HomeMy WebLinkAboutPARMENTER WATER HEATER CHANGE OUT PERMIT APP SPECSI AIIAPPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED i ort.' 2tgt2\22 permit Number: Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building ond Code Regulation Division 2j00 Virginio Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (172) 462-1553 Fax: (7721 462-1578 Commercial Residential x CBDG Funding PERM lT APPLICATION FOR' Wrt"r Heater PROPOSED I M PROVEM ENT LOCATION : Address:88OO SOUTH OCEAN DR #406 Property Tax lD #: Site Plan Name: 3535-603-0030-000-2 Lot No Block No. Project Name:PARMENTER WATER HEATER INSTALL DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: change out of like for like electrical water heater New ElectricalMeter Second Electrical Meter (Affidavit required) CONSTRUCTION IN FORMATION : Additional work to be performed under this permit - check all that apply: _Mechanical _ Gas Tank _ Gas Piping _ Shutters _ Generator Windows/Doors _ Pond _ Roof _ Pitch_ Electric X Plumbing _ Sprinklers Total Sq. Ft of Construction:Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction: $21 50 50 Utilities: __ Sewer _ Septic Building Height: lf value of construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. lf value of HAVC is 57,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. OWNER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: Name MARJORIEPARMENTER Address: 8800 S OCEAN DRIVE #406 City: JENSEN BEACH State: FL Zip Code: 34957 Fax: Phone No. 7728785123 t- Mait: njohns@mirandacompanies.com Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page (if different from the Owner listed above) Name:Don Miranda Company:Miranda Plumbinq & AC Address: 750 NW Enterprise Dr Suite 100 City:PSL State: FL Zip Code:34986 Fax: phone No 7728785123 E_Mail njohns@mirandacompanies.com State or County License cFc1427227 t :'. : Iri v ,.". il'lr . 40 gallon electric ffi# rurru, .-.r, L,r\rrrEEr(: * Notlppncable zip: ---Tt.roE wame,-..__ vvrvrFAryyi _ Not Applicable [r:EmsJMprE flrG HorDEft -__- rv"t appr*or" Zip: ---*--- _Thone, Name; I: _--Not Applicable _LtP'. phone: ny#fy.f,:Tmm* St- Iucie Countv makps n^ 16^r^^^_.--. .. #,{Hhq'ffi d#i}',ffi *g;,i1gu,u--*'-,-,,;;;,,i**;ln consideration of the sin accoroinie *i,rt ii"iE:;i?:l5.'1,'li:,'i##,;:,ifBIllilJrrS*X3i;fl:l ra:,;.tlljX*##s, perrorm the workThe following building FermitapPlications are "-iTo^lj:1, undergoing a fu, concurrency review: room additions,il;fr,lilIi'ffi#Hi',|,:i#;i*::;:T^lljl"l"T1s and,...,;;;;;r;, i"".',J.n., non.residen,ia,useWAIllry_G To oWNER: your failure ro *u|""' srsns' screen rooms and accessorv ;";;;;;;:;;J,,1rt::nrtial use #WSffi ruU*'E#*d*4l#!t:*I**fr 1$:'li:i,"ft '***,,,,*r wotice or ionlrience;;$l: STATE OF FI. COUNTY OF Sworgto (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of+ /phVsical presence or ontina rr^+^-,_-,.this day of Personaily Known 1.."-'- rvp" "iiu".iii,.'ria*- oR Produced ldentification - agent f;6;;; 202i by ffi :Btl^5'?'JloRrP{ l}?mf:lli:i,i)#l subscribed berore me or tlrir:--;;y oi""'""* dr- Online Notarization Personally Known ,,-l'' rvpn or ia'"rtii.rio;-.._- oR Produced ldentification Produced tttrr"offfi commission ,"(;(fpXi/Public- State of SUPERVISOR REVIEW *,(JG ,3rs.a \ BRADFORD UIHITE' WATER HEATERS Fesfde ntial Upright Electric Water Heater The Upright Electric Models Feature: I Fully Automatic Controls-Fast acting surface-mount thermostat with high limit energy cut-off (manual reset) for safety. I Low Restrictive Brass Drain Valve-Durable tamper proof design. r Direct Heat Transfer with lmmersed Elements-Transfers, heat directly and efficiently to the water. Screw-in style. Factory-lnstalled Hydrojet" Total Performance System-Sediment reducing device that also increases first hour delivery of hot water while minimizing temperature build-up in tank. Vitraglas@ Lining-An exclusively engineered enamel formula that provides superior tank protection from the highly corrosive effects of hot water. This formula (Vitraglas') is fused to the steel sudace by firing at a temperature of over'1600"F (871"C). lnsulation System-Non-CFC foam covers the sides and top of the tank, reducing heat loss. This results in less energy consumption, improved efficiencies, and jacket rigidity. Blanketed models additionally use a supplied flexible fiberglass insulation blanket. Water Connections- 3/4" (1 9mm) NPT factory-installed true dielectric fittings extend water heater life and simplifu water line connections. Factory-lnstalled Heat Traps-Design incorporates a flexible disk that reduces heat loss in piping and eliminates the potential for noise generation. Protective Magnesium Anode Rod- Provides added protection against corrosion for long-term, trouble-free service. Simultaneous and Non-Simultaneous Operation Available- Simultaneous operation indicates when both elements (if equipped) are being heated at the same time. Non-Simultaneous operation indicates when one element is being heated at a time. Voltages Available-1 20V, 208V, 240V, 277V, 4BOV. Single Phase or Three Phase Operation Available- 120Y & 277Y may only be wired for single phase operation. T&P Relief Valve- lnstalled. Design evaluated by ETL in accordance with Parl 28O.7O7(d) of HUD Mobile Home Gonstruction and Safety Standards for Energy Efficiency. 6 or 10-Year Limited Tank Warranties / 6 or ll-Year Limited Warranty 0n G0mp0nent Parts, For more information on warranty, please visit www.bradfordwhite.com For products installed in USA, Canada, and Puefto Rlco. Some states do not allow limitations on warranties, See complete copy of the warranty inclLtded with the heater. I I l.\ Photo is of RE25OS6 Copper Screw Type lmmersion Element 0NCOLOY iype immersion element available upon request) @@@lntertek lntertek,jli'.r.:r, I I T I 2,409271 2,548,958:2,112,515;2,476,685;2.239.007;2.092,105;2,l0T0l2.VitraglaseandHydrojet"areregisteredtrademarksolBradtordWhite'Corporalion. ! Model Number Nominal Gal. Capacity U,S, lmp.Gal, Gal. DOE Rated Storage Volume (Gal.) First lloIr Rating (cal.) Unilorm Energy Factor Recovery at 90'F Rise* U.S. lmp, GPH GPH A Floor to Top ot Healer in. B Jacket Dia. in, c Floor to Water Conn, in. 0 C/L ol Waler Conn, in. E Floor to T&P Conn. in. u Waier Conn. iIPT in. Approx. Shipping Weight lbs. RE33OS6 30 25 43 n0,21 l8 46rrl6 20 481t/ro 8 481tlt 100 40 33 36 48 0.91 21 18 47 1ls 20 49tlt 8 491 l:t 123 RE34OS6 40 33 36 lo 0.91 21 18 47 tlrc 22 49//ro 8 4911,0 114 RE34OT6 40 33 36 53 0.92 21 t8 60 r/rt 20 62tln 8 627h 125 RE350S6 50 42 45 60 0.92 21 18 47 xlt;497/ro 8 4971rc 144 RE250S61 50 42 45 60 0.s2 21 18 47 rlr 22 49tl:t 8 49tl.a 143 RE25OT6 50 42 45 64 0.92 21 '18 59 ?0 60 1/4 I 60rA 3lq r30 ResrUential Electric Water Heater Upright Models f Models include supplied insulation blanket (2 thick). Dimensions in charts above do not include blanket thickness. For 10 year models, change suffix "6" to "10".. Based on 4500W4500W, Non-Simultaneous operation. Uniform Energy Factor and First Hour Rating is based on the latest AHRI directory listings. Wattage Limitations for Simullaneous Wattage Limitations ,or Non-Simultaneous C.E.C, Listed Becovery GPH Temperature Rise "F 60 80 90 100 120 Wattage Recovery LPH Temperature Rise "G 34 45 50 56 67Wattage _ BRADFORD WHITE IS _ AMII RICAN STRONG 10 I 7 6 23 19 14 10 I 8 53 38 34 30 26 17 13 11 10 I 64 49 42 38 34 21 15 14 12 10 24 18 16 14 12 91 68 61 53 45 28 21 18 16 14 106 79 68 61 53 87 79 72 57 34 26 23 21 17 129 98 87 79 64 38 29 25 23 19 95 87 72 41 31 28 25 21 106 95 79 (GPH based on Non-Sinr ultaneous operation, when Simulianeous operation the GPH will approximately double.) General: Meets NAECA Requirements All models ETL listed. These heaters are wired inter-locking (Non-Simultaneous, Single Phase) 240V with two 4500W elements, unless otherwise specified. All water and electrical connections are314" (1 9mm) NPT. All models certified at 300 PSI test pressure (2068 kPa) and 150 PSI working pressure (1034 kPa.). Dimensions and specifications subiect to change without notice in accordance with our policy of continuous product improvement. Sales.' 800-523-2931 t Fax 21 5-641 -1 61 2 24/7 Technical Suppork 800-334-3393 | Email techserv@bradfordwhite.com Built to be the Best Model Number Nominal Liter Capacily DOE Rated Storage Volume (Liters) First Hour Raling (Liters) Unilorm Energy tactor Becovery at 50"C Rise- Liters/ Hour A floor to Top of Heater mm. D Jacket Dia. mm, c Floor to Water Conn. mm, 0 C/L of Water Conn. mm, E Floor to T&P Conn, mm, G Water Conn. NPT mm. Approx. Shippins Weight 114 102 '163 0.92 79 1 186 508 203 1243 19 45 151 136 0,s1 79 1 199 508 256 203 1250 19 56 151 136 '186 0.91 79 1199 559 256 203 1256 1S 52 BE340T6 151 136 201 092 79 I 529 508 586 203 IJOD 19 57 RE35OS6 189 170 227 0.92 79 1 199 610 256 203 1256 19 65 RE250S0t t8s 110 227 0.92 79 1 199 559 2s6 203 1256 19 65 RE25OT6 183 170 242 0,s2 79 1 499 508 530 203 '1530 1S 59 1500w/1 yes 2500w /yes 3000w /yes 3500w /n0 yes yes yes n0 1500w / 1 500w 2000w / 2000w 2500w / 2500w yes 3000w / 3000w yes 3500w / 4000w / 4000w 4500w / 4500w 5000w / 5000w / 5500w --D --\ t-8"-t \ | (zogmm) |l'.i-_d 16) d-,'v*l G 1 201 -F-0621 @2021, Bradford Whiie Corporation, USA. All rights reserved.Printed in U.S.A.