HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Roof Deck12/1/2014 Florida Building Code Online ah t� •# s 8 „* e�^t �� i - 2 - �.��ls ,r .« ,tom _, c ram. f,.a•� .. "u1<sr •'�s.§n.i::. 3.? ,z : a ,�,a, t.< ®r.: • - ... , : • - :.. u F{u ufW r12U8l�f BCIS Home Log In E UserRegistrationI Hot Topics ) Submit Surcharge ! Stats & Facts I Publications FBC Staff I BCIS Site Map Links 'Search Business "} ProfessionalProduct rAPPr° Regulation Product Approval Menu > Product or Application Search > Application List > Application Detail FL # FL1�1868-121 Application Type Revision Code Version 2010FmILE C;u Application Status Approved Py Comments Archived Product Manufacturer MBCI, L.P. Address/Phone/Email 14031 West Hardy Houston, TX 77060 (281) 445-8555 Ext28612 jallen@ncilp.com Authorized Signature Jason Allen jallen@ncilp.com Technical Representative Jason Allen Address/Phone/Email 14031 West Hardy Houston, TX 77060 (281) 445-8555 Ext28612 jallen@ncilp,com Quality Assurance Representative Eddie Kopech Address/Phone/Email 14031 West Hardy Houston, TX 77060 (281) 445-8555 ekopech@ncilp.com Category Structural Components Subcategory Roof Deck Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Cd Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence �I Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) r Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Terrence E. Wolfe PE-44923 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Shawn G, Collins, PE L?; Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FL11'868 R1 COT~�Lretter�f_Cert�ification.Ddf Standard ASTM E 1592-01 FM 4471 U L 580 UL 790 Year 2001 1995 2006 2004 https:llwww.floridabuilding.orglprlpr app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDqub%2fM2eroZGl6%2fDB15wrbUWMNU6UXlV5wY8VxVo6JmObg%3d%3d 1/2 1211/2014 Florida Building Code Online h, N Sections from the Code 4 Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 12/13/2011 Date Validated 12/21/2011 Date Pending FBC Approval 12/26/2011 Date Approved 01/31/2012 Summnry of Prnductc FL # Model, Number or Name Description 1186�8.«a ,.ePBR Panel v-r 261ZPaLlel over o en:framing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL11868 R1 II PBR Roof Manual.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Force Engineering & Testing, Inc. Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +n/a/-142.5 Evaluation Reports Other: See Attached Section Properties and Allowable Load FL11868 RI AE PBR Roof PER.Ddf Table. The panel is a through fastened structural roof panel Created by Independent Third Party: Yes installed over open framing in accordance with the specified load tables. Limitations Non-HVHZ. Roof panels must be installed per manufacturer erection details. 11868.2 PBU Panel 26 ga. PBU Panel over open framing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL11868 R1 II PBU Manual.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Force Engineering & Testing, Inc. Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +n/a/-52.5 Evaluation Reports Other: See Attached Section Properties and Allowable Load FL11868 R1 AE PBU PER.Ddf Table. The panel is a through fastened structural roof panel Created by Independent Third Party: Yes installed over open framing in accordance with the specified load tables. Limitations Non-HVHZ. Roof panels must be Installed per manufacturer erection details, F.&I Next Contact Us :: 1940 North Monroe Street, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer, Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: ,7 srcttrit �at>rictcs' i. https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app U.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDqubg/o2fM2eroZG[6%2fDB15wrbUWMNU6UXlV5wY8VxVo6JmObgg/`3d`/o3d 212 ;1 ? H rForceEngineering & Testing Inc. 19530 Ramble -wood Drive Humble, Texas 77338 Phone: (281) 540-6603 Fat: (281) 540-9966 Letter of Certification To: To Whom It May Concern From: Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. Date: 12/12/2011 Re: 96-72.110 Criteria for Certification of Independence Force Engineering & Testing, Inc. nor Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. have, nor do they intend to acquire or will acquire, a financial interest in MBCI. Force Engineering & Testing, Inc. nor Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. is owned, operated or controlled by MBCI. Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. as the evaluator/validator does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in MBCI. Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. as the evaluator/validator does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. No. 444� �jC//i �. • ti / a' STATE OF .'a: omm srm, , Si ..... •�V; �� ,��'4 Itill",e�� December 12, 2011 Force Engineering & Testing Certificate of Authorization # 26778 Houston, TX677-713-6224 Jackson, A18800$22.4136 Phoenlx,AZ888-533-6224 �{� Adel, GA668-44"224 Lubbock, TX 600.76"224 Rlchmond, VA00.72"224 � Atlanta, GA 877.512-6224 Memphis, TN E00.200-0224 Roma, NY 00.55M224 Atwale4CASM29.024 Oklahoma Ctt%OKW"97.6224 Salt Lake City, UT800-874.24C4 Dallas, TXP.00. U224 Omaha, ME! 800-4564224 SanAnlonlo,TX800.50M224 Meta IRoofand Waal Sysfems Indianapolis, IN 800.735.6224, A. PBR Panel. 1. General Description................................................................ . ..2 2. Archllect/Englneer Information .... . . . . ... . ......................... . .................... . . . 2 3. Product Selection Chart ........................................... ...................2 4. Factory Mutual Approvals...............................................................2 6. PBR Panel Section Properties............................................................3 6. PBR Panel Fastener Locations. � ................................................,,......3 7, PBR Panel Allowable Uniform Loads . ............... . ........ . .......... . ..... . .... . . ... . .. 4 8. PBR Panel UL 90 Requirements ....... . ................. . ............................... 6 9. PBR Panel Product Checklist....................................................... . .... 6-7 10. PBR Panel Attachment..................................................................8 11. PBR Panel UL 90 Light Transmitting Panel Installation . ................ . . . ................. . . 9.10 C. Typical Details 1.. Ridge...............................................................................20 2. High Side Eave.......................................................................21. 3. Hip .......................................................................... ....22 4. Valley...............................................................................23 b. Gutter..............................................................................24 6, Eave Trim...........................................................................26 7. Rake................................................................... ..........26 8. Parapet High Side Eave..................................... ..,,..,,.I.........,.''.27 9. Parapet Rake.........................................................................28 ebb at naft ,QA IP >dl►i D. Installation Guidelines . ................. . . . . ............ . . , . , ..... , , , , ,0 % :G' t isgs © Copyright Metal Building Components, L,P. 2010 All Rights Reserved 41, . • �' �' ' • a J For the most current information on our products and erection procedures, please check the MBC11 Woltoe al"r �nS�Cog Descriptions and specifications contained herein were In effect at the time this publication was aIZfo7e4 for tr 0I,,1 23ontfil uing effort to refine and Improve products, MBCI reserves the right to discontinue products at any tint orc�lange ci cat ons and_lo e designs without incurring obl)galion. To Insure you have the latest Information available, pleave oaquire or visit ' r Web' .te• at www.mbel.com. Application details are for illustration purposes only and may not be appropkeled& all oI0- iti tions, building designs, or panel profiles. Projects should be engineered to conform to applicable 610 ,codes, regu tionp as ,. accepted Industry practices. Insulation Is not shown In these details for clarity. If there Is a contltr�#1o"/� the erection drawings, the erection drawings will take precedence. 10°� 4 ;�Aa N� :1" s . SUBJECTTOCHANGE w1THOUTNOTiCE SEEwww.mbcl.COm FOR CURRENT INFORMATION EFFECTIVE JA tFh Y "I DEC 0 9 0.11 e Houston, TX877.71"224 Jackson, Me800-622.4136 Phoenix, AZ$8b5315224 Adel, GA 688.44M224 Lubbock TX 60G76"224 Rlchmond, VA 600.72"224 Atlanta, OA677512-6224 Memphis, IN800.20"224 Rome, NY600.659.6224 ® Atwaler, CA 800-821t4324 Okiah°nu Gy, OK 800497-6224 $all Lake City, UT SM874.2404 Dallas,TX600-616224 omaha,ME! 600-4584224 San Antonio, TX600.5984224 Metal Roof and WL711 Sysslems Indrarupolls, INe00-735-6224 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 38" � 12° i a/4 PBR PANEL Coverage Width - 36" Minimum Slope - V2:12 Panel Attachment - See page 8 Panel Substrate - Galvalume® Gauge - 26 standard - 29, 24 and 22 also available Coatings- Galvalume Plus®, Signature® 200* and Signature® 300* ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION 1. PBR panel Is a structural roof and wall panel. This panel can be Installed directly over purlins or joists. Several different UL 90 construction numbers are available for this panel. 2. PBR panel is recommended for 1/2:12 or greater roof slopes. 3. Field applied tape sealant Is required at panel sidelaps and endlaps. 4. PBR panel Is a through -fastened panel. For proper fastener application, see page 3 and page 8. 5. The Information in Xhls manual is believed to be correct and accurate, It should not be used for any specific application without being reviewed by a registered professional engineer. 6. Galvalume material must not come In contact with concrete or pressure treated lumber. PRODUCT SELECTION CHART GAUGE GALVALUME PLUS® SIGNATURE® 200' SIGNATURE® 300* 22 gauge 0 ® M 24 gauge 26 gauge 29 gauge ® - Available In any quantity. M - Minimum quantity may be required. *See Commerclal/Industrial color chart for available colors. FACTORY MUTUAL APPROVALS 111114ftof poift 0.04 #am RATING PROFILE WIDTH GAUGE PURL IN PURLIN FASTENER NUMBER OF STITCH �18 ENF,R IN SPACING GA. TYPE FASTENERS FASTENER `" Act (� 1-135 PBR' 36 24 5'-3'/4e 16 t/4.14 X 1'/47AC3 3 '/4.14 X7/87ACt1 20` 616. 1-165 PBR' 30 24 6'-3 t14" 10 '14-14 X 1 1/4 ZA0 6 I/4-14 X 718 7AC1t a 2V o, 0. Notes: I All roofs are Class 4471. 0 Fastener #iE. 11 Fastener#4. State of Florida Aggf2vel Numbers: FL1904.2 (cool), FL4191.3 (wall), FL6222 Qlght transmitting panels), Migml Dada County NOAt 02.1016.04 (roof), 01,04VA2 (wait), see special Installation instructions, www.miamidade,gov. Signature is a registered trademark of Metal Building Components, L.P. Galvalume and Galvalume Plus are registered and protected SUBJECTTO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE SEE www.mbCI.COM FOR CURRENT INFORMATION 6. S e, ae � ytt9 2 e e ,a, SiA ~• .D • i O � � e o a+ o ° 4 °` o' A♦ ° eBOe 'a�OV� EFFECTIVE JANUARY 25, 2010 DEC 092011 -'� v 'elm, Houston, TXa77.71H224 Jackson, MeW0522.413b Fhoenlx,Ate88.53U224 Adel, OA M446-6224 Lubbock, Tx Baa.758-6224 Richmond, vAe0D•72M224 JIAFOEE�ftn�� Allanla,GA877-512-6224 Memphts, TN $00-206-6224 Rome, NY800.55M224 Atvraler,CA8M20-9324 oklahomaCity, OK800597-6224 Salt lnkeCity, UTWU74.2404 t Dallas, TX8005538224 omahs,NE800.458a224 San Antonio, TXSD459a4i224 Metal Roof avid YYall Systems indianapolis,1H 8N-7356224 PBR PANEL 36" 12" 1'/t„ SECTION PROPERTIES NEG4TIVEBENDING POSITIVE BENDING PANEL PY WEIGHT Ixe Sxe j Maxo Ixe Sxe Maw GAUGE KSI PS IN.4rF1 IN,3/FT KIP•I IN.41FT IN.3rFl(KIP-IN 29 60 • 0.75 0.0 0.03 1.2 5 010 2 0.024 0.8 3 26 60 • 0.94 0 02 0 11 i 366 0 369 0 372 1 373 24 50 1.14 .0404 0733 .195$ .0506 .0621 i.6694 22 6o 1.44 O,o544 0.1042 3.1201 0.0709 0.0749 2.2427 Fy Is 6a1:91 reduced to 60-ksi in accordance with the 2001 edition of the North Arrarioan 5peciiteallon For Design Of CORI•Fermed 9106151MIUrar NRrtlbers • A2.3.2, TES: 1. AT calculations for the properties of PBR panels are calculated In accordance w1h the 2001 edllon of the North Arnedcan Speciflcallon For Design Of Oold•Formed Steel Structural Members. 2. ke Is for deflection doterrrinallon. 3. Sxe I9 for bending. 4. Maxo Is allowable bending rnoment. 6. AI values are for one fool of panel width. The Engneefhg data contained herein Is for the expressed use of customers and design professionals. Along with this data, A Is racomrended that the design . professional have a copy of the most current version or the NorfhAmerican Speclficedon for the Design of Cold -Formed Steer Structural Members published by the Arnarloan Iron and Stoat institute to facEllale design. This Speolloallon contains the design ctlerfa for cold -formed steel components. Along w t1h the Speolfaatfon, the designer should reference the most current building code applicable to the pr*ct Jobsla In order to determine environmental loads. If further informallon or guidance regarding toll -formed design practices Is desired, please contact the manufacturer. PBR PANEL FASTENER LOCATIONS PANEL ENDS INTERIOR OF PANEL sub of Raft 'o�yDilElflj APPLICATION -- -� ,,►ia/+ �a �,�i�♦ PREVAILING WIND 11 �� �',` 9�4 6 • e • • : {/,.y��� NOTES: + �p,444�J23 1, The PBR panel has an unsymmetrical purlin bearing side lap leg. Panel side lap with extended fooio b4r 00 PHMe* o j, eA However, where possible, the panel should be lapped against prevailing wind.•� { .._ L It 2, The above are typical fastener spacings. However, they may not be appropriate for all appllcailons.�at a' pt�'f��taQ (� d engineer for use on any specific application. �?'O •• • 3. Minimum W x W tape sealer required at panel side laps when used as roof panels. °°m �� • , 1 ,e' 4. Side lap fasteners are required. Typical spacing is 20' O.C. However, this spacing may not be appropdaidf applications. Consult a professional engineer for use on any specific application. Batt P u a a e�y SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE SEE www.mbel.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION EFFECTIVE JANUA�y 25, 201 3 A DEC 09201 IM10 Metal Roof and Wall Systems PBR Panel SECTION PROPERTIES NEGATIVE BENDING POSITIVE BENDING PANEL Fy WEIGHT Ixe Sxe Maxo Ixe Sxe Maxo GAUGE KSI (PSF) INA/FT. IN.3/FT. KIP -IN. INAXT. IN.3/FT, KIP -IN. 29 60` 0.75 0.0223 0.0360 1.2938 0.0245 0.0239 0.8592 26 60, 0.94 0.0305 0.0517 1.8572 0.0379 0.0380 1.3637 24 50 1,14 0.0410• 0.0743 2.2239 0,0519 0.0531 1.5899 22 50 1.44 1 0.0573 0.1059 3.1716 0.0732 0.0767 2.2967 t•y Is uu-KSI reduced to 6u-xsi in accoroance with the 2007 edition of the North American Specification For Design Of Cold -Formed Steel Structural Members - A2.3.2. NOTES: 1. All calculations for the properties of PBR panels are calculated in accordance with the 2007 edition of the North American Specification For Design Of Cold -Formed Steel Structural Members. 2. Ixe is for deflection determination. 3. Sxe is forbending. 4. Maxo is allowable bending moment. 5. All values are for one foot of panel width, 6E htt�T±PlorldaJ 'V ° a t,1o.44023 N W _ Q �✓ � • ; TE bgA3p A19Raa�,6 � C 9 qA The Engineering data contained herein is for the expressed use of customers and design professionals. Along with this data, It is recommended that the des gnpr fessioal "S? o 1 copy of the most current version of the Norfh Amedcan Spec/llcal/on for the Design of Cold -Formed Steel Structural Members published by the American Iron and Steel Institute to facilitate design, This Specification contains the design criteria for cold -formed steel components. Along with the Specification, the designer should reference the most current building code applicable to the project jobsile In order to determine environmental loads. If further Information or guidance regarding cold -formed design practices is desired, please contact the manufacturer. Subject to change without notice, Effective October 20, 2010 �o Metal Roof and Wall Systems ALLOWABLE UNIFORM LOADS IN POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT PBR Panel 29 Gauge F = 60 KSI SPAN TYPE LOAD TYPE SPAN IN FEET 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 SINGLE NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 95.8 53.9 34.5 24.0 17.6 13.5 10.6 LIVE LOAD/DEFLECTION 60.3 33.5 17.1 9.9 6.2 4.2 2.9 2-SPAN NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 63.6 35.8 22.9 15.9 11.7 9.0 7.1 LIVE LOAD/DEFLECTION 51.6 34.4 22.3 16.6 11.5 8.9 7.0 3-SPAN NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 79.6 44.8 28.6 19.9 1 14.6 1 11.2 1 8.8 LIVE LOAD/DEFLECTION 58.6 42.3 27.6 18.7 11.8 7.9 5.5 4-SPAN NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 74.3 41.8 26.7 18.6 13.6 10.4 8.3 LIVE LOAD/DEFLECTION 56.4 39.7 25.9 1 18.2 1 12.5 1 8.4 1 5.9 26 Gauge F = 60 KSI SPAN TYPE LOAD TYPE SPAN IN FEET 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 SINGLE NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 137.6 77.4 49.5 34.4 25.3 19.3 15.3 LIVE LOAD/DEFLECTION 101.0 51.8 26.5 15.3 9.7 6.5 4.5 2-SPAN NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 101.0 56.8 36.4 25.3 18.6 14.2 11.2 LIVE LOAD/DEFLECTION 1 87.3 55.7 35.9 25.0 18.4 14.1 10.9 3-SPAN NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 126.3 1 71.0 45.5 31.6 23.2 17.8 14.0 LIVE LOAD/DEFLECTION 99.2 69.0 1 44.8 1 28.9 1 18.2 11 12.2 8.6 4-SPAN NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 117.9 66.3 1 42.4 1 29.5 1 21.7 16.6 13.1 LIVE LOAD/DEFLECTION 95.5 64.6 1 41.7 1 29.1 1 19.3 13.0 9.1 24 Gauge F = 50 KSI SPAN TYPE LOAD TYPE SPAN IN FEET 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 SINGLE NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 164.7 92.7 59.3 41.2 30.3 23.2 18.3 LIVE LOAD/DEFLECTION 117.8 66.2 36.3 21.0 13.2 8.9 6.2 2-SPAN NEGATIVE WIND LOAD .117.8 66.2 42.4 29.4 21.6 16.6 13.1 LIVE LOAD/DEFLECTION 109.4 65.4 42.1 29.3 21.5 1615 13.1 3-SPAN NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 147.2 82.8 53.0 36.8 27.0 20.7 16.4 LIVE LOAD/DEFLECTION 124.3 81.4 52.4 1 36.5 25.0 16.7 11.7 4-SPAN NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 137.5 77.3 49.5 1 34.4 25.2 19.3 15.3 LIVE LOAD/DEFLECTION 119.6 76.1 1 49.0 1 34.1 25.1 17.7 12.5 22 Gauge F = 50 KSi SPAN TYPE LOAD TYPE SPAN IN FEET 3.0 4.0 5.0 1 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 SINGLE NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 234.9 132.2 84.6 58.7 43.2 33.0 26.1 LIVE LOAD/DEFLECTION 170.1 95.7 51.2 29.6 18.7 12.5 8.8 2-SPAN NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 170.1 95.7 61.2 42.5 31.2 23.9 18.9 LIVE LOAD/DEFLECTION 166.9 94.7 60.8 42.3 31.1 23.9 18.9 3-SPAN NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 212.7 119.E 76.8 53.2 39.1 29.9 23.6 LIVE LOAD/DEFLECTION 200.6 117.8 75.8 52.8 35.2 23.6 16.6 4-SPAN NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 198.6 111.7 . 71.5 49.6 36.5 27,9 22.1 LIVE LOAD/DEFLECTION 193.1 110.2 70.9 49.3 36.3 :® 48 NOTES; 1) Allowable loads are based on uniform span lengths and Fy = 60 and 60-ksi. 2) LIVE LOAD is limited by bending, shear, combined shear 8 bending and web crippling. 3) NEGATIVE WIND LOAD does not contain a 33.333% Increase and does not consider fastener pullout or pullover. 4) Above loads consider a maximum deflection ratio of 1./180. 5) The weight of the panel has not been deducted from the allowable loads. 6) The use of any accessories other than those provided by the manufacturer may damage panels, void all warranties and will vo 7) This material Is subject to change without notice. Please contact MBCI for most current data. The Engineering data contained herein is for the expressed use of customers and design professionals, Along with this data, it Is have a copy of the most current version of the North American Specirrcatlon for the Design of Cold -Formed Steel Structural Mom Steel Institute to facilitate design. This Specification contains the design criteria for cold -formed steel components. Along with the Specification, the designer should reference the most current building code applicable to the project jobslte In order to determine environmental loads. If further Information or guidance regarding cold -formed design practices is desired, please contact the manufacturer. Subject to change without notice, 4. q V0080JA1, e010 State of FioHdt C.O.A. 0267M Houston, TX 077-713-6224 Adel, GA 088446-6224 Allanta, GA877-512-6224 Atwater, CA$00-829.9324 Dallas, TX 00085U224 Indianapolis, iN 600.735b224 Jaekson,MS800-622-4138 Phoonix,AZ886333-6224 Lubbock 7X600.76M224 Rlchmond,VA800-72&6224 Memphis, TN NO.206-6224 Romo, NY800459$224 Oklahoma City, ON 800.597.6224 8311 Lake Clty, UT 60"74.2404 Omaha, Nt:80a46&6224 Ban Antonio, 7X 80&698$224 R j1detal Roof and y17411 Systems. UL 90 REQUIREMENTS PBR PANEL Construction #30 26 MSG Min, Gauge PBR Panel Over Purlins at 61- 0 1/4" O.C. 1, For Class 90 -Panel to purlln connections to be #14 Hex Head with a 5N' O.D, washer In a 4-8-4-8 in. pattern. Panel to panel connection to be 20" O.C. with fastener located over each purlin, 2. Purllns - No. 14 MSG min. gauge steel, (55,000 psi min. yield strength.) Construction #79 26 MSG Min, Gauge PBR Panel Over Purllns at 5'- 0 1/4" O.C. 1. Panel Fasteners - Panel to purlln connections to be #14 Hex Head with a 5/d' O.D, washer, 6" O.C. In 5-7-6-7 in, pattern. Endlap spacing to be 6 in. O.C. Spacing for panel to panel connection to be 20" O.C. 2. Purlins - No. 16 MSG min. gauge steel. (66,000 psi min. yield strength); or min. H series open web steel Joists, Construction #161 26 MSG M1n..Gauge PBR Panel Over Purlins at 6'- 0 1/4" O.C. 1: Panel Fasteners - Panel to purlin connections to be 12-14 x 1" self -drilling Hex Head with a ' O.D. washer, 12" O.G. Spacing at endlap to be In a 5-7-5.7 in. patterns. Spacing for panel to panel connection to. be-20" - O.C. with a: fastener. located over each. purlin. 2. Purlins - No. .-f6 MSG min. gauge steel. (55,000 psi min. yleid strength). Construction #642 26 MSG Min. Gauge PBR Panel Over Purlins at 6'- 0 3/16" O.C. 1. Panel Fasteners - Panel to purlln connections to be 12-14x1" self -drilling Hex Head with a W O.D. washer,12" O.C, Spacing at endlap to be In a 5-7-5-7 In. pattern. Spacing for panel to panel connection to be 20" O.C. with a fastener located over each purlin. 2. Building Units - Translucent Panels. 3. Translucent Panel Rib and Purlin Reinforcement - See UL 90 light transmitting panel Installation Instructions. 4. Purlins - No. 16 MSG min, gauge steel. (55,000 psi min. yield strength). IMPACT RESISTANCE PBR panels carry a Class 4 rating under UL-2218 "Test Standard For impact Resistance" FIRE RESISTANCE RATING 1. Deck, NC Class A Incline: Unlimited Q@+�����h The panel qualifies for a Class Fire Rating In compliance with Underwriters Laboratories�IardaUL°-265 ��(�°��� when Installed over a non-combustible substrate, A Class C Fire Rating will be qualifiekAIll-or c1o�Yjl�r$t'il�e % substrate, o ��J' Look for classification marking on product, N e . 4 4 3 ` 3 ° V� CAUTION ;�0•• Wpm The above listings are summaries of Construction Numbers, For UL 90 rated roof requirements and campigte9191 +� see the Underwriters Laboratories Buildin Mat erlals Directory. If you have an cf 4° g ry. y y questions, call MBCI before q SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE SEE www.mbCLCom FOR CURRENT INFORMATION EFFECTIVE JANU �n 6 lawle Alfetal Roof and Mall �7steins PBR Panel 36" 12" -__� PBR Panel [� Flat Ridge/Hip Flashing " COLOR FL-38 Parapet High Eave 1 COLOR 6" Specify Roof Slope FL-874 Sculptured Hang -On Gutter go*- ° OF 4�� V OOF PITCH CV4" TI D1M. �,, 4„: 000 + ° OF Specify Roof Slope ROOF PITCH r outlet part at comer to be mitered. r Specify Left or Right. FL-180 Houston, TX 077-713.6224 Adel, e'A NO.449.6224 Atlanta, OA 877.5128224 Atenter, CA600-029.9324 Dales, 7X 800-65U224 Indfanapolls, IN WO-135-6224 Jackson,MS800.022.4136 Phoenix, AZOWS334i224 Lubho414TX800.768$224 Rlahmond,VAW0.729.6224 h!omphls,TN6W200-6224 Rome, W800-559.6224 OklahomaCRY, OK80"07.8224 $aftWo,Glty,UT800-874-2404 Omaha, HE 600-469.6224 SanAntonlo, TX 800SSM224 PRODUCT CHECKLIST Ridge Cap MEMO -- ION FL-49 2a-6" MaximumRoof Pitch 8:12 Specify Pitch FL-51 V-0" Valley Flashing - SPECIFY ANGLE Standard fL 45 FL-556 Lj SPECIFY ANGLE + 7e�Y "A. ta3/a Extended ° FL-558 [) Parapet Rake COLOR 1 6" e„ FL-952 Sculptured Eave Gutter 1, 4° 90° + ° of ROOF SLOPE • DIM. A d° - - 4"-- go° + ° of Specify Roof Slope ROOF SLOPE Ginter part at comer to be mitered. Specify Len or Right. FL-18 8 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Sculptured High Side Eave COLOR'f 4" 4" Specify Roof Pilch High Eave part at corner to be mitered Specify Left or Right FL-17 Sculptured Rake 1 fill13/4„ 4" I I i 4" 2"1 a✓+„ Rake part at eornerto be mitered, Specify Left or Right FL-16 Eave Trim Specify Roof Pitch FL-19 Sktoof praft � J Gutter Strap �t�t tneo�& h4� a.00+9°0° C) Iles .P Gutter End �Qy�'�.� ` F_N &�C°oan r a No �'r9LJ TE.�� Specify Left or Specify Gutter SEE WWW.MbOI.COM FOR CURRENT INFORMATION s �'� C "'0 DEC 00?011 Houston, TX 877.713-6224 Adal, QA 888.448.6224 Atlanta, QA877-612.6224 _ Atwater,CA66P829-9324 Dallas, TX eOU534224 Indianapolis, IN OW735-6224 y a a p j I B I Inside Corner Trim Jackson, MS 800-6224 08 Lubbock, TX N&75&6224 Momphis, 7N 600.200 0224 Oklahoma City, OK 600.597.6224 Omaha, NE 80045"224 4,h„ Y4" 4IN' COLOR FL-800 [j Base Trim (With Sheeting Notch) t— COLOR , FL-72 ❑ Fasteners 12-14 X 11/4" Driller #17A *=Mn� ❑ 1/4"-14 XMe" Lap Tek #4A ❑ 12-14 X [�� Long Life Driller #3 ❑ #4 Ile-1 4 X IN Long Life Lap Tek (tot:5�� ❑ Fasteners +/4"-14 X 1'Ve Long Life 0, Driller with I VO,D. washer #43L ❑ +/s"-14 X 79 Long Life Lap Tek with 11A"O.D. washer #44L ❑ 'A X ;Yi6 Stainless Steel Pop Rival #1a ❑ Phoenix, AZ NO.533-6224 Richmond, VAMO.729-6224 Roma, NY 600-65"224 Salt take City, UT 6M74.2404 Son Antonio, TX 800 598 0224 PRODUCT CHECKLIST Downspouts FL-31 -Straight ❑ FL-31A - With Kick -Out Base Trim (Without Sheeting Notch) 2 COLOR 4b° r/r • +LXV FL-530 ❑ LTP Non -Reinforced Fiberglass ❑ High Strength Fiberglass ❑ High Strength AMLit/U.V. Resistant ❑ Sealant jim /2" x 4732" HW-507 ❑ lvxw AMM Td-Bead HW-504 ❑ TRI-BFAD TRIPLE BEAD Triple Bead HW 502 ❑ Urethane White TUBE SEALANT 11 OZ, HMO ❑ NOTE: 26'Pertube at'/: bead OtherCoWsAyailabte SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE SEEwww,mb0I.COm FOR CURRENT INFORMATION Metal Roof and M17 Systems Corner Trim - outside COLOR as/6°ems 3eil4,e" j� VV FL-830 ❑ Jamb Trim COLOR - vw. FL-23 ❑ Head Trim 1 L] COLOR FL-26 ❑ "0Q of f4w-da C.t9�,t► Closures Inside HW-456 ❑ g�G �, ,;' 9 '• • [fit.., �,. •000e C_1�`"+ r " ,tla°• v\HW.466 BaVkRWI TIde" Al o.'T'"Y4 404 �y 1 ,c • L' o, " 1 � 4 'Speclel order • requlrab� ek • , a ° �i``a` a EFFECTIVE JANUAR P f�• de 9 / tl A�aO@,o r DEC 092011 JIM10 Metal Roof and Wall Systems ENDLAP ATTACHMENT (SEE DETAIL B) OQ� Houston, TX 877.71"224 Adel, GA 8U 448$224 ASanla, GA 877512.6224 Atwater, CA$M820.9324 Dallas, TX 8004SU224 Indlana pone, IN 000.735-6224 FASTENER#3 EAVE ATTACHMENT (S FASTENERS PER PANEL) FASTENER#4 2W O.C. @ ROOF 24" O.C. @ WALL TAPE SEALER DETAIL "A" Jackson, MS 800.822.4138 Phoenix, AZ OWSM224 Lubbock, TX800.7L8.6224 Richmond, VA800.72M224 61emphts, 7N SM2064224 Rome, NY 800.559-0224 Oklahoma City, OK 800.59i•6224 Sall Lak° City, UT 80"74.2404 Omaha, NE M458.4224 San Antonio, 7X 800.69U224 ATTACHMENT PBR PANEL PBR PANEL FASTENER #3 HIGH SIDE ATTACHMENT (6 FASTENERS PER PANEL) PANEL FASTENER#3 INTERMEDIATE PURLIN ATTACHMENT (3 FASTENERS PER PANEL) 6• FASTENER#3 8 EACH PER PANEL DETAIL "Bea Wxve TAPE SEALER State of Pwdk aoAa NOTES: # W Sidelap 00t,9531;t1&(76G'9 1, • IN' X 464" tape sealer must be Installed between weather infiltration point and fastener. It%" G�- rb, t 1411 2. Install Fastener #4 (t/4"-14 X 7A"Long Life Lap Tek) at 20" O.C. at roof panel side laps and 24q? if, ll,pa n d� C :P0 laps. ° G & 3. When possible, Install panels such that sidelaps are nested away from prevailing winds, „�/�� ° V� �� 4. Fastener #4A ('/4"-14 X 7/a" Lap Tek) are available as an alternate when long life fasteners ale no�edesirfOo , 4 4 0 2 3 w Endlap I,° 1. Stack 2 continuous layers of'h" x a2" cape sealer on top of each other and must be Installei be en wg '%in Ion A V. point and fastener. , ° 2, Install Fastener #3 (12-14 X 11/4" Long Life driller) on each side of major ribs of panel (two faa4 jS.pekioot). 3. Fastener #17A (12-14 X 1'/4" driller) are available as an alternate when long life fasteners are fltalr )•t 1 E A`�'ti`o t} SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE SEE www.mbei.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION kpwi ®EC 09 2011 Houston, TX 877.713.0224 Jackson, MS 800-622.4135 Phovnlx,AZ8M0"224 'CoA41103ft va� AdoI,0A868.448.6224 Lubbock, TX600.758-6224 Rlchmond,VA800.72"224 Allen b,GA877.$12.6224 Memphis, TN800.208-6224 Rom°,NY800.559-6224 Atwater, CANO-829.9324 OWahoms City, OK WO.597.6224 sell take City, UT600.874.2404 Dalla3,TX800-$6M22,l onuhn,NE6o04504224 San Aolonlo,TXWM9848224 Ifefal Roof cnu! Wall Systems Indianapolis, IN 800.73"224 LIGHT TRANSMITTING PANEL s Q� r` TRI-BEAD ESE TAPE SEALER PURLIN LOWER PANEL•—' FASTENER#4 (18 MINIMUM) CONSTRUCTION NO.542 UL 90 LIGHT - TRANSMITTING PANEL INSTALLATION Install roof panels, leaving the light transmitting panel run open, except for lower light transmit- ting panel run panel. Install tape sealer to panel sidelaps and across panel width as normal. Attach light transmitting panels at the low and mid -slope connection to the purlin with nine Fastener#43L (A -14 x V/V Long Life Driller she of Roku With I'N' O,D, washer) per connection. Loe2rr, r. • ,ono°°�G�;•. �'' � ` !yam °�° r•. fw. IV V4y1 �°° •:�•�A Fdo.4�1`J�3 el s o � �°•� ®0 SS @p SUBJECTTO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE sEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION EFFECTIVE DEC 092011 Houston,TX877.7136224 Jackson, MSWM22.4136 Phoenlx,AZ888.53"224 Adel, 0A88044M224 Lubboek, 7X 800.7W6224 Rlehmond, VA e00J29-6224 jawkAllanta,.GA877.512.8224 Wmphls,7N80020"224 Romo,NY8006596224 ® Atwater, CA80"29.9324 OklahomsCRAOKe00.597-6224 Ball Lake Clly,UTWO-874.2404 Da6as,'rX80P6536224 omaha,lIF8W45U224 San Anlonlo,TX800.5986224 Metal Roof and Wal! Systems lndlanapolls, IN e40-735-6224 oQ0 5� --'4 PURLIN J'7;�q LOWER PANEL FASTENER #0L (18 MINIMUM) LIGHT TRANSMITTING PANEL FASTENER#3 (9 PER PANEL) FASTENER #44L 10" O.C. CONSTRUCTION NO.542 UL 90 LIGHT TRANSMITTING PANEL INSTALLATION (Continued) Be sure the light transmitting panel sidelaps have complete run of ('/2" x %2") tape sealer between the light transmitting panel and the PBR panel. See Page 8 for lap detail. Fasten light transmitting panel with Fastener #441- ('WI -14 x 7N' Long Life Lap Tek with 1'/B" O.D, washer) at 10" O.C. down each side lap. 96me or p.OeAp 6,O,A. 0 Install upper metal panel In light transmitting panel run and fasten as at a no IAatmrl1laaawith nine Fastener #3 - 12 c A %fT ( $ ad do "m driller). �� ���° • . • o • �` • 0 `L o h � ?' No.4dv'3 as ti A 1 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE SEE WWW,mbCLCOM FOR CURRENT INFORMATION DEC 092011 Ilousion, TX $77-713.6224 Adel, OA 888.448-8224 Atlanta, CA 877-612-6224 Atwator, CA lIM829.9324 Dallas, TX 800-6538224 Indlanapolis, IN 800.735-0224 Jackson, MS M6224136 Phooniz, AZ 888-533.6224 Lubboek,MW758b224 R10mond,VA8o0.729.6224 1.11emph1s, TN 800.20114224 Roma, NY 800.55"224 Oklahoma City, OK890.597.8224 Sall Lake City, UT 800.874.2404 omahs,N9OW45"224 San Antonio, 7X600-598-6224 TYPICAL: DETAILS High Side Eave FASTENER#4 — @ EACH MAJOR RIB OUTSIDE CLOSURE PBR or PBU PANEL FASTENER #3 —/ 6 EACH PER PANEL FASTENER #4 @ EACH MAJOR RIB PBR or PBU PANEL Met(l. Roof and Wall Sj)stenrs W X din" TAPE SEALER SCULPTURED HIGH SIDE EAVE EAVE STRUT SCULPTURED HIGH SIDE EAVE FASTENER #4 12" O,C, —OUTSIDE CLOSURE WxW TAPE SEALER OUTSIDE CLOSURE —�� FASTENER #3 6 EACH PER PANEL bleb of Ruku �tiry5�63Ctlgg# �! ,ay � `Cso ore o o po o • ° !r'••�„` e 'cow NOTES: 1, Install outside closure, with 4h" X W1 tape sealer top and bottom, across width of PBR or PBU #a I�Ig 2. Install Sculptured High Side Eave to PBR or PBU panels at each major rib with Fastener #4 (Iff-14 7W Lb11$ Life Lap o , Tek). Sculptured high side eave trim should overhang outside closures VV -1'l. 3. Attach front face of sculptured high side save trim to wall with fasteners or cleat as required fo;woM substrifiSFaTE- 4. Trim laps should be approximately 3" with sufficient amount of Fastener #4 (1/V-14 X W' Long Lgfe Tek�to hold I together, Apply bead of urethane sealant between trim at 3" lap. °.� ,;� • ° • ( R • �L �a SUBJECTTO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE sEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION EFFECTIVE JANI ??�9;d ° o • ° • t �0�� DEC 092011 Iftto Metal Roof and Wall S)lstems Houston, TX 877-713-6224 Adel, GA888-4468224 Allanta, OA877.512.6224 Atwaler, CA800-029.9324 Dallas, TX WM53-6224 Indianapolis, IN WO.735-6224 Jackson, IAS 900-622.4138 Lubbock TX 500.7588224 IAemphls, TN 500.2*6224 Oklahoma City, OK 600-597-0224 Omaha, NH 600.45"224 TYPICAL DETAILS Hip FASTENER #4 @ EACH MAJOR RIB HIP FLASHING — WxWTAPESEALER FASTENER #4 — @ EACH MAJOR PBR or PBU PANEL 'h' x W1 TAPE SEALER —� PURLIN FASTENER #12A SDS '— HIP PLATE FASTENER #12A SOS (2 @ EACH PURLIN) FASTENER 13 6 EACH PER PANEL HIP FLASHING 7 E Phoenix, AZ 68S653U224 Whmond, VA 800.7298224 Romo,NY8005598224 Sall Lake City, UT 8OU74.2404 SanAntonlo, TX $W698-6224 BEVELED OUTSIDE CLOSURE PURLIN BEVELED OUTSIDE CLOSURE HIP PLATE lip" Of P149444e OAA # GM (2@ EACH PURLIN) �.,j/` `•���cyp°JG�FSQSg?R Gr, Itl V(1 n°• °����r NOTES;ul 1. Bevel cut and Install PBR or PBU panels to follow bevel of hip. *� h e o 2. Install beveled outside closures to panels, with 1W x %2" tape sealer top and bottom, followin eveof hlpraeveled J °Q closures must be special ordered eind require a two week lead time.. 3. Install hip (lashing to panel at each major db with Fastener #4 (%'-14 X W' Long Life Lap TekA Mfg ilashln§>s'f�ti6i� overlap outside closures'W-1". ► ° °. 4. Trim laps should overlap approximately 3" with a bead of urethane sealant In between. Install aA 14 Fastener#4 ('W-14 X lib' Long Life Lap Tek) to hold lap together. '�0 1 22 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE SEE www.mbCI.COM FOR CURRENT INFORMATION EFFEc�iI .E 201A, ®9 2011 Hausloo, TX 077.7lU224 Ad al, CA 58&44"224 Atlanta, OA8775425224 AhSaler, CA $00-629.9324 Dallas, TX 8OW3.8224 India napolls. IN 600.735-6224 Jackson, MSW"22.4138 Phoonlr,AZ888-6338224 Lubbock, TX800.758.b224 Rlahmond,VA800.728.8224 • M601ph43, TN 800.2008224 Romo, iIYWO-559-0224 Oklahoma clty,OK600.$97.6224 Bait Lak.City, UTWO.874-2404 Onwha, NB 800.46&6224 Ban Antonio. TX 800.59"224 TYPICAL DETAILS Valley TRI-BEAD F1ELD.CUT TAPE SEALER 1 INSIDE CLOSURE VALLEY FLASHING Metal Roof acid Mall Systems TRIPLE BEAD PER or PBU PANEL TAPE SEALER VALLEY PLATE FASTENER #3 dlh' FOR STANDARD VALLEY 6 EACH PER PANEL 9" FOR EXTENDED VALLEY PBR or PBU PANEL 0 VALLEYTRIM BEVEL CUT PANEL TO MATCH SLOPE OF VALLEY TRIM FASTENER 0 --� (12) PER PANEL TRIPLE BEAD TAPE SEALER TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER FIELD CUT INSIDE CLOSURE Re* at 0.04 #11 m NOTES: 1. For valleys 30' or less In length, use standard valley trim, Valleys over 30' In length require extended Mali y'��irr 2. Apply Triple Bead -tape sealer to valley trim parallel to the slope of the valley. Lower edge of tape se�r s�7ufd�b from center of valley for standard valleys and 9" from the center of the valley for extended valleys'w 3. Install high fib seclion'of inside closure that has been field cut from standard 3W'straight cloth�'cut closurg� ;�� `0 square with the rib of the panel. Install Trl•Bead tape sealer to top of inside closure prior to laying pandi edgr�`dDwi� ara' 3 o n top of the cut closure. The Triple Bead tape with proper fastener sequence will seal the minor ritb*the panel that lire ° bl`S to between the major ribs. o , r_ 4. Bevel out PBR or PBU panels to fit slope of valley and Install to valley with Fastener#3 (12-14 X114ang LI tfrillel a 44 4" on center. Fasteners must be installed through the closures and Into Triple Bead tape sealer. 0 °° A, .° • � 5. Trim laps should overlap approximately W wlth a bead of urethane sealant In between. Do not rive?vWla . fa If laps gap open, Install Fastener #4 (a/4"-14 X 7ri�" Long Life Lap Tek) Into each side of water diverter Mfl�bh$fp� tightly together. ,#„ T Q, SvRaoRB SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE SEE www.mbel.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION EFFECTIVE JANUARY26,20 23 r a� Houston, TX 877.704224 Jackson, MS OM224138 Phoentx, AZ OWS33-0224 Adel. 0A668-44%6224 Lubbock IX 600.75"224 Mchmond,VA800-729.6224 Atlanta, GA077-612.6224 hlomphls, IN WO.206-6224 ROM W M559.6224 ® Atvaler,CAS0M&9524 O UM= City,OXOM697.6224 SallLskoClty,UTMM74.24N Mewl Roofc7)I(1 Weill Systems Dallas, TX 600-653,6224 On aM, HE 600.4586224 SanAntonl0, TX 800-51IM224 ,/ In4lonapolls,INeM7 5-82 24 NOTRS; 1. 2. 3. 4. li. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 24 TYPICAL DETAILS Gutter FASTENER #4 'h" x 95a" PBR or PBU PANEL TAPE SEALER INSIDE CLOSURE GUTTER STRAP FASTENER #4 - INSULATION SCULPTURED EAVE GUTTER DOUBLE FACED FASTENER #3 TAPE (13 EACH PER PANEL) FASTENER #14 POP RIVET (2 PER TRIM PIECE) WALL PANEL EAVE STRUT 'h x PBR or PBU PANEL TAPE SEALER INSIDE FASTENER #4 CLOSURE GUTTER STRAP - INSULATION FASTENER #4 DOUBLE FACED TAPE SCULPTURED FASTENER#3 HANG ON 6 EACH PER PANEL GUTTER FASTENER #14 POP RIVET WALL PANEL (2 PER TRIM PIECE) "Vxfit" TAPE SEALER BOX PANEL CAP TRIM EAVE STRUT Eave Gutter Attach gutter to eave strut with two Fastener #14 pop rivets per section, of Fb*b Install Inside closures to top leg of gutter with ''/:" x �" tape sealer top and bottom. StaZ QG foot). I PBR or Fasteners el nsla 1 d en slope3(12-1from4 X 1 I closu LongLifedriller) on each side of major ribs (two fast?9qr .zP%, 74 omm Gutter laps should be approximately 3" with a bead of urethane sealant In between. Install a sufftcien�t;,AriQTfpi'�T�7 p•° �� rivets to hold lap together. Install gutter straps 3'-0" on center with Fastener #4 ('/4"-14 X 7N' Long Life Lap Tek) fasteners at Hang -on Gutter ? o Attach Box Panel Cap Trim to top of eave strut with pop rivet #14 (two per 10'-0" section), N0.44923 e Install Inside closure on lop of Box panel Cap Trim with IN! x W' tape sealer top and bottom of elllske; 7g o aAy- c; Install PBR or PBU panels with Fastener#3 (12-14 X 11/4" Long Life ddller)on each side of the mto (two$a�f4j�i �ltl per foot). Fasteners must be Installed up slope from Inside closures. o ° Attach gutter to roof panels with Fastener #4 ('/4"-14 X 7N" Long Life lap Tek) at each end, ��© P Gutter laps should be approximately 3" with a bead of urethane sealant in between. Install a sufficlelfa e4 0 .. Fastener #14.(pop rivets) Install gutter t straps T t -0" on center witho hold lap Fastener A Fastener #4 ('/4"-14 X 7R' Long Life Lap Tek) at each end. s �ether.��� re SUBJECTTO CHANGE WITHOUTNOTICE SEE WWwmbci,comFOR CURRENT INFORMATION DEC 0 9 2011 Houston, 7X W-7134224 Adel, GA 684-440-6224 Atlanta, GA 877.512-6224 • Atwater CA 800.829.9324 Dallas, TX 800-65U224 Indianapolis, IN $00.7354224 SIDELAP ATTA( (SEE DETAIL A) Jackson, MS SOM22.4138 Lubbock, TX 80047684224 Idemphls,TN 800.2054224 Oklahoma Oily, OKNO-507.6224 Onahs,NE6M4S&6224 Phoe nbh, AZ 88&533.6224 Richmond, VA 800.72M224 Rom, W 800-559-6224 Sall We Olry, UT$00-874.2404 San Antonio, TX 800-5084224 TYPICAL DETAILS Eave Trim 1WXW TAPE SEALER INSIDE CLOSURE EAVE TRI M — FASTENER #4- 12" O.C. OUTSIDE CLOSURE — WALL PANEL PBR or PBU PANEL—,, INSULATION WITH VINYL FOLDED BACK AT EAVE DOUBLE FACED TAPE FASTENER #14 (2 PER TRIM PIECE) FASTENER ?#4 EAVE STRUT 20"O.C. a" TAPE SEALER DETAIL "A" lbletal Roof arr(J TRW Systems PBR or PBU PANEL INSULATION ` — DOUBLE FACED FASTENER#3 TAPE (P EACH PER PANEL) - FASTENER #14 (2 PER TRIM PIECE) EAVE STRUT y • lA' X'h2" TAPE SEALER (SEAL TO TAPE SEALER AT EAVE AND SIDELAP) FASTENER #3 (8 EACH PER PANEL) IN, X 31W .ate TAPE SEALER EAVE TRIM NOTES: 1. Install eave trim to structure with two pop rivets per section. 2. Install Inside closures along top leg of eave trim with IW' x W1 tape sealer top and bottom, 3. Install PBR or PBU panel with Fastener #3 (12-14 X 1 W Long Life driller) on each side of major allowing panel to overhang I IN, plus wall thickness. Fasteners must be installed up slope from 1 4. Attach front face of eave trim to wall with fasteners or cleat as required for wall substrate. 5. Trim laps should overlap approximately 3" with a bead of urethane sealant In between. Install a Faslener#4 (1/4"-14 X'N" Long Life Lap Tek) to hold lap together. IN' XW' TAPE SEALER `— INSIDE CLOSURE FASTENER 44 12" O.C. ����s`bYl�S aZbH2 �h�`•' �%r E N S�,'• • `~� 4 • • p� No.44923 ST Tr F h�/9llhlfo?inrc na,� fnn{P _ ••� y'/ 1.1 �:•'! 9' SUBJECTTO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE SEE www.mbcI.COm FOR CURRENT INFORMATION EFFECTIVE JANUARY 26i 86M Of FIONA C" W f6RM DEC 0 9 2011 0;1�910501; mffi-ftlft�m.-- Melat Roof and Wall Systenis " SCULPTURED —J -RAKETRIM Houston, TX 877.71"224 Adel, CA 068 44"224 Adanb, OA 877-5512.6224 Atwater, CA 800-829.0324 Dailas, TX 8004SU224 1011polis, IN 800.13"224 Jackson, hIS00"22.4138 Phoenix. AZ886-533.6224 Lubbock, TX600.76"224 Richmond, VA000.7194224 hlomphls, TN OW20"224 Romo, NY SMSS9$224 Oklahoma City, OK600.697-6224 Ball Loko City, UT 800-874.2404 Omaha, NE800.458.8224 Son Antonio, TX800.69"224 TYPICAL. DETAILS Rake I'RX562" 1&Xfit" FASTENER #4 TAPE SEALER TAPE SEALER 12" O,C. ///--- PBR or PBU / PANEL I RAKE ANGLE PURLIN FASTENER #4 12" O.C. OUTSIDE CLOSURE BEGINNING ON MODULE FASTENER #4 8" O.C. FIELD BEND 1" LEG FINISHING OFF MODULE stme CA K&A C" NOTES; Beginning on Module ��jdD D B U C A@�110 soft b� 1. Install 1h" x W tape sealer to top of PBR or PBU panel rlb. ��� , ;, � � 2. Install rake trim to PBR or PBU panel rib with Fastener #4 (WL14 X 7N" Long Life Lap Teks) at 1'-t)" �0 r 1 le " • • • • • o . ,% s, 3. Attach front face of rake trim to wall with fasteners or cleat as required for wall substrate.- •` C, N °•° d 4. Trim laps should overlap approximately 3" with a bead of urethane sealant in between. Install a sstl�tbt'eni a?r4unt of `SF Fastener #14 pop rivets to hold lap together. ; ICI o , 4 4 92 3 0 Finishing off Module ,& 1. Cut and field bend a 1" leg on PBR or PBU Panel. 2. install W x W' tape sealer to top of PBR or PBU panel. w'� STATE OF f'C 3. Install rake trim to PBR or PBU panel with Fastener 04 (%a"-14 X gib" Long Life Lap Teks) at 6" on 4. Attach front face of rake trim to wall with fasteners or cleat as required for wall substrate. TV •.4 00 or 5. Trim laps should overlap approximately 3" with a bead of urethane sealant In between. Install a suf>'�i f• �e rivets to hold lap together. ��e 16, ,',,��� 28 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE sEE www.mboi.COm FOR CURRENT INFORMATION EFFECTIVE J NUA 010 DEC 0 9 2011 Houston, TX 877-713-0224 Adal, OA 868.44"224 Atlanta, OA 677.512-6224 Atwalcr, CA 660.829.9J24 Dallas. TX 800453-6224 Indlanspolls, IN 860-7354224 Jackson, his 80"224130 Pho4nIx,AZ888-533-6224 Lubbock, 7X800.76"224 Rlchmond,YA600.7294i224 Memphis, TN800.206-8224 Ron*,NY600.650-6224 Oklahoma City, OX 800.697.8224 Sall lake CITY, UT M874.2404 Omaha, NE800-46"224 San Antonio, TX$W$98-6224 TYPICAL DETAILS Parapet High Side Eave PARAPET HIGH SIDE EAVE FLASHING FASTENER #4 @EACH MAJOR RIB OUTSIDE CLOSURE —� PBR or PBU PANEL WALL PANEL - :FASTENER #3 FASTENER #4 @EACH MAJOR RIB FASTENER #3 6 EACH PER PANEL _ PBR or PBU PANEL PARAPET HIGH SIDE EAVE FLASHING 1 Metal )Roof and Wall Systems WALL PANEL GIRT — INSIDE CLOSURE 1Nn X Wn TAPE SEALER FASTENER #3 6 EACH PER PANEL PURLIN I&XW TAPE SEALER / Sta;o C1 Fla tk O.O.A. # RNM OUTSIDE CLOSURE PURLIN gt.�vCe(�i'�j 4 wr,..i0000°o° ! O b No.44J23 NOTES: 1. Install outside closure, with W' xW' tape sealer top and bottom, across width of PBR or PBU panele:0 : STATE C)r 2. Install parapet high side trim to PBR or PBU panels at each major rib with Fastener #4 (1/4"-14 X %O, I`1 Llfe Lap Teks), Trim should overhang outside closures IN' -1". `dmVV,t1 °;�� �" " ✓� 3. Attach top leg of parapet high side trim to wall with fasteners as required for wall substrate. mo ° • Vol 1. 4. Trim laps should overlap approximately 3" with a bead of urethane sealant In between, Install a sufiicieAr. s 4 Fastener #4 (1/V-14 MA" Long Life Lap Tek) to hold lap together, SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE SEEWWw.mbef.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION EFFECTIVEJANUARY25,201 � 27 0 9 2011 • • Nouslon,TX077.713-6224 Jackson,A1S800-B22-if28 Phoenix, AZ60-53J3224 Adel, GA 888-44s5224 Lubbock, TX 600.758.0224 Rlahmond,VAWQ-7295224 Man%QA077-$12-6224 ktemphls,TN000.200-0224 Rome, NY800.559.0224 ® A1Wator,CA800429.9324 OklahomaCity, OK800.697.6224 SallMe, City. UT600.874.2404 Nfetnl Roof and Y�all Syste»!s Dallas, TX800-SW224 Omaha, NE80C45"224 San Anlonlo,TX600598.8224 Indlan3polls, IN 800.7JS8224 TYPICAL DETAILS Parapet Rake PARAPE FASTENER #4 12,10.0. A" X W TAPE SE PBR or P1 PANEL FASTENER WA @ EACH PURLIN PURLIN SIDE CLOSURE FASTENER #14 POP RIVET (2 PER TRIM PIECE) FASTENER #3 =1ELD BEND I" LEG NOTES: W3 4, of ftwa Beginning on Module Q0.4 1, Install IN' x -Ym" tape sealer to top of PBR or PBU panel rib. #> 2. Install parapet rake trim to PBR or PBU panel rib with Fastener #4 (IWA4 X 7W Long Life Lap Teks) at T-0"f"rftbduDya� 3. Attach top leg of parapet rake trim to 2" X 4" angle with Fastener #14 pop rivet. Elevate horizontal leg gI',pri, rf hna' bit slightly, to provide for positive drainage of water. ti ° v, 4. Trim laps should overlap approximately 3" with a bead of urethane sealant In between. Install a su0Ht9t�t arTI Ftf N Fastener #4 ('/4"-14 X 7NI Long Life Lap Tek) to hold lap together. Finishing off Module ; N0,44923 a 1. Out and bend a 1" leg on PBR or PBU Panel. 2. Install IN, x W1 tape sealer to top of PBR or PBU panel. ° r 3. Install parapet rake trim to PBR or PBU panel with Fastener #4 (%4"•14 X 7N" Long Life Lap Teks)lt an cen§T/ATEOF 4, Attach top leg of parapet rake trim to 2".X 4" angle with pop rivets, Elevate horizontal leg of paraplk 6 31lttly, to Q, ° provide for positive drainage Qfwater °o • •. O ° 6. Trim laps should overlap approximately 3" with a bead of urethane sealant in between. Install a sufill ®ti • • aid Fastener #4 (f/4"-14 X 7N' Long Life Lap Tek) to hold lap together. s°os. AI. �� 28 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE SEE wwvv.mbcl.COm FOR CURRENT INFORMATION EFFECTIV JA F1A�t 0 D 9 2011 Houston, TX 877.71U224 Adel, OAOW44"224 AOants, oA877-612-6224 AtMtef, CA8W$20.9324 Dallas, TX SOM53-6224 Indianapolis, IN 800.73"224 Jackson, MS300-622.4136 Phoenlz,AZ898.5336224 Lubbock, TX 80476"224 Richmond, VA WO.729-6224 ldemphls, 7N$00-200-6224 Rome, W 800.55W24 Oklahoma City, OK EOM97.6224 Sall Lake Clly, UT 900-874.2404 omehs, NE W0.458b224 San Antonlo, TX 800-59"224 INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Metal Roof and Wall Systems I.. Pre -Order A. Prior to ordering panels, all dimensions should be confirmed by field measurement, IL Job Site Storage and Handling A. Check the shipment against the shipping list. B. Damaged material must be noted on bill of lading. C. Panels should be handled carefully. A spreader bar of appropriate length is recommended for hoisting. D. Check to see that moisture has not formed inside the bundles during shipment, If moisture is present, panels should be wiped dry, then restacked and loosely covered so that air can circulate between the panels. III, Application Checklist A. Check substructure for proper alignment and uniformity to avoid panel distortion. B. Periodic check of panel alignment is crucial to proper panel Installation. C. For proper appearance, ribs should line up at hips, valleys and ridges. D. Panels should be cut on ground to minimize cut filings on roof. Keep panels clean during installation. Do not allow panels to come Into contact with water runoff from lead, copper or graphite. Ww Of F44ed& ODA. 0 �4�6�F®oab>tam � 01 Val A�zo a "1 No.44923 0 `N as w m e �'. STATE F O SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2