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Revision 2-17-15 (3)
IRV, F OFFICE USE, ONLY: DATE FILED: ';( ` 3J REVISION FEE: 1. 2. DETAJLET REVIIO S: �iF SEC f T)-p LE CD?y PERMIT# Jc�( C `yo oo�3 RECEIPT # PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING & CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 (772) 462-1553 FAX (772) 462-1578 ATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION 'TION OF PROJECT / c) etw-►r-�y� E0y A it 3. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: ST. LUCIE COUNTY CERT. #: BUSINESS NAME: Kq g l C®� r i v c.'F .�o ^, �d d`��°�--' Y QUALIFIERS NAME: r c o ADDRESS: �-o / S. o (J V 11 s 0 S- e-- ! s CITY: W e4 L-t -0 STATE: .i=L ZIP: 03 ci 0 J PHONE (DAYTIME): FAX: 4. OWNERBUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: - CITY: for Su .R- / V cw e STATE: ZIP: X Gl El 63-6 PHONE: FAX: 5. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP:, PHONE (DAYTIME): FAX: Revised 7/22/20 a 'no .3 81 IE COUNTY IgUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED FOR COMPLIAN REVIEWED I3Y D�fiE PLANS AND PERT IT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR __ NO iN8PGVn0N WILL BE MADE u0� r'` W 'r Submittal Job: 14-007-01 PGA CLUBHOUSE ADDITION Spec Section Title: Submittal Title: Drywall & metal Studs Contractor: KAST CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, LLC Owner (Primary): PGA GOLFCL IR Eduardo Paris NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN O MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED O SUBMIT SPECIFIC ITEM O REVISE AND RESUBMIT O REJECTED THIS REVIEW WAS PERFORMED ONLY FOR GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGN CONCEPT OF THE PROJECT AND GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. MODIFICATIONS OR COMMENTS MADE ON THE SHOP DRAWINGS DURING THIS REVIEW DO NOT RELIEVE CONTRACTOR FROM COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. APPROVAL OF A SPECIFIC ITEM DOES NOT INCLUDE APPROVAL OF THE ASSEMBLY OF WHICH THE ITEM IS A COMPONENT. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR: DIMENSIONS TO BE CONFIRMED AND CORRELATED AT THE JOBSITE; INFORMATION THAT PERTAINS SOLELY TO THE FABRICATION PROCESSES OR TO THE MEANS, METHODS, TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCES, AND PROCEDURES OF CONSTRUCTION; COORDINATION OF THE WORK OF ALL TRADES; AND FOR PERFORMING ALL WORK IN A SAFE AND SATISFACTORY MANNER. BASHAM & LUCAS DESIGN GROUP, INC. Date: 11-03-14 By MTL 701 NORTHPOINT PARKWAY WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33407 Ph: 561 689-2910 Spec Section No: Submittal No: 13 Revision No: 0 Sent Date: Contractor's Stamp gf,v(IF WO to V-T-� BNA''J POO Architects Stamp Engineer's Stamp Project Name: PGA Clubhouse General Contractor: Distributor: Cemex Architect: Contractor. Submittal Information 'Steel -Con "" -t • BPS w. Date: October 24, 2014 Steel -Con Orlando HQ 11250 Astronaut. Blvd. Orlando, Florida 32837 Phone 800-548-8499 Fax: 407-08-1667 Steel -Con Mobile 5301 Hamilton Blvd. Theodore, Alabama 36582 Phone 251-653 3022 Fax 251-653 3032 www.steelconsystems.com Pago 1 steel Construction syste M-S DESIGNATION- Specification Sheet 162SI,25-18 ICCER-4943P Galvanization G40 Design Thickness 0.0188in Web 1.625 in Yield Strength 33 KS1 Flange 1.25 In Mils 18 Mils Weight 0.270 Lb/ft. Gauge 25 T=- Z Gross Section Properties Cross Sectional Area A. 0.08 ini ^2 Moment of ln.ertiaebout the X-Xaxis 1xx 0.038 in^4 Radius,of Inertia about the X-X axis Rx 0.686 in Moment Of Inertia about the Y-Y axis lyy 0.616 W4 Radius Of Gyration about the Y-Y,axis Ry 0.447 in Torsional Section Properties Distance from Shear Center to Neutral Axis X6 U09 in X St Venant Torsion Constant, ix 1000 100 inA 4 3 Warping Constant CW 0.009 in^6 Red ii,of0yration Ro 0,594 in Torsional.Flexural Constant 8 1.315 Effective Section Properties Moment of Inertia about2the X-X Axis Nx 0.034 inA4 Efttive Section Modulus about the X-X Axis, Sx 0.031 in Aj Allowable Bending Moment Ma 0.610 in-k Flange 3 _Z11,7 Spacing- (in) 5 psf 7.5 pg. 10.0sr IJ120 ina U360 U120 U240 U360 U120, IIJ240 1460 O.C. 12 18' 8!'f 16' 81' 141 7" 1& Wf 14'7 1791, 13, 71 f 13! 2" f #N/A- 16 16' 2" f 15' 2" 13' 3" 13' 2" f 131 211 f 11'.6" 11' 5" f 1 V 5" f 10' 4" 24 13'7'f IT 2" f 11-6- 10, 91, f 10, 9" f .911111 9' 411 f 914" f 8111#1 TABLE NOTES: 1. f Flexural stress controls allowable height 2. 5/8" Gypsum Board both sides full height 3. Tested per 200 . 8 L ICC ES Acceptance Criteria AC46' 4-Galvanizing to be.040. minimum for 5 PSF or I=, & G-60minimum for Greater than. STSf Lateral Loads ZU21 Spacing (in) 5 psf 7.5 psi 10 psf I7120 11240 U360 X120 L240 1360 L120 U240 LOW 12 16 24 TABLE NOTES: 1. End lateral bearing-1 inch in - Intalum Heights based on steel properties Only 31. Limiting heights based on I t2"minimum,gyptimwall board attached, to each face to within 4 feet of the end of the stud OR 1/2" gypsum wall board attached to one face and the ,unsheated flange laterally braced at 4 toot o.c. Lfor the length of the stud, Steel Constmcdon Systems Corporation ("Steel Construction Systems") Disclairiten All data, specifications and detail contained in this publication are intended as a.general guidefior using Steel Construction Systems's products. These products should not be used in design Orconstruction without an Independent evaluation by a qualified engineer or architect. Steel Construction ion Systems assumes no liability for failure resulting from the use or misapplication. Steel Construction Systems reserves the right to make modirications and/or change matefiehq of any of their products without prior notice or, obligation, %. t aa. Steel • • # Construction Systems s J d�'•��t'es '}ti. A DESIGNATION- Specification Sheet 162T125-18 ICC ER-4943P Galvanization G40 Desi n Thickness 0.0188 in Web L25 In Yield Strength 33 KSI Flange 1.625 In Mils $0.019 Mils Weight 0.260UAL Gauge 25. Sectton Propelrtes770 Gross • Properties: Cross Sectional Area Area 0.077 in2 Y Momentaf inertia ofthe crass section about theX axis Section modulus about the X-axis Ix Sx 0.041 in4 0.047 in3 Radius of gyration of cross section abourthe X-axis Rx O.M. in Moment of inertia of cross section about the Y-axis ly 0.011 in4 Radius ofgyration ofeross section about the Y-axis Ry 0.03'in Elective Properties: Effective moment of inertia abourthe Ix 0.03'in4 Effective section modulus about the X-;axis Sx 9.625 in! X -- — - -- x Allowable moment based on local buckling only Ma, .05, in-k Allowable strong axis shear calculated in accordance with A1SI section UZ I Vag 362 11i_ Torsional and Other Propertiest Venant torsional constant. J 0.009 in4 Torsional warping constant CW 0.007'i116 Distance fromthe shear center to the centroid along the principal X-axis Xo -0.878 in i Distance from shear center to mid -plane of web ni 0.503 in, Polar radius ofgyration ofcross section about the shear center . Ro 1.215 in it,-• Y iallge l- a"go) 1 0 0.478 Section Property Notes: 1. The center -line bend radius is based on inside comerradii. 2. Web' depth'for track sections is equal to the nominal heiglit plus 2 times the design thickness plus the bend radius. 3,.Hems on non-structural track sections are ignored. 4. Effective properties incorporate the strength increase. from"the:cold work of forming as applicable per AISI A7.2. 5. For deflection'calculations, use, the effective moment of inertia 6. 18i 27, and 30, mil track inateriat considered non-structural, based on ASTM C645 Steel Construction Systems Corporation("Steel Construction Systems") Disclaimer: ,All data, specifications and detail. contained in this publication are intended.asa general guide for using Steel Construction Systems' products. These products should not.be used in design or construction without an independent evaluation by qualified engineer or architect. Steel Construction Systems assumes no liability for failure resulting from the use or misapplication. Steel Construction'Systems reserves the right to make modifications and/or change materials ofany of their products without prior notice or obligation; 8-1 to Construction, systems DESIGNATION- Specification Sheet 362S125-18 ICC ER-4943P GaIVahi7Adn G40 Design -Thickness 0.01884n web -3.625 In Yield Strength 33 KSI Flange 1.25 In Mils 18 Nis Weight OAOO Lb/ft. Gau a 25 4 777mpuw,, Gross Section Properties Cross Sectional Area A 0..II8.inA2 Moment of Inertia about the X-X axis Ixx 0.234 inA4 Radius oflnenia about the X-X axis Rx 1.409 in Moment oflnertia about the Y-Y axis IYY . 0.021 inA4 ofG Radius yfation about the Y-Yaxis fly 0,421 in Torsional Section: Properties Dista nce from Shear Center to Neutral Axis X0 0.054 in St Venant Torsion Constant j x 1.000 163 inA 4 Warping Constant CW 0.014 in^6 Radii ofGyration Rd 0.49 in Torsional Flexural Constant 0 1.667 Effective Section Properties it Moment oflnertia about.the X-X Axis Ixx 0.221 inA4 Effective Section Modulus about the X-X Axis Sx 0.075 in43 Y, Allowable Bending Moment Ma 1,480 in-k — FiWn—ge - f ;Spacing cin) 5 psf 7.5 psf 10 psf L1120 1 JJ240 L1360 U120 Lim IJ360 U120 U240 L360 O.C. 12 18'8"f 16'8" V 7" 15'31' f W T' 12' 9" 1T TJ 13' 2" f #N/A. 16 16'21' f VT 13'3" 131211 f 13'21P f 1.1191 1,1' V! f 1 lt 51--f 10! 4" 24 1312." f 13'2"f 11'6!' 10'9"f 10, 9"f 911111 914" f 9'4" f 8' 1 V TABLE NOTES: 1. f Flexural stress controls allowable height 2- 54'Gypsum Board both sides full height 3. Tested,per2008 ICC E . S I Acceptance Criteria AC-86' 4.0 . alvani2ing to be. 0.4 1 0 minimum for 5 PSF or less. &.&60 minimum for Greater than 5.PSF Lateral, Loads Spacing (M) 5 psf 74 psf lopsf IJ120 IM0 IU360 U120 U240 U360 O.C. U120 IJ240 L/360 12 16 24 TABLE NOTES: I, End lateral bearing - .1 inch minimum 2.-Heights based on steel properties only 3� Limiting heights based on 1/2" minimum gWum wall board attached to each face to within 4 feetof end of the stud OR 1/2".6psum wall board attached to one face and the .unheated flange laterally braced atfbot ox, for the length of the stud Steel Construction Systems Corporation rStebi Construction Systems") Disclaimer. All data, specifications and detail containedin. this publication are intended as a general guide f6r using Steel Construction: Systems's products. These products should not be used:in design or construction. without an independent evaluation by a qualified engineer or architect. steel construction.Systems assumes no liability for failure resulting from the use or. misapplication. Steel Construction -Systems reserves the *fight to make modifications; and/or change materials of any of their products without prior notice* or obligadoh.' c� 7 Steel • • Construction Systems s<<,I,, A DESIGNATION- Specification Sheet 362T125-18 ICC ER-4943P Galvanization G40 Design Thickness 0.0188`in Web 1:25 in, Yield Strength 33 KSI Flange' 3.625 In Mils $0:019 Mils Weight 0.390`LbAL Gauge 25 $'ecionroperhes Gross Properties: Cross Sectional Area Area 0115 in2 y Moment.of inertia of the cross section about the -X-axis Ix 0.237 in4 Section modulus about.theX-axis Sx 0.126in3 Radius ofgpratlon of cross section about the X-axis Rz 1.435 in Moment of inertia of cross section about the Y--axis Iy 0.01.7'in4 Radius ofgwation of cross section about the Y-axis Ry 0.189 in, Effective Properties: Effective moment of inertia about the X-axis Ix 0.189" in4 a �. Effective section modulus oboist theX ax& Sx 6.065 in3 x� -- • x Allowable 'moment basedonlocal bucklingonly Ma 1.29 in-k- llowable strong axis shear calculated In accordance with AISI section C3.2.1 Vag 169 lb. Torsional and Other Properties:. t. Yenant torsional constant. J o.om in4 Torsional warping constant. Cw o.o42 MM Distance from the shear center to the centraid along -the principal X-axis .Xo -0.665 in Distance fmmshear center to mid -plane of web In 0.413 in Polar radius of mationof cross section about the shear center Ro 1.627 in +. - Flange I- b,Ro ' R 0.933 Section Property Notes: 1. The center -line bend radius is based on inside corner radii. 2. Web depth. for track sections is equal to the -nominal height plus 2 times the design thickness plus the bend radius. 3. Hems on non-structural :track sections are ignored. 4. Effective properties incorporate the strength increase from the cold work of forming as applicable per.AISI AT2.. 5. For deflection calculations, use the effective moment of inertia. 6.. 18, 27, and 30, mil track material consiered non-structural, based on ASTM'C645 Steel Construction Systems Corporation ("Steel Construction Systems°)Disclaimer. All data, specifications and detail contained in this publication are intended as a general guide for using Steel.Construction Systems' products. These products should not be used in :design or'eonstruction ivithoutan independent evaluation by a qualified engineer orarchitect. Steel Construction. Systems assumes no liability for failure resulfing<fronPthe use or misapplication. Steel Construction Systems reserve's the right to make modifications andloi change materials of any of their products without prior notice or obligation. 16, i t~ Steel Construction Systems "`�O SSPAA► DESIGNATION- Specification Sheet 3628162-43 ICC'ER-4943P Galvanization G60 Design Thickness 0.0451 in Web 3.625 In Yield Strength 33 KSI Flange 1.625 In Mils 43 Mils Weight 1.160 Lb/ft. Gauge 18 -166CP <Propelrtl , Gross Section Properties y Cross Sectional Area A 0.34 'im42 _ Moment of)nertiaabout the XXaxis Ixx 0.71 in^4 Radius of Inertia about the X X axis Rx 1.445 in Moment oflnertia about the Y-Y axis Iyy 0.127 in^4 Radius ofGyration about the 1" Y axis Ry 0.611 in Torsional Section Properties Distance from Shear Center toNeulhdAxis X0 -1297 in St. VenantTorsionConstant Jx 1000 Warping Constant Cw 023 inM 0376 in^6 3 Radii of Gyration Ito 2.036 in orsional Flexural Constant D. 0.594 Effective Sermon Properties Moment oflnertia about the X-X Axis Ixx 0.71 in^4 Effective Section Modulus about the X-X Axis Sx 0.372 in13 Allowable Bending Moment me 734D in-k _ _ _I t Y e Flange OUAturalLW(Whi(NOgtits___ Spacing (in) 5psf 15par 20psf IJ120 IJ240 L'360 Lf240 U360 U6W U240 IJ360 1J6W O.C. 12 26'6" 21'0° 18'4' 111- 14'4• 12'1° 14'11° 13'0" 1110" 16 24'1' 19'I' 16'8" 14'11' 13'0" I1'0" IY7° I1'10' IV 0' 24 21'0" leg" 14'7" IT9" Ills• 917" 11.1' 10'4" a,9" � ..._. Spacing (in) 25psf 3� f.._- gspsr L'240 U360 U600 U240 U360: U600 L/240 LI360 U600 O.C. 12 13'10' IT-1" 10'2" Ix9° Ills" 917" 11,10, 10'10" 911' 16 IT 1" 1110' 9'3" ll'1" 10'4" 879" IV3' 9110" 8'3" 24 9' 11" 9' 7° V 1. 1" 917 0, 0" 7 7" 8' 4" e V 4" a 7' 3" Spacing (ad) 4opsr supsf U240 U360 U600 L/240 U360 U600 O.C. 12 IV I" IV 4- 8'9" 9'11" 917, 81V 16 9 7' 9 5' T 11" 8' 7• a 8' 7° a 7' 4" 24 T10"e 7'10"e 611"c 7'0"e TV`e 6'5"e Composite TableNotes: 1. Lateral loads have not been modified for strength checks: full loads are applied. 2. 15 Wand higher wind pressures have been multiplied by 0.7 for defection determination, in accordance with footnote "f' of BC table 16043: The 5 psfpressure has notbeen reduced for deflection checks. 3. For bending, studs are assumed to be adequately braced to develop full allowable moment. 4. Stud distortional buckling based on an assumed Kf-0. S. Web crippling check based on l inch end bearing. 6.:Limiting heights'are based on steel properties only (non -composite). 7. Fnd shear and Aeb crippling capacity have not been reduced for punch -outs. Punch -outs are assumed to be in accordance with section C5 of A1SI S201. 8. Moment of inertis for deflection is optimiied based on the maximum moment at service loads for the listed spans; therefore; span values may be -greater than spare based on an effective moment of inertia listed in section property tables. Steel. Construction Syslems Corporation (Steel Construction Systems") Disclaimer. All dola,specifications and detail contained in this publication areintended as a general guide for using Steel. Construction System' products: These products should not be used indesign or construction,without an independent evaluation by a qualified engineer or architect. Steel Construction Systems assumes no liability for failure resulting from the use or misapplication. Steel ConsrructionSptem reserves the right to make modifications anNor change materials of any of their, products'without prior notice or obligation. 'Steel Construction Systems f�Otrrs sti. L DESIGNATION- Specification Sheet 362T125-43 ICC ER-4943P Galvanization 060 Desip Thickness 0.0451 in Web 1.25 In Yield Strength 33 KSI Flange 3.625 In Mils $U45 Mils Weight 0.940 LbAL Gauge, 18 Section Properties 0 Gross, Proper ties: Cxoss.SectionalArea Area 0.276 in2. Y Moment ofinertia ,of the cross section about the X-axis Ix 0.571 in4 Section modulus about the X-axis Sx 0.302 in3 j Radius of&mtion of cross section about the X-axis Rx 1.439 in Moment of inertia of cross section about the Y-axis Iy 0.630 in4 Radius efgyration of cross section about the Y-axis Ry OM I in Effective Properties: Effective moment ofinervaabout :the•X-axis ix 0.531 in4 Effective section modulus about iheX-axis Sx .0 0.245 in3 X X Allowable moment based on local buckling only No 4.84 in-k Allowable strong axis shear calculated in accordance with AIS1 section C3.2.1 Vag 1.739' lb. Torsional and Other Properties: Si. Venant torsional constant. J 0.197 in4 Torsional warping constant Cw 0.098 in6 Distancefrom the shear center to.the centroid along the principal X-axis Xo .0.654 in , Distancefrom shear center to mid -plane of web In 0.407 in Polar radius of gyration of cross section about the shear center Ro 1.625 in Y 1- &Ro a 0 0,839 Flange Section Property Notes: 1. The center -line bend radius is based on inside corner radii. 2. Web depth for trackSectionsis equal to the nominal heightplus 2 times the design thickness plus the bend radius. 3. Hems on non-structural track sections are ignored. 4. Effective properties incorporate the strength increase from the cold work of forming as applicable per AISI A7.2. 5. For deflection calculations, use the effective moment of inertia. 6. 18, 27, and 30, mil track material considered non-structural, based on ASTM C645 Steel Constnuction Systems,Corporation ("Steel Construction Systems') Disclaimer. All data, specifications and detail contained in this publication are intended as a general guide for using Steel Construction Systems' products. These products should not be used in.design or construction without an indepeadcnt evaluation by a qualitied.engineer or architect. Steel Construction Systems assumes no liability for failure resulting from the use or misapplication. Steel Construction Systems reserves the right to make modifications an change materials ofany of their products without prior notice or obligation. "Steel Construction Systems SSMA DESIGNATION- Specification Sheet 60OS162-43 ICC ER-4943P Galvanization GO Design Thickness 0.0451 in Web 6 In Yield strength 33 KSI Flange 1.625 In Mils 43 Mils Weight 1.520 Lb/ft. Gauge i8 7_ Section Propet�es� Gross Section Properties Y Cross Sectional Area A 0.447 in^2 _ Moment oflnertiaabout the X-Xaxis Ixx 2.316 in14 Radius oflnertis about the X X axis Rx 2.276 in Moment of lnertia about the Y-Y axis Iyy 0.148 inA4 Radius of Gyration about the Y-Y axis Ry 0.576 in Torsional Section Properties Distance from Shear Center to Neutral Axis Xo -1.062 in St. Venant Torsion Constant ix 1000 Warping Constant Cw 0303 in^4 1.095 in"6 y X+ — -X Radii ofGyretion Ro 2.577 in Torsional Flexural Constant a_ 0.83 Effective Section Properties Moment of Inertia about the X-X Axis but 2.116 inA4 Effective Section Modulus about the X-X Axis Sx 0,767 JnA3 Allowable Bending Moment Ma 16.68' in-k _ Flange �.rry spacing (in) 5psf Ispsf 20psf L/120 U240 IJ360 IJ240 IJ360 IJ600 in,10 IJ360 L600 D.C. 12 3941 31' 2" 27' 3- 2V 4" 21' 3' ITIV 21' I1' 19' 4' 16 4" 16 35'9' 28'4' 24'9- 21'11" 19'4' 1644 19,0" 1T7" 14'10' 24 31'1" 24'9" 21'8' 1T11"e. 1&11' 14'3" 15'6'e 15'4"e 12'11" Spacing (in) 25psf 30 sf 35psf L/240 L/360 IJ600.. 11240 L/360 IJ600 In40 IJ360 IJ600 O.C. 12 1918' 17'11" IY2' 17'I1'e 16'1P W.3' 167"e 16 Vc 13'6' 16 ITO"a I&Va 13'9" IS'6"a 15'4"a lxit, 14'4"a 14'4"a IT4'e 24 13'11'e 13'11"e IVID"e 1218"e ITS'e I1',Ve 11'9"e 11'9"c 10'9'a spacing (in) 40psf 50psf U240 L1360 L/600 L/240. IJ360 V600 ' O.C. 12 15'6'a 15'4'a IT11" ITIVa 13'11'e IXO'e 16 13'5'e 13'5'a 11'9"e ITO'e 12'0"e 1VII'e 24 I1,0"e I1'0"e Ia3'a 9110"e 9'10"e 9'6"e Composite Table Notes: 1. Lateral loads haveinot been modified for strength checks: full loads are applied. 2, 15 psfand higher wind pressures have been multiplied by 0.7 for deflection determination. in accordance with footnote "f" of IBC table 1604.3. The 5lisf pressure has not been reduced for deflection checks. 3. For bending, studs are assumed to.be adequately braced to develop full allowable moment 4. Stud distortional buckling based on an assumed Kf. 0. 5. Web crippling check based on I inch end bearing. 6. Limiting heights are based on steel properties only (non -composite). 7. End shear and web crippling capacity have not been reduced for punch -outs. Punch -outs are assumed to be in accordance with section CS of AISI S201. 8. Moment of inertia for deflection is optimimd based on the,maxinium moment at service loads for the listed spans; therefore, span values may be greater than spans based on an effective moment ofinertia listed in section property tables. Steel Construction Systems Corporation ("Steel Construction Systems) Disclaimer. An data, specifications and detail contained in this publication are imended as a general guide for using Steel Constriction Systems' products, These products should not be:used in design or construction without an independent evaluation by a qualified engineer or architect. Steel Construction Systems assumes no liability for failure resultingtrom the use or misapplication; Steel Construction Systems reserves the right to make modifications andfor change materials of any oftheir products without prior notice or obligation. ;6, Steel Construction Systems ro- p r�6h r s ,tiff.. DESIGNATION- Specification Sheet 60OT125-43 ICC ER-4943P Galvanization G60 Design Thickness 0.0451 in Web 1.25 In. Yield Strength 33 KSI Flange 6 In Tullis $0.045 Mils Weight 1.300 UAL Gauge l8 ,5-00 n Pr�uperts, 0 Gross Properties: Cross Sectional Area Area 6.383 in2 i Momenrof Inertia of the cross section about the X-axis Ix 1.861 in4 Section modulus about theX--axis Sx 0.604 in3 1 Radius of gyration of cross section about the Xaeris Rx 2.205 in Moment. of inertia of cross, section about the Y-axis Iy 0.044 in4 Radius ofgyration of cross section about the Y-axis Ry 1.768 in Effective Properties: Effective moment ofinertia about the X-axis Ix 1.768 in4 Effective section modulus abort the X-axis Sx 0.461 in3 K — X Allowable moment based on local bucking only Ma 9.1`1 in k Allowable strong axis shear calculated in accordance with AlSI sectionC3.21 Vag 1377 lb, Torsional and Other Properties -.- St. Yenant torsional constant. J 0.26 in4 Torsional warping constant Cw 0:307 in6 Distance from the shear center to the centroid along the principal X-aris Xo -0.513 in IL T Distance from shear center toWd plane. of web In 0.335 in Polar radius ofgyrationofcrosssection'aboutthe shear center Ro 2.288in �..Y Flange -< 1- o/Ro 2 B 0.95 Section Property Notes: 1. The center -line bend radius is based on inside. corner radii: 2. Web depth for track sections is equal to the nominal height plus 2 times the design thickness plus the bend radius. 3. Hems on non-structural track sections are ignored 4. Effective properties incorporate the strength increase from the cold work of forming as applicable per AISI A7:2. 5. For deflection calculations, use the effective moment of inertia. 6. 18, 27, and 30, mil track material considered non-structural, based on ASTM C645 Steel Construction Systems:Corporation ("Steel Construction Systems") Disclaimer: All data, specifications and detail contained in this publication are intended as a general guide for using Steel Construction Systems' products. These products should not be used in design'or construction without an independent evaluation by a qualified engineer or architect. Steel Construction Systems assumes no liabilityfor failure: resulting from the use or misapplication. Steel Construction Systems reserves the right to make modifications an&or change materials of any of their products without prior notice.or obligation. k , t Q • e 11256 Astronaut B1vd.;Odand% FL 23837 Ph:1-800.5484499 - Fax:(4071438-1667 Product Specification Sheet Steel -Con Designation 150F125-18 SMAProductCode 150F125-18 Design Thickness 0:0188in Web 1.25. in Yield Strength 33 KSI Flange 1.500 in Mils 18 mils Gauge 25 gauge Section- Properties_, �' _ Cross Section Properties Cross. Sectional Area A 0.093 in^2 1 14" ffedive Properties Moment of Inertia about the X-X Axis 1xx 0.029 in^4 Allowable Bending Moment Ma 56.4ft-lb 714 or 1 14" Notes: I. Minimum bare metal thickness is 95% of design thickness: 1 „ 2. Momentof inertia given is for deflection calculations.�'2 1 Y2"MIN. —..� 3, Effective properties are given as the minimum value for either. positive or negative bending. 4_ Effective properties based on Fy = 33 ksi. (Hat . tirrrn ? Channel Allowable Oetlm {S coo I f,240, Applied Load Spans r4:psf. h3 Psf' .: . .... Joist Spacing (in) O.C. Joist Spacing (in) ox. Joist Spacing (in) O.C. 12... 16. 29,°_ ,., 12, 16 24 . ..- i . 12 :1G: 24t -4'-9" _» Single T-10" 7,_l." 6'-3" 6'-10" 6-3" 5�-5" 5_3" 3'-11" Mum It p 'm J9'�8' 8� 10 ..:._.__,r ' w ..±8�6a 7'x6". .' 4�� 1"- '. _ i _. 10; 5 �3 1lam',"-' ? (Ha_);Furrtn :(F) Channel{Allowab`leeCe tin SpanVU360 Applied )Load 4rOf ~ Spans Joist Spacing (in) ox. Joist Spacing (in) o.c. Joist Spacing (in) ox. . E _,'J,4L1 . a...._ . Single_ 6'-10" 6'-3" 5-5" 6'-0" 5�-5" 4'-9" 4-7" 4� 2" 3-8" 1Multtplea i� 75 f6 9" . " Sh110"' , I -:Sa8 Notes: 1. Allowable ceiling spans based on effective properties. 2: Mulitple, spin indicates two or more equal spans with channel continuous over center support. 3. Bearing length= 0.75". products should not be used in de application Steel -Con -assumes n� latest irtfib; tioa evaildbI. at the evaluation by a qualified engineer or architect to product& aemasr uns the For the k. a 11250 Astronaut Blvd. Orlando. FL 23837 Ph:1-800448-8499 - Fax:(4071438-1667 Product Specification Sheet ICC ER-4943P Steel -Con Designation 087FIZ548 F P�-�oper,Etes� SSMA Product Code 08*1I 5-18 Design Thickness 0:0188 to Web 1.25 in Yield Strength 33 KSI Flange 0.875:in Mils 18inils Gauge 25 gauge Gross Section Properties Gross Sectional.Area A 0.07 W2 1 " Effective Properties Moment of Inertia about the X-X Axis Ixx' 0.008 in^4 AllowableBendingMoment. Ma 26.4R-lb 718 or 1 112" . Notes:. 1 Minimum bare metal thickness is 95% ofdesign thickness. 2 Moment of inertia given is for deflection calculations, 3. Effective properties aregiven as the minimum value for either positive or negative bending. 4. Effective properties based on Fy=:33 ksc (FI�t},F,�urring�� 4� Allo��a�lekCeili:_ng�Spans L/240 4W,._,.�� � � ' ,�CL"annei Applied.Load _ Spans Joist Spacing (in) ox. Joist Spacing (in) ox, Joist Spacing (in) o.c. l2 v l6 24 r' 12< 16 _. a 24t , , 12z < Single 5-2",.. 4'-8" ..4'-1" 4'-6" 4'-1 3 7R_,_ 3-6. 3141 2-9" 1\IutGglel _ . `50 5';I 7"„ *- .g— , .av - ;, �-�... �6 ....` (fH.61purnn�. panne Allorvable;Ceil>ti g Sp nsnU./360 Mry Applied Load r 'F . _.. _... ,4 Psi ` ...-- Spans Joist Spacing (in) O.C. Joist.Spacing (in) o.c. Joist Spacing (in) O.C. ,24 Single. 4'-6" 4'-1" 3'=7" Y-11" 3'-7" 3'-1" 3'-0" T-9" T-5" U t .�r' ...hP : °5� st 3 4 S �J c :t', r sl l ro'' 4, 0 z . -. lr S • 4a �0 Notes: 1. Allowable ceiling spans based on effective properties; 2. Multiple span indicates two or. more equal spans with channel continuous over center support 3. Bearing length = 0.75". teel i Steel-Con:1 Construction Systems al"KtMt, rKAMINU 3T!51'hM- DESIGNATION- 362SFS-D20 Specification Sheet SFS Galvanization G40 POP thickness 0.0188 in Web 3.625 In Yield Strength 57 KSI Flange I A381n Mus 0.6188 Mils Weight OA50 Lb/11. Gauge D20 Lip 0.375 0-- 0-4 1 rh Gross Section ProPerties Cross Sectional Area A 0.132 ie2 Moment of Inertia about the M a)ds lxx 0.273 ie4 nt Radiasol'Itiertia about the X-X anus Rx 1.439 in Moment of inertia about the Y-Y axis IyY 0.037 in^4 Radius of Gyration about the Y-Y Ws Ry 0.531 in 71-se Torsional Section Properties I Distance from Shear Center to Neutral Axis X0 -1.074 in St. Venant Torsion Constant i x 1000 0.016 in^4 MM Warping Constant CIV 9.104 in^6 Standard St Radii of Gyration Rd 1.873 in Standard Stud Widths Torsional Flexural Constant 0 0.671 Effedlye Section Properties Moment of Inertia about the X-X Axis Ixx 0M4 1^4 Effective Section Modulus about the X-X Axis Sx - inA3 Allowable Bending Moment Me 2.510 in-k rkrow Wl-sfrod"r Spacing (in) 5 psf 7.5 psf 10 psf L/120 L1240 L1360 1.1120 L1240 L1360 L/120 U240 IA60 O.C. 12 22-4- 179" 15' 6" 19'6" IY6" 13'7' 1731 14'1' 12' 4" 16 20'4" 16'1' 14'I" IT 3"f 14'1" 1XV 15'0'f 12' 10" 111 1" 24 17'3"f 14'1" 1TV 14'1"f IT 4" to, 8" 12'3"f it. 1 9-7" Spacing (in) 15psf U120 1240 L/360. O.C. 12 1114Y 1 1'4'f lug, 16 91 10"f V 101f 9-7- 24 81 V`f 81 07 ro.f TABLE NOTES: 1. Allowable composite limiting heights are calculated using ICC-ES AC96-2010, Ile 113 stress increase for strength was not used 2. No.fasteners are required for attaching the stud to the track. 3. Stud bearing mast be a minimunn. of 1". 4. The gypsum board must be applied 1bll height in the vertical orientation to each stud Ilan& and installed using minimum 46 Type S drywall screws. 5. Galvanizing to be (140 minimum for 10 FSF or less, and G60 mhnimum for greater than 10 PSF lateral loads. TOP - Spacing 5 psf 7.5.psf- 10 psf U120 I U240 L1360. U120 U240 r L/360 U120 IJ240 XnfJ60 O.C. 12 18'4" 15'2' 13'3" 141 ]1" 13'2" 1117" IT 1 V III IV I0'6" 16 15, to" IY9" 170" 121 11" 111 1]" I0'6" 1113" 10, 9" 917" 24. IT 11" 111 It" I0'6!' 101 7" 10'411 92" 92"e 9'2"e 8.3. TABLE NOTES: 1. End lateral hearing - I inch minimum 2. Heights based on steel properties only 3. Uniting heights based on 112'. minimum gypsum wall board attached to.each face to within 4 feet ofthe end ofthe stud OR 112" gypsuaa wall board attached to one face and the unheated flange laterally braced at 4 foot o.c. for the length of the stud Steel Construction Systems Corporation ( S(eel Construction Systems") Disclaimer. All data, specifications and detail contained In this publication are intended as a general guide for using Steel Construction Systems products. These products should not be used in design or constructibn tvithout an independent evaluation by a qualifiedengineer or.archilect. Steel Construction Systems assumes no liability Wfalture resulting from the useorritisapplicallon Steel Consituchon Systems reserves the tight to make madificallons andlor'change materials of any of their products Wthoutpridritoke orobligation. q . . Steel Construction Systems SFS Supp..Emi; FRAMING SYSTEM' DESIGNAnON- 362SFT-D20 Specificatioh Sheet SFS Galvanization G-60 Design Thickness .0.0188 in Web 3.625 In Yield Strength 57 KSI Flange 1.25 In Mils D20 Mils Weight 0.390 Lbiffl. Gauge 20 Nii hi� , , , Gross Properties: Cross Sectional Area Area 0.115 hi2 Y Moment of inertia of the cross section about the X-axis Ix 0.237 in4 t Section modulus about the X-axis Si 0.126 W Radius oforation of cross section about the X-axis Rx 1.436 in Moment of inertia of ross section about the Y-axis ly 0.017 in4 Radius ofgral lon of cross section about the Y-arls Ry 0.38 in Effective Properties. Effective moment ofinertia about the X-axis Ix 0.188 in4 - Effective section modulus about the X-axis Sx 0.053 in3 X-- x Allowable moment based on local buckling only Ma 1.8 in-k Allowable strong axis shear calculated in accordance withAISIsection C3.2.1 Vag 169. lb. Torsional and Other Properties: St. Venant torsional constant. 1 0.014 in4 Torsional warping constant CIN 0.042 in6 Distancefrom the shear center to the cenfroid along the principal X-axis j(o 4665 in Distancefrom shear center to mid -plane of III OA13 in Polar radius ofgyration ofcrass section about the shear center Ro 1.627 in Flange I- (XOIRO)7 a 0.833 Section Property Notes: 1. The center -line bend radius is based on inside comer radii. 2. Web depth for track sections is equal to the nominal height plus 2 times the design thickness plus the bend radius. 3. Hems on non-structural track sections are ignored., 4. Effective properties -incorporate the strength increase from the cold work of forming as applicable per AISI A1.2. 5. For deflection calculations, use the effective moment of inertia. Steel Construction Systems Corporation ("Steel Construction Systems') Dliclaimer. All data, specifications and detail contained in this publication are intended as,a general guide for using Steel Construction Systems'products., These products should not be used in,design.or construction without an independent evaluation by a qualified eftineer or architect. Steel .Construction Systems assumes no liability for failure resulting from the use or misapplication. Steel Conitruction Systems reserves the right to make modifications and/or change materials ofany of their products without pflornotice or obligation. Steel Construction Systems 3U1'KE.ME rRAMING JYSTEW DESIGNATION- 600SFS-D20 Specification Sheet SFS Galvanization G-60 Design Thickness 0:0188 in Web 6 In Yield Strength 57 KSI Flange IA38 In Mils 0.0188 Mils Weight 0.601 Lb1fr. Gau a D20 Lip 0.375 - 7 - '�___._. ti .SR25�% �- CC Gross Section Properties Cross SectionalArea A 0.177 in`2 Moment offnertio about the XX axis Ixx 0.994, in^4 �yr Radius oflnertia about the X-X axis Rx 2.25 in Moment of Inertia about the Y Y axis 1yy 0.043. in^4 Radius of Gyration about the Y-Y axis Ry OA94 in Torsional Seddon Properties f171, c o Distance from Shear Center to Neutral Axis Xo -6.869 in } St. Venant Torsion Constant 1 x 1000 0.021 in^4 } Warping Constant Ow 0.314 in^6 Standard Stud Widlhs Radii of Gyration Ro 2.462 in Torsional Flexural Constant D 0.875 Effective Sectioll Properties Moment oflnertin about the X X Axis Ixx - in^4 Effective Section Modulus about the X-X Axis Sx - in^3 Allowable Bending Moment Ma - in-k Interior,?Ton,=Structural Spacing (in) 5 psf 7.5 psf 10 psf L240 L/36060 U120 L240 Lt360 L/120 U240 L/360 O.C.14120 t124J 31'2" 24'9" 21' 7" 25,11"f 21' 7" 18 10" 22'.6"f 19' 7" IT 2" 27'6"f 2T 6" 19' T" 226"f 19'7" IT-2" 19'6"f 1T 10" 15'7" 22' 6"f 19' 7" 17 2" 18' 4"f IT 2" 14' 10" 15' 11"f 15' 7" 13' 4" Spacing (in) 15pst LIJ26 L/240. L/360 O.C. 12 14' 9"f 14' 9"f 14' 9"f 16 12'9"f IT9"f IT9"f' 24 TABLENOTES: ' 1. Allowable composite limiting heights are calculated using ld ES AC86-2010. The 1/3 stress increase for strengdt was not used 2. No fasteners are required for attaching the stud to the track. 3. Stud bearing must be a minimum of 14. 4. The gypsamboard must be applied full height in the vertidal'orientation:to each stud flange and installed using minimum #6 Type S drywall screws. 5. Galvanizing to be G40 minimum for 10 PSF or less, and G60minimum for greater than 10 PSF lateral loads. Interor�Ton - — --- Structural Non;:Com osltef_.., :. _ -711 (in) 5 psf' 7.5 Of 10 psf U120 L240 L/360 L/120 1J240 L1360 i 120 L240 L/360 FTABLENOTES: - - - - - - 1. End lateral hearing -1 inch minimum 2. Heights based on steel' properties only 3. Limiting heights based on W" minimum gypsum wall board attached to each face to within 4 feet of the and of the stud OR 1/1" gypsum wall board attached to one face and the ansheazed flange Iaterall braced az 4 foot o.c. for the den th oftha.stud Steel Constmotlon Systems Corporation {'Steel' Construction Systems" Disclaimer., Al data, specificalions and detail contained in1his publication are intended as a general guide for using Steel Construction Systems s ptuducts. These products should not be used in design or construction without an independent evaluation. by a quetifred engineer or architect. Steel Construction Systems assumes no liability for failure resulting from the use oimisappication. Steel Construction Systems reserves the right to make modifications andlor change materials of any of their products without prior notice or obligation. " Steel Construction Systems �sFs SUPREME FRAMING SYSTEM``' DESIGNATION- 600SFT-D20 Speci if leation Sheet SFS Galvanization G-60, Design Thickness 0.019 in 'Web 6. 122 In Yield:Str6ngth 5TKS1 Flange 1.25 In Mils D20' Mils Weight 0.543 Lb./ft. Gauge 20 Gross Properties: CrossSectional Area Ares 0.1596 in2 Y Moment-ofinertia of the'cross section about the X-axis h 0.7733 in4 Section modulus about the X-axis Sir 0.2526 in3 Radius ofgyration ofeross section about iheX-axis. Ih 2.2013 in Moment of inertia of cross section about the Y-axis ly 0.0187 in4 Radius ofgyration oftross section about the Y-axis Ry 0.342 in Effective Properties: Effective moment of inertia about the'X-axis Ix 0 in4 Effective section modulus about the X-axis Sx 046 X__ Ilowable moment based on local bucklingonly Ma 0 in-k Allowable.strong axis shear calculated in accordance with AISI section C3.21 Vag 0 lb. Torsional and Other Properties: St., Venant torsional constant. 1 0.0188 m4 Torsional warping constant CW 0.131 1116 Distance from the shear center to thecentrold along the principal X-axis X0 -0.0522 in L 4 JP4 Y Distancefrom shear center to mid -plane of . web in 6.341 in Polar radius ofgyration of ross section about the shear center Ito 2.288 in FHange I- O"o) 2 a 0,0148 Section Property Notes:- 1. The center -line- bend radius is based on inside comer radii. 2. Web depth for track. sections. is. equal .to the nominal height plus 2 times the design thickness plus the bend radius. 3. Hems on non-structural track. sections are ignored. 4. Effective properties incorporate the strength increase from the cold work of forming as applicable per AIS! A7.2. 5. For deflection .calculations;, use the effective 1moment of inertia. Steel Construction Systems Comoriition,(!'Steel Construction Systcrn$") qisclaitner.. All data, specificationss anddetailcontainedinthi publication are intended as,a general guide for using Steel Construction: Systems' products. These products should not be used in design or construction withoutan'independenfevaluatirm by 6 qualified.engineer or architect Steel Cdnstruction Systems assumes no liability f6r failure resulting from the use or inisapplictiflon. Steel Construction Systems reserves the right to make modifications and/or change materials ofany of their products wfihouipiior notice orlobli I gation. GOLD BOND° BRAND GYPSUM BOARD MANUFACTURER National Gypsum Company 2001 Rexford Road Charlotte, NC 28211 (704) 365-7300 Technical. Information: 1-800-NATIONAL (1-800-628-4662) Fax:1-800-FAX NGC1 (1-800-329-6421) Internet Home Page: nationalgypsum.com nationalgypsum.com/espanol 09 29 00/NGC BuyLine: 1100 00. 1 • .Gold Bond" BRAND Gypsum Board panels consist of a fire- resistant gypsum core encased in heavy natural-finNh,100%a recycled paper on the;face and back sides. The face paper is folded around the long edges to.reinforce.and protect the core, and the ends are square - cut and finished smooth. For speed of installation, GridMarV guide marks are printed on the paper surface. Long edges of the panels. are tapered or square. Tapered edges allow joints to be reinforced With ProFormz BRAND JointTape and concealed with Prol orm" BRAND Ready Mix, Easy finish' BRAND Ready Mix or ProFormm BRAND Quick Set Setting Joint Compounds. BASIC .USES 1/4"-Lightweight, low-cost utility gypsum panel for interior use as a base layer for improving sound control in double -layer steel and/or wood stud parti- tions. Also for use: over old wall and ceiling surfaces. Also applicable for forming curved surfaces with short radii. 318" - Lightweight for interior use in the double -wall systems over wood framing, and for repair and remodeling. 12"- For single -layer interior use in residential construction and non -rated commercial construction. ADVANTAGES • Lightweight; cost-efficient material that readily accepts a wide range of decorative finishes. • Gypsum Board is easily cut for quick installation, permitting painting or other decoration and the installation of metal or wood trim almost immediately. • The gypsum core will not support combustion or transmit temperatures greatly in, excess of 2129F (100°C) until completely calcined, a slow process. • Expansion and contraction under normal atmospheric changes is negligible. GREENGUARD CERTIFIED The GREENGUARD Certification Program" is an industry GREENGUARD' independent; third -party program that has been certifying:products for low non-toxic.emissions since 2001. To achieve GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certified status, National Gypsum's products passed rigorous sample.testing and review of the manufacturing processes to meet strict stan- dards set by the GREENGUARD Environmental Institute (GEI)-- a globally recognized leader in indoor air quality —to Job Name determine their impact on indoor air pollution. To achieve GREENGUARD Children & Schools. Certification, Gold Bond Gypsum Board products met even more -stringent emissions limits that take into account theadded sensitivity of children and adults with compromised immune systems. LIMITATIONS • Exposure to excessive or continuous moisture and extreme temperatures should be avoided. Gypsum Board is not recommended where it will be exposed to temperatures exceeding 125OF (52°C) for extended periods of tirne. • To prevent objectionable sag in gypsum paneled ceilings, the weight of overlaid.unsuppoeted insulation should not exceed the following; recommendations: PSF Frame gkjSq. FL) Type Spacing 13 12" Regular 2O o c. (63 kg/Ml 2.2 12" Regular 16" oc. (10.7 kg/M=) Panels 378" thick must -not be overlaid With `u'nsupported insulation. If required, a vapor 09 29 00 retardercan be installed in exterior ceilings, and plenum orattic spaces should be properly vented. • Installing Gypsum Board panels over an insulating blanket, installed continuously across the face of the framing mem- bers, is not recommended. Blankets should be recessed and flanges attached to the sides of the studs or joists. • Gypsum Board must be stored off the ground and under cover. Sufficient risers must be used to assure support for the entire length of the gypsum board to prevent sagging. • .Gypsum Board must be kept dry to minimize the potential for mold growth. Adequate care should be taken while transporting,.storing, applying and "maintaining gypsum board. For additional informa- tion, refer to the Gypsum Association .publication, "Guidelines for the Prevention of Mold Growth on Gypsum Wallboard" (GA-238-03), which is available at www.gypsum.org under the "Download Free Gypsum Association Publications" section. Contractor . Date (Continued nextpage) . f COMPOSITION & MATERIALS Gypsum Board is a manufactured .panel with a gypsum core encased with paper. Gypsum Board contains no asbestos. ACCESSORIES Fasteners: drywall screws,..nails. or adhesives joint tape joint compound Cornerbeads Trims Casing beads Furring channels E Z Strip control)'oints .093 zinc control joint TECHNICAL DATA PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Thickness, nominal 1/4" Regular (6.4 mm) Thickness, nominal 3/8" Reguiar(9.5 mm) Thickness, nominal 1/2" Regular (12.7 mm) Width, nominal* 4' (1219 mm) Length, standard 6' through 16' (1829 mm.- 4877 mm) Weight; IbsJsq: ft., nominal 1/4° Regular-.1.2. Weight, IbsJsq.ft., nominal 318° Regular -1.2 Weighty IbsJsq.'ft., nominal 1/2" Regular- 1;6 Edges Square or Tapered Surface -Burning Characteristics (per ASTM E.84) Flame spread., 15 Smoke developed: 0 *54. wide.Gypsum Board available in 518` thicknew APPLICABLE STANDARDS: AND REFERENCES ASTM C 1396 ASTM C 840 Gypsum Association GA216 Gypsum Association GA-214 Federal Specification SS-L 30D Type 1l1(Grade R) National Gypsum Company, Gypsum Construction Guide RECOMMENDATIONS Installation of Gypsum Board should be consistentwith methods described in the standards and references noted. GRtDMARX" Gold Bond' BRAND Gypsum Board comes: standard with GridMarX® guide marks, printed'on.the papersui face. These guide marks_ align with standard building dimensions and help fo quickly identify fastener lines for stud and joist framing. Using GridMarX, accurate: -cuts can be -made without having to draw lines. The use of GridMarX also provides quickidentification and uniform naif/screw patterns. GridivlarX guide marks run the. machine -direction ofthe board atfive points iin4'' increments.. Marks run along the edge in both tapers and. at 1 W. 24" and 32" in the field of the board. The marks cover easily with no bleed -through using standard paint products. Vertical Application - In a vertical application, Gridi4larX serve.as a guide mark to help identify the exact location.:of framing members behind the gypsum board eliminatingthe need. for field applied vertical lines. Horizontal Application - In a. horizontal; application, GridMarX serve as: a .reference mark -to help identifythe Iodation of framing members behind the gypsum board. (If framing member is .located 2" to the right of the GridMarX At the top.edge,of the.board, it will be located 2" to the right down the face of the board.) DECORATION For best painting results, all surfaces, including joint compound, should be clean, dust -free and not; glossy, To improve.fastener and joint concealment, a coat of a quality.drywall primer is recommended to equalize, the porosities` between. surface paper and joint compound.. The selection ofa paint to give the specified or desired finished characteristics is the responsibility of the. architect or contractor. Gypsum Board that is to -have a wallcovering applied to it should be prepared and primed as described for painting: Gypsum Association GA-214, Recommended Specification for" Levels of Gypsum Board Finish, should be referred.to in order to determine the level of'finishing needed to assure a surface properly prepared to accept the desired decoration. GWsun, 110638 Rev.12109 Project Name: PGA Clubhouse General Contractor: Distributor: Gemex Architect: Contractor: Submittal Information r yr wc. �P Date: October 24, 2014 Steel -Con Orlando HQ 11250 Astronaut Blvd. Orlando, Florida:32837 Phone 800=548-8499 Fax: 407-438-1667 Steel -Con Mobile $301 Hamilton Blvd. Theodore, Alabama.36582 Phone 251-6534022 Fax 251-653 3032 www.steelconsy5tems.com Paga 1 ANGLE (AN) 11250 Astronaut Blvd. Orlando, FL 23837 Ph:1-800448,8499 - Faz:(407)438-1667 Stock Legs 1,1.5, 2,.3, 4,6 in Length 10 R Thickness 18; 30,43; 54, 68, 97 mil Yield Strength: 18 30'mil:33 ksi ASTM A1003, C645 43, mil: 33 ksi; 54, 68, & 97'mil: 50 ksi ASTM Al 003, C955 Coating. 18-30 mil; G40. ASTM A653, C645 43-M mil: G60; 68-97 mil: G90 ASTM A653, C955 Angle is rolled and cut to 10 ft'stock lengths, and has multiple uses for steel. framing applications. Custom gauges and profiles can be made to order. LEGS [---LEGS--� Steel Construction Systems ("Ste&Con' j Disclaimer.. All data, specifications and detail contained in this publication are intended as n general guido focusing Steel-Con's products These products should not be used in design or constructionwithout an independent evaluation by a qualified engineer or architect. to verify the suitability of a particular product for use in a speeiric application. Steel -Con assames.no liability for failure resulting fiomthe:usenr misapplication of computation, detail drawings and sperificetions contained herein. This publication ccntaitu the latest information' available ht the time ofprinting. Steel -Con the right to rnake, modifications and/or change materials of airy oftheir products without Ono notice or obligation. For the law information regarding products contact Steel -Can Steel -Con may not produce all ofihe products contemed in this submittal Please contact Steet-Can to verify product availability. • elCow 11250 Astronaut Blvd. Orlando, FL 23837 Phil-8064,18-8499 — Far (407)438.1667 Z-FURRING CHANNEL - (ZF) Web 1,1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 in Flange 1 . I in Flange 2 1.25 in Length 10 it Thickness 18,: 30, 43 mil Material) Properh'es Yield Strength: 18,30 mil, 33 ksi ASTM A1003, C645 43 mil, 33 ksi ASTM A1003, C955 jo Coating: 18-30 mil, G40 ASTM A653, C645 43 mil, G60 ASTM A653, C955 kit, oduct'Descr>ipon Z-frring is rolled and cut.to 10 ft stock lengibs, Typical .uses.are for furring interior masonry or concrete, wbere the furring. supports insulation while providing for gypsum panel attachment. Custom gauges and profiles can be made to order. 1y X,0000' beet uonstrucaon bystema t-bteel-con-) uiscaunei products should not be used in design or construction W application. Sieel-6n assumes no liability for failure re latest information available at the timeof priming. Steel latest inibrmationregarding products contact Steel -Con. contained in this publication are intended a qualified engineer or ardiitect lo'verify i m ilificatiuns t of ibe prodrets Ms. These a specific Steel Steel-Con"Construction Systems 600SFS-D25 Nk SUPREME FRAMING SYSTEM` Sheet .SFS weo 61n Yield Strength - 57-KS1 Flange 1.25 1n M7s _ 0.0155 Mils U.474Le/IL Gauge D25, Lip 0.3 ass Sectional Area A uneat of inertia about :the X-X axis Ii x. dins of Inertia about the X-X axis gx unent oflnertia about the axis lri dins of(;yration about the Y--Y axis Ry nsional section Noperl}es Rance from Shear Center to Neutral Axis Xo Venant Torsion Constant Jx 1000 rping Constant Cw tiib£Gyration Ro sional Flexural Constant p fed be SeCtlon Properties ment'of laertia about the X-X Axis NX :ctive Section Modulus about the X-X Axis Sx )wable Bending Moment Ma Spacing (in) O.C. 5'psf 7.5 ps 1120 _ L1240 L/360 L/120 M4 12 16 24 W 8"f r24'16".f 0' 3"f 24' 4" 22'1" 19' 3" 21' 7" 19, 8" 17 2" 23' 5"f 20'3"f 1& TY 21' 3" 19'3" 16 7"1 Spacing (in) O.C. Ispsf 11120 L240 I L/360 0:1376 in^2 0.6704-inA4 2,207 in .6.023.3 in^4 0.411- in -6.601 in 0.01102. in^4 0,1703 in^6 2.349 in 0.99135 - in^4 - W3 - in-k �17360 L/120- 'I L/240 181.10" 20'3"f 1742" IT7"f 176" 14'11" 1 14'4"f I tans" 12 13'`4"f 13'4"f 1 IT41 16 24 _ TABLE NOTES: 1, Allowable composite limiting heights are calculated using lCC-ES AC86-2010. The 113 stress increase for strength was not used 2. No faueners'are required for attaching the stud to the. track. 3. Stud bearing must be a minimum of 1". 4. The,gypsamboard must be applied fall height in the vertical orientation to each stud flange and installed' using minhnu n #6 Type S drywall screws: 5. Galvanizing to be G40 minimumfor 10 PSF or less, and G60 minimum for greater than 10 PSF lateral loads. Ipte for Non=S`truct�aYal Non'Gom osife _7 Sparing � a) 5 psP p�T 10 P o e• L/120 L/240 L060 U120 Lrl4o L/360 L/120 L2 12 - - - - - 16 24 _ CABLE NOTES: 1. End lateral bearing -1 inch minicr mt 2. Heights based on steel properties only 17? 2" 15'7" L1360 3 Lrmrtmgheights based on 112 minimum gypsum wall board attached to each face to within feet of the end ofthe stud OR 1/2" gypsum wall board attached to one face and the Steel Constructfon SystemsCorporation("Steel Construction Sys16ms7 Disclaimer: All data, spt'rurcations and detail contained in this publication are intended as a general guide for using Steel Construction Systems's products. These products should not be used in design or construction without an independent evaluation by a qualified engineer or architect.. Steel Construction Systems. assumes no liability for failure resulting from the use ormisapplication; Steel Construction Systems reserves the right to make modifications and/or change materials of any of their products Without prior riahce or obligation. INSULATION VP1 Ali I H U N+ E R CONTLNUOUS INSULATION Hunter Panels Xci Foil Polyisocyanurate Insulation Manufactured On -Line to Foil Facers HUNTER. PANELS Xci FOIL DESCRIPTION Xci Foil is A high thermal rigid insulation panel composed ofa . closed cell polyisocyanurate.foam core manufactured on-line to an STEEL STUD impermeable foil facing material. It is designed for use in commercial wallapplications.to provide '/:" GYPSUM BOARD. continuous insulation within'the building envelope. ' NON COMBUSTIBLE FEATURES AND BENEFITS INSULATION • Highest R-Value per inch of any insulation available. • Meets the new minimum continuous insulation standards prescribed in.ASHRAE 90.1-2010 and IECC 2012 • Manufactured with. NexGen Chemistry: Contains no CFCs, HCFCs, is Zero ODP, and has virtually. no GWP • Lightweight yet durable, easyto..handle. Cuts with a knife or saw. APPLICATIONS • Provides continuous. insulation (ci) for standard wood -frame, steel stud, CMU and masonry cavity exterior wall .construction • Suitable for masonry cavity wall applications Note:. Xci Foilis not suitable for exposed interior applications: PANEL CHARACTERISTICS • Available in three compressive strengths per ASTM C 1289 Type 1, Class 1 Grade 1 06 psi), Grade (20 psi) and Grade 3 (25 psi) • Available 4' x 8' (1220mm x;2440rnm) and 4' x 9' (1220mm x 2743mm) panels in thicknesses of 1 " (25mm) — 3.5" (89mm) • Other sizes are'available upon special re.cluest— (for example: 12", 16", or 24" width x 96" length) CODES AND COMPLIANCES • ASTM C 1289 Type 1, Class 1 Grade 1 (16 psi), au Grade 2.(20 psi). and Grade,3 (25 psi) • International Building Code Chapter.26 . • NFPA 285 passed, contact Hunter for details • ICC7ESR-3174 IYRA20APP • Miami -Dade County, FL, NOA No: 12-0916.07 — Exp 1.2.2019' WRB The. incorporation of Weather Resistant Barriers (air, vapor and mois- ture) is:a critical element of a wall assembly. A design professional familiar with local code requirernents should specify the selection and placement of any WRB. Furthermo-re, it is, recommended that a dew point calculation of the proposed assembly be conducted to determine. the type and locations of a proposed`WRB: Note: The. NFPA 285 fire test is an assembly test. The performance of the WRB must also be,considered: Please consult Hunter Panels for details and specifications. `WRB* BRICKTIES FIXTE'R�I�ORBRICK FACE The location and number of wRB§ in the wall assembiy. are determined by the architect. COntact.Hunter Panels for a list of approved WRB's. for:each assembly. Typical Physical Property Data Chart MethodTest Property Value Compressive 20 psif :mm Stren tF ASTM D 1621 g de (1;38kPa Gra2) Dimensional 2°!0 linear, change Stabilif ASTM D 2126 y Moisture Vapor <0 05 perm ASTM E 9,6 Permeance (2:875ng/(Pa s m2)jY �.Water " Absorption ASTM C 209 <,,0 05%:volume Service 100° '25Q° F Temperature (-73°C to 122 C) "Also available in Grade 1 (16 psl): and Grade 3 (2Spsi) Hunter Panels Xci Foil Polyisoicyanuralte Insulation Manufactured On -Line to Foil Facers 11-Value Calculation - Cavity Wall Systems Compprison 2.5�- Polyiso 2" XPS Inside Air Film 8" Concrete Block Insulation 4" Face Brick T Outside Air Film Total Design R.;Valu!e IC80 20.16 12.4 1 0 WARNINGS AND LIMITATIONS Insulation must be protected from open flame. Hunter Panels will not be responsible for. specific building.design by others, The deficiencies in construction or workmanship, for dangerous conditions on the job. site or for impr6per:storage and handling.. Technical specifications shown in',this literature-dre intendecl< to be used: .asgeneral guidelines only and are subject to change without notice.. Call Hunter Panels for more specific details. INSTALLATION Insta.l.1,Xdi Foil between theconcrete block wall and the exterior masonry. Attach insulati ronipa nLals.'6goihstthe.inheewall.usingconstruction.grade adhesive or.mechan'ical attachment. Xci Foil may also be applied directly to oil based waterproofing adhesives. POST-INSTALiATION'EXPOSURE During the'time'frarne between installation of Xci Foiland the application of the finished exterior cladding, it is, recommended that a building wrap be applied to theXci Foil. If a building Wrap has not been. specified, ALL UNFACED FOAM EXPOSED TO DIRECT DAYLIGHT (i.e. comers, window and door openings) should be taped with a compatible waterproof tape. ,Xci Foil is -exposed not intended to be left for extended periods of time (i.p. in excess of 60-clays) without adequate protection. Please contact Hunter Panels -for detail I s. J6811TE STORAGE Good,copstruction practice dictates that all insulations should be protected from moisture and direct sunlight during j6 ' b-site,storage. Pallets,of Hunter Panels Xci Foil are double packaged in a UV resistant polyethylene bag.. This moisture resistant package isdesigned, for protection,frorn the elements during flat bed shipment from our facton"es to the job -site, and 1for storage on -site during phase construction. Outdoor storage for extended peri6ds,of tirine (i.e. in..e*cess,:of 60 days) require aAA;t: ona1 1- nea41. aL1 ewatetprooz tarpaulins and elevated storage.above ground level aiminimum of 4". V P' A 1i I ,H U N + E R CONTINUOUS INSULATION . 888.746.1114 www.hunierxcl.com C h Xci Foil ThermalValues 1 000 25 6.1 :2..00 1 51 1 14.4. 1 3.00 1 76 1 21.2 1 *lnitldl ihernial values areVetermi JrIedby using ASTV JC 518 at 757 mean temperatureand are typical values for Impermeable.-I'deod;produets. Thelocation and number of wRBs in thewallassembly are determined by the architect :Contact Hunter Panels f6ra list of approved W'*R8'1s for each assembly. LEED POTENTIAL CREDITS FOR POLYISO.USE Energ y and Atmosphere. • Optimize Energy Performance Measurement & verification Materials,& Resources • Material Reuse, - Constructlion. Waste Management • Recycled Content * Local and Regional Matbri6ls Innovation and Design I *Kmix F-XGENM"ESC.NYINK FSC,C!024W 01-14 EcoBaW QuietTherm® Insulation with ECOSEO Technology Submittal Date _ Product Provided b Knauf lnsulation:EcoBaft`1 QuietTherrn' Batts Glasswool insulation Is specifically designed for use In both residential.and commercial wall and'ceiling applications to reduce airbomesound transmission. The glasswoot,batts *a produced in full 16' and,24" Widths for friction fit installation and aresva0abie unlaced orWith _kraitfacing A9,KnaufIns ulation EcoBstO QdietTherm?products are R-vatue,labeled and can be used in thernal applications as wen. o Unfaced Qr Batts EcoBatf Insulation with. ECOSE° Technology Giasswool insulation batty are designed.to help control sound between interior walls.and floor/ceilings. They can be used in extedorwall applications with` specifier choice of warm side vapof retarder, including foil backed gypsum board or polyethylene firm. When tested in.accordance with ASTM E 64, material, has a:Fire Hazard, Classification of 25150 or. less. Complies with the requirements of the'appficable ASTM and cancelled federal specifications: ASTM.0 665, Type I, Class,A HH-1-521F, Typal, Class ASTMf 136 o 2%" R-8 o A' R 13 o 3% R-11 o 6Ye R-19 o Kraft Faced Q.T.° Bads Eco'Bite Insulation with ECOSE° Technology Glasswool insuon with asphalted kmft paper with stalati ptmg flanges. Kroft vaporretarder has vapor transmission (permeance).rating.of 1.0 or less. It canbe used In.either intedororextedor waltand caning applications to provide thermal and acousti cal benefits: Kraft facing will bum and should bscovered with an approved finish material, and should not be heft exposed Complies with therequirements of the applicable ASTM and cancelled federal specifications: ASTM C 665, Type II, Class C. HH-1-521F, Type 11 Class C �-o- 3%" R=i1 o 6o R=t9 ECOSV Technology Description ECOSE Technology fs arevolutionary binder, chemistry. that makes Knauf Insulation products even more. sustainable than evei It features rapidly'renew ablebio.based materials ratherthannon renewable pelroleum-based chemicals traditionally. used in fitter glass insulation' products. ECOSE Technology reduces binder embodied energy and does not-contelhphenol, formaldehyde, acrylics or artificial colors. Sustainability Knauf Insulation products used for themud Insulating purposes recover the energy that it took to make them In Just hours -or days. depending on the application. Once Installed, the product continues to save energy and reduce: carbon generation as long as it is,in.ptace (carbon negative). Fiberglass insulationwith ECOSE Technology contains three primary ingredients: More than60%recycled post-ccnsumerglass content verified every 6 months by UL Environment • Sand,.one of the woricts most abundant resources, • Our greenchemistry initiative ECOSETechnology, which reduces binder embodied energy by up to 7076. Thermal Performance Thermal resistance (R-value) of the blanket Insulation only is certified to be. as represented. above when measured at a mean temperature, of 75"F (24•C)and sub)ectto manufacturing and testing tolerances. YM not sustain Crow on almost any I contaminated at has beenexposed disearded. If thematerial is wet but shows no evident of mold, if should bedded rapidly and thdmughlty-lf it shows signs of facing degradation.from wArig;.it should bereplaced Notes The chemical and physical properties of Knauf Insulation EcoBatle`OuietThenn` Insulation with ECOSE' Teclnology represent typical average values determined in accordance with accepted test methods. The data is subject to normal manufacturing variations. The data'is supplied as a.technical service and is subject to change without notice. References to.numerical flame spread ratings are not intended. to reflect hazards presented by these or any other materials under actual fire conditions. Check with your Knauf Insulation sales representative to assure Information is current CLECYUjjV Knauilnsula6on EcoBatr MietfiemP Bulft bmulatwn with ECOSE• Techeotogy is:MNed for Moora-v ,WtyasaWerrll6ngproductbyTheGREENGUARDEnvb=erWtriklutentobotithe;GREENGUARD:L•Coftation Piog*O anti the more Obtngent GREENGUARD Children 6 Schoolsn stw.idaid with ECOSE vnrxgreenguardorg 7ESrd10m Lorgim the GREENGUARD IND00RAIR QUALrrY CERTIFIED Mark is a iegistered cerMcdon mark used under' . 8cense through the GREENGUARD Wronmegtattnst Me. vvww knaufinsulation us Knauf Insulation OmbH One Knauf Drive, Shelbyvine, IN 46176 Tel (800) $25 4434 ext 8300 FAX (317) 398-3675 ©2012 Knauf InsulationWbH. Sound and Fire Control Insulations Product Submittal Sheet Material Product Product R-Value Thick. Specification Description Standards Sound Attenuation Ideal for insulating wall R-3.7 ASTM C665, Type 1 and floor systems that ASTM E84 Fire Batt require exceptional UL 723, CAN/ULC-S102-M acoustical performance ASTM C1104 2.5 pcf Density and fire resistance. ASTM E136 See back for additional A -Values & City of New York'MEA-346-90 Thicknesses available. ASTM G518 All Building Classification Types: Thickness: " Notes: ICBO, BOCA, SBCCI, ICC Size.-" x Safing 4 pcf Density Thickness: " Size• " x " Safing is designed to provide a fire -rated seal between the spandrel panel and floor slab in commercial curtainwall systems. Unfaced Faced See back for additional R-Values & Thicknesses available. ASTM C612 (HH-1-5586) Types 1-4 ASTM E136 ASTM E84, UL 723 CAN/ULC 102-M ASTM C1104, ASTM E96 City of New York MEA-346-90 ASTM C518 All Building Classification Types: ICBO, BOCA, SBCCI, ICC SAFETY Personnel - Process • Planet - Sound and Fire :Control Insulations Product Submittal Sheet- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, MSDS AND LEED° CERTIFICATION Please visit our website at www.iig-IIc.Com. PRODUCT CERTIFICATION When ordering material to comply with any government specification or any other listed specification, a statement of that fact must appear on the purchase order. Government regulations and other listed specifications require specific lot testing, and pprohhit the `certification of compliance after shipment has been made: There,may be additional charges assodated with specification compliance testing. Please refer to IIG-CSP-3 for Certification Procedures and Charges. Call customer service for more information. QUALITY STATEMENT . IIG Products are designed, manufactured and tested to strict quality standards in our own facilities. This along with third party auditing is your assurance that this product delivers consistent high quality. ��p554L .• r4 C k us c:` uss Industrial Insulation Group, LLC Is a -Johns Manville company. IIG manufactures MlnWool The physical and chemical properties presented herein represent typical; average mineral fiber pipe, block and a variety of other insulations; Thermo-120 Gold Calcium values obtained in accordance with accepted test methods and are subject to normal Silicate pipe and block insulation; Super Rretemp`fireproofirig card; SprouleWR-1200° manufacturing variations. They are. supplied as,a technical service and are subject to Perlite pipe and block.insulation; high temperature adhesives, and insulating finishing change without notice. Numerical flame spread and.smoke developed ratings are not cement intended to. reflect hazards presented by these or any other materials under actual fire conditions. Check W*the'Customer Service. Office to assure current information. All industrial Insulation Group products are sold subject to the IIG limited Warranty and limitation of Remedy. For a copy of the IIG limited Warrantyand Limitation of Remedy, email-info@iig-lluom. RNMIT Indust a/ insulation Group, LLC A Johns Manville Company 2100 LINE STREET BRUNSWICK, GA 31520 The GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED* Mark is a registered certification mark;used under license through the GREENGUARD Environmental Institute. CUSTOMER SERVICE, TECHNICAL & GENERAL INFORMATION AA2009r(Shleld !E>EE[elrtll:I 1N!!lililiFtl Standard and Hi -Perm Versions Fi-Foil AA2 Vapor Shield` is a reflective insulation intended for use on furred -out masonry walls. The inside layer is a minimum .00.035" aluminum foil. The outer layer is 35 lb. natural.kraft paper coated with polyethylene, laminated to flange boards or.expanders that separate the paper from the foil creating a reflective air space. When installed on furring strips spaced 1 G" or 24" on center, a second reflective air space is formed. This air space is dependent upon the thickness of the furring strip selected. The Hi -Perm version includes small perforations for applications not requiring a vapor retarder. How Reflective Insulation Works I PRODUCT INFORMATION Heat is transferred by one of three methods, which include conduction,. convection and radiation. In general, any material added to a cavity increases: conduction across that air space. Most insulating products on the market resist heat transfer by forming small air or gas pockets between layers of building materials such as fiberglass, recycled paper, and foam. The small spaces restrict air movement, thereby reducing heat flow by convection. However, these standard building materials are not as effective against radiant heat transfer. Reflective insulation functions. by forming these dead air spaces with layers of paper, plastic, and aluminum. The high reflectivity and low emissivity of the aluminum material has the added benefit of blocking radiant energy,, so heat transfer• through radiation is also significantly reduced. Reflective insulation provides resistance "to heat gain in summer conditions and heat loss in winter conditions. This lowers both cooling and heating costs, reducing energy. expenditures throughout the year. Test Data ASTM E-96.- Water Vapor Permeance .................. 0.802 ASTM E 96:- Water Vapor Permeance Hi -Penn .. .. ................. 8:67 ASTM E-84 Flammability Flame Spread Rating ... 45 Smoke Developed Rating ....................................... : . 10 Iritenor Wall & Ceiling finish Classificati..... .......... .Class B ASTM D-3310'-Adhesive Perfomiance Corrosivity............... I .".........-... None Bleeding None Delamination . None Pliability; . .... No.signs.of cracking or deiarrlination ASTM 6.1.338.A,WL-STD 810D - Mold $ Mildew; Pass ASTM C-137-1 Foil' Emitfance ........ ... . 0.034 Compliance and Approvals MEMBER i Nil =E=MU= REPORT 01-1127.10 Meets�„� ASTM C-1224-97 !EBLE.t! Legacy Report #2133A REV. 3l2004 Visit Our Welislte: www.fifoil.com Furring/Stud Spacing 16" 0:C: 24" 0.6. Width Expanded 17.5" 25.5" Diameter 10" 8" Lineal Footage 975' 250' coverage 566 sq. ft. 50o sq. fL Weight 21lbs. 19lbs. A- VALUES Heat Flow Horizontal Vapor Shield Vapor Shield Hl-Perm '314" Cavity R-4.2 ........R-4.1— 74' Cavity R-4.7 . ..R-4.6 1-1/2" Cavity R-5.2 ........R-5.1 are READ THM BEFORE You BUY The label shows the .R-value .of this insulation. R means resistance to heat flow. The higher the R-value,the greater the insulating power. Compare insula- tion R-values before you buy. There are other factors to consider. The amount of insulation you need depends mainly on the climate you live in. Also, your fuel savings from insulation will depend upon the climate, the type and size: of your house, the amount of insulation already in your house, and your fuel use patterns and family size. If you buy too much insulation, it will cost you more than what you will save on fuel. To get the marked R-value, it Is essential that this insulation be installed properly. P. O. BOX 800 Auburndale, FL 33823 800-448-3401 863-9.65-1846 m Oda M Ind LUMBER HOOVER T TREATED WOOD PRODUCTS, INC. INPO"ATION. 1- or SPECIFICATION GUIDE for. PYRO-GUARD® Interior Fire Retardant Treated Wood PART -1— GENERAL 1.01 PRODUCT INDENTIFICATION A. . All.lumber and plywood specified to be interior fire retardant treated wood shall be -pressure impregnated with PYRO-GUARD® which has a flame spread rating of 25' or less when testedin accordance with ASTM'.ES4, "Standard' Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials". PYRO-GUARD® fire retardant treated wood shall show no evidence of significant progressive combustion when the test is extended for an additional 20 minute;period. In addition, the flame front shall not progress more than 10%: feet beyond the centerline of the burners at any during the. test. B. Fire.retardant treated lumber and plywood shall be manufactured under the independent third party inspection of Underwriters Laboratories Inc: (UL) Follow -Up Service and each piece'shall bear the UL classified mark indicating the extended30 minute ASTM E 84 test. C. Each piece shall be labeled kiln dried.after treatment (KDAT). TimberTroducts Inspection, Inc. (TP):shall monitor the.process.and the TP mark "shall appear on the label. PART 2 — PRODUCTS 2;01 FIRE RETARDANT TREATMENT A. Treatment shall be PYRO-GUARD® manufactured by Hoover Treated Wood.Products, Inc. B. Structural performance of fire retardant. treated wood shall be evaluated in accordance with ASTM D 5664: for lumber and ASTM D 5516 for plywood. Evaluation of plywood data shall be in accordance with ASTM D 6305. The resulting design. value and span rating adjustments shall be published in ICC Evaluation Service Report (ESR)- '1791 issued by the ICC Evaluation Service, Inc. which includes evaluation of high temperature (HT) strength testing for roof applications. C. "Type A' Interior fire retardant treated lumber and plywood shall have equilibrium moisture content of not over 28% when tested in accordance with ASTM D 320I at 92% relative humidity. D. Interior fire retardant treated wood shall be kiln dried after treatment to a maximum moisture content of 19% for lumber and 15% for plywood. E. The fire retardant formulation shall be free of halogens, sulfates, chlorides, arsenic, chromium, ammonium phosphate, formaldehyde, and urea formaldehyde. F. Provide .lumber -of the appropriate grade and species as specified by the design.criteria of ihe-intended application after consideration of design value adjustments.. G. Provide plywood of the appropriate size, grade and species as specified by the design ,criteria of the intended application after consideration of span rating adjustments. 2.02 PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION No substitutions permitted. PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.01 FIELD CUTS A. Lumber: Do not rip or mill fire retardant treated lumber. Cross cuts, joining cuts, and drilling holes are'permitted. B. Plywood: Fire retardant treatedplywoodmay be cut in any direction; 3.02 APPLICATION A. PYRO-GUARD° fire retardant treated lumber and plywood used in structural.applications shall be installed in accordance with the conditions and -limitations listed in ESR-1791- as issued by the ICC Evaluation Service, Inc. B. Treated wood shall not be installed in areas where it is exposed to precipitation, direct wetting, or regular condensation. C. Exposure to precipitation during shipping, storage and installation shall be avoided. If material does become wet, it shall be replaced or permitted to dry to a maximum moisture content of 19% for lumber and 15% for plywood prior to covering or enclosure by wallboard, roofing or other construction materials. PGD-SPEC: 69/08 DRYWALL AND COMPOUND M L GOLD BOND® BRAND 00 GYPSUM BOARD l�:3—MANUFACTURER National Gypsum Company 2001 Rexford Road Charlotte, NC 28211 (704) 365-7300 Technical Information: 1-800-NATIONAL: (1-800-6284662) Fax:1-800-FAX NGC1 (1-800-329-6421) Internet Home Page. nationalgypsum.com nationalgypsum.com/espanol 09 29 OO/NGC Buyl-ine:1100 1/2" Gold Bond' BRAND XP° Gypsum Board with SporgardTM* was developed as an improved moisture resistant board, offering .the same advantages of a traditional moisture resistant board with added mold resistance in the core and,paper.. XP Gypsum Board panels consist of a spe- cially treated; fire resistant, gyp- sum core encased in a heavy mold/mildew/moisture resist- ant,100% recycled, purple paper on the face side and a heavy, mold/mildew%moisture resistant 100% recycled; gray paper on the backside. XP Gypsum. Board was designed to provide extra protection against mold and mildew com- pared to standard wallboard products. The face paper is folded around the long edges to reinforce and protect the core, and the ends are square -cut and finished smooth. Long edges of the panels are tapered. Tapered edges allow joints to be reinforced with ProForme BRAND Joint Tape and concealed with ProForm• BRAND Ready Mix, Easy Finish' BRAND. Ready Mix or ProForT& BRAND setting compounds. For optimum mold and mildew performance, National Gypsum recommends ProFbW BRAND XPa Ready. Mix. BASIC USES 12" XP Gypsum Board may be installed in all wall add ceiling applications and: -is ideally suit- ed where enhanced moisture and mold resistance is desired. ADVANTAGES. • Resists the growth of mold per ASTM G 21 with a score of 0, the best possible score. • Resists the growth of mold per ASTivI D 3273 with a score -of 10, the best possible score. • XP Fire -Shield Gypsum Board is moisture_ resistant and can be used as a tile.backerboard in dry areas or areas with limited water exposure such as toilet/ sink areas and wall -and ceiling areas above -tile in tubs and "showers:. • The gypsum core will not support combustion or transmit temperatures greatly in excess of 212°F (lWQ.until completely calcined, a slow process; • Scores and snaps easily, no special handling requirements. • Less than 5% water absorption per ASTM. C 473. MOLD AND MILDEW RESISTANCE - Gold Bond"eki N6 XP= Gypsum Board products were designed to provide extra protection against mold and mildew:com- pared to standard wallboard products. When tested by an independent laboratory, XP Gypsum Board products Job Name received the highest possible ratings on ASTM G 21 and. D 3273. No material can be considered "mold -proof," nor is it certain that any. material will resist mold or mildew indefinitely. When used in conjunction with good design, handling and: construction practices, XP Gypsum Board products can provide increased mold resist- ance versus standardwallboard products. As with any building material, avoiding water expo- sure.during handling, storage and installation; and after installation is complete, is the best way to avoid the formation of mold or mildew. GREENGUARD CERTIFIED The GREENGUARD Certification Program' is independent CNE NGUMD' third -party program that has been certifying products for low non -toxic emissions since 2001. To achieve GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certified status, National Gypsum's products -passed rigorous sample testing and review of the manufacturing processes to meet strict stan- dards set by the GREENGUARD 09 29 00 Environmental Institute (GEI — a globally recognized leader in indoor air; quality --to determine their impact on indoor air pollution. To achieve GREENGUARD Children & Schools Certification, XP Gypsum Board products met even more stringent emissions limits that take into account the added sensitivity of children and adults with compromised immune systems. LIMITATIONS • For interior usemnly. • Exposure to excessive or continuous moisture and extreme temperatures should be avoided. Gypsum.board is not recommended where it will be exposed to temperatures exceeding 125°F (52°C) for extended periods -of time. • XP Gypsum Board should not be used as a backer board directly behind tile'and wall panels in tub;and shower areas. • Maximum framing spacing for ceiling applications not to exceed 16" mc. for installation parallel to framing and maxi- murn 24" o.c. for installation perpendicular to framing: On ceilings to receive hand- or spray -applied water -based Contractor Date (Continued next page) •Sporgard is a trademark of Syngenta Group Company texture material, XP Gypsum Board products are to be installed p&pendicu larto framing. • XP Gypsum Board should not be used in areas subject to constant.and(or excessive moisture and high humidity such as gang showers; saunas and steam room and swimming pool enclosures. PermaBase, BRAND Cement Boardis recommended for these applications. • Installing gypsum board panels over an insulating blanket, installed continuously across the face of the framing mem- bers, is not recommended. Blanketsshould be recessed and flanges attached to the sides of the studs or joists. • Gypsum board must be stored off the ground and under cove Sufficient risers must be used to assure.support for the entire length. of the gypsum board to prevent sagging. • Gypsum board must be kept dry to minimize the potential for mold growth. Adequate care should be taken while transporting, storing, applying and maintaining gypsum board. For additional information, refer to the Gypsum Association publication, "Guidelines forThe Prevention ofMold Growth on Gypsum Board"(GA:23&03), which is available at: www:gypsurri.ot under the "Download Free Gypsum Association Publicatioe section. COMPOSITION &MATERIALS Gypsum board is a manufactured panel with a gypsum core encased with paper. Gypsum board contains no asbestos. ACCESSORIES Fasteners: drywall screws, nails or adhesives Joint tape joint compound Comerbeads Trims Casing beads Furring channels E-Z Strip control joints .093 zinc control joint PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Thidmess, Nominal 12" Regular (12.7mm). Width, Nominal 4' (1219mm) Length, Standard 8142' (2438-3657mm) Weight,.Nominal (IbsJsq.ft.) 12' Regular -1.75 Edges Squared or Tapered Surface Burning Characteristics (per ASTM E 84) flame Spread: 15 Smoke, Developed: 0 Water Absorption (per ASTM C473) <5% Mold Resistance (perAsTM D 3273) 10 Mold Resistarice (per ASTM G 21) 0 Permeability (per ASTM E 96) 370' Watdassirreda vapor barrier APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND REFERENCES ASTM C 1396 ASTM C 846 ASTM D 3273 ASTM G21 ASTM C 473 Gypsum.Association GA216 Gypsum Association GA-214 Federal Specification SS-L-30D TypeVll (Grade R) National Gypsum Company, Qypsum Construction Guide RECOMMENDATIONS Installation of Gypsum Board should be consistent with methods described in the standards and references noted. GRIDMARV Gold Bond° BRAND XP Gypsum Boardcomes.standard with Gric[Mukl guide marks, printed on the.paper surface. These guide marks align with standard building.dimensions and help to quickly identify fastener I ines for stud and joistframing. Using GridMarX, accurate cuts can be made without having to draw lines. The use of GridMarX also provides quick identification and uniform naWscrew patterns. GridMarX guide marks run the machine direction of the board at five points in 4" increments. Marks run along the edge in both tapers and at 16", 24" and 32" in the field of the board. The marks cover easily with no bleed -through using standard paint products. Vertical Application- Ina vertical application, GridMarX serve as a guide mark -to help identify the exact location of framing. members behind the gypsum board, eliminating the need for field -applied vertical lines. Horizontal Application - In a horizontal application, .GridMarX serve as a reference mark to help. identify the location of framing members behind the gypsum board. . (If framing member is located 2" to the right of the GridMarX at the top edge of the board, it will be located 2" to the right,down the face of the board.) DECORATION For best painting results, all surfaces, including joint compound, should be clean, dust=free and hotglossy. To improve fastener and joint concealment, a coat of 'a quality drywall primer is recommended to equalize the porosities between surface paper and joint compound. The"selection of a paint to give the specified or desired finished characteristics is the responsibility of the architect or contractor. Gypsum board that is to have a wallcovering applied to it should be prepared and primed as described for painting. Gypsum Association GA 214, Recommended Specification for Levels.of Gypsum Board Finish, should be referred to in order to detemiine the level of finishing needed to assure a surface properly prepared to accept the desired decoration. Nationalmi 110942 Rev.01110 09 29 00 PROFORMO BRAND ALL PURPOSE READY MIX .JOINT COMPOUND P.- WORKER National Gypsum Company 2001 Rexford ;Road Charlotte, NC 28211 (704) 365-7300 Technical Information: 1-800-NATIONAL (1-800-628-4662) Fax:1-800-FAX NGCI (1-800-329-6421) Internet Home Page: nationalgypsum.com nationalgypsum.conVespanol 09 29 00/NGC Buyl-ine:1100 ProFomf BmNti All Purpose Ready Mix Joint Compound is a pre -mixed vinyl base compound that nay be used directly from the container. BASIC USES ProForm All Purpose Ready Mix Joint Compound is designed for tape application, fastener spotting and complete joint finishing of gypsum board. It can also be used to repair cracks in plastered walls, to texture sur- faces and to laminate gypsum board to other surfaces such as masonry or other gypsum board. It contains sufficient binder to secure the reinforcing tape and.develops its strength and hardness by drying. ADVANTAGES • Ready to use right from the container. • Excellent adhesiontbond. LIMITATIONS • Protect from freezing and exposure to extreme heat and direct sunlight, conditions which will puss premature aging of the product • Do not overthin. • Excessive mixing with an electric drill can cause undesir- able changes in viscosity and in finished surface appearance. STORAGE Storage life varies with climatic conditions, up to 6 months under good conditions. Store compound :awayfrom extreme cold or heat to avoid premature aging. Regularly check production dates and rotate inventory on a first -in, first -out plan. If Ready Mix Joint.Compound freezes, allow:material to thaw at room temperature for at least 24 hours.When'thawed, turn container upside-down for at least 15'minutes. Turn pail right side up, remove lid, and immediately remix with an electric drill. Ready Mix Joint Compound should be lump free and ready to use within 1 minute. Discard all Ready Mix Joint Compound thatdoes not remix to a lump free' consistency. COMPOSITION & MATERIALS Contains no asbestos. May contain any of the following: Component CAS No. Limestone 1317-65-3 Plaster of Paris 10034-76-1 Gypsum 13397-24-5 Perlite 93763-70-3 Talc 14807-96-6 Mica 1200126-2 clay 1302-78-9 1332-58-7 66402-68-4 8031-18-3 Starch 9005 25-8 Water* 7732-18-5 Latex' *Present only in Ready Mixed products. Job Name ACCESSORIES PACKAGING Joint tape Cornerbead Multi -Flex. joint tape Arch comerbead Casing beads (100, 200, 500) E Z Strip control joint TYPES Hand grade Machine grade Heavy Tinted Texture All Purpose Orange NY Formula 3 IbJ1 qt (13 kg) pail 12 IbJ1 gal. (5.4 kg) pail 61.7 lb. (28 kg) pail 50 Ib. (22,7 kg) carton 61.7 Ib.(28 kg) carton West Coast only: 47 lb. (21.3 kg) carton Southwest onl)c 48 lb: (21.8 kg) carton Contractor Date (Continued next page) ProForW is a registered trademark of National Gypsum Properties, I.I.C. APPLICABLE STANDARDS ASTM C 475 Federal SpecificationSS+5706 � Coverage;130440 Ibs1I,000 sq. ft, ofg mboard* (59-631493 M) *Coverage varies with number of cornerbeads and trims used. EM INSTALLATION APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND REFERENCES ASTM C 840 Gypsum Association GA-216 Gypsum Association GA-214 National Gypsum Co. Gypsum Construction Guide RECOMMENDATIONS Installation of ProForm All Purpose Ready Mix Joint Compound should be consis- tent with methods described in the noted standards and references and as indicated below. ProForm All Purpose Ready Mix may need a slight amount of mixing before use, and in any case should be lightly mixed before any water is added. Mixing may be done with a potato -masher -type tool or by use of a low -speed drill. Use directly from the container for treating fasteners and cornerbeads orfor taping and finishing joints. Care should be taken when .water is added to thin to a desired consistency. A uniformly thin layer of joint. compound should be applied over the joint approximately 4" wide. The tape: is then centeredover the joint and embedded into the com- pound, leaving sufficient joint corripound under the tape to provide proper bond. A thin coat of compound should cover the tape to minimize wrinkling or curling. Ceiling, wall angles and inside comer angles are reinforced with the tape folded to conform to the angle and embedded into the compound. After the compound is thoroughly dry (approximately 24 hours). theaape is covered with a -coat of all-purpose or topping compound spread over the tape approximately 3" on each edge. After this. coat is thoroughly'dry, another coat of all-purpose or top- ping compound is applied 'With a slight, uniform crown over the joint. This coat should be smooth and the edges feathered approximately 3" beyond the preceding coat. All inside corners are coated with at least two coats of compound with the edges feathered out. All nail or screw head dimples should receive three coats. These coats, may be applied as each coat is: applied to the joints. Flanges of gypsum board cornerbead should be concealed by at least.two. coats of compound. The first coat should be all-purpose compound and the second coat can be all-purpose or topping,.compound feathered out'approximately 9" on both sides of .the exposed metal nose. In' cold weather toutside tem- perature below 50°F [I0°C)), temperatures within the building should be maintained at a minimum 50°F (100C), both day and night, during jointfinishing. Adequate ventilation should be provided to eliminate excess moisture. Wegdamp conditions slow the drying process. Subsequently, 24 hours drying time between coats may not be.sufficient. Adequate drying time is essential to prevent unwanted conditions such as cracks from delayed shrinkage. DECORATION Beforepaint, wallcovering or other decorating materials are applied, all areas must be thoroughly ft dust free and treated with a coat of good - quality, high solids; flatlatex primer. The selection of a paint to give the specified or desired finished characteristics:is the responsibility ofthe architect or contractor. Gypsum Association GA-214, Recommended Specification for Levels of Gypsum Board Finish, should be referred to in order to determine the level of finishing needed to assure a surface properly prepared to accept the desired decoration. NadonalAWIF GWsum 110778 Rev.69/09 M 09 29 00 GOLD BOND° B MND e2XP° INTERIOR EXTREMPAR GYPSUM PANEL MANUFACTURER National Gypsum Company 2001 Rexford Road Charlotte, NC 28211 (704) 365-7300 Technical Information: 1-800-NATIONAL (1-800-628-4662) Fax: 1-800-FAX NGC1 (1-800-329-6421) Internet Home. Page: nationalgypsum.com nationalgypsum.com/espanol Internet Product Page:. www.purplechoice.info 09 29 00/NGC BuyLine: 1100 • Gold Bond® BRAND ezXP'& Interior Extremes AR Gypsum Panel is an abuse, moisture and mold resistant gypsum panel designed for interior applications requiring increased resistance to`inci- dental moisture :and surface abrasion. ezXP Interior Extreme AR. is manufactured with an enhanced abuse, moisture and mold resistant gypsum core and facer. The facer is composed of a coated fiber- glass mat which provides superior abrasion and mois- ture resistant capabilities. The specially formulated core provides greater resis- tance to surface abrasion and abuse. It is produced in a 5/8" Fire -Shield® Type X core. ezXP Interior Extreme AR is easily identified by the back facer in National Gypsum's original PURPLETm color. Tapered edges allow joints to be reinforced with ProForml BRAND joint "rape and con- cealed with ProFormC BRAND Ready Mix.or ProForm"" BRAND Quick Set Setting Compounds. BASIC USES e?XP Interior Extreme AR is designed for interior use.in wall assemblies in areas where surface durability; indentation and mold and mildew resis- tance are major concerns. Can be used for pre -rock applications before the build- ing envelope is completely enclosed which may shorten construction cycles. ADVANTAGES • Provides greater, resistance to surface abuse and indentation over standard gypsum board. • Will withstand up to 12 months of interior exposure to -the elements, subject to the terms, conditions and exclu- sions of National Gypsum's Limited Warranties. • Resists the growth of mold per ASTM D 3273with a score of 10; the best possible score. • GREENGUARD listed as microbial -resistant when tested per ASTM D 6329. • Coated fiberglass.mat on face and back:for easy handling.. • ezXP Interior Extreme AR is an approved component in specific UL fire rated designs. • Less than 5% water absorption per ASTM C 473. job Name Contractor. GREENGUARD CERTIFIED ezXP Interior Extreme AR is GREENGUARD Children & Schools•° Certified for indoor air quality. GREENGUARD Certified x as a low -emitting material. Meets CHPS and CA Section 01350. GREEN_ GUARD• W—A, o.sn C,,V.a MOLD'AND MILDEW RESISTANCE ezXP Interior Extreme AR was designed to provide extra protection against mold and mildew compared to stan- dard gypsum board products. When tested by an indepen- dent laboratory, ezXP Interior Extreme AR products received the highest possible ratings per ASTM D 3273. No material can be considered "mold -proof;' nor is it certain thatany material will resist mold or mildew. indefinitely. When used in conjunction with good design, handling and construction prac- tices, ezXP Interior Extreme AR products can provide increased mold resistance versus standard gypsum board products. As with any build- ing material, avoiding water exposure during handling, storage and installation; and after installation is complete, is the best way to avoid the formation of mold or mildew. LIMITATIONS • ezXP Interior Extreme AR is intended for interior use only. • Panels are nonstructural and are not a nailing base. • Do not finish joints until building is properly closed in and conditioned. • Exposure to excessive or continuous moisture and ex treme jemperatures. should be avoided. Gypsum panels are not recommended where they will be exposed to tempera- tures exceeding'1250F (52°C) for extended periods of time. • ezXP Interior Extreme AR should not be:used in areas subject to constant and/or . excessive moisture and high humidity'such as gang show- ers, saunas, steam rooms or swimming pool enclosures. • ezXP Interior Extreme AR should not be used as a backer board directly behind tile in tub and shower areas. Date (Continued next page) • When installing e2XP Interior Extreme AR in horizontal applications, such as ceilings, it should not be installed in pre -rock conditions: • Minimum 20 gauge framing. • Panels must be stored off the ground and under cover. Sufficient risers must be used to assure support for the entire length of the -gypsum panel to prevent sagging. • Care should be taken to ensure that the panels are kept dry prior to, and dur- ing installation. Adequate care should betaken while transporting, storing, applying and maintaini.ng.panels. For additional information, refer to the Gypsum Association publication,; "Guidelines for Preverition of Mold:Groivth. on Gypsum Board�(GA-238-03); which is available atwww gypsum.org under the "Down- load Free Gypsum Association Publications" section. COMPOSITION & MATERIALS e2XP Interior Extreme AR is manufactured with a moisture and mold resistant core and facers. The facer is`composed. of a coated fiberglass mat which provides superior mold and moisture resistance while allowing for easy handling.. e2XP Interior Extreme AR (Type X) has special additives in the core to enhance its fire -resistive properties. Contains no asbestos. ACCESSORIES • Fasteners: drywall screws, nails and/or adhesives • ProForm Fiberglass Mesh Tape • ProForm Joint Tape • Cornerbead, casing beads • ProForm -Ready Mix or ProForm Quick. Set/Quick Set Lite Setting Compound • E-Z Strip control)'oints or .093 zinc control joints TECHNICAL DATA PHYSICALYROPERTIES s/a° e2XP Interior Extreme AR Fire -Shield -Type X Thickness, nominal 5/8" Width, standard 4' Length, standard 8' -12' Weight, lbs./sq. ft., nominal 2.8 Perrneance (perms) AU Linear Expansion 6.2S x 10-6 Coefficiencyof Thermal Expansion 9.26 x 10.6 Flexural Strength, parallel, Ibf ,a100 Flexural Strength, perpendicular, Ibf al40 "R" Value (C 518) 0.50 Noncombustible per ASTM E 136 Yes Nail Pull Resistance minimum, Ibf 90. Hardness core, edges and ends Z15 Water Absorption t% of weight) (ASTM C 473) <5 Surface Water Absorption (grams) sl.6 Surface Burning Characteristics Flame Spread/Smoke Developed (E 84) 0/0 Humidified Deflection 1/8" Rending Radius 8' Resists Growth of Mold Yes Edges Tapered Surface Abrasion Resistance (per ASTM C 1629) Level 3 Indentation Resistance (per ASTM C 1629) Level 1 Soft Body Impact Resistance (per ASTM C 1629) Leve12 Hard Body impact Resistance (per ASTM C 1629) Level 1 APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND REFERENCES ASTM C 1658 Appropriate sections of ASTM C 1396 ASTM D 3273 ASTM .C.840• ASTM D 6329 ASTM C1629 Gypsum Association.GA-216• Gypsum Association GA-214 Gypsum Association GA-801 National Gypsum Company, Gypsum Construction Guide 'Good building practices should always be followed to minimize adverse moisture exposure. When conditions require installation of board before the building is fully enclosed, the use of e?XP lnterior Extreme is the best possible solution. FIRE RESISTANCE RATINGS Fire resistance ratings represent the results of tests on assem- blies made up of specific mate- rials in specific configuration. When selecting construction designs to meet certain fire resistance requirements, cau- tion must be_used to ensure that each component of the assembly is the one specified in the test. Further, precaution should be that assembly procedures are.in accordance with those of the tested as- sembly. (For copies of specific tests, call 1-800-NATIONAL. For fire safety information, see wwwnationaigy,psum.com)' UL CORE DESIGNATION 5/8" e2XP Interior Extreme AR: FSW-6 • RECOMMENDATIONS Installation of a?XP Interior Extreme AR should be consis- tantwith methods described in Applicable. Standards. For best impact' performance, use vertical application. Listed impact/penetration ratings apply to walls con- structed with e2XP Interior Extreme AR applied with long edges parallel to and centered. over minimum 20 gauge framing members spaced a maximum of 1.6" o.c. Install e2XP Interior EktremeAR in accordance with GA 216 "Application and.Finishing. of Gypsum Panel Products" and ASTM C 840 "Standard Specification for Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board for Non -Fire Rated Construction-.'' In: addition, the following recommenda- tions should be followed: — Fasteners shall be driven just below the surface, avoiding -damage to the core and/or facer. — Unlike paper -faced gypsum board, e'XP Interior Extreme AR can be installed in pre - rock applications, yetwater sensitive materials should not be installed adjacent to &XP Interior Extreme AR until the building is dried in. h = For optimal results when transitioning from e2XP Inte- rior Extreme AR to paper - faced gyyppsum board, panels should:be butted at corners or above drop ceilings. FINISHING The finishing of e,xp Interior Extreme AR panels should be specified and peformed in accordance with Gypsum Association Publication GA-214 'Recommended Levels of Gypsum Board Finish."Joints between L-XP Interior Extreme AR panels may be finished with either paper tape and ready mix joint compound or fiberglass mesh tape and setting .com- pound such as ProForm BRAND Interior Finishing Products. In most areas to receive final decoration; skim coating of the entire surface is recommended. In critical lighting conditions or when using gloss, semi- gloss or enamel paints, finish panels to a Level 5 finish as outlined in GA 214. DECORATION For best painting results, all surfaces, including joint com- pound, should be clean and dust -free. To improve fastener and joint concealment, a coat of a quality drywall primer is recommended to equalize the porosities between surface facer and joint compound. The level of finish selection and paint required to provide the specified or desired finished characteristics is the responsibility of the architect or contractor. A gypsum panel that is to have. a wallcovering applied should be prepared and primed as described for painting. Safety: The following standard work practices are recom- mended: Installers should wear long pants and a long- sleeved loose fitting shirt. Protective gloves and special. eye protection (goggles or safety glasses with side shield) should be used. A dust mask should be worn when sanding and additional breathingg protection may be.nee ded in extremely dusty conditions. Do not use a power saw to cut this product. Caution: Because this product contains fiberglass, dustand glass fibers may be released during normal handling, which:could result in eye or skin irritation or cause diffi- culty in breathing. Whenever possible, avoid contact with the skin and eyes and avoid breathing dust or fibers that may be released during instal- lation. Consult the MSDS for this product, available at purplechoice. info before use. Alk Georgia-Pacific DensShieldTechnical Service Hotline 1.800.225.6119 or Tile Backer www.densshield.com Manufacturer Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC 133 Peachtree Street, Bth floor,.Atlanta, GA30303 Technical Service Hotline 1-B00-225-6119 or www.densshield.com 'Description DensShield® Tile Backer is a substrate that, when properly installed, provides significantwater and moisture resistance— making it excellentforprotecting both file installations and stud.cavities. QensShield is composed of a proprietary, water-resistant.treated I ore that is covered front and back with fiberglass mats. The mats are permanently integrated with the core during manufacturing, preventing delamination problems that can occur With paper faced greenboard. On the tile side, DensShield's exclusive heat -cured acrylic coating stops surface water and retards moisture, transmission, protecting the wall cavity. Unlike cementitious backer boards, DensShield does not require a separate water barrier. DensShield is 17 to.32 lbs. lighter per panel, depending on panel size, than cement board, which makes installation easier.- DensShield provides excellent dimensional stability and strength so it can be installed parallel. or at right angles to framing in wall and ceiling applications. Primary Uses DensShield Tile Backer, with its patented fiberglass mat design, has been independently'tested; as manufactured, in accordance with ASTM D.3273 and has scored the highest achievable rating (10 outof 10) for mold resistance. DensShield Tile Backer has been shown to be excellent for the and non -tile installations in wet and non -wet applications, in areas of high humidity, and in fire -rated wall assemblies. It is ideal for interiorwalls, ceilings, residential and light commercial floors and countertop applica- tions in high moisture areas such as baths, showers; kitchens, laundries, swimming pool areas and locker rooms. DensShield Tile Backer is the first and onlytile backer listed as a GREENGUARD microbial resistant, product by a leading third• partyorganization, GREENGUARD Environmental Institute. This listing means DensShield Tile Backer, which features fiberglass mats instead of the paper facings.used on surface of traditionaltile backers, resists mold growth. The microbial resistant testis based on ASTM Standard D 6329-98, a testing standard set by ASTM International, which develops testing guidelines and procedures for building material, products, systems and services. DensShield provides an excellent' backer for sidewalls and ceilings.in bathtub and shower installations, where it provides an even, solid substrate for tile. DensShield may also be finished with paint or wallpaper for non -tile areas that require superior fire and moisture resistance where its.moisture barrier and water -repelling: qualities are desirable. DensShWd also adds stabilizing and fire resistant qualities to countertop installations. Limitations Submittal Approvals, 1/4" and%1%2- x 4' wide DensShield can be used as asubstrate in floor tile applications for residential and light commercial use as defined in the Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation by the Tile Council of North America. Tiles should be applied on the greycoated side of DensShield Tile Backer. DensShield Tile Backer should not be used in commercial saunas, steam rooms, around fireplaces or areas.where prolonged exposure to heat exceeds 125°F. DensShield panels should not be used as a shower pan.base. DensShield Tile Backer should not be used for exterior installations. DensShield panels should not be used as a base for nailing and mechanical fastening. DensShield Tle Backer should not be used in conjunction with passive solar heat systems. For floors, use floor grade tile, 2" x 2" or larger. Use framing or furring when applying over concrete or block. Adhesives alone should not be used to install DensShield Tile Backer. Nails, screws or staples may be used alone or in combina- tion with adhesives. Job Name Contractor Date continued—lo- Georgiafacific DensShield' Technical Service Hotline 1.800.225.6119 or Tile Backer WWW.densshield.com Limitations- Since DensShield" Tile Backer has a built-in moisture barrier; never install vapor retarders directly behind DensShield panels. In (continued) retrofit applications, some paints orother wall coverings may constitute a vapor barrier;.remove or effectively penetrate these coverings prior to installing DensShield panels. DensShield Tiie Backer should. not be used in shower floors; Technical Data Testing by U.S. Testing Company Inc. according to method ASTM D 3273 demonstrated that DensShield Tile Backer effectively resists mold growth, scoring the highest achievable rating of 10. When tested.in conformance with ASTM E`96, DensShield panels achieved a perm rating of less than 1.5 alone, 1.0.with dry set mortars and.5 when applied with a Type 1 the mastic. DensShield Tile Backer has passed the ICBO required percolation test permitting application without a separate water barrier. In an independently witnessed shower installation test, DensShield panels were subjected to a shower of water at 1106F for 15 minutes per hour fora one-year period -the equivalent. of 28 years of showers —in an installation with no grout. No deterioration of the tiled wall and'framing members due to water infiltration occurred. 5/8" DensShield® Fireguard® Type X Tile Backer is fire rated for both 1-hour and 2-hour wall.assembiies. 5/8" DensShield Fireguard Type X meets ASTM criteria -for Type X (Type _X fire resistant), therefore, it.can be substituted for Type X gypsum board specified in genetic rated wall assemblies listed in the Gypsum Association Fire Reference Design Manual, Publication GA-600. DensShield Fireguard Tile Backer is UL Classified, Type DS, in UL Design Nos. U301, U302, U305, U309, U337, U342, U354, U355, U411, U425, U465, V417 and V419. DensShield has passed the TCA Robinson Floor Test in both 1/4" and 1/2" x 4' Wide thicknesses with a rating of light commercial. Product Data Thicknesses:-1/4"-6.4mtnl 2"-12 m, 5/8"-15.9mm type X Width and Length: 4' x4' (1/4-); 32" x.5" (1/2l, 4' x 5' andt4''x� . /2"); 4' x 8' (5/8") Edges: Square Conforms to ASTM C 1178 Fiberglass Mat Water -Resistant Gypsum Backing Panel A04k Georgia-Pacific Gypsum SALES INFORMATION AND ORDER PLACEMENT U.SA Midwest 1-800-876-4746 West 1-8004124-7503 South: 1 IW327--2344 Northeast 1-B00-947-M CANADA Canada Toll Free: 1-800-387-M Quebec Toll Free: 1-880.361.4M TECHNICAL INFORMATION Georgia-Pacific Gypsum Technical Hotline U.S.A. and Canada:1-800-225-M19 www.gpgypsdm.com �OVT�T�J. ti Member of ,� F ,y CAUTION: For product fire,.safety and use information, go to gp.com/safetyirlfo. tDMGemgiaP kGy =11C.9ri�fftmsemd ftWed in din UXA 1/M. GMM. lit nem /59?Za6, TRADEMARKS DENSSHIELD, FIREGUARD and the GEORGIA-PACIFIC logo are trademarks owned by or licensed to Georgia- Pacific Gypsum LLC. The GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUAUTY CERTIFIED Mark is a registered certification mark used under license through the GREENGUARD Environmental Institute. UPDATES AND CURRENT INFORMATION The information in this docu- ment may change without notice. Visit bur welisite at www.gpgypsum;corn for up- dates and current infiormation. LIMITATION OF REMEDIES AND DAMAGES Unlezotherwise stated in our written warranty for these products, our sole liability for any product claim shall.be.lim- ited to reimbursement: of: the cost of repair or replacement of the affected product, up to a maximum amount of two times the,original purchase price for the affected product We shall not be responsible under any circumstances for lost.profits, damage to a structure or its contents; or indirect -incidental, special orconsequential dam ages: Claims -shall be deemed waived ifthey are not submitted to us in writing within ten (10) days after discovery of a product defect/circumstance giving rise to.a claim. CAUTION: For product fire, Safety and use information, -go. to gp.com/satetyirrfo. DISCLAIMER: Ourfiberglass mat products may contain recycled material with small traces of cellulose fiber in the, core; which will not affect the overall product performance or characteristics. HANDLING AND USE CAUTION: This product contains fiberglass facings which may cause skinirritation. Dust and fibers produced during the . handling and installation of the and respiraiory tract irritation. Avoid breathing dust and mini mize contact with skin and eyes. Wear long sleeve shirts, long pants and eye protection. Always maintain adequate ventilation: Use a dust mask or NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator as appropriate in dusty or poorly ventilated areas. For additional product fire, safety. and use information go to www.gp.com/safetyinfo or call 1-800-225-6119; FIRE SAFETY CAUTION Passing a fire test in a con trolled laboratory setting and/or certifying or labeling a.product or any other fire:resistance or protection rating and, therefore, as acceptable for use in certair fire rated.assemblies/systems, does not mean,that eithera particularassembly/system orporating inc.the. raduc.L.or aoV given piece of the product itself, will necessarily provide one -hour fire resistance, two- hour fire resistance, or any other specified fire resistance or protection Irian actual fire. In the event of an actual fire, you should immediately take any and all actions necessary for your safety and the safety of others without regard for any fire rating of any product. or assembly/system. 46, Georgia-Pacific DensGlass Sheathing Manufacturer Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC Georgia-Pacific Canada LP 133 Peachtree Street 6711 Mississauga Road, Atlanta, GA303D3 Mississauga, ON LSN 2W3 Technical Service Hotline:1-800-225.6119 Description DensGlass® Sheathing is a gypsum panel made of aveated, water-resistant core, surfaced with fiberglass mats and a GOLD colored primer' coating. Providing superb protection from the elements, DensGlass Sheathing is resistant to decay, delamination and deterioration due to weather exposure -even during construction delays that last as long as twelve months after installation and are backed by a 12-month, limited. warranty against normal weather. exposure! DensGlass Sheathing panels are also mold-resistant,scoring a 10, the highestscore, when tested, as manufactured, per ASTM D3273. DensGlass, Sheathing exhibits'a dimensional stability that assures'resMance to warping, rippling, buckling and sagging for a flat and even substrate and is noncombustible as defined and tested in accordance with ASTM E.136. Since DensGlass Sheathing is strong in both directions, it may be installedeither parallel or perpendicular to Wall framing members (always follow specific assembly installation instructions). Primary Uses Because of the superior performance of DensGlass Sheathing, it is specified for exterior Walls, ceilings and soffits in a. Wide variety of applications: These include exterior' insulation and finish systems tEIFS); cavity bricKor stone veneer applications; cladding such as wood siding, vinyl siding, composition siding, wood shingles, shakes; conventional stucco systems; plywood siding. panels; and interior finish systems that require a substrate panel with superior fire and moisture resistance. For EIFS applications, DensGlass Sheathing is an ideal substrate for adhesive or mechanical application of expanded polystyrene (EPS) or extruded polystyrene insulation, and is recommended in all climate zones. Consult with the local building code, design professional, owner or cladding manufacturer for weather resistive barrier requirements. Manufacturers of weather resistive barriers, which ;include flexible membranes, self -adhered membrane and liquid applied, have found DensGlass Sheathing'to be a suitable substrate for their systems. DensGlass Sheathing is an ideal product for exterior ceilings and soffits for both cold and warm climate zones. It resists sagging, even under exceptionally humid conditions: Panels care applied directly to structural framing. Surface and joints may be finished and painted, or -surfaced with an exterior finish system. Limitations DensGlass Sheathing is resistant to normal weather conditions, but it not intended for immersion in water. Cascading roof/floor water should be directed away from.the sheathing until appropriate drainage is installed. Avoid any condition that will create moisture in the air and condensation on the exterior walls during periods when the exterior temperature is lower than the inte- dor. The use of forced air heaters creates volumes of water vapor which, when not properly vented, can condense on building materials. The use of these heaters and any resulting damage is not the responsibility of Georgia-Pacific Gypsum. Consult heater manufacturer for proper use and ventilation. Vapor barrier may also restrict ventilation. For complete warranty details, visit www gpgypsum.com. Submittal Job Name Approvals Contractor Date Technical Service Hotline 1.800 225.6119 or www.gpgypsum.com When DensGlass Sheathing panels are used in slanted wall applications, that por- tion of the wall must be temporarily protected,from the elements by the use of a water-resistant barrier prior to application of the cladding. Do not allow water to. pond or settle on sheathing. Also, -exposed wall ends such as those that may be found in parapets must be covered to prevent water from infiltrating the cavity.. Georgia-Pacific Gypsum does not warrant and is not responsible or liable for the performance of the cladding or exterior systems applied over DensGlass Sheathing. The'suitability and compatibility of any system is the responsibility of the system manufacturer or design authority. Do not laminate DensGlass Sheathing to masonry surfaces; use furring strips or framing. DensGlassSheathing is not intended for roof applications. For roof applications, consult our DensDeck® Roof Board brochure. DensGlass Sheathing is not intended for interior or exterior file applications, For interior file applications, consult our DensShieldre' Tile Becket brochure: DensGlass Sheathing should not be used in lieu of plywood where required. Do not apply DensGlass Sheathing below grade. For all installations, design details such as fasteners, sealants and control joints persystem specifications must be properly installed. Openings and penetrations .must be properly flashed and sealed. Failure to do so will void the warranty. Do not use DensGlass Sheathing as a base for nailing or mechanical fastening. Fasteners should be flush to the face of the board, not countersunk. Technical.Data DensGlass Sheathing is noncombustible.asdescribed and tested in accordance with ASTM E 136, DensGlass Sheathing exceeds ASTM C1396 sheathing standards for humidified deflection by a factor of 10 in tests over the standard for regular gypsum sheathing. 5/8" (15.9 inm) DensGlass° Fireguard" Sheathing is UL classified, Type DGG in the following UL assemblies:. Design Nos. G501, G520, 13.531, L50.1, L50B, L532, L556, L591, N501, N50Z N505, N602, P225, P227, P230, P235, P254,P259, P266, P302, P516, P517, P701, P710, P711. P713, P714, P717, MB..P719,.P720, P722, P725, P728, P749, P730, P731, P732, P733, P734, 035, P738, P739, P740, P741, P742, P801, P811. P815, P819, P824, 1`825, P826, P827, P828, S728, S736, U017. U032, UD40, U204, U207, U301, U302, U305, U309, U326, U329, U330, 0332, U337, U33B, U339, U341, U342, U351, U354, U355, U356, U357, LIKS, U360, U364, U369; U379, U396,.U411. U418, U4201 1.1425, U434, U436, U439, U442, U449, U450„U460, U465,.U467, U473, U475, U.467, U494,.U495, 1.1502, U504, U565,:0506, U510, U512, U531, U603 U617, U623, U626, U633, U640, U646, U647, U648, U649. U651, U652, U926, V415 , V417. V419, V420, V421, Will, V432, V434, V435, V450, V473, V4116, V487, V490, X508, X516, X517; X525, X526, X527, X526; X535, X602, X604 and ULC classified, Type DGG in ULC designs EW10, EW17, U301, U302, W361, W404, W415, W442 and W465. When tested, as manufactured, DensGlass Sheathing conforms to ASTM C 1 M. contiwed-)0- Stamps/Signatures A Georgia-Pacific DensGlass® Sheathing Technical Service.Hotline 1.800.225.6119 or Product Data Thicknesses:1/2" (12.7 mm), 5/8" (15.9 mm) is Type X Width: 4' (1220 mm) standard, Tolerance up to* 1/8" (3.2 mm) Lengths: 812438'mm), 9' (2743 mm) or 10' (3046'mm) standard, tolerance* t/4" (6 mm) Other lengths available upon request Edges: Square wwwigpgypsum.com Physical Properties Properties 1/2"DensGlass' Sheathing 5/8' DensGlass' Fireguard' Sheathing Nominal 1/2" (12.7 min) Nominal Length, Standard 8' (2440 mm), 9' (270 mm), 10'(3048 mm), ± 1/4(6 mm) 6' (2440 mm), 9' (2743 mm),10' (3048 mm). ± 1/4" (6'mm) Weight/Ibs./sq. ft. (kg/ml 1.90) 2.5112) Surfacing Fiberglass mat Fiberglass mat Backing Strength, lbs./ft. (dry) (N/m) (Ultimate —not design value) >540 06.78) >654 (>9544) Flexural Strength; parallel, Ibf. (N) (4' weak direction) 80 (356) 100 (445) Humidified Deflection' 1/8" (3 mm) 2/8" (R mm) Permeance (perms)' Ing/Pa+s•m9 23 0300) 17 (970) Rvalue' °F-ft4hr/BTU(K-rr?1 ) .5610.099) .67.(0.118) Linear Expansion with Change in Moisture in/m/%RH(mm/mm%RH) . 8.25 x 10-" 6.25x 10-1 Bending Radius' 6' (1829 mm) 8' (2438 mm) Compressive Strength min. 500 psi (3445 kPa) min. 500 psi (3445 kPa) l/aluesare based on tests conducted in accordance with ASTM C 473andAS7Mf 71 where applicable. ' Tested in accordance withASTM E98(drycup methgdl 'Tested in accordance with ASTMC 518(heat flow meter). ' Minimum requirements forASTMC 1177 standard specification. ' Double fasteners on ends as needed. Georgia-Pacific Gypsum U.S.A - Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC Canada— Georgia-Pacific Canada LP SALES INFORMATION AND ORDER PLACEMENT U.SA., Midwest 14ft-876-4746 West: 14100-824-75M South: 1.806-327-2344 Northeast 14WO-947-4997 CANADA CanadaTollfree: 1-800.387.6823 OuebecToll Free: 14MOm 411186 TECHNICAL INFORMATION U,S.A.and Canada: 1-80D-225-6119 www.gpgypsum.com 6Y10ioGewgia anifcGyp oU.C.All d0hisreserved hinled et Die U.SA 1/It Ge•TM tit Item 0=50. TRADEMARKS Unless otherwise, noted, all trademarks are owned by or licensed to Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC. WARRANTIES, REMEDIES AND TERMS OF SALE For current warranty information for this product, please go to www.gpgyyppsum.com and select the product for warrantyinformation. All sales of this product by Georgia-Pacific are subject to our Terms of Sale available at www.gpgypsum.com. UPDATES AND CURRENT INFORMATION The information in this document may change without notice. Visit our website at wwwg gypsum.com for updates and current information. CAUTION For product fire, safety and use information,'go to www.gp.com/safetyinfo orcal l 1-800-2Z5.6119. HANDLING AND USE=CAUTION This product contains, fiberglass facings which may cause skim irritation. Dust and fibers produced during the handling'and installation of the product may cause skin, eye and respiratory tract imitation. Avoid breathing dust and. minimite.contact with skin and eyes. Wear long sleeve. shirts, long pants and eye protection. Always maintain adequate ventilation. Use a dust mask or NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator as appropriate in dusty & poorly ventilated areas. FIRE SAFETY CAUTION Passing a fire test in a controlled laboratory setting and/or certifying or labeling a product as having a one -hour, two-hour,'or any other fire, resistance, or pro- tection -rating and, therefore; as acceptable for use in certain fire rated assemblies/systems, .does not mean that either a particular assembly/system incorporating the product, or any given piece of the product itself, will necessarily provide one -hour fire resistance, two•hourfrre resistance, or any other specked fire resistance or protection in an actual fire. In the event of an actual fire, you should immediately take any and all actions neces- sary foryour safety and the safety of others without regard for any fire rating of any product orassembly/system. GOLD BOND° BRAND GYPSUM BOARD National Gypsum Company 2001 Rexford Road Charlotte, NC 28211 (704) 365-7300 Technical Information: 1-800-NATIONAL (1-800-6284662) Fax:1-800-FAX NGC1 (1-800-329-6421) Internet Home Page: nationalgypsum.com nationalgypsum.com/espanol 09 29 00/NGC BuyLine:1'100 No - Gold Bond' BwwD.Gypsum Board panels consist of a fire- resistant gypsum core encased in heavy natural-finish,.100% recycled paper on:the face and back sides. The face paper is folded -around the long edges to reinforce and protect the core, and the ends are square - cut and finished smooth. Forspeed of installation, GridMarX1 guide marks are printed on the paper surface. Long edges of the panels are tapered or square. Tapered edges allow joints to be reinforced with Profbrm'BRAND JointTape and concealed with ProFom? BRAND Ready Mix, Easy. Finish® BRAND Ready Mix or Profbmf BRAND Quick Set Setting. Joint Compounds. BASIC USES 114"-Lightweight, low-cost utility gypsum panel 'for interior use as a base layerfor improving. sound control in double -layer steel and/or wood stud paid tions. Also for use over old wall and ceiling surfaces. Also. applicable for forming curved surfaces with short radii. 318" - Lightweight for interior use in the double -wall systems over wood ftaming, and for repair and remodeling. la"I For single -layer interior use in residential construction and non -rated commercial construction. ADVANTAGES • Lightweight; cost-efficient material that readily accepts a. wide range of decorative finishes. • Gypsum Board is easily cut for quick installation; permitting painting or other decoration and the installation of metal or wood trim almost immediately. • The gypsum core Will not support combustion or transmit temperatures greatly in excess of 212OF (1000C) until completely calcined, a slow process.. • Expansion and contraction under normal atmospheric changes is negligible. GREENGUARD. CERTIFIED The GREENGUARD Certification Program' is ��� ian n industry indGREENGUARD° ependent, third -party program that has been certifying products for low non tonic emissions since 2007. To achieve GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certified`status, National Gypsum's products passed rigorous sample testing and review.of the manufacturing processes to meet strict stan- dards set by the GREENGUARD Environmental Institute (GEI}— a globally recognized leader in indoor air quali"o )ob Name Contractor determine their impaction indoor:air pollution. To achieve GREENGUARD Children & Schools Certification; Gold Bond Gypsum, Board products met even more stringent emissions limits that take into account the added sensitivity of Aildren and adults with compromised immune systems. LIMITATIONS • Exposure to excessive or continuous moisture and extreme temperatures should be avoided. Gypsum. Board is not recommended where itvvHl be exposed to temperatures exceeding 125OF(52'C)for extended periods of time. • To prevent objectionable sag in gypsum paneled ceilings, the weight of overlaid unsupported insulation should not exceed the following recommendations: PSF Frame 9UJSq. FL) Type Spacing 1.3 W" Regular 246o.c. (6 3 kgJM) 21 1 /2" Regular 16" o.c. 00.7 kgMit') Panels 3/8" thick must not be overlaid with: unsupported insulation. If required, a vapor retarder can be installed in exterior ceilings, and plenum or attic spaces should be properly vented. • Installing Gypsum Board panels over an insulating blanket, installed continuously across the face of the framing mem- bers, is not recommended. Blankets should be recessed and flanges attached to the sides of the studs or joists. • Gypsum .Board must be stored off thegeoundand under- cover. Sufficient risers must be used to assure support for the entire length of the gypsum board to prevent sagging. • Gypsum Board must be kept dry to minimize the potential for mold growth. Adequate care should be taken while transporting, storing; applying and rhaintarning gypsum board. For additional informa- tion, refer to the Gypsum Association publication, "Guidelines for the Prevention of Mold Growth. on Gypsum Wallboard" (GA-Z3"3), which is available at wwwgypsum:org under the "Download Free Gypsum Association Publications" section. (Continued nextpage) COMPOSITION & MATERIALS Gypsum Board is a manufactured panel with a gypsum core encased with paper. Gypsum Board contains no asbestos. ACCESSORIES Fasteners: drywall. screws, nails or adhesives Joint tape Joint -compound Comerbeads Trims Casing beads Furring channels E-Z Strip control joints .093 zinc control joint PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Thickness, nominal 1/4' Regular(6.4 mm) Thickness, nominal 3/8" Regular (9.5 inm) Thickness, nominal k,Regutar (1^ 2 m)_ Width, nominal' 4' (1219 mm) Length, standard 6' through 16' (t829 mm - 4877 mm). Weight, Ibs./sq. %, nominal 1/4' Regular -1.2 Weight IbsJsq. ft., nominal 3/8' Regular -1.2 Weight, ibsdsq. It., nominal 1/2' Regular -1.6 Edges Square or Tapered Surface Burning Characteristics (per ASTM E 84) Flame'spread: 15 Smoke developed: 0 '54' wide Gypsum Board available in5/B' ililckness APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND REFERENCES ASTM C 1396 ASTM C 840 Gypsum Association GA-216 Gypsum Association GA-214 Federal'Specification Z630D Type III (Grade R) National Gypsum Company, Gypsum Construction Guide 10-1 INSTALLATION RECOMMENDATIONS Installation of Gypsum Board should be consistent with methods described in the standards and references noted. GRIDMARV Gold Bondm BRAND Gypsum Board comes standard with GridMaekO guide marks, printed on the paper surface. These guide marks align with .standard -building dimensions and.help to quickly identify fastener lines for stud and joistframing. Usingg GridMarX,. accurate cuts canbe made without having to draw lines. The.use of.GridMarX also provides quick identification and uniform nail/screw patterns. GridMarX guide marks. run the machine_ direction of the boatcl at five points in 4" increments. Marks run -along the edge in both tapers and at 16", 24" and 32" in the field of the board. The, marks cover easily with no bleed -through using standard paint products. Vertical Application- In.avettical application, GridMarX serve as a guide mark to help identify the exact location of framing members behind the gypsum board eliminating the. heed for field applied vertical lines. Horizontal Application - In a horizontal application, GricimarX serve as a reference mark to help identify the location of framing members behind the gypsum board. (If framing membe.r.is located 2" to the right of the GridMarX at the top'edge of the board, itwill be located 2" to the right down the face of the board.) DECORATION For.bestpainting results, all surfaces, includingjoint compound, should be clean, dust -free and not glossy. To improve fastener and joint concealment, a coat of a quality drywall primer is _recommended to equalize the porosities -between surface paper and .joint compound. The selection of a paint to give, the. specified or desired finished characteristics is the responsibility of the architect or contractor. Gypsum Board that is to have a wallcovering applied to it should beprepared and primed as described for painting. Gypsum.Association GA-214, Recommended Specification for Levels "of Gypsum Board Finish, should be referred to iworder to determine the level of finishing needed to assure a,surface properly prepared to accept the desired decoration. NatiWalmi Gypsuin,,, 110638 Rev. 12/09