HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering & Testing 8-22-14r � . e d e ral 250 SW 13th Ave t'ompaim tieaotf, FL 33099 0,--i—rn t -j-- i U /-x / _ M Phone 954-784-2941 800-848.1919 Pax 954.784-7875 www.fed-eng.com Client: Arie1.4F Construction Address: 1096'7 S_ Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, Ft. 34957 Date: AUst 18, 2014 Project: Proposed Residence 833- Orders#: 14 2265 _Lot � {permit Address: 107'01 S. Ocean Drive, Jensen 13each, FL Tech, DAS Area Tested: Foot! t7 s for Pad Compaction Req.: 95% Material Type: Light Brown Sand wfShell Fra menu Proctor Method : ASTltlt D-1557 `ll ] TMT LOCATION probo Moist carry i romor Gpttmirm Depth % t G-nsity vaille Moisture Compaction lass 1 N.F. Corner of i oatlri s 12" SO F 7.3 109.2 110.0 9.0 99.3%, Yes 2 N.W. Comer of Footings 12" BOF 52 107.6 110.0 9.0 97.8% Yes 3 S.uV_ Cotner of Footings 12r' BOF 4.4 108.0 I 1 O.Q 9A 38.20/c Yes 7 9 12 13 14 15 Remarks: See Reverse For Disclaimer Test Perfoped Oniy On 'ion 12" Of Pad Not A Leeand for Elevation. � Pf1= Proofroll 1,2,3 - lst. 2nd, 3rd Litt -Submitted by:, SL = Springline FL = Final Lift KEIT SG W Subgrade BG = Below Grade Profs lc BC = Beseoourse BOF = $ottorn of Footing OerL SA TOP = Tops of Pipe FG = Finished Grade State As a muluet protection to clients, the public end ouraelv", all report" am submitted es Ulm wrindenim propetiv of cllenta, dhd eonrivelotw or extracto from or regarding our reports is reserved Csdding oar written approval. A dgnslty test determine* the d only. A density does not replace a soil beAring capacity detannination. After laying dorntani fora period o6 go days or alter her thra work. RECEIVED A.' 2 2 '-014 FWZz r �N (Ntbmeft, led layer of matedal be padormed on ...r4MELmRYCONSTRUCTIONINC, Fax Cover 10967 S. Ocean Der. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Office: 772-229-9439 Fax: 772-229-9440 To:t1 From: Re: Date- Pages: Memo: Thank you, �1�