HomeMy WebLinkAboutPHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMPV-1FREEDOM FOREVER INDY 8.00 TEMPLATE CONTRACTOR LICENSE:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO,FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075REVISED BYDATENO.SHEET:REVISIONSJOB NO:F121287DESIGNED BY:C.A.CLIENT:DAVID CLIFFORD2501 GRAY TWIG LANE, FORT PIERCE, FL34981AHJ: ST. LUCIE COUNTYUTILITY: FPL - FLORIDA POWER & LIGHTPHONE: (248) 894-4777SYSTEM:SYSTEM SIZE (DC): 27 X 365 = 9.855 kWSYSTEM SIZE (AC): 7.600 kW @ 240VMODULES: 27 X SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WOPTIMIZERS: 27 X SOLAREDGE P401INVERTER: SOLAREDGE SE7600H-US [SI1]DATE:2/7/2022---------THIS PROJECT COMPLIES WITH THE FOLLOWING:AS ADOPTED BY ST. LUCIE COUNTYSITE LOCATIONCODES:VICINITY MAP:TABLE OF CONTENTS:CONSTRUCTION NOTES:PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMPV-1SITE LOCATIONPV-2SITE PLANPV-2AROOF PLAN WITH MODULES LAYOUTPV-2BSTRUCTURAL CALCULATIONSPV-3MOUNTING DETAILSPV-4THREE LINE DIAGRAMPV-5CONDUCTOR CALCULATIONSPV-6EQUIPMENT & SERVICE LISTPV-7LABELSPV-7ASITE PLACARDPV-8OPTIMIZER CHARTPV-9SAFETY PLANPV-10SAFETY PLANAPPENDIXMANUFACTURER SPECIFICATION SHEETSCONDUIT AND CONDUCTOR SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS ANDARE NOT MEANT TO LIMIT UP-SIZING AS REQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONS.ALL SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SCREENED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENTPOSSIBLE AND SHALL BE PAINTED A COLOR SIMILAR TO THE SURFACE UPON WHICH THEY AREMOUNTED.MODULES SHALL BE TESTED , LISTED AND INDENTIFIED WITH FIRE CLASSIFICATION INACCORDANCE WITH UL 2703. SMOKE AND CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS ARE REQUIRED PERSECTION R314 AND 315 TO BE VERIFIED AND INSPECTED BY INSPECTOR IN THE FIELD.DIG ALERT (811) TO BE CONTACTED AND COMPLIANCE WITH EXCAVATION SAFETY PRIOR TO ANYEXCAVATION TAKING PLACEPHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM GROUND WILL BE TIED INTO EXISTING GROUND AT MAIN SERVICE FROMDC DISCONNECT/INVERTER AS PER 2017 NEC SEC 250.166(A).SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIPMENT WILL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITHREQUIREMENTS OF ART. 690 OF THE 2017 NECTHE MAIN SERVICE PANEL WILL BE EQUIPPED WITH A GROUND ROD OR UFERUTILITY COMPANY WILL BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO ACTIVATION OF THE SOLAR PV SYSTEMSOLAREDGE OPTIMIZERS ARE LISTED TO IEC 62109-1 (CLASS II SAFETY) AND UL 1741 STANDARDSINSTALL CREW TO VERIFY ROOF STRUCTURE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. EMT CONDUITATTACHED TO THE ROOF USING CONDUIT MOUNT.SITE LOCATIONGREG ALBRIGHT2020 7TH EDITION FLORIDA BUILDING CODE: BUILDING2020 7TH EDITION FLORIDA BUILDING CODE: RESIDENTIAL2020 7TH EDITION FLORIDA BUILDING CODE: MECHANICAL2020 7TH EDITION FLORIDA BUILDING CODE: PLUMBING2020 7TH EDITION FLORIDA BUILDING CODE: FUEL GAS2020 7TH EDITION FLORIDA BUILDING CODE: ENERGY CONSERVATION2020 7TH EDITION FLORIDA BUILDING CODE: EXISTING BUILDING2020 7TH EDITION FLORIDA BUILDING CODE: ACCESSIBILITY2020 7TH EDITION FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE (NFPA)2017 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (NEC) 18" FSB18" FSB 3' FSB3' FSBFACINVJBMSPUMMBESITE PLANSCALE: 1"=20'1PV-2FREEDOM FOREVER INDY 8.00 TEMPLATE CONTRACTOR LICENSE:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO,FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075REVISED BYDATENO.SHEET:REVISIONSJOB NO:F121287DESIGNED BY:C.A.CLIENT:DAVID CLIFFORD2501 GRAY TWIG LANE, FORT PIERCE, FL34981AHJ: ST. LUCIE COUNTYUTILITY: FPL - FLORIDA POWER & LIGHTPHONE: (248) 894-4777SYSTEM:SYSTEM SIZE (DC): 27 X 365 = 9.855 kWSYSTEM SIZE (AC): 7.600 kW @ 240VMODULES: 27 X SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WOPTIMIZERS: 27 X SOLAREDGE P401INVERTER: SOLAREDGE SE7600H-US [SI1]DATE:2/7/2022---------ROOF AREA: 3166 SQ FTSITE PLANLEGEND:CHIMNEYPIPE VENTMODULESCONDUITSETBACKAC DISCONNECTJUNCTION BOXINVERTERSUBPANELMAIN BREAKERENCLOSUREACJBINVSUBMBEGREG ALBRIGHTPV SYSTEM9.855 kW-DC7.600 kW-ACBOS WILL BE AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO MSP WITHIN 10'THIS SYSTEM DESIGNED WITH:WIND SPEED: 152WIND EXPOSURE: C165'-8"97'-0"145'-5"80'-2"53'-1"24'-4"7'-8"59'-9"87°(N) 27 SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365W(N) SOLAREDGE SE7600H-US [SI1]INVERTER WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN(N) UTILITY DISCONNECT EATON DG222NRB(OR EQUIVALENT)(E)MAIN SERVICE PANEL(E) UTILITY METERDRIVEWAYGRAY TWIG LANEPOOL(E) SCREENED PATIO COVERINGROOF LINEPROPERTY LINE(N) MAIN BREAKER ENCLOSURERoof 1&3(hip roofs) need blocking upgradesRefer to Structural Calculation for details 18" FSB18" FSB 3' FSB3' FSBFACINVJBMSPUMMBE PV-2AFREEDOM FOREVER INDY 8.00 TEMPLATE CONTRACTOR LICENSE:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO,FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075REVISED BYDATENO.SHEET:REVISIONSJOB NO:F121287DESIGNED BY:C.A.CLIENT:DAVID CLIFFORD2501 GRAY TWIG LANE, FORT PIERCE, FL34981AHJ: ST. LUCIE COUNTYUTILITY: FPL - FLORIDA POWER & LIGHTPHONE: (248) 894-4777SYSTEM:SYSTEM SIZE (DC): 27 X 365 = 9.855 kWSYSTEM SIZE (AC): 7.600 kW @ 240VMODULES: 27 X SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WOPTIMIZERS: 27 X SOLAREDGE P401INVERTER: SOLAREDGE SE7600H-US [SI1]DATE:2/7/2022---------ROOF PLANSCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0"1(N) MAIN BREAKER ENCLOSURENOTES:1. EMT CONDUIT ATTACHED TO THE ROOF USING CONDUIT MOUNTS2. ATTACHED CLAMPS AT 25% FROM THE EDGE AND 50% FROM THE CENTER OF THE MODULES3. JUNCTION BOX IS MOUNTED TO THE RAIL.ROOF AREA: 3166 SQ FTROOF PLAN WITH MODULES LAYOUTLEGEND:CHIMNEYPIPE VENTMODULESCONDUITSETBACKAC DISCONNECTJUNCTION BOXINVERTERSUBPANELMAIN BREAKERENCLOSUREACJBINVSUBMBEGREG ALBRIGHTFIRE ACCESSPATHWAYSFIRE ACCESSPATHWAYSPV SYSTEM9.855 kW-DC7.600 kW-ACMODIFIED SETBACKS PROPOSED AT RIDGE:TOTAL ARRAY AREA = 564.03 SFTOTAL ROOF AREA = 3166 SFTOTAL ARRAY AREA AS A % TO ROOF AREA = 17.82%17.82% < 33%BOS WILL BE AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO MSP WITHIN 10'THIS SYSTEM DESIGNED WITH:WIND SPEED: 152WIND EXPOSURE: C(N) 27 SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365W(N) SOLAREDGESE7600H-US [SI1]INVERTER(N) AC DISCONNECT EATON DG222NRB (OREQUIVALENT)Roof 1&3(hip roofs) need blocking upgradesRefer to Structural Calculation for details ROOF AREA STATEMENTROOFMODULE QUANTITYROOF PITCH ARRAY PITCHAZIMUTHROOF AREAARRAY AREA1821°21°89°329 SQ FT167.12 SQ FT21421°21°179°547 SQ FT292.46 SQ FT3521°21°179°261 SQ FT104.45 SQ FTPV-2BFREEDOM FOREVER INDY 8.00 TEMPLATE CONTRACTOR LICENSE:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO,FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075REVISED BYDATENO.SHEET:REVISIONSJOB NO:F121287DESIGNED BY:C.A.CLIENT:DAVID CLIFFORD2501 GRAY TWIG LANE, FORT PIERCE, FL34981AHJ: ST. LUCIE COUNTYUTILITY: FPL - FLORIDA POWER & LIGHTPHONE: (248) 894-4777SYSTEM:SYSTEM SIZE (DC): 27 X 365 = 9.855 kWSYSTEM SIZE (AC): 7.600 kW @ 240VMODULES: 27 X SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WOPTIMIZERS: 27 X SOLAREDGE P401INVERTER: SOLAREDGE SE7600H-US [SI1]DATE:2/7/2022---------ROOF DETAILS:TOTAL ROOF AREA: 3166 SQ FTARRAY COVERAGE: 17.82%SYSTEM DISTRIBUTED WEIGHT: 3.12 LBSSFM INFINITY \ ROCKIT MICRORAIL POINT-LOAD: 16.61 LBSROOF DETAILSGREG ALBRIGHTRoof 1&3(hip roofs) need blocking upgradesRefer to Structural Calculation for details ROOF DECK /MEMBRANESLIDER AND TRIMRAILROOF ATTACHMENTBUILDING STRUCTURE5/16" STAINLESS STEEL LAGBOLT OR STRUCTURAL SCREWWITH 2-1/2" MIN. EMBEDMENTAND FLAT WASHER2.5"TRIMRAIL2.5" MIN. EMBED.FLASHINGROOF / DECK MEMBRANESLIDERSBUILDING STRUCTURE5/16" STAINLESS STEELLAG BOLT ORSTRUCTURAL SCREWWITH 2-1/2" MIN.EMBEDMENT AND FLATWASHER2.5"MICRORAILFLASHING2.5" MIN. EMBED.SERAPHIM:SEG-6MA-365WSERAPHIM:SEG-6MA-365WSLIDERSMICRORAIL2.5" MIN. EMBED.5/16" STAINLESS STEEL LAGBOLT OR STRUCTURAL SCREWWITH 2-1/2" MIN. EMBEDMENTAND FLAT WASHERTRIMRAIL2.5" MIN. EMBED.FLASHINGFLASHINGSLIDER AND TRIMRAIL ROOFATTACHMENT2X4 TRUSS @ 24" O.C.ROOF / DECK MEMBRANE3" MIN.MAX5" .SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WSFM INFINITY \ ROCKIT RAIL-LESS RACKING SYSTEM(N)SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365W2X4 TRUSS @ 24" O.C.ROOF ATTACHMENT4'ATTACHMENT DETAILScale: NTSSOLAR PV ARRAY SECTION VIEWScale: NTSPARTIAL ROOF FRAMING PLANScale: NTSPV-3FREEDOM FOREVER INDY 8.00 TEMPLATE CONTRACTOR LICENSE:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO,FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075REVISED BYDATENO.SHEET:REVISIONSJOB NO:F121287DESIGNED BY:C.A.CLIENT:DAVID CLIFFORD2501 GRAY TWIG LANE, FORT PIERCE, FL34981AHJ: ST. LUCIE COUNTYUTILITY: FPL - FLORIDA POWER & LIGHTPHONE: (248) 894-4777SYSTEM:SYSTEM SIZE (DC): 27 X 365 = 9.855 kWSYSTEM SIZE (AC): 7.600 kW @ 240VMODULES: 27 X SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WOPTIMIZERS: 27 X SOLAREDGE P401INVERTER: SOLAREDGE SE7600H-US [SI1]DATE:2/7/2022---------MOUNTING DETAILSGREG ALBRIGHTMAX ATTACHMENT SPAN - 4' STAGGEREDRoof 1&3(hip roofs) need blocking upgradesRefer to Structural Calculation for details SOLAREDGE P401 POWER OPTIMIZERSJUNCTIONBOXSTRING-12 - #10 AWG, PV WIRE1 - #6 AWG IN FREE AIR OR#8 AWG MUST BE IN EMT CONDUITSTRING-2SOLAREDGE P401POWER OPTIMIZERS2 - #10 AWG,PV WIRE16 SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365W11 SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365W4 - #10 AWG, THWN-21 - #8 EGC, THWN-2IN 3/4" ORLARGER EMT CONDUITUM(N) 200A / 2PMAIN BREAKER(N) 200A RATEDMAIN BREAKER ENCLOSURE1PH, 120/240V 60HZ(E) UTILITYMETERTO UTILITYUNDERGROUNDFEED(E) 200A ---- RATEDSUB PANEL1PH, 120/240V 60HZ(E) 200A RATEDMAIN BREAKER(END FED)(N) LOADSIDE TAPFEED-THROUGHLUGSEXISTING WIRE RUNTHROUGH CONDUIT3 - #8 AWG, THWN-21 - #8 EGC, THWN-2IN 3/4" OR LARGER EMTCONDUIT(N) 60A FUSEDAC DISCONNECTEATON DG222NRB (OREQUIVALENT)WITH 40A FUSES,KNIFEBLADE, LOCKABLE, NEMA3R, UL LISTED3 - #6 AWG, THWN-21 - #8 EGC, THWN-2IN 3/4" OR LARGER EMT CONDUIT(N) SOLAREDGESE7600H-US [SI1]INVERTERACDCRAPIDSHUTDOWNSWITCHNOTE:CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASEDON MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS AND ARE NOT MEANTTO LIMIT UP-SIZING AS REQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONSBACKFEED FUSE SIZINGMAX. CONTINUOUS OUTPUT 32.00A @ 240V32.00X1.25=40.00AMPS40A FUSES - OKSEE 705.12 OF 2017 NEC200X1.20=240240-200=40A ALLOWABLE BACKFEEDPV-4FREEDOM FOREVER INDY 8.00 TEMPLATE CONTRACTOR LICENSE:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO,FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075REVISED BYDATENO.SHEET:REVISIONSJOB NO:F121287DESIGNED BY:C.A.CLIENT:DAVID CLIFFORD2501 GRAY TWIG LANE, FORT PIERCE, FL34981AHJ: ST. LUCIE COUNTYUTILITY: FPL - FLORIDA POWER & LIGHTPHONE: (248) 894-4777SYSTEM:SYSTEM SIZE (DC): 27 X 365 = 9.855 kWSYSTEM SIZE (AC): 7.600 kW @ 240VMODULES: 27 X SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WOPTIMIZERS: 27 X SOLAREDGE P401INVERTER: SOLAREDGE SE7600H-US [SI1]DATE:2/7/2022---------THREE LINE DIAGRAMGREG ALBRIGHT PV-5FREEDOM FOREVER INDY 8.00 TEMPLATE CONTRACTOR LICENSE:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO,FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075REVISED BYDATENO.SHEET:REVISIONSJOB NO:F121287DESIGNED BY:C.A.CLIENT:DAVID CLIFFORD2501 GRAY TWIG LANE, FORT PIERCE, FL34981AHJ: ST. LUCIE COUNTYUTILITY: FPL - FLORIDA POWER & LIGHTPHONE: (248) 894-4777SYSTEM:SYSTEM SIZE (DC): 27 X 365 = 9.855 kWSYSTEM SIZE (AC): 7.600 kW @ 240VMODULES: 27 X SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WOPTIMIZERS: 27 X SOLAREDGE P401INVERTER: SOLAREDGE SE7600H-US [SI1]DATE:2/7/2022---------CONDUCTOR CALCULATIONSGREG ALBRIGHTWIRE SCHEDULERACEWAY#EQUIPMENTWIRE LOCATIONCONDUCTORQTY.AWGWIRESIZESTARTINGALLOWABLEAMPACITY @ 90°C310.15(B)(16)STARTINGCURRENTAPPLIED TOCONDUCTORSIN RACEWAYTEMPERATURECORRECTIONFACTOR310.15(B)(2)(a)ADJUSTMENTFACTOR FORMORE THAN 3CONDUCTORS310.15(B)(3)(a)ADJUSTEDCONDUCTORAMPACITY@ 90°CMAXIMUMCURRENTAPPLIED TOCONDUCTORSIN RACEWAY1DCMODULETOOPTIMIZERROOF / FREE-AIR2104012.231140.0015.282DCOPTIMIZERTOJUNCTION BOXROOF / FREE-AIR2104015.001140.0018.753DCJUNCTION BOXTOINVERTEREXTERIOR WALL4104015.0010.832.0018.754ACINVERTERTOAC DISCONNECTEXTERIOR WALL385532.001155.0040.005ACAC DISCONNECTTOPOIEXTERIOR WALL367532.001175.0040.006ACSUBPANELTOMSPEXTERIOR WALL33/0225200.0011225.00200.00CONDUCTOR AMPACITY CALCULATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 690.8. MATERIAL LIST:PV-6FREEDOM FOREVER INDY 8.00 TEMPLATE CONTRACTOR LICENSE:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO,FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075REVISED BYDATENO.SHEET:REVISIONSJOB NO:F121287DESIGNED BY:C.A.CLIENT:DAVID CLIFFORD2501 GRAY TWIG LANE, FORT PIERCE, FL34981AHJ: ST. LUCIE COUNTYUTILITY: FPL - FLORIDA POWER & LIGHTPHONE: (248) 894-4777SYSTEM:SYSTEM SIZE (DC): 27 X 365 = 9.855 kWSYSTEM SIZE (AC): 7.600 kW @ 240VMODULES: 27 X SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WOPTIMIZERS: 27 X SOLAREDGE P401INVERTER: SOLAREDGE SE7600H-US [SI1]DATE:2/7/2022---------QTY.PARTPART #DESCRIPTION27MODULES119-365SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365W27OPTIMIZERS130-401SOLAREDGE P401 POWER OPTIMIZER - FRAME MOUNTED MODULE ADD-ON1JUNCTION BOX480-276600VDC NEMA 3R UL LISTED JUNCTION BOX2CONNECTORS240-300STAUBLI / MULTI-CONTACT MC4 CONNECTORS (FEMALE)2CONNECTORS240-301STAUBLI / MULTI-CONTACT MC4 CONNECTORS (MALE)1INVERTER120-761SOLAREDGE SE7600H-US [SI1] 240V INVERTER UL1741 SA CERTIFIED INTEGRATED ARC FAULT PROTECTION AND RAPID SHUTDOWN1AC DISCONNECT323-06160A RATED 240VAC NEMA 3R UL LISTED2FUSES330-04040A FUSE 1 PH 240VAC106ROOF ATTACHMENT 1261 -602SFM INFINITY \ ROCKIT MICRORAIL20SFM TRIM 1241-253FLASHKIT SFM / ROCK-IT TRIM COMP DARK51SFM SLIDER 1261-603FLASHKIT SFM / ROCK-IT SLIDER COMP DARK15BONDING CLAMP 1221-100N/S BONDING CLAMP6BONDING CLAMP 1241-404TRIM BONDING CLAMP29MOUNT ASSEMBLY 1241-405MLPE MOUNT ASSY16SFM SPLICE 1261-604SFM / ROCK-IT SPLICE4SFM ATTACHED SPLICE 1211-101ATTACHED SPLICE 8 INCH23TRIMRAIL 1261-606TRIMRAIL UNIV CLIP W/ HDW7TRIM SPLICE 1261-605TRIM SPLICE DRK12TRIMRAIL 1211-115TRIMRAIL UNIV DRK27GROUND LUG 1260-585ILSCO GROUND LUG27TRIM END CAPS 1221-200UNIRAC SFM / ROCK-IT TRIM END CAPSBREAKER SIZES:SERVICE LIST:TRUEEQUIPMENT & SERVICE LISTGREG ALBRIGHT NOTES:M690.54705.12(B)(2)(3)(b)"WARNING"DUAL POWER SOURCESSECOND SOURCE IS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM RATED AC OUTPUT CURRENT - 32.00 AMPSAC NORMAL OPERATING VOLTAGE - 240 VOLTSWARNING:POWER SOURCE OUTPUTCONNECTIONDO NOT RELOCATE THISOVERCURRENT DEVICE.TURN RAPIDSHUTDOWN SWITCH TOTHE "OFF" POSITION TOSHUT DOWN PV SYSTEMAND REDUCE SHOCKHAZARD IN THE ARRAY690.56(C)(1)(A)SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPEDWITH RAPID SHUTDOWNAC 690.15, 690.54PV SYSTEM AC DISCONNECT RATED AC OUTPUT CURRENT - 32.00 AMPSAC NORMAL OPERATING VOLTAGE - 240 VOLTSRAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH FORSOLAR PV SYSTEM690.56(C)(3)INVERTERARRAYJ/BDC"WARNING"ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD.TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND LOAD SIDESMAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION690.13 (B)690.53NEC 690.31(G)(3) & (4)PMPV METERSOLAR ELECTRICPV PANELSPV SYSTEM DC DISCONNECTMAXIMUM VOLTAGE: 480VMAXIMUM CIRCUIT CURRENT: 20AMAX RATED OUTPUT CURRENT OFTHE CONTROLLER OR DC-TO-DCCONVERTER: 15ATURN RAPID SHUTDOWNSWITCH TO THE "OFF"POSITION TO SHUT DOWNENTIRE PV SYSTEMNFPA ELECTRICPV PANELSEMERGENCY RESPONDERTHIS SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPEDWITH RAPID SHUTDOWNTURN RAPID SHUTDOWNSWITCH TO THE "OFF"POSITION.ONLY CONDUCTORS INSIDEBUILDING OR OFF THEROOF WILL SHUT DOWNNFPA ELECTRICPV PANELSEMERGENCY RESPONDERTHIS SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPEDWITH RAPID SHUTDOWN"WARNING"PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCEEVERY 10' ON CONDUIT AND ENCLOSURESPV-7FREEDOM FOREVER INDY 8.00 TEMPLATE CONTRACTOR LICENSE:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO,FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075REVISED BYDATENO.SHEET:REVISIONSJOB NO:F121287DESIGNED BY:C.A.CLIENT:DAVID CLIFFORD2501 GRAY TWIG LANE, FORT PIERCE, FL34981AHJ: ST. LUCIE COUNTYUTILITY: FPL - FLORIDA POWER & LIGHTPHONE: (248) 894-4777SYSTEM:SYSTEM SIZE (DC): 27 X 365 = 9.855 kWSYSTEM SIZE (AC): 7.600 kW @ 240VMODULES: 27 X SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WOPTIMIZERS: 27 X SOLAREDGE P401INVERTER: SOLAREDGE SE7600H-US [SI1]DATE:2/7/2022---------LABELSGREG ALBRIGHT1.NEC ARTICLES 690 AND 705 AND IRC SECTION R324MARKINGS SHOWN HEREON.2.ALL MARKING SHALL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING:A.UV RESISTANT SIGN MATERIAL WITH ENGRAVED ORMACHINE PRINTED LETTERS OR ELECTRO-PLATING.B.RED BACKGROUND COLOR WHITE TEXT AND LINEWORK.C.ARIAL FONT.3.ALL SIGNS SHALL BE SIZED APPROPRIATELY AND PLACED INTHE LOCATIONS SPECIFIED. SIGNAGE CANNOT BEHAND-WRITTEN.4.SIGNS SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE SERVICE EQUIPMENTWITH POP-RIVETS OR SCREWS FACINVJBMSPUMMBE CAUTION:POWER TO THIS BUILDING ISALSO SUPPLIED FROM THEFOLLOWING SOURCES WITHDISCONNECTS AS SHOWNPV-7AFREEDOM FOREVER INDY 8.00 TEMPLATE CONTRACTOR LICENSE:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO,FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075REVISED BYDATENO.SHEET:REVISIONSJOB NO:F121287DESIGNED BY:C.A.CLIENT:DAVID CLIFFORD2501 GRAY TWIG LANE, FORT PIERCE, FL34981AHJ: ST. LUCIE COUNTYUTILITY: FPL - FLORIDA POWER & LIGHTPHONE: (248) 894-4777SYSTEM:SYSTEM SIZE (DC): 27 X 365 = 9.855 kWSYSTEM SIZE (AC): 7.600 kW @ 240VMODULES: 27 X SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WOPTIMIZERS: 27 X SOLAREDGE P401INVERTER: SOLAREDGE SE7600H-US [SI1]DATE:2/7/2022---------1.NEC ARTICLES 690 AND 705 AND IRC SECTION R324 MARKINGS SHOWN HEREON.2.ALL MARKING SHALL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING:A.UV RESISTANT SIGN MATERIAL WITH ENGRAVED OR MACHINE PRINTED LETTERS OR ELECTRO-PLATING.B.RED BACKGROUND COLOR WHITE TEXT AND LINE WORK.C.AERIAL FONT.3. ALL SIGNS SHALL BE SIZED APPROPRIATELY AND PLACED IN THE LOCATIONS SPECIFIED. SIGNAGE CANNOT BE HAND-WRITTEN.4. SIGNS SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE SERVICE EQUIPMENT WITH POP-RIVETS OR SCREWS.NOTES:SITE PLACARDGREG ALBRIGHTWARNINGTURN OFF PHOTOVOLTAIC AC DISCONNECTPRIOR TO WORKING INSIDE PANELNGRAY TWIG LANE27 PV MODULESUTILITY METERMAIN SERVICE PANELAC DISCONNECTINVERTER EQUIPPEDWITH RAPID SHUTDOWNMAIN BREAKERENCLOSURE FACINVJBMSPUMMBE 123456789101-1011-2021-3031-4041-5051-60123456789101-1011-2021-3031-4041-5051-60PV-8FREEDOM FOREVER INDY 8.00 TEMPLATE CONTRACTOR LICENSE:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO,FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075REVISED BYDATENO.SHEET:REVISIONSJOB NO:F121287DESIGNED BY:C.A.CLIENT:DAVID CLIFFORD2501 GRAY TWIG LANE, FORT PIERCE, FL34981AHJ: ST. LUCIE COUNTYUTILITY: FPL - FLORIDA POWER & LIGHTPHONE: (248) 894-4777SYSTEM:SYSTEM SIZE (DC): 27 X 365 = 9.855 kWSYSTEM SIZE (AC): 7.600 kW @ 240VMODULES: 27 X SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WOPTIMIZERS: 27 X SOLAREDGE P401INVERTER: SOLAREDGE SE7600H-US [SI1]DATE:2/7/2022---------SOLAREDGE OPTIMIZER CHARTOPTIMIZER CHARTGREG ALBRIGHT FACINVJBMSPUMMBE SAFETY PLANMARK UP KEYINSTRUCTIONS:1.USE SYMBOLS IN KEY TO MARK UP THIS SHEET.2.SAFETY PLAN MUST BE MARKED BEFORE JOBSTARTS AS PART OF THE PRE-PLAN3.DOCUMENT ALL ADDITIONAL HAZARDS ON THIS PAGE& MAKE NOTES ON THE JHA SHEETIN CASE OF EMERGENCYNEAREST HOSPITAL OR OCCUPATIONAL/INDUSTRIAL CLINICNAME: _______________________________________________ADDRESS: ___________________________________________SAFETY COACH CONTACT INFORMATIONNAME: _______________________________________________PHONE NUMBER: _____________________________________ALL EMPLOYEES ON SITE SHALL BE MADE AWARE OF THESAFETY PLAN AND SIGN INDICATING THAT THEY AREAWARE OF THE HAZARDS ON-SITE AND THE PLAN FORWORKING SAFELY. NAME SIGNATURE__________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ ________________DATE: ______________ TIME:___________________________PERMANENT ANCHORTEMPORARY ANCHORINSTALLER LADDERJUNCTION / COMBINER BOXSTUB-OUTSKYLIGHTNO LADDER ACCESS (STEEPGRADE OR GROUND LEVELOBSTRUCTIONS)RESTRICTED ACCESSCONDUITGAS SHUT OFFWATER SHUT OFFSERVICE DROPPOWER LINESPTILBS7ZGASH2OPV-9FREEDOM FOREVER INDY 8.00 TEMPLATE CONTRACTOR LICENSE:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO,FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075REVISED BYDATENO.SHEET:REVISIONSJOB NO:F121287DESIGNED BY:C.A.CLIENT:DAVID CLIFFORD2501 GRAY TWIG LANE, FORT PIERCE, FL34981AHJ: ST. LUCIE COUNTYUTILITY: FPL - FLORIDA POWER & LIGHTPHONE: (248) 894-4777SYSTEM:SYSTEM SIZE (DC): 27 X 365 = 9.855 kWSYSTEM SIZE (AC): 7.600 kW @ 240VMODULES: 27 X SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WOPTIMIZERS: 27 X SOLAREDGE P401INVERTER: SOLAREDGE SE7600H-US [SI1]DATE:2/7/2022---------SAFETY PLANGREG ALBRIGHT JOB HAZARD ANALYSISCrew leader to fill out all sections below, hold a pre-job safety meeting with all personnel, and upload this completed document and the Safety Plan to Site CaptureLadder Access·Ladders must be inspected before each use.·Extension ladders must be set up on a firm and level surface ata 4-to-1 rise to run angle (or 75 degrees) and the top must besecured to the structure. Extension style ladders placed onuneven, loose or slippery surfaces must additionally have thebase firmly anchored or lashed so the base will not slip out.·Extension ladders must be used with walk-through devices orthe ladder must extend 36" above the stepping off point.·A-frame ladders must only be climbed with the ladder spreaderbars locked in the open position; A-frame ladders shall not beclimbed while in the closed position (ex, closed and used whileleaned against a structure).·Additional notes:Mobile Equipment·Only Qualified operators will operate equipment; operators mustmaintain a certification on their person for the equipment beingoperated.·Type(s) of mobile equipment (Type/Make/Model):·Qualified operator(s):Material Handling and Storage·Materials will be staged/stored in a way that does not present ahazard to client, personnel or public. Materials stored on theroof will be physically protect from failing or sliding off.Fall Protection·A site-specific plan for fall prevention and protection is requiredprior to starting work and must remain onsite at all times untilwork is complete; a fall rescue plan must be outlined anddiscussed among the crew prior to work start.·First-person-Up (FPU) must install their anchor and connectbefore any other task, including installing other anchors. TheLast-Person-Down (LPD) must be the only person on a roofuninstalling fall protection.·FPCP (name and title):·FPU and LPD (name and title):Electrical Safety·The Electrical Qualified Person (EQP) is required onsite toperform electrical work.·All electrical work will be performed with equipment in anelectrically safe condition (de-energized) unless approval hasbeen granted prior to work.·Service drops and overhead electrical hazards will be indentifiedand protected from contact, as neccessary.·EQP (name and tile):Public Protection·The safety of the Client and Public must be maintained at alltimes.·The Client and the Public shall be prevented from entering thework zone through the use of barriers and/or signage, asrequired.·Company, Client and Public property shall be protected fromfalling objects.·Pets (including dogs) shall be secured by their owners prior towork start.·The Client should not leave pets, family members, or others incharge or care of Employees, Contractors, or TemporaryWorkers.·Crew leader responsible for communication with the client:·Client and public is excluded from work area by barricades (N/A,Yes, No):Training and Pre-Job Safety Briefing·All employees onsite shall be made aware of the specific hazardsof this project and review this HJA during a pre-job briefing, andtheir signature indicates awareness of site conditions and theplan to eliminate any hazards identified prior to and during theproject.·Crew leader (name/title):·Crew member (name/title):·Crew member (name/title):·Crew member (name/title):·Crew member (name/title):·Crew member (name/title):Airborne Contaminants:·Asbestos-containing (Transite) piping (ACP) - Do not disturb(move, drill, cut fracture, etc.)·Asbestos-containing thermal insulation (ACI) andAsbestos-containing duct wrapping (ACW) - do not disturb, noattic or crawlspace access is allowed if work to be performedcould cause exposure to personnel, client or public.·If yes, list specific tasks and protection in place:Weather and Environment·The site supervisor shall forecast the weather conditions at thejob site, prior to crew arrival, in order to mitigate any hazardsassociated with inclement weather (heat, cold, wind, rain, etc.)·The site supervisor will utilized a portable wind meter(anemometer) to verify actual onsite wind conditions, by checkingat the ground and on any elevated work surface (ex, rooftop)prior to work start, at midday and prior to solar panel staging on aroof.·Elevated work involving the moving or maneuvering of solarpanels shall cease at 25mph (sustained wind) until windsubsides.·Forecasted weather maximum temp (degrees f):Heat Related Illness Prevention·Employees shall have access to potable drinking water that isfresh, pure, and suitably cool. The water shall be located asclose as practicable to the areas where employees are working.Water shall be supplied in sufficient quantity at the beginning ofthe work shift to provide at least one quart per employee perhour for drinking for the entire shift. Employees may begin theshift with smaller quantities of water if they identify the locationand have effective means for replenishment during the shift toallow employees to drink on quart or more per hour. Thefrequent drinking of water shall be encouraged.·Shade shall be present when temperature exceeds 80 degreesFahrenheit. When the outdoor temperature in the work exceeds80 degrees Fahrenheit, employees shall have and maintain oneor more areas with shade at all times.·New employees must be acclimatized. New employees will bemonitored by their Crew Leader (site supervisor) for the first two(2) weeks of employment or longer when necessary.·Employees will be allowed and encouraged to implementscheduled breaks during each shift. Employees must takecool-down breaks in the shade any time they feel the need to doso to protect them from overheating. Supervisors areREQUIRED to allow employees any break period they needduring high heat conditions.·Cool Vests are encouraged for all employees at all times duringperiods of high heat.·Identify the location of the closet Occupational/Industrial Clinicor Hospital in case a crew member becomes ill.What is the specific plan to provide and replenish sufficient water forall employees on site?·If offsite replenish is necessary, where will you go to replenishwater (location/address):·Who will replenish the drinking water (name):Restroom facilities·Employees shall have access to restroom facilities withhand-washing stations. Use of onsite restroom is at the client'sdiscretion (location is annotated below). If client does not givepermission, location of suitable restroom facilities withhand-washing stations offsite will be provided. The onsitesupervisor will identify location and make arrangements toensure all employees have access at any point.·Restroom facilities will be (circle one): Onsite - Offsite·If Offsite, add location name and address:Incident Reporting Procedure·Contact your Site SupervisorName:Phone:·Contact your ManagerName:Phone:·Contact your Site SupervisorName:Phone:With: Your full name, phone number, office location, brief descriptionof what happen and when.NOTE ADDITIONAL HAZARDS NOT ADDRESSED ABOVE(add as many as necessary by using additional sheets)Define the Hazard:Method/steps to prevent incident:Define the Hazard:Method/steps to prevent incident:Define the Hazard:Method/steps to prevent incident:Define the Hazard:Method/steps to prevent incident:PV-10FREEDOM FOREVER INDY 8.00 TEMPLATE CONTRACTOR LICENSE:CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC13008056FREEDOM FOREVER LLC2619 CONSULATE DR SUITE 800, ORLANDO,FL 32819Tel: (800) 385-1075REVISED BYDATENO.SHEET:REVISIONSJOB NO:F121287DESIGNED BY:C.A.CLIENT:DAVID CLIFFORD2501 GRAY TWIG LANE, FORT PIERCE, FL34981AHJ: ST. LUCIE COUNTYUTILITY: FPL - FLORIDA POWER & LIGHTPHONE: (248) 894-4777SYSTEM:SYSTEM SIZE (DC): 27 X 365 = 9.855 kWSYSTEM SIZE (AC): 7.600 kW @ 240VMODULES: 27 X SERAPHIM: SEG-6MA-365WOPTIMIZERS: 27 X SOLAREDGE P401INVERTER: SOLAREDGE SE7600H-US [SI1]DATE:2/7/2022---------SAFETY PLANGREG ALBRIGHT 360-375W PERCSafetyReliability PerformanceProduct is certified by UL1703Anti-PID products using advanced module technologyWorld 1st company to pass “Thresher Test” and “On-site Power Measurement Validation” certificateBankable productsOutstanding power output capability at low irradianceWithstand high system voltage up to 1500V to save BoS CostNH3SALTPIDWARRANTYGuaranteed Power100%97% 97%94.28%90.88%87.48%84.08%80.68%90%80%0510152025YearsAddtional Value from Linear WarrantyLinear power output warrantyGuarantee on product material and workmanship10YEARSYEARS25MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PRODUCT CERTIFICATESISO 9001: Quality management systemISO 14001: Standard for environmental management systemOHSAS 18001: International standard for occupational health and safety assessment systemSERAPHIM ENERGY GROUP, INC.SEG-6MA-XXXWWSERIES 6 INCH 72 CELLSWithstand up to 2400Pa wind and 5400Pa snow loads(IEC), long lastingResistance to salt mist corrosion at your request Resistance to ammonia corrosion at your requestINSURANCESpecifications are subject to change without notification SEG-DS-EN-2019V1.0 © Copyright 2019 SeraphimSEG-6MA-XXXWW SERIES 6 INCH 72 CELLSWeightSolar CellsFrameConnectorMechanical LoadI-V CurveTemperature CharacteristicsPmax Temperature Coefficient-0.38 %/°CVoc Temperature Coefficient-0.28 %/°CIsc Temperature Coefficient+0.05 %/°COperating Temperature-40~+85 °CNominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT)45±2 °CElectrical Characteristics(STC)Electrical Characteristics(NOCT) Maximum Power at STC -Pmp (W)Power TolerancečWĎ0RGXOH(IILFLHQF\67&Șm (%)Open Circuit Voltage -Voc (V)Short Circuit Current -Isc (A)Maximum Power Voltage -Vmp (V)Maximum Power Current -Imp (A)Maximum System Voltage (V)Maximum Series Fuse Rating (A)Maximum Power at NOCT -Pmp (W)Open Circuit Voltage -Voc (V)Short Circuit Current -Isc (A)Maximum Power Voltage -Vmp (V)Maximum Power Current -Imp (A)1000 or 1500(UL) 20(0,+4.99)SEG-6MA-360WWModule TypeModule TypePacking Configuration Container Pieces per Pallet Pallets per Container Pieces per Container40’GP26246241956 x 992 x 40mmč77.01×39.06×1.58 inch)Mechanical SpecificationsExternal Dimensions1956 x 992 x 40 mmč77.01×39.06×1.58 inch)Weight21.5 kgč47.4 lbsĎSolar CellsFront Glass3.2 mm tempered glass, low ironFrameAnodized aluminium alloyJunction BoxIP67Output Cables12AWG, cable length:1200 mmConnectorMC4 CompatibleMonocrystalline, 6 inch (72pcs.)01020304050Voltage [V]024681012Current [A]Incident Irrad. = 1000 W/m²Cells temp. = 25 °CIncident Irrad. = 800 W/m²Incident Irrad. = 600 W/m²Incident Irrad. = 400 W/m²Incident Irrad. = 200 W/m²01020304050Voltage [V]024681012Current [A]Incident Irrad. = 1000 W/m²Cells temp. = 10 °CCells temp. = 25 °CCells temp. = 40 °CCells temp. = 55 °CCells temp. = 70 °CFire Performance Type2 or Type1(UL) Mounting holes8x9x14mmĊIAA942±1SERIAL NUMBER992±11956±11676±11176±1Grounding holes2×Ø4positive ( + )negative ( - )Junction BoxConnector1200±110±1Label14±1400±1BMounting holes4x7x10mm950±140±1I914R4.55:1II707070702:1B5:1R3.510Section A-A10:13540* All Dimensions in mm* The above drawing is a graphical representation of the product.SERAPHIM ENERGY GROUP, INC.BWSTC: lrradiance 1000 W/m², module temperature 25°C, AM=1.5NOCT: lrradiance 800 W/m², ambient temperature 20°C, wind speed :1m/sSpecifications are subject to change without further notification.WW: WHITE BACK-SHEET / SILVER FRAME PRODUCTS 37047.89.8838.99.5219.07SEG-6MA-370WW37548.09.9639.19.6019.33SEG-6MA-375WW26743.87.8436.17.4027444.17.9736.47.5327844.38.0536.67.60Specifications are subject to change without notification SEG-DS-EN-2019V1.0 © Copyright 2019 Seraphim36047.49.7038.59.3618.5536547.69.7838.79.4418.81SEG-6MA-365WWSEG-6MA-360WWSEG-6MA-365WWSEG-6MA-370WWSEG-6MA-375WW27144.07.936.37.47 Power OptimizerFor North AmericaP320 / P340 / P370 / P400 / P401 / P405 / P485 / P50525YEARWARRANTYPV power optimization at the module-levelSpecifically designed to work with SolarEdgeinvertersUp to 25% more energySuperior efficiency (99.5%)Mitigates all types of module mismatch losses,from manufacturing tolerance to partialshadingFlexible system design for maximum spaceutilizationFast installation with a single boltNext generation maintenance with module-level monitoringMeets NEC requirements for arc faultprotection (AFCI) and Photovoltaic RapidShutdown System (PVRSS)Module-level voltage shutdown for installerand firefighter safetysolaredge.comPOWER OPTIMIZERPower OptimizerFor North AmericaP320 / P340 / P370 / P400 / P401 / P405 / P485 / P505Optimizer model(typical modulecompatibility)P320(for 60-cellmodules)P340(for high- power60-cellmodules)P370(for higher- power60 and 72- cellmodules)P400(for 72 &96-cellmodules) P401(for highpower 60and 72 cellmodules)P405(for high- voltagemodules)P485(for high- voltagemodules)P505(for highercurrentmodules)INPUTRated Input DC Power(1)320 350 370 400 485 505 WAbsolute Maximum Input Voltage(Voc at lowest temperature)48 60 80 60125(2)83(2)VdcMPPT Operating Range 8 - 48 8 - 60 8 - 80 8-60 12.5 - 105 12.5 - 83 VdcMaximum Short Circuit Current(Isc)11 11.02 11 10.1 11.75 11 14 AdcMaximum DC Input Current 13.75 12.5 14.65 12.5 17.5 AdcMaximum Efficiency99.5 %Weighted Efficiency 98.8 98.6 %Overvoltage CategoryIIOUTPUT DURING OPERATION(POWER OPTIMIZER CONNECTED TO OPERATING SOLAREDGE INVERTER)Maximum Output Current15 AdcMaximum Output Voltage 60 85 VdcOUTPUT DURING STANDBY(POWER OPTIMIZER DISCONNECTED FROM SOLAREDGE INVERTER OR SOLAREDGE INVERTER OFF)Safety Output Voltage per PowerOptimizer1 ± 0.1 VdcSTANDARD COMPLIANCEEMCFCC Part15 Class B, IEC61000-6-2, IEC61000-6-3SafetyIEC62109-1 (class II safety), UL1741MaterialUL94 V-0, UV ResistantRoHSYesINSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONSMaximum Allowed SystemVoltage1000 VdcCompatible inverters All SolarEdge Single Phase and Three Phase invertersDimensions (W x L x H) 129 x 153 x 27.5 / 5.1 x 6 x 1.1 129 x 153 x 33.5/ 5.1 x 6 x 1.3129 x 153 x 29.5/ 5.1 x 6 x 1.16129 x 159 x 49.5 / 5.1 x 6.3 x 1.9 129 x 162 x 59/ 5.1 x 6.4 x 2.3mm/inWeight (including cables) 630 / 1.4 750 / 1.7 655 / 1.5 845 / 1.9 1064 / 2.3 gr / lbInput ConnectorMC4(3)Single or dualMC4(3)(4)MC4(3)Input Wire Length 0.16 / 0.520.16 or 0.9/0.52 or 2.95(5)0.16 / 0.52 m / ftOutput Wire Type / Connector Double Insulated / MC4Output Wire Length 0.9 / 2.95 1.2 / 3.9 m / ftOperating Temperature Range(6)-40 to +85 / -40 to +185Ü&/Ü)Protection RatingIP68 /7\SH 3Relative Humidity0-100 %  Rated power of the module at STC will not exceed the optimizer “Rated Input DC Power”. Modules with up to +5% power tolerance are allowed  NEC 2017 requires max input voltage be not more than 80V  For other connector types please contact SolarEdge  For dual version for parallel connection of two modules use P485-4NMDMRM. Inthe case of an odd number of PV modules in one string, installing one P485 dual version power optimizer connected to one PV module. When connecting a single module seal the unused input connectors with the supplied pair of seals  Longer inputs wire length are available for use. For 0.9m input wire length order P401-xxxLxxx  For ambient temperature above +85°C / +185°F power de-rating is applied. Refer to Power Optimizers Temperature De-Rating Technical Note for moredetailsPV System Design Using aSolarEdge Inverter(7)(8)Single PhaseHD-WaveSingle phaseThree Phase for208V gridThree Phase for277/480V gridMinimum String Length(Power Optimizers) P320, P340, P370,P400, P4018 10 18P405, P485, P505 6 8 14Maximum String Length (Power Optimizers) 25 2550(9)Maximum Power per String5700 (6000 withSE7600-US - SE11400- US)52506000(10)12750(11)W Parallel Strings of'L੔HUHQWLengths or Orientations Yes  )RUGHWDLOHGVWULQJVL]LQJLQIRUPDWLRQUHIHUWRKWWSZZZVRODUHGJHFRPVLWHVGHIDXOWILOHVVWULQJBVL]LQJBQDSGI  ,WLVQRWDOORZHGWRPL[333ZLWK33333LQRQHVWULQJ  $VWULQJZLWKPRUHWKDQRSWLPL]HUVGRHVQRWPHHW1(&UDSLGVKXWGRZQUHTXLUHPHQWVVDIHW\YROWDJHZLOOEHDERYHWKH9UHTXLUHPHQW  )RU9JULGLWLVDOORZHGWRLQVWDOOXSWR:SHUVWULQJZKHQWKHPD[LPXPSRZHUGL੔HUHQFHEHWZHHQHDFKVWULQJLV:  )RU9JULGLWLVDOORZHGWRLQVWDOOXSWR:SHUVWULQJZKHQWKHPD[LPXPSRZHUGL੔HUHQFHEHWZHHQHDFKVWULQJLV:© SolarEdge Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. SOLAREDGE, the SolarEdge logo, OPTIMIZED BY SOLAREDGE are trademarks or registered trademarks of SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. All other trademarks mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners. Date:/2021 DS-000044-1.-NA. Subject to change without notice. 40 INVERTERS solaredge.comOptimized installation with HD-Wave technology6SHFLÀFDOO\GHVLJQHGWRZRUNZLWKSRZHURSWLPL]HUV%XLOWLQPRGXOHOHYHOPRQLWRULQJ2XWGRRUDQGLQGRRULQVWDOODWLRQ2SWLRQDO5HYHQXHJUDGHGDWD$16,&&ODVV DFFXUDF\ 5HFRUGEUHDNLQJH඼FLHQF\)L[HGYROWDJHLQYHUWHUIRUORQJHUVWULQJV,QWHJUDWHGDUFIDXOWSURWHFWLRQDQGUDSLGVKXWGRZQIRU1(&DQGSHUDUWLFOHDQG([WUHPHO\VPDOO8/6$FHUWLÀHGIRU&38&5XOHJULGFRPSOLDQFHSingle Phase Inverter with HD-Wave Technologyfor North America6(+866(+866(+866(+866(+866(+866(+8612-25YEARWARRANTYSE3000H-US SE3800H-US SE5000H-US SE6000H-US SE7600H-US SE10000H-US SE11400H-USOUTPUT Rated AC Power Output 30003800 @ 240V3300 @ 208V50006000 @ 240V5000 @ 208V7600 1000011400 @ 240V10000 @ 208VVAMaximum AC Power Output 30003800 @ 240V3300 @ 208V50006000 @ 240V5000 @ 208V7600 1000011400 @ 240V10000 @ 208VVAAC Output Voltage Min.-Nom.-Max. (211 - 240 - 264)9999999VacAC Output Voltage Min.-Nom.-Max. (183 - 208 - 229)-9-9--9VacAC Frequency (Nominal)59.3 - 60 - 60.5(1)HzMaximum Continuous Output Current @240V12.5 16 21 25 32 42 47.5 AMaximum Continuous Output Current @208V-16-24- -48.5AGFDI Threshold1AUtility Monitoring, Islanding Protection, &RXQWU\&RQÀJXUDEOH7KUHVKROGVYesINPUT Maximum DC Power @240V 4650 5900 7750 9300 11800 15500 17650 WMaximum DC Power @208V - 5100 - 7750 - - 15500 WTransformer-less, Ungrounded YesMaximum Input Voltage480 VdcNominal DC Input Voltage 380 400 VdcMaximum Input Current @240V(2)8.5 10.5 13.5 16.5 20 27 30.5 AdcMaximum Input Current @208V(2)-9-13.5--27AdcMax. Input Short Circuit Current45 AdcReverse-Polarity ProtectionYesGround-Fault Isolation Detection 600k Sensitivity0D[LPXP,QYHUWHU(੕FLHQF\99 99.2 %&(&:HLJKWHG(੕FLHQF\9999 @ 240V98.5 @ 208V%Nighttime Power Consumption< 2.5 WADDITIONAL FEATURESSupported Communication Interfaces RS485, Ethernet, ZigBee (optional), Cellular (optional)Revenue Grade Data, ANSI C12.20 Optional(3)Rapid Shutdown - NEC 2014 and 2017 690.12Automatic Rapid Shutdown upon AC Grid DisconnectSTANDARD COMPLIANCE Safety UL1741, UL1741 SA, UL1699B, CSA C22.2, Canadian AFCI according to T.I.L. M-07Grid Connection Standards IEEE1547, Rule 21, Rule 14 (HI)EmissionsFCC Part 15 Class BINSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS AC Output Conduit Size / AWG Range 1" Maximum / 14-6 AWG 1" Maximum /14-4 AWGDC Input Conduit Size / # of Strings / AWG Range0D[LPXPᐎULQJV$:* 0D[LPXPᐎULQJV$:*Dimensions with Safety Switch (HxWxD)17.7 x 14.6 x 6.8 / 450 x 370 x 174 21.3 x 14.6 x 7.3 / 540 x 370 x 185in / mmWeight with Safety Switch 22 / 10 25.1 / 11.4 26.2 / 11.9 38.8 / 17.6OENJNoise < 25 <50 dBACoolingNatural ConvectionOperating Temperature Range -13 to +140 / -25 to +60(4) Ü)Ü&RSWLRQ (5)Ü)Ü&Protection Rating NEMA 4X (Inverter with Safety Switch)(1) For other regional settings please contact SolarEdge support (2)$KLJKHUFXUUHQWVRXUFHPD\EHXVHGWKHLQYHUWHUZLOOOLPLWLWVLQSXWFXUUHQWWRWKHYDOXHVᐎDWHG (3) Revenue grade inverter P/N: SExxxxH-US000NNC2(4) For power de-rating information refer to: KWWSVZZZVRODUHGJHFRPVLWHVGHIDXOWÀOHVVHWHPSHUDWXUHGHUDWLQJQRWHQDSGI(5) -40 version P/N: SExxxxH-US000NNU4 SE3000H-USSE3800H-USSE5000H-USSE6000H-USSE7600H-USSE10000H-USSE11400H-USOUTPUTRated AC Power Output30003800 @ 240V3300 @ 208V50006000 @ 240V5000 @ 208V76001000011400 @ 240V10000 @ 208VVAMaximum AC Power Output 30003800 @ 240V3300 @ 208V50006000 @ 240V5000 @ 208V76001000011400 @ 240V10000 @ 208VVAAC Output Voltage Min.-Nom.-Max.(211 - 240 - 264)9999999VacAC Output Voltage Min.-Nom.-Max.(183 - 208 - 229)-9-9--9VacAC Frequency (Nominal)59.3 - 60 - 60.5(1)HzMaximum Continuous Output Current @240V12.5162125324247.5AMaximum Continuous Output Current @208V-16-24--48.5AGFDI Threshold1AUtility Monitoring, Islanding Protection,&RXQWU\&RQÀJXUDEOH7KUHVKROGVYesINPUTMaximum DC Power @240V4650590077509300118001550017650WMaximum DC Power @208V-5100-7750--15500WTransformer-less, Ungrounded YesMaximum Input Voltage480VdcNominal DC Input Voltage380400VdcMaximum Input Current @240V(2)8.510.513.516.5202730.5AdcMaximum Input Current @208V(2)-9-13.5--27AdcMax. Input Short Circuit Current45AdcReverse-Polarity ProtectionYesGround-Fault Isolation Detection600k Sensitivity0D[LPXP,QYHUWHU(੕FLHQF\9999.2%&(&:HLJKWHG(੕FLHQF\9999 @ 240V98.5 @ 208V%Nighttime Power Consumption< 2.5WADDITIONAL FEATURESSupported Communication InterfacesRS485, Ethernet, ZigBee (optional), Cellular (optional)Revenue Grade Data, ANSI C12.20Optional(3)Rapid Shutdown - NEC 2014 and2017 690.12Automatic Rapid Shutdown upon AC Grid DisconnectSTANDARD COMPLIANCESafetyUL1741, UL1741 SA, UL1699B, CSA C22.2, Canadian AFCI according to T.I.L. M-07Grid Connection StandardsIEEE1547, Rule 21, Rule 14 (HI)EmissionsFCC Part 15 Class BINSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS AC Output Conduit Size / AWG Range1" Maximum / 14-6 AWG1" Maximum /14-4 AWGDC Input Conduit Size / # of Strings / AWG Range0D[LPXPᐎULQJV$:*0D[LPXPᐎULQJV$:*Dimensions with Safety Switch (HxWxD)17.7 x 14.6 x 6.8 / 450 x 370 x 17421.3 x 14.6 x 7.3 / 540 x 370 x 185in / mmWeight with Safety Switch22 / 1025.1 / 11.426.2 / 11.938.8 / 17.6OENJNoise < 25<50dBACoolingNatural ConvectionOperating Temperature Range -13 to +140 / -25 to +60(4) Ü)Ü&RSWLRQ (5)Ü)Ü&Protection Rating NEMA 4X (Inverter with Safety Switch)(1) For other regional settings please contact SolarEdge support(2)$KLJKHUFXUUHQWVRXUFHPD\EHXVHGWKHLQYHUWHUZLOOOLPLWLWVLQSXWFXUUHQWWRWKHYDOXHVᐎDWHG(3) Revenue grade inverter P/N: SExxxxH-US000NNC2(4) For power de-rating information refer to:KWWSVZZZVRODUHGJHFRPVLWHVGHIDXOWÀOHVVHWHPSHUDWXUHGHUDWLQJQRWHQDSGI(5) -40 version P/N: SExxxxH-US000NNU4Single Phase Inverterwith HD-Wave Technology for North America6(+866(+866(+866(+866(+866(+866(+86Œ6RODU(GJH7HFKQRORJLHV,QF$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG62/$5('*(WKH6RODU(GJHORJR237,0,=('%<62/$5('*(DUHWUDGHPDUNVRUUHJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUNVRI6RODU(GJH7HFKQRORJLHV,QF$OORWKHUWUDGHPDUNVPHQWLRQHGKHUHLQDUHWUDGHPDUNVRIWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHRZQHUV'DWH9(1*1$06XEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFH pe.eaton.com Eaton general duty cartridgefuse safety switchDG222NRBUPC:782113144221Dimensions:Height:14.37 IN●Length:7.35 IN●Width:8.4 IN●Weight:10 LBNotes:Maximum hp ratings apply only when dualelement fuses are used. 3-Phase hp rating shown isa grounded B phase rating, UL listed.Warranties: Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year fromthe date of installation of the Product oreighteen (18) months from the date of shipmentof the Product, whichever occurs first.●Specifications:Type:General duty, cartridge fused●Amperage Rating:60A●Enclosure:NEMA 3R●Enclosure Material:Painted galvanized steel●Fuse Class Provision:Class H fuses●Fuse Configuration:Fusible with neutral●Number Of Poles:Two-pole●Number Of Wires:Three-wire●Product Category:General duty safety switch●Voltage Rating:240V●Supporting documents:Eatons Volume 2-Commercial Distribution●Eaton Specification Sheet - DG222NRB●Certifications: UL Listed●Product compliance:No Data______________________________________________________________________© 2016 Eaton. All rights reserved. The RockIt system is the industry’s premier rail-less PV racking system for composition shingle, tile, and metal roofs. Designed in conjunction with the needs of installers, RockIt quickly & easily installs with a single tool. Featuring an easy-to-position alignment slide and a top-down leveling system, RockIt is logistically intelligent with no need to ship or transport long rails. Components are DYDLODEOHLQDEODFNȴQLVKWKDWFRPSOHPHQWVERWKFRPPHUFLDOand residential applications. Conforms to UL 2703. FEATURES & BENEFITS• Patented watertight technology • Fully integrated bonding• Top-down leveling system•North-South adjustability• Single tool installCOMPLETE RAIL-LESS RACKING SYSTEMSTREAMLINED INSTALLATION WITH MINIMAL ROOF PENETRATIONSComposition Shingle, Tile, MetalRail-LessStructural-Attach Direct-AttachECOFASTENSOLAR.COMFRAME MLPE MOUNT Attaches and fully bonds MLPE’s (Module Level Power Electronics) to the module frame with a single bolt clip.COUPLING The fast installing RockIt Coupling easily attaches to the module frame to bridge the gaps between modules. ROCKIT SLIDEAvailable in three variations, the RockIt Slide allows installation on composition shingle, tile, and metal roofs.SKIRTThe sleek black Skirt installs first and acts as an alignment guide for the entire array. The Skirt End Cap does double duty as a skirt coupling device and an aesthetically-pleasing finishing touch.ROCKIT MOUNTFeaturing integrated bonding pins, the RockIt Mount connects to the Slide and can easily be positioned for fast installation. Features top-down leveling. Take your business to the next level with SFM INFINITY, UNIRAC’s rail-less PV mounting system for flush mount installations on comp shingle and tile roofs. An advanced 3rd generation product platform in use by top solar contractors nationwide, SFM INFINITY optimizes your operations on and off the roof, with approximately 40% less labor, 30% logistics savings, and 20% fewer roof attachments than traditional solar racking. Plus, 87% of homeowners prefer SFM INFINITY’s aesthetics.SUPERIOR PERFORMANCEEnhance your business with two installs per dayand 30% less cost.EASY INSTALLATIONPre-assembled components, 20% fewer roof attachments, and level array in seconds with post height adjustment. HOMEOWNER PREFERREDMore than 4 out of 5 homeowners prefer SFM INFINITY’S aesthetics over a leading rail brand.SFM INFINITYFRONT TRIM AND END CAPSUNIVERSAL COMPONENTSFIT 32 – 40MM MODULESEOWNERPREFERRED25 YEAR FULL-SYSTEM WARRANTYONE SKU FITS 32 TO 40mmREVOLUTIONIZING ROOFTOP SOLARFOR QUESTIONS OR CUSTOMER SERVICE VISIT UNIRAC.COM OR CALL (505) 248-2702REVOLUTIONIZING ROOFTOP SOLARFOR QUESTIONS OR CUSTOMER SERVICE VISIT UNIRAC.COM OR CALL (505) 248-2702SFM INFINITYDESIGN GUIDELINESAPPLICATION GUIDEWhile you will see advantages simply from switching to SFM INFINITY, the following guidelines will help you to maximize its benefits.When possible, design in landscape orientation in order to fit more modules on the roof and minimize roof attachments.DEFAULT TO LANDSCAPESFM INFINITY is easily configured in mixed array shapes and module orientations to maximize array density and to avoid vent pipes and other obstacles. Because mounting locations are not constrained by rails, SFM INFINITY has unmatched flexibility to enhance your projects.MIX MODULE ORIENTATIONSVisit UNIRAC’s mobile-friendly library of short, topic-specific videos which answer common questions and demonstrate how simple it is to install SFM INFINITY.CONSULT THE QUICK TIPS VIDEOSQuick Tips Videos: https://unirac.com/SFM-Infinity/ Layout your arrays in U-Builder, UNIRAC’s free solar design software, to optimize SFM INFINITY’S capabilities, including mixing module orientations and minimizing roof attachments. Quickly create layouts on Google or Bing Maps and generate project documents.DESIGN IN U-BUILDERU-Builder: https://design.unirac.com/ Report No. 102393982LAX-002Unirac, IncPage 2 of 107Issued: 11-Apr-2016Revised: 20-Mar-2019Product Brand nameModelsUnirac SFM2.0 Product DescriptionPhotovoltaic Mounting System, Sun Frame Microrail - Installed Using Unirac Installation Guide, Rev PUB2019MAR01 with Annex North Row Extension Installation Guide Rev PUB2019FEB20UniracDescriptionThe product covered by this report is the Sun Frame Micro Rail roof mounted Photovoltaic Rack Mounting System. This system is designed to provide bonding and grounding to photovoltaic modules. The mounting system employs anodized or mill finish aluminum brackets that are roof mounted using the slider, outlined in section 4 of this report. There are no rails within this product, whereas the 3" Micro Rail, Floating Splice, and 9" Attached Splice electrically bond the modules together forming the path to ground.The Micro Rails are installed onto the module frame by using a stainless steel bolt anodized with black oxide with a stainless type 300 bonding pin, torqued to 20 ft-lbs, retaining the modules to the bracket. The bonding pin of the Micro Rail when bolted and torqued, penetrate the anodized coating of the photovoltaic module frame to contact the metal, creating a bonded connection from module to module.The grounding of the entire system is intended to be in accordance with the latest edition of the National Electrical Code, including NEC 250: Grounding and Bonding, and NEC 690: Solar Photovoltaic Systems. Any local electrical codes must be adhered in addition to thenational electrical codes. The Grounding Lug is secured to the photovoltaic module, torqued in accordance with the installation manual provided in this document. Other optional grounding includes the use of the Enphase UL2703 certified grounding system, which requires a minimum of 2 micro-inverters mounted to the same rail, and using the same engage cable.ED 16.3.15 (20-Apr-17) MandatoryReport No. 102393982LAX-002Unirac, IncPage 3 of 107Issued: 11-Apr-2016Revised: 20-Mar-20192.0 Product DescriptionModel SimilarityOther RatingsNAFuse Rating: 30AModule Orientation: Portrait or LandscapeMaximum Module Size: 17.98 ftϸUL2703 Design Load Rating:33 PSF Downward, 33 PSF Upward, 10 PSF Down-SlopeTested Loads - 50 psf/2400Pa Downward, 50psf/2400Pa Uplift, 15psf/720Pa Down SlopeTrina TSM-255PD05.08 and Sunpower SPR-E20-327 used for Mechanical LoadingIncreased size ML test:Maximum Module Size: 22.3 ft²UL2703 Design Load Rating: 113 PSF Downward, 50 PSF Upward, 30 PSF Down-SlopeLG355S2W-A5 used for Mechanical Loading test. Mounting configuration: Four mountings on each long side of panel with the longest span of 24"UL2703 Design Load Rating: 46.9 PSF Downward, 40 PSF Upward, 10 PSF Down-Slope LG395N2W-A5, LG360S2W-A5 and LG355S2W-A5 used for used for Mechanical Loading test. Mounting configuration: Six mountings for two modules used with the maximum span of 74.5" Fire Class Resistance Rating:- Class A for Steep Slope Applications when using Type 1 Modules. Can be installed at anyinterstitial gap. Installations must include Trim Rail.- Class A for Steep Slope Applications when using Type 2 Modules. Can be installed at anyinterstitial gap. Installations must include Trim Rail.- Class A Fire Rated for Low Slope applications with Type 1 or 2 listed photovoltaic modules.This system was evaluated with a 5” gap between the bottom of the module and the roof’ssurfaceSee section 7.0 illustraction # 1 and 1a for a complete list of PV modules evaluated with these racking systemsRatingsNAED 16.3.15 (20-Apr-17) Mandatory AUTHORIZATION TO MARKApplicant: Manufacturer:Address: Address:Country: Country:Contact: Contact:Phone: Phone:FAX: FAX:Email: Email:Standard(s):Product:Brand Name:Models:This Authorization to Mark is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the Certification agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this Authorization to Mark. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this Authorization to Mark and then only in its entirety. Use of Intertek’s Certification mark is restricted to the conditions laid out in the agreement and in this Authorization to Mark. Any further use of the Intertek name for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. Initial Factory Assessments and Follow up Services are for the purpose of assuring appropriate usage of the Certification mark in accordance with the agreement, they are not for the purposes of production quality control and do not relieve the Client of their obligations in this respect.Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.545 East Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005Telephone 800-345-3851 or 847-439-5667 Fax 312-283-1672Mounting Systems, Mounting Devices, Clamping/Retention Devices, and Ground Lugs for Use with Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels [UL 2703: 2015 Ed.1]Photovoltaic Mounting System, Sun Frame Microrail - Installed Using Unirac Installation Guide, Rev PUB2019MAR01 with Annex North Row Extension Installation Guide Rev PUB2019FEB20Unirac SFMUniracControl Number:5003705Authorized by: for Dean Davidson, Certification ManagerThis document supersedes all previous Authorizations to Mark for the noted Report Number.klaus.nicolaedis@unirac.comtoddg@unirac.comjia.liu@cxymj.combuwan.luo@cxymj.comParty Authorized To Apply Mark:Same as ManufacturerReport Issuing Office:Lake Forest, CA U.S.A.Klaus NicolaedisTom YoungJia LiuRobin Luo505-462-2190 505-843-1418+86-15267030962+86-13621785753NA NAUnirac, Inc Cixi Emeka Aluminum Co. Ltd1411 Broadway Blvd NEAlbuquerque, NM 87102No. 688 ChaoSheng RoadCixi CityZhejiang Province 315311USA ChinaThis authorizes the application of the Certification Mark(s) shown below to the models described in the Product(s)Covered section when made in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Certification Agreement and ListingReport. This authorization also applies to multiple listee model(s) identified on the correlation page of the ListingReport.This document is the property of Intertek Testing Services and is not transferable. The certification mark(s) may beapplied only at the location of the Party Authorized To Apply Mark.Page 1 of 1 ATM for Report 102393982LAX-002 ATM Issued: 9-Apr-2019ED 16.3.15 (20-Apr-17) Mandatory ĐŽ&ĂƐƚĞŶ^ŽůĂƌ>>ϰϭϰϭtsĂŶƵƌĞŶ^ƚ͕^ƚĞϮWŚŽĞŶŝdž͕ϴϱϬϬϵd>͗;ϴϳϳͿϴϱϵͲϯϵϰϳƚƚŶ͗͘ĐŽ&ĂƐƚĞŶ^ŽůĂƌ>>ͲŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐĞƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚ^ƵďũĞĐƚ͗ŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐĞƌƚŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶĨŽƌƚŚĞ^ƚĂƚĞŽĨ&ůŽƌŝĚĂƵŝůĚŝŶŐŽĚĞƐ͗ ϭ͘ ^ͬ^/ϳͲϭϲ͕DŝŶŝŵƵŵĞƐŝŐŶ>ŽĂĚƐĨŽƌƵŝůĚŝŶŐƐĂŶĚKƚŚĞƌ^ƚƌƵĐƚƵƌĞƐ͕ďLJŵĞƌŝĐĂŶ^ŽĐŝĞƚLJŽĨŝǀŝůŶŐŝŶĞĞƌƐϮ͘ ϮϬϮϬ&ͲƵŝůĚŝŶŐ͕ϳƚŚĚŝƚŝŽŶ͕ĂƐĞĚŽŶϮϬϭϴ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůƵŝůĚŝŶŐŽĚĞϯ͘ ϮϬϮϬ&RͲZĞƐŝĚĞŶƚŝĂů͕ϳƚŚĚŝƚŝŽŶ͕ĂƐĞĚŽŶϮϬϭϴ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůZĞƐŝĚĞŶƚŝĂůŽĚĞϰ͘ ϰϮϴ͕ĐĐĞƉƚĂŶĐĞƌŝƚĞƌŝĂĨŽƌDŽĚƵůĂƌ&ƌĂŵŝŶŐ^LJƐƚĞŵƐhƐĞĚƚŽ^ƵƉƉŽƌƚWŚŽƚŽǀŽůƚĂŝĐ;WsͿWĂŶĞůƐ͕EŽǀĞŵďĞƌϭ͕ϮϬϭϮďLJ/Ͳ^ϱ͘ ůƵŵŝŶƵŵĞƐŝŐŶDĂŶƵĂůϮϬϭϱ͕ďLJdŚĞůƵŵŝŶƵŵƐƐŽĐŝĂƚŝŽŶ͕/ŶĐ͘ϲ͘ E^/ͬtE^ͲϮϬϭϴ͕EĂƚŝŽŶĂůĞƐŝŐŶ^ƉĞĐŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶĨŽƌtŽŽĚŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶ͕ďLJƚŚĞŵĞƌŝĐĂŶtŽŽĚŽƵŶĐŝůĞƐŝŐŶƌŝƚĞƌŝĂ͗ ZŝƐŬĂƚĞŐŽƌLJ//^ĞŝƐŵŝĐĞƐŝŐŶĂƚĞŐŽƌLJсͲdžƉŽƐƵƌĞĂƚĞŐŽƌLJс͕ΘĂƐŝĐtŝŶĚ^ƉĞĞĚ;ƵůƚŝŵĂƚĞͿƉĞƌ^ϳͲϭϲсϵϬŵƉŚƚŽϭϴϬŵƉŚ'ƌŽƵŶĚ^ŶŽǁ>ŽĂĚсϬƚŽϲϬ;ƉƐĨͿdŚŝƐůĞƚƚĞƌĐĞƌƚŝĨŝĞƐƚŚĂƚƚŚĞůŽĂĚŝŶŐĐƌŝƚĞƌŝĂĂŶĚĚĞƐŝŐŶďĂƐŝƐĨŽƌƚŚĞĐŽ&ĂƐƚĞŶͲZŽĐŬ/ƚ^LJƐƚĞŵ^ƉĂŶdĂďůĞƐĂƌĞŝŶĐŽŵƉůŝĂŶĐĞǁŝƚŚƚŚĞĂďŽǀĞĐŽĚĞƐ͘/ĨLJŽƵŚĂǀĞĂŶLJƋƵĞƐƚŝŽŶƐŽŶƚŚĞĂďŽǀĞ͕ĚŽŶŽƚŚĞƐŝƚĂƚĞƚŽĐĂůů͘WƌĞƉĂƌĞĚďLJ͗W^͕/ŶĐ͘ʹ^ƚƌƵĐƚƵƌĂůŶŐŝŶĞĞƌƐZŽƐĞǀŝůůĞ͕DĂLJϮϭ͕ϮϬϮϭW^͕/ŶĐ͘ʹ^ƚƌƵĐƚƵƌĂůŶŐŝŶĞĞƌƐŚĂƐƉƌŽǀŝĚĞĚĞŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐĂŶĚƐƉĂŶƚĂďůĞƐĨŽƌƚŚĞĐŽ&ĂƐƚĞŶͲZŽĐŬ/ƚ^LJƐƚĞŵ͕ĂƐƉƌĞƐĞŶƚĞĚŝŶW^ZĞƉŽƌƚηϮϬϭϱͲϬϱϴϴϰ,'͘Ϭϳ͘Ϭϭ͕ΗŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐĞƌƚŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶĨŽƌƚŚĞĐŽ&ĂƐƚĞŶͲZŽĐŬ/ƚ^LJƐƚĞŵĨŽƌ'ĂďůĞĂŶĚ,ŝƉZŽŽĨƐΗ͘ůůŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶ͕ĚĂƚĂ͕ĂŶĚĂŶĂůLJƐŝƐƚŚĞƌĞŝŶĂƌĞďĂƐĞĚŽŶ͕ĂŶĚĐŽŵƉůLJǁŝƚŚ͕ƚŚĞĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐďƵŝůĚŝŶŐĐŽĚĞƐĂŶĚƚLJƉŝĐĂůƐƉĞĐŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶƐ͗ZĞ͗ZĞƉŽƌƚηϮϬϭϱͲϬϱϴϴϰ,'͘Ϭϳ͘ϬϭʹĐŽ&ĂƐƚĞŶͲZŽĐŬ/ƚ^LJƐƚĞŵĨŽƌ'ĂďůĞĂŶĚ,ŝƉZŽŽĨƐEXP. 02/28/2023ZACHERPAULK.ENSECILARIDAOLFNOISSEFORP LENGINEERSTATE OFNo. 7352205/21/2021THIS ITEM HAS BEEN ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED AND SEALED BY PAULK. 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