HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220209103516Creekside at St. Lucie F-Ioniewmm Assoc.. Inc. Mister Assoc, ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD (ARC) APPLICATION Y:.-ND ' I'P).1(.ATIO)`:. SI;R%TY, t(. Al i'WHS11,NiS i"0 f_rttikside ai St. Lucie 11cmeow%ncrs Assoc_ Inc. Vista :4ssoc C '1 Pace : us; I'r::per.. !t!an�Ec fie^: s:lf I• Nc%% f!a%cn Att, 1rbcumc, Ft 3Z%11 1 oR I'm;11.'ro ° s: it;111 eel e': "i` ..w ()17FI(_I:-(32117;33-3332 O%%ncrs Nerve Luis Femandes Prop cay :address 4332 Cobblestone Dr SfatlingAddress Same as above Phone (s) Ilome N/A Cel: c°fty Fort Pierce 203-240-6746 I mail sr] fernandes'a hofmail.coni state FL zip 34945 other 203-240-6750 rat In accordance with the Declaration of Cotenants and Restrictions and Ore Association's rules and regulations, installation must conform to this appro%al artd the Association's gu:dclmes I hereby request yuur consent to make the follo%%mg changes o!terations, rerun ations nit&or addaions to my pmpeny B `Fence 0 Swimming Pool O screen Cnclosurc O Patio U Satellite Dish O Painting U hurricane Shutters (} Other Sunman Description (Please attach any additional required MfOrnn=on). O Landscaping Enclose backyard and portions of both sides of the yard with 611 vinyl privacy fencing (tan) Pie -Ise cuhmil the f0llot\ingfrapprt7t tE:_.;pplir fin �iPnccd ntatsc_'and,,pg tiuus: ins fir m • prn ri m% sit v, ■ th 01 shoo a the locatins s and drmvssrr%nc nf•Ihe proposed charter. allCrQ110 = rsnityauon or addtIion marked tin the suryc.. Note: Applications should include copies ofthc stirvey, drawings or color sample (paint chips with MFG name and number) to be eansidered complete. Processing will be delayed for incomplete upplieutians. t IILRF'DiY tlNDERSTAND AND AGRFI:'T0_nIF f01,I OWING CONDITiONS I. No work %till begin until %%rincn approval is received front the Association. 2 All t%cTk -.,ill (t &, c e-,p editicwI% once commenced and %%ill Ix, dunu in a professional maa:;er h) a licensed cow,actor or my self, I agree w hake all xutk complete within mch c (12) months or agree to re -apply if this cannot be accomplished 3. All %cork %%ill be performed timely -.id in a m nner that %kill minimize interlererce and incnnvcn,'cncc to other residents. 4. 1 a;sumc all liahiEt% a-td %%ill be resi%onsible ter art% and all dart;ttics I:} oth, -, lo:s and nr Commor. area, apish stay rc Zdt frCtn performance of this %%ork. I ant resptmsiblc to, the conduct of all persons- agents. contracture suhcuntractors and eutplt:%ec; %%ho arc c•onnccted ait It th;s %%ork l 1%411 he responsib!c for %erifving the license and in;urx ec tarr an% contractor 6. f awn responsible for comp I%ing ai:h all applicable federal. sate and ltxal laws, codes, regula!n,74. and regwremcnLs Ill c: nnccW'n with this ;%urk. I t%ill obtain aw. necessar) go%ernniental pertrhs and approval fur the work. 7. IJpon receipt Space Coast Properi) Management will !'nr%vard the ARC Application to the board. A dccisian b) the Association ma} take up to 30 days. 1 %%"sll be notified in writing %%hen the application iscitbcr appro%cd or denied by the Association. g. All work performed regarding any architectural appro%al is subject to %eritication by the ARC For compliance. O%%ner shall submit written notification to management %%hen the modification is complete for inspection purposes. 1rcrcc applications r if there is an casement on your lot and there is a fence installed in the easement, the homeowner will ha%c to at tha:r cxpertsr take up the fence for any %%ark that needs to he done in that casement. All homeowners arc teSpemiiblc for fullu%%ing the D)cdaruuan of Cm C9aom and Rcsutcttt,ns abang t%uh the guideares of the Astacannn and any other Hoard approved rules tit regulations whet t . along a rater mudafica[:rrs % Signature of 0t%ner(s): Dute'. 01 / 1 l /2022 Ian NOT write below this line This Application is hereby:) Approved Davee / Stgnanue C°omments%Supulanont to Appm%al'Rcasons for Dental _ Date Received faun ()6%7er to ( ) Disapprove Mailed to Owner. Proposal / Contract Llc N C-10252, C•1OH03 FENCE OUTLET Www,*Iceotltletwn, CUSTOMER NAIVE L i-+ t ADDRESS +_• , LI (,- PHONE: HOME# _� __..._ -.-- _-- OWN PROPERTY? YES t NO J __--- - • - - - �t1TtER5 w�uL ~_ PVC — - - - WOOD rr AL4lNIIHIIHI Foet I - -(' _ Wood:Feat - �c _ Ahmilnum Heat Coksr PT FIr1e !]Other tJ Hdght r 0 5 r Haig — t�6 BOs ❑ Residcrlu D Corr rr ta! �`I Wt. - ��.St - --- dQtn6d ❑ C ' . Feet_ — Other•Styte-- Mrnittpal O l Height 61D 1p EtarJinYYhital - HeigM -- Pfdrei= other POSLIS Gate ---Stu Run.w Z' x 4' Sue Gate 9671 S. Orange Elonom Trail • Orlando, FL 32e37 - Tel (407) U1460 --' 1724 west Broadway St, Suite 100.Ovfedo, FL 32T65 Tel PM 3S9-9092 - ! 201 S_ Falkenborg Road • Tampa, FL 33613 -' Tel(813) 651J623 11507 US Hwy 19 • Port Richey, FL 34666 - Tel VM BS7 7590 -? 12964 Temfaml TreU S. • North Port, FL 342V Tel (941) 3"00 25 s. Wickham Road , Melbourne, FL 32904 Tat (321)Ba2.6ea0 --f 1723 SoA Nora R4, Urat N • South Daybna, FL 32119 lr Tel MS) 257-67W 3 FtalCIa= �•1 P' k_ a SPMW Tea Gate—. --2 ao i Poole Flat Cap L� EWI Cap r-'I Gate" Stze Gotfdc 1. New Eng. 0 � C44cTopE1TradnW--lTopL �'' f Iy!f j r �—sly____ •I�:' t Coachman iT Tear Drop rl Good aide In E3 Out d Remove exlstillg Fence FL No Fence Une to be Cleared by Dwner Conner Lot Yes ❑ No [,Y Permh Needed Yes 5 / No f I Jurlsdkdlon Special Instructim - -- --. ----==--- .. �• ti �. , ; r 1' 31 t 1 f . L i ll '� it FaaSa t7udci+x rss ra cterures, uao s rasrxR td,era ra #sam �slebe 01*0. ranladerdo*w7arseym By s,&amerr raaranslhl�Y +1F�P�,d '� rne�es le e� �, e P�4' pe=art:# hd� k±xa:xawrfe4 E�Itle o>eta+er.hare Wo a�c�:1'>atvtyed 8y>r+gi� thls exltraa-5�&� is pxzW Feeee Aoa 1 nE �►. ie r: sr�a t tr kr unOG dSicR r +� LSaS[n; roweyl r l R due s3 fee lr7r elgxnp:sion oltlari [rd a ruivn�e T'ti lrpenlrgrl0rSt1aT5e ail tea. anesx> S _ :ass w+rrellea plopRgett• arJ pennant Ss fee> fired In find Rrtt1 v! asxrs and remove! Is g aesd to Fs a Ouxl >y erer or Ixmalraen, Pa.41r lases of tN� orrltaa6L The Cs�Si7lrtEr agrees b pay r<71r ieresl end a>nY test irwr ed k1 L're tit thedebl srJrl:atg rtlGvlable e[EorsreYiee # 7er Dwyer rad:,,es io a6ew t"a ieSer !1 hegh ttoric rx c�xrr¢ckr wanks:-'osdY t+E7--7, or fo eoxpt rl�rrraF� �+ eted br.BuYer apes b Pa1(Soler ligrddatnd darrtages 0R wrn egml b 5016 01 erdUe carttraa prca, � eo�l of n. and F�tar rztruaeX Arner'wd x11 progre-x K'y may � Mabdd d � I,f ACC0RD1ND T9 FLOR[OAISiCOHSTRUnUN LIEN IAW (S; nONStMOW-707, FLORIDA ftTMZ. TOE WHO WORK ON YMR PROPERTY QfI'PR(N'ME WTETilAtS AND 300 AND ARE INITT. PAIDIIN FULL HAVE'A RIGHT TO ENFORCMEIR CIAIMTOR PAYMEXT'AUN+i5T YOUR PRDPERTY. THIS G AIM IS'KI~1MN AS A COHSTRUCTICUI 10. IF YLliR! MWREM DR A @JBWNTRACrUR FAILS TU PAY SIiBOtdTlMM-SlI81 OkTRWMIIS.OR M 4TF#Iltli. SUPPLIERS, THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE UHiDI Idw-y MAY LINK TO YOUR PROPM FOR PAYMK MN IF YOU HAVE AZAEAUY PAM YDIIRiCOINTiihCif)R N FifiL IF You FAIL TO PLY. YFJUB CONFItACTOR, •YOUR comm MAY AM HAVE kUEN.&i YBI PROPM.. THIS MEANS if A LIEN IS FRT:LI YOUR PROPERTY COULD 6E SOLD AW{STYUIII;; WiEL-10 PAY FOR LASOR. MATFAMS, OR OTHfA OVICE5W YOUR 03TiA,r'FOR OR A SUBCOMCTCR MAY HAYE-FAD TO PAY. TO:PRIJWYDUW, Y00 SHOULD STIPUUTHIN THIS CD00THAT'REFGHC ANY PAYMENT IS FADE, YDUR COMPAV lR I&RHIUIRED TO PWDEYOU WfM A WRLTT !RE1f1ISE OF LIEN FROM MY PEM Ofl.COMNY P011HAS PRgvm TO YOU A q# ang:S TO 9WNf L" FiM'S;CGKSTRUCTMN IJEN AW-1S- ItiPk9- ANDRT �S REMMENDEB TWIT YOU (Mll7 %ATTOfiNEY, N07XE-TO P(JRaFiLtWSOF, 9'OaafWMS: Woad fence Inter are Yy* r)F mt PrtCB� t7'k4 tm-m has a ;axle ,y r. *Ink a: -A wa p in W.hurrld wed ='" 9rd gat* xa appmr them bmIL G9ds In U wood we M-r=41. And accepted =MM FOXe CA,, ' 0A"}j,CHa*11 ft TP7r1 —T k * On *Wd k-OK rur Zrs yw. ;FiHAVEAMA. ND.DROE STANDrTHE'ABOVE CUWSI i. Level top wtLh it" cy"! 11"', e --J GiiANlwk WNK GhWn Unk Feet — Helght 4'a ts,C E pOG��e�r_Heieig'ht ---- --��7— L�C.1WQIlW1 r•(em LT Dort1m G i11 l'-7 GalvanhtedO � Vinyl �- Green Yury,. Gate _. Gab,. Sim G.* - Size_ — i_� Ln, e: tip .N!h hir �.0 n Lu •' f! ` R-375.00' ry —j C] L J _Qf COBBLESTONE DRIVE To pj n; 0+T'OrWR7Eq375 CV 50 WIO /1 W 6-15'57'38" �5 ASPHALTP YL=104.45' ? -V'51 — i �cZS L�157' G�71�B FLOOD ZONEr 1 a AE -16.5" -- - CO13C 4. CONC_ • WALK � ova i R �C L9 :286 OST-1 ZONE {d 1 Ii i 3 rL00D ZONE AE-15.5' 3?=350.00' G 15 57 38' 1y tDOD u'v ZONE .x. CONCRE=C N t�A�NiTARY—. s r1c� DR 1rWAY-71] 1 '-F^:.. 5/8" i �-, to tc 91;T -•FIRE HYDRANT VALVE LOT 13E �" Cl N V ONE STORY CBS RESIDENCip7 '-Cu LC 3 CREEKS P a c CC'�R=D FLAN A r� O 11 y SAD ci 10.D0• m � C rri `=61.28+ OST--1 r THOMAS,.P. KENrAN: = 7 TL Professioif<,isn4oW '.& .14apper Florida C&tiz;'erit •#a..46193 40 5/8" Irk/C LB 428t F FLOOD ZONE "AE--16.5'