HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHANGE OF SUB-CONTRACTORCOUNTY F L 0 R I D A— F1 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING & ZONI`NG DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 (772) 462-1553 FAX 462-1578 1T r !'LI=ASL- tii-LGC7 �l�y = ()' -4i= 1'ULt_ ,1�1• VC': -CHANGE O1' C ONTRACTOR - C'hange of Contractor IS to be signed and norariied b� the Property and the Itcw contraetol of -record for the t:ul•tenl permit A neu conrraotor information and sio permit tltplicution must also be co[7tpleted wit,,HIle%, 6natute. A neu Notice of C'umrnmst be 11fed in the new contractor's Dents for Job t:tltles grealer than $2,500 t57 soo if ,A.:C' Change out} ,a recorded copy commencing Iny work. There is a SS0.00 fee for the Change of C'nrttrRctnr. pti must be subruitted pri(�t to x C HANGB OF' SUBCON] RACT()JJ - Subconccactor changes afc tq be cnm lcteci by the Co Dery subcontractor mild till out a Subcunttactor A-1rcement Font- There is a 550.00 fcc for the Change Corttracrrjr. n ' eneral cortrr,tctor. ,e of Sub- (lionof l,l1A'l lsj U26 I'I RaYI)l - 1 he cxnceftart,�rl nf:I I)Cruut is accclttaf)le only tf no cork has hccn rfnnc ('anccllatiltn 4f perulit i. to be .I�rnc{l and noran�rd by Bath the owner as '- qualifier Of record. There is no by cancellation ol'the pel-mit. fee for Date: _ W�� Permit Number: p 4 S- ILI . - Uri g:l,u.., Sf:tlC. tal Ci(.' , subcontrt or f_ic� n aclour4n�t Zulilrfcr- - c3 1'�ictrr (.;C', suhcnnti:lrlt)I. l.�Stitt�: I. iccn.,e ��� iteas(,n fUS'CiII1tC11�9t1011 �R f- -.s Thc old mm E Lucie c081s, ears ur d,tt,laarS eriSiq� 1 �tr,t ,tn} ,,ltrelf Claait1l51c ractirtnlfgS any rr3tinrC uhl ft n t}la c-ers, cmb; and flrt�,fclta :s Frrmi all .. C��ItI[:1fMIJt ti[IbCUIlrti,L'[(ll' or cattcellailon O {tcrinrl A prl•rni! eruulot t>r cuacet ed if rr'ort: has been performed, �(t lit tiicN,, WI- ru-oK..t!'tt SIC,�f,AlIYtECit V! t�ftfa rr6`CL'r-'. 4 a'FlisiT tJAK _ k,r( T L, 1 apltti�.+6rj I•itf47 N"klE--I(i] }' at t-ticr� Lpr;l:h i lie fill. *111,! uhk;,n:;,a u:,..�. rcf.lcd"r11 I'd rr n,i tlu. —�• �41k rn,•S,w!;+a is t.at311, s lt). Stan lure of Noraw ��� Date v� W, ^_��dubl,c Stare or F,«-.Oa Hannah E Moore 4l , My CommIss,an HH fJ t -,.g.. ands Expires }7ro1r2024 4ta[;• of 1'1611iia, t'Out t} Or -%I ��"' �l)nh•l:r�},=� [r,rnrent ,:x: a,..^.,..a i+uEcd b_t:, l:. _tldyyy+;f,17�(�7:1e < � _ re• rte ?* Tvi`Sk �:,Ls+ r: lxe;rrt ley l n i5:�i ro [ act hex R h> t!) Stgn,rlurrof,Nougq Dart =FianrlahE lic State of Flontla Mooress,pn HH O t 7l)ggOtr2o24 PERMIT# I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDINC PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Ehman Electrical Contractor, LLC have agreed to be (Company Namellnd ivid ua I Name) _�— the Electrical Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Type of Trade) T (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID 0) ' It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SICNATI RE (Qualirierr W Bryan Adams PR)\TNAME 29179 C'Ot NTV CERTIFICATION N['titB£R� Stale or Florida, Counky of St Lucie Thr foregoing iMlrumen!:,assigned before mt Mis cZ day of � p .2I1�9kb1 W. Bryan Adams who is personnlly known YLor has produced a STAMP I [r 0 S[ R.CONTRACfOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Timothy L Ehman PRINT NAME 31748 CO [;VTI' CERTIF)CA7fOV h'[ ��tBER State orFlonda, County of ST I_UCIE The foregoing initrusnew was signed before me this C dal of e. .20 Timothy L Ehman Who is ptrsonall knes,n or has produced a ns i_JCdentirira Ion. Sigtlalure orNatery P 61ic STAMP Print Name or Notary Publir _� tom wort Nolary Public State of Florlda Laura Townsend My Commission ?aer�o+p NR r Exp.9+1312t7ba35025