HomeMy WebLinkAboutChange of contractor 3704 Hydrilla Cr Port St Lucie (1) (1)& 1*VCloJ)fl1C11t Sell'iCt'S H1111ding & Cwt. Regulotions Division I'art Merry. F1, 34992 (772)462-11M.1 Fa% 462-1578 CHANGE. OF CONTRACTOR Or ' SUIX011tractor or CancelIntiot, of Permit Clwng%W'Vontrvtot is to be ciq%1pktu*d by the property owner. and the ncNv contractor of record fur the curTvni pennit, A nmv ponnii application must also be completed with new contractor information. ,ignnlurc. and transfer fee. A new Notice Of C01nmencentent must he nled in the new onntractoes 11ft"It, for jolt valves greater than $1,500 ($7,504 If A/C ChAllge-out). A recorded copy must he submitted priet, to conivnencing any %vork. Subcontractor chatips can be completed by the gencral contractor. Abscm. extenuatingswirCutllSt sn4es, .1 cancellation ol'permil is to be exectited by botil the v%%Tcr and qUalirler orrectird. --N Date: Q�c_ Permit Number: Sltv Address. 37N HYDRILLA C7 , PORT ST LUCIE, FL 34M,2 0 1 -kI 7 SiC License late I cc le, 'i n' __S Katnia Nunez I ProtWpr Inc d. Slate 0cnse CM33270 iuncral Contractor (or subcMitfuclar) Rc�;un far Change V.0,1 � r The urtdc rsitnccl does 'ctel)A' Rgfce Io indel ' 'nand h fees, s_! St. Lucie County, i agents, and employec,,q fro All cogs, fees. or daninges Arising firom achy and all clihns ofaction for any reason. whiell rn1v arise I's a M1111 of this change ©f contras tWIR'bC 041tM dor or cancellation of permt. Axrmit cannot by Cancelled If work has been perf0rtne1L_--.,'� (W RAV evo PR 1 NAMI Stitt 0 Hwi&C%rni'lly I)( �41' 1 Mcir, f',Mj' Me P it trawl oj'huw'd trst1ij, 11W titShturtYg 0, i, thn'.14 Z&A14A Kire K L C, 0 11.,,,Y1202_Z 940 QW. 66100 8 Goa= E*=F4bVWY*2W Evkw Oct 24,2024 BMW U A&m N*ry Scanned with CarnScani