HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROJECT INFORMATIONSystem No. W-L-3065SECTION A-A1. Wall Assembly -- The 1 or 2 fire-rated gypsum wallboard/stud wall assembly shall be constructed of the materials and in the manner specified inthe individual U300, U400 or V600 Series Wall and Partition Designs in the UL Fire Resistance Directory and shall include the followingconstruction features:A. Studs -- Wall framing may consist of either wood studs or steel channel studs. Wood studs to consist of nom 2 by 4 in. lumber spaced 16 in.OC. Steel studs to be min 2-1/2 in . wide and spaced max 24 in. OC.B. Gypsum Board* -- Nom 5/8 in. thick gypsum board, with square or tapered edges. The gypsum board type, thickness, number of layers,fastener type and sheet orientation shall be as specified in the individual U300, U400 or V600 Series Design in the UL Fire ResistanceDirectory. Max diam of opening is 5-1/2 in. when sleeve (item 2) is employed. Max diam of opening is 4 in. when sleeve (item 2) is notemployed.The F Rating of the firestop system is equal to the fire rating of the wall assembly.2. Metallic Sleeve -- (Optional) - Nom 4 in. diam (or smaller) steel electrical metallic tubing (EMT) or Schedule 5 (or heavier) steel pipe or min 0.016in. thick (28 ga) galv steel sleeve installed flush with wall surfaces. The annular space between steel sleeve and periphery of opening shall be min0 in. (point contact) to max 1 in. When Schedule 5 steel pipe or EMT is used, sleeve may extend up to 18 in. beyond the wall surfaces.3. Cables -- Aggregate cross-sectional area of cable in opening to be max 45 percent of the cross-sectional area of the opening. The annular spacebetween the cable bundle and the periphery of the opening to be min 0 in. to max 1 in. Cables to be rigidly supported on both sides of the wallassembly. Any combination of the following types and sizes of copper conductor cables may be used:A. Max 7/C No. 12 AWG with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) insulation and jacket.B. Max 25 pair No. 24 AWG telephone cable with PVC insulation and jacket.C. Type RG/U coaxial cable with polyethylene (PE) insulation and PVC jacket having a max outside diameter of ½ in.D. Multiple fiber optical communication cable jacketed with PVC and having a max OD of 5/8 in.E. Through Penetrating Products*-- Max three copper conductor No. 8 AWG . Metal-Clad Cable+.AFC CABLE SYSTEMS INCF. Max 3/C (with ground)(or smaller) No. 8 AWG copper conductor cable with PVC insulation and jacketing.4. Fill, Void or Cavity Material*-- Sealant -- Fill material applied within the annulus, flush with each end of the steel sleeve or wall surface. Fillmaterial installed symmetrically on both sides of the wall. A min 5/8 in. thickness of sealant is required for the 1 or 2 hr F Rating . An additional 1/2in. diam bead of fill material shall be applied around the perimeter of sleeve on both sides of the wall when sleeve extends beyond surface of wall.HILTI CONSTRUCTION CHEMICALS, DIV OF HILTI INC -- CP601S, CP606 or FS-One Sealant*Bearing the UL Classification MarkF Ratings -- 1 and 2 Hr (See Item 1)T Rating -- 0 HrAA4231B21ACEILING4x4-2-1/8"BOXFIRE ALARMNAC DEVICE80" TOBOTTOMOF LENS60" TO CENTER4x4-2-1/8"BOXFIRE ALARMANNUNCIATORFIRE ALARMPULL STATION48" TO MECHANISMFINISHEDFLOORDEVICE INSTALLATION DETAILFACUPART #SYMBOL/DESCRIPTIONFIRE ALARM CONTROL UNITBACKBOX MOUNTING72" AFF to TopProvidedFIRE ALARM LEGENDPotter PFC 4064 BACDEBAC D EF G HIFIRE ALARM WIRE LEGENDTYPESYMBOL/DESCRIPTIONGAUGE/# OF CONDUCTORSB - NOTIFICATION CIRCUITFPLR#14/2CPer DetailPULL STATIONA, HPotter PL-P321TS - SIGNALING LINE CIRCUITFPLR#18/2CPER DRAWINGSMOKE DETECTORASyster Sensor 2WBI-3U - UNDERGROUND CIRCUITTHHN#14/2CPer DetailFLOW SWITCHBY OTHERSN/ATAMPER SWITCHN/ABY OTHERSProvidedHORN/STROBE WEATHER PROOF System Sensor P2RKA120 VAC SURGEN/ADITEKLOW VOLTAGE SURGEADITEKPER DRAWINGPER DRAWINGA - INITIATION CIRCUITFPLR#18/2CR- ANNUNCIATOR CIRCUITFPLR#18/6CP - POWER CIRCUITFPLR#14/2CPer DetailSYSTEM DATA BOXN/ASpace Age SSUDO-672GENERAL NOTESPER DRAWINGCOVERISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION PAGEBATTERY CALCULATIONSISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 001Shop DrawingsPANEL REPLACEMENTPLS2/10/222/10/22 1/16+" = 1'DLF FT. PIERCE, FL PANEL REPLACEMENT 150 N. GRAVES RDFire AlarmVOLTAGE DROP CALCULATIONS FACPX175cdX1X2X3X1PUMP HOUSE, FACU, 1 TAMPERSPRINKLER RISERS AND TAMPERSFACPDACT3U,1BAAOFFICE3U,1B3U,1BAWP1BPUMP HOUSE, FACU, 1 TAMPERFACPDACTAFA-1001ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION Shop DrawingsPANEL REPLACEMENTPLSISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 2/10/222/10/22 1/16+" = 1'DLF FT. PIERCE, FL PANEL REPLACEMENT 150 N. GRAVES RDFire AlarmRISER DIAGRAMNTS1/16" = 1'PUMP ROOM DETAIL