 d w 20 a I A I 25 I 30 I i i 35 I 40 I I I P:WrojeciA2012V 2-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done I I i GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Pi oject No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PNI/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 38(Back) N27.221680 W80.294440 Piage: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade i Field Data q, D Cone Bearing,qc(tst) Friction Ratio,FR FR epth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 P P+S (tsf) (meters) 0 25 50 2.6 0.2 30 40 60 2.2 0.4 60 70 120 2.4 0.6 58 80 116 1.7 0.8 55 70 110 2.2 1.0 50 68 100 2.2 1.2 45 62 90 2.3 1.4 5 42 58 84 2.7 1.6 43 60 86 2.3 1.8 47 62 94 1.8 2.0 52 65 104 2.5 2.2 60 80 120 1.9 2.4 45 62 90 2.9 2.6 60 80 120 2.2 2.8 80 100 160 1.8 3.0 10 40 62 80 3.3 3.2 r ;j 45 65 90 1.9 3.4 52 65 104 1.9 3.6 50 65 100 2.0 3.8 50 65 100 1.5 4.0 52 63 104 1.3 4.2 48 58 96 1.4 4.4 IS10 42 52 84 0.8 4.6 j 45 50 90 1.5 4.8 43 53 86 2.3 5.0 35 50 70 5.2 a� w 20 A I i 25 I 30 I I i 35 i 40 P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done GEA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 1 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAX:(772)924-3580 I CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 dab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 39(Front) N27.221921 W80.294201 Page: 1 of 1 . Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data q� De Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR P P+S (tsf) (me FR pth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 1 0 2 4 6 8 ters) 0 20 40 3.3 0.2 35 45 70 1.9 0.4 45 55 90 2.3 0.6 42 58 84 2.8 0.8 52 70 104 1.9 1.0 45 60 90 2.2 1.2 45 60 90 2.9 1.4 5 50 70 100 2.6 1.6 80 100 160 1.1 1.8 42 55 84 2.0 2.0 25 38 50 2.9 2.2 17 28 34 3.1 2.4 18 26 36 2.9 2.6 25 33 50 2.4 2.8 25 34 50 3.2 3.0 10 28 40 56 2.4 3.2 j 32 42 64 3.1 3.4 35 50 70 1.1 3.6 32 38 64 1.4 3.8 j 28 35 56 2.4 4.0 30 40 60 1.1 4.2 20 25 40 4.3 4.4 15 22 35 44 6.0 4.6 100 120 200 1.3 4.8 130 150 260 1.0 5.0 110 130 220 5.2 d w 20 O A i I 25 i I I 30 I i 35 I 40 I P:IProjecW2012U2-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoUppendicesUpp E-CPT Soundings Done I I GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 L,ab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PNI/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 39(Back) N27.222020 W80.294430 P age: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade i Field Data Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR P p+S q� FR Depth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 (�� (meters) 0 12 24 2.8 0.2 40 45 80 1.3 0.4 52 60 104 2.2 0.6 i 53 70 106 1.5 0.8 50 62 100 1.8 1.0 48 62 96 2.1 1.2 45 60 90 2.2 1.4 5 43 58 86 2.5 1.6 42 58 84 2.4 1.8 55 70 110 1.0 2.0 45 53 90 1.2 2.2 47 55 94 1.3 2.4 23 32 46 3.4 2.6 28 40 56 4.0 2.8 31 48 62 2.3 3.0 10 37 48 74 2.1 3.2 46 58 92 1.9 3.4 42 55 84 1.6 3.6 38 48 76 1.6 3.8 46 55 92 1.7 4.0 40 52 80 2.8 4.2 45 62 90 1.5 4.4 15 30 40 60 2.2 4.6 30 40 60 2.2 4.8 60 70 120 2.2 5.0 70 90 140 5.2 w 20 a � A � i 25 i 30 I 35 I 40 P:Trojects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGec,WppendicesWpp L-CPT Soundings Done I I i GI+A INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAX:(772)924-3580 I CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 40(Front) N27.222190 W80.294560 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade j Field Data y, FR Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR th IV p+S (ts� (metDepers) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 8 16 8.3 0.2 40 50 80 2.0 0.4 48 60 96 2.1 0.6 45 60 90 1.5 0.8 50 60 100 2.4 1.0 40 58 80 2.8 1.2 43 60 86 2.3 1.4 �. 45 60 90 1.0 1.6 5 35 42 70 2.5 1.8 17 30 34 1.9 2.0 25 30 50 4.0 2.2 15 30 30 2.6 2.4 24 30 48 1.7 2.6 22 28 44 2.1 2.8 25 32 50 1.3 3.0 10 32 37 64 1.7 3.2 24 32 48 2.8 3.4 28 38 56 4.7 3.6 22 42 44 3.9 3.8 25 38 50 0.8 4.0 32 35 64 2.5 4.2 48 60 96 2.8 4.4 80 100 160 1.7 4.6 15 100 120 200 0.7 4.8 i 50 60 100 2.0 5.0 25 40 50 5.2 d .0 20 a a� A ' I I 25 I 30 I 35 I 40 P:IProjectsU012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeo WppendicesUpp E-CPT Soundings Done i GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PN1/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 40(Back) N27.222221 W80.294751 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data qc De Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR FR pth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 P P+S (tsf) (meters) 0 ' 11 22 3.0 0.2 40 45 80 1.7 0.4 ! 35 45 70 1.5 0.6 25 33 50 2.1 0.8 le 22 30 44 2.4 1.0 22 30 44 3.0 1.2 25 35 50 2.6 1.4 5 30 40 60 1.3 1.6 30 36 60 2.2 1.8 11 21 22 1.8 2.0 14 17 28 4.7 2.2 15 25 30 3.1 2.4 24 31 48 3.6 2.6 45 58 90 1.5 2.8 60 70 120 1.1 3.0 10 50 60 100 1.3 3.2 20 30 40 5.0 3.4 20 35 40 4.3 3.6 45 58 90 1.5 3.8 60 70 120 1.1 4.0 60 70 120 1.1 4.2 48 58 96 1.7 4.4 50 62 100 2.6 4.6 15 70 90 140, 1.9 4.8 90 110 180 1.1 5.0 40 55 80 5.2 d i w ... q 20 a A I I 25 30 I i 35 17 ILL if I I I I I I 40 P:IProjectA2012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoUppendicesUpp E-CP7'Soundings Done j I i GFA INTERNATIONAL � 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) j I Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 L'ab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 41 (Front) N27.222440 W80.294750 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR P P+S 9� FR Depth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 (tsfj (meters) 0 22 44 1.5 0.2 50 55 100 0.7 0.4 65 70 130 0.5 0.6 65 70 130 1.8 0.8 52 70 104 2.2 1.0 Fr 48 65 96 2.3 1.2 48 65 96 2.1 1.4 5 45 60 90 2.5 1.6 45 62 90 2.2 1.8 50 65 100 2.9 2.0 48 70 96 1.4 2.2 18 28 36 1.8 2.4 20 25 40 2.0 2.6 24 30 48 1.9 2.8 15 22 30 5.3 3.0 10 15 27 30 5.7. 3.2 17 30 34 5.8 3.4 25 40 50 1.8 3.6 j 18 25 36 4.4 3.8 18 30 36 3.7 4.0 30 40 60 4.4 4.2 80 100 160 1.7 4.4 j 90 110 180 1.5 4.6 15 90 110 180 1.5 4.8 70 90 140 1.4 5.0 40 55 80 5.2 Q d w 20 a d A I I I 25 30 35 I HILL ILLI-1-11- I I I I I I -- i +fl -_H 40 I P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done I I I GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - Fax:(772)924-3580 i CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) I Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 41 (Back) N27.222460 W80.295010 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade j I Field Data Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR q` FR Depth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 P P+S (tsf) (meters) 0 13 26 3.6 0.2 35 42 70 2.8 0.4 i 45 60 90 1.9 0.6 50 63 100 2.0 0.8 50 65 100 2.0 1.0 50 65 100 2.0 1.2 55 70 110 1.8 1.4 5 65 80 130 2.0 1.6 70 90 140 1.9 1.8 j 60 80 120 2.2 2.0 60 80 120 1.7 2.2 30 45 60 3.3 2.4 17 32 34 5.0 2.6 32 45 64 1.0 2.8 35 40 70 2.8 3.0 10 12 27 24 2.8 3.2 j 40 45 80 2.5 3.4 45 60 90 1.5 3.6 37 47 74 1.8 3.8 4 30 40 60 1.3 4.0 32 38 64 1.2 4.2 35 41 70 2.5 4.4 11 42 55 84 3.1 4.6 15 60 80 120 2.2 4.8 70 90 140 1.9 5.0 90 110 180 5.2 m w 20 a d A i i 25 I 30 i I 35 i 40 I P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done i GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAX:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL, Flneld Crew: MY" Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 42(Front) N27.222620 W80.295011 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade i Field Data Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR P P+S 4� FR Depth 0 40 80 120 160 200 246 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 (tsf) (meters) 0 12 24 3.9 0.2 �. 48 55 96 1.4 0.4 60 70 120 1.3 0.6 58 70 116 1.9 0.8 50 67 100 0.7 1.0 48 53 96 2.3 1.2 45 62 90 2.2 1.4 5 43 58 86 2.3 1.6 47 62 94 1.8 1.8 55 68 110 1.6 2.0 32 45 64 2.1 2.2 32 42 64 3.1 2.4 25 40 50 3.4 2.6 33 46 66 3.2 2.8 35 51 70 2.8 3.0 10 30 45 60 1.5 3.2 48 55 96 1.2 3.4 43 52 86 1.4 3.6 37 46 74 2.3 3.8 35 48 70 2.1 4.0 37 48 74 2.7 4.2 65 80 130 2.0 4.4 100 120 200 1.3 4.6 15 100 120 200 1.3 4.8 130 150 260 1.0 5.0 120 140 240 5.2 (, ,q 20 a A l 25 �I 30 I I' I 35 i 40 P:Trojects120121124095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done I 1 GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) I Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 L'ab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PNL WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 42(Back) N27.222681 W80.295261 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR p p+S (q}) FR (meters) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 0 10 20 3.3 0.2 30 35 60 1.5 0.4 50 57 100 1.1 0.6 62 70 124 1.6 0.8 55 70 110 1.4 1.0 Ar 38 50 76 2.6 1.2 40 55 80 2.5 1.4 5 65 80 130 2.0 1.6 130 150 260 1.0 1.8 80 100 160 1.7 2.0 110 130 220 0.9 2.2 45 60 90 3.1 2.4 27 48 54 1.7 2.6 25 32 50 3.4 2.8 22 35 44 2.1 3.0 10 38 45 76 1.9 3.2 37 48 74 1.2 3.4 35 42 70 1.5 3.6 I 35 43 70 1.9 3.8 30 40 60 2.4 4.0 31 42 62 3.2 4.2 65 80 130 1.5 4.4 I5 55 70 110 2.4 4.6 50 70 100 2.6 4.8 70 90 140 1.9 5.0 60 80 120 5.2 w ,p 20 w _ a d , A i i I 25 30 I 35 Li 40 P:Wrojects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeolAppendicesUpp E-CPT Soundings Done i GFA INTERNATIONAL i 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - Fnx:(772)924-3580 I CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) i Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 43(Front) N27.223031 W80.295231 Page: 1 of 1 F.levation: Existing Grade Field Data q� Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR FR De 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 P P+S (tsfj ( i 0 18 36 3.7 0.2 I 50 60 100 2.6 0.4 70 90 140 1.9 0.6 70 90 140 1.4 0.8 65 80 130 1.0 1.0 60 70 120 2.2 1.2 60 80 120 2.2 1.4 5 60 80 120 1.7 1.6 55 70 110 2.4 1.8 45 65 90 2.9 2.0 14( 50 70 100 2.0 2.2 55 70 110 2.4 2.4 50 70 100 2.6 2.6 45 65 90 2.1 2.8 38 52 76 2.3 3.0 10 35 48 70 2.6 3.2 38 52 76 2.3 3.4 35 48 70 2.3 3.6 I 32 44 64 2.3 3.8 32 43 64 1.9 4.0 31 40 62 3.2 4.2 45 60 90 2.2 4.4 65 80 130 1.2 4.6 15 58 70 116 1.4 4.8 38 50 76 2.3 5.0 32 45 64 5.2 d I w � 20 a A � r 25 30 35 I 40 P:IProjecls12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done 1 I i I GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) i Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Proj ect No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 L'ab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 43(Back) N27.223070 W80.295461 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data qC Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR P P+S (tsf) FR (mete s) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 0 i 17 34 2.7 0.2 48 55 96 1.4 0.4 60 70 120 1.4 0.6 i 52 65 104 1.9 0.8 45 60 90 2.1 1.0 38 52 76 2.3 1.2 45 58 90 2.2 1.4 5 45 60 90 2.6 1.6 62 80 124 2.1 1.8 90 110 180 1.5 2.0 70 90 140 1.9 2.2 20 40 40 3.3 2.4 32 42 64 1.7 2.6 35 43 70 2.3 2.8 25 37 50 2.9 3.0 10 27 38 54 2.7 3.2 30 41 60 1.5 3.4 28 35 56 1.7 3.6 25 32 50 1.3 3.8 27 32 54 2.0 4.0 27 35 54 3.4 4.2 52 66 104 1.0 4.4 15 62 70 124 1.6 4.6 55 70 110 1.8 4.8 65 80 130 1.5 5.0 65 80 130 5.2 m d ' ,p 20 O I A l i i 25 HIM 11111 i 30 i I 35 I I I I i 40 I I P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesUpp E-CPT Soundings Done I I i GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAX:(772)924-3580 i CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/29/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 44(Front) N27.223251 W80.295781 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) � Field Data Depth ffrict' n R do F�j P P+S qc FR 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 U ' 6 8 (ts� (meters) 0 12 24 2.2 0.2 38 42 76 3.5 0.4 50 70 100 2.6 0.6 60 80 120 2.2 0.8 60 80 120 2.2 1.0 60 80 120 1.7 1.2 55 70 110 1.8 1.4 5 65 80 130 2.0 1.6 60 80 120 2.2 1.8 40 60 80 1.7 2.0 30 40 60 2.2 2.2 40 50 80 2.6 2.4 32 48 64 3.5 2.6 28 45 56 4.0 2.8 35 52 70 2.1 3.0 10 37 48 74 1.8 3.2 30 40 60 1.5 3.4 30 37 60 1.1 3.6 28 33 56 2.4 3.8 25 35 50 2.6 4.0 30 40 60 2.2 4.2 45 55 90 1.5 4.4 15 50 60 100 1.3 4.6 60 70 120 1.1 4.8 55 65 110 1.7 5.0 38 52 76 5.2 d w 20 a 25 30 i 35 40 iTILITT! i P:Wrojects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendiceslApp E-CPT Soundings Done i GFA INTERNATIONAL i 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAX:(772)924-3580 I CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) i Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/29/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 44(Back) N27.222851 W80.295821 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data q� Depth Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) f'ricti n Ritio,F6R 8 P p+S (tsf) (meters) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 25 50 2.6 0.2 40 50 80 1.2 0.4 58 65 116 1.7 0.6 65 80 130 2.0 0.8 70 90 140 1.9 1.0 80 100 160 1.7 1.2 70 90 140 1.9 1.4 5 70 90 140 1.9 1.6 80 100 160 1.7 1.8 I 90 110 180 1.5 2.0 90 110 180 1.5 2.2 100 120 200 1.3 2.4 60 80 120 1.9 2.6 38 55 76 2.6 2.8 35 50 70 1.9 3.0 10 40 50 80 1.7 3.2 22 32 44 4.2 3.4 28 42 56 3.1 3.6 42 55 84 2.4 3.8 35 50 70 2.3 4.0 38 50 76 1.9 4.2 38 49 76 1.4 4.4 37 45 74 2.0 4.6 15 41 52 82 2.3 4.8 41 55 82 1.9 5.0 50 62 100 5.2 m w ,q 20 a d A 25 i i 30 I 35 40 i P:IProjecW2012V 2-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done I I I I GFA INTEIMATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 1 i CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/29/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 I ab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 45(Front) N27.222981 W80.295990 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Cone Bearing,qc(tst) Field Data y� Depth rlct' n R tio,FR P P+S (tsf) FR (meters) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 6 8 0 17 34 2.7 0.2 28 35 56 0.7 0.4 I 37 40 74 1.8 0.6 j 55 65 110 1.8 0.8 65 80 130 1.5 1.0 65 80 130 1.3 L2 45 58 90 2.9 1.4 401 50 70 100 1.7 1.6 5 52 65 104 1.9 1.8 20 35 40 3.3 2.0 30 40 60 4.4 2.2 60 80 120 1.7 2.4 18 33 36 2.9 2.6 21 29 42 3.5 2.8 27 38 54 2.0 3.0 10 40 48 80 1.7 3.2 32 42 64 0.4 3.4 38 40 76 2.1 3.6 28 40 56 1.7 3.8 30 37 60 1.8 4.0 27 35 54 1.7 4.2 25 32 50 2.6 4.4 15 20 30 40 1.7 4.6 30 35 60 1.3 4.8 36 42 72 0.9 5.0 35 40 70 5.2 d w 20 a � � I A I 25 i 30 35 I i i 40 i i P:IProjects12012V 2-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Honies)IGeoWppendlcesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/29/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Flield Crew: PNVWN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 45(Back) N27.222591 W80.296031 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data q� Cone Bearing,qc(tst) i Depth rictign Ritio,FR 8 P p+S (tsc FR (meters) 0 40 80 120 160 200 246 280 320 0 13 26 2.0 0.2 18 22 36 2.2 0.4 I 9 15 18 7.3 0.6 20 30 40 3.3 0.8 40 50 80 1.7 1.0 55 65 110 1.4 1.2 53 65 106 2.2 1.4 52 70 104 1.3 1.6 5 60 70 120 1.1 1.8 110 120 220 1.2 2.0 120 140 240 1.1 2.2 80 100 160 1.2 2.4 65 80 130 2.0 2.6 80 100 160 1.7 2.8 70 90 140 1.9 3.0 10 le- 80 100 160 0.7 3.2 30 38 60 2.9 3.4 42 55 84 2.7 3.6 45 62 90 1.2 3.8 42 50 84 2.0 4.0 42 55 84 1.9 4.2 33 45 66 2.6 4.4 40 53 80 2.5 4.6 15 50 65 100 2.6 4.8 60 80 120 2.2 5.0 60 80 120 5.2 a^+ a� w 20 R. I A I I 25 30 i 35 40 P:TrojeciA2012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)lGeo`AppendiceslApp E-CPT Soundings Done f GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 j PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 1 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) I Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/29/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PNLfWN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 46(Front) N27.222441 W80.296271 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade I Field Data 9� De Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) P P+S (tsf) FR (meters) 0 40 80 120 160 200 246 280 320 �rictign R tio,F6R 8 0 18 36 1.8 0.2 30 35 60 1.3 0.4 24 30 48 1.9 0.6 38 45 76 0.9 0.8 30 35 60 3.3 1.0 45 60 90 2.9 1.2 70 90 140 1.9 1.4 60 80 120 1.1 1.6 5 60 70 120 1.7 1.8 50 65 100 1.6 2.0 38 50 76 2.6 2.2 55 70 110 2.4 2.4 80 100 160 1.2 2.6 35 50 70 2.1 2.8 32 43 64 2.1 3.0 10 30 40 60 1.5 3.2 25 32 50 2.1 3.4 23 31 46 2.0 3.6 1 23 30 46 2.3 3.8 25 33 50 2.4 4.0 26 35 52 2.0 4.2 27 35 54 1.7 4.4 27 34 54 1.7 4.6 15 30 37 60 1.5 4.8 25 32 50 2.1 5.0 22 30 44 5.2 w 20 i A 25 30 I 35 40 P:I1rojects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeolAppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done I i GFA INTERNATIONAL � 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/29/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PNVWN Rig ID- OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 46(Back) N27.222461 W80.296231 gage: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade ! Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Field Data q� Depth ` � rlcf n R tio, R P P+S (tsf) (meters) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 F�b 8 0 15 30 2.2 0.2 40 As 80 1.7 0.4 60 70 120 1.7 0.6 65 80 130 2.0 0.8 100 120 200 1.3 1.0 100 120 200 1.3 1.2 80 100 160 1.2 1.4 65 80 130 2.0 1.6 5 60 80 120 1.7 1.8 55 70 110 1.8 2.0 55 70 110 1.8 2.2 40 55 80 1.7 2.4 38 48 76 1.7 2.6 50 60 100 1.1 2.8 62 70 124 1.1 3.0 10 ! 42 52 84 1.1 3.2 33 40 66 3.0 3.4 25 40 50 3.4 3.6 25 38 50 2.6 3.8 38 48 76 2.3 4.0 32 45 64 3.5 4.2 38 55 76 2.8 4.4 44 60 88 1.8 4.6 15 40 52 80 1.7 4.8 32 42 64 1.7 5.0 32 40 64 5.2 --------------- 20 a i d A 25 �. I. I. 30 i 35 ITH -1 1 .1 1 I-Lt- 40 P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeolAppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done i i GFA INTERNATIONAL ' 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 j PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/29/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 L'ab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 47(Front) N27.222361 W80.296411 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade i Cone Bearing,qc(tst) Field Data y� Depth r►ct n R tio,F�R P P+S (tst) FR (meters) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 6 8 0 12 24 2.8 0.2 35 40 70 1.9 0.4 50 60 100 1.1 0.6 42 50 84 2.4 0.8 45 60 90 2.2 1.0 50 65 100 2.6 1.2 80 100 160 1.7 1.4 I. 80 100 160 1.2 1.6 5 65 80 130 2.0 1.8 60 80 120 2.2 2.0 60 80 120 1.7 2.2 35 50 70 1.3 2.4 28 35 56 2.4 2.6 27 37 54 1.7 2.8 28 35 56 2.4 3.0 10 30 40 60 2.2 3.2 35 45 70 1.5 3.4 32 40 64 3.1 3.6 35 50 70 1.5 3.8 52 60 104 1.3 4.0 50 60 100 2.4 4.2 52 70 104 1.5 4.4 48 60 96 1.0 4.6 15 48 55 96 1.4 4.8 48 58 96 1.4 5.0 50 60 100 5.2 d w ,q 20 a � d A I 25 30 I I 35 IM I 40 IM i i P:WrojectsU012V 2-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)1GeolAppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done GI+'A INTEATI®NAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) i Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/29/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PNI/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 47(Back) N27.223300 W80.296251 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade I Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Field Data yc Depth U�i r1cY n R tio,F$ 8 (tsf) (meters P P+S 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 b) 0 I 17 34 3.9 0.2 40 50 80 2.5 0.4 55 70 110 1.0 0.6 62 70 124 2.1 0.8 70 90 140 1.9 1.0 70 90 140 1.9 1.2 70 90 140 1.9 1.4 5 80 100 160 0.6 1.6 25 32 50 2.9 1.8 19 30 38 2.4 2.0 18 25 36 1.8 2.2 10 15 20 2.0 2.4 8 11 16 5.0 2.6 17 23 34 1.6 2.8 22 26 44 1.5 3.0 10 i. 20 25 40 4.6 3.2 26 40 52 3.3 3.4 32 45 64 2.7 3.6 32 45 64 1.4 3.8 30 37 60 1.8 4.0 28 36 56 1.4 4.2 22 28 44 1.8 4.4 15 22 28 44 1.5 4.6 22 27 44 1.5 4.8 25 30 50 1.8 5.0 25 32 50 5.2 r d w q 20 w ' d I A 25 30 i I 35 i i I 40 P:11 rojects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeolAppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done i i DISCUSSION OF SOIL GROUPS COARSE GRAINED SOILS j I GW and SW GROUPS. These groups comprise well-graded gravelly and sandy soils having little or no plastic fines (less than percent passing the No. 200 sieve). The presence of the fines must not noticeably change the strength characteristics of the coarse-grained friction and must not interface with it's free-draining characteristics. GP and SP GROUPS. Poorly graded gravels and sands containing little of no plastic fines (less than 5 percent passing the No. 200 sieve) are classed in GP and SP groups. The materials may be called uniform gravels, uniform sands or non-uniform mixtures of very coarse materials and very fine sand, with intermediate sizes lacking (sometimes called skip-graded, gap graded or step- graded). This last group often results from borrow pit excavation in which gravel and sand layers are mixed. GM and SM GROUPS. In general, the GM and SM groups comprise gravels or sands with fines (more than 12 percent the No. 200 sieve) having low or no plasticity. The plasticity index and liquid limit of soils ,in the gro p should plot below the "A" line on the plasticity chart. The gradation of the material is not considered significant and both well and poorly graded materials are included. GC and SC GROUPS. In general, the GC and SC groups comprise gravelly or sandy soils with fines (more than 12 percent passing the No, 200 sieve) which have a fairly high plasticity. The liquid limit and plasticity index should plat above the "A" line on the plasticity chart. i FINE GRAINED SOILS I MIL and MH GROUPS. In these groups, the symbol M has been used to designate predominantly silty material. The symbols L and H represent low and high liquid limits, respectively, and an arbitrary dividing line between the two set at a liquid limit of 50. The soils in the ML and MH groups are sandy silts, clayey silts or inorganic silts with relatively low plasticity. Also included are loose type soils and rock flours. CL and CH GROUPS. In these groups the symbol C stands for clay, with L and H denoting low or high liquid limits, with the dividing line again set at a liquid of 50. The soils are primarily organic clays. Low plasticity clays are classified as CL and are usually lean clays, sandy clays or silty clays. The metlium and high plasticity clays are classified as CH. These include the fat clays gumbo clays and some volcanic clays. I i OL and OH GROUPS. The soil in the OL and OH groups are characterized by the presence of organic odor or color, hence the symbol O. Organic silts and clays are classified in these groups. The materials have a plasticity range that corresponds with the ML and MH groups. c HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS The highly organic soils are usually very soft and compressible and have undesirable construction characteristics. Particles of leaves, grasses, branches, or other fibrous vegetable matter are common components of these soils. They are not subdivided and are classified into one group with the symbol PT. Peat humus and swamp soils with a highly organic texture are typical soils of the group. i I I I