HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED FoofFormsHollySantoroST. LUCI Section A (General Information) Master Permit No. Process No. Contractors Name: y� (' �„� License # C—C- C-- 1 Job Address T20 ROOF CATEGORY ❑ Low Slope ❑ Mechanically Fastened Tile ❑ Mortar/Adhesive Set Tiles ❑ Asphaltic Shingles LD Metal Pane Shingles ❑Wood Shingles/Shakes ❑ Prescriptive BUR-RAS 150 ROOF ROOF TYPE_ ❑ New roof ❑ Repair ❑ Maintenance uAE!"Reroofin g El Recovering ROOF SYSTEM INFORMATION��A Low Slope Roof Area (SF) Steep Sloped Roof Area (SF) 0 Total (SF) G Section B (Roof Plan) Sketch Roof Plan: Illustrate all levels and sections, roof drains, scuppers, overflow scuppers and overflow drains. Include dimensions of sections and levels, clearly identify dimensions of elevated pressure zones and location of parapets. Section D (Steep Slope Roof System) Roof System Manufacturer: �L— Notice of Acceptance Number: - E �- -,-,)o')C)k-A-Q,\ Minimum Design Wind Pressures, If Applicable (From RAS 127 or Calculations): Zone 1: � Zone 2e:Zone 2n. ] Vi Zone 2r Z`'e Zone 3e�_�,Zone 3r: Deck Type: R i Slope: Type Underlayment:, 42 insulation: / 0-9 Fire Barrier:F�D �IA- Ridge Ventilation? Fastener T e & Spacing: � p 9; Adhesive Type:E = I�AUI Mean RooFHeight:' Type Cap Sheet: Roof Covering: Type $ Size Drip Edge: MEASUREMENT #1 5001 SILVER OAK DR Ridge Total Area Total Slopes ` 108' 6" 4160.32 sgft 10 Hip Total Squares 117' 2" 41.60 SQ 0 Valley Waste Factors: 86' 11 " 45.76 SQ 100/ Rake 66' 1 'I 47.84 SQ 15 % Eave 236' 9" 49.09 SQ 18% Flashing 49.92 SQ 20% Step Flashing Area 1 Pitch 6/12: ffcc li�to ROOFINGS CONSTRUCTION - 4160.32 sqft Cage `i ROOF AREA 5001 SILVER OAK DR o Ridge 108' 6" Hip 117' 2" 18 rr Valley 86' 11 " o Rake 661111 N w Eave 236' 91I Flashing Q Step Flashing s 17 ROOFING & CONSTRUCTION 46 0 8 1?0 2 3 1-?2 30 0 r7 37 0 27 w / Ag 79 In