HomeMy WebLinkAboutRamish PermitA∥APPLiCABLEINFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICAT10N TO BE ACCEPTED Datei 1/24/22 Permit Numberi gi LuCUL Building Permit Application P′αttη 加9 σηJ Deye'Opttg,t seryた es βy〃〔′i「,9θ ′ 'Jて 'ο Je R99y′αtた ガ 'D'yisわ ′,230θ yir9カ ,す o Aycη ve′Fort Piθ κg Fと 34982 Phonei(772)462-1553 Fax:(772)462-1578 Cornrnercial CBDG Funding Residential X PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: PERMIT APPLiCATION FOR: Address: 1107S33rd St Ft,Pierce,FI,34947 Property Tax ID#: Site PIan Name: PrOieCt Name: 2417‐214‐0007‐0000‐2MLK Property Holdings LLC Lot No. BIock No. DETAILED DESCRIPT10N OF WORK: lQ__Spacei Extend Shower Drain New Electttcal Meter Second Electrical Meter (Affidavit required) CONSTRUCT10N INFORMAT10N: Additional work to be performed underthis permit―check a∥that apply: __Mechanical __Gas Tank __Gas Piping _shutters __Electric _X PIumbing __Sprinklers __Generator Total Sq Ft of Construction: 286 Sq.Ft,of First FIoori Cost of Constructioni S 6000 Utilitiesi __Windows/Doors Roof 1246 __Sewer __Septic Bu∥ding Height: Pond Pitch l Stor、′ Name MLK Propetty Holdings LLC Address: 1306S14th Cir City:Ft,Pierce statei FL Zip cOde: 34982 Fax: Phone No. 772.216.9176 E― Mail: Ramesh692@aol.com Fi∥in fee sirnple Titie Hoider on next page tifditterent from the Ownerlisted above, OWNER/LESSEE: Name: DanⅣeshi Robetts Company:D Roberts Construcdon Addressi 2009 SE Madison St City:Stuart State: FI Zip codei 34997 Fax: Phone No 772.284.5569 E―Ma Dameshi@drobertscd,com State or County License CGC1525915 CONTRACTOR: ,f value of construction is 2500 or rnore,a RECORDED Notice of Commencementis required. ,fvalue of HAVCis S7,500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencementis required. FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: ___Not Applicable Name: Address City: Zip Phone: DESiGNER/ENGINEER: Namei _Not Applicable Address: City:State: Zip:Phone SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCT10N LIEN LAW INFORMAT10N: BONDING COMPANY: Name: _Not Applicable Address: City: Zip: Phone: MORTCAGE COMPANY: Name:___Not Applicable Address: City:State ZipI Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFF:DVIT:ApplicatiOnに hereby made to obtain a permttto do the work and installation as indicated i cerdfy that no work orinstallation has commenced pttorto the issuance of a permk. 帥挿;鯉 棚尋瀞聞爛蝶響躁急1郭 ;邸 齢解種珊 盟器静静よ絆 所部輩轄ド鞘確 in consideration of the granting of this requested permit′i do hereby agree thati vvi∥′in a∥respects,perform the work in accordance with the approved plans,the Fiorida Building Codes and St,Lucie County Amendments. The fo∥owing building pernlit applications are exempt from undergoing a fu∥concurrency reviewi roonl additions′ accessory structures,svvimming pools,fences,wa∥s,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non―residential use WARNING TO OWNE irnprovements to Lucie County and with iender or an your property. posted on thej obsite before the R:Yourfailure to Record a Notice of Conlmencement may resuit in twice for A Notice of Commencement must be recorded pavlng in the before cornmenci WO blic records of St. first inspectio rk or recordin n.lf you intend to obta pu in financing,consult r Notice of Commencement。 DATE COMPLETED DATE RECEIVED REVIEヽ lVS FRONT COUNTER ZONING REVIEヽ Aナ SUPERVISOR REVIEW PLANS REVIE削 VEGETAT10N REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEヽ Ⅳ Signature of Contractor‐or―Owner Builder as applicable E隅 °照 デ囀大 Sworn to thに ,休 (Or affirmed)and Subscttbed before me of _/Phy領 劇Presence or_online Noね Hztton day of__FJ。ども (1-t 20星 by|Name of person making statement. Pttson創 けKnown/。R ttoduced tte雨 宙ぬbn Type identification Produ of Notary lic‐of Florida) (SeaりCommに Oon No.付 ∥0772tぎ ⅢうAヽ ヽA(tiRI卜 i ヽf `■AI_ ヽ10モ ユ「V:)し Э:'C いtSte 9,=io「iCa CoTぃ issior=1107ア を65 ヽヽ′loo・ 「けどx,"t,A,'「77,o25 ,' `:!!ifテ :夕 ヽssn.