HomeMy WebLinkAboutchange of contractorPLANNING & DEVELOPiNZEN7' SER%'ICES • BUILD-INC, & ZONING DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVE FOR';(• I'1ERCL,, FL 34982 (772) 462-1553 FAX 462-1578 CHANGE UT C()VTRr#C]'OR, SUBCONTRACTOR OR Cir ANCELLATION 1'LEAI C.r c�NL D aL-1 -' IN _CHANGE oi, CONTRACTOR - Change of Coalracttlr is to be �'igircd antl rtp4uized by the property and the r.;►�� con[rai-1or of-rccortl foJ (he iu.rrCnf pernul ,A new• con[raclOr inform3liun Ind signatuic. A nr,A Notice. of Cumtnrncelrt,rnt mtLu be filed in the new contractor k orwrtet. penitrt altiplication must also be corlti�letcd wt[h 11eLL for dub (aloes sealer (hart S2,500 (S7.�00 if A C' cntntu4ncin0 r CtlaJlg2•otr() :� recorded cu r amc an) work- 7 hcrC is a SS0,00 fee for the Ch ]ngc o!' C'nntra a or. p} must be submitted X C.11ANGE ()): SUBCON] RAC fft _ StJbconttractot Chdit CS 8iC [fj be C01]] ie(ed h�. {, J Prior t(! o new subcontractor must fill out a Subcutttractoi Aot•eerllent Form. There is a S50.00 fee for the o Contractor. � ttte ;,enLral contrrtctur. Change of Sul)- _ _ _Cion (!f .L "1 ION Op )'l:it11717' . ! he. canceflarlom of a ltcrtlU[ is accc.l)trtblc only i! nts �rori; It,,, hc� r cince llat oll f l,ertnit t, It7 f}e .�rfrtcll :arttl It[�t;trtzed b� bo!h the oernct ,t1d q[ra![Fir tit recur canccllatinn ol'thc permit. l dr .or d. f'hcrc is no fee for Da te: PcArmif Ntin]ber: Site Addl'c:.ss: Ur[i;inal (:i(,, subcontractor or i a'`f.lt jot - - Stote License License New (}C', suhet)nta,lClut ��YStalc l..ice+t e� -� 7s1( l..iccn:e J � Re.isotl fur 1 he.17c.r5iynCd (Ine, h,,J - „ rl`"l:trly stud hLAd ItarntlaSS $t Lueie 00-As. fec.s of delm:-rgc5 J0 i5mg fcf) If 8t{ COltlt[j !ts I)(ReCrA. d,gr.rls and cmflll}y,:; trnRl LII car;tLtsc[�rt:J,bCurl:r,�r�,l ar rcrn�eftatwn t,; ft<Lanat A permit crtnoot trr cuncCl er1 if �r'ar� (ros bcert } 'tr" �tl L Irl tt 'frrin IUr ally rea.rin u'EtlClt t1t }' arik a; ;a rc�ttl[ ur this C'harL. {rf Performed. SKr"VrlrL'1tLftl'Uu'-1i. —'-- --- - _ Rlt,l.lk9.*Cr•]Itlrtilti+j _.. �. j tC A"] tlrtE 4> ilrC iolta{{rl>_ Ia;, ;rrx^rl u,e, r�titt.�l:;l,nl Pef,r. (tr Fri�T�MOliNPI) M% L4_Itr, iwt '. , �,ri>dL-L ii x� r+`r 111M R (grtn[l,ma, rJ . atr ?i `` r ryt ut*c State Or F.q; oa nah E Wore omm'ss+on HH L t >.'19a �ofndF E■v'es-'Jl202a �, �h rn� • �_..,l,,.lr ru.:�Yll>Ln.,L.,: Lo r WANklld, r ld,r„rd _ SigrLrrureerNei tnrY —�� t)iry +a• •ryk Notary Fupl�,c Slate or Flor,pa Hannah E Moore ? - My Co nmss,on HH 017098 �y LH h E+o fes 07:01f2024 For the project located at _ PERMIT# I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Ehman Electrical Contractor, LLC (Company Name..'lndividuai Name) the _ Electrical Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Typo of Trade) (Primary Contractor) (Project Street Address or Property Tax 1D P)--"�— have agreed to be It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. COVTRACTORSIGNATI RE(Qurlifiert W Bryan Adams PRItiTNAME-- 29179 COCNTI' CERTIFKATIOA State of Florida, Count% or St Lucie The foregoing insiramenl n as signed before me IN, l day of •21111;b) W. Bryan Adams who is personally known Y. or has produced a es idnIiricalion. STAMP Pr`7filFame of!\'Oitiq Puhlir— `111111t111MItRf���' �G G" / H Rcvtsed 1?.16..2016 = o 1061T7 'yAonded I1,0 �i�jje�••4,6 bclinds .• Q?\�!� ''/'/���►f f I I AT1 yO' 'N"" --� �lr�mrt"1— St &CONTRACTOR sJdjvATURS (Qua6Fer) Timothy L Ehman PRI\T NA%ft: _ 31748 _ COUNTI' CERTIFICATIOY N(1f8ER �-- "' Stare or Florida, Cpuatvof ST LUCIE The foregoing instrument eas signed before me this �_ do of .I:Sfir•zvy Timothy/ L Ehman Who is personals known X or has produced a as idrn1liica Ion. CTANIP Signslurt ortNotary P bile — — 40 Pelll �eme of \otary Public =oraIlk Notary Public Slate of Florida Laura Townsend A4y Commission �i' '�' HH 175435 Y?or^o Exp.911312025 I r I