HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONAll APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION T0 BE ACCEPTED Date: ,a~17-a ` ` PermitNumber:,-` Sfur;ELGHE--.,iHa Building Permit Application Plann.ing and Development Services Building and code Regulation Division Commerc ial .~ Residential 2300 V'Irg'Inia Avenue, Fort P.ierce FL 34982 Phone: (772)462-1553 Fax: (772)462-1578 CBDG Fundin8 PER,1,-I,.`.,,-,-.^\*-,M IT AP PLI CATI O N FOR: `1,`{1 T\\;E,z `t\`=i======= . _\` ` ` ` ` +.I ` I+,1 \-111 ++, ++,, \ , "'it:.h```:I.(:£`.>`r.`'.7t\:,:Jil.?::;.,''\{`:A?I/``z^{;`i\,'.<'i;r£}\;`j`~:,I;~'.f,f>`'\;;,\`t:.I/;I\':.\:.'c\,`{.{\.,,i}\'\i I,-,;,'::`:`.i),;I:;*-/;,,tis'.:;:.I.`(,,,.. Address:q`Hi)O `S.Ocf¥Pn Q/ -#fpct propertyT:XTD #: u+F]Qa -(bfS -01 i cJE3 -C=)Cro -`< Lot No. Site plan Name: is(fl^ri fj a ni`wh) BiockNO. Project Name: I;-`..'.. '`|/',: .`. 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Namekffl/`neHq C`Fcn A .A Name.( lr)<FDh ()f±lrz=)1J£.A^ LC;4^J AddresS:C¥lr`j .Sflf f]'l:^£04 # ldsG)I --~ Flr't>/ljryll^ i/th/Company: 1111C.fry..\ ` / ---- StatH=L`Address:r`\S? NF Ti/xiF thDL/ , Zip cod-e±HJqLfT7-Fax: f cz,,tp.Eode._ , _ +ax.i phone No.~CTrbuL-7 ` \#-Oto! 4iL E- Mail: I phone No ila~/ (trfu`a -ffi `f¥57a i z 11[1Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page (if different E-Mail r)hpfo ) )ro Cia-C}-r -r` Cn;'vi>57Z from the Owner listed above)stateo!couffiJLicen'seftrr lfr|T C-- .L '*'.) lf value of construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. If value of HAVC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. i,`f?,i.-`j-:.:`,:i:),I(?`|'``,;?;--'tJ,-,`,?,,Jtt,(;i,A-a;.,-,.ii::t3,?Z``}``I;j'Z)`')i:``}`;f`````:\,``r`t`I'1`Z;`{,;\r,`.;'Z':``;.`.,{`.```/i?}`=`-I/\`,:\.,?``?r.`?`.,},`_`:\'',t||:``\'.\>fl`{,\,ch=(./,,\..;`.i/\YT`,`',,,`;.~:*i:^ri`^`S[,Si.i,`!:.=\:{L±`Si`7,<S{is5!.'`.:`,,':`::..i.`i``:`(..:,i.it`'€*7;=\-€==z:i \-'.,-\: 'fu ,``,\ 1,.'|.i?.I.`i`:, . -,` `€,` '. `wl,::, a T I i.:-`T:\.I ., ,: r:| `\` ,-), <_\ -`,.`| r,l i.&h`==1^`-.J*:CT*=7fii:i:7:i `J:{:';:-`,:l=1liiz,ifu,`=l:,J, i:::::::±::I:;::i:::::!i;::iif!:i::::::::::i:`S:;;i;::`S:,,ffl':'T:i,i;.::I::A,I:I;-`.:-:J`,I;;,/S\``^k,i;:;`. I-^?!;-.;,..':,:,&¢ DESIGNER/E NGINEER: Not App icable MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Applicable Name:Name: Address:Address:\ Zj':¥: Phone \\ \tat\City: ( \\ state : Zi : P on .\\ \ \ \\ \-\\- LEaEms:YPLE T'TLE HOLDER: REt rp Tc\b,e R:mNep,NGCoNv:fN°tAPplicab|e ress: I Address: ) ' '' C,ty:City. ' Zip: Phone:Zip, Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. !tfuLccutcu::oe#|:Ta!sy¥Tt!:a:n:¥,aof|ReLPc,aeofLe#agtfao:gt!:t::s:%rsasngt:I:g|iag!e:LnTg,!r,ewti#a;#y!:o:r:::n:d:i:f:P?en:a:nylti:tit,ard[:##![d#iFau#:hcitpyiit:tccthure ln consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in paying twice for ents to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded in the on the I.obsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult before commencin work or recordin public records of St our Notice of Commencement. Signature of Contractor -or Owner Builder as applicable Personally Known Type Of v' OR Produced Identification tification Produc Commi =8T-%`t, 7 ,.;RE[;:JOAN "YER ce 282897 ExplrosD~9.2022 eouiedThruBudg.tlloen/Sonfo. REVIEWS FRONT COUNTER ZONING REVIEW SUPERVISOR REVIEW PLANS REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED