HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL ROOFING UNDERLAYMENTprf'_ product l• Elrod Approval lic Usar Florida Building Code Online Submit Surcharge SzaCs & �:MZ Publications Can ace Us BUS Site Map Links 5earch n=jLt 3?.U? - F_ �ignu > F,L.dL�' 'Appfrca; ic.--�.5e _ c°'zcail�n Lis: } APPlicatiort QelaeE F 4 � L it Application 7ype Code Version Application Status Comments Arcrrived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method FL11602-R12 Revision 2020 Validated Owens Corning Roo€1ng and Asphalt, LLC One Owens Coming Parkway Toledo, 4H 43645 (740)321-634S Greg. Keeler@nwenscorning, cool Keeler Greg Greg. KLc ler@owenscoming,com Greg Keeler 2790 Columbus Road Granville, OH 43023 (740)321-5345 g reg. keelergowenscom ing,com 4.l Roofing Underlayments Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Flarida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Robert Nieminen Fvaluation Report Florida License PI 5915fi Quality Assurance Entity Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. - QA Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2023 Validated By John W. Knezevich, Plw Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence F' 07 Ii1ZCQI 1721 01 dtEhSItvEN_ Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard ASTM D1970 Year ASTM 04533 (tear strength) 2015 ASTM D4798 (weathering) 2u1S ASTM D4869 (liquid transmission) 2011 ASTM D5035 (tensile) 2026 FRSA/TRI, Sixth Edition 2011 UL 1897 2018 2015 Equivalence or Product Standards Certified By Mips:Nwww.tiaridahuilding,orglpr/pr 8pp_dtJ.25pX?p2ram-wGEVKQwtpgsQFc5K%2rTrZeHY$7UCe5KMr%2fslvlfIVgra38thTg8%2byKuYXg°l°3d%3d 1/? 211712O21 Florida Building Code Online Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Methad 1 Option D Date Submitted 02/12/2O21 Date Validated O2/14/2021 of Products FL # I Model, Number or Name } Description - 11642.1 'Titanium Roof Vnderiayments Synthetic sheaf -type roof underlaymerits LJmits of Usa Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant. N/A Design Pressure: +N/A/-142.5 Other, 1.) The design pressure noted herein pertains to use of a specific underlaymeot System beneath We roof systems. Refer to ER Section 5.8.3 for details. 2.) Refer to ER Sections 5 and 6 for other Limits of Use. Installation Instruct[ons F(_1160 R2�I 2Oi1 �2 1 Fli��l EF2 �tTAi`IUI� Fl L16p2 R%2:prif Verified By. Robert Niernmen PE-59166 Created by Independent Third party; Yes Evaluation Reports FL1IG02 R12 At 2023 02 12 F NAL ER T[TANtUt F1.L16N- pcdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes QMW Us ;; 2601 Blair Stone Road 7g;�ahasse• F� 3239e Phones: 850•�}67-182a the State Of FIGICle Is an WEED amAloyer..^-nnyr ht 2007-2013 State of eloride. privacy Staterns=nt :; AccessiSllity. St;32emant i' Refund StatE'rsant undeer Honda law, emal eddrcssm; are public records. Ir you do not went your a -mail address released in respertse to a publlc-retards request, do not send eiecfrontc mail io this enbly. instead, contna the offfCe by phone or by traditional mail. 1f you have any questions, please sontacc 850.437.I395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), rfond2 Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, lic'_rusims licensed under Chapter 455, F.3- must provide the Department vtith an ernall address if they haue one. The onail- provided may he used for ufficiai communic,*wi with the hwisae. iivwever email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a parsonai address, please provide the Department with an err;all addme * which can uv made avanabEe to the public. To determire if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, FS., please clIcic en- - Prvduct ApprovalAcceprs: KI ® eC---I -.: Cr8Ol Card Safe https:)lwww.f€oridabuilding-orglpr/pi app_dtl-aspx?par-am--wGEVXQwiDgsQFc5K%2tTrZigHYB7UCe5KMr%2fsMfNgra381hTg8%2byKuYXga/ 3d%3d 212 ON ENGINEEP EVALUATE Owens Corning Roofing and Asphalt, LLC One Owens Corning Parkway Toledo, OH 43659 (740)321-6345 Certificate of Authorization #92455 353 Christian Street, Unit #13 Oxford, C`1 06478 - (203)262-9245 TEST CONSULT Evaluation Report 111980.11.08-R13 FLT!602-R12 Date Of Issuance: 11/03/20US Revision 13: 02/1212021 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 51G20-3 and the appiieable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Niemfnen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 7t6 Edition (2020) Florida Building Code sections rioted herein. DESCPJP'TiON: TitaniumT, Roof Underlayments LABELING: Labefing shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein and FBC 1507.1.1. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance or production facility location(s) changes, or Code provisions that relate to the product(s) change. Acceptance of our Evaluation Reports by the named client constitutes agreement to notify MEMO ETC, LLC of any changes to the product(s), the Quality Assurance or the production facility lacation(s), NEMO ETC, LLC requires a complete review of its Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Cade Cyde. ADVERTfsEMENT: The Florida Product Approval Number (FL#) preceded by the words "NEMp[etc- Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature- if any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION, Upon request, a Copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be avaliable for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 8. Prepared by: Robert JIM. Nieminen P.E. 3 �..'-�"_. ` 'u � •a' '"' The facsimile seal a g y Florido Re Na 59165, Florida DC4 ANE3g83 %vr w`. ppearin cues Futhoried 5 Robert Nieminen, RE. an 02/32/2021- This does not serve as an CERTiFICATIGN of IND) PE?mEmcii: elel—,rani_aily signed docament. 1- NEMO ETC, LLC does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a finandai interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. NEW ETC, LLC is not owned, operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3- Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Hobert Nieminen, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product: 5. This is a buildingcode evaluation. Neither NEM4 ETC, LLC nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any Project on which this Evaluation Report. or previous versions thereof, iSfwas used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. ©2018 NEMO ETC, LLC ONEN101 2tC. ROOFING COMPONENT EVALUATION.' Product Category: Roofing Sub -Category: underlayment Compliance Statement: Titanium" Roof Underiayments, as produced by Owens Corning Roofing and Asphalt, LLC, have demonstrated compliance with the fallowing sections of the 7 h Edition (2020) Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with applicable sections the fallowing Standards, Compliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations / Conditions of Use set forth herein. Section Property Standard Year 1504.3.1 }Hind resTstanee UL 1897 2015 1507.1.1,1507.2.4, 1507.2.9.2 / R905.1.1, Material standard ASTM D1970 2025 R905.2.8.2 1507.1.1.1(Z&3, Exception), 1507.1.1.1(5} / Tear strength ASTM D4583 2015 R90S.1.1.1(2&3, hxception), R945-1.1.1(5) 1507.1.1.1(2&3, Exception},1507.1.1.,1(5) / Tensile strength tASTNI D5035 2011 R905.1.1.1(Z8�3, Exception), R905.1.1-1(5) 1S07A-I1 1(S) / H905.1.1.1(5) Liquid water transmission ASTM D4869 2016 1507.3.3 / R905.33 Material standard FRSA/TRI, Sixth Edition 2018 TAS 110 Accelerated Weathering ASTM D4793 2011 Er1_ city Examination Reference Date FRD (TST5049) Various, system tests 135520.06_i 1 06/15/2011 ERD (TST6049) Wind Uplift 135520.08.11-1 09112/2011 !TS (TST1509) FRSA/TRI, partial 3126617CQQ-005 10/31/2007 ITS(TST1S09) ASTM D4869,LWT 101R23107COQ-007A 12/09/2014 Owens Corning Product equivalency Decia:•ation 06/19/2018 NEMD (T5T6049) FRSA/TRI, tile slippage 4j-Ci(_-19-SSUDL-01.A 06114/2019 PHI(TST5878) ASTM D1970 OCF-341-02-01 09/20/2017 PHI )7ST5878) FRSA/TRI, partial OCR-343-02-01 11/09/2017 PRI (TST5878) ASTM D4798, D1970 OCF-341-02-01 11/27/2017 PRI (TST5878) TAS 117(B); Pull -through GCF-422-02-02 04/03/2018 ARi (TST5878) FRSA/TRI, partial OCF-425-02-01 OS/13/2018 PHI(T5T5879) UL2897 i37ST002 07/10/2019 PRI (TST5878) ASTM D1623, TAS 103 C7CF-507-02-01 08/13/2019 PRI(TSTS878) UL1897 1378T0117 10/20/2020 PRi (TST5878) ASTM D4533, D4798, D5035 1378TO110 10/1S/2020 PRI (TST5878) ASTM 04533, D4798, %035 1.378TD111 10/15/2020 PRI (TST5878) ASTM! D4533, D4798, D5035 1378TO112 10/1512020 PRI (TST5878) ASTM D4533, D4798, D5035 1378T0059 02/13/2020 PRI(TST5878) ASTM D8257-20 1378TOO61 01/21/2021 JS (QUA1673) Quality Control Service Confirmation 12/49/2020 ITS (QUA1673) Quality Contrpi Florida RC6 Current NEIMO E ii Y, LLC Evaluation Report i11980.11_09-R13 CartifiivteofAuthodzution #32455 7`„ EDI-M N (2(J20) FRC NOAI-"VHZ EVAI.ISA310N FL11602-R12 Titanium" Roof Underlayments Revision 13: 02/12/ZO21 Page 2 of 8 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 ONEMOWC. Product Material Standard Plant(s) Description Titanium PSU-30 AST D1970 and Dubai, UAE umeinforced polymer modified bitumen material FR5A/TRi 09-18 Brentwood, NH adhered to the underside of a polymer -coated, synthetic woven sheet. The underside is backed l with a release filet. Unit weight 24lbs1square Titaniumg UDL-25 1507.1.1.1(2&3, Clmgdao, China r synthetic sheet -type underlayment comprised of Exception), 1503.1.1.1(5) f a woven core coated on one side with a polymer R905.1.1.112&3, coating. Unit weight 25 lbs./square Exception), it905.1.1.1(5) Titanium" UbL-34 1507.1.1.1(2&3, Qingdao, China synthetic sheet -type underlayment comprised of Exception), 1507.1.1.1(5) / a woven core coaled on both shies with a R9C5.1.1.1{2&3, polymer coating. Unit weight 4.0 lbs./square Exception), R905,1.1.1[5) Titanium' UDL-50 1507.1.1.1{2&3, Qingdao, China synthetic sheet -type underlayment comprised of Exception), 1507.1A.1(5) / a woven core coated on both sides with a R905_I.1.1{2&3, polymer coating_ Unit weight 4.7lbs.fsquam ' Exception), R905.1.1.1(5) Titanium.X30 1507.1.1.1(2&3, Qingdao, China synthetic sheet -type underlayment comprised of Exception), 1507.1.1.1(5) J a non-wovon polypropylene top scrim laminated R905.1.1.1(2&3, to a central non -woven polypropylene scrim with Exception), R905.1.1.1(5) polymeric coating on the bottom side. Unit ASTM 08257 weight 5.0 Ibs./square. 5.1 This is a building code evaluation, Neither NEMO ETC, LLC nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in anyway, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in FBC High Velocity Hurricane Zone jurisdictions (i.e., aroward and Miami - Dade Counties), 5.3 This Evaluation Report pertains to above -deck roof components. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FRG requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction- 5-4 This Evaluation Report doss not include evaluation of fire classification. Refer to PBC 1505 for requirements and limitations regarding roof assembly fire classification. Refer to FBC 2603 for requirements and limitations concerning the use of foam plastic insulation. 5.5 Titanium' Roof Underlayments may be used with any prepared roof cover where the product is specifically referenced within FBC approval documents. If not listed, a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction for approvai based on this evaluation combined with supporting data for the prepared roof covering. 5.6 Allowable Roof Covers: TABLE 1: ROOF COVER OPTIONS Fac Section: 1507.2 15U7.3 2307.4 & 1507.5 2307.7 l 1507.8 & 2507,9 0and Concrete Tile Unrlerla merit y Asphalt Metal panels slate or State- Wood Shingies and nita( Adhesive- Shingles LfAttch set and Shingles Type Shingles Shakes Titanium"PSu-30 Yes yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (lointstrips, 1507,i.1.3/ (See 5_6. Z) Ft905.1.3.3) Tftanlume UDL-25 Yes No No yes Yes No NEW ETC: LLC Evaluation Report I11980.11.08-R33 Certificate 01AUrhorizotjua a3435 71M EDITION (2D20) FBC NON-HVHz rV ALUATION FL'+M592-Pi.2 Titanium® Roof Underlayments Revision 13: 02/1212021 Page 3 of 8 TABLE 1: Roof CQvER OPTIONS NNEMojetc. FBC 5ertlon: 1507.2 1507,3 1507.4 & 1507-5 j g5p7, 7 1507.8 & 1507.5 Clay and Concrete Tile underlayment Asphalt Mechanical . Adhesive- Metal Panels Slate or Slate- Vrlaod Shingles and Shingles e Shingles Attach I Set and Shingles T yp g Shakes I. Titanium® UDL-30 yes Yes Yes (1583eSheerin (Basesheetin Yes YES No 2-OYSWEM) 2-plysyzteml Titaniurne UDL-54 ! Yes No No Yes Yes T}taniums X30 Yes No No No Yes Yes No 5.6.1 Adhesive -set is limited to use of following underlayment / tile -adhesive combinations. TAULE IA: ALLOWA13LE TILE ADNE51VE / URIDERLgYMENT COMBINATIONS' Underlayment Adhesive Florida Product Approval Dupont `Tile Bond— Roof Tile Adhesive" FLZ25ZS 7ttanium� pSLJ-3p ICP Adhesives and Sealarts "Polyset� AH-160," FL6332 ICP Adhesives and 5ealants "Poiyset`s RTA-1" FL6276 5.7 Allowable Substrates: TABLE 2: SUBSTRATE OPTIONS FOR AD14ERED UNDERLAYMENTS Underiayment Application Substrates (designed to meet wind loads for project) Type Primer materialts) Deck/ sheathing (Optional) ASTNI D41 Plywood Titanium° PSU-30 self -adhering None ASTIVI D226, Type It felt f Base sheet ASTM D41 Titanium® UpL 30 i None Titaniume UDL-30 (Inverted) 5,8 Attachment Limitations. 5.8.1 For use under mechanically attached NON -TILE prepared roof coverings, attachment shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions, but — for mechanically attached underlayments or base sheets - not less than FBC 1.507.1.1 or R905.1.1. 5.8.2 For use under tiie roof systems, attachment shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions, but not less than Section 5.8.3 herein- 5.8-3 Wind Resistance for Underla mentS stems in Tile Roof A lications: The f3kWing wind uplift limitations apply to underlayment systems that are not prescnptive in the FRSA/TRI Florida Nigh Wind Concrete and Clay Raof Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition, The Maximum Design Pressure is the result Of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads, and reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2 (the 2 to 1 margin of safety per FBC 1504-9 has already been applied). S-8.3.1 Direct _ _ t4_Deck: The maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed that required Under FRSA/TRI Florida high Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Inszalhrtion Manual, Sixth Edition, Appendix A, Table IA or the critical f highest) design pressure determined in accordance with FBC 1609 or FBC Residential Chapter 3. t Aefer to Tile Manufactijrer5 or Adhesive MuOvfacturer's Florida product Approval for Overturning Moment Resistance Performance, MEMO ETC, ;LC Ce+# mteafAvrhorilati©nn3a45S 77'"EDITIJ Evaluation Report111980-11.08-R13 N (2i32(i} P$C 3 6fd HVHZ EVAWATWN Titariiuma Roof Underlaytnents `t316G2`R12 Revision 13: uzj12j2tiZ1 Page 4 of 8 ONEMOJetc. #1 Maximum Design Pressure = -45 of, Deck: Min. 15132-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer: (Optional) AS7M D43 Underlayment: One or two plies TltaniurnO PSU-30, self -adhered and back -nailed max. 6" o.c. with 12 ga. galvanized ennular rink shank nails through 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps in accordance with Owens Corning Roofing. and Asphalt, LLC published installation requirements. #2 Maximum Design Pressure = -147.5gsf: Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority having Jurisdiction. Primer: None Underiayment: One ply Titanium' PSU-30, self -adhered and hack -nailed max. 6" o.c. with 12 ga. galvanized annular rink shank nails through 32 ga., 1-5/84r,ch diameter tin caps in accordance with Owens Corning Roofing and Asphalt, LLC published installation requirements. 5,8.3.2 _Mechanically :Attached Base Sheet: The maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed that required under FRSAITRi Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile fristallation Manual, Sixth Edition, Appendix A, Table 1A or the critical (highest) design pressure determined in accordance with FBC 1609 or FBC Residentiaf Chapter 3. Alternatively, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed at least the Zone 1 design pressure determined in accordance with FBC 1649 cir FBC Residential Chapter 3. Elevated pressure zones shall employ an attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. Commonly used methods are ANSIJSPRI WDI, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29, Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 and Roaring Application Standard RAS 137, assemblies marked with an asterisk* carry the limitations set forth in Section 2.2,10,1 of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29 (February 2020) for enhancements. 43 Maximum Design Pressure=-30_P_s_f*: Deck; Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirementsto satisfaction of Authority Having -Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Titanium' U13L-30 (inverted) Fasteners: 12 ga. annular ring shank nails having not less than 20 rings per inch, heads not less than 3/8 inch diameter anti length sufficient td penetrate through the thickness of deck not less than 3/16-Inch with rain. 32 ga., 1-5/8" diameterVri caps Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at 4-inch wide side laps end 12-inch o.c. at three (3), equally spaced center tows. Primer: ASTM €]41 primer required at all tin -caps. Underiayment: One or two plies, Titanium' PSU 30, sett -adhered and hack -nailed rnax. 6" o.c, with 12 ga, galvanized annular rink shank nails through 32 ga., 1-5I8-inch diameter tin caps in accordance with (}wens Corning Roofing and Asphalt, LLC published instaliation requirements. #4 Maximum Design Pressure _= -30 aW Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Havinglurisdiction. Base Sheet: Titanium' LIDL--30 (printed side up) Fasteners: 12 ga. annular ring shank nails having not less than 20 rings per inch, heads not less than 3/8 inch diameter and length sufficient to penetrate through the thickness of deck not less- than 3/16-inch with min. 32 ga., 1-5/8" diameter tin caps. Spacing; 6-inch o.c. at 4-inch wide side laps and 12-inch o.c. at three (3), equally spaced center rows. Primer; ASTM D41 primer required over printed side or UDL-34. Underiayment: One or two plies, Titanium'l PSU 30, self -adhered and back -nailed max. 6" o.c. with 12 ga. galvanized annular rink shank nails through 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps in accordance with Owens Corning Roofing and Asphalt, LLC published installation requirements. nleEstis3 E I:, LLC Evaluation Report 1Z1S80.71.08 R13 Certificate ofAa: horiaotior, N32453 7- EDt7lON (7020) FBC tdt• N-MiZ EVALUATION FL116r5Z-i?i2 Titnniumg Roof Underlayments Revision 13, 02(1Z/Z0Z1 Page 5 of & #5 Maximum Qesi n Pressure = �: (04 rpm I etc, Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction Of Authority Having Jurisdiction, Base Sheet: Titaniuma UDL-30 (inverted) Fasteners: 12 ga. annular ring shank nails having not less than 20 rings per inch, heads not less than 3/S inch diameter and length sufficient to Penetrate through the thickness of deck not less than 3/16-inch with min. 32 ga., 1-5/3" diameter tin caps Spacing: 5-inch O.C. at 4-inch wide side laps and 8-inch O.C. at three (3), equally spaced center rows. Primer: ASTM D41 primer required at ail tin -caps, Underlayment: One or two piles, Tltaniume PSU 3o, selfadhered and back -nailed Fa" o.c. with 12 ga. galvanized annuiar rink shank nails through 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps in accordance with Owens Corning Roofing Asphalt, LLC puhFshed instaifatiun requirements. #6 Maximum Design Pressure = -45 psfl: Deck: Min. 15/32-inch Plywood to meet Project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Titanium' UDL-30 (printed side up) Fasteners: 12 ga. annular ring shank nails having not less than 20 rings per inch, heads not less tha n 3/8 inch diameter and length sufficient to Penetrate through the thickness of deck not less than 3/16-inch with min. 32 ga-, 1-5/8" diameter tin caps. Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at 4-inrh wide side laps and 8-inch o.c. at three (3), equally spaced center rows. Primer- ASTM D41 primer required over printed side of U]i.-30. Underlayment: One or two plies, Titanium, P5U 30, self -adhered and back -nailed 6" o.c, with 12 ga, galvanized annular rink shank nails through 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps in accordance with Owens Corning hoofing and Asp halt, LLC published installation requirements. 5.9 E osure I.imi6a#ions; TABLE 3: ExPOsuRE UM)TAT€ONS Underlayment Prepared Roof Cover installation Type YP Maximum Exposure {days} Titanium' PSU-30 Mechanically attachsd 180 Adhesive -set the 30 Titaniurrt6 UDL-25, 7itanium� UDL-3(3, Titanium UDL-50, Titanium'X30 Mechanically attached 180 5.10 SI_ Beinrrage i imitations: When loading roof tiles on the underiayment in direct -deck tile assemblies, the maximum roof slope shall be as follows- These slope limitations can only be exceeded by using battens during loading of the roof tiles. TABLE 4: TILE SLIPPAGE L€MITATjoms MR 0IRECT-DEcx TILE INSTALLATIONS Underlayment Tile Profile Staging Method Maximum Slope Flat Max. 10-tile stack 5;12 Flat Max 5-tife stack Lugged M6:12 ax. 3.Ei-tile stack 4,12 Lugged Max- 5-tile stack S:12 Titanium3 PSU-30 Lugged 5:12 NEMO ETC, LLC CertlyicoteofRutharirnp'on*-324SS > E€i?71011 (2020) FBC NON-1€VHZ EVALUAT€ot, Evaluation Report I11980.11.08.813 Titanium® Roof Underlaymants TL11602-412 RcAsion 13: 0Z/12/2021 Page 6 of a ON Eo I etc. 6.1 Titanium* Roaf Underlayrnents shall be installed in accordance with Owens Corning Roofing and Asphalt, LLC below. published installation requirements subject to the Limitations set forth in Section 5 herein and the specifics noted 6.2 Re -fasten any loose decking panels, and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application, and prime the substrate (if applicable). 6.3 Titanlum� UDL-75, TitaniumO UDL-30, Titanium$ UDL-50 or Titanium® X30; 6.3.1 Shall be installed in compliance with requirements for a synthetic underlayment in FBC 1507.1.1.1(2, Exception), 1507.1.1.1(3, Exception) or 1507,1.1,1(5} or FBC Residential R905.1.1,1(2, Exception), R905.1,1.1(3, Exception) or R905.1,1.1(5) for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed, and the manufacturer's installation instruttiOnS. FBC requirements take precedence over the manufacturer's installation instructions, 0.3.2 Fasteners: Minimum fasteners shall be corro5ion resistant, ring -shank cap nails shall be as set forth in FBC 1507.1.1.1 or 1507.1.1.3 or FBC Residential R905.1.1.1 or R905.1.1.3_ 6.4 Titanium PSLj 30: 6.4.1 Non-Til LApplications: _I Shalt be installed in compliance with requirements for an approved self -adhering underlayment (AST€M D1970) in FSC 1507.1.1.1 or 1507.1.1.3 or FBC Residential R905.L1.1 or R905,1.1.3 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed, and the manufacturer's installation instructions. When installed over a mechanically attached, FBC Approved ASTM D226 Type 11 felt, the felt shall be fastened in accordance with FBC 1507.1.1 or R905.1.1. 6.4.2 Tile Anolications: Shah be installed in compliance with requirements for a Self -Adhered Membrane in the FRSA/TRl Florida High Wit7d Concrete and Clay Roof Tice Installotion Manual, Sixth Edition, instructions. and the manufacturer's installation Refer to Section 5.8.3 for attachment limitations, Refer to Table 4 for file staging limitations. 6.5 Titanium' 2-Ply System: 6.5.1 The 1 itanium* 2-Ply System consists of a base layer of Titanium* UDL-30 (top -surface primed or sheet inverted) mechanically attached to the wood roof deck foliowed by Titanium, PSU-30, self -adhered. 6.5.2 Evon-Tile A al€cations: Install Titanium' UDL-30 (top surface pruned or sheet inverted) in accordance with Section 6.3 followed by Titanium PSU-30 in accordance with Section 6.4. 6.5.3 Tile A lications: Refer to Section 5.8.3 for attachment limitations. Refer to Table 4 for tiie staging limitations. MEMO FTC, LLC Ce1Vfrcate ofAuMcreiation #32455 7'" ED1T1ON (2v30) FSC NON-14Vti2 EVA;.LATjord Evaluation Report 111980.11.03-R13 Titanium& Roof U€ derlayments F 1160'.-R12 tiavision 13: 02/12/202i Page 7 of 8 ONEM01 etc, As required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction to properly evaluate the installation of this product. Contact the named CIA entity for manufacturing facilities covared by F.A.C. Rule 6IG20-3 CAA requirements. Refer to Section 4 herein for products and production locations having met codified material standards. ,. lntereek Testing Services NA Inc. — OUAMB; (312) 90&7779; rnaura.norland vp fnterreic.; om - END OF EVALUATION REPORT - NEMO ETC. i4C Evaluation Report 111980.11.08-R13 Certificate of Authuriatiom 132455 7"' EDITION J70201 FBC JGN-S 'JW, EVALUATION FL 11602-1R12 Titanium Roof Underlayments RevbiuR 23: 0Z(1Z/2a21 Page 8 of 8