HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding permit app, page 2SUFPtEMENTAE CONSTRUC-00N Ll EN LAW INFORMATI0N_ DESIGNE R f FNO N EER; Not App I ica ble — MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Nit Applicable NaMe. l Nam -a: r Addr-ess: d Addrem-- : Yq cjr 1-14 .L State: . _ l� tat Zip: Phan 2 � - � Zip- A.Y� Phone: FEE SIMPLE TTFLE HOLDER ` Not Applicable BONDING 011MRARr. Not Appl ica b Ic Namrle: Alame- d r-2ss- I Aildress- _ Qty; — city: Zip- Phone: ZIP: Phone- . OWNER/ WNTPLACTOR AFFIDW7. Application is hereby made to obtair« l permit t4o da tihe work and in50l[6ti{irj aS indiciAed. t certify that na work or lnstal.l Lt ann has mmmenr#d jorior to the issuance at a permit- St- Lucie Oquntyr rr'akes no represerution that is grantinp, a permit will authorize the peffWk hol(t-er to build the sabjec structu rP. which mnWO.S with any app ftable Homecwriem AAmociation rules, bylaws or and -�pvenarnt�; that may restrkt or pr4apolar such stmOuro_ Please c4nsutt with you r Hnmw rvurs Associa! ion and re%iew ynud (I(or •isnyr restrictions which may oppAy- In coasideratiflrt of C'he gfahtiaj� Qt [.'pis mquested permi:, I do hereby agme that will, in A respem, perto m Me wont in accordance with the appnmmd p1.Rn5, Cie Ftorida Building Codes a nd St_ tucie Cmnty Arneindments- The following builddrig quaff[ appliraUOM arm txWp�, frOM ufid-rrgoing it full roncurr .ncy rej*w: Foomrl atdd Ucm, soq str ucluresy SwiMMing p0045r, walls, sigps, sxreen rOamo- aced a0XI;50ryr u to anather nonfes4denti,�l use WARM NG TO OWNER: Your failure tu R.*'lord a Nitlice of Commencement may result In paying twk a for Prn provernents to you r p rc perty- A Notice of Com m enicempal rr ist be recorded in the ptrb9ic records -of St_ Lead a Cou My and posted all the jobsite befor-e t he first inSpeulJon. If yo a intend to ofata ire fir an d ngr consult with ien der -n r a rr .;�ttgnrH y before oDmme nein g wor k o r recording VGur Notice of Corn menreri gent, S"ture of Cont r - of - Dwn-2r Binder a5 appkab�e STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF -7' Z La Sworn l2or affix med) and su b5cil ber, tef u a rye oP ` f Phy<,,ical Presenw or Online Nataf'rfatipn th i5 s ClaV of w Name of peTSon rnakirV. statement. F42rsunally Known QPL PfOduced Identification 1 ype of EdenrMcatiorl Produced _ Ignature of Notat-V P ibilic- State of Cow mission Not REVIEWS FRONT ZON 1 � -- i 0NTER REVIEW -RECEIVE[) OATS COMPLETED Notary Public CQmmkSHH177M Fires 9/2i!5 SU P ERVISDFt I PLA,16 1 VEO ETAno N I SEA TUP:TLE I [ti11ANGROV E REVIEW REVIEW RFVIEW REVIEW FkEVIF W