HomeMy WebLinkAboutSIGN & AWNINGWAWA #5380 Ft. Pierce, FL WITH HEIGHT ATTHE CROWN OF THE ROAD RECEIVED @20' ELEVATION JAN 12 2022 '5tl Ia149ia 00t4nty Rormiffing Celebrating 52 Years of Quality Manufacturing and Service Color Reference REVIEWED FOR FILE COPY DE COMPLIANCE �C Z �? �zz ....� '_ ;L01�IE COUNTY BoC� -. 2Zvr ©L 1 I: M N Itv SIGN & AWNING CO INC 4590118TH Avenue North Clearwater, Florida 33762 www.thomassign.com WAWA # 5380 Design Number: 78767 Installation Address: 121 S. Kings Highway Ft. Pierce, FL 34945 Project Identity Number: 85144 TSA BB - -- - MBV t 04.01.19 Project Updates: 11.23.19 MBV-Updated Design 10.25.21 MBV-Updated sign height 11.09.21 MBV- Updated height of base, added landscaping Underwriters �L Laboratories, Inc. LISTING E89514 ELECTRIC SIGN COMPLIES TO UL 48 THIS ARTICLE IS INTENDED TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ARTICLE SM OF ME NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE ANCOOR OTHER APPLICAS LOCAL CODES, THIS INCLUDES PROPER GROUNDING AND BON DING OF THE SIGN. TM 3MTM MCSTM Warranty ❑ Approved DATE: ❑ Approved as noted DATE: ❑ Revise & Re -Submit DATE: The designs, concepts, drawings and specifications provided are the exclusive pmperty of Thomas Sign & Awning Company and may not be reproduced in any way, shape or fashion without the express written permission WAWA #5380 Ft. Pierce, FL I T-O" Custom 4 STREET SIDE 8'-2qp" 7' 2 5/8' 1 /d'J 101-01 �— L___= E4= I , I I I L ' Drilled Pier, L - - - I6" Unreinforced � 2'-3,000 psi Concrete I Dia D/F Monument Display @ 17'OAH NOTE: ADDITIONAL 2" REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH HEIGHT AT THE CROWN OF THE ROAD @201 ELEVATION 2"x 2"1i 3/16" Alum. angle framing bolted to Steel An le Main Steel Support Saddle 2"x 2"x 3/16" Steel Angle welded to pipe SADDLE DETAIL -SCALE: NTS BOX BY OTHERS BEFORE DISCONNECT SWITCH BUILDING SID DECORATIVE E CAP DETAIL I NTS 700'-3, " ' r , DECORATIVE CAP DETAIL I NTS mr ` 0'-2" ' i r 0'-5" T P• A ` - — Celebrating 52 Years of Quality Manufacturing and Service Pi PAINT COLORS E1 ELECTRICAL NOTES V1 VINYL COLORS 0 FABRICATION NOTES L 7'-7„ . I �ao�c��cca4� Q�FCO Detail V bOi1O� / No 80640 _ � r YC T4 r STATE OF CROWN OF ORANGE AVE — — - @ 20' ELEVATION z LANDSCAPING —*-GRADE I 3'-4" i _i�10"Dia Standard Weight Steel Pipe '-- - - - (10.8-O.D., 0.365"Wall), 2'-6" —I ASTM A53 Type E or S Grade B Dia I or A500 Grade B or C SCALE: 1/4"= 1 '-O" NEMA BOX COUNT ❑NEMA BOX PRIMARY (QTY:2) NEMA BOX SECONDARY (QTY:1) ELECTRICAL CONSIDERATIONS: SEPARATE DEDICATED ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT(S) FOR EMC DISPLAYS CITY.2 - 60-12OV-108264-DE LED PS 2.OA QTY.6 - SELF-CONTAINED GAS PRICE UNITS 5.46A TOTAL AMPS: 7.46A NTS Scale: 1/2"=V-0" SECTION DETAIL / INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS NOTE: Threaded studs with 1" minimum embedment and install with HILTI HIT-HY 10 PLUS ANCHOR ADHESIVE TYPICAL SIGN FRAME, 1 2 1.2x2"3/16 Aluminum 2. Fillet welded joints 3.3M Scotch -Weld 4. Aluminum Faces 3 4 TOTAL SQFT = 100 PART # X ESTIMATE # X Material for a . Sign EXT. FILLER -080"ALUMINUM SHEETING FRAMING 2"X2"X31116"ALUM.ANGLE FACES: .125"ALUMINUM SHEETING CAB. TOP/BOTTOM- .063"ALUMINUM SHEETING STONE SILL, BY OTHERS POLE COVER%080"ALUMINUM SHEETING SUPPORTS' DIRECT BURIED STEEL PIPE Colors forStanding Sign FILLER TO MATCH PMS #7401-SATIN CAB. TOPBOTTOM: TO MATCH WHITE - SATIN POLE COVER -TO MATCH PMS #7401 - SATIN STONE SILL. NIA FACE SKGND• TO MATCH PMS #7401-SATIN • n N a 11 LED ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS (FACE LM *SEE PG 21 2) LED ILLUMINATED LOGO (REVERSE LIT) "SEE PGI' 3) FUELITE3000SERIES GAS PRICE DISPLAYS*SEE PG3• 4) FULL SIDE ACCESS PANELS SECURED WITH #8 X 314" FLUSH HEAD FASTENERS 5)1"VINYL BORDER 6) 2"UNISTBUT VinylNotes 1) 3M #7725.13 TOMATO RED, .1 ST SURFACE 2) 3M#7725.46KELLY GREEN, 1 ST SURFACE 3) 3M #7725-57 OLYMPIC BLUE, 1 ST SURFACE 4) 3M#7725-10WHITE PaintNotes 1) AKZO-NOBELTO MATCH PMS 7401 SATIN 2) AKZO-NOBEL WHITE SATIN 1) ULAPPROVED DISCONNECT SWITCH IN4"X4AB "NEMOX 2) SEPARATE DEDICATED ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT FOR EMC DISPLAYS 3) NEMA BOX I SURGE CARD ENCLOSURE (SEEPAGE 4 FOR DETAIL) 4) 16'MIN WHIP I ELECTRICAL PRIMARY GROUNDED ELECTRICAL ONNECTIONS N ER120071N4TION-A gELECTRIC100PE # ALL E&CTRICACL---T-OMPM7ENTSO WURV_L`LISM "DAh l?W%_S0AS PER_2917HE0 66a 3 AR0 MARKED A£ IER NEC 63". THE INSTALLA7HaTl ' DF4TRfrN7R�dG O& AE &PERFRO' S1ANDDE DTO ULN, j I AL SIGNS k7L1. RE GRWNDED A' I BCM1D__ PERNEC6a67At20 f as j 250A21. ADISCCNNECT NJi1.LT6E Pa041pEDASPEp NEC ems.;. 73JARY MECTWCAI. EtSS.L SF.$Uf4LE➢BY,C' Of1�3i TO I Y.Sjf&,—':R,yDPS'G�WL }� -HS GN--WIiT4: DU1-T AID °`. - SdLiN.fEDRi 'ICE NAiti N17HEG AA7F1E NwTOtAND FRC j TlRSSHiNISAULUSTEDAs6H�LYPERNEC6a•Il �1,!? THE LOGRTiO'1! Fg Iie=CDR'1'cCT:EWTTCNyFTER 1tlRTRLiA_ �1, t ,COMFLY.yhfl9 ARTICLE 1k1;6�j.(1) 9F TtiE TpIdAL E1.ECTRIGAL�COD`r. PER FL BLDG CODE, 7TH ED (2020)' BASIC WIND SPEED, V 160 MPH RISK CATEGORY II EXPOSURE CATEGORY C DESIGN WIND PRESSURE 64.3 PSF FL CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO 31751 REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE 71 LUcIP CUNTY adr 1I:to] MIIV SIGN & AWNING CO INC 4590118TH Avenue North Clearwater, Florida 33762 www.thomassign.com WAWA # 5380 Design Number: 78767 Installation Address: Orange Ave & IGngs Hwy Ft. Pierce, FL Project Identity Number 85144 TSA 138 MBV 10.28.21 _�.�....®.,w..�.—.. _ _ProJect Updates:. 11.15.21 MBV- Updated base height FILE C®pY DUnderwriters UL Laboratories, Inc. LISTING E89514 ELECTRIC SIGN COMPLIES TO UL 48 THIS ARTICLE IS INTENDED TO DE INSTNIM W ADOMIYA £ WITH THE REOUMIEN S OF ARTICLE BO OF Tiff 41A7101M ELECTRICAL CODE ANWOR OD ERAPAICAHE LOCAL CODES. THIS INCLUDES PROPER GROUNDWGANUeM411410FTNESCH. TM 3MT- MCSTM Warranty • • a ❑ Approved DATES�— ❑ Approved as noted DATE: ❑ Revise & Re -Submit The designs, concepts, drawings and--� specifications provided are the exclusive - property ofThomas nn & Awning Company and may not be reproduced In any way, shape or fashion without the express mdu n permission of Thomas Sign & Awning Company 1 1 of 4 WAWA #5380 Ft. Pierce, FL 3'-3" 2'-2" 0 a ANCHOR LOCATIONS Channel Letter Detail Typ: Load:14.5% Modules: 29 Watts: 8.7 of 60.0 PS: HanleyLED 60w' T-2 5/8" T-1 1 /4" P1 V-4„ ° ° Load:'53.3% Modules: 40 Watts: 32.0 of 60.0 PS: HanleyLED 60w TO. W A GOOSE W A 13 mods 9 mods 29 mods 9 mods 9 mods 10.4w 7.2w 8.7w 7.2w 7.2w 3.7 mod/ft' 5.1 mod/ft' 26.1 modify 3.6 mod/ft? 5.1 modest' 3.537 sq ft 1.775 sq ft 1.113 sq ft 2.508 sq ft 1.775 sq ft 29. Modules: Hanley LED`- Phoenix PF-2030 Mini - HLED-PF2030 40 Modules:.Ha6ley LED .-Phoenix.PF-2080 Red - HLED-PF208OR .69 Total Modules', 4M Watts 2 Power Supplies: Hanley LED'.-HanleyLED 60w 10.709 sq ft, 54.334 perimeter/feet LED Scale: 3/4"=1'-O" NTS Typ. 3-1/4" 2'-5- 3-1/4" 2'-5" 3-114" 2'-5" Celebrating 52 Years of Quality Manufacturing and Service P1 PAINT COLORS E1 ELECTRICAL NOTES V1 VINYL COLORS 5 FABRICATION NOTES 3'-3" 2-3l8" H0O OMPOMPCDJ@ ° G%Ll � (���� V1 ® Vinyi Detail \\111 1 11//`l SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" VO LI GAj ///// i NO 80640 — M , STATE OF -�� 00 111 i 1 z% Desig n Loads PER FL BLDG CODE, 7TH ED (2020) BASIC WIND SPEED, V 160 MPH RISK CATEGORY II EXPOSURE CATEGORY C DESIGN WIND PRESSURE 64.3 PSF FL CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO 31751 REVlE1MED FOR CEDE COMPLIANCE Sd: L@1G6E CpJBVTY BOCK TOTAL SQFT = 100 PART # X ESTIMATE # X BACKS: .063"ALUMINUM-PRE47NISHED W!W RETURNS:.040°ALUMINUM DEPTH: S FACES: .187"#2783RED ACRYLIC -FLAT TRIM CAP: 1 ° RED JEWELITETRIMCAP LE.D.: HANLEY LED -PHOENIX PF 2090 RED ROWS: I FASTENERS: 1/4"-20 BOLTS, NUTS &WASHERS Colors for FACES: #2793 RED ACRYLIC RETURNS INT: WHITE RETURNSEXT: TO MATCH PMS#874CBRONZE -SATIN TRIMCAP: REDJEWELITETRIMCAP LE.D.: RED Material for .,o BACKS: .150"CLEARPOLYCARBONATE RETURNS:.063"ALUMINUM DEPTH: 4" FACES: .125"ALUMINUM STAND-OFFS: 11/2" LONG STAINLESS STEEL; 1/2" OUTSIDE DIA. LE.D: HANLEY LED- PHOENIX PF-2030 MINI ROWS: I FACES: RETURNS EXT. STAND-OFFS: L.E.D.: WHIZ 1) AKZO-NOBELTO MATCH PMS PMS 874C BRONZE SATIN FINISH 1) 3M #7725-13 TOMATO RED, I ST SURFACE 2) 3M #7725.46 KELLY GREEN,1 ST SURFACE 3) 3M#7725.57OLYMPICBLUE, ISTSURFACE 4) 3M#7725.10WHITE S) 3M #373OM-U OPAQUE BRONZE NotesElectrical 1) WHITE LEDS (BOTH SIDES) 21 RED LEDS(BOTH SIDES) 3) POWER SUPPLIES -(BOTH SIDES 41 SIGN IS WIRED AS IS ON SCHEMATIC FOR POWER SUPPLY) LED MODULES=124:] 110 VOLT INPUT HANLEY SECONDARY AMP TRANSFORMER VOLTS WATTS INPUT 2 1 H60WPPS277 12 60 I 0.9 TOTAL - 1.8 (1) 20 AMP-120 VOLT CIRCUIT REQUIRED - SIGN (1) 20 AMP420 VOLT CIRCUIT REQUIRED - PRICERS In Lrn V, Im F411"[8111 E =• E •rim I r; to] N I�IR SIGN & AWNING CO INC 4590118TH Avenue North Clearwater, Florida 33762 800-526-3325 www.thomassign.com WAWA # 5380 Design Number: 78767 Installation Address: Orange Ave & Kings Hwy Ft. Pierce, FL Project Identity Number: 85144 TSA _ 86 MBV t 10.28.21 Project Updates: X FILE COPY Underwriters �L Laboratories, Inc. LISTING E89574 ELECTRIC SIGN COMPLIES TO UL 48 THIS ARTICLE IS RUNDED TO BE nbTKIFn a ALCUMM UE WITH THE RECTUM tA:NIS OF ARTH E mD OF THE rJM K ELECiRCK CODE ANCRN OT ERAARICAME LOMCOOES. THISINCLUOESP=t EERGROIMONG I[ISCN0=0F°ESION- TM 3MTM M `( STM Warranty ❑ Approved _DATE: ❑ Approved as noted DATE: ❑ Revise & Re -Submit DATE: The designs, concepts, dyawaapand spedfications provided are theesz6ssive property ofThomas Sign & Avtning C=paay and may not be reproduced in anyway, shape or fashion without the expresswrittenporn slon ofThomas Sign & Awning Company 02-4f WAWA #5380 Ft. Pierce, FL 22.00 LIGHT Celebrating 52 Years of Quality Manufacturing and Service P LON SIGN DISPLAYTO INCLUDE: • TY. 2: FL-3000-18-R-DI GAS PRICING DISPLAYS 19.50 TY.2:FL-3000-18-G-DI GAS PRICING DISPLAYS i [485] TY. 2: FL-3000-18-W-DI GAS PRICING DISPLAYS I I �` 1 LL DIMENSIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR INSTALLATION AND ECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS MUST BE CONSIDEREDAND FRONT W VIEW ,IS��� IDEVIEW DHEREDTO. FACE DOOR LATCH—/ = 46.50 [11711 0 BOTTOM VIEW 5.00 [1271 0 0.88 [221 KNOCKOUT @4 FOR 1/2" CONDUIT FITTING 01.11 [28] KNOCKOUT @2 FOR 3/4" CONDUIT FITTING 4.50 [1141 7.00 [1781 REAR VIEW THIS IS A SINGLE FACED DROP -IN DISPLAY TO BE MOUNTED IN A RECTANGULAR OPENING IN A LARGER SIGN. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. USE HOLES IN THE FRONT FLANGES OF THE CABINET TO ATTACH THE DISPLAY TO THE SIGN FACE USING (QTY 8) #10 STAIN- LESS STEEL SELF -TAPPING SHEET METAL SCREWS. THE OVERALL SIGN STRUCTURE MUST BE DESIGNED WITH SUFFICIENT VENTILATION SO THAT AIR AROUND THE DISPLAY DOES NOT EXCEED 120"F [49°C]. THE DISPLAY IS FRONT VENTILATED. NO PORTION OF THE FACE MAY BE COVERED. SIGNAL INTERCONNECT CABLES ARE PROVIDED AND MUST BE ROUTED AND CONNECTED WHEN MULTIPLE DISPLAYS ARE INSTALLED WITHIN ASINGLE SIGN. THIS DISPLAY IS A UL RECOGNIZED COMPONENT. Daktronics Fuelight Gas Prici 0 &50 [891 0 0 4.50 [1141 7.00 [1781 1 MOUNTING HOLES 1 1 � i'! 4.00 [1021 11 f/ Ii —t 11 I I�EMC PRICER lP 3.50 [891 i I 6===9 FASTENERS II 1` AS REQUIRED I 11,,—ALUM. FACE II i� 46.50 [1181] 19.50 RECOMMENDED [4951 SIGN FACE OPENING SCALE: NTS 1 1 1 1 i I 00UG,cENW-��ii � , eL No 80640 STA; E OF = Color Capablibr: One color (red, amber or green) Viewing Angle: 140 degrees horizontal x 70 degrees vertical Contrast Enhancemer:t: LEDs protrude through a punched black metal face Digit Design: 7-segment bar Service Access: Front access Control: Fuelink or alternate TOTAL SQFT = 100 PART # X ESTIMATE # X Power. 120 VAC single phase; 2.440 VAC single phase Display Dimming: 16 levels (automatic or manual control) Communication Options: Direct connect, Modem, Radio, Point of Sale (POS) interface Compliance Information: UL Recognized, cUL Recognized Reliability Features: IP=67 rating on digits, drivers, power supplies and cable connections Digit Font Options: Programmable digit segments Single -face Max. Max. Max. Single -face Cabinet Single -face Cabinet Weight Watts Watts Watts Digit Feet -Inches Meters Pounds per Face per Face perFace Height (H x W x D) (H x W x D) (kg) RED AMBER GREEN 18" 1'l 0" x 411" x 3" 0.56 x 1.25 x 0.07 30 (14) 70 70 70 Dimensions Digit Model number size A B ? FL-3000-18-R �,fi", ff. ® 10.5" "3ODE COMPLIANCE ..j CIE COUNTY 89CC 11� 7 3000 Series Drop -in digit If--oX-4 _� 1 SIGN & AWNING CO INC 4590118TH Avenue North Clearwater, Florida 33762 www.thomassign.com WAWA # 5380 Design Number: 78767 Installation Address: Orange Ave & Kings Hwy Ft. Pierce, FL Project Identity Number. 85144 TSA I BB MBV 4102821 Project Updates: X FILE COPY OUnderwriters �L Laboratories, Inc. LISnNG Es9514 ELECTRIC SIGN COMPLIES TO UL 48 THIS AUE IS o.7131CM TO EE MIAUM W ACIOM ICE WRH THE RE000glBM OF ARIWE r-00 OF THE R UXIM 3M- MCSTM Warranty ❑ Approved ❑ Approved as noted DATE: ❑ Revise & Re -Submit 3 3 of 4 WAWA #5380 Ft. Pierpe-F.L------------------ I 0'-11/ ; : 0'-11/2" I I 0'-4" - , 0'-4" L•a1 ' I ..L.L.,t.�.. �.. I I I I i ' I I ' I I I i I I I I 11t' °' IL I it I I I I I I I I I t------- � i� -�- -- j ------j A No ------------------------------ 1 � I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 4 5 6 8 I 2 I----- ------------------- I I 3 I I 7 I I I I I I 9 I I ............. .............� I I I I I I I l( I 14 I 1 I I I I 1 '1......... -......... is............... j i 11 I 1 I I I 16 10 i 1 i i 15 1 I 1e L : I I I 3- #12 CONDUCTORS 1-#12 LINE CIRCUIT 1412 NEUTRAL 1412 GREEN GROUND (2) Single Throw 120Vweatherproof disconnect switches Rated 20a-120/277v Per Nec 600-6 Located at lower side of sign cabinet 1. bt2"3/16 Aluminum 2. Fillet welded jolnts 3.3M Scotch -Weld 4. Aluminum Faces Typical Wawa D/F Pylon Sign - Section Detail Celebrating 52 Years of Quality Manufacturing and Service r- - - - - - - - -I- - - - - - - -r - - I I I - - r - - - - - - - - � I I I I I I_ �• � I i I I I I Ir -I I I I ; - - - - - - - - - - - I -----------I r----------^-1-------------------I :I I i ' I I i Ii I �J 5 25 I I I I 7 I I i01 19 I ............................ '• 0 =------------ I :0: I I j Q I I I I I I I I I I 1----------------------------------I D- s i . n L .. PER FL BLDG CODE, 7TH ED (2020) BASIC WIND SPEED, V 160 MPH RISK CATEGORY II EXPOSURE CATEGORY C DESIGN WIND PRESSURE 64.3 PSF FL CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO 31751 REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ST. L CIE COUNTY 80CC 1. PYLON SIGN DISPLAY CABINET 2. CLEAR POLYCARBONATE BACKS 3. ALUMINUM FACES 4. ALUMINUM RETURNS S. TECH SCREW ATTACHMENTTO ANGLE 6. ALUMINUM ANGLE FOR ATTACHMENT, CANTO BACK 7. 1/4"-20THRU BOLT 8. STAINLESS STEEL SPACER SLEEVE 9. LED UNITS 10. LED POWER SUPPLY 11. 1 /2"WEATHERPROOF PASS THROUGH 12. ACRYLIC FACES 13. 1"JEWELITE 14. ALUMINUM BACKS 15. ALUMINUM RETURNS 16. SCREW ATTACHMENT OF FACES 17. DRAIN HOLES W/ LIGHT COVERS IF USED OUTDOORS 18. 1/2"LISTED FLEX 19. BRANCH CIRCUIT (WIRING HOTTO HOT, NEUTRALTO NEUTRAL, GROUND / BOND TO GROUND) 20. UL RATED WIRENUTS 21. PRIMARY ELECTRICAL SOURCE (1/2"MIN. CONDUIT) NEC 22. FL-3000 SERIES GAS PRICING DISPLAY- RED 23. FL-3000 SERIES GAS PRICING DISPLAY- GREEN 24. FL-3000 SERIES GAS PRICING DISPLAY- WHITE 25. SINGLE POLE SINGLETHROW 120 VOLT WEATHERPROOF DISCONNECT SWITCH RATED 20A-120/277V PER NEC 600-6 AND LOCATED WITHIN 50' IN SIGHTOF SIGN. 26. NEMA BOX / SURGE CARD ENCLOSURE 27.2" UNISTRUT GROUNDED ELECTRICAL a ONNECTIONS 31PER1'20171Ni4T{ONALJJELr5CTRIC CODET$ ft ALL€LEC1TCCAL'dTED ROY£G S PER 1617-XEC UOJ AND VRXEDABPER K5C SSA. THEINSTALATpN CF TNEMaSiG NTLL BE LW NB.AS PER Fac,44SA AkD ifES{flNED TO UL Aa. AU. FiGffSWALBE GRIX�M7DED AANO8Ct4 INS racM.7 AW t5O;17e, q'U4SCOFd�tECT, vy1TBE'GROvpEAEPER NEC 6M PRkifARY ELE SOINiCE,Y.Ri. 0E9JIV ➢BYCBSTUYsR TO'�""` I 1 WfiWfi l!' EET, .9GN I.QCATION� SIGN10.YI. BE BULTARIJ .w WSTALI.®M CONPLWQCE MTN M EC ARTICLE EaTIJL ANO afC i Ti65-Nc aNl$A L'L LlSTEO A9,= YPE NECfA8:1 � `��� F THE�E LOCATN)N OF E 11,COWE CTLSWRCNAPT, FRPISTAL ION INFSl. ICOATP.LYW4TN ARTICLE ri09 QN))((II OF THE HATIONALTELECTPMJJ. 06P1f 4111;�e No 80640 tt r � cry s � � r � STWE OF .41/ � / O ` r/ 11iM1y1rilz SIGN & AWNING CO INC 4590118TH Avenue North Clearwater, Florida 33762 0 • www.thomassign.com WAWA # S380 Design Number: 78767 Installation Address: Orange Ave & IGngs Hwy Ft. Pierce, FL Project Identity Number 85144 Y TSA 86 -- --` MBV _ [ 102821- XroJectUpdates: FILE COPY O is Laboratories, �L Laborato0es, Inc. LISTING E89514 ELECTRIC SIGN COMPLIES TO UL 48 THIS ARTICLE IS INTQaHI TO SE DISTALL ONA[A9WWCE WRN TIE REWIFEIAM OF ARTICLE MO OF TIE RADOM ELECIWCAL CODE AND= OTHMAMICALE LOCAL CODES. THISINCLUDESPRDPMGRWNONGANDEOHOMOFTIESXK a 3MTM M `STM Warranty ❑ Approved _DATE: __ _._• ❑ Approved as noted DATE: ❑ Revise & Re -Submit DATE: Thedesign; concept; dravkmjs andw-�� Fµ spec"icallons provided are theettludve propertycfThomas Si n&Awning Company and may not be reproduced ha arryway, shape or fashion with.%. expresswrhl_ permission THOMAS Sign & Awning Company, Inc. 4590118th Avenue North Clearwater, Florida 33762 Florida Certificate of Authorization No. 31751 Installation Location: 121 S. Kings Hwy, Ft. Pierce, FL Description: 17-0" Tall Fuel Pricer Monument Sign Engineering Calculations Table of Contents Structural Calculations Client: Wawa #5380 Ft. Pierce Project Identity No.: 85144 Design No.: 78767 Structural Engineering Calculations Pages 1-11 Prepared by: John F. Dougherty, P.E. Florida P.E. No. 80640 Code: Florida Building Code, 7th Edition (2020) - Building THOMAS Sign & Awning Company, Inc. 4590 118th Avenue North Clearwater, Florida 33762 Florida Certificate of Authorization No. 31751 Installation Location: 121 S. Kings Hwy, Ft. Pierce, FL Sign geometry: Sign Height, s 17.00 feet Sign Width, B 8.00 feet Sign Face Area, As 136.00 square feet Height from grade to top of sign, h = s = 17.00 feet Say sign weighs 7 psf Then total weight = 952 Ibs Thickness of sign, t 2.17 feet Lateral wind area, Alat = t s = 36.83 square feet Structural Calculations Client: Wawa #5380 Ft. Pierce Project Identity No.: 85144 Design No.: 78767 Prepared by: John F. Dougherty Florida P.E. License No. 80640 Florida Building Code 7th Edition (2020) Building (FBC 7th) Table 1604.5; Risk Category II Fig. 1609.3; Ultimate Wind Speed, Vult 157 mph (interpolated) Use Vult 160 mph 1609.4.2; Surface Roughness C Grassy fields 1609.4.3;Exposure Category C 1 of 11 12/17/21 THOMAS Sign & Awning Company, Inc. 4590118th Avenue North Clearwater, Florida 33762 Florida Certificate of Authorization No. 31751 Structural Calculations Client: Wawa #5380 Ft. Pierce Project Identity No.: 85144 Design No.: 78767 Prepared by: John F. Dougherty Florida P.E. License No. 80640 Installation Location: 121 S. Kings Hwy, Ft. Pierce, FL For free-standing solid signs, apply ASCE 7 provisions. ASCE 7-16 Chapter 29 Wind Loads on Building Appurtenances and Other Structures... Figure 29.3-1 Clearance ratio, s/h = Aspect ratio, B/s = Cf for Case A or B Cfc1 for Case C, 0 to s Cfc2 for Case C, s to 2s Cfc3 for Case C, 2s to 3s Cfc4 for Case C, 3s to 4s Table 26.10-1; Kh = Table 26.6-1, Directionality Factor, Kd Section 26.8.2, Topographic factor, Kzt Velocity pressure, qz = qh = 0.00256 Kz Kzt Kd Vasd2 = 1.00 0.47 <2; Case C doesn't apply 1.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.87 0.85 for freestanding signs 1.00 48.5 psf Section 26.11 gust effect factor, G 0.85 Design wind pressure (Case A) = qz G Cf = 64.3 psf Eq. 29.3-1, F = qh G Cf As Case A and Case B, FAB = 8739 lb Case C, F1= qh G Cfc1 s2 = 0 lb applied s/2 = Case C, F2 = qh G Cfc2 s2 = 0 lb applied 3s/2 = Case C, F3 = qh G Cfc3 s2 = 0 lb applied 5s/2 = Case C, F4 = qh G Cfc4 s2 = 0 lb applied 7s/2 = Total force, EFL = 0 lb Lateral load, Flat = say qh G Cf Alat = 2366.73 lb (assumes Cf =1.00) 8.50 feet from end of sign 25.50 feet from end of sign 42.50 feet from end of sign 59.50 feet from end of sign i•To be shown on construction documents:Y^ i ULTIMATE WIND SPEED: 160 mph I RISK CATEGORY: II EXPOSURE CATEGORY: C DESIGN WIND PRESSURE: 64.3 psf 2 of 11 12/17/21 THOMAS Sign & Awning Company, Inc. 4590 118th Avenue North Clearwater, Florida 33762 Florida Certificate of Authorization No. 31751 Installation Location: 121 S. Kings Hwy, Ft. Pierce, FL For One Support Pole: Case B ASCE 7, Fig. 29.3-1; FAB applied 0.213 = Torsion = FAB (0.26) = F applied 0.05h = Pole base moment, MxB = FAB(0.55)h = VxB = FAB = VyB = Flat = Pole base moment, MyB = VyB (0.55h) = Structural Calculations Client: Wawa #5380 Ft. Pierce Project Identity No.: 85144 Design No.: 78767 Prepared by: John F. Dougherty Florida P.E. License No. 80640 1.60 feet from center of sign 13,982 ft-lb 0.85 feet above center 81,707 ft-lb* 8739 lb 2366.7 lb 22129 ft-lb* Case C Total load, Vxc = FAB = 0 lb Pole base moment, Mxc = Vxc (0.55)h = 0 ft-lb* Torsion, T = F1(13/2-s/2) + F2 (13/2-3s/2) + F3 (13/2-5s/2) + F4 (13/2-7s/2) T= 0 ft-lb VyB = Flat = 2366.7 lb Pole base moment, MyB = VyB (0.55h) = 22128.9 ft-lb* Vx = Mx= Torsior My= Vy = ** Resultant V=(Vx2+Vy2)1/2 = ** Resultant M=(Mx2+My2)1/2 = Case B Case C Maximum 8,739 0 8,739 81,707 0 81,707 13,982 0 13,982 22,128.9 22,128.9 22,129 2,366.7 2,366.7 2,367 9054 2367 9,054 84650 22129 84,650 lb ft-lb at grade* ft-I b ft-lb at grade* lb lb ft-lb at grade* * Moment is greater below grade; see drilled pier design ** Use resultant base shear and moment for drilled pier design For load combination 1.0 DL+ 0.6 Wind Vx = 5,243 lb Mx = 49,024 ft-lb at grade* Torsion 8,389 ft-lb My = 13,277 ft-lb at grade* Vy = 1,420 lb ** Resultant V=(Vx2+Vy2)1/2 = 5,432 lb ** Resultant M=(Mx2+My2)1/2 = 50,790 ft-lb at grade* 3 of 11 12/17/21 THOMAS Sign & Awning Company, Inc. 4590118th Avenue North Clearwater, Florida 33762 Florida Certificate of Authorization No. 31751 Installation Location: 121 S. Kings Hwy, Ft. Pierce, FL For short, free -head pier in cohesionless soil Lateral load applied to pile at grade, Pa = 5,432 lb Moment applied to pile at grade, Ma = 50,790 ft-lb Resolve Pa and Ma into a load applied at a height a above grade e = M/P = 9.4 feet Structural Calculations Client: Wawa #5380 Ft. Pierce Project Identity No.: 85144 Design No.: 78767 Prepared by: John F. Dougherty Florida P.E. License No. 80640 Torsion, T= 8389 ft-lb Diameter of the pier, b = 30 inches = 2.5 feet Note: Thomas Sign's standard truck -mounted augers are 18, 30 and 36 inches diameter X 14' max depth, 48" diameter x 6' max depth and the hand-held power auger has 6", 8" and 12" diameter bits. Embedded length below grade, L = 8.© feet Assume angle of friction, � = 30 degrees Rankine coefficient of passive pressure, Kp = tan 2(45+02) = 3.00 Unit weight of soil, y = 110.0 pcf Using Brom's method: The load that will cause soil failure, Pt = ybL3Kp/2/(e+L) = 12172.9 lb Pt >= Pa; OK Distance from grade down to the point of zero shear (max moment), f = {2Pa/(3 y b Kp)}1/2 = 2.10 feet Mmax = Pa (e+f) - Pa f /3 = 58,377 ft-lb Moment magnification = Mgrade/Mmax = 1.149 Check stresses in the sign pole embedded in concrete pier. Perimeter area of pier, Ap = 27r(b/2)(12L) = 9048 sq in Shear on soil -concrete interface=12T/(b/2)/Ap = 0.74 psi x144 = 107 psf average soil pressure =110 pcf(L/2) = 440 psf say friction coeficient, fr = 0.3 friction force = 132 psf Factor of Safety against turning =132.0 / 107 = 1.24 > 1.00; OK The auger -drilled pier spreads support reactions from the main steel support onto the supporting soil, but does not directly carry structural shear or bending moments. Those forces remain in the main support, embedded in the pier. So the concrete does not need to be reinforced to carry the loads. 4 of 11 12/17/21 THOMAS Sign & Awning Company, Inc. 4590 118th Avenue North Clearwater, Florida 33762 Florida Certificate of Authorization No. 31751 Check: ASTM A53 Type E or S Grade B Pipe OS D Structural Calculations Client: Wawa #5380 Ft. Pierce Project Identity No.: 85144 Design No.: 78767 Prepared by: John F. Dougherty Florida P.E. License No. 80640 Fy = 35 ksi W (Ib/ft) A OD ID Gom tiles Dlt lx 40.5 11.5 10.8 10 0.365 0.34 31.6 151 Zx Sx rx ly Zy Sy ry J 36.9 28.1 3.68 151 36.9 28.1 3.68 302 From drilled pier design, Max Resultant Moment, M = Resultant Lateral load on pole, Rb = Torsion, T = Free length of cantilever, h = Center of load applied above grade, H = 0.55h = Weight of sign = AISC Table 134.1, sect 15 D/t = In compression; Xr = 0.11 E / Fy = In flexure; Xp = 0.07 E/Fy = Xr = 0.31 E/Fy = AISC Chapter E; Compression AISC Section E1 58,377 ft-lb 5,432 lb 8,389 ft-lb 17.00 feet 9.35 feet 952 lb 31.60 91.14 >D/t; non -slender element 58.00 256.86 compact section f2c = 1.67 AISC Section E2 Effective length factor, K = 2.10 for cantilever KI/r = K(12H)/rx = 64.03 AISC Section E3 4.71 (E/Fy)l/z = 136 >= KI/r AISC Eq. E3-4; Fe = 69.8 ksi AISC Eq. E3-2; Fcr = 28.4 ksi AISC Eq. E3-1; Pn = Fcr Ag = 326 kips Allowable compression strength, Pc = Pn/flc = 195 kips Pole weight 40.5 Ib/ft H 9.35 feet Weight of pole = 378.7 lb Weight of sign = 952 lb Required compression, Pr = 1330.7 lb = 1.33<=195;CK 1.33 kips 5 of 11 12/17/21 THOMAS Sign & Awning Company, Inc. 4590118th Avenue North Clearwater, Florida 33762 Florida Certificate of Authorization No. 31751 AISC Chapter F; Flexure AISC Section F8 Section F8.1; Yielding S2b = 0.45 E/Fy = Eq. F8-1; Mn = Mp = FyZ = Structural Calculations Client: Wawa #5380 Ft. Pierce Project Identity No.: 85144 Design No.: 78767 Prepared by: John F. Dougherty Florida P.E. License No. 80640 1.67 372.9 D/t < 0.45 E/Fy; Sect F8 Applies 1,292 kip -in Section F8.2; Local Buckling For compact sections Section F8.2 does not apply For non -compact sections; Eq. F8-2; Mn = 1,525 kip -in For slender walled sections; Eq. F8-3; Mn = 8,510 kip -in Mn = 1,292 kip -in Allowable moment, Mc = Mn/S2b = 773 kip -in Required moment, Mr = 58,377 ft-lb = 701 inch -kip 701 <= 773; OK AISC Chapter G; Shear S2v = 1.67 Section G6; Lv is undefined since transverse shear is constant Section G6; Eq. G6-2a; Fcr = N/A Eq. G6-2b; Fcr = 127 ksi Vn = Fcr Area / 2 = 732 kips Allowable transverse shear, Vc = Vn/S2v = 438 kips Required transverse shear, Vr = 5,432 Ib = 5.43 kips inch -kip 5.43 <= 438; OK 6 of 11 12/17/21 THOMAS Sign & Awning Company, Inc. 4590118th Avenue North Clearwater, Florida 33762 Florida Certificate of Authorization No. 31751 AISC Chapter H; Combined Forces Section H3.1 S2t = HSS torsional constant, C = 7r(OD-t)2t/2 = 1.67 58.43 Structural Calculations Client: Wawa #5380 Ft. Pierce Project Identity No.: 85144 Design No.: 78767 Prepared by: John F. Dougherty Florida P.E. License No. 80640 Fcr is largest of eq. 1­13-2a and eq. 1­13-2b but shall not exceed 0.6Fy Eq. 1­13-2a; Fcr = 147 ksi Eq. 1­13-2b; Fcr = 97.2 ksi 0.6 Fy = 21.0 ksi Use Fcr = 21.0 ksi eq 1­13-1; Tn = Fcr C = 1,227.1 in -kip Allowable torsion, Tc = Tn/S2t = 734.8 in -kip Required torsion, Tr = 8,389.1 ft-lb = 100.67 inch -kip 100.67 <= 735; OK AISC Section H3.2; eq. 1­13-6 (Pr/Pc)+(Mr/Mc)+((Vr/Vc)+(Tr/Tc))Z <=1.00 0.93 <= 1.00; OK Deflection Deflection due to load Rb, 0 = Rb (12H)3/(3EIx) = 0.58 inches 2(12H)/120 = 1.87 inches* OK * Uses span = 2H in accordance with building code for cantilevers Stress Defl'n Acceptable Shape OD (in) Wall (in) Ib/ft Material Ratio Ratio 10.8 0.365 40.5 ASTM A500 Grade C 0.708 0.312 Eipep D 10.8 0.365 40.5 ASTM A500 Grade B 0.777 0.312 D 10.8 0.365 40.5 ASTM A53 Type. E or S, 0.935 0.312 i Pipe8XS 8.63 0.5 43.4 ASTM A500 Grade C 0.844 0.472 Pipe8XS 8.63 0.5 43.4 ASTM A500 Grade B 0.926 0.472 L Pipe8XS 8.63 r _0.5 43.4 ASTM A53 Type E or S, `J 1.115 0.472 lightest, selected 7 of 11 12/17/21 THOMAS Structural Calculations Sign & Awning Company, Inc. Client: Wawa #5380 Ft. Pierce 4590 118th Avenue North Project Identity No.: 85144 Clearwater, Florida 33762 Design No.: 78767 Florida Certificate of Authorization No. 31751 Prepared by: John F. Dougherty Florida P.E. License No. 80640 Installation Location: 4787 Radio Rd., Naples, FL Attachment of Channel Letters to face of sign Size of letters Ww a logo Height 2.17 1.67 1.33 feet Width 2.33 1.42 2.10 feet Area 5.055 2.366 2.805 sq. ft. Letter thickness 0.417 0.417 0.333 Max dimension 2.33 1.67 2.10 Area 0.972 0.696 0.701 sq. ft. Design wind pressure = 64.3 psf Normal Force Ww a logo Area (sq ft) 5.05 2.37 2.80 Wind pressure (psf) 64.3 64.3 64.3 Design force (lb) 324.8 152.0 180.2 No of anchors per letter 4 4 Force per anchor 81.20 50.67 45.06 lb tension Tension in bolts is 100% 100% 100% comprised of wind load Shear Force Ww a logo Area (sq ft) 0.97 0.696 0.701 Wind pressure (psf) 64.3 64.3 64.3 Design force (lb) 62.5 44.7 45.1 No of anchors per letter 4 3 4 Force Fws per anchor (lb) 15.62 14.90 11.27 wind shear Say letter weighs 5 psf, then 25.27 11.83 14.02 Ibs No of anchors per letter 4 3 4 Gravity force Fg per anchor (lb) 6.32 3.94 3.51 gravity shear Total shear force = 21.93 15.42 14.77 lb total shear Shear is 29% 7% 24% comprised of dead load and 71% 93% 76% comprised of wind load Ww a logo For load combination 1.0 DL + 0.6 Wind: 48.7 30.4 27.0 lb tension 15.7 11.0 9.25 lb shear Standoff distance from face of wall 0.00 0.00 1.50 inches Bending moment in shaft of fastener 0.00 0.00 13.9 inch -lb 8 of 11 12/17/21 THOMAS Structural Calculations Sign & Awning Company, Inc. Client: Wawa #5380 Ft. Pierce 4590118th Avenue North Project Identity No.: 85144 Clearwater, Florida 33762 Design No.: 78767 Florida Certificate of Authorization No. 31751 Prepared by: John F. Dougherty Florida P.E. License No 80640 Determine required size of through bolts for the design forces: Design Forces: Ww a logo Tension, PT: 48.7 30.4 27.0 lb Shear, PS: 15.7 11.0 9.25 lb Moment, M: 0.00 0.00 13.9 inch -lb Try Diameter = 0 25 0. 5 0.25 inch Area = 0.04911 0.04911 0.0491 sq in For A307 galvanized bolts, tensile strength = 60,000 psi From "Steel Construction Manual," 13th ed., AISC, Table 7-1 Allowable tensile stress, Fnt/n = 22,500 psi Allowable shear stress, Fnv/0 = 12,000 psi For fastener in standoff application, with moment = shear x standoff distance: Assume O.D. of spacer sleeve = 2x fastener diameter WWI al logo Spacer sleeve O.D. = 0.51 0.51 0.5 inch Resolve moment M into force couple with distance = spacer sleeve radius force in bolt due to M 0.00 0.00 55.50 lb Total Tension, P'T: 48.72 30.40 82.54 lb Tensile stress, ft = P'T/Area = 993 619 1681 psi Shear stress, fv = PS/Area = 320 225 188 psi Stress ratio = ft/(Fnt/Q) + fv/(Fnv/0) _ 0.071 0.046 _ 0.0901 <='1.00; <=1.00; <= 1.00; i OK ---OK� OK 9 of 11 12/17/21 THOMAS Sign & Awning Company, Inc. 4590118th Avenue North Clearwater, Florida 33762 Florida Certificate of Authorization No. 31751 Installation Location: 4787 Radio Rd., Naples, FL Digital Fuel Price Display Mounted to Face of Sign Size of digital price displays Height Width Area Sign thickness Max dimension For wind parallel to wall, Area = Normal Force 1.83 4.08 7.49 Structural Calculations Client: Wawa #5380 Ft. Pierce Project Identity No.: 85144 Design No.: 78767 0.00 feet 0.00 feet 0.00 sq. ft. 0.00 ft (display mounted flush to sign face, not exposed to lateral wind load) 4.08 0.00 sq. ft. Max Area (sq ft) 7.49 Wind pressure (psf) 64.3 Design force (lb) 481.0 No of anchors Force per anchor 60.1 lb tension Tension in bolts is 100% comprised of wind load Shear Force Area (sq ft) 0.00 Wind pressure (psf) 64.3 Design force (lb) 0.0 No of anchors 8 Force Fws per anchor (lb) 0.00 wind shear Sign area 7.49 sq. ft. Assumed unit weight of sign 5 psf Weight of sign, say 37.4 Ibs No of anchors 8 Gravity force Fg per anchor (lb) 4.68 gravity shear Total shear force = Fws+ Fg = 4.68 lb total shear Shear is 100% dead load and 0% wind load For load combination 1.0 DL+ 0.6 Wind: ~36.1 . Ib tension 4.68 lb shear 10 of 11 12/17/21 For #10 self -tapping sheet metal screws, screw head in contact with 1/8" alum. mounting plate and screw head not in contact with 1/8" steel angle framing See ICC Evaluation Service Evaluation Reports: ICC ESR-3223 ITW Buildex TEKS ICC ESR-2196 Hilti Self -Drilling ...Screws ICC ESR-1976 ITW Buildex Self -Drilling Fasteners ESR-3223 ESR-2196 ESR-1976 Tensile Pull -Out 404 lb Table 2 Table 2 254 lb Table 2 303 lb Tensile Pull -Over 714 lb Table 3 Table 3 943 lb Table 3 1125 lb Allow. Fast'r Tension Table 4 866 lb Table 5 455 lb Table 5 2654 lb Allow. Fast'r Shear 536 lb Table 4 Table 5 405 lb Table 5 1718 lb Allow. Shear (Bearing) 475 lb Table 5 Table 4 807 lb Table 4 962 lb Use allowable tension = 254 lb and allowable shear = 405 lb Stress ratio = 36.1 / 254 + 4.68 / 405 = 0.15 <=1.00; OK 11 of 11 12/17/21