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Creekside Lot 86 Code 800 020722.pdf
/: UI I It, CItoI FI)PInE.linp Solenobs "cRkcn ¢� Company INSPECTION RESULTS Inspection Date: Z Z Z Permit No. Project: 3-5k2C) ifbC—)bO kzr ? Address: ) 4 ► IZ I I�t (mil Check one: Regular Inspection: ❑ Reinspection Date of Initial Inspection: Inspection Type Requested (check): Other Inspection Type: 1S1x7 �>>7 dt ]� �—\'J 7 Area Inspected/Code: Inspection Results: ❑ AP -Approved ❑ AE-Approved with Exceptions E3 DA-Disallowed 0 DP -Disapproved, -Not Ready Conditions/Comments 1. 2. 3. _ 4. 5. 6. 7. Inspector's Name: P1�(`a,1J Lic.# OFFICES THROUGHOUT FLORIDA 607 NW Commodity Cove, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 ° (772) 924-3575 • (772) 924-3580 (fax) www.teamgfa.com