HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCM=CBELLE R. MILLER, CLRF.K OF TEE.CIRCUXT COURT - SASNT LUCTE COUNTY FSLE # 497MM23 OR BOOK 4744 $AGE 2074, Recorded 12/27/2021 11:27:28 AM T� - 't1tG. $1>°a is r.s- t.M� Y rn•C�R.ltoy ief0 4% NONCE OF C©MMMC9N=NT The undrrsignod herby given notice that improvamxtt mnn be made to taztain real property, and in aernrdanm with Chapter 713. ^ LL Florida stewtes the foffowing Woamation is provided in the Notice of commonavnau. . 1. MMSCRIPTiON OF PROPE$XY (begat dcse:iptlon and cheat addmps) TAX FOLIO NUAWER>-1 .3 O 6 - i l 1 - O O O 1 -N O D IS) `���DYVL91�N�1r'SBLbt� 7C&A_C�,pP aLD_G UN1T �•0 6/7 34 39 a11' that pact lying n0r£heast oi: 95 2G8t�[tAi,D>SCR�TIONOFIDIpROV>�rffiN1: - 8�-ng3e famsly reaa.denca W 3. Ow1aR 1NFCKPMATYON--x- a. No.ue .., r, a a- a g n f,0 rat 3 o ri Uj ddrzt as b. A8000 '3. U51 ,. Suite 402, ,HSL FL 34952 ��e imautin proptuty �1 d. Name and adds= of fee simple titleholder (if other than owner) 4. CONTSACrORS NA7kB.A3DD2US5 AND PRONE NLUVIBKFt; Wvnne Development: COreorat+on r 8000 S_ US1 .Suite 402 PST.P'L 34952 772 R7R 5419 0 5. 5URETI('S NAME, ADDRFS4 AND PHONE NCNM*R AND ]MOND AMOUNT- 0 6. MENDER'S NAME, ADDRBSS AND PHONE NUNIDFA U7. Parsers -uhin the State of Floddn dasrgnated by Owe_r upon whom noel— or other doemmenm away be served as provided by _ Section 7I3_l3 (I)(a) 7., Florida Statdtas:ca NAIMADDRrss AND PRONE �` 5�[uS Pang. sh Lakes Blvd- Ft_ Pierce• FL_ 201- co herarlt+ Ownrr designers tt.e FWlewiag to receive a copy of the ]:Senols Notice as provided in SEcrion 0590.. addition to tFlod Z 08. 7 e.or 713.t3 (IJ(b). l:lodda Statntrs: NAM&. ADDItPBS AND PONE NUMSEit: W 9. P.xplmson date of notice of oomtaatctment (tho expiration date ke I year 6 the data of zecarding unless a diffi nn dam is apedfied) _ -70 T_ WAtiMna270 OWNtEtr- ATIY PAl2rfbiQTS'MADE HY'r':IE'OWTtFC APr-@t'nrc PJCPnl Rr.N ATOFTHF NOIi OF COrdA2F.P7GZRNP1.lr �..t'� �v{.1.7 q L/9�y CONSIDF3tPa 7MPROPI�i PAYMPNNDL•R At+-ttiR•T _ rN L Pl�DRI)SD AND II7 YOLJRPAYotf:Tw_rCE'.P01211_.RPttOVbMdTS TO`.Y�OLrn PRO�TIiBTv_ABe RV7" N . iJ1 -YOUR R W 0 Matthew Lyle Wvnne Vf -Pe- n4 `eat Sigmd.. of Ormer or Print Name and Provide Slgnntcrys Title/Office a .. Owner's Authorized O1rmer/Direetor/Pnrt3c%er/Mvtoger State o�i�oridq Q' County of S YET- +.O i e - ' QThe ! rr famsoing'ineitatnent er as noimowledged before ene this L b dare of 2(L a• ) gy Matthew Lyle WynneIm as VA%•o� /te�.i Qe__ T (Name of person) (Type oraudwriiy...e g. Owner, amcar, truster✓.2—ry in fact) W rn(Name p'oHulldlng Cornorat.fon of patty on behalf_ of whota instntmmi. was executed) Personally Known _f�_or produced this f rowing type of ID: S7n 2t3'M Y- �•yt//Y �OASKI.•7 /�./�ol�- . `• DOROTHY/4NN8ASiGN (Pritxed Name of Notary Pobi d) MgnF ' nhrm terry Public) _ r_ tEYCOMtd1SStON B 4t3 s l� v?_202 - .. DCPIRFS:Udob2424 v_aa Under ptarafties of perjury. I deotam that 7 have read the forgoing and That the F9ats . .� belier(secdon 92-52S. Florida Statutes). L.IJ Signature(s) of Owt s) or Own. -Oa)' Authorized OfbcrrlDircriarlPaurtnts/Managtr who signed above: U Bytz " By new etnYJWr�mgd _ . _ U a rammrctamv„r�nu,nocatcr.xmrummc�mrrwA,00,�aa�oa Digitally signed The Honorable Michelle R. Miller °temsnT�tatt®arc tvrmassmosnxamtnero��m�e�uu+aurmru®axsnmiv Data: 2021.I2.27 1 09:46 -05:00 whom-twz�scur�tvt3maxra.neavcmrwDt Reason: ElectronicallyCertified Co py t�aoemaerttrKsa�e�ar�CttaCiaumqux Location: 201 South Idian River Dr, Fort Pierce, FL 34950 vmr asecnaaraistaAcrffmseczocaueArs•reanxvttn+t