HomeMy WebLinkAboutAllterra Engineering & Testing 2-19-153866 PROSPECT AVENUE ^ SUITE 9 ° WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33404 9 November 2010 National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum Association 3300 North Highway A-1-A Fort Pierce, FL 34949 Subject: Report of Geotechnical Services — Museum Annex Building 3300 North Highway A-1-A, Hutchinson Island, Fort Pierce, Florida Dear Client; (561 ) 881 -1 939 W C" Allterra Engineering & Testing respectfully submits this report of geotechnical services for the subject project. Allterra's services have been performed to meet certain requirements of chapter 18 of the 2007 Florida Building Code and local amendments. This report is Allterra's instrument -of - service provided for your sole reliance and use. Third parties may read this report for information purposes only. CONCLUSIONS Foundations. Subsurface soil conditions are acceptable for supporting the proposed building on a shallow -foundation system such as a monolithic slab -on -grade. Subject to successful implementation of this report's recommendations, a well -prepared building pad can develop an allowable bearing pressure of 2500 PSF. Settlement. Subject to successful implementation of this report's recommendations, Allterra I stimates the soil settlements up to'/ inch as summarized in the following table: Structure Footm T e Desn g_�__A i Load . I lied Pressure Settlement _ ________.pp I ICF veneer wall~ 20-inch continuous 2000 PLF 1200 PSF 0.20 inch i Framcom-square - ips 1600 PSF elun 11 �0.31 'inch ---- _ _.... f 42inch -- inc 20 Kn - — - - — - — - Notes: PLF means pounds per lineal foot. PSF means pounds per square foot. Kip means 1000 pounds. Because the soil is elastic in nature, the dead -load portion of settlement should be realized promptly upon completion of construction. Uplift Resistance. Uplift loads are resisted by the weight of the structure and its foundation. If the project is subject to net uplift forces, additional resistance can be developed by augmenting the foundation system with helical anchors. Allterra estimates a 10/12/14 helical anchor installed to 15 feet below ground surface can develop an ultimate uplift resistance of 24 Kips (and compressive capacity of 23 Kips). Some capacity can be assigned to lateral resistance by installing helical anchors on batter. Problematic Soils. Allterra's borings did not encounter problematic soil such as muck, peat, marl or soft silt to the depths and limits of exploration. Geotechnical Services — Museum Annex Building 1 3300 North Highway A-1 A, Fort Pierce, FL 9 November 2010 10 - 195 1 PROJECT AND SCOPE The project is the design of an annex to the National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum upon the subject property. The footprint of the proposed annex is approximately 170 by 70 feet in plan dimension. The building location is west of the local Coastal Construction Control Line. Significant structural elements include fully -supported slab -on -grade, 18-foot ICF-system veneer walls, and wide -span steel frame, and steel roof joists and decking. Allterra was tasked with performing soil -test borings and field permeability tests, and providing recommendations for building -pad preparation and foundation systems. FIELD WORK Allterra mobilized personnel and equipment to the project site on 8 November 2010. At that time, ground within the project footprint was relatively level with a cover of topsoil. Allterra drilled five 15- foot soil -test borings at the approximate points represented on the Field Test Location Plan of this report. Penetration testing was performed in the soil -test borings by driving a nominal 2-inch diameter steel sampler with blows of a 140-pound hammer free -falling 30 inches. The penetration test data is useful in estimating soil properties such as relative density and shear strength. Copies of the boring logs are attached to this report for the reader's reference. Allterra also performed two open -hole falling -head permeability tests in accordance with technical guidance published by the South Florida Water Management District (Design of Exfiltration Trenches to Meet SFWMD Regulatory Criteria dated October 1982, pp 15-16) at the approximate points represented on the Field Test Location Plan. Copies of the individual test -data reports are attached for the reader's reference. FINDINGS Subsurface Profile. Allterra's borings encountered comparable subsurface conditions at each boring location. Based upon the findings of the borings, the conceptual subsurface profile is described as: • Topsoil sampled as dark -gray, fine sand with occasional roots from ground surface to approximately 6 inches below ground surface, underlain by • Loose to firm, tan, fine sand with trace of shell to approximately 2 to 3 feet below ground surface, underlain by Very -firm, tan, fine sand with shell fragments to approximately 12 to 13 feet below ground surface, underlain by • Dense, tan, fine sand with shell fragment to 15 feet below ground surface. Groundwater. Groundwater was encountered at approximately 6 feet below ground surface at the time of the borings. The depth to groundwater may vary at other times due to changes in hydrological conditions. According to the field permeability tests, hydraulic conductivity is on the order of 1.4x104 CFS/ft2-ft (cubic feet per second per square foot of area per foot of head) in the near subsurface. Geotechnical Services — Museum Annex Building 2 3300 North Highway A-1 A, Fort Pierce, FL 9 November 2010 10 - 195 RECOMMENDATIONS Building -Pad Preparation. Allterra recommends: 1. Strip topsoil, where present, from building pad and properly waste.; The building pad is defined as the footprint of the proposed construction plus 5 feet in all accessible directions. 2. Mechanically compact the exposed grade with multiple overlapping passed of a heavy (12 to 20 ton)- smooth -drum vibratory roller. Repeat coverage until the near -subsurface soil achieves at -least 95 percent of maximum dry density as determined by the Modified -Proctor compaction test (ASTM D-1557 / AASHTO T-180). 3. Engage Allterra to perform field density tests to verify compaction standards are achieved. Fill. If fill is needed to achieve construction -ready grade, Allterra recommends: 1. Fill shall be clean sand containing less than 5 percent fines and organics. 2. Place fill in thin lifts and compact (at or near optimum moisture) to at least 95 percent of maximum dry density as determined by the Modified -Proctor compaction test (ASTM D-1557 / AASHTO T-180). Lift thickness will depend upon methods and equipment employed to achieve the target densities. 3. Engage Allterra to perform field density tests on each 2-foot. rise in fill height to verify compaction standards are achieved. 4. Once the building pad is prepared, the contractor shall maintain its condition to prevent erosion or other degradation through the placement of subsequent work. Footings. Footing bearing surfaces shall be kept firm, level, and free of standing water, debris, and detritus through the placement of concrete. Helical -Anchors. If helical anchors are included in the foundation design, Allterra recommends it be -engaged to monitor their installation. Installation monitoring shall include: 1. Check pile layout for conformance to design foundation plan. 2. Check helical lead and riser sections for conformance to design specifications. 3. Observe drilling of piles to verify target depth and capacity, -are -achieved. 4. Prepare certification report -of work acceptance signed and sealedby::Professional Engineer. CONSTRUCTION --PHASE TESTING AND INSPECTION For Allterra to certify site and foundation preparation, the client shall provide sufficient, funding and notification to perform relevant:inspection and field testing. These shall include at a mimrftUrM , • Inspection and testing of subgrade compaction • Inspedtion and testing 'of fill placement and compaction, if applicable • Inspection and testing of footing bearing grades. • Monitoring of helical -anchor installation, if applicable. Geotechnical Services — Museum Annex Building 3 3300 North Highway A -] _A, Fort Pierce, FL 9 November 2010 10 - 195 QUALIFICATION Allterra has based its recommendations upon certain client -provided information and interpretation of data obtained at discrete points within the limits of exploration. It is possible that conditions may vary between boring locations or beyond the limits of the boring array. Project designs may also change. If additional information about the project or site is discovered that does not appear to conform to the conditions presented in this report, Allterra reserves the right to review the new information and modify its conclusions and/or recommendations where appropriate. CLOSING Thank you for engaging Allterra to perform this subsurface exploration. Please call the undersigned if you have questions about this report or need other services. Yours,trWy, ng Principal Engineer FL Lic. No. 55960 Attachments Geotechnical Services — Museum Annex Building 3300 North Highway A -]-A, Fort Pierce, FL 9 November 2010 10 - 195 FIELD TEST LOCATION PLAN! STATE OF FLORIDA I EXIST. CHAIN LINK I DEPARTMENT RESOURCES W K-2 FENCE TO REMAIN 11 IICOUNTY COASTAL\ CONSTRUCTIONCONTROLLINE" SHEET 5 OF 10 1 I DATED 9/15/1988 I \ PLAT BOOK 26, 26A-261 ■ K-1 i ST. LUCIE CO., FL PROPOSED X MUSEUMADDITION j • 8-2 \ f� ;.: 1-STORY I \ \ 8,400 S.F. FOOTPRINT I 5'-0"W. NEW CONC. WALK SHALL BE INSTALLED \ �' $q. __0 B-3 BY F.D.O.T. `1 SEE BLDG. FOUNDATION 25 p 1 Lf PLAN FOR ALL STOOP/S�gPCK APRON DETAILS. 1 • B-4 3 \\ ` Q0 \. 1 LO EXISTING 24"X24" \ EXIST of \ \ Z _P 0 p 1M FIRE RISER. TO N REMAIN. � \ oa BUILD NO \\ \ c 0 N` SEE SHEET 103. o EXISTING ROCK ° \ (MUSEUM) \ \ X N �z W/ 12" BRICK \ \ \ Q O BORDER DESERT PATROL L_ egend VEHICLE DISPLAY TO REMAIN. EXIST. MUSEUM EXISTING CONC. _ \ "> SLAB W/ A/C UNITS4,800 S.F.TORY FOOTPRINT \✓ N Approximate Location of Soil -test Boring Z ® Approximate Location of Field Permeability Test Base Plan Source: Site Plan (drawing 101, dated 9-28-10, job 10-000046) by Ahrens Companies. 3600 INVESTMENT LANE • SUITE 104 • WEST PALM BEACH, rLUMIUA Z)oav - ��� •� "-- PROJECT Annex Building — National N ivy UDT/SEAL Museum — 3300 North A-1-A, Hutchinson Island Fort Pierce FL LOCATION See Boring Location Plan BORING NO. 1 CLIENT National Navy UDT%SEAL Museum Association JOB NO, 10 -195 DRILLER DG/PM WATER TABLE 6 feet MOW ground surface DATE 8 November 2010 TEST DATA In general accordance with ASTM D-1586 These Soil Boring Tests are Representative of and Apply to the Exact Location and Depth of the Boring. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL 3600 INVESTMENT LANE • SU1Tt 1" • taco' - --­'---- PROJECT Annex Buildin —National Na UDT/SEAL Museum — 3300 North A-1-A, Hutchinson Island, Fort Pierce FL i nr_eTION See Boring Location Plan BORING NO. 2 '- cu017 National Navy UDT/SEAL Museum Association DATE 8 November 2010 DRILLER DG/PM WATER TABLE 6 feet belOW round surface TEST DATA In general accordance with ASTM D-1586 These Soil Boring Tests are Representative of and Apply to the Exact Location and Depth of the Boling. AUTHORIZATION OR REGARDING OUR REPORDTS IOS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTENF STATEMENTS. CONCLUSIONS OR APEXTRACTS FROM OVAL 3600 INVESTMENT LANE • SUITE 104 • WEST PALM ULAcn, YLUrt1lvn J-- - %---I - -. - - -- PROJECT Annex Building — National Navy UDT/SEAL Museum — 3300 North A-1-A, Hutchinson Island, Fort PierceFL LOCATION See Boring Location Plan BORING NO. 3 cuENT National Navy UDT/SEAL Museum Association JOB NO. 10 -195 DRILLER DG/PM WATER TABLE 6 feet below -ground surface _ DATE 8 November 2010 TEST DATA In general accordance with ASTM D-1586 These Soil Boring Tests are Representative of and Apply to the Exact Location and Depth of the Boring. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. 3600 INVESTMENT LANE • SUITE 104 • WEST PALM tttAUM, rLUrciun ooYvft - �—-) -� PROJECT Annex Building — National Navy UDT/SEAL Museum — 3300 North A-1-A, Hutchinson 'Island, Fort Pierce FL LOCATION See Boring Location Plan BORING NO. 4 CLIENT National Navy UDT/SEAL Museum Association JOB No. 10 - 195 DRILLER DG/PM WATER TABLE 6 feet below ground surface DATE 8 November 2010 TEST DATA In general accordance with ASTM D-1586 These Soil Boring Tests are Representative Of and APPM to the Exact Location and Depth of the Boring. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL 3600 INVESTMENT LANE • SUITE 104 • WEST PALM Ut:At n, TLVF%]Un -- • - - - - PROJECT Annex Building — National Navy UDT/SEAL Museum — 3300 North A-1-A, Hutchinson Island, Fort Pierce FL LOCATION See Boring Location Plan BORING NO. 5 CLIENT National Navy UDT/SEAL Museum Association JOB NO. 10 -195 DRILLER DG/PM WATER TABLE 6 feet below ground surface - DATE 8 November 2010 TEST DATA In general accordance with ASTM D-1586 These Soil Boring Tests are Representative of and Apply to the Exact Location and Depth of the Boring. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL 3866 PROSPECT AVENUE - SUITE 9 - WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIOA 334u4 - tat) 1) oo 1- 1AJD REPORT OF FALLING -HEAD OPEN -HOLE TEST JOB NO. 10-195 PROJECT Proposed Museum Annex Building - National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum - 3300 NORTH CLIENT National Navy UDT SEAL Museum // A1A -Ft. Pierce, Florida NUMBER OF SAMPLES 1 SOURCE In Place Material TESTED BY DG/PM DATE 1118110 REPORTED TO Client INTENDED USE Hydraulic Conductivity SPECIFICATIONS GOVERNING South Florida Water Management _District LOCATION DEPTH DESCRIPTION K-1 (Approximate) 0"-6" Dark Grey Fine Sand, trace of roots 6"-2.5' Tan Fine Sand, some shell 2.5'-6' Tan Fine Sand WATER TABLE TIME INTERVAL DROP (in seconds) in inches 6 (Estimated for Calculation Purposes) 15 17" DEPTH OF HOLE 30 28" 45 28,E 1100 321 /4" 6, 1'15 34 3/4" DIAMETER x LENGTH OF CASING 1130 37 1/2" 1'45 39 3/4" 2'00 41 1/2" 6' X 60" 2' 15 43" HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY 2'30 45' 2'45 . 46" K = 1.5 X 10' CFS/FT.2 - FT. HEAD 3'00 47 1/2" 48 3/4" 3' 15 3'30 50" Sincerely, 3 45 50 1/4" ALLT RRA GIN RI S NG 4'00 51 1/2" 52" 4'15 4'30 53 4'45 53 10 W NDELL K: RO "ERS, P.E. 5,00 54" President WKR/aak These tests are representative of and apply only to the location and depth as shown above. Authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is nerved pending our written approval. 3866 PROSPECT AVENUE - SUITE 9 - WEST PALM BEACH, FLOKIUA 3,34u4 - t001) 00'---.,- REPORT OF FALLING -HEAD OPEN -HOLE TEST JOB NO. 10-195 PROJECT Proposed Museum Annex Building - National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum - 3300 NORTH CLIENT National Navy UDT SEAL Museum // A1A- Ft. Pierce, Florida NUMBER OF SAMPLES 1 SOURCE In Place Material TESTED BY DG/PM DATE 11/8/10 REPORTED TO Client INTENDED USE Hydraulic Conductivit SPECIFICATIONS GOVERNING South Florida Water Management District LOCATION DEPTH DESCRIPTION K-2 (Approximate) 0"-6" Dark Grey Fine Sand, trace of roots 6"-3' Tan Fine Sand 31-6' Tan Fine Sand and shell WATER TABLE TIME INTERVAL DROP (ins conds) in inches 6 (Estimated for Calculation Purposes) 15 15" DEPTH OF HOLE 30 18" 45 22„ 1100 27" 6, 1' 15 29" DIAMETER x LENGTH OF CASING 1'30 36" 1'45 39" 6' X 60" 2'00 2' 15 40" 41 1 /2" HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY 2'30 42 3/4' 2'45 44" K = 1.4 X 10-4 CFS/FT.Z - FT. HEAD 3 00 3/2" 3' 15 45 3'30 48" 3'4055 488,1 /4 Sincerely, F ALLTERRA NGINE RING & TEST G 4'15 50 1/2" 4'30 51" 4,45 5311 WENDELL K. RODGERS, P.E. Vice -President 5'00 53 1 /2" WKR/aak -these tests are representative of and apply only to the location and depth as shown above. Authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval.