HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiller Water Heater change out permit app spec sheetIIUGI]IE AII APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 21912022 Permit Number: Building Permit Application Planning ond Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginio Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1.553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial Residential x CBDG Funding PERM lT APPLICATION FOR' Wrt"r Heater PROPOSED IM PROVEM ENT LOCATION : Address:7224 Mystic Way Property Tax lD +: 3322-620-0015-000-0 Lot No' Site Plan Name:Block No. New Electrical Meter Second Electrical Meter (Affidavit required) Additional work to be performed under this permit - check all that apply: _Mechanical - Gas Tank _ Gas Piping - Shutters _ Windows/Doors - Pond - Roof - Pitch_ Electric X Plumbing _ Sprinklers Generator Total sq. Ft of Construction:Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction: S Utilities: - Sewer - Septic Building Height: It r"f re of construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. Project Name: Miller Water Heater Change Out change out of like for like electrical water heater- electric DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: CONSTRUCTION IN FORMATION : OWNER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: Name Deanna L Miller Address: 7224 Mvstic Wav City:Port Saint Lucie State: FL Zip Code: 34986 Fax: Phone No. 772-878-5123 E- vtail: njohns@mirandacompanies.com Fitt in fee simple Title Holder on next page (if different from the Owner listed above) Don Miranda Company: Address: Miranda Plumbing & AC 750 NW Enterprise Dr Suite 100 City:pSL _ State:FL Zip Code: Phone No E-Mail 34986 Fax: 7728785123 njohns@mirandacomPanies. com State or County License cFC1427227 lf value of HAVC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. 50 gallon electric 2489.25 NFORMATIOI\T Address; Crrv:zipi state:] MORTGAGE COMPANi:tttaru,--"' \'L'rvlrAlvY: - Not Applicable Zip: .------?t,o*J [,:rrrJyo,.r r*E HorDEft *- rv"t appr,*nr. zip: ---*-_-TEn;l BONDING COMPANIN;;;,,." Lv,v,raryr; -.-._Not Applicable oWNER/ corvriacron,a-rrrovrr, nppt.r;" i. h"r.by;;;," *E_ " - I"Jj:::::::,:"]):::::rr;it"1.,."li#li1"ap,io,tottreissuanlJ:ixH,ffi:il;ffi,iina*.uo. ii,ut**,,mtffi fl;,#},tii:*Lxw*li,"ri:i.*,?,iririnln consideration of the granting of this requested rti,"""ffiT#;:["J,il;1,nnli;ili:58'Jxi1J'o3*T,":lrti:iJl3i#li;iffiTHHs,perrorm,hew.rkaccessorv structures,"swimming;;;i;;;;;; ili[,11J;1:il5.::#,..?J::[:x;il;x;;ffr;1,.:#nodn1,,rllll,"nti,r ,,"*ARNING To owNERl Y'ourfailure to Record a No^tice of commencement may resurt in paying twice for.=quutsmdffi ** fr x $ [i,""ili ffi.! r.'r,[ ffi ;uiHH hNotice of Commen;;;t.t: courury or SworFo (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of( Physical presence rffi: -;;;;;l"'= or - online]rJotarization 202i bv PersonallyKnown i..-'/ rvp" oiial"tii,.rl";- oR Produced ldentification - aeentlofdiliEi STATE OF FLORIDAcouNTy oF q.-- tyo13e t,or affirmed) and subscribed before me of) rPhysical presence or -;;;::,:::1:'" .,l*:__;t' '| ' vJsr rLE or .-..-..* Onlineilotarization Personally Known t..r"' rvp" or:iaunt,i,.riA- oR Produced I de ntification Name of pui*n ,l[6rtatement, (,. Public- State of G ZONING REVIEW SU PERVISOR REVIEW VEGE IATION REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW 7t of person .. I. t:. ,! BUILT TO LAST LONG E R 40 Gallons and 52Gallons "(ID," htertek Limited 8 Year, 1 2 Year or LIF ETIM E Residentia I TIID'6I rr rlMEMBER Warranty Options i 1i (with online registration) NO ANODE RODS NEEDED RESI STS SCALE BUILD UP LIGHT WEIGHT Advanced Heating & Hot Water Systems www.htp rod ucts.co m RESID.ENTIAL Stainless Steel Electric Water Heater HTP (DtI l ,I lnd ustry Best Lifetime Wa rranty THERMOSTAT AND HIGH LIMIT CONTROLS: Residential Temp: Min 110o F Max 150oF HOT WATER CONNECTION: Outlet connection on the toP of the tank (with built in Heat Traps) THE FINEST PROTECTION: Laser welded through a concentrated heat source producing high quality, long lastrng, 3161 stainless steel tank construction (lightweight) - Superior corrosion resistance, eliminates the need for anode rods, protects against harsh water conditions for a lifettme of durability against leaks - Fantasttc Limited Warranty MINIMAL HEAT LOSS: Heavy-duty insulation TITANIUM ELEMENTS: Low watt operation; Highest quality titanium elements; lncreases corrosion resistance for extended, lonqer element life EVERLAST ELECTRIC : 3161 STAINLESS STEEL WATER HEATER The Everlast Electric water Heater combines high quality stainless steel construction and energy efficient operation, providlng long draws of hot water wrthout consuming large amounts of energy' A cleverly designed water connection drrects cold water to the heating element near the bottom of the tank to minimize the mixing of cold and hot water. Durable components, low standby heat losses, hrgh recovery rates, and the industry's strongest warranty make the Everlast Electric water Heater an ideal choice for electric water heating needs. RODS NEE R ESI STS SCALE BUILD LIGHT- WEIGHT ffi STANDARD FEATURES - 3161 Stainless Steel Tank - Heavy DutY lnsulation - Electrical Connection Box - 2 Titanium Elements - Limited 8 Year, 12 Year or Lifetime Residential Warranty OPtions (When registered online) for Residential Unit IN THE BOX - T& P Relief Valve - lnstallation Manual - Brass Full Port Drain Valve I)l -a Hot Outlet T&P Valve Alternate Hot Outlet Two Tita n iu m Elements Drain Our Components are Made of Durable Materials: lnlet and Outlet NiPPles Constructed of Durable Brass Tita n iu m Elements Made with High Grade 316L Stainless Steel Materials Cold lnlet The lnlet & Outlet have Built in Heat Traps, Keeping the Heat in the Tank for Greater EfficiencY 3'l6L Stainless Steel Laser Welded Tank NO Anode Rods Needed! All coated tanks require anodes to delaY the inevitable corrosi0n and tank failure. The average residential water heater lasts about 13 years. The Everlast stainless steel tank will outlast anY coat- ed steel tank in the market. A Closer Look The Advantages Stainless Steel VS Glass-Lined HTP's ToP ComPetitor's StainlessSteelTank Glass-linedTank Lightweight VerY HeavY Minimizes Scale Build UP Prolongs Tank Life No Need for Anode Rods Lig htwei g ht Construction TEMPERATU RE/PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE ELEMENT & THERMOSTAI ACCESS ,,---@......-----.,/\COLD WATER s0 @_ \ @m TANK DRAIN SPECIFICATIONS AND DIMENSIONS WATER TEMPERATU RE RATI NGS Models Nominal Gallon DOE Rated Storage Vol. (Gal) A B C D E Minimum Delivered Temp. Maximum Delivered Temp. High Temp. Limit EVR040C2X045x 40 39 5.75"46"54.25"19.5"8" 110"F 43.3"C 150'F 65.s"c 1 70"F 76.6"C EVR040C2X055* EVR052C2X045" EVR052C2X055" 52 4B >./ >58.25"66.75"19.5"B" Residential Models Wattage Voltage Safety Listing AH RI First Hour Rating First Hour Bin Recovery Efficiency Recovery @ 90o F Rise UEF/EF Shipping Weight EVR040C2X045*4500 240 UL174 58 Gallons Medium 98o/o 20 Gallons .94 /,9s lbs104 EVR040C2X055x s500 58 Gallons 25 Gallons EVR052C2X045','4500 240 62 Gallons Medium 9Bo/o 20 Gallons .931.94 118 lbs EVR052C2X055"5500 62 Gallons 25 Gallons *Add a "N08" or a "N12" to the erld of the model number for I and 12 year warranty options Finergy Factor based on D.O.E. (DePartment of F)nergy) test procedures. ln rccoxlancc rvitlr our coolpatr), policy ol'ongoing pro(luct inlprovcnlcnl. l l'lP (:ornli)rt Soluli{rrs I -1.( Heaters furnished t'ith standard 240 volt '. rcscr\cs thc right (o ntakr ch{nBts \ilhout prior noticc AD- Specifications The lnlet & Outlet have Built in Heat Traps, Keeping the Heat in the Tank for Greater EfficiencY