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'-�- vvrightsott- Project.Summary Entire House Project Information For: MOON Notes: Job: Pate: Jan 13, 2014 By: Design Information Weather: Fort Pierce, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 42 OF Inside db 70 OF Outside db Inside db 90 75 OF OF Design TD 28 OF Design TD 15 L OF Daily range Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 61 gr/lb Heating Summary Structure 6354 Btuh Ducts 0 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Humidification 0 Btuh Piping Equipment load 5354 Btuh Infiltration Method Simplified Construction quality Average Fireplaces 0 Heating Cooling Area (ftz) Volume (, ) 3186 3186 Air changes/hour 0.61 0.32 Equiv. AVF (cfm) 32 17 Heating Equipment Summary Make Trade Model AHRI ref n/a Efficiency Heating input Heating -output Temperature rise Actual airflow Air flow factor Static pressure Space thermostat 100'EFF 5115 Btuh 51.15 Btuh 16 0 297 cfm 0.055 cfm/Btuh 0 in H2O Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing 70 0 Btuh Ductsure Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swing multiplier Equipment sensible load 0.95 6729 Btuh Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 1110 Btuh Ducts 0 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Equipment latent load 1110 Btuh Equipment total load 7839 Btuh Req. total capacity at 0.70 SHR 0.8 ton Cooling Equipment Summary Make LG Electronics Trade Cond LSU093CE Coil AHRI ref Efficiency 11.0 EER, 13 SEER Sensible, cooling 6230 Btuh Latent stooling_ 2670 Btuh. Total Coolingg 8900 Btuh Actual air fl-OW 297 cfm Air flow factor 0.042 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0 in H2O Load sensible heat ratio 0.86 Calculations approved, by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. Wrl htsOft° 2014-.ten-1312:08:16 9 Right-SuBeO Universal 2012 12.0.09 RSU12886 Page 1 C:lUserslOfficeDepotlDocumentslWrightsoft HVACWOON.rup Calc - MJ8 Front Door feces: N Load Short Form Job: -' -�- wrightsoft° Date: Jan 13, 2014 Entire House By: - Project Information •• Information ---Design Htg Clg Infiltration Outside db (°F) 42 90 Method Simplified Inside db (°F) 70 75 - Construction quality Average DesigaTD. CF) 2a Is Fireplaces 0 Daily range - L Inside humidity (%) 30 50 Moisture difference (gr/lb) 1 61 HEATING EQUIPMENT . Make Trade Model AHRI ref n/a Efficiency Heating input Heating output Temperature rise Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure Space thermostat COOLING EQUIPMENT Make LG Electrdnics Trade Cond LSU093CP Coil AHR,I ref 100 EFF Efficiency 11.0 EER, 3991 Btuh Sensible cooling 3991 Btuh Latent cooling 12 OF Total cooling 297 cfm Actual air flow 0.074 afm/Btuh Air flow factor 0 in H2O Static pressure Load -sensible heat rgtio_ 13 SEER 6230 Btuh 2670 Btuh 8900 Btuh 297 cfm 0.056 cfm/Btuh 0 in H2O 0.83 ROOM NAME Area Htg load Clg load Htg AVF Clg AVF (ft2) (Btuh) (Btuh) (cfm) (cfm) DEN 178 1788 1602 133 90 FOYER 53 2146 3597 160 201 LAUNDRY 64 57, 106 4 6 Entire House 295 3991 5305 297 297 Other equip loads 0 0 Equip. @ 0.95 RSM 5040 Latent cooling 1110 3991 6150 707 9Q7 TOTALS 295 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. wri litsoft" 2014-Jan-1312:06:47 A;.g • Right -Suite® Universal 2012 12.0.09 RSU12886 Page 1 C:%Users%Of iceDepot\Documents%Wrightsok HVACIMOON.rup Cate = MJ8 Front Door faces: N T • wroghtsoft° Rig ht-J® Worksheet Job: Date: Jan 13, 2014 Entire. House By: 1 Ryan name Entire House3 DEN 2 Exposed wall 252:0. ft 154.0 ft 3 Room height 10.8 ft 120 ft heat/cool 4 Room dimensions 14.8 x 12-0 ft 5 Roan area 294.8 ft2 177.6 ft2 Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area (ft2) Load Area (ft2) Load I number (Btuhlft2 °F) (Btut✓ft21 or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross NIP/S Heat Cod Gross I N/P/S Heat Cool 6 VN 13AAOcs 0.143 n 4.00 Z55 54 54 216 137 0 0 0 0 L--0 Ilia a600 n 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 W 13A-flocs 0.143 a 4.00 255 63 -33 432 -84 0 0 a 0 1E c2tm 0.690 a 19.32 ' 76.65 24 0 464 1840 0 0 0 0 11 LI--0C Ilia 0.600 a 18.80 17.40 72 72 1210 1253 0 0 0 0 yl/ 13A-4ocs 0.143 s 4.00 255 128 120 480 305 128 120. 480 305 L--G 1D-c2aw 0.570 s 15.96 20.29 B 92 •96 122 6 6 96 122 w 13A4ocs 0.143 w 4.00 255 99 99 396 252 99 99 396 252 C 166-30md 0.032 - 0.90 1.68 295 295 264 495 178 178 159 298 F 22A-tpl 0.989 - 0.00 0.00 295 0 0 0 178 0 .0 D 6 c) AED excursion 245 -20 Envelope loss/gain 29M 4565 11321 957 12 a) Infiltration 997 200 656 184 b) Room ventilation 0 0 0 0 13 Intemal gains: a�pants 230 .2. 460 2 460 /Q a 0 Subtotal (runes 6 to 13) 3991 5305 1788 1602 Less external loaf 0 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 Redistribution 14 Subtotal 3991 53a5 1788 1602 15 Duct loads 0% 0°Ao 1 0 0 -0-A U°/u 0 0 Total mom load 3991 W05 1788 1602 Air required (cfm) 297 297 133 90 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th.Ed. wrig~tso 2014Jan 13 1 Right -Suite® Universal 2012 12.0.09 RSU12886 Page I • '��p C:tUsers%OfftceDepotM3ocuments%Wrightsoft HVACIMOON.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N • +!- wraghtsoft° Right-J® Worksheet Entice House Job: Date: Jan 13, 2014 By: 1 Room name FOYER LAUNDRY 2 _ Exposevrap 420 ft 56.0 ft 3 Room height 9.0 ft heat/cool 9.0 ft heat/cool 4 Room dimensions 7.6 x 7.0 ft 8.0 x &0 ft 5 Room area 53.2 ftZ 64.0 ftz Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area (ftzj Load Area (ft� Load I number (Btuhlft;°F) (BtuWftj or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cod Gross N/P/S Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool 6 VN 13A-flocs 0.143 n 4.00 -. 255 54 54 216 137 0 0 0 0 I_ D 11Jo 0.600 n 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W1 13A-4ocs 0.143 a 4.00 2-55 63 -33 -132 -84 0 0 0 0. ^ 1E-cM 0.690 a 19.32 76.65 24 0 464 1840 0 0 0 0 11 L r- --D 11JO 0.600 a 16.80 17.40 72 72 1210 1253 0 0 0 0 —D y/ 13A.4ocs 0.143 s 4.00 2 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I--G ID-c2ow 0.570 a 15.96 20.29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 13ocs FL-0 0.143 w 4.Q0 255 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 16830md 0.032 - 0.90 _ 1.68 53 53 48 89 64 64 57 108 F 22A4pI 0.09 - 0.00 0.00 53 0 0 0 64 0 0 0 6 c) AED excursion 266 -1 Envelope loss/gain 1805 3501 57 106 12 a) Infiltration 341 96 0, 0 b) Room ventilation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains: Ocxxrpants @ 230 0 0 0 0 0 Appfances/other 0 Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) 2146 3597 57 106 Less extemal load 0 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 14 Redistribution Subtotal 0 2146 0 3597 0 .57 0 106 151 Duct loads -09% 0% 0 0 4% I 0% 0 0 Total room load 2146 3597 57 106 Air required (cfm). 1 160 201 4 6 Calculatiofis approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Mmual J 8th Ed. 2014-Jan-13 12:06:47 WrightSoft', Right -Suite® Universal 2012 120.09 RSU12886 1, Page 2 C:tUsersk0t iceDepotlDocumentslWrightsoft HVAC%MOON.rup Cate = MJ8 Front Door faces: N