HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendum Geotechnical Explorationi Florida's Leading Engineering Source Environmental • Geotechnical - Construction Materials Testing • Threshold and Special Inspections - Plan Review & Code Compliance May 22, 2014 PGA of America Attention: Mr. Eduardo Paris 8555 Commerce Centre Drive Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 Subject: Geotechnical Exploration - Addendum #1 Proposed PGA Clubhouse Additions PGA Clubhouse - Vicinity SE of Perfect Dr. & Reserve Blvd. Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie County, Florida GFA Project No. 12-1287.01 Dear Mr. Paris: GFA is pleased to submit this addendum to AM Engineering geotechnical report No. PSL2536-1 dated June 23, 2011, for the referenced project. The testing, borings, and other services performed for this project were under the supervision of the author of this report Donald W. Moler, P.E. while employed at A.M. Engineering (now GFA International). GFA was contacted to provide adjustments to the report. The fist paragraph of the report states "This report was prepared in general accordance with Chapter 18 of the 2007 Florida Building Code." This sentence should have said "This report was prepared in accordance with Chapter 18 of the. Florida Building Code (latest addition)." . The remaining recommendations from the original report (site preparation, etc.) are valid and remain unchanged and should be followed. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project and look forward to a continued association. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments, or if we may further assist you as your plans proceed. INC. o maid W'. r, I�. Ug pr G@otecl i gineer Fft�xJ � i fi t� o 60675 !,,���Fg S ,0� ��. Copies: "1161ent (2) EMAYz r RD D 521 NW Enterprise Drive - Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 - (772) 924.3575 • (772) 924.3580 (fax) • www.teamgfa.com OFFICES THROUGHOUT FLORIDA A. M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. 590 NW MERCANTILE PLACE PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORiDA 34986 (772) 924-3575 OFFICE - (772) 924-3580 FAx June 23, 2011 PGA of America. Attention: Eduardo Paris 8555 Commerce Centre Drive Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 Re: Geotechnical Exploration: Proposed PGA Clubhouse Additions PGA Clubhouse - Vicinity SE of Perfect Dr. & Reserve Blvd. Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie County, Florida Project No. PSL2536-1 Ladies and Gentlemen: A. M. Engineering and Testing, Inc. is pleased to submit this geotechnical exploration report for the referenced project. This letter describes the project, explains our services and findings, and presents our conclusions and recommendations for the foundation of the proposed additions. This report was prepared in general accordance with Chapter 18 of the 2007 lorida Building Code. -� EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The subsurface soil conditions encountered at the site are suitable for the proposed construction. The top 2 feet of soil below stripped surface and below all footings should be densified and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D1557). Some areas of the site have shallow silty and clayey soils that may not be compactable. These soils may have to be removed from beneath the footings (undercut) and replaced with clean sand fill to obtain compaction. All fill (including stemwall backfill) should be densified and compacted to at least 95 percent density. We recommend a "jumping jack" type compactor for footing bottom compaction. The foundation pad should consist of compacted lifts of suitable soil. The soil density should be tested before placing steel for the footings. The proposed addition can be supported on shallow foundations proportioned using a maximum bearing capacity of 2,500 psf. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Based on a site plan (reproduced as the Boring Location Plan attached to this report) and conversations with the client, the project consists of constructing a one and two-story attached addition with a footprint on the order of 15,000 square feet (sf) at the northeast side of the A. M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. Geotechnical Exploration: Proposed PGA Clubhouse Additions Port St. Lucie, Florida Project No. PSL2536-1 clubhouse building, a one-story attached addition with a footprint on the order of 2,000 sf at the central north side of the existing clubhouse building, and a detached addition with a footprint on the order of 5,000 sf near the east side of the existing clubhouse building. Shallow foundation systems are planned. We have not received any information regarding structural loads. For the foundation recommendations presented in this report we assumed the maximum column load will be 150 kips and the maximum wall loading will be 5 kips per linear foot. We estimate the majority of the locations of the additions are at or near final grade, but in some areas up to 1 foot of fill will be required to achieve final grade. If any of the above information is incorrect, A. M. Engineering should be advised promptly so that we can review our recommendations and revise them if necessary. FIELD EXPLORATIONS The subsurface conditions at the project site were explored on June 21, 2011 with nine (9) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings. The upper 4 feet of the SPT borings were drilled with a hand auger in order to avoid damaging utilities. The SPT borings were performed in general compliance with ASTM D 1586, "Penetration Test and Split -Barrel Sampling of Soils" and the auger borings in general compliance with ASTM D 1452, "Practice for Soil Investigation and Sampling by Auger Borings". Hand Cone Penetrometer (HCP) tests were conducted at one -foot intervals in the auger borings. The HCP test, in conjunction with information about the soil type, is empirically correlated to the relative density of subsurface soils. The approximate locations of the borings are noted on the Boring Location Plan. The borings were located based on the provided plans and measured distances to distinguishable landmarks. GPS coordinates obtained at boring locations are included on the logs. The depths on the boring logs are below the ground surface at the time the borings were completed. FINDINGS The project site was generally flat. The site was grassy with palm trees and miscellaneous landscaping. A one-story clubhouse building occupied the site, with several ancillary buildings and the golf course surrounding the clubhouse. The subsurface soils encountered in the borings generally consisted of fine sand with occasional silty and clayey sand layers to the boring termination depths of 15 and 20 feet. The HCP values and SPT N-values (blow counts) generally indicated that the soils were medium dense from the ground surface to a depth of 10 feet, and then loose to the boring termination depths of 15 and 20 feet. K A. M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. Geotechnical Exploration: Proposed PGA Clubhouse Additions Port St. Lucie, Florida Project No. PSL2536-1 Ground water was encountered 23/4 to 5 feet below existing grade at the completion of the borings. The water table will fluctuate seasonally depending on local rainfall and nearby drainage features. The rainy season in South Florida is normally between May and October. FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS After the project site has been prepared as outlined below, the proposed additions can be supported on conventional stem wall footings, shallow spread footing, thickened -edge monolithic slabs. The footings can be proportioned using a maximum net soil bearing pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot (psf). Although computed footing dimensions may be less, we recommend minimum widths of 16 inches for strip footings and 24 inches for square footings. The bottom of the footings should bear at least 1 foot below the adjacent exterior grade. Conventional slab -on -grade can be used for the ground floors of the structures. The floor slabs should have a minimum thickness of 4 inches. A moisture barrier is recommended beneath the floor slabs to reduce moisture migration from the underlying soil resulting in dampness of the slabs. For the loads indicated in the Project Information section, we anticipate that the total settlement will be less than 1 inch, and the differential settlement between adjacent similarly loaded footings will be less than '/z inch. Because of the granular nature of the subsurface soils, the majority of the settlement due to the dead loads should occur during construction and post -construction settlement should be minimal. Please be aware that differential settlement between existing and new structures is to be expected. A construction joint between the existing and new structures should be considered. SITE PREPARATION RECOMMENDATIONS Stripping and Surface Compaction Foundations and any below grade remains of any structures that were previously within the footprint of the proposed construction should be removed. Existing utilities should be located, properly capped at the property line and removed or rerouted around the footprint of the proposed construction. Trees within the footprint of the proposed construction will have to be removed and the tree holes should be backfilled with thin lifts of compacted soil. The footprints of the addition areas should be stripped of all surface vegetation, trees, roots, and other deleterious matter within and at least 5 feet beyond the perimeter of the proposed additions. The areas should be proofrolled and compacted with a 5 to 10-ton vibratory (or static if vibration is of concern) roller operating at a "slow walk" speed. Proofrolling helps to detect any soft or loose zones and buried debris. If unstable areas are encountered, the project engineer or the .3 A. M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC.. Geotechnical Exploration: Proposed PGA Clubhouse Additions Port St. Lucie, Florida Project No. PSL2536-1 geotechnical consultant should be advised, the matter investigated and the problem resolved. Because the initial proof -rolling is very critical, we recommend that a representative of A. M. Engineering and Testing, Inc. monitor the operation. 4 The areas should be compacted until the upper 2 feet of soil achieve a density of at least 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557). A representative of A. M. Engineering and Testing, Inc. should check the compaction with field density tests prior to placing any fill. If the addition will be attached to an existing structure, using vibratory rolling compaction equipment at this site may damage the existing and nearby structures (generally within 40 feet). We recommend using a `jumping jack' type compactor for compaction of the subgrade after static roller proofrolling, or alternative equipment such as front-end loaders with buckets filled with soil, has been used successfully to attain the required compaction. If unstable areas are encountered during stripped surface compaction, the project engineer or the geotechnical consultant should be advised, the matter investigated and the problem resolved. If the addition will be detached, a vibratory roller may be used for stripped surface and fill compaction if existing structure(s) are of sufficient distance (generally 40 feet) away from the vibratory roller so that the structure(s) are not damaged by vibrations. If not, the proofrolling should be performed with a static roller. Prior to beginning compaction operations, photographs of nearby structures can be taken to document the condition and visible cracking for claim purposes. Alternative equipment, such as front-end loaders with buckets filled with soil, has been used successfully to attain the required compaction without the problem of vibration. Earthwork Recommendations Fill should be "clean" sand with less than 5 percent fines (percent of dry weight passing a U.S. No. 200 sieve). Higher fine contents can be used but more construction control is necessary. Backfill behind walls should be very pervious, with no more than 3 percent fines. Hand operated equipment should be used when in close proximity to walls or other structures that could be adversely affected by vibrations or heavy equipment. Where fill is to be placed on the existing ground, the surface must be prepared as indicated in the previous section. The outer edges of the fill should extend sufficiently beyond the building to provide slopes with a minimum horizontal to vertical ratio of 4(H): I (V) from approximately five feet outside the building perimeter to the existing grade. 4 A. M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. Geotechnical Exploration: Proposed PGA Clubhouse Additions Port St. Lucie, Florida Project No. PSL2536-1 The fill (and all stemwall backfill) should be placed in 12-inch thick compacted lifts with each lift compacted to at least 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557). The compaction should be checked with field density tests. Fill that is placed in confined areas such as utility trenches or holes should be compacted in 6 to 8 inch thick lifts to at least 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557). Footing Subgrade Preparation After the footings have been excavated, a representative of A. M. Engineering and Testing, Inc. should evaluate the bottom of the footings with respect to the boring data and assess if a suitable bearing layer is present. The upper 2 feet of soil below the bottom of footing must be compacted. Our representative should perform density tests to confirm that the density of the upper 2 feet of soil in the bottom of the footings is compacted to at least 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557). We recommend a "jumping jack" type compactor for footing bottom compaction. If the soils cannot be compacted due to persistent wetness or the water table near the bottom of the footing excavation, or due to subgrade `pumping' due to silty and clayey soils, we recommend undercutting below bottom of footing and replacement with No. 57 stone, or rock/sand fill for subgrade that cannot be compacted per specifications (upper 2 feet). The rock/sand fill should be compacted and tamped into the excavation. Excavation and placement must be inspected and verified by a representative of A. M. Engineering and Testing, Inc., and tested with hand cone penetrometers, probe rods, or density tests. CLOSURE This report is for the exclusive use of our client in the design and construction of the previously described project. The right to rely on this report may not be assigned without written permission of A. M. Engineering and Testing, Inc. 5 A. M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING,, INC. Geotechi ieal Exploration: Proposed PGA Clubhouse.Additions ucie, Florida :.:.. Port St L ....: Project No. PSL25 36-1 This : reporthas been prepare in accor ance wit genera y : accepte geotec engineering ica en meerin practices in the State_ :of Florida. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. We do : not::: guarantee performance in any: respect, only that our work meets normal - standards of profe§sional care.. Our-:recorrimendatioris are: based on ,the: project: information furnished to us,. the results of .. , our: field explorations:: and our past experience. They: do not reflect variations: in subsurface., conditions that may exist -between; our borings: and in unexplored: areas of the site. The nature and extent of such :variations-: rnEfy' not become evident until further:: explorations are: made or construction is underway. Should such : variations be observed, we recommend that A. M. . ....... . . ........ . Engineering and Testing; Inc. be requested to observe the actual site. conditions and re-evaluate our recommendations. Environmental concerns,:including (but not limited to) the possibility. that hazardous materials or petroleum contaminated soils .or groundwater may be :present 'on the ro' eci site, were :not included in the: sco e of work. P J p : ...... :. A. M: Engineering and Testing'Inc. has appreciated�the opportunity to assist you with this phase of :your project. If you: have any questions_ regarding this report. or need any :further information,', please call us; Respectfully submitted, ; A. M. ENGINEER NG AND :TESTING, INC. 40nalW:.'1Vloler, P.E. ", :David Alker .. Senior Geotechnical Engineer Project Manager Florida Registration;Nio.:,60h75 A: 'M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC.: Certificate of Authorization No. 6632 Attachments: Boring Location Plan SPT Boring Logs (9) Key to Soil Classification Copies: Client (2) F.•1AMDat&PGA ofAmerica - Various PSL2JMPGA Clubhouse Addition, PSLII - Report.doc 6. PGA VILLAGE Po ba A.; I- kr�l ro 09 6": rg .Oj 0 a C Q " 1. � 1. 1, -p- w, .-, --?n Q r 07 gm- 1-8 HL r -q 0 �AND a 0 OVERALL FLOOR PLA\ A. ,,.,� ENGINEERING AND TEST], INC. 590 N.W. MERCANTILE PLACE, PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 34986 PHONE: (772) 924-3575 - FAx: (772) 924-3580 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING (ASTM D-1586) Client: PGA of America Project No.: PSL2526 Lab No.: 1 Project: PGA Clubhouse Additions, Vicinity SE of Perfect Dr. & Reserve Blvd. Page: 1 of 1 Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie County, Florida Date: Jun. 21,11 Elevation: Existing Grade Drill Rig: Simco-24 Water Level: 4 feet after 0 hours Drilling Fluid commenced at depth of 6 feet Field Party: C.J. / J.C. Hand Auger with Hand Cone Pentrometer Test (HCP in ksf) performed in top 4 feet TEST LOCATION: SPT -1 Laboratory Tests Depth Blows/ N Sample Layer: USCS Description Passing Moisture Organic (feet) 6 in. Value No. From/to No. 200 Content Content 0 0-2 Dark brown fine sand, trace silt MHC-P-- 80+ 80+ --- -am =111le ME 2 - 4'/2 Brown fine sand 3 'HCPm 313,11 W80+, .8%0' 24 7 5 8 4'/z - 6 Dark brown fine sand 6 .....13................. 6 - 6%z Dark brown fine sand, some silt and clay 6 _-- 9 .. ................ 6/z - 7/z Very dark brown fine sand little silt 17 26 4 _-- 8 22 .... 7% - 16'h Brown fine sand --_ 9 9 10 .......................... 9 19 5 ...Same --- Io ..10.. 11 ........ ....... Drilled firm 10 to 13 feet 12 ........................... 13 ......... ....... --- 14 .......................... 1 --- 15 ......2 3..... 6 ... Same Drilled very loose 15 to 18%2 feet 16'/z - 20 Dark brown fine sand 18 .......................... 1 3 1 5 1 7 Boring Terminated at 20 feet A. ENGINEERING AND TESTil, INC. 590 N.W. MERCANTILE PLACE, PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 34986 PHONE: (772) 924-3575 - FAx: (772) 924-3580 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING (ASTM D-1586) Client: PGA of America Project No.: PSL2526 Lab No.: 1 Project: PGA Clubhouse Additions, Vicinity SE of Perfect Dr. & Reserve Blvd. Page: 1 of 1 Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie County, Florida Date: Jun. 21,11 Elevation: Existing Grade Drill Rig: Simco-24 Water Level: 3'/a feet after 0 hours Drilling Fluid commenced at depth of 6 feet Field Party: C.J. / J.C. Hand Auger with Hand Cone Pentrometer Test (HCP in ksf) performed in top 4 feet TEST LOCATION: SPT - 2 N27.309300 W80.428970 Laboratory Tests Depth Blows/ N Sample Layer: USCS Description Passing Moisture Organic (feet) 6 in. Value No. From/to No. 200 Content Content 0 0 - 2'/Z Dark brown fine sand, trace silt, trace limestone 1$CPr --- 2 ;HCP= .......... 8U+ -8U+ .......... 1 N3 MEF8-00, 2'/Z - 3 Very dark fine sand, trace silt 3 - 6% Dark brown fine sand, trace shell fragments MAP 2 11 5 13 ........................... --- 10 23 3 ... Same 6 ....1 0................. 18 24 6'/z - 8'/z Brown fine sand --- 36 60 4 8 30 ................ ... 13 9 .......7 ....... . ........... 8'/Z - 9'/z Light brown fine sand _-- 10 17 5 10 .....9••••• ............• 9'/z - 12'/2 Gray fine sand, some silt and clay 11 ......... ....... Drilled firm 10 to 13 feet 12 ......... ....... 12'h - 16 Gray fine sand, little silt and clay --- 14 ......3.................. 3 --- IS ......3 6..... 6 16 ......... ....... 16- 19 /2 Brown fine sand 17 ......... ....... __ Drilled very loose 15 to 18'/z feet 18 ......... ....... --- 19 ............... 1 ....... ... 2 6 8 7 19'/2 - 20 Dark brown fine sand Boring Terminated at 20 feet A. ENGINEERING AND TEST-,,-. 3, INC. 590 N.W. MERCANTILE PLACE, PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 34986 PHONE: (772) 924-3575 - FAX: (772) 924-3580 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING (ASTM D-1586) Client: PGA of America Project No.: PSL2526 Lab No.: 1 Project: PGA Clubhouse Additions, Vicinity SE of Perfect Dr. & Reserve Blvd. Page: 1 of 1 Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie County, Florida Date: Jun. 21, 11 Elevation: Existing Grade Drill Rig: Simco-24 Water Level: 2% feet after 0 hours Drilling Fluid commenced at depth of 6 feet Field Party: C.J. / J.C. Hand Auger with Hand Cone Pentrometer Test (HCP in ksf) performed in top 4 feet TEST LOCATION: SPT - 3 Laboratory Tests Depth Blows/ N Sample Layer: USCS Description Passing Moisture Organic (feet) 6 in. Value No. From/to No. 200 Content Content --- 0MHC-P-- 0-3 Brown fine sand HE 702 7U HC•P,= ........... 5U 3 ...........- ............ 2 3 - 5'h Dark brown fine sand, trace silt 4 -- - 80�+ 3 --- 5 .... .. 3 ................. 6 9 9 3 6 6 5'/z - 7 Gray fine sand, some silt and clay 5 --- 7 6 7 - 8'/2 Brown fine sand 12 18 4 8 .........14 ................. 6 9 8'/2 - 11 Dark brown fine sand 9 14 23 5 _-- 10 ........................... 11 - 13'/2 Gray fine sand, some silt and clay 12 ......... ........ Drilled firm 10 to 13 feet 4 14 .....3 13'/2 - 15 Gray fine sand, little silt and clay 3 6 6 IS.....4 ................... Terminated boringat 15 feet 16 ......... ........ 17 ........................... 18 ......... ........ 19 ......... ........ A. !�__ ENGINEERING AND TEST], -,, INC. 590 N.W. MERCANTILE PLACE, PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 34986 PHONE: (772) 924-3575 - FAX: (772) 924-3580 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING (ASTM D-1586) Client: PGA of America Project No.: PSL2526 Lab No.: 1 Project: PGA Clubhouse Additions, Vicinity SE of Perfect Dr. & Reserve Blvd. Page: 1 of 1 Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie County, Florida Date: Jun. 21,11 Elevation: Existing Grade Drill Rig: Simco-24 Water Level: 5 feet after 0 hours Drilling Fluid commenced at depth of 6 feet Field Party: C.J. / J.C. Hand Auger with Hand Cone Pentrometer Test (HCP in ksf) performed in top 4 feet TEST LOCATION: SPT - 4 Laboratory Tests Depth Blows/ N Sample Layer: USCS Description Passing Moisture Organic (feet) 6 in. Value No. From/to No. 200 Content Content 0-2 Dark brown fine sand fflH@P-- ffiffi --- ' I©+ 1 2 --- ...............- ...........11' 2-3 Light brown fine sand 3 HCP-Fi ....... ............ . F80,4- 2 3-6 Brown fine sand 4 lmov 7 --- 5 9 .......................... _-- 10 19 3 ...Same 6 .....1................... 6 - 6'/z Dark brown fine sand, some silt and clay 7 _-- 7 10 6'/z - 8 Very dark brown fine sand, little silt --- 13 23 4 8 .....16................. 8-9 Dark brown fine sand, some silt and clay _-- 5 9 ......5................... i 9 - 12/z Brown fine sand --- 7 12 5 IO ...9... 11 Drilled firm to 12'/2 feet 12 ........ ....... 12'/z - 14 Gray fine sand, little silt and clay --- 14 ........................ 14 - 18 Dark brown fine sand 2 --- 15 ......3..........5..... 6 16 ........ ....... _- Drilled very loose 15 to 18'/z feet 17 ......... ....... 18 ........................... 18 - 20 Brwon fine sand with some silt --- 19 ......1................... 0 3 3 7 Boring Terminated at 20 feet A.'," z s� ENGINEERING AND TEST'S .^ , INC. 590 N.W. MERCANTILE PLACE, PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 34986 PHONE: (772) 924-3575 - FAx: (772) 924-3580 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING (ASTM D-1586) Client: PGA of America Project No.: PSL2526 Lab No.: 1 Project: PGA Clubhouse Additions, Vicinity SE of Perfect Dr. & Reserve Blvd. Page: 1 of 1 Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie County, Florida Date: Jun. 21, 11 Elevation: Asphalt Drill Rig: Simco-24 Water Level: not encountered within 6 feet Drilling Fluid commenced at depth of 6 feet Field Party: C.J. / J.C. Hand Auger with Hand Cone Pentrometer Test (HCP in ksf) performed in top 4 feet TEST LOCATION: SPT - 5 Laboratory Tests Depth Blows/ N Sample Layer: USCS Description Passing Moisture Organic (feet) 6 in. Value No. From/to No. 200 Content Content 0 0 - '/4 Asphalt �HCI; 80+ '/4 - 3/4 Light brown fine sand, some limestone pieces 3/4 - 5 Brown fine sand LIN1 2 .-...... --- HCh Rom 80+ 3 --- .......:... 1= `........... 2 .. Same 4 IIC M, 4 5 5-6 Very dark brown organically stained fine sand, 6 11 3 6 10 ............. some silt 6-8 Dark brown fine sand --- 7 7 12 .......................... 13 25 4 g.12 .............. ........ ... 8 - 12'/2 Gray fine sand, some silt and clay 4 --- 9 5 ....................... 4 9 5 --- 10 ........... Drilled firm 10 to 13 feet 12 ......... ........ 13 ......... 12'/z - 15 Dark gray fine sand, little silt and clay --- 14 ............. .. 1 . ........ ... 1 , 15 ..... ............... 6 Terminated borings at 15 feet 16 ........................... 17 ........................... 18 ......... ........ J 19 ......... ........ ENGINEERING AND TESI:�:�G, INC. 590 N.W. MERCANTILE PLACE, PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 34986 PHONE: (772) 924-3575 - FAx: (772) 924-3580 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING (ASTM D-1586) Client: PGA of America Project No.; PSL2526 Lab No.: 1 Project: PGA Clubhouse Additions, Vicinity SE of Perfect Dr. & Reserve Blvd. Page: 1 of 1 Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie County, Florida Date: Jun. 21,11 Elevation: Existing Grade Drill Rig: Simco-24 Water Level: 3% feet after 0 hours Drilling Fluid commenced at depth of 6 feet Field Party: C.J. / J.C. Hand Auger with Hand Cone Pentrometer Test (HCP in ksf) performed in top 4 feet TEST LOCATION: SPT - 6 Laboratory Tests Depth Blows/ N Sample Layer: USCS Description Passing Moisture Organic (feet) 6 in. Value No. From/to No. 200 Content Content 0 0 - 2'Y2 Dark brown fine sand, trace silt 1 iHCP .............. 80+ --- HCF 1 2 .:._...... HCP�P8-0+ 2'/2 4'Y2 Brown fine fragments 3 .........3............. - sand, trace shell --- HCP- X 2 4 2 5 6 4'Y2 - 6'Y2 Gray fine sand, some silt and clay 14 3 6 8 ................ ........ ... 6 7 16 6/2 - 7h Gray fine sand, little limestone pieces, trace 30 46 4 silt and clay _-- 8 20 7'/2 - 8 Very light brown fine sand 8 - 14 Gray fine sand, some silt and clay 5 _-- 9 5.................... L 0 5 0 ...6... ........ 11 ......... ........ Drilled firm 10 to 13 feet 12 ......... ........ 13 ......... ........ 14 .......... ... 2 1s 2 ... 4 6 14 - 15 Dark gray fine sand, little silt and clay Terminated boring at 15 feet 16 ......... ........ 17 ......... ........ 18 ........................... 19 ......... ENGINEERING AND TES1�.._.G, INC. 590 N.W. MERCANTILE PLACE, PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 34986 PHONE: (772) 924-3575 - FAX: (772) 924-3580 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING (ASTM D-1586) Client: PGA of America Project No.: PSL2526 Lab No.: 1 Project: PGA Clubhouse Additions, Vicinity SE of Perfect Dr. & Reserve Blvd. Page: 1 of 1 Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie County, Florida Date: Jun. 21, 11 Elevation: Existing Grade Drill Rig: Simco-24 Water Level: not encountered within 6 feet Drilling Fluid commenced at depth of 6 feet Field Party: C.J. / J.C. Hand Auger with Hand Cone Pentrometer Test (HCP in ksf) performed in top 4 feet TEST LOCATION: SPT - 7 Laboratory Tests Depth Blows/ N Sample Layer: USCS Description Passing Moisture Organic (feet) 6 in. Value No. From/to No. 200 Content Content 0 No— 0 - 3'h Brown fine sand, trace shell fragments --- �HCP�R80. 80+ 1 4 HCP, — ;6 3'/2 - 5 Gray fine sand, some silt and clay 4 --- 5 .......... ................ 5 - 5%2 Very dark brown fine sand, trace silt 7 15 4 _-- 6 ...... ................. 5%2 - 6 Very light gray fine sand, trace limestone, trace 6 - 7'/2 Brown fine sand 7 7 10 .. ...................... _-- 6 16 5 8 3 7'/2 - 8'/2 Dark brown fine sand, some silt and clay 3 9 4 8'/2 - 9 Grayish brown fine sand, some silt and clay 9 - 11 Gray fine sand, some silt and clay _-- 4 8 6 10 ........................... II _- .......................... 11 - 15 Gray fine sand, some silt and clay 12 ......... ........ Drilled loose 10 to 13'h feet --- 14.. ................ ........ ... 2 --- 15 ...3... ..... 5.. ... 6 Terminated boring at 15 feet __ 16 ......... ........ 17 ........................... 18 ......... ........ ENGINEERING AND TES1--- . G, INC. 590 N.W. MERCANTILE PLACE, PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 34986 PHONE: (772) 924-3575 - FAX: (772) 924-3580 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING (ASTM D-1586) Client: PGA of America Project No.; PSL2526 Lab No.: 1 Project: PGA Clubhouse Additions, Vicinity SE of Perfect Dr. & Reserve Blvd. Page: 1 of 1 Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie County, Florida Date: Jun. 21, 11 Elevation: Existing Grade Drill Rig: Simco-24 Water Level: not encountered within 6 feet Drilling Fluid commenced at depth of 6 feet Field Party: C.J. / J.C. Hand Auger with Hand Cone Pentrometer Test (HCP in ksf) performed in top 4 feet TEST LOCATION: SPT - 8 Laboratory Tests Depth Blows/ N Sample Layer: USCS Description Passing Moisture Organic (feet) 6 in. Value No. From/to No. 200 Content Content 0 0 - 2'/2 Dark brown fine sand, some silt and clay, trace 1 L°!ICPi MOWN. shell fragments �KGNP.— 2 ........... . 80� ffi'mm NX! 2'/z - 4'/2Brown fine sand, trace shell fragments 2 4 HCP�--- $Q+ 7 5 12 ...... ............ 4'/2 - 6'/z Very light brown fine sand _-- 14 26 3 6 ....16 ........... ... 12 13 6'/2 - 8 Brown fine sand, trace roots _-- 15 28 4 8 ......7.................. 8-14 Gray fine sand, some silt and clay _-- 2 9 4 _-- 7 11 5 10........ ... ........ 11 ........................... Drilled firm 10 to 13'/2 feet 12 ......... ........ 13 ......... ........ --- 14 ...3.. ........ 14 - 14/2 Very dark brown fine sand, trace silt 3 _-- 15 ..... 3 6 6 14'/2 - 15 Gray fine sand, trace silt and clay Terminated boring at 15 feet 16 ......... ........ 17 ......... ........ 18 ......................... Li ......................... A. I ,%'ENGINEERING AND TESTI.ti- , INC. 590 N.W. MERCANTILE PLACE, PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 34986 PHONE: (772) 924-3575 - FAX: (772) 924-3580 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING (ASTM D-1586) Client: PGA of America Project No.; PSL2526 Lab No.: 1 Project: PGA Clubhouse Additions, Vicinity SE of Perfect Dr. & Reserve Blvd. Page: 1 of 1 Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie County, Florida Date: Jun. 21,11 Elevation: Existing Grade Drill Rig: Simco-24 Water Level: not encountered within 6 feet Drilling Fluid commenced at depth of 6 feet Field Party: C.J. / J.C. Hand Auger with Hand Cone Pentrometer Test (HCP in ksf) performed in top 4 feet TEST LOCATION: SPT - 9 . Laboratory Tests Depth Blows/ N Sample Layer: USCS Description Passing Moisture Organic (feet) 6 in. Value No. From/to No. 200 Content Content 0!Hq@P-- 0-2 Very dark brown fine sand, trace silt --- 2 80+ 1 2 - 3'/z Brown fine sand, trace shell fragments 3 HCP�980% 3%Z - 4 Dark brown fine sand, some silt and clay 4 HCP, 80+:. 7 4-5 Light gray fine sand, trace roots --- 5. ..19 .. ..................... 5-6 Brown fine sand with some seam 28 47 3 27................. 6-8 Very dark brown organically stained fine sand, 7 11 heavly cemented 8 19 4 8 8 Brown fine sand 8 - 11 Gray fine sand, some silt and clay 2 --- 9 4 .......................... 5 9 5 -- IO ...5.. 11 - 14/2 Gray fine sand, trace silt and clay 12 ........................... Drilled loose 10 to 13%2 feet 13 ........................... --- 14 ........................ 1 3 6 14% - 20 Very dark brown fine sand, some silt 15 ••••••2 16 ........ ....... Drilled very loose 15 to 18'/z feet 18 .......................... -- 19 1 ................ ....... ... 11 2 1 7 1 1 ...Same Boring Terminated at 20 feet KEY TO SOIL CLASSIFICATION CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL CONSTITUENTS BY PARTICLE SIZE ASTM D 2487 and 2488 Category Particle Diameter Silt and Clay Soil passing a No. 200 (75- m) sieve Fine — Particles of rock passing the No. 40 (425-µm) sieve and retained on the No. 200 (75-µm) sieve Sand Medium — Particles of rock passing the No. 10 (2.00-mm) sieve and retained on the No. 40 (425-µm) sieve Coarse — Particles of rock passing the No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve and retained on the No. 10 (2.00-mm) sieve Fine - Particles of rock passing the 3/4-in. (19-mm) sieve and Gravel retained on the No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve Coarse — Particles of rock passing the 3-in. (75-mm) sieve and retained on the 3/4-in. (19-mm) sieve Cobbles Particles of rock passing 12-in. square opening and retained on a 3-in. (75-mm) sieve Boulders Particles of rock that will not pass a 12-in. square opening AMOUNT OF CONSTITUENTS IN SOIL* COARSE AND FINE GRAINED SOILS Sand, Gravel, Silt, Clay, Shell Fra ments, etc. ORGANIC SOILS: Soils containing vegetable tissue in various stages of decomposition that has a fibrous to amorphous texture, usually a dark brown to black color, and an organic odor. Content of Minor Soil Constituents Modifier Or anic Content Modifier < 5% Trace Slightly to <25%° Highly Organic 5% to 12% Little 12% to 30% Some 25% to 75% Muck 30% to 50% And >75% Peat *Approximations based on visual examination of samples and results of available laboratory testing. In general accordance with test methods ASTM D 2487 and ASTM D 2488. CORRELATION OF RELATIVE DENSITY AND CONSISTENCY: SPT BORING ASTM D 1586), CPT SOUNDING ASTM D 3441), AND HCP TEST Granular Soils Sands and Gravels > 50% Cohesive Soils Silts.and Clays >50% CPT HCP Relative CPT RCP Relative SPT Cone Bearing Cone Bearing Soil SPT Cone Bearing Cone Bearing Soil N-Value* Value** Value*** Density N-Value* Value** Value *** Density 0-4 0-20 0-20 Very loose <2 0-3 0-20 Very soft 5-10 21 — 40 20 — 35 Loose 1 2-4 4-6 20 — 35 Soft 11 — 30 41 — 120 35+ Medium 4-8 7 — 12 35+ Firm Dense 31 — 50 121— 200 Dense 8 — 15 13 — 25 Stiff 50+ 200+ Very 15 — 30 25 — 50 Very stiff Dense > 30 Over 50 Hard * Standard Penetration Test (SPT) N-Value Blow Counts for 12 inches. ** Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT) Cone Tip Resistance Values (in tsf). *** Hand Cone Penetrometer Test (HCP) Cone Tip Resistance (in ksf), may not be applicable for some cohesive soils.