HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED WINDLOAD CHART� = ASCE 7-16 Design Wind Loads 'REGIONAL WIND LOAD CHART - SOUTH FLORIDA EDITION w. _` ' �.,S , � For Null Components & Cladding ASD Load Combination Coeff:0.6 Kzt= 1.0 easysealscom Wind Pressures [psf] for use with Allowable Stress Design Enclosed Bldg: GCpi = ±0.18 Ke=1.0 Kd = 0.85 6roward, Palm Seach Broward, Palm 3eacn (Coast) Miami -Dade Miami -Dade (Coast) Florida keys (Coast) Wind Speed: 170 mph Exposure Category "C° All Triburary Areas Mean --�°•---- Roof Zone 4 Zone 5 Height Interior Corner up to: + - + - 156 20 ft +40.2 -43.6 +40.2I1-53.8 25 ft +42.1I45.7 +42.1-56.4 30 ft +43.7',-47.4 +43.7 -58.6 35 ft +45.2 -49.0 +45.2 -60.5 40 ft +46.51-50.4 +46.5 -62.2 45ft +47.61-51.7 +47.6 -63.8 50 ft +48.7-52.8 +48.7 -65.2 55 ft +49.7 -53.9 +49.7 -66.5 60 ft +50.6 -54.9 +50.6 -67.8 70 ft +47.8 -47.8 +47.8 I -87.7 80 ft +49.2-49.2 +49.2 -90.2 90 ft +50.4 -50.4 +50.4 -92.5 100 ft +51.6 -51.6 +51.6 -94.6 120 ft +53.6 -53.6 +53.6 -98.3 140 ft +55.41-55.4 +55.4i-101.5 160 ft +56.9-56.9 +56.9 -104.4 180 ft +58.4�-58.4 +58.41107.0 200 ft +59.7 -59.7 +59.7 -109.4 Mean All Triburary Areas Roof Zone 4 Zone 5 Height Interior Corner up to: + - + - 15 ft +45.9',-49.8 +45.9 -61.4 20 ft +48.2 -52.3 +48.21-64.6 25 ft +50.1 -54.4 +50.1 1-67.1 30 ft +51.71-56.1 +51.7-69.3 35 ft +53.2-57.7 +53.2 1-71.2 40 ft +54.4 -59.0 +54.4!-72.8 45 ft +55.5-60.2 +55.5-74.3 50 ft +56.61i-61.3 +56.6I:-75.7 55 ft +57.5-62.4 +57.5 1-77.0 60 ft +58.4-63.3 +58.4'!-78.2 70 ft +54.9 -54.9 +54.9!-100.6 80 ft +56.2 1-56.2 +56.2 i-103.0 90 ft +57.3 !-57.3 +57.3 -105.1 100 ft +58.41-58.4 +58.41-107.1 120 ft +60.3 -60.3 +60.3 !-110.5 140 ft +61.9 -61.9 I +61.9 -113.5 160 ft +63.4 -63.4 +63.41-116.2 180 ft +64.7 1-64.7 +64.71-118.6 200 ft +65.9 -65.9 +65.91-120.8 Speed:Wind . •, 1 i Mean Roof Height up to: All Triburary Areas --••• Zone 4 Interior + - Zone 5 Corner + - 15 ft +40.1I43.4 +40.1 -53.6 20 ft +42.6 i-46.2 i +42.6 -57.0 25 ft +44.61-48.4 +44.6 -59.7 30 ft +46.3 -50.3 +46.3 -62.1 35 ft +47.9 -51.9 +47.9 -64.1 40 ft +49.21-53.4 +49.2 -65.9 45 ft +50.51-54.8 +50.5 -67.6 50 ft +51.6 j-56.0 +51.6 -69.1 55 ft +52.7 -57.1 +52.7 -70.5 60 ft +53.61-58.2 +53.6 -71.8 70 ft +50.71-50.7 +50.7 -92.9 80 ft +52.1 i-52.1 +52.1I-95.6 90 ft +53.5 -53.5 +53.5 -98.0 100 ft +54.71-54.7 +54.7 -100.2 120 ft +56.8 -56.8 +56.8 -104.1 140 ft +58.7!-58.7 +58.7 -107.6 160 ft +60.3'-60.3 +60.3 -110.6 180 ft +61.9 I -61.9 +61.9 -113.4 200 ft +63.2 -63.2 +63.2 -115.9 Mean All Triburary Areas Roof Zone 4 Zone 5 Height Interior Corner up to: + 1 - + I - 15 ft +48.6 -52.7 +48.6 -65.1 20ft +51.1 I!-55.4 +51.11-68.4 25 ft +53.1 -57.6 +53.1 -71.1 30 ft +54.8 L59.5 +54.81-73.4 35 ft +56.3 -61.1 +56.3-75.4 40 ft +57.61-62.5 +57.6 -77.2 45 ft +58.81-63.8 +58.8 -78.8 50ft +59.91-65.0 +59.9i-80.2 55 ft +60.9-66.1 +60.9 -81.6 60 ft +61.91-67.1 +61.91-82.8 70 ft +58.2 -58.2 +58.2-106.6 80 ft +59.51-59.5 I +59.51-109.1 90 ft +60.8 -60.8 +60.8 -111.4 100 ft +61.91-61.9 +61.9 -113.4 120 ft +63.9,-63.9 +63.9 -117.1 140 ft +65.6 1-65.6 +65.6 -120.3 160 ft +67.11-67.1 1 +67.11-123.1 180 ft +68.5'I-68.5 +68.5-125.7 200 ft +69.8 �-69.8 +69.8 -128.0 Ln • Conforms to the Florida Building Code 7th Ed (2020). U.1 • Wind Speeds noted above are ultimate design wind speeds • Tabulated wind pressures are valid for all roof slopes; no a a, ]- •Tabulated design wind loads are based on ASCE 7-16 (3-second gust). reduction for roof slope 510' has been considered. 0 specifications for components and cladding based on design • Cities and/or counties are listed only as a general guide, • Tributary Area noted in table (effective wind area) is equal Z criteria as noted herein. based on Risk Category II buildings. Verify applicable wind to the minimum of [height x width] or [ht x ht / 3]. Round Zone J • Where this document is used for permit, applicability of speed and exposure category with local building dept. down to values shown. s I 4 s design criteria noted herein (Basic Wind Speed, Exposure • Plus (+) & minus (-) signs signify pressures acting toward • Zones 4 & 5 ("interior" and "corner" zones, respectively) C< LJJ Category, Risk Category, etc.) shall be verified by the and awayfrom the exterior component or cladding surface, are as shown to the right, where the dimension "a" is the - - Z contractor & building official prior to construction. respectively. minimum of 10%of the building's least horizontal dimension Eave Height W • This specification may be used in conjunction with • Where "Mean (average) Roof Height" cannot be or 40% of the mean roof height, but never less than 3'-0" or Mean Roof Ht l.� engineering under separate certification (by this engineer or determined, peak roof height shall be used, except that eave 4%of the least horizontal dimension. by others) using Allowable Stress Design (ASD). height shall be used for roof angle less than or equal to 10'. • This spec ification s valid only for use with structures NOT Peak Height - Refer to the above -noted ASCE 7 standard for descriptions Round up to values shown located in the upper one-half of an isolated hill, ridge or and definitions of all design criteria. • Wind pressures are applicable to all building floors. escarpment, and below 1000' elevation. WALL ELEVATION 1200 N Federal Hwy, #200, Boca Raton, FL 33432 • Design is based on structure classification as Enclosed Bldg: Copyright ©2021 Easy Seals Wind Speed: 180 mph Exposure Category °D" Mean All Triburary Areas Roof Zone 4 Zone 5 Height Interior Corner up to: + I - + - 15 ft +51.4 -55.8 +51.4 -68.9 20 ft +54.1 -58.6 +54.11-72.4 25 ft +56.2 -61.0 +56.2 -75.3 30 ft +58.0 -62.9 +58.0 -77.7 35 ft +59.6 -64.6 +59.6 -79.8 40 ft +61.0 -66.2 45 ft +62.3 -67.5 +62.3 -83.4 50 ft +63.4 -68.8 55 ft +64.51-69.9 +64.5 -86.3 60 ft +65.4 -71.0 +65.4 -87.6 I 70 ft +61.5 -61.5 +61.5 -112.8 80 ft +63.0 -63.0 +63.0 -115.4 90 ft +64.3 -64.3 +64.3 -117.8 100 ft +65.5 65.5 +65.5 i -120.0 120 ft +67.6 -67.6 +67.6 -123.9 140 ft +69.4 -69.4 +69.4 -127.2 160 ft +71.0 -71.0 +71.0 -130.2 180 ft +72.5 -72.5 +72.5 -132.9 L200ft +73.91-73.9 +73.9 -135.4 WALL ELEVATION Valid only It ngineer's slenature & railed seal Aug 13 Christian Langley, fl FL PE #67382 CA #31124 noCurrielit No. A16RS