HomeMy WebLinkAboutElevation Certificate 4-01-09A4. Building Use (eg.,Addition ,Accessory, etc.) Residein , A5,Lat de tu qgitudi.--, ff N Long. w Horizontal, MUM: 'O.NAD 1927 M NAD 1983 A6- Aftc h h- thi b Ming h:aH000t,Z,Oh*O pwo 0" w iqa a. s Wing used to ob.tolljolod I MP A'7.. A8. For a building w&11,4 crawl-soace. or enclo- ur#prov ide , A9.::f.br a.building with-ptovidw. A) Squats -t-fd . '-0taget of Of"i'va6a ove:nclbsum1843 (sy�. sq It 6 6ani n1a sq it of perivan6�t 0 n theaftached garage.b), No: fiihp in : the d6wi.` i$*sqre'(0),w4lW,Wft'. 16 1.61�dt above AdI41 60tA44encl Fade _Q Wells Within 11. J:adjacentvade: Max 0: Tot A'at area oflod gpeningsin>ABb sq in Total Oj` hlqiln:ABL. sq in iNFORl'_M.QTi BI G 1 0 . . . m - U F --F—NFlP C .State UNINCORPORMEDAREAS, 20285 NE -54, W15Pirlbl Ndmgiitr 12`11-1160194 ".1135.SWIX G Dafe 87.. FIRKP��h'& Effective/Revised I 138-� Flood zones} v 139.,Base FlOodElevaP411((Zone base flood depth 810; Indicate the source :bf.the B I hWF16od.ElevatioK,( "idift Item BI 0 PIS Profile F (R. M..., 0. -Odmmunityp4qOrminod 1311. lhdicat6,elevaftondatum otec-.fdeB;.Ein:item i6k,*o:4GVD-1929 JNA,W4980t O:Oifier-(OqOcnbe) B12. Isthabuitdih located in a. arad`Of.Q16ONProtected Araa.(OPA ? Myes ONO w Designation Date 19-83 tgks C1. Btjildihg:ptevagohg,ziro�'based:ori: -,qqf,-,rq. ngs *A n6W. Elevation Certificate wil[be ofthe bc C2. ,Elevations-:ZohevAIAW AE AH, A V(with befoW adcdrdl4§ tbAh&.bOjldlpg'.Idi Ogiriam si-peciffiadjwl*.... -V� Benchmark*Utilized LOCAL Vertical.Datum NGV6.4-ii ConVersion/Comments; a) Tdp�ofbottorh:flour (iriOu.t(i4g�b;iOth6ntpac.,.crawis ''e'v:prenicosurefloor)- 0) Top of the next high-00100e c) Rotibm of thOjow,esift0*`ohtaI structural - memoik (VZones-only). d) Attachedg-aragq#poo.., lw- db 0. Wornent..... e) LoWestvie�iali6k;VOW -.00.thebUilding Mescritralype Ofi,Uipment to Comments) f) LqwOst;3d.#a`­- .41.gratis (IAG) 1.111 gpotj, gy lirghest'edjacent(ft(itshe+j glade (NAG) ,Onder Construction"' 0 Finished Construction APJA'E, ARM-Mb, APJAH, ARIAO. Complete items C2.-" Check the measurement' used. R&6_ 264,leei .0 meters (Puerta:k1co�OnO meters (Puerto Rico only) 171moters (Puerto Abm ONY) 21, as :feet 0 meters (Puerto Rico.only) JR-ifidt.-O meters (Puerto Rico -only) 746z ;fffogt- 0 iftters.( I Puerto Rico co only) Wq- .O,, R F, CERTIF[CATI Mv. This celtificatior is to lang d sealed b'*W surveyor, bd' Offidzod;by la-Owto d;SU :OrArch infbonati6nt c6*46k0k 00h1-# -i. Ate represents my best etTorfs ., r 16 Ividerstaridth Mtat"b unfsha 1a byfine orimpfisohMMLOOOOOO U.S.. -Coda; SeclForrIQ. 1; 0 Check here.if comrrrents are proVid, ff.b4ck:vfform, CertlfIeVsN'a'm*e .tames XT7—n' 44 5se.NUMber 3435 Title Professional .Surveyor :and Mapper Cd M'pany Name CUIp#pper&TSrpenihO,Inc Address 29MO.dtlj-95FStreet; City Ft,Pierce '.Stdt6,Fl ZIP Code 34982 D!e �:04 . -01-2009 TOphone:'772 537 ta 'IMOt1"Ai'C to tl> esepacs cop; �e t spoidfng 'rforrt)ation frotri Sedan . P For insurance Cbrnpany tie: Burldrlh Strest�;ddress+(u►olucingppt; Una; Ssurti, ;; ror $Idg. No.) or P.O. IZbute and eox:Na: Porrcy.Numtter BOO WATE t;?OfVGitVAS Crty, FQR7 PIERCE State FL ZtP Code_ 34g49; ebiripany. NAIC Number SECT tQl�f DSC1fVYO, EIyJNEER, OR ARCy!'fEGT LEITIFICATION:°(GON7`INUtc`gj: t;apy baKWd6i-of this Elevation flm6ate for ( j cammtrntEy ofiicialx, (2j inSurancs agenticots parry, and ( tuilding, owner Comments i Latrtu+etC:ongrtuds.was obtetrtfroimi andrrefd Gf*.S unit. 2..LoWest±:tevatrorrof mac'Iifiieny ts,AG..Pad located in the 4`" floor. Signa# :e Date 04-0t 2409 ,. > Ctteekhere if attachments SECTtt7N;E $tlti t lfwtG El. 'ATtON l I p12 IfA '[ON4SURVEY NOi`.00*00WOR'ZflNE AO AI D ZO E A {WITHOUT BEE} For Zones AO and A (wcptt out 8F ), complete lterlas tE 5 Ifthe Certificate is rntendet# #o suf5pprt a LQN(A or LOMR-F request;: corrrpiefe:Seetions A, B,. and G ;For ftems'E t E4 use n�turat grade;; if available ChecR:#he measurement used' 1r'Pue to ca only,: enter meters. e. E1 P.rovide ef�vahon tnformatton for the following ?ncl check the appropriate boxes to sttoW"wt ether"the elevation is above.ar• below the highest adjacent grade (HAG} and Etta lowest adjacent grade (LAG) a) Top of tiottorrr flavor (tnctGding basemeht, cravrl spa ,.orenclosure) is. Ej feet Q'. meters Q::above or Q below the HAG. b}:Tap of bottom floor Unctudrtg baserrtent, erawsj�ace; or enclosure) is _ _,. Q feef ureters Ci above or below the-t AG. F2. For Mildmg Diagrams (i-g Wifh permanent flood openi4a provided or m-Section A Items IfYari'a f9 (see page 8 of instntcbons), the'ne>rt Higher floor (elevafiari:G2 b in.tlie diagrams) of the buridLrig is ❑ feet ❑meters Qboye. br ❑ beloinr the HAG:. E3 Attached garage (top of slab}.'is ❑feet Q meters ❑ above or Q below file HAG. E4. ,op .of ptaifotm of n achi`eryr:and/or equipment semcrng the building is Q feet Q:msters Q above or Q beiowthe HAG. ES: Zone AQ,6nty: If.no:Aood depth number is'avaifabie� is th[e #ap.ofthe bottom flodt'okVO.ted•,inaccoidance with the community's hoodplain-management ordinance? Q' Yes j] IJa .:Q Unknown. The rocal'official. must certtiy tiiisiofQrmatidit tn;Seeton G. SEtT[QN, PR(Pt[EIA1.(O OWNER'S aEPISE(iTIVE). GERTIPI+sT10N The property owner or ovJ66e auto"ottzsd r epresentatarie who completes Sections A Pj, and E for Zane A (+tuOO t a F)rMA issued or coir►munity: issued BFEj or zone AO mOst sign here I re st$temertfs in Seci oft �l, ca d Fare corrraci io t/ra;:tiiast of nj? krrotkrte` lge: PropotyOwner's or Owner's Au[tiurrzed Representattverg, Na me Address City State ZIP Code Signature Date Telephone Comments. Sf~CT`tON � and"G of thas FJsvatian CerUTicate Gomj�fete the app table tini(?}'and sign below. Che` ifie rnaasurement us ' an: ems.. , .an Gi. ❑ The information rneefion G was:tatcen framrothet daticumentatiort that has been signed;and:§ealed by a Iicensel;surve}TQr,. engineer, or architect who ... is authorized-by.=lo* to oe"rtify elevn.at ort tnfotittatio- t indlcate the. source and hate of the°etevation data in the Comments:are.a :below.) G2. j] A commundy ofiieiai campJoted.Section E;for a building :located in Zone A (without a FEIVIA-issued or community=issued BEE) or.Zone AO. G3. Q The•follou+ttng Info ided for community tioodpiairi;manageriient-purposes. G4. Permit WOO G$ , data Pemtit Issued ace ' D.ate: Cert'riicate-Of Corinplianc ,0cdOpaney issued 4? 7 This permit has,been issued for:. New Construction Q Sub's*Wl Improvement Gs Ereva flan of as -built to ra st fCoor Crnclutlxng: fsa en aetit) ofthe-building C3 fast j]�m ters (PR) ;Datum . #ooQeet�me#ersPDatumG9 $FE or (inAke t ocai Officin. 1Varrle Tate Ca�mnnty Nana: Terephahe. :ignattire Date I Corn,mea s Q: Check here if attachments FEMA; Form 81-M Patin ary=6 Replaces all previous editionsI 4 Y I Building Photographs See Instructions for Item A6. For Insurance Company Use: Building Street Address (including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and Box No. Policy Number 4808 WATERSONG WAY City FORT PIERCE State FL ZIP Code 34949 Company NAIC Number If using the Elevation Certificate to obtain NFIP flood insurance, affix at least two building photographs below according to the instructions for Item A6. Identify all photographs with: date taken; "Front View" and "Rear View'; and, if required, "Right Side View" and "Left Side View." If submitting more photographs than will fit on this page, use the Continuation Page, following. FRONT VIEW �'Suilding Photographs Continuation Paae For Insurance Company Use: Building Street Address (including Apt, Unit, Suite, and/or.Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and Box No. Policy Number 4808 WATERSONG WAY City FORT PIERCE State FL ZIP Code 34949 Company NAIC Number If submitting more photographs than will fit on the preceding page, affix the additional photographs below. Identify all photographs with: date taken; "Front View" and "Rear View"; and, if required, "Right Side View" and "Left Side View." RIGHT SIDE VIEW