HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub Electric Permit app-UPDATEA2P0252S PERMIT # .) PLANNING & Df,VELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB.CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Ericsson, lnc/Frank Kisel have agreed to be couNTvTLORIOA (Company Name/lndividual Namc) fte Electrical (Type ofTndc) Sub+ontractor fo. Ericsson, lnc ( Primary Contractor) For the proj ect located at 31 1 1-122-0015-000-3 (Project Strc€t Address or Propcrty Tax ID #) It is undentood that, ifthere is any change ofstatus regarding our participation with the above mentioned ng and Code Regulation Division ofSt. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the of Sub-contractor notice. R SIGNATURE (Quillfi.r)RACTOR SIGxATURE (Qurlifi .r) ERICS INC STEVE NICIIOLS {*ort K, stt PRI\T T.AMf,PRI:tT \AMf, Buildi fit fa co COU:I-TYCERTIFICATIO:INUMBER strL ofFlorld., county 31 IAKE Thc for.goirg irtirum.rl wta .l8tred bafor. m. thlr -!- ary of FEB z&3.w STEVE NICHOLS ryho ir p.EoDrlly koowtr !!or hrr produccd r rr id€Dtificrtion. Cr.t-,e. :{, Strte ofgnddt Counl-v of }tryt".d-,,Th€ foregolng inrtrumcnl !tl. 5igrcd b.fore m. ihi! Ocrk\o..r . 2or!. by ka^L Y-r:e[ wio ir pGtoortl, rrora -o, L, p.oao"a . G [qr, /. Dnw6 blic COU\TY CERTTFICATION NUMBER STAMP si of Notrr-v Public hanta Cl,w+ha4 Prirt N.me ofNorrry Public SHANIA MY coMtrrsstoN ,@ EXptRESI Decer.rbcr n1w2 Rcviscd ll/162015 Bond.d thrv AJlic 3,20?2 n Public ISSUE DATE project, @