HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOC11-21-114 16.12 FROM- NAVY SEAL MUSEUM - 5-5847 T-528 P0001/0001 F-174 i iaau n nva.., a. aa. va .,,vup Cd1lSG dJ�7N r'• 11/ aJ/ 1. VJ.'rC17 AFTER RUV9D1KQ.RFrURh M PFGMITNUMRFA, L I -- —_ ,rc l c 41 O— to a 8' S NOTICE OF C0141hffiNCVMF;NT J The undersigned hereby given noucn that improvement will be made to certain rw91 property. and in accordance with Chapter 713. Florida statutes rho foltowinE information is provided in tha Notiw ofcommcnccment. I Z12, r ;I.? ^ & o ! oeml/ (. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Lego drscripfion and street address) TALC FOI.TO NUMBER: eQ SUBDIVISION fCp1tR pN CKTRACT_i OT %�I.Diy UNl f 3300 N. Highway AiA R. Pierce FI 34049 2. GENERAY.D$SCRIP'FION OPIMPROVEMENT: Entry Foyer 3. OWNER RWORMATION: s, Name Navy UPTBEAL Museum b. Address 3300 N" /11A FL Plarca FL 34944 c. Interest in property Leases 19,06 d" Nam and sddrett offed simply titleholder (if other than owner) Flor)da lands Trust Taltpht mov. FL Z Ad i ! o!=*rMTt4 4. CONTRACTOR'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: AWou Co tn,d m cast taneba Rd. Labe Punt. FL sa4oa (561) ass attar tit vv. J. SURETY'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND ANIOUNI': NA 6. I.EN ER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NtfMBER: NA 7. Rxrons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notims or other docwronts may be avwcd us provided by Section 713.13 (1)(a) 7., Plorida Statotes: NAAIE. ADDRESS AND pHONpNj0WEg, Craig Mundt, Navy SM Museum 3300 N, AiA Ft. piano FL 349" (772) 695 6846 8, In addition to himself or herself, Owner designates the rollowing to readvo a copy of the Licaor s N609c m provided in Section 713.13 (1)(b), Florida Statutes! NAME. AnDRM AND IP90N9 Pf"Elt: 9. Expiration daw of notiw of commencement (the expiration date Is I year from the date of reoording unless a different date is , spedfied)!!°wm°" , is 1201b Owuer's Authorized 01B00rAXFv (or/Prrttacr/Msnager Stato of FToHda CbuntyofAL=.k=eLL -- 'the footcgoinE instrument was acknowledged before ma this 1�a f �Ovt'a rl ram✓ By CYQi/,) MuM4- as IC.21t". pV rson) ( of audrority,".ag, Owner, off)eer, trustee, For E HC^ (Marne of party on behalf of whom instrument was axoeated) l'arsonidly known Zor p.odebw the AdIG0 irrp (pined Name of Notary Public) N .i- ten;: ;..,_,•.-•.,-v� -• NtMryPdG bti' � • : W Lba D Ftd�tr `=i -t • : µ Ay c&nnniabn ¢ i-• • ' �' Under penaldes. orper ury. I declare that I hays resxd thv fompinE and that the fhcts in it tua true to the bcsfidf.'n belief (Secdon 92.525, Morida Srarutes). j, ', Slsnofurn(m)ofOwner(s)orOwner(s)'Authorized OfficodD)re tor/Pariner/Managerwhoaiened By: By Ra.. nxncrsm,oeo,ow.p STATE OF FLORIDA $1 LUCIE COUNTY THIS 1S TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL. _ Jp P E. SMITH, RK Iy Gltpr Date. NOV 1 2014