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I Hot Topics I Submi[ Surrha€-ge Sta[s 3: Fans ? PutiklcatioRs ? Contact l]s ; BOS Site Map ? Unks Search ;;;, Product Approval • USER! Public User rnduct Approval jitn=t` PMduce or Ap caOca—, f'a± l+ 7 Agpiicat€on List Application Detail FL # FL22242-R4 Application Type Affirmation. Code Version 2020 APpIlcatlon. Status Approved Comments Archived Prod u ct. M a n ufactu rer Address/Phone/Email Authorized .Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Add ress[ Phone/ Em a i 1. Category Subcategory compliance Method Certification Agency Validated By Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence. of Product Standards Certified By Tuff Shed, Inc. 1.777 South Harrison. Street Suite 600 Denver,. CO.80210 (303)474-550 bgrimes[�tuffshed.com Tam Saurey bgrimes@tuffshed.com Patrick. Kessler 1777 S Harrison Street Denver, CO 80210 (303) 753-9833 Ext 5617 p ke s sl. a rat uffs h ed. com Exterior Doors SwingIng Exterior Dogr.Asserrihiies Certification Clark: or Listing Window and Door Manufacturer Association Window and Door Manufacturers Association Standard Year ASTM F-330 2014 TAS 202 1994 T'afFrrn that there are no changes in. the new Florida Building Code which affect my.product(s) grid my products) are in compliance with the: riew Florida Building Code. Documentation'from approved Evaluation or Va[Idation Entity Yes. No NlA h(tps-llwww:floridabuilding.org1pr)pr�—app_dtl.aspx7param=wGEVXQWtDquYPIHVaBbgMUX3gCszqVligJZB%2.bLJB%2fkWb4jUU9GvGEUF:Q°1a3.d%3d ii3 :M 12021 Product.Approva€ Method. Florida Building Cade Online Method 1 Option A Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC.ApproVal Date Approved Cijmmary of Prnrluctn aij21�2na1 1ai12ij2azi u1126%2021 FL .# Model, Number or Name l Description 22202..1 Side -hinged Wood Shed Door j Side -hinged Wood:Shed Door {Dutswing - Double Door) i (putswing - Double Door) Maximum Size 8.0.25" wide by 84" high Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes .Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FM202_ R4--C- CAC _TUIN5. CC ref Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact:Resistant: NSA Q611.412028 j { Design Pressure: +421-42 installation Instructions 1 Othem.Structurak only FL22202 R4__II AP-EL-PG-EN-03 L Doorl�pdf l f Verified By: Window and Door Manufacturer Association l Created by Independent third Party: Evaluation Reports 1 Created by Independent Third Party.: J M "i 1 22202.2 l Side -hinged 1lWood. Shed Door Side -hinged 4M1laod: Shed Doar {Outswing -Double Door} iiVHZ L(Outswing Double Door) HVHZ j Maximum .Size 80.25" wide by 84" high Limits of Use Certification A envy Certificate ! j Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL22202. R4 C. CAC T4f456CCL.pdf i Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality. Assurance Contract Expiration date Impact R.eslstant: N/A 06114412028 I Design. Pressure: .+54/-54 II Installation Instructions Other: Structural only FL22202 R4 II AP- FL-PEEN-03 [Double Door - HVHZ)_jOdi Verified By: Window and Door Manufacturer Association Created by Independent Third. Party..:. Evaluation Reports` i Created by Independent Third Party: € 22202.3 € Side -hinged Wood Shed Door Side -hinged Wood Shed Door {putswing -'Single Door) 0.75" l (Outswing Sing€ie Door) Maximum Size. 55" wlde by high Limits of Use _ _..... . _. _ Certification Agency Certificate [ Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL22202 R4 C CAC Tuff456CCL.pdf i Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date l Irnpact Resistant: N/A 0611d12�28 : Design pressure: +421-42 Installation Instructions OthenStructural only ELM0.2 R4 II AP-FL-PGEN-62 (.SIngle Door),pdf Verified BY: Window and Door Manufacturer Association ! Created by Independent.Third Party: i Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third. Party .2220Z.4. Side -hinged Wood Shed Door Side -hinged Wood Shed: €]oor(Outslming - Single ❑oor) H- VFIZ {Outswing Single D..00r) HVHZ Maximum Si2e.56" wide by 83.7.5" high � I Limits of.Use j Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes i EL22202 R4 C CAC Tuff_456GCL.pdf € Approved far'use outside HVHZ: Yes QualityAssurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: N7A Q61.14`2028 Design Pressure:-F54j-54 Installation Instructions Other: Structural only FL2220 R4_-IIAp-FL! PriEN-9 _[ Ingle DP r.- HVHZ).pdf Verified By: W€ndow and Odor ManeafacturerAss ociation I Created by Independent Third Party: j :EValuatidn Reports 1 a Created by Independent Third. Party: - - - - . ❑x , a;a.rt . Contacti]_g 4: 2601 Slair Stone Raad, Tallahassee FL 32399.Mon. e:-$50.487-1$7.4 The State bf Florida is ati ANE Ea employer, Copy rlaht?0:17-2.013 Stare of Fiorlda.:: Privacy. Statement :.:. Accessibility Sta tern ent :: Reftlnd statpnnent Under Florida law, email :addresses.are puhIic retards: If you.do not want your ii-fnaih.addres5.releasect in response to: a.publlc-retards request, da not send electronic mail td this entity. Instead;.contact the q ce by phone orby rnail:.lf you haveany questions, please contact a50.487.1395.."Pursuant ta:5ection.455.275(1),. Florida Statutes, a ffectiye: Octobe r 1; 2012, kc&i sees [ICE!nsed On d or'Ch a pter 455,.F..S. must prov i de. the De partrnent Leith an'ernall -ad d res5 if they have one. Th eema I is pmided may be'used for pfFicial.cammunicatidn. with the Iicensee: However email addresses are public record. 1f you: do not wish t❑ supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can he made available to the public. To.determine Ify" are a licensee under C[iapter 455,:F.S„ please dick here Product.ApproVal Accepts: ® eCF,acA hitps-.[Avwrv,floridabuiiding.orglprlpr�appTdtl:aspx?pararn=wGEVJCQwtDquYPIHVa8bgMUX3gGszgVbgJZB%2bUB%2fkWb4jUU9GVGEUFQ❑1❑3d%3d 213 C a C � Op 1 6'4 u '. tn �'. z Z m C m na mF C' En a $` 4mv x 0.0 m a r o Q) 010 a a v j w Ln z ).w : A '`p. p m m i Z"h79Ln �O7 C,0 :� O�Ly RI RI-3.' - N S.A �. z me W.onm.� ),Mo. m[AC mmammb' �fEjj{Ajj] TI n.Q m m i, Jmp nJm 9.....m ... m. rN xz. a w 'may a & a20 a a fA N x u A m a::� F" 7 r i z C m m ^X r. om z w Z.p O:w . N n w.c a m x. 't "V Iz a AAA N w w Z L] w -1 2 z r - Y{ a w a, a: m.N 4 m Y Z •'•' a 9 T m nm.y a: no v.o z � mzo A1 r am.-. o�c bm�0= 'Nxm 2.y.Gl.mm m§m.� '�z.x�m:z�� .p.tn>F, d=sn .OQzEycn nd QN.m= z C m N.Q �'A.N m� A m'm T ,-p p' C) y.� m w C7 -`+ N Q C Z��flm�a zCw7. C�m'6a z.r.'1Qy rn.QQ;' m�i nz;-8-< m— Z'� N:a �.in1 N*Tfi7 .N� V V -40 mm,0rn..�am� AwgOirp m .' Canmr1 YYOM 2 0 nZ;n�mwa.m�ppn_mYmpz m?#m0,EZ 'pzn>xmM ip a�m. " QQmgQp n�0 zzN -1mrnW m z< v. asa 7n z g z zy na'W v'�o m flz0CF, m n�'a<'ra�N A [7 P 7 inmm C:C Z7E''*1 D z" k W a l 4 m2: K M,C' W in•P m m �EEz �5..I�• iy2.�a"=V m m h P i❑. P w rTy2 Boa mr Cm m-u 0 0 m. a.i nm��aiz Hi " 'z r*, m+: u+G> X � 'm N a a•� _ �Iz Qm Ap❑n rn m fN 77 m m x 1 n u 2' ❑..'� Z.v� m� ,;E m IC � V� . ❑m a m z� c �a a� .❑ -t Z4 z�z i 'N M n3 . T y m �m a� � A � Zi C m (6 V8..) rn e y ..m i 4zm k o y.. n vz az 0m Qm 0m C O m 0 C. rv� �.Z 4 0 :U Q7 �m X --n _ E!E� C7f�l -- C m -4 C F. z -nn °0 co ;u m m i r o �-u z :M n «Zt = pia V C'v ;o m ❑ai-u a za viz OTCir 10 r'- [D ; (4'.7116) ZO aaan n .0 4 0 m _3 ace `g.+ �'. m n m --I. N Z .-[1 (112) =0 � y � m m —1 a n. n. S� e v:s✓ g .:,. .. �f fir•` �' � ,v . t w. $� u� � a � J J r - .� �f.w..- - ..�._.f.-.�. �., .......-ik'i�I�:iF.etia��'�n"Gk�%d'-F`_�kwS �:^'•.. ..-;'i= BCFS ]lame1 Lag In User Registration i Hat Topics Sut mit Surcharge 5tats & Facts Publications Contact -Us _ BCIS'SK45 Map ': Links Search Product. Approval .USER: Public User r Product ApprovaE MBn;I °s'nduct o�Appiiea`ion5ear[h? epnlicatinnE-3s4 ppplicaFIon Detail 'E rlws:s rrg-±t R FL # Application Type: Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Erna it Quality Assurance Representative Add re ss/ Pho n e/E rn a l l Category Subcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name. who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date ValidAed By Certffcate of. Independence Referenced Standard and Yea r(of Standard) Equivalence of Product.'Standards CertifiedBy Sections from the Code FL20743-R2 Affirmation 2020: Approved TAFCQ Corporation. 1953 N. 17th Ave Melrose. Park, IL 60160 (773)301-7778 mike@tafco.corri Lucas Turner Luke.@Tu rnerEC: com Windows. Horizantal Slider Evaluation Report from. a. Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida. Professlonal Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Lucas A. Turner PE-58201 06/17/2026 Scott Wolters,. PE Validation Checklist - Hardcopy.Rec..eived FL20743.R2CQLEvaIRortFP� A-8200Q.pdf Standard AAMA/WDMA/C5A 101/1.S.2/A440 .Year 20.11.. I affirm that there are no changes in the new Florida Building Cade which affect"m.y product(s)'and my prod uct{s).are I h compliance with the new Florida Building. Code. Do e u m e ntatio n from .approved Eva Iuatlbn a Validation Entity Yes No NIA EL20743 R2 CDC 7thEdFBC-FL20743.pdf Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date. Validated Date Pending. FBC Approval Date Approved Surnmary of Products Method 1 .Option D 01/27/2M 01)27/2021 02/04/2021 Fx # Model, Number or Name Description 120743.1 Series 820QQ PVC Horizontal Sliding Window Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVFIZ: No FL20743 R2 II FPA-820G0,p df Approved for. yse outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lucas A, Turner PE 58201 € impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports other: Please see installation drawing -and evaluation report.. FL20743 R2 AE--Eva]Repdrtl7PA-82000.pdf for additional details and Ifinits of use. Created by Independent.Third Party. Yes Contact U .:; Abi 81aiir Stone Road, Tallahassee EL 32399 'Phone ::85 o-487-1824 The State oFFlorid a is an AA EEC] employer. Copnioht 2007- a13 Stare of Florida:.'.; PrivacySttement i s Accessibility. Statement;; Refund Statement Under Florida 1aw, email addresses are public records. IF you do: not want your a -mall address released in response to a public -records request; do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, coatactthe affice 6y phone. or.by traditional mail. If you have any queOons,.please contact 850M7.1395, 'Pursuantto Section 455:275(1), Florida Statutes; effective 0etoher 1, 2612; licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F5: most pravlde the Department with an.ern ail address. if they have one. The emaiIs provided may bie.used for ofridai [ommunicatiah With the licensee. H 6wever. ernail addresses. are public record. I you do not Wish to. suppIq. a personal address, please provide the Department Mth an: email address whicfi can be made akallaple�to the public, To determine if you are a. licensee underChaAter 455, FS:; please click here.,. Product Approval Accepts; Credit Card Safe SZi�g=8L9 -� i 8 :did 09 LO9 Sf.Qidl7 59 .'71Lfvd 3SWri '3Rd Hic G f RJON E9.6 NOliv�do100 03AVi i �i a_ Ji Z N_ rr-i i 1 C m1 f V lSE� LLJ V 11 C ❑ M dx: '83N803 dON YOA a � 3 Q -------------------- e f NON a j Y 1 �li•i�i3Fi '4`l'C �3%;3 "HVY'[ ,.BIL 01+-----� 1 E S ti 4 �a o� € t tHoi3H o•i•q Hsys xdw „s eft 2c--j o. y U j-- -- - IH619H 7IV83H0 WM V i= h � Z w � a a N 43 [7 C C9 :z ZZ Z N h ¢ Orl +6 fL' rZ to into CD pN 2 I rf►If Hlit�i��� {-. 2 w a Q y�j C, .Vi�a 4fYa z 2 �N w4 U� 4pw ti'0 cc F• .J Li Pd- m �T a U ram. r � � � aIr.� x� N ¢�¢67 .a.7 ❑'a❑ 4 . x N � � O. 4 iaye wa N Q. v. 'mod' �J J� a.¢ °w mo¢.. m W ~T:m40 2 P Or -,t W�a CC OZO N .Vw m z c7 m w.2 w cai 'S oo ajo .o d P u% mR E Vy 'a N A ., g❑ w ma M. ❑w z ....= m�2 S E mr T Fes: 4a N �a rw7 l` rN W�fnY? a rya QY FQ -'O ZpI"FF^ LJ O.. MO mLJ rr- z�"���No n���a°y� .Np. o.0 610MOW [jQ2'zw W1C v(DW �d..nmp¢r��ao C„Shr.S7N¢{C'�rar��OUwaSNF 5� g�8G9 C. B .4Hd 09 E09 S.iONi` 1 '>l8Vd 3SO'i73V� '3AV HiL! HAON £981. NOUV�]acl�100 03 'Vi rs' ELd �ViNOZI�IOH iAWA z Lu CL s� n 3 � W.. � a ?�t2 - to cv n _ .N •.. ti;, � z Z D U7 2 iV D. 2 _J 31l8 HIM E� C3 °N05 :Fn u7.. C7 LJ L7 I!1 J Q U. F-- 3 110 ��n-:l < t� 4 5ZV8-8L9--.LVB :Hd € j OO�.ZB. 531�:�.5 '}1 € i ( z c ... � {}9AN SIONIT]. V6 3SQHII3 V ! I `IAV HIHON £�fi`t M�C3N�Ni ;1�5 f [ w � E. ' o H1Lt. o 1 If� z m QcaaVn zzQ� w x F- s� M z� ¢ m 'isld 3Dfl3 fVIVi „9L/L. o., zLu =mow m ¢ r: p� -z z w ��a ¢m� V N z W 33dds. wsrls 'icvri J ¢�� w w (n .2; E •• • Iw �....'� Q q .fl•a'171.r � � N.a.L7 mom. � �p k. {jy ¢ I� co !� � ❑ m . rn C7± 'a VryN y 4 �Z o " c-,zrt. �•` z `m r Y. L. rCy� ¢Q J O N �NC1 N.61W-Z � tr W'yd ¢U.q b �i G]flO 'Q aaCM.�a�a. en�� q 5 ? ❑ — w o Wto ¢q—crr V7G Y�ZSa3J N laJ d- m[W 1i. J V QW=SZ2CL . U.Ab ��� . N=Wu01 Q �',Z ¢¢ � �r'n C) LE zzY? ane:v�a.�x. r L7_:?tiA�i 9Z-V9�-9L9--LV8 !Nd 091Q9sloNmi "Advd' 3soe-13Ps '�AV HiL k. HiUQN £56:1. N.OUV2AOcJ803 COAVi. [i .� . Q CiFn3Q fl O❑ D¢ ax LlW"I116 u3 ' : 1 Q a C] UL]U�UU'U: w�77 77'a Q � f O q ❑•w: i1! rY� Sjm m LU D m;� p•aLL Sul[Y 9rJ7 aJi 0Mzw.X w C7 F F�; C) c9;- [wtJ ; m Z CV N N M C4 Cl; ar.m m armm;cm., Mfg �. rr rIr; j�co cn co 03FF m Min; z { 2 .- N rn � uO spIt`.: .. n F ar��a�a�Sz���€�FFONIOFIS iV NOZNOH �ANIf :J [00' ES] �f C La n 3 L2 a a [99, EZ] LU PI m y LD �ll L �1' o' r' tYj C7 L-' ❑ :�7 u� of as�s�a. ea 'h05" ti. [5wil F �. G90.0 [os'E] „ C90.0 LL „Sfl4'Z. 3/3d/2021 Florida Building Code Online 505 Home too In User Regl5tration jlr i -era N.,-r - �:�•,:�.:-�r-:•��•:.F-.... Hot Tbpics Submit Surcharge Stats & Facts Publications..us BCIS Site:kap Links search E ?raduct AoorovaE Menu 7: product or A�,p[ication Search 7 ;"[,gt�caf on Lis: >: AppliCation Detail. FL F1-176.67-R2 Application Type Affirmation Code Version. 2020 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative. Ad d ress/Ph o ne/ Em a f i. Quality. Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory i Compliance Method Testing Lab Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date. V.aild.ated By Certificate of independence Referenced Standard•and Year -(of Standard) Equivalence of Product `Standards Certified By Innovations Manufacturing, Inc. 4555 .Grape St. Denver, CO. 80216. (303) 321-0945. obtinker@inrid"tio.n.qma.nuf6cturlrig.com Owen Bunker obu n ker@ i n novatiio ns manufacturing , co.m ❑wen Stinker 455 Grape. St. Denver, C0 80216 (303)321-0945 obu n ker@ i rinovatid n s manufacturing .co m Owen. Bunker 4555 Grape S.t Denver, CO 8.0216 (303)321.0945 obunker@innovationsma nufacturing.com Windows Fixed TESL Report. Amh.itectural Testing, Inc. - Florfda Architectural Testing, Inc., an Intertek Company 12/31/2021 Scott Wolters, PE VaIIdat]on: Checkiist - Hard copy Received , i PL17667 RZ COI C01 - innovations Manufacturing 2014.pdf Standard Year AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/LS.2/A440-11 2011 I affirm that there are no changes iri the new :Fiorlda Building Code which.affect my.product(s) and my product(s) are in compilance with the new Florida Building Cade. httric Ilfirsridahufiitinn.nminrinr arm dti:asbx?oaram=wGEVXOwtpci�iFGYZsirZFR02DX%2fdZiw6xgYr,7_RphxsavE0796nuiSA0/n.3d°/n3d V9 3130/2021 t Florida. Building Coda Online Documeritatlon From approved Evaluation or Validation Entity Yes. No N/A Product Approval Method Date Submitted. Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved of Products Method 1. Option. B ai/is/zozi 6i/16/2021 01/21/2021 FL* ! Model, Number or Name E Description E 17ff7J i INl Fixed Transom Window --E € Limits. of.Use 1 installation Instructions 1 I Approved for use in HVHZ:.N.o € FL17667 R2 II E5100.01 stamped daVin_gs.pdf i ? Appro►►ed for use outside HVHZ:'Yes Verified By:ArchitedturaI Testing, Inc.. - Florid.a .Impact Resistant: No ; Test Reports Design Pressure: +50/-50 1 FL17667 Rz TR e5100.01-4a1m-44 rfl:pdf ; Other; Maximum size.tested 72' wide by 12.' tall. Approved 1 protection required :in windborne debris region. I Contact (is.:: 2601.Blair Stone Rpgio,Ta[lahassee FL 32n99 Phone: 850=4487-1824 The State of Florida is an.AA/HO employer.' Co Mright 200i-2013 State of Florlda - Privacy Statement ; Accessibility Statemeot Refund Statement: Under Florida law, email addresses are public records: If you do not want.youre-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not. send electronic rnail to this entity. Instead contact the office by.phcne or by traditional mall. If..you have any questions, please contact 650.487,1395.'Pur5uant to Section 455,275[i]; Florida Statutes, effective odober 1,.2012; licensees licensed under Chapter 4S5, F.S.-must prcvide:the Departmeritwith an emall address If they have one. The emails provided may. tie used for offidi t communication with the licensee. Howeveremail addresses are public record -If you do not wish to supply :a personal address, please. provide the Department witty an email address which ran be made avallable. to the public_ To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter455, FS„ please dick here Product Approval Accepts: CI'edft Card sane httnc-/Iflrsrlrlahltilriinn nm/nr/nr Ann dti.Asnx?naram=wGFVC3wtDovFGYZsirZFR02Dxo/o2fdZiwOx9YrzkohxsaiiEa796ou15A°/3d9?o3d 212 3 1112021 Florida Building Ca.de.Dniine i•:JIF =.•� �%�sK'. .::.1 T::T-.)a'!;:: !!.. .�r','-^'.'�3'm'-evsfY.f-:• ay"....,,.fn•',:..'r`:hw.•l ,„w-,. _.., ��1si'i��aiM�...i»'v.Subrc.J.:�;�- �c HotTopics SLI6MIt Surcharge StaSs :g Facts puhlinitibns Contact Us aCIS Site Map Links Search PmduCt A;jq±� , ?coduct cr_&Pj:iQ elnr, Search I .3PpmiC3:iQr _1.1"& > AppllcatFon aetaif i Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments. s Archived Product manufacturer Address/Phone/Emall Authorized Signature 'technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/PhonejEmail Category Subcategory Compliance Method FL5190-R9 ReVlSipn 2020 Approved LP Building Solutions 414 Union Street- Bank of .America Plaza Suite 2000 Nashville,. TN 37219 (352) 425-7457 ctiv.macomb®r@1pcorp.cc m CW Macomber cw, m a cc rn berC I p corp. corn CW Macomber S712 SW 40th Place ❑calo, FL 34474 (352)425-7457 Cw. rti a co m ber@ I p carp. corn CW Macomber 5712'SW filth Place Ocala, FL 34474. (35Z) 425-745.7 cva.macombera"ptarpI corn Panel Walls Siding Evaluation .Report From a Florida Registered. Architect or a Urensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the -Do Kirn, P.E,. Evaluation .Report: Florida License PE=49497 Quallty.Assurance. Entity APA - The Engineered Wood Association Quality Assurance Contract Expiration ❑ate 12/31/2030 Validated By James L. Buckner, P.E. Q.MUCK Engineering Validation Chetklist-.H.ardcopy Received Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence -of Product Standards Certified By FL9190 R9 COT certificate df independenre:I�_d€ Sectlons From the .Code 1405 • 1504.3.1 Fittps-ilwww.floridabuilding,orglpripr app_dtl:aspx9param=wGEVXQ,,vtDquJPVV%2h4UtP1LM°/a2NA7w4rtSE°/a2bkuUji°/o2bUgYQ°/d3d 1/2 At the time of manufacture, siding meets w.exreeds.the performance standards. set.forth in ICC- ES AC321 a has achieyed code:. recognition under.E5.14-1301, CCMC11826.-1_, APA recognitidn under PR-N124,..and HUE recognition under HU0-MR-1318c. Fortopies of Product Approval..s go online :at httpsWipcorp.comlresources]product-literaturel w call. LP Customer Support at 800-648-6893. •. Minimum 6 inch (152 mm) clearance. rnust he maintained. between siding -and finish grade {ground cover}. Siding applied adjacent to porches, patios, walks, etc. must have a clearance of at least.l inch.(25 mm) above any surface. Minimum l inch (25 mm) clearance at intersectlorr.with roof lirEe. Applysiding.in a manner that prevents maisture intrusion and water buildup. • All wood substrate that is exposed to .the weather.rnust be sealed in a man.nerthat prevents moisture intrusion. and water build up. Seal ALL exposed cuts of.sidin,g and trim. Fleld.spray applied coatings on cuts are not recommended. Sealing can be accomplished by applying a coating or sealant according to the manufacturer's requirements, Butt joints that are covered with jolntmold 1rig, sealant. or factory prefinished end, are considered sealed from the weather. • See Alternate Fastening. Options for fastening lap siding to SIP, I C F and Steel Frame assemblies; • DO NOT USE STAPLES. SIDING MUST NOT BE IN D)RECT CONTACT WITH MASONRY, CONCRETE, BRICK, STONE, STUCCO. OR MORTAR. Store off the ground well -supported, on a flat surface, under a roof or separate waterproof puverir.g, Keep siding clean -and dry. Inspect prior to application. • 38 Series Strand Substrate lap maybe installed on studs. spaced a maximum of1G.1nches (406 him).d.c. • See Alternate:Fastening Options for fastening.38 Series Strand Substrate 6 inch. (152.mm) and 8 inch (203 Mm) lap on studs spaced a maximum of.24inches (510.mm) p,c, 75 Series. Strand Substrate lap: maybe! rista Iled. on studs spaced a maximum of 24 inches {610. mm) o.c. For installations over mason ryor concrete walls, the wall shall be fu.rre..d.ovt and open at the top and bottom of the wall to allow .orcon.vective ventilation between framing spaced 16..inches (406 mm) o:.c. The:framing sha.il be. of adequate thickness ta,accept 1-1 j2 inches (38 mm) of nail penetration. A properly installed breathable water-resistant barrier is required :between the siding and masonry or concrete .walIs. Moisture Control and.moisturevapor control are critical elements of proper housing design. Check you r.Inca I building. codes for appIiration procedures for.handIing moisture. and water vapor in your area.. • When using wet.. blown cellulose insulation, the -insulation must not be in direct contact with the siding an:d.it.must be allowed to dry a minimum of 24 hours orlonger if specified by: the insulation manufacturer, • As with all wood products; da not apply enginbered wood siding.to a structure having excessive moisture conditions such as. drying can crete,..pIasteror wet blown tell ulose.insulotion : If such conditions exist, the building should be well ventilated to. .all ow it to dry prior to the appIlcation of the siding. • 5WIng must not be applied to green or crooked structural $rarning members, Do not apply siding over rain-soaked.or .buckiEd sheathing materials. • .Gutters are recommended. for rontmi of roof water run off. Application instructions (con.) � Ilea• m �• All openings must he properly sealed ❑rftashed1n a manner that prevents moisture intrusion or buildup, Several examples that accomplish this are shown on the foil owing pages, S 9 A Install kick-o.utfiashin.g to direct.the waterinta fie gutter Install step flashing with, mihimum Cnc.h upperleg • .Properlyintegrate flashing with the secondary water -resistive harrier, Use'housewrap, flashing tape, Z-flashing, or other items as:needed to maintain the counterflashing principle. • DO NOT:extend the siding ortdm into the kith -out flashing or gutter • Maintairr a clearance between the end of the gutter and. the _..adjoining vials to allow for proper maintenance. of the. siding Prime and pairit.ALL exposed cut edges LP Siding Min. T' clearance between trim and roofing Clean rain gutter Do not run trim or siding inside the I[ielc out flashing Trim should be thick enough so the .Sid 1ng does not extend beyond the face of the trim. Trim and fascia must be applied in a manner that will not allovtir moisture intrusion or water buildup. • ILP", SmartSidel siding is.no.t designed and/or manufactured to be.used:as trim or fascia, LP 5martSIde trim and fast€a are available in a variety of dimensions: e 4 Prime and paint all exposed surfacesincluding all drip edges or where water will hang. Apply finish coat as. soon as possible or within 180 days of application. Hgh-nuallty acrylic latex paint, special IV formu I atedforuseon wood and engineered wood substrates, is E Ighly reco.mrnended, Semi -gloss or satin finish rail or alltyd.paints are. acceptable. For flat alkyd paint, please check with the coating.manufactu.rerfor their recommendations far use on. composite wood siding. Followthe caat,ing.manufactwer's application and maintenance instructions. 00-MOT USE • Statn. Vinyl -based paint'{like vinyl acetate, or OVA}, HANDLE PREFINISHEO LP SMARTSIDE PRODUCTS WITH EXTREME. CARE DURING STORAGE AND APPLICATION, TOUCH UP ANY DAMAGE TO THE FINISH THAT MAY OCCUR DURING APPLICATION PER PREFINISHERS SPECIFICATIONS. r�NaC'!L IVG N:S'T€€RL1CT[OIi15 �. �.�x • In braced wall assemblliies,.u.se minimum (o.113 inch shank diameters hot- d1pped.galvanized nails for.38 and 76 Series panels and minimum (0131 inch:shankdiameter] for IK Series panels..Oo not use.electroplated fasteners. Refer to your local building code to verify the hit nirnum aliowable fastener size: • Penetrate structural framing orvVood structural panels and structural framing a minimum of 1-1/2 inches. For38 Series.panels, double nailing procedure meetswall. oracing.requirements and 5/15 inch shear wall design values,. 1":from edge Alignment bead ........,..,..,........- -. 1/8" gap. Figure 1 1 I . Double row of.nails • For 76 and 190 Series. panels, single nailing meets wall brae- ing requirements. To meet the.equlvalent 3J8 inch: shear wail deslgn:valpes, ddubte..naiIing procedures must be. used. it may be. necessary to,angle.drive the second nail inorderto penetrate the frarning. seal nails driven below the surface. � alW from edge Alignment bead 118" gap Nail penetratlon min.1-1/2" Figure 2 1 1 .Single row of. nails f • Shear values. for panels applied directly to studs shall he no. greater.than noted in Table.1 of the ICC-ES Report ESR-130! �r Table 1 of APA PR-N124. •. Alot.warranted for application on ICF assemblies, 3.8 and 76 Series panels must be installed on 16 inch o.c, framing only. When installing on 24 inch: o.c, fra.ming, 190.Series panels are required. • Backside of panel roust not come in.contact with Masonry or concrete foundation. Do not force siding into place. Maintain the illustrated 118 inch. gap behind the joint to allow. for expansion while the panel equilibrates with.the local environment. • DO NOT INSTALL OVER ALIGNMENT BEAD, Install panels in light contact to the edge of alignment bead. (see Figure 1 and Figure 2) • Climb cut the surface of the siding such that the rotation of the blade Buts downward on the primed or prefinished surface.. • Where sIdii g butts window trim, door. casings and masonry, etc. leave a 3116 !nth gap and seal. Insulated 5heathirjgs LP.SmwtSide Sidings may be installed over low compression rigid foam or exterior gypsum. The follow! ng.prEMVons must be fallowed: a}.Adequate bracing of the wall in accordance with the international Codes or other ruling; building code is required. b) For rigid foam sheathing up to 1 inch (ZS. mm) thick, siding .may be nailed directly to. the foam sheathing unless a drainage plane is required by the local building code, Nail length:mdst be increased to ensure a rninimum 1:112 inch (39 rnrn) fastener penetration: into the structurat framing. c) For rigid f oam sheathing greater than 1 inch (25 mrn), a min mum 1-112 inch (38 mm) thick by 3Aa inch {89 mm) widevertical strapping orfurring:strip must be installed over the:sheathing to provide. a. solid; level nailing base for the siding, The strapping must. be secu rely f astened to. strdcturat framingspaced no greater'than 16 inches o,c.,.(406.rnm) with a minimum nail penetration of 1112 iriches (3.8 mm) and a maximum nall spacing no greater than the width of the:siding.. Application instructions (cont.) CONDITION Snug •- Flush Visible fiber Catin tersun k.111 s"-11e"`- Countersunk more than t/s" 4" min. vertical flashing CORRECTION 0K ❑ K ---- — Paint Apply sealant ------- .Apply sealant and w.._ re-nall F119we 4 HICRIZONTAL WALL 10INTS BUTT Fr FLA5N Louisiana-Pacific Corporation will assume no responsiWifVfor any damage or condition.arising.frvm the use of rigid foam or -ex terior 3/8" min• gypsum, gap 12" max. field nailing 6" max.. 6" max. perimeter :c nailing perimeter nailingr& 6" min. ground Do not let panel clearance contact masonry Figure 3 (see' Figure 7A.arid 7B) Sloped f1�517in$ wall 41 vertical leg Figure SA Prime and paint bottom drip edges LAP Siding Blocking i 1" min. overlap rHM Lap top panel over bottom . panel Figure 58 LAPPET] HORIZONTAL WALL JOINT F - Siding' Framing {band joist, truss chord,..etc,) k 1" olio A Wall Framing overlap. Figure 5C 3 APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS (CONT.) sheathing to provide a.solid level nail€ng base forthe. sidlmg. The strapping must be securely fastened to :structural framing spaced no greater than 16 inches (406 mm) o.c. with a rriini- mum nalI penetration of:171/2 inches (38 min) and a maxi murn nail spacing no greater thari the width of the siding: LoulsiiawFPacific will assume no responsibility for any damage or condition ariAngfrorn the use of rl gid. foam insulation sheathing or exterior gypsum.. M i n:1" overlap Extend siding below. plate Min. 6" finishgrade clearance Space.nail.min. 3/4" from top Sheathing, if required Siding. must not contact masonry and 3181T.from edge r • Butt joints must occur aver studs: Figure 4 Trim Min. 3/16" gap Paint b.otto m 4'" Thin, flashing edge of siding 1" min. clearance from roofing LP Strand Substrate Lap Siding may also be installed in cnmpl.iance.tvith .Breathable Category 8140- Exteribr wall siding and sheatliing for Wildland Unban water-resistant Interface (MI) applications atop LP Flamel3lock sheathing. Refer to barrier' plameglock installation instructions and product data sheets. .AlI LIP lap sidings may be 1nstalied.as exteriarsiding in Midland Urban Interface (vVu1) applications Installed over one layer 5/8 (16 mmy Type X gypsum sheathing applied behind -the exterior covering or cladding an the exterior side.of the framing. They may also be installed over the exterior portion of a 1-hourf1re-resistive extenorwall assembly designed for exterior fire exposure including assemblies using the gypsum panel and sheathing products listed in the Gypsum Association Fire Resistance Ides€gn Manual. r The Louisiana-Pacific Corporation ("LP"): LP SmartSide 5Id€ng (the "Products") limited warranty (the "Warranty") applies only to structures on which the Products have been applied, finished and maintained in accordance with the published application, fin[shing.and malntenance instructions in effect at the time of:appkation. The failure to follow such application, .finishing or maintenance Instructions will void the VVarranty as to the portion of the:Product s affected by the vat [ance (the "Affected.Products"). • A minimum 3/16 inch (5 mrtl) gap is requ€red at ALL butt joints. • If joint caulking option is selected, seal all gaps at butt.joints With a high -quality exterior seaiant.meeting the AST.M C920, min! mumClass 25 sealant, lf.juint.rnouiding.option is selected, add the thickness of the web to the gap allowing a net 3/1G:inch (S.mm) space for expansion. • if siding is.prefinished, gap: does not reciulre sealant orjvint moulding when backed with m€nimum.4 inch (102 mrn) ovine flashing and the ends of the siding are factory finished. LP assumes no liability forany.loss of damage: sustalned by the Affected Products and is expressly released by the purchaser or owner from any such loss or liability. Any.modification of the Warranty's application, f€nishing or maintenance requirements is -void unless approved in Writing by LP pr€orty application. For copy of the warranty a for installation and technical support, v€sitthe LP.SmartSide product support Weis site.at:. www,lpsmart idex m or far. addition al support call 800-548-6893. WARRANTY REMEDIES ARE NOT AVAILABLE IF REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT FOLLOWED, WARNING; Drilling, sawing, sanding or machin1ng wood products can expose you to wood dust, a substance known to the. State of California to cause cancer. Avoid inhaling. wood dust o.r use a dust mask or other safeguards for personal protection. For more information go to www.P65Waenings.ca.gov1wood. left 4 6 a m, 82 r t S I'de TRIM & SIDING 2oir. Lcwi Oan a- Pacific C4 rpo ration. All42 hts reserve d. L.r' and Sm a rtS ide, aye registe. ed.Lrad emayka of Loulsiana-Aa[Ificcoypemiinn. Pr'ntad In USA. NOTE: Louisa»a-Pacifk.ccrpo ration parod`callyipdstes and revlses its pmduct.informition. 'sq ve rify th at th 15 vP rsl*nl r. ru rre rt' z a l l 80C-648-6893. E' FFigure IQ . �e w } :.�.. y:4. L ! y pl iS _may$ attom course detail Figure l OE alternate inside corner details Gap 311G" and seal Gap 3/16" and seal _- Shiplap Edge Parcel panel joint Figure IOD Caulk .•. tl �` bi�• " 6 in. minimum ground elearance Figure 1 OC �PZ9G51i :0�1G91ZG2fl bmartSideo" . TRIM & SIDING Atthe time of manufacture, siding meets orexceeds the performance standards set forth in ICC-ES AC321 and has achieved code 'recognition under ESR-1301, CCMC 11826-L, APA recognition under PR-N124, and HUD recognition under HUD-�MR# 1318c, For copies of. Product Approvals go online at https: f l 1pcorp.com jresourreslpro d uct-literature) or call LP Customer Support.at.8©E3-64B-6893. • Strand Substrate panel siding with 5ilverTechor SmartFinish is specificallyfor sheds and.other outdoor structures where th.e, i interiorwall.cavities.will remain permanently exposed. Minimum 6 inch clearancemust be maintained between. siding and finish grade (ground cover). • Sidi.ng applied adjacent to parches, patios, walks, etc, must have a.ciearance of at least inch above any surface. • Minimum 1 inch clearance at i ntersection with roof line • Apply siding 1n a mannehthat prevents moisture intrusion and. water buildup. • All wood substrate that is exposed to the.weather:inust be sealed in a Manner that prevents moisture intrusimand water build up: - Seal ALL.expased cuts of siding.and trim. Field spray applied coatings on cuffs are 6bt.recominended. Sealing can heaceomplished by applying a coating or sealant according to the manufacturer's requirements, • All exposed wood substrate must be sealed in a mannerthat prevents .moisture intrusion and.water buildup.. LP does not recommend LP SmartSi.de Panel for use:in lU assembiies. if used; LP will not Warrant for Buckling and Shrinkage. However, balance of warranty does .remain Intart. Usenails to .fasten LP 5mart5ide panel siding to structural framing: The use of alternate fasteners such as. staples. is. permissible only when allowed by I -Codes. and where the size, embedment, placement, and numberof alternate fasteners is designed by a licensed design professional and approved by local building official. The us.e of alternate fasteners,however, is not recommend. ed and LP.wil1 not. warrant any damage or performance. failures to the extent caused. by using any alternate fasteners, • .SIDING MUST NOT BE IN DIRECT CONTACT. WITH MASONRY, CONCRETE, BRICK, STONE, STUC.Cfi OR.MORTAR. Store off the ground wall supported, on a fIat: surface,.under a roof or separate waterproof covering Keep siding clean and.dry. Inspect prior.to application. STRAND SUBSTRATE 38,76 AND'190 SERIES PRIMED.PANEL SIDING INCLUDING SILVERTECH.Er SMARTFINISH 6 • .Strand Substrate 38.and.76 Serl.es.pan eI siding must be installed with the long dimension vertialiy on studs spaced. rhax.16 inch c.c. When installing an 24 inch o.c. framing, 190 5erles'panel,siding is required. • Moisture control and water vaporcontrai are critical elements of proper housing.design. Check your local buliding codes for application procedures for.handlirig maisturm and water vapor in your area. • When using -Wet blown ceILIcse insulation, the insulation must not be 1n direct contact With the siding and it must be .allowed to dry a.minimum'of 24 hours or to tger..if specified by the insulation manufacturer. • As vVith Al wood products, do not apply engineered wood siding to a structure hailing excessive moisture conditions.such as drying concrete, plaster ormet blown cellulase insulation. If such.conditions exist, the buiiding should.be well ventilated to allow it to dry prior to the. application of -the siding. Siding Mustnot be applied to green arcrooked. structural framing members. Do not apply siding over rain soaked or buckled sheathing. materials. • Guftemare recommended for control of roof Water run off. "EV�NIDAR�YrV�II i l<RY� S .A�Rf R�4Wi } • LP strongly recommends the use of a secondary water -resistive barrier behind all LP 5 mat5icl.esi ding, A properly installed WRB.provides a. sewrid.Iine.of defense to incidental moisture behind the.siding. • The..LP SmartSide limited warranty rifles not expressly or impIicl.tly cover water penetration. LP does not assume responsibility for any water penetration. Sheds and other accessory structures that are not heated or cooled do. hot require a s:ecandary VVRB.if exempt by 4ppiicable building codes. • Seal all gaps with a highWquality, non -hardening, paintable sealant. Follow the. sealant manufacturer's instructions for application. • Use an exterior -quality, non -hardening, paintable sealant. Use Class 25 or higher exterior sealant meeting the RSTM. C920 Standard for Specification for Elastomeric.ioint Sealants. Follow the sea lantmanufacturer`s Instructions for application. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS (CONT.) • Install kirk -out flaslling.to dirkt the. water into the gutter. Install step flashing with minimum 4 inch (102. rnm) upper.leg. • Properly integrate. flashing with the secondary water-resistant barrier. Use housewrap, flashing tape, Z-flashing,:or other items as needed to maintain.the counterflashing principle. ■ DO NOT extend the siding or trim into the kick -out flashing or.gutmr. • Maintain: a clearance Between th..e end of the gutter and the adjoin irig waji to allow for proper maintenance of the siding. Seal ALL exposed cut edges. �. LF Si 'din g . Min.1" clearance. between siding and roofing For best results use a high -quality 100% acrylic }atex.exterior. paint, spec lallyfcil nulated for use on wood and engineered wood.substrates. is high IV recomrne.nded; oil paint issacceptable. DO NOT USE: • Stain. • Vinyl -based paint (vinyl acetate or PVA), SMOOTH FINISH Lap Siding: For best results use satin finish. CEDAR TEXTURE Lap Siding: For best results:use satinor semi -gloss finish. PREFINISHEO Lap Siding: Handle prefinished LID SmartSide lap siding with extreme care during storage and application. Touch up any damage to finish that may occur during appIitat! on per the Prefinishers.spedfications. �:'�'";i'�v::••�'=F'.-•j": r„:�'f'�[%I:T�s'i:snuf_�. _.rc.�:z� :��:.' �'l'."�'�5.� _ NL1 I L E I�G`If1il S:T=:Fi. CT. LP Smart5ide 38 Series lap siding.may be attached directly to framing members spaced a.rhaximum of 16 inches:(406 mm) o,c. • LP 5mart5ide 75 Series lap.sidin.g maybe attached directlyto framing members spaced a maximum of 24 inches. (610 mm) o.c. Check your local. buiIding codes before starting to. instaIf siding to confirm tf wood structural panel wall sheathing Is required. • Butt joints should: he staggered over successive courses:. • Siding small be installed with top (blind).'nailing. with the nails Clean rain placed 3/8 inch (10mmnd and a minimum of gutter 3/4 inch: (13 Dim) from the top edge of the board. Fasteners will be exposed on siding located immediately below window sills, fascia boards, and horizontal trim. Fasteners below windbw siIt shal1.be spaced a rriaxinium. of 8 'inch (203 mrn) o.c. Do not run siding or trim inside • Overlap::successive courses of siding.a minimum of inch (25 mm).. of the kick out flashing . Lisp a minimum (0,113 inch shank diameter), hot -dip galvanized. nail. • Trim shou ld. be thick enough so the lap siding does po.t extend beyond the face of the:trim,. • Trim and fascia must he applied in a mannerthatwill not allow moisture intrusion or.water:buildup. • LP° SmartSide°.siding is not:designed.and/or..manufactured to be used as trim. LP SmartSide trial and fascia are available in a:variety of dimensions. I hf 15 H 6N G: lIF S.T.R:Il'G:T1 .NS w c ■ Seal all exposed surfacesT including all drip edges or where water will hang. Apply finish coat as soon as possible or within 180 days of application, ■ Foil owthe.coating manufactureCs. application and mairitencB instructions. Self-ali rabbet 1 overlap 5mar&ocl4 Lap BIlnd Fas ening 314" nail sparing Install 5martLocic Lap consistent with specifications in thisdocument APPLICATION INSTRUCTI€]NS (CONT.) CONDITION CORRECTION ,snug; 0K i Flush __ ok W i 'Risible fiber Paint -.Countersunk 1116"-1/8"_. Apply sealant s Countersunk more Apply sealant and 'than 1/8 re -nail i• All exposed. face .naiIs. must he caulked and sealed in a manner that prevents moisture intrusion and. water buiIdup,.. Penetrate structural framing or wood structural panels and structural framing a. minimum of 1-1/2 inches. (38 mm). • Nall from the center of the.siding toward the ends] or from. one end to the other end: NEVER nail from the ends of the siding toward the.middle.. • Shim siding at studs as needed, to.avoid drawing siding against uneven walls. Do not overdrive nails. NalI head should seat firrrrly to face of siding but not be'overdriven to distort the siding surface. • For information on:fastening LP SmartSide products in high wind speed. areas,. refer to KC -ES Report ESR-13€i1 or APA PR -NI 24. Alternative Fastening option for Strand. Lap. Siding over Wood Structural Panels and 24 inch (VO mm). o.c. Stud Spacing •. Limited. to 6 inch (152 mm) arid 8 inch (203 MM).wide lap siding. Wood. structurai panels rnust be a minimum 7/16Category .with.an. APATrademark that contains the eonsensusStandard DDC PS 2. • 38 Series Strand Substate lap must be fastened with: - Minimum #8 hot dip galvanized tapered head wood screw, spaced a maximum of 12 inches (305 mm). o.c. with 1-112 inch (38 mm) screw.penetration into.stud or.... Minimum (0.092 in, shank: diameter). hot-dip.ga.lvan'ixed ring sham" nail, spaced a maximum of 81nches.(203 mm) o.c, with 1-1/2 inch (38 item) nail penetration into stud.. Alternative Fastening Options over SIP Assemblies Wood structurai.panels must he a minimum.7j16 Category with an APA Trademark that contains the consensus standard DOC PS 2, • .38 Series Strand Substrate lap. must be fastened with: Minimum ##8 hotdip gaivarilzed tapered head wood screw,. spaced. a maximum of 12 inches 005 mm) OX. or... - Minimum" (0,092 inch shank diameter). hot -dip galvanized ring shank nail, spaced.a maximum. of 8 inches (203 mm) o.c.. • 76 Series Strand Substrate lap must be.fasterio. with: Minimum #8 hot dip galvanized tapered head wood screw, spaced.a maximum of 16 inches (40G rnm) o.c. or... - Minimum (0.092] nch shank diameter) hat -dip galvanized ring shank nail, spaced a max murn.of12 inches (305 mm) o.c. Alterriative.Fastening .Option over ICF Assemblies • 38 and. 76 Series strand Substrate Lap must. be fastened with; - Minimum #8 hot dipped gaivanized;.tapered head, self -drilling screw. - Mini mum.penetration of 3/8 inch (10.mm) beyond the thickness of the nailing flange. Larger screws maybe re.quired.by the ICF Manufacturer based on the following minimum withdrawal. requirements, • Minirnum withdrawal value of the ICI- nailing flange rnust be 50 Ibs, with. a.maxi mum 12 inches (305 mm) o.c. screw.spadng. • Minimum withdrawal value of the I.CF nailing flange.must he 31 Ibs. with a maximum 6 inches (152 mm) o.c. screw spacing; Alterriative Fastening Options. ever. Corrosion Resistant Steel Stud Framing Min .lmum withdrawal value of the steel framing must be 50 lbs. Refer to the framing manufacturer's evaluation report. 38 Series Strand Substrate lap. must be fastened with; - Stud spacing a maxim urn spacing. of 16 inches (4..06 mrn).o.c. - Minimum ##8 hot -dip. galvanized, tapered head, self - drilling screw. - Minimum of S.threads beyond the combined. thickness of the siding and steel stud.fram ing. - Mimmum steel framing thickness of 0.032.1inch (8 mm) or ZO gauge, 76 Series Strand Substrate lap must be.fastened.with: - Stud spacing a maximum spacing of 24 inches (610 mm) o.c. - Minimum ##8 hot -dip. galvanized, tapered head, self drill.ing.suew, - Minimum of S threads beyond the combined thickness of the siding and steiel.stud framing. Mini murn.steel franil ng.thicltness.of 0.032inch (8 mm) or 20..gauge. I-+f ltlsglEiil • Do notforce siding into place. DQ NOT USE STAPLES. • Climb cut the surface of the siding such that the rotation of the blade cuts davvnward on the..primed or prenished surface. - Where siding butts windovu tri.m..door casings and masonry, etc. leave.a 3/15 inch (S mm) gap and seal. Insulated Sheathings LP 5mart5ide lap sidings may be installed over low -compression; rigid foam insulation: sheathing: or.ekteriargypsum: T.he'following precautions must be followed: • Adequate brac1ng;of the wall In accord ancewith the International Building Codes or other ruling building codes is required. • For rigid foam, insulation sheathing up to 1 inch (25 mm) thick, siding may be nalled.directiyto the foam sheathing unless a drainage. plane is required by the local building code. Nail length must be increased to ensure a m1nimum.1-1/2 inch (38 mm) fastener penetration into the.structural f raming. • For rigid foarn insulation sheathing greater than 1 inch (25.mm), a minimum 1-1)2 inches.(38 mm) thick by 3-1/2 inches.(89.mm) wide vertical strap or furring'stripmust he installed over the .3 Extend siding below. sill plate. I1n.118" or I flashing between siding and masonry Flashing Masonr foundati SloOcl f lashing 4" vertical leg Trim Nail fin Install re Edo not damage window/door per manufacturer's instructions Figure 8 ii�` �"'APk fr?_z` NIVEI • ,�5 FTC 8 Ff.�UfUC00.V)I] LiIP.LAN 7iq re 9 SPACE JOINT 1/8" Refer to nailing Instruct Scant face width 118" gap 1/8" gap .LP panel.sidings are. accepted by the State of. California as category 8140- Exterior wall:siding and sheathing for Wlldland Urban Interface (VU.UI) applicatigns. Far WUl compliance, install LP.panel sidings in accordancewith Louisiana -Pacifies printed application instructions with.the.addit'ron of fire retardant seal (UL Listed fire caulk, nominal 114 inch bead) in the vertical joint and nailing pattern of 3 inch ax, perimeter nailing ( 8 in.ch.ox. field nailing. took for the California State Fire Marshal Office label on our siding; The Louisiana-Pacific Corporation C'LP" ).LP.Smar AeSiding (the "Products") limited warranty (the"Warranty") appIles aniy to structures an which the Products:have been applied, finIs'hed and. maintained in accordance with the published application, finishing .and .maintenance instructions in effect atthe time -of application. The fail ure.to follow such application, finishing or. maintenance instructions.wi.11.uold the Warranty as to the portion of the. Products affected by the variance (the ''Affected Products'`), LP:assumes no liability for any loss or damage sustained.bythe Affected Products and is expressly relaaseclhy.the purchaser or owner from any such loss or liability. Any mad ification of the Warranty's application, finishing or maintenance re:quirements.is:vold and unenforceable unless approved n writing prior to applicati.an by the Siding'General Manager or his. designee and a member of.the LP Legal Department, For a copy of the warranty or for installation and technical support. Visit the LP SmartSide product support Web slte:at: vvvvvir.I psmarts i d bxom arfor additional support Tall.800-648-6893, WARRANTY REMERIES ARE NOT AVAILABLE IF REQUI tEMEN`CS.ARE NOT FOLLOWED. Cali Prop.65 Warning: Use of this product may result In exposure to wood dust, known to the State of California to cause cancer. Sm�airtsideon TRIM & SIDING 1"• au:s iane-Pac!iic:Coip oration, qll r�ghxsrese waif. LR 5i artSlde, Si;ierTRh and SmartrmkIn are i e.R i stRred.Ira deity a rk5 of Lou lsfar[a- Pa tfflc iotperatle n: Printed In U.5-A. NOT1: ttiuiSiana-Patfilt Urpdration petmOka fly: updates and rew3 ffs its 0r6duct mfo[rrlation: To ve rift' that tH suers i a nJ s C u rient, Cd 1! &oo-f 484853- APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS (CONT..) f Ensure complete paint coverage of the drip edge \A Flash, shun,. ... ...::.. :....-..... gap 3/$" Figure 3A Vapor Retarder if required 92 by Cade Water - Resistant Barrier Altemate Butt joint Tveatrnent5 joint Moulding Caulked Butt Joint Gap 3/16 plus thickness gf;Qint mauIding web Gap31"€6 and seal Figure:.38 gap 3.116" and seal inside Corner 5 Q, Figure 3C 3D gap 3116" and seal Outside Corner LPZB0515 (1412b12{2D t�� +• � "� YY. �.W� S-Y-•9 gt:..,'n�l pii.2r!V cy+ - �• FvhS•�:i:: s '...... . ,-(jam': -S ";• lJI .t. d !��i ''1. CF: �ICY¢nr'..,r�..'.,',•':.^i '.v'::�uL�Si.a�'�.s2'.,rn^.-ddy'-.�i'as:§-{ ��°� w._v�c:xa:..aa�:�ir:t-.�`•u l!'�"-,,._ ri 2 IICIS Home Log In '. User Registration llotTbpics. SUbr t SuW)3T" Stats t4 FaCts ,Z-i Product Approval M � USER: Publre User Product Approval Menu Produttor Appli4atiun Search Ap; ij cation List >'Application Detail z 4 FL k10874-R16 mayul Application Type Revision Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved Comments Archived I: Publications . CORtactijs ', 8CIS Siteb1ag. ' Links Searct Product Manufacturer Owens .Corning Add ress/Phvne/Erna 11 one Owens Corning Parkway: Toledo; OH`43659 (.744)404-7829 g reg..keelerC owe ns.gbrning. co Authorized Signature Greg Keeler. greg,keeler@ow6nscor6ng..com Technical Representative Mel Sancrant Address/.phonejErnail. 1 Owens.Corning PKWY Taledo, OH 43659 (419}376-8l60 mel.sancrant@owenscornig.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category. Roofing Subcategory Asphalt. Shingles Compliance Method Evaluation Report. from a Florida Registered Architect ❑ra Licensed Florida Professional Engineer .evaluation Report Hardcopy Recelved Florida Engineer or Architect Name.wh.o developed. the. Robert J.M. Nieminen. Evaluation Report Florida License PE-59166 Quality Assurance Entity. PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC- Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 0110112099 Validated By John W. Knezevich, PE Validation Checklist.- Hardcop.y Received Certificate.of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By FL10674 R16„ C0i1 2020 01 C91 NIEMINEN,,pdf Standard ASTM D1970 ASTM D3161 ASTM D3462 ASTM D7:1SS Year'. 20I5 2616 7Q1[3 20.19 Sections. from the' Code Publications . CORtactijs ', 8CIS Siteb1ag. ' Links Searct Product Manufacturer Owens .Corning Add ress/Phvne/Erna 11 one Owens Corning Parkway: Toledo; OH`43659 (.744)404-7829 g reg..keelerC owe ns.gbrning. co Authorized Signature Greg Keeler. greg,keeler@ow6nscor6ng..com Technical Representative Mel Sancrant Address/.phonejErnail. 1 Owens.Corning PKWY Taledo, OH 43659 (419}376-8l60 mel.sancrant@owenscornig.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category. Roofing Subcategory Asphalt. Shingles Compliance Method Evaluation Report. from a Florida Registered Architect ❑ra Licensed Florida Professional Engineer .evaluation Report Hardcopy Recelved Florida Engineer or Architect Name.wh.o developed. the. Robert J.M. Nieminen. Evaluation Report Florida License PE-59166 Quality Assurance Entity. PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC- Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 0110112099 Validated By John W. Knezevich, PE Validation Checklist.- Hardcop.y Received Certificate.of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By FL10674 R16„ C0i1 2020 01 C91 NIEMINEN,,pdf Standard ASTM D1970 ASTM D3161 ASTM D3462 ASTM D7:1SS Year'. 20I5 2616 7Q1[3 20.19 Sections. from the' Code Product Approval Method Method ,l OptiwD Date Submitted 12/1112020 Date `Validated :12/17/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval 12/2.6/2020 Date Approved 02/09/2021 Summary of Products FL # Model, Number or Name Description 10674.1 OWens Cdrning Asphalt Roofing ! 3-tab; 4-tab, laminated, starter and hips & ridge shingles ! Shingles and Starters ; Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: NIA Design Pressure: NIA Other: Refeir to ER, Section 5.; Installation Instructions FL10674 R16 Ii 2020 12 11 FINAL ER OC. ASPHALT SHINGLES FL10674-R16pdf Verified By.:. Robert I M. Nrem inen PE 59166 Created by Independent -Third Party. Yes Evaluation Reports FL1b674 PuE AE 2o20 12 11 FINAL ER Og .ASPHALT' SHINGLES. FL10674-R16 pdf Created by Independent Third Party.: Yes Contact U5 .`: 2601 81a1r Srona Road ,.Ta lahassee FL.32399 Phone: 850.497.1823 Tile state. of Florida Is an A VEE0 emplgyer. Copyrioht 2007.-2013 State of Florid a.:; Pr[va cy 5 atement 0.«es5ibi l ity State meot :: RefUnd Statement Under.Florlda law, email addresser..nre. putilic records. I you. do oat want your a -mail address:released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. -Instead, contact th0.office by phone or by traditional rnail. If you have any questions; please [ontact850.487:1395. FPOrsuant to Section 455,27511), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2 0 12,. 1 Icensees Iicensed under Chapter 455,.F.5..mi-[sC%provide the Departrnent With an email. adgress if.theV have:dn& The emalls provided may be used for off!clal comm:�nication.with the:Iice hsee. However email addresses. arepublic record. IF you. do mt.w sh to supplya personal address,. please. provide the Depsrtmerit with an ernail address:which can tie jnade.a• a.iFahle:to.thi public..To determine If. you are...a licensee under Cha 455, F.S., pleasa click hffe. Product:ApprovalAccepts: ME109RE Credit .. Safe iFM rE:5f; t. Owens Corning Evaluation Report 037946.02.12-1111 One Owens Corning Parkway FL1.0674-RI6 Toledo, OH 43659 Date of Issuance: 02/06/2012 (740) 404-7829 Revision 11: 12/11/2020 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule .61G2013 and the. applicable rules. and regulations governing the use .of construction materials inthe State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by RobemNierhInen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code. The product described herein has been evaluated for comp.iiance with the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. :; I]ESCRIPTt 0rnln :As.... a t:Roa LABELING: Labeling shall. -be in accordance with the requirements of the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency rioted herein andTBC 1507.1.7.1 / R905.2.6.I CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation. Report is.vaIid. until such time as the.named products) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance or p oduction facility location(s) changes, or Cade provisions that relate to the product(s) change. Acceptance of our Evaluation Reports by the named ..client constitutes agreement to notify NEMO ETC, LLC of any changes to .the products), the Quality Assurance or the production facility locatian(s). NEIIII❑ ETC,. LLC requires .a complete review of its Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The- Florida Product Approval N.urnber (FL#) preceded by the words "DEMOIetc. Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature. if any portion ..of .the Evaluation Repo rt. is displayed, then.it shall be done in. its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request; a copy of`this entire Eva Iuation Report shaI[ be provided to the. user by the rn a n uf actu rer or its distributors and shalt be.ava.ilab le for inspectionat the job site atthe request.of the Building.Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 10. Prepared by: �•' ;�,: ,,;, Robert J.M: Nieminen, P:E. Florida Registration Na: 59156, Florida DCA ANEI9s3 -.:a; The:facal raile seal appearing was authorized by Robert ' . ;^P'": - q =�'' = 12/1112020. this does not serve as an Nieminen, P.E. an. , d r.; ,;; : E'' electronically signed ddcvment. CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE. 1.. NEMO ETC, LLC does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire;.a financial interest. in any cornpany manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. NEMO ETC, LLC.is not owned,. operated or controlIed by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates.. K Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have. nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company'manufacturing or .d.istributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4.. Robert Nieminen, P.E: does not have, nor will :acquire, a financial interest in.an.y other entity involved in the approval process of the product. S. This is a building code evaluation. Neither NEVIO ETC, LLC' not Robert Nieminen, P.E, are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation. Report,.ar previous versions thereof, is/was.used for permitting.or:design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. *2aismmo ETc, LLc "NEM0 I etc, ROOFING SYSTEms EVAwATiow Product Category: Roofing Sub -Category: Asphalt Shingles Compliance Statement:. Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles; as. produced .by :Owens Corning, have dernonstrated.corripliance: with the following sect'i.ohs of the 7tt' Edition .(21}20) Florida Building.C.ode through testing in accordance with the following Standards. Com.phance is subject. to theinstallation Requirements; and Limitations / Conditions of Use set forth herein. o •o Secfian Pi^n ert Standard Year. 15.QT2.4, R905.2.3 Physical, Properties ASTM D1970 2015 1507.2.5, 110012.4 Material standard ASTM 03462 2010 1507.2:7.1,.R905.2:6.1 Wind Resistance ASTM 13316.1 2016 1507.2:7;1, R905.2.5.1 Wind Resistance ASTM D7158 2019 Entity Examination Reference Date Owens Corning Declaration Equivalency declaration 08/06/2019 PRI (TST5878) ASTM D1970 OCF-382.02-01 10/24/2017 UL LLC (CER9626) Physicals & Wind Resistance Flle 112453, Vol. 3 02/15/2007 UL LLC (CER9526) Physicals & Wind Resistance 20120516-R2453 05/16/201.2 UL LLC (TST9628) PhysEcal Properties 06CA20263. 04/18/2006 UL LLC (TST962$) Wind Resistance 11CA343.08 g2/1$/2012 U.L.LLC.(TST9628) Physicals. & Wind Resistance 4786093137 02/01/2014 U.L LLC (TST962$) Wind Resistance 47861M6532 CZ/10/2014 UL LLC (TST.9628) Physicai Properties Classification letter 02/13/2014 UL L.LC (TM 629 Physical: Properties Classification letter .10/02/2015 PRI puA913:o) Quality Control Service Confirmation .04/05/2020 PRI (QUA9110). Quality Control Florida BUS Current 5.TAgLF:'A"sPIt41TSHISVGLE:CiahAPOAfETdTS•, ; Type. Product Plarit(s] Material StandardDescription Starter Strlp.5hingle H-Tx, OR Starter Strip Plus MN, OR Accessory ASTM D3462 starter strips.far asphalt roof shingles SRS TopShield Starter .MN, OR Starter :Strips Starter Shingle Roll NH ASTM D1970 mineral-surfacedr fiberglass -reinforced; self -adhering SBS:rnadified.biturien starter. Supreme, GA CA, CQ,.I=TX, NJ, OH, ASTM D3462 fiberglass. reinforced 3-tab aspha€t TN, OR, IL roof shingles fiberglass reinforced; 4-tab asphalt Berkshire` MN ASTM D3462 roof shingles W Duration' Premium CA, OR Duration' Premium COOL CA Asphalt TruDefinition' Duration` Shingles IN; CA, CO,.I-TX, FL, NJ, OH, MN, n TruDe.finitian� Duration Designer Color Collectlon OR, GA,.IL, TN ASTM D3462 fiberglass reinforced, laminated. asphalt roof shingles Oakridge, GA, IN, CA, CO, H-Tx, I -Tx, FL; NJ OH, TN TruOefinition6.Qakridge' H=TX, I -TX WeatherGuard' HP TN MEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 037940.02:12-R11 Certificate of Aut✓iorization#32455 V" EDITION (2010) MC NON-i-iVHZ EVALUMIOiN F 10674-R16 Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles Revision 11.,12111/2620 Page 2 of 10 IIVGLE'CbMPOIV£ CE: :ASP[•lPii;TbH N. Type P:roduct•. Plant{s} Material :Standard Description 8erkslllrex Hip and Ridge MN 5h ingles.with:5ealaM DuraRidge° Hip and Ridge MN Hipand fiberglass. reiriforced, hip ancl.ddge. Ridge .Shingles with Sealant ASTM li asphalt roof shingles Proll GA, CA, OH, OR—j ShingEes: WeatherGuard" HP Hip and TN Ridge Shingles a 5.1 This is a building code evaluation..Neither NEM0.ETC, LLC nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions. thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose, 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for'use in FBC High Velocity Hurricane Zone jurisdictions (i.e.,. Browar.d and Miami. Dade Counties). 5.8 This Evaluation Report pertains to..ahove-deck-roof components; Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements td.the satisfaction of the Authority 11av(ng Jurisdiction. 5.4 Th is. Evaluation Report does not include evaluation of fire classification. Refer to. FBC 1505 for requirements and limitations regarding roof .assembly fire classification. Refer to FBC .2603 for requirements and limitations concerning the use of foam plastic insulation. 5.5 Wind Classification: Refer.to Section 6 for installation ellremerits to meet Wind classifications — LASS] .iDN5LT;SHINGLES.=. ..:...:.......................::::.:;TABEE�.A.WIND;.CFIG4T.'.74SPH.A .... Product FBC Table 1507.2.7.1 or R905.2.6.1 supreme' Berkshire" Duration" Premium ❑uration" Prernium.COOL TruDefinition Duratior° ASTM D3161(17) & ASTM ❑7158(H) TruDefiniticln` Duration® Designer Color Collection aakri Trullinition°:Qakridge° W.eatherGuarda HP 5,5.1 Classification bv_ASTM 137158; ASTM D7158, Class H applies only to exposure. category B or C arl building height of 60 feet or less. Calculations by a. qualified design :p,rofessional all required for conditions outside these limiitations... Contact the shingle manufacturer fordata specific to each shiingle. NEMcll LLc Evaluation Report 037946.62.12-Mi Certificate of Authorizatian-#31455 1 EDITION (2020):ll NON-HVH2 EVALUATION FL10674-R16 Owens Corning Asphalt Roof 5hingles Revision M. 12/11/2020 Pall of 10 _.. T R ER''$TRIPS i4N© �' .P RIAGE:';:'::.:;:;:::;i;::: 1 E.2$;;WINE]..::iA551F1CATE0NS ..... A.: T.....STRI . . Type. Product FBC Table 1507.2:7.1 or 11965.2.6.1 Starter Strip Shingle starter Strips" Starter Strip Plus ASTM D3161, Class F SR5 TopShleld Starter Berkshire' Hip and Ridge Shingles with( Sealant Hip & Ridge Dura.Ridge� Hip and Ridge Shingles with Sealant. ASTM D3161,.Class F Shingles PraEdge" WeatherGuardk HP Hip and Ridge Shingles 5.5.2 Referto.Owem Corning published information on wind. resistance a.nd. installation limitations.. 5.6 All components 1nthe roof assem bly shall have quality assurance audit in.accordance..with F.A.C. Rule.61G20-3. Refer to: the Product Approval of the component manufacturer far components. thaf. are produced. by a Product Manufacturer other than the report holder on Page 1 of this Evaluations Report. 6:1 GENERAL: 6.1.1 Roof deck, slope, underlayment and fasteners shall comply with FBC 1507.2 / R905..2 and the shingle manufacturer's minimum requirements.. 6A.2 I. Inderlayment.shall be.acceptable to the shingle manufacturer and shall hold current Florida Statewide Product Approval, or be Locally Approved per Rule 61G20-31. per FBC Sections 1507.2.3,,or 13905.2.3.. 6.1.3 Fasteners s.h.aII be in.accordance with the shingle manufacturer's published. requirements, but not less than FBC. 1507,2.6.or R905.2.5. Staples :are not permitted.. 611.4 Owens Corning.asphalt shingles are acceptable for use in reroof (tear -off) or recover applications, subject to the limitations set forth in FBC 5ection.1511 or R908. and published installation .instructions. 6.2 AccF: son STARTERS: 642.1 Installation of Starter Strip Shingle, Starter Strip Plus and 5R.S TopShield Starter shall comply with the Owens. Corning current published instructions, using minimum five (5) nails per strip. Figure 1: Minimurn Nailing, starter Strip r�underlxyrnm4 �adhared . .. y VY4iSiiBfRDC1C� prlpadgr a Nc6ic[p4d :2""-3"Hamcave inmarm sugars* Plus Sd searmp reahe.Iva P�4�ava w@tfx6°rerufved .--...fi. 8tertar&trip Pimoverhangsaa aWdrake(I -Ur Figure 2: Minimum Nailing, Starter Strip Plus NEMO ETG,.RRC Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R11 Cerrifuare ofAuthorization #32455 7n' EDITION (MO) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALuAT14.N Fi.10674-1316 Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles Revision 11:12f1112020 Page 4 of 10 ONEMO I et.c. 6:2.2 Installation of S.tarter.Shingle !loll shall comply with the Owens Corning. current published instructions. Oeck edge Starter Shingle•Roll adhered directlyto underlayment and l5rimed drip edge. Self-sealing adhesive positioned along eaves Figure. 3: StartefShingle Roll. 6.: :.ASPHALT SHING.LE.S: Gal Installation of asphalt shingles shall comply with the Owens Corning current published instructions, rasing minimum four (4) nails per shingle in accordance with FBC 1507.2.7 or R9O5.2.6, With the following exceptions: r Berkshire® shingles require minimum five (5) nails per shingle.. y WeatherGuard' HP shingles require minimum six (6) nails per shingle. Where the roof slope exceeds 21 units vertical in 12 units horizontal, special methods of fastening.are. required Refer to Owens Corning published information on wind resistance and installation limitations. . Supreme::' Normal Mansard or Area:parn Wind Areas Nigh Wind desvenes y Area para.vientoa normafes. Areas vie"ras firerre's ..ri' Expasura Expnsrtion Figure 4: Minimum Nailing, Suprem..e )Standard Size) Norerar Mansard -or Area pars. Wind Areas High Wind deavanes y Aree pare vieatas normales Areas vientas fuerres {Aye 121 � 1 t. 2• .. (Bi g �� t 5 51W Vzposure Exposicl6n. Figure S. Minimu.m.Nailing, Supreme. (Metric size) NEIVIO ETC, LLC Evaluation Repart 037940.02.12=R11 Certificate ofAuthorrzation #32455 7T" EDITION j2020j FEC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL10674-R16 Owens Corning Asphalt Roaf Shingles Revisions 11: 12111/U20 Page 5 of 10. Berkshire': Sealant strip to Wa de sellador N 8 Vz" 9 Vi 9 V s 112' V Figure 6:. S-Nail Pattern, Berkshire Figure 7: 6-Nail Pattern; Berkshire, &ea lard drip U Ura da 99416dur m. f v 8 V? s VP 8 Iff 8 Jt' V t !E r. 2 4sphall ruilfGlgcerlient Cuneaid deterhade asta�o Figure•8:• Mansard or Steep Slope Pattern, Berkshire NE.IVIO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 03794Q.02:12-R11 Certificate of Autherizatian.#32455 fH EDITION i2020j F6C NON-HVHZ EVALUATION F1.10674-1116 Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles Revision 11: 1Zf11/20Z0 Page 6 of 10 ODEMO I etc. Duration® Premium; TruDefinitioO Duration, DurationO Premium COOL &. TruDefinition Duration Designer Color Collection. Figure 9:.5tandard 4-Na11: Pattern, 1)uratian Figure 10. 6-Nail Pattern, Duration Figure 11; Mansard or Steep Slope Pattern, Duration: NEVIO ETC, LLC Eva€uation -Re port 037940.0Z.iZ-R11 Certificate.oJAutharizr�[ian #22455 7` EDIT€ON (2020) F B C &OIq-HVHZ EVALUATICNN FL10674-R16 ❑wens Corning Asphalt. Roof Shingles Revision 11. 12/11 f 2020 page 7 of 10 6.3:1.4 TruDefinition" Oakride0l,.Oakridge°: 4 Will Rattsm Esquema Cpit.d clauvs 5SM! ExponM Halls ExpaskFc¢idesGlopufg.. Cfadcs. Eapasieicn.de 55/Bperig. Figure 12: Standard 4-Nail. Pattern, Oakridge ;ill 1 0 etc. G. Nall Pattern Esquema con 9 dauas t,. 5 618" Exposule .. �favtrs 5 518".Exposvle apashfon & 6 Vopufg. E posicka da 6 W$Pulg. Figure.13: 6-Nail Pattern, oakridge Fastening for Slopes Greater Than 2.1.12 Surefdail® fastening area crfdth Nail Typical 12" 1 V Four�° Spofs.pT Rsphsn Ftoatitrg CeaeerH Figure: 14; Mansard or Ste ep=Slope Pattern, 0akridge WeatherGuardl HP:. 6 Nal Pattern esrue"M con 6 Gloom i ll61f9" from hattom of shsffle lave. a. 6 1iB ppulg, de le 5 5 xp�surd 6 i astenets parteirrfeilor de e t a Fxp"Wn do 5.9ping. 6 sujetadms \\�:i �12 fPpr� e a a . -2W IJ &A 'L[-M pots of 55Sfl`.E as lift&fTR{lflpfli5t{8C�8rrl�Aidde�ee rode i[Rl�k7d �Ce i9 5!8` F��cs 4nda 5 bBp DO! t do G V perk, Figure 1S: 6-Nail patterns WeatherGuard HP Figure 16- Mansard or Steep -Slope Pattern,. Weathe r.G ua rd HP 'NEMO ETC, Li.0 Certificate nfAuthorization If324.55 7T" EDITION (2020).FSG N0N•HVHZ: EMALuATION Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Sh..ingles Evaluation Report 437940:1]2.12-R11 FL10674-R16 Revision 12: 12/11/2020 Page 8 of 10 NNEMO etc. HIp'AND RIPU SHINGLES: 6,4.1 Installation of asphalt shingles shall.con! ply with the Owens Corning eurrent pub lished.instructions.. r Berkshire° Hip. and Ridge. Shingles with Sealant and DuraRidge@ Hip anal Ridge. Shingles with sealant require minimum.two (2)-nails per shingle. y WeatherGuard' HP Hip and Ridge Shingles and ProEdge.0 require minim.urn four (4) nails per.shingie. Refer to Owens Corning published information on wi nd. resistance and installation limitations. 6.4.1:1 Berkshire" Hip and Ridge with 5eWant and aurakidge® Hip and Ridge Shingles with Sealant:: Fl9= A Prevaili ng Wind Direction Direction del viento.predominante Nails A Clams. 4 P I l A I s € ? Fxposar de 8plfg v P Figure.17:.Isometric View, Berkshire and D.uraRidge 6:4.1:2. WeatherGuard® HIP Hip and Ridge Shingles: Fig. A�4 Prevailing. Wind . Direct Ion A `1 33 Nabs � r s I '�A 4 I ; I � Exposure Figure 19: Isometric View, WeatherGuard HP Hip and Ridge Fig. a Top View Vista superior Hail 2%n _Claw i I� cl g C I w. D41 l I Figure IS: Plan View, Berkshire and DuraRidge Fig. C Hip & Ridge Shingle Easterling Top view _..-..m..._..._....— s Halls Nabs I t�� E ! I 1 i5tpoaure i 12" Figure 20: Plan View, WeatherGuard HP Hip and Ridge NEMO ETC, LK Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R11 Certificate afAurbarimdon 931455 7YH EDITION (2020) MC NON- HVH2 EVALUAT10N FL10674-R16 Owens. Co..rning Asphait Roof Shingles Revision 11. 12/1112020 Page 9 of 10 ProEdge®: Prevailing Wind Qireegart &alsltt Strip. --' & Cover Exposed Fasteners with Figure 21.- Iso.rrietek View, ProEdge SNEMO[etc. Figure 22: Plan View; Pr.oEdge b & As. required by the Building Official or Authority Having.jurisdiction to properly evaluate the installation of this product. Contact:the named Q:A entity formanufacturing facilities covered by F.A.C. Rule 61G20.-3 QA requirements. Refer to Section 4 herein for products and production locations having. met codified. material standards. �: R MEN,-. �5 11, ' PR I ■ nstruction M ateria Is Techno I ■• - ■ A91 10 , (8 13162..1-5777; �bwi Isonga ■ - END OF EVALUATION REPORT - MEMO ETC, L[C. Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-Rll Certfficate ofAutharizatian #32455- 1'" EDITION 12aZ0j FSC NOhf-HVH2 EVALUATION FL10674-RI6 Owens. Corning Asphalt Roof shingles Revlsion 11'. 12/11/2020 Page 10 of 10 .......... .:... ............ ..... �t k I' eS ^r rids 1I ome. tna In . i?,ser ]irk.=crr t'::rl - ,i, rarjr-. Puhl+cd Lions contact Us. Kf5 Site Map. links,Search d b product Approval �uscR-•P.uffli;:User pr . Prod UCr Aapr•'!•!a!T1 e:,v'-. j �e;Ju;_.^._`;sFii:'='kz=fr:.... - ..r?i;l �y:i�ri� k.l .i a Appllcativn Petail Application Type Revision Code Versi6n 2020 Application Status. AppriMd comments Archived Product Manufacturer GAF Address; hPine/Einail 1 Campus DrM! Parisppahy, N] 07054 ($00) 76673411 �115tiah'agafsem Author€zed Signature Robert MemEnen IreithCOJnQ ripetc.rom Technicaf Representative William Broussard Address/P1-one/Email 1. Campus Drive Parsippany,.N] 07054 (800) 761 .-34.11 7eehn€calr�uestiansGAF[�gaf.com Quality Assurance Representative .Add re! ss/Phone/Emai Category Roofing Subcategory Uridedayrilents. Compliance Method EvaIvatipls Reportfro .m a Florida Registered Arctlftect.6r a L€tensed Flor€da' Pr- fessi.nal Engineer Eva?uatfdn Rtzpgrt Hardcoipy geCewed Flarida Engineer of Arcnitect €+lame %vhn deve €oped the Rcibert Nierninen Evaivatiors Report Florida License PE- 59166' Quality F,sSUI'aFICL Entity UL LLC Quality AssUrarre'Coritract Expiration Date 12/17j2021 Validated 2y 3ohn 71, Knezr-v1Ch, PE Validation Checklist - Flardcopy Received Certfflcate Of independence. Referenced SLandard and Year (or Standard) FL U62G RR2 C-01 2021 01 COI NIIEMINEN P& Standard Year RSTM D.1970. 2015 ASTAI ❑4533 (tear) .2015 ASTM ➢4798(weathering) 2011 ASTI.1 D4869 (water transrriisslpn) .20.16 ASTM 05035. (tensile) 2011 asT;. ri6:c tail AEIM €)5.'Si 2016 .F14 "V4 2011 FRSAi R1,.6€4 Edition 2018 Equiva€enoc o` Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method bate Sitbrrlltted N] e V41hd'lteu Date Pen6irig. FLC: AppFc,;faI Date Approved Date Revised Method 1'Opborl D asl�yi1�i�1 36I17I2021 ©81101?�'21 12I16/ZQ21 SuinFnary eif products FL # Model, .'Number or Name'-besic r1ption .......... _.......... - _. 10626A GAF Roof Linderlayments for ` Rooting Lfndnriayments for use in sloped roof systems. i .0se. If) FBC.rion-HVHZ iaiisdiaien5 Limits of Use :Approved for use: in HVHZ: Na' Approved for use .outside. HVHZ: Yes. Fmpact;tesistant: NIA Design Pressure. +N]A,'-442.5 Other, 1.).ThF' design presSurehoted in this applic4tron relates t[1 one'partXiflar tinderlayment system. Rerer to ER Section 5.8..3 for details, ;?: :Wer 1w EIti Section 5 ff)r other Linn Ls of Ul ;u, ............._.... .... -- - Installation Instructions l :Jf DELAY 7E TS FL'IQ626- 'R 22, i Verified BY:Robert Nie.rhien 59166 € Created bV Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports F qZ2 AF UrZ 171 6 Q� FIiVAL ER .GAF UNOERLAYMENTS FL10626- R 2'2, p d;` Created by independenL Third. Party.: Yes s Conta[L' Us.:; 2641 Sla it SLnn e. Rnarl. Ta!fahascee F? 32399 Pho net 650-487.-1824 The .d r-Jo1-da is w: Avi:. ; .i rr Din yer_ Copyrigh t 2007. 2r,; 7 5ta Le of Fla rda- : Mva c5tatamen: wessi9ility Stafemen PeFund 5taterrient Under arida la},. zrnail dddre,ses are p::vlic: re?urds. it you dp nw wash Ydur e-trail address released in resPorise Lc.a public -records request, do:not.s=_nd electronlc. mO to' ,i3 =-JIUY: lags fwd. u!!,c[e nY iih;:0 ur �V' radrt:o." W.aq,.;r You hieve dray 4Lasti00s, pleas? con tact850.4$7.1355,. Pursuant to SeCtbrt 455:275(.I);' Fl cnda Staid tes, errr.' t vi• r}itoi;ar Y, 3017. Iice:rsEes ti Cersed Eiji de: Char'Y:i 5-'r-S, must prwl de the Departme iit with.an email address If -they have'One, The ernalls rr wi dec»:ray tc uw c+ rr:r.-,ff. dal e-i;n:n-un:-T :YY th Llie treeee. !i e'.yer•er e��ra=E addresses are public record. FF you da rivt.rrish to supply a personal address, please p!'OV:d ir:e i:ap3•:meat 'A,1' �sn ema; •Iddr!'•:s .-rwz _an tiQ P10C4'JA'a;L4J, f�.tN' Obrrc, iU d®tefmrrie if you �re.-0 licensee under thaioter455, es,• please click here, P rod u ct Ali prow I Acce pts: ""' ` Ea u Ems' ` 0 ... jai •`- i rd 5�7fe N E M 0 [:etc. Certificate of Authorirarion #32455 353 Christian Street, Unit#13 Oxford, C'T06478 (203 )'262-9245. ENGMER E4 M1jA-J E -Es' I' CONSULT - '.}-.. .::5.=..'c�-=::��:i'!r� .x•5:: � �a F•s ��� ��FT- G..... 4. �'3:'T'- .i .",L2%, �..-. 4.. .� r�. �.-� _�-�?'..�:;]?...T:..'''�,•:.:..,.�n,M>.i-.,,.:_,.s��-'.s.z:...-:.".✓ .:.5v,:;-n.2ln".`ig-ra=1-.u�.r'•��_`:S_ �. GAF Evaluation Report 01506,04.08-R22 1Campus Drive FL10626-R22. Parsippany,. NJ 07054 Date of Issuance: 04/25/2008. (800) 766-3411 Revision'22:.06/09/2021' SCOPE: This Evaluatidn Report is issued. under Rule 61G20-3 and .the appl'rcable.ruies and regulationsgoverning the use of construction rnaterials in the State of Florida. The ddcurrientation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen; P.E. for use of the product undr f. tho Florida 8ui[di ng.Code and Florida Buiidi:ng Code, Residential Volume. The products described herein. have been .e.vaIuated far ccmpliance with the.7& Edition (2020) Florida Bu.11.ding Cade sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: GAF. Roof Underlay.rnents for use in FBC non-HVHZ'jurisdictions. LABELING. Labeling shall be in accordance With therequirements of the Accredited. quality Assurance..Agency'noted. herein and. FBC 1507J.J. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time. as the named product(S) changes, the referenced quality A5surance:or procWcllon facility location(S) changes, or Code provisions that relate to the product(s). change. Acceptance .of our Evaluation Reports by the named client constitutes: agreement to notify 1vEMO 'ETC, LLC of any changes to the product(s), the Quality Assurance or the. production facility location(s). NEM.O ETC, LLC requires a complete review of its Evaluation Report relative to updated Code. req uirements witheach Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT, The Florida Product Approval Number (FL#) 'pr.eceded by the words "NEMO [etc, Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising .literature.. if any portion of the Evai.uation Report is displayed, then it.sha.€1 be done' in its entirety: INSPECTION. -Upon request,. a copy...af this .entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufactur.er.or its distributors and shall be available fb, inspection, at the job site at the request of the Building Cifficia.I. This Evaluation R'eport'c-or.isis.ts of pages.T through 9. Pee pared -by: Robert J.M. Nieminen, P.E. The facsimil¢:seal appea ting :•eas au[horized by Robert Florida Re lStratinrl Nn..S9266, FlnridR DCA ANE1983 :'x Nieminen,. P-E_on ❑fi;g912p21. This does not serve as an 9.. +••••alectro n i ca Hy signed document: CERywcAnoworINPEPENUENCt,- 1. NEMO L;TC, LLC does Act. have, ngr'dCues it.lrrtenci to aigt{ire Cr will it'acquire,.a financial interest in any company manufacturing: or distributing pro0ucts:it.eVaiva es- 2: NENIO ETC, LLC is not gvvned,. operated or ifow ofled"by any company manufacturing or distributing products it.evaluates, IRobert Nieminen, P.E..does'not have. nor will acquire., .'financial interest m any company' manufacturing or distriiiutir g products for which the evaluation reports are beimg'.issued- 4. Robert Nieminen, R.F..does not have, nor vdill aequire, a Financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process. of the product. 5. This is a building code.(_'Valuation. Nerthei NEM0 ETC; LLC nor Robert Niernineo, P.E.:are, in 4ny, .way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this;. luation Her.Ff4 's_ z)r r,rcrvlaus Ver3iarns thereof. is%sras used for permitting or desigo.gu!dance "unless retained .specifically for iha± [iirrpo e. OZO19 MEMO ETC: LLC. ONEM.Ojeft. RooFING COMPONENT EVALl3ATiON: 5 Y ®' r-'ipyz 'ii�r. ':.�.4 •- :'�.F�`F-': ?:Cr �' ..Y �.:.yra i`fi<� "iCr . Y • ':.yr� ^�'��Fv:;�G. �'4 i�= [�Gu'. . 4 a�i=Ss „ dFr;. _�-,4:r.,�-: a:F, , r,•f .-I.� :i-�r-. - n.s.. ;'ter-.-r;��-, ;S�.I ma�X...rf�� z.-.. .,,s�,ix:y�:.,: �-. Product Category: Roafing Sulu -Category: Underfayment Compliance Statement: GAF.Roof Underlayrnents, as produc.ed by GAF, have demonstrated.corrtpliance with the following seCtidns of the .7`t' Edition {2020) Florida Building.Code.through testing in:accordaiice with the following Standards. ComphanuF is. subject to the Installation Requirements. and Limitations / Conditions of Use set forth herein, Section Property Standard Year 1504.3..1 W!rid resistance FM 4414 2011. 1507,1.1, 1507,?. 1. 1507-2 9 2 ,+ F,'i:1Yc+ri-Lii sr�iridard ASTM D1970 .2015 R905,.1, i, It905. ]507,1.1.ij1& Lxceptiunl, `.r.=ar �-i,'=r. - h ASIN1.D4533 2015 1507.T.1,1(5i1 R905:1..1;I.{2&3, Exception], R905.1.1,1(5) 1S07.L1,1(2&3, Exception), Tensile strength ASTM.D5035 2011 1507:1.1.1(5) / R905-1.J. 1(2M. Exception), Ryus. I.1,1(5i 1507.1.1.1(S) J R9.05;1: .1(5q Liquid wazer: narysrnissiora ASTM.D4869 2016 1507.J.1 /R90.5,13 POwM-Inal S'Wrfdard. ASTM D6757 2016. 1507.3.3, R965.3.3 ly!a1 eriai.stand'ai'd FRSA/TRi, Sixth Edition. 2018 1507,.11.2 viat,riai nciai;u. ASTMD6164 2011 TAS 110 AcceleraTed Weathering ASTM 04798 2011 Entity. Examination Reference Date ERD (TST 6649) ASTM] D1623 & FRSOTRI (Slippage) G3415o.08.11 11114/2011. ERD (TST 6p49) ASTM D616.4 (GA) G40630.01A4 2B. 01/07/2014 ERD (TST 60491 ASTM.i76164 (GA) G46150,09,14-3A 09/09/2014 ERp (TST 60491 ASSP:1 P11070 (GA} GAr:-SC13285.03-1.7-3 03/01/2017 ERD (TST 60,19) 6;ti=.M.U1SrL' (6A EsAF-SC13285;03,17-4 03/00017 ERD (TSTGU49) A i'V D19:'0 f6A; GAF=S%13255-o0 7-5 03/09/2017 ERD (TST6049.) A'S'YfA i:11- L) (1Af} GAF-SC16440:12.17. 12/31/2017 Intertek (TST 7`_,56) A7 It l PZ1616.9 (C]3/Ya, india; F8549;Q2-1p6-18. 11/08/ZOI6 NEM0 jl5'F 6o2i ;) 111%. iC.il Propcak-'S fo Nj 4q GAF-19-55MBB 03-A 05/13/2019: NEMt1 (-rS:F6049) TES€M 171970 4j7F"r5-20-S.SQDL-01.A 12/01/2020 NEW, (T51' 6049}. ASTM D4798, TAS 103 4j-GAF-20-SSUDL-02-A 03/15/2021 NEMQ (FSTW49i P,5Tidl i3rl'198 4i-FTS-214SSUDL-02.A 06/09/2021 PRI (TST 5878) AS.f M 137.E}70 (IN) GAF-324 02-01 1W012071 PRI {TST 58iFs? ASTM 0226 (N) GAF 339-02-01 03/13/201.2 PRI .(TST 5878+ 6, ' ]`.l 4 l.i'iJa PJC'f GAF-349.-02=01 07/0312.012. P.R1.(TST587%ii 1 i- is ift GAI`-434-02-01 09/16/2013 PRI (TST58:78i *iiid- ip)'ft 5AF434-02-03 09/1.6/2013 PRI (TST' 5878) GAF-434 02-04 09/16/2m PRI (TST 5878) ASTIV D4S33 (varioUs} GAF-818=02=01 12/05/Z0.17 PR1.(TST 5919) ASTM D 100 (AL) MSA .047-02-01 04/11/2018 PRI (TST5378) ASTPA D4533 (LA) GAF-826.02.01 .06/4/2018 PRI (TST 5878) ASJM D4533. (Radra, India). GAF-847-02-01. 06/4/2018 PRI (TST5878) ASHA 1)4533'Dadra, India.; GAF-914.02-01. 04/10/2019 PRI (TST 5818) AS M DLI533; D5035 WAi 376TOG12 07/15/2019 PRI (TSI5878) ,Sl?:'': U45.33 fuil,,e!:k6i Ki Vv fni, I n d i a 1 37.0a100.18 07/31/2019. PRI (TST5878) ,�lTM'..;iil'. 33 iF.=icai, india1 3"13TQ01a 07j31/2019 NEMO ETC, ua c Evaluation Rdp0M01506.04.68-R22 CMifrrare of Autarorrrnm:n c3:4 ;'it: Es_AUUz,j i,�: FL10626-R22 GAF Rpof underlayments Revision 22. 06j09/2021 Page 2 of 9 ONE.M.6letc. Entity Exa m inativn Reference Date PRI (TST 5878) A.STCv; 914.7.0-IAQj :375T0032 10/72/7019 PRI (TST-S878) A,.;I-Si b7.2b (5-CA) 376TOG54 42/18/2020 PRI (TST 58)8} ASf1V, u4 -'.3.3 (Gujarat; India) 376T608 02/18/2020 PRI (TST 5878) AST1v.1 D5635 (various) 376T0103 69/11/2020 PRI (TST5878) ASTiv? 04533, D5095 (Rajasthan, India) 376TO111 12/22/2020 PRI (TST 5878). AST€V[ 04533, ❑5635 (Gujarat, India} 37.6TO113 12/22/2020 UL (TST 174:0) 7i.STM P6757 (Tx) 02NK22569 OG/04/2002 PRI (TST 59781 ASYM D5035 {Gujarat, India) 376TQ146 03/n/2011 PRI (TST.5878? AS1M U4533, D5035 )Rajasthan, India) 37GT0161 05/0.7/2021 UL (TST 1740j AS110 DO) (NC.j 1ONK11990 05/18/2011 NEMO FTC f rocrrs:, I ; FiiC Cross-115t ng 64/22/2626 rrEMO +.3. rs6!Irr.v Fi3C.Cross-Listing 44108/2021 UL, L L C IL tUA 9 625i u.{ + , C"r)ntrul service. 61onfirrhation 03/23/2021 UL, LLC (QUA 962S) Qua ii•y C ositrul .Sei vice Confirmation (AL) 05/04/2020 0L, W—_ [QUA 9 62 5) clua.'iry Control plbrida SCIS Current: :af3 r iP.yve Product ° Material Standard � Plant(s). 411 i OAF Extendod.Dryln Mombrane i ASTKI D1970 i_angley,,BtCanada : i if]['-rY.y'"' StiS.Sclf Ad1ir ring Bas.i /Ply Mt. Vernon, IN. 4 2: Sheet +�ST1v7 D197.0 Savannah, .GA 4.3 Stp,,Guard' F11-6-Surfaced Leak Bar.rior ASTNI ❑1970 Mt, Verrion;.IN Savannah, GA A.rkadelph€.a; AR WeatherWatch=' Mine ra[-Surfaced (,ealc I ? Mt, Vernor),.IN 4,4: Barrier ASTIVi D.1970 Savannah, GA. usta€oosa, A 7 L. 415 DeckArmor" Promium Breathable Rooi I 1:507,1:1-1(2&3, Exception) D7 dra; India DCck Prgltr,i�or=. R90IS.1.1.-1(2&8 Exceptinn`y --- - Dadra, India FeltB.uster'"'.SynthetiF hoofing Felt. i507.1:j.1 2&3, Exception), ( P )r Gularat, India (CPP) Rajasthan, India 4,6 (fbrrri>rlyfc[tt3sstcr' F+ig1r-i r:ctfa ;5yf+rizi7r_ 1.i3'7,.1,1.1(5j j R9[?5,1.1.1{Z&3,. (MW) Rajasthan; India Roafing F'eltl Exreption}, fi905.1:1.1{5} 1 Richmond, VA Spartarihurg, 5C 4,7 Shingle -Male' Robt Deck Protection IiSi. M D226,.Type 11(Taoie 1) ] Pryar;:OK. - .._..-- — -- —----- -- — Shafter, CA 4.8 ! Storm.safe"" Amhur Sheet 1'SU 1;1.1(2&3, Exception) / North. Bay; ON RODS.1.1.I( &3, Exception) fladra,.lndia Tiger PaW" Prerniurn.iioaf Deck 1s.07.L1_I(2&3, Exceptlbn)1 Gujarat, India. 4.9 Prot ecdon(farrirerlyTggerP.x;v;'.Ftnofpeel. 3905-1,1.1.{2&3.Excepti1)n} : Parzal, India Praf � ctinn] Umerkui Kilvani, India Via [saShieldz Fire -Resistant Roof f]eci< 4.13 ASTM D6757: Conover, NC .Protection ASTNt 06,164 4AI Ruberoi&; Mop Grancsie l 5avannah,.GA FR5AJR109•IS AS' v 1)5164 4.12. { Ruberoidl rNeft,p _ . i,s.s[ H Savannah, GA F1 sa, I reI 09-18 €VETOO ETC, TUC Evaluation Report01506.04.08-1422. Crrdfkvteaf A r,rh orizgrirri n:32-1 .. -. "€:;eta.._:';'=e. <1141 !ira[!i_1 FL10626-R22 G4F Roof Und.er€ayrnents Revklon 2Z; 05/09/2021 Page 3.af 9 ONEMOjetc. 5.1 This is a building Code .e.v.aluation.. Neither NEMO. ETC, LLC nor Rohert Nieminen, P.E. are, in anyv'iay, the Designer of Record for an.y project on which this Evaluation Report,..or previousvmions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unlessretained specifically for that purpose. 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for Use.in FBC High.Velcieity Hurricane Zone jurisdictions.(i.e., Broward and Miami - Dade Counties). 5.3 This Evaluation Report pertains to a.00ve-deck roof components. Roof decks and Structural members shall be In accordance with FBC: requifements to Fhe, satisfaction of the AuthorityHavin.g'Jurisdicfion. 5.4 This Evaluations ReWt dues.riut in,Midi' evaluation :of fire classification: Refer td. FBC.1505: for requirements anti limitations regarding roof :asj .errihly fire classification, Refer' to FOC 2603 for requirements and limitations concerningthe use of foam plastic insulation. 53 GAF Roof Underlayments may be used with any prepared roof cover where .the product is specifically referenced. within FBC approval docurrients- If not.listed, a requ.eSt may be made to the Authority Haying.lurisdictloh for approval based arrthis:evaluation combined with supporting data fv.r the. prepared roof covering: .5.6' Allowable Roof Covers: TABLE 1: RooF COVER 0PTIOI S -...........__.._......__.._;.... Fr3c SeCrlon: 1507.2 ..... 1507:3 i I507.4 and 1507.5.. 1507.7 ; 1507.8 and I507.9 clay and concrete Tile y Metal Slate nr I Wood lrnderlaymerit I Asphalt p W Mechanical r Adhesive � �____ _ __ Slate=Type'. Shlhgies .Attach Set Panels Shingles slsingles shingles Shakes Yes Yes GAF. Extended Dry-1 i,, TOU1711]o• 1n Yeti [ N❑ Yes. Yes Yes: iioia: st ps, {joint strips, . �_ __....._.._._............. ................ ..-..........-......i....-......-..-...._...- ._..._.......--..-.-.... _---.._....... 4 �ft9 i:il R9 .31 Yes Yes Liberty'":5BS:Sei1-Adlle�;,i gl Nf: ... No. No NO oins scrips, {jairt[strips, Base�Ply:Sheet t507.1:1.3/ 1507.t.1.3:1 R905I ;,3} R905.1.m. Yes Yes S,,,Guard' Filrrl-Surfacc'd'Le:ll: Ye9. ' o � No � Ye5 Yes Yes 06,t stTip, fibintstrio% Barrier. i 1507 :-1.31' 1507.L1.31 E ' � j � H905.1.1.3j R905.L1.3} __.-m_._...-.. __..._.._... _�__....-...__ E' � Yes Yes WeatherWafchO Mineral -Surfaced l Yes No No j No: No i N° ' 1,07.1.1 oini 31 ism oint �iil Leak garr[er ]' Deck-ArnsorT" Pre. rill:rn E3re;sti aEr?a i ? ftoaf Derk Protectio;, Yc's No Na Yes I Yes Yes i Nfl No --- — .._. ............. ...... Fpit Buster` Synthetic!:4a'irs€.. Felt. ........_... fed, ..... .... _....... _... . ... N rdi7 NO 0 T Na € No No ... �.__.._.___.....-...; ---- ...-._-...._._...-_.�_-.------.-----�----_-.- Shingle -Matey Roof Deck.� Protection -..___.--------- -. _..__ Yes _'.......-.__.................j.. 140 Nn .................... ...... _.i._...--.._.___.-.'_-._}__._-__-_._.__ No. ! No No [Vo No Tiger Paw" Prensium Roof Q]cck Ye= NU No Yes i Yes Yes No No Protection _._.. _... I .............. .... ........ _..-_1.. - 1---- --------- Ver5aShiel& FFre-kOslstant Roof Y Lsi�IL: N❑ NC. No. i� No NO No� Deck Protection' RuberoidO Mop {iri+ri_isE No . , :i' ,�: �:. Na ato i No No No Ruheroid' Map Grar..L fe. Fri i No 1 C3,r <_3:-r:,n i ` ! No Na l :"Jo 1 No No . ....-.--._............._.........-.-....-.. - _.. .... _-....- .-._.._..._...._ a'niyr:systeml ..... ........ - - ...._.-_.._.. _...._.... _ --._......_.._...._.... _- ...1.....µ_.__ � NETMO c-rc, c Certificate ofA a rh orie amn?i+ GO Roof Urderlaymeists Evaluation Report 01506.04.08•R22 F11062671i22 Revision 22, 06109/2021 Page 4.0 9 01YEM0 I etc. 5.6.2 Adhesive -set is limited to use -of fdllowi.ng.underiayment! tile -adhesive combinations.. TABLE IA:.ALLo WABLE. UNDERLAYMENT f TiLE-ADHEsIVE COMBINATIONS t Underlaynien€ Ruberoid®.Mbp.Granule; Ruberoldl Mop Granule. FR 517 Allowable Substrates:. Adhesive Norida. Product Approval Dupont "Tile BondT".Root Tile Adhesive" FL22525 TABLE 2: SDSSTRATE OPTIONS FOR ADHERED UNDERLAYMENTS Underlayment Application substrates GAF Exteiided Dry-ln`Membratte se€f-adhering. _Primer Nome. plytivodd Liberty'" SIBS Self Adhermg Ease/Ply Sheet _ ......_..._.............. ._ :_...-._......... .._............... ..................... ....... .-.......... ._. ! {i}pfiarialj StorrnGuard" Film Leak Barrier self -adhering plywood ASTM i ASTM D41 Weather Watch"' Mineral -Surfaced Leak Barrier ....... ...__.................. ..................... ..... _.._...-.�.._----...__ .............—------ 4-------.....---- Liberty"`SBS Self -Adhering Base/Ply Sheet i StormGuard" Film -Surfaced Leak Barrier ...._....... -- 1 self -adhering -r idone ASTM D726 felt.Typefl. _...w ............ _.-...__ Weather Watch°` IVineral•Sarfared l.ea� BarrlP.r i I Liberty'" SBS.Self-Adhering Base/Ny.Sheet StorrrmGuardv' Film-Sudzite4 Le�+k BarriO self -.adhering ASTM D41 metal (flashin.g metal; valley metal,. __. .ete.j Weathef %Vatch NlinErai-Surfarttd.Lc..Ik Barrier i .....-..-..... €.... .. ... {. ................. -- +. ._...--...._.. _..__..--- -._. Ruberoid" M0V.Granule _---- ------------ ---- _.-----.--._-- hot asphalt. l [ ASTM D41 structural conerete Rubergid" Mop Granule FR GAFGL45' 7 Sd Llltima'" .Base Sheet 6eroid:" "fvtap nu.le .._...__..._-.-....-.-..-.....-_.. _. ... ..... .... hot:asuhalt ! None FuRberoi& ivlop ran:;ist. FR ---- _.._..._.--_...._.-.... ...-.._ ... ..-..-.... .... ....... ----- ---------- ----- L..... ... ..... ........... ..__...u......._...__.-r....-- ' .or Ruberoid� 20 Smooth �. 5.9 Attachment Limitations: 5.8.1 For use urider rnechartically attac.lied NON=TILE. prepared roofcoverings,:gttachment.shal.l be in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions, but -for mechanically attached underlayments or base sheets - not less than FBC 1507.1.1 or R905.1.1. 58.2 For use under tile. coat systems, attaehrrient shall .be in .accordance with the manUfacturer's Installation instructions,.but - i:or n-ieciianica.11.y atta.phed base sheets - riot less than: a FRSA/T.RI F7nrido Hiyh L,Wnd Cotvcre.te bod Clay Roof Tile installation A4anub,.Sikth Edition, Appendiz.A,. Tab;e:'1 (for Twci-Ply Asplzalt Applied Hot Mop Uf1dtr[ayTsentl or ■ Section..5,8 3 herein (for other underlaymerit.systems}-. 5.8.3 Wind Resistance.for Undera rment,5vste•ms in -Tile Roof Applications: The following -wind uplift limitations apply to.underlayment systems that.are.not prescriptive in the FRSA/TRI Flor. dp Nigh Wind Concrete ❑ad Clay Ravf rile Installation Allanuol, Sixth Edition. The Maximurn besign Pressure is the result a(tes!jug for Wind load resistance based otl allowable wind loads, and reflects the ultimate passing: pressure divided ir.y 2 (.the 2 t;:i 1 rY:argin of safety-pe FBC 1504.9 has a]ready. bee n applied). 5:8:3:1 Rirect-tn-LeL+;:: The maximum. design pressure l'or t€ie selected assembly shaft meet or exceed that required under FRSAITRi Florida High Mind. Concrete acid Clay RV of Tile lnstollation Manual, Sixth Edition, Append1k A, Table.1A or the critical (highest) drsign.pressure deterrmined In actordancewith. FBC 1609 or FBC Residential Chapter 3. I Refer to 77fe POarrufuC[uror'!..6, Adhesive A lariufucturef's Flvrhvd Pro AppreVal `!ai 0ve{tumin g Pdolrmlii. Resistance Performance. :NEM0 FTC, LLC Evaluation Report 01506:04.08-R22 certrfi[ete vfF uthooz u r nw+n32�iS:� ... .. .:;ti -... .'--, y.. s' <:?. [, i.s.;;; i:..:::' FL10626-R22 GAF Roof Underlayments. flevislgn 22. U6/09/2D21 Page 5 oi 9 ONEMOjetc. #1 Maximum Design Pressure ==442,S.psf. Deck. Min. 2,500 psi strtrWtUfaI concrete to meet project requirernents to satisfaction ofAutho.rity.Having J.urisdietion Base Sheet:: GAFGLA5. #75 Base. Sheet, T: i-Riy 475 Base Sheeti..GAFGLAS 480 Ultima Base Sheet,.GAFGLAS Ply 4,. Tri Ply Ply 4 or GAFGLAS Flex P1 y:6 applied. in full rnopping of ASTM 0312, Type IV hot .asphalt,at20 to 25 lbs/square. Cap Sheet: Ruberold" Mop Granule or Ruberoid"' Mop Granule FR applied in full mopping of.ASTM D312, Type IV hot asphalt at 20 to 25 1bsjsgl3are: Mechanically -Attached Base Sheet:. The maximum design pressure. for. the selected assembly shall meet -or "ceed.that required under FRSA/TRI Florida Hrgh Wind Con crete o i i d Cloys Roof Tide I.nstallallori Manual, Sixth Edition, Appendix A, Table 1A or the c rjticaI (high e5tJ d E•':ir,31 ilr QS 5li1 e :i e.W nI ill ed 3R ac.c c)rd an ce With FBC 1609 or FBC R e s l d e nt l a l.Ch a ptE r 3. AlternaUveiy. lice ill.ixI0-r4MI. i:k. ,:3 PTes7ure for the selected assembly shall. meet or exceed at. least the Zone 1. design pressur'.e detennined in, accordance with FBC 1609 or FBC Residential Chapter3. Elevated pressure zones shall employ air attachrnent .dusity designed by a qualified. design {professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria: Ccimirnonly used methods are ANS1/SPRI. W01, FM Lass Prevention Data sheet 1-29. and Roofing Application Standard RAS 117. Assemblies marked with an asterisk* carry .the limitations set forth in Section .2.2.I:0.1 of F.M, Los5 Prevention Data Sheet 1-29.(February 2020) for enhancements. #2 Maximum Psj ?..F+.'es_sUre_.r.-4S.psf- €]eck: Min. 19132-inch plywood to rne.e.t project mquirernents to satisfaction of Authority. Having !Lif'15ii1Ctj6'1_ Base Sheet: (;/AFGLASt 480 .Uitinla" Base. Sheet or Rt:bernidl 20 Smooth mechanically attached with 12 ga., min. _25-inch long ningshank nai€s through 32 ga., 1-518-inch diameter tin caps spaced Nnch o.c. at the min- 4-inch wide side laps and 9-inch o.c, at two (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows iri the field of the sheet. Cap Sheet: ituberoid" Mgp:Grariule.ar Ruberoid" Mop Granule FR applied in full mopping of ASTM ❑312,.Type. IV hot .asphaItat 20 to.25 Ihslsquare. 0 MaximuM.-Desi rn 11_ressure- 75_psf Deck! it+i n. 19_/32-inch plywood to meet project F-Equir.ements to satisfaction of Authority Having Bale Sheet: r.;f"Wz1.A7" 480 !I.la[rrl�t" Baw 5h3e.et or Ruberoid 20. Smooth mechanieal6y attached With 12 ga., ruin, i.-25 inchi sa€lg ;shank nailsthrough 32 ga., 1=5j8-inch diametertin caps spaced 8-inch ox. at th-e min.4-inch Wide side taps and S=Inch o.c. at three (5), equalIV. spaced, staggered center rows in the field di the. sheer. Cap .Sheet: Nubermd' Mop .Granule of Rcrt3erg'10 Mop Granule FR applied. in full mopping of ASTM D312; Type. IV. hoL asphalt at 20 to 2S. Ibs/square., ##4 Maximum DesiGrp,.- Deck. Ev P_ 19!32-inch plywood to meet project requirerr3 nts to satisfaction of Authority Having Base Sheet: t;i1Fs its" P80 Uitmia Base Sheet or Ruberoid' 20 S.rriooth mechanically attached with 1.1 ga,,. min.. 1.2SAnch long ring shanic.noifs through32 ga.,.1-5�8_in.ch:diameter tin -caps spaced 4-inch.o.c. at t€:o min. ?_-inch wide side laps anti 441ch o,c. at. four (4), equally spaced center rows in the field of the sheet: Cap Sheet; RuberoidMop granule orRuberoId' Mop. Granule FR ap:plied in fo11 mopping of ASTM D312, Type 1V hn,.asphaIt at 20 W 25 €tisJsquarp- N§aMo CTc; LLi Evaluation Report 01506.04,0&R22 Cerrifi[aieofAL,thorizoricr,n=245$ a FLT.0626-R22. GAF Rur;f Underlayme6ts Reis€on 22: 06/g972UZ1 Page 6 of 0 i Y EMO I etc. 5.9 Expasure Limitations: .FABLE 3. ExPfl5URE LmTxrms `.----.----.-----.__---- 1 Prepared Roof Cover Maximum Undeirlayment ; Exposure installation Fype (days) Deck-ArmorT' Premium Breathab.leVRoof pock Proterction, reItBuster"" Synthetic . � Roofing Felt, Shingle-MateI Roof DLck.Prvte<_tion. StLwrn5afeW' Anchor 5heet, Tiger Paw"" Premium Roof Deck Protection, Versa9iieci S1 Fire- Resistant Roof Deck Mechanically attached 30 Protection, Liberty'"" 5135 self-.AdheJ ing Basra; Ply 51)ELe StornGuard" Film •surfaced € i Leak Barrier and W ea th e rA1v'at0: " iVL�.iL ai-5u:::,fced Le_tk Barrier — ......... ........_.... __...--._.._....-.__..—.s._._..__..__.._._._� GAF Extended Dry=ire Membi a,; : Fv]echar,ically attached 180 _....................... ............................................. ....._................ _....... 1 Adhesive-set:tile roof system 180 Ruberoid.' Mop Granule ana Rur) =void'' Mora Grarsuie. FR ..— Mech anicallyattached UNLIMITED _ __..-.._.-_...........I .._. . _.. 5,16 Tile Slippare-Li3ni#atlons_ l± here loading roof files.onthe undedayrnent in direct -deck the roof assemblies,.the maximum roof slope shall be as follows. These: slope limitations can only be exceeded by using battens during loading of the roof [files. TA6Le 4: TILE SLIPPAGE WITATIONS FCM ❑IRECT-DEck TILE INSTALLATIONS T.. _..w.......... ......-. �.. .. - .... w _._.._. Underlayinent 'file Profile s Staging Method Maximum`Staging Slope Fi is Max. W W.the stack 4.1Z _.-_..........-...._...._..-...-.........._.................... ..0 _._.._..-. Ruberaidm.Map Granule Fiat Max. 6 taek he st.(4 over 2) s:12 _....................._ r_...__.._.-.. - r .. Mx...._-.._..ack-.... Lugged NiaK.. fp-tile stack. 5:12 Fiat or lugged Max. 6 tile. stack (4 over 21 5:12 Ruberaid" Mop Granule #. —_.__-•___Lugged ; Max;10-tile stack 4:12 I 6,1 GAF Roof Underlaymentsshal! hn iristaiii cl in accordance. lddith GAF published instillation instructions subject to the Llmitat'ons se!. f-,) tz :. in Se (,N'; n 5 it . t;'.ir3 :rrrri Lhe spec;f cs notcAj helo:v: 61 Re -fasters any luo c: dC�e:l:isrg. i_,ri:c."s, {sed c.1huck..lol prmruding nail. !reads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris.prior to application and prime the substrate (if applicable), 6.3 peck -Armor"' premium. Breathable Roof Deck Protection or Tiger Paw"' Premium Roof Deck Protection: 6.3.1. Shall be installed in compl;7nce with requirements for a synthetic Undedayment in FBC 1507.1.1.1(2, Exception] or 1507.1.1.1(3, Exception) or' FBC Residential R905.1.1.1(2, Exception) or R905.1.1.1(3, Exception) for the type of prepared roof covering to he installed; and the :rnanufacturer's installation instructions.. F.BC requi rements take precedence' ervorrt.h.x.fT!r7Fl[J dC;urer`; nsta`]atlon instructions. 6.4 FeltBusterTM Synthetic Roofing Felt: __.... _._...-......_ _ .... .._.-.._-- ---- ---._.-.-._...- — ---- - -- 6.4.1 Shall be installed in compliance w(di requirements for zi.synthetic underlayrne6t in FBC 1507.1.1:1(2, Exception), 1507.1.1:1(3,.Excep6on) or 1507.1.1.1(.5) or FBC Residential R905.1.1.1(1, Exception), 11905.1.1,1(3, Exception) or 13905.1,1.1(5) far the type of prepared roof covering to .be installed, and. the manufacturer's installation instructions. FB.0 requirements takeprecedence over the manufacturer's installation instructions. NFMC5, ETC, UC Evaluation Report 0150S.04.08-1122. certrfrrafe of lufhonrntrurr R ?y5` r•: _ ..:..... ..i: `: ;li.?: u.3 Si:S FL1fi&2&-R22 GAF ^R o o f,u n deriayrn ents Revision U. 6009,+2021 Page 7 of 9 ONEMOjetc. 6.5 5t❑rmSafe'"' Anchor Sheet__...----�-___..-__.........._.._..._.�.._-.�..__._.-�. 6.5.1 5torrn5afe"' Arichor5heet is lirrtit(�d to useas a mechanically.attached base layer in 2-piy.underlayme..rit systems. :6:542 Shall be installed in compliance with requirements for a synthetic:underlayrnent in FBC 3507:1.1.1(2, Exception) or.1507A.1.1.(3, Exception) or FBC Residential R905.111.1(2,:Exceptiorl) or R905.1.1.1(3, Exception) for the type. of prepared roof cpve6ng to'be installed, and the manufacturer's instal I@tion-in structions. FBC requirements take preced.ence:over the rranufac#ilr4s'S lns5taliation instructions. 6.5.3 One the sarne .day, ._wstall Ubert 5135 Seif^Adherufo base/Ply;. 5torrnGuard' Film -Surfaced Leak Barrier or WeatherWatchl fvlineral-Surtac-ed Leak.Barriel- over the 5torm5akell Anchor Sheet. 0.6 Shingle -Mateo Roof Deckc. Protection: 6.6.1 Shall be installed in compliance with requirements far an approved mechanically attached underlayment (ASTM D226,.Type.11) in FBC Table 1507.1.1.1 or F6C Residential Table 11905.1.1.1 fo.r:the type of pr..epared roof:covering to be installed, and .the ma.nufacturer's ITIStallatlon instructions. F8C requ.itements take precedence over the. nlanutacture.r's in5taiia.ti.gn instructions. 6;7 VersaShiel.d" Fire -Resistant Roof Fleck Protection: &TI Shall b'e'instaliO in compliance with ftrr an approved.mechanically attached underla.yment (ASTM D6757) in FBC Table. 1507.3-1.1..or FBC .Residential Table 11905.1.1.1 for the.type of prepared roof covering to.. be installed, and the nianufacturei's installation instructions. FBC requirements take precedence over the. Manufacturer's instaIiation in5iruc1:10r S.. 6.8 GAF. Extended Dry lri Mi( rnbrane, Liberty— 58S Self -Adhering Base/Ply 5heet, StorrnGuard® FilmySurfaced Leak Barder.or WeatherWatch"" IVlirieral-Surfaced Leak.Barrier:. — _...-............... ... ....-....^——....... ... _..-.-..._ -- =-- - - --_ _ ._..... V....... _- GAA Shall be installed in 31r•.plian -e with regwrements for an approved self -adhering underla.yrment (ASTM ❑1970) in FBC 1507.1.1.1.u.r 1507.1;1.3 or FBC. Residential 005:1.1.1 o.r R905.1.1.3 for the type. of prepared roof covering. to be instal.ied, acid ilia rrianulackurer; ins€al la bop irstructions. 6.8.2 Back -nailing is regi3Jred, Hack-iiall ing shall con sist.of Approved cap nails spaced 18-1nch.a.c., encapsulated within min- 4-inch side lap;. 6.8.3 When installed over a mechanically attached, Fk3C Approved.ASTIVi D226 Type 11 felt, the feltshall be fastened in accordance with FBC 1507.1A or R905.1,1. 6.sA GAF Extended Dry -In Membrane,.liberty'" SBS 5elf-Adhering Base/Ply Sheet, StorrnGuard® Film -Surfaced Leak Barrier or. WeatherWatch Mineral-Sur#aced Leak. Barrier may be installed as.a secondary water barrier using: minimum %i-iiidn V' tit° res3ls.t>> _ed: ply hu[ u.de:ck iuihi 5 prior to installatuc n'of the priniary.underiayment system. __..._..-._.._-......................... ...... .._.-..... ...... ....... ....... .......... - ....... -- -- .-..._.-..---.-�µ _... _.. ....-... 6,9 Rube.ro.iO Mop Granule; Ruberaid"' Map Granule FR: 6.9..1 Shall be installed in.,complianr_e with requirements as an alternate to: the'"Nat Asphalt Applied Cap Sheet'' in the: "Two Ply. System" in the FRSA/TRI Florida high Wind Concrete GO Clay Roof Tile installation Manua), Sixth Edition, and the nlaryuf.acturer's installation instructions. 6:912 Refer to.5e tia; `1.8 barn=itl for attac'rtntient knii ktations: 6.9:3. Refer to Table 4 for tile staging limitations. r4u,Ab EIS CLi Evaluation Report 01506.04.0&M . Crrtfjlcare o(AutR71•: F1.10626-R22 GARoaf Onderlaymerits Revislan 22:06/09/2021 Page 8 of 9 ONEMOJ,OtC. As required by the Building.Official%or Authority Having ]urrsdiction.to properly evaluate the installation. of this product" Contact the narned Q.A entit.v fot manufacturing facilities covered by F.A.C. Rule 6TG20 3 0.A requirements.. Refer to Sectian.4 herein for products and: productian locations having met codified material standards, Irv:::.: e`Jtl y� - tir- - "iG.' "":l'-'%; _T$' � :Yr:x - Lt r:Y-:.�:'--Y!iYrxr �•'_ - -;;�C' UL,.LLC..-�QUA9625; (0,14) 24SI6409.; karen.buchmann@uJ.cam END OFTVALUATI0N REPORT - 1 EMO M',:,E C EValLiatl4n Report M506.04.08-R22 L'enificateajAUthorirafin, n31.r55- ....... r .`ii�.'_?`��s';.,::.t:':-:1, '€L10626-R2Z GAF Roof ..Uh6[ rlaymentsRevision 22: 06/0912021 Page 9 of 9