HomeMy WebLinkAboutConstruction Plan I i i I i i COP i (DO(o del D D 0 MA )[ 39 3sh I 7iSFFfiCv! 3R cr!j �► �` 70 � C'%:r_.. _E1 REVIEWED FOR 11 CODE COMPLIANCE lei i 14:eA 4 E 7i 5 ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOCC INDEX SHEET SHEET DESCRIPTION SHEET NUMBE L OU D$s RN— TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 1 OF 1 DEVELOPER : KINGS COMMERCIAL C R, L ._C 351TE PLAID _ 1 OF 8 7416-A SW 4811 STREET SITE PLAoN UETAILS 2 OF 8 MIAMI, FL 33155 :, DRAINAGE, GRADING & PAVING PLAN 3 OF 8 ., _ . (DRIVEWAY CULVERT PLAN 4 OF 8 A _ _ — `` Y CATER & SEWER PLAN 5 OF 8 SURFACE WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN _ — 6 OF 8 GENERAL NOTES & DETAILS FOR STORM WATER PREVENTION AN 7 OF 8 GENERAL NOTES / DETAILS 8 OF 8 LOCATION MAP -- -- ST.WCIE BLw h Y PROJECTJ�L)IVIIVIERCIAL LOCATION IRCLE �v i EXIT 131A ORANGE AVE48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING CALL TOLL—FREE -- 800 -432 -47 7 0 N M N SUNSHINE STATE ONE CALL Nz AOF FLORIDA, INC A� Y VIRGINIA AVE 70 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NOTIFICATION CENTER 70 REVISIONS DATE EXIT DRC Cmts 3.1.21 ABRAHAM CHABAB, Inc. /�/1 DRC Cmts 4.26.21 ,� : PW Cmts 4.26.21 0 FL. BOARD OF PROF. ENG. AUTH.#26790 s 1391 NW St. Lucie West Blvd #411 N PORT ST. LUCIE FL. 34986 Email agchababt@msn.com Ph: 772-475-6630 — F H „ GENERAL NOTES NOTE : s � � I �� PROJECT NAME : KINGS COMMERCIAL CENTER LLC Proposed Sidewalks & Ramps I II I II OWNER EXCEL CONSTRUCTION Must Comply with most recent I I I { edition of ADA Guidelines II 7416-A SW 48th STREET f LOT#1 BLOCK C I II MIAMI, FL 33155 Occupied Do - ZONING:IL I 3 II LOCATION 7506 & 7510 COMMERCIAL Cr. LAND USE:TVC II �. - - - - TVC Towns, Villages & Countrysides) II LAND USE ( 9 / 20' DRAINAGE& I I II / T. EASEMENT- I �et 1 I II LAND ZONING IL (Industrial, Light ) / C.B. II LEGAL DESCRIPTION :LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK B, KINGS HIGHWAY INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT ONE II PROPERTY LINE S 89'27'52"E 24 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 9.95' N00'15'37"E / I 26, PAGE 16 & 16A OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, / � / 9.20 I I II FLORIDA. / 20' DRAINAGE& / 0 UT. EASEMENTf II SAID LAND CONTAINS 1.82 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. / ( �cu B ( II PIN 133580100180000 & 1 335801 001 90007 LOT#2 BLOCK C / TYp. II BUILDING HEIGHT : 21.0 FEET Vaccant ZONING:IL �\ = NUMBER OF STORIES A USE: UP LAND USE .\a \ „ ... ... - UTILITIES : �I • r \ _\ \. .. \ ,.., .. ,.. _.._ . I ELECTRICAL te\ a , ,..\\.... .... \ \ \,... WATER. .. .. -_.. & SEWER \ .,\ FPUA \ \ �, TELEPHONE \\ - E ATT II AUTHORIZED SOLID WASTE CO. 12 OVRHD \ \ 12DOOR DAREA TABIJLATIONE \ r DOOR II SOLID WASTE \ \ \\\ �e \\. \\\\\\ \ \:. e , / / o \ \ `,; \\ I) SITE COVERAGE ACREAGE SF %OF SITE 23.5 23 23 23 23 23.5 `\\ \ \\; }I� OFFICE AREAS 0.0768 3346 4.21 WAREHOUSE AREAS 0.3583 15608 19.64 \... \\ ` E,\ o. SUTL•Dl'ffG••"I`bTA[ 0.4391� 18954 23.85 PROPOSED \ z WI II / \\ >> > Cad/ ,� \ ` �\ w REHO SE/OFFICE BLD .2 19, J / q �� \\\ o II PROP. PAVED AREA 0.7780 33889 42.64 P�� �.� cad \" 784 SF LO o o� V II 0.0446 194 2.45 \ \ P._F�SZP_.�. D /P._ ._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. _._._._._._._._._._._._ _. _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. SCALE 1 � 0 a� 5� ,�P �� \ \ \\ --------- ---- ------ o P P " \`: = \\\ \ Z PAVEMM I VIOUS 0.8226 35834 45.09 00 \`v 139' \\ \\\\\\ TOTAL IMPERVIOUS 1.2577 54788 68.94 GREEN AREA/OPEN SPACE 0,5667 24683 31.06 �O- may... \ \ \\ 1 I) TOTAL 1.8244 79471 100.00 GreeArea OFFICE OFFICE \\a\\ \ Sao\\ I C1 Q / Q O OFFICE PARKIN CALCULATIONS OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE \ .+ 1.�. " 276SF 276SF 276SF 276SF 276SF 20.25' " `' AR EA '' "76SF IN I 3 ( � II PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 2 139> \\\\\ \` `\ o I W. II Industrial Park Land Use (LU130) : 18954SFx1.60 PKG SPACE/1000 SF = 31.00 PKG SPACES o a ° w I TOTAL REQUIRED = 31.00 PKG SPACES :, .✓ ., a•. ° .aPx'op. ,�Concreite Sldeh*a ° c\ \\\,.\ e 0 , ? I II . _ \\ \\ PARKING PROVIDED 39 REGULAR PKG & 2 H.C. - 41.00 PKG SPACES � yv O 16 v. v • y'\�. ,of Q, � � • Bike v Av t 1� l I 5 .... i a, .. o .y\... \ \v,,,,...:,...........> .. ..:. ... ... .... a 4,r \vv � IN T T M N . Pursuant to LDC Section 11.02.09 A 1 h owner well comply with St. Lucre v PRI tur Count requirements re regarding the future selling or leasing of II or ortionsA v, v \\ A yea tL7 v 2 of development. yon. Sig I I y. R y.. m FDOT v y y yy v A v Ind. -002 v b .� Y' F. Y .•< v +...... O\vvyvyy..y y ., v . r, .:; -.a: v 3,, A .us'" ..;._ ,• .Av\\A AV\ _ , 1.1/�. a.aiVa.`. - .=• '° ,!,°, � � \� y v : ,' '� �' �1.P. o _ Picnic Area o �N GP CYMw • \ 6 L 04%� ° \��\\\ \ g5i PARKM STATEMENTS • ee in lieu M= = = - = = =6„FPA = _ _ _ _ = _ _ s„F �I6.,FM - - .Required Off-street parking facilities supplied by the owner or operator shall GF TYPE not be used by commercial vehicles owner, operated or used in the businessa ' ' 6„FM EXIST d � , .. YH of such owner or operator during his/her regular hours of business, or by M�� I - - - - - - - vehicles offered for sale unless additional parking spaces are made for thes C.�/ / ♦ 6'F % vehicles pursuant to LDC Section 7.06.02(B)(8) .. ` ° \\\�\\\ \ ������� / ♦ os. b-Parking or display of any motor vehicle recreational vehicle boat trailer or \ \ � \` `` 1 P`'� i ♦♦ other vehicle in any required landscape area is prohibited, pursuant to LDC \ ° \ \ \\\\ 3 \\ \�\\\\ � f � ��` / /6 / / �i � Section 7.06.02(B)(5) LOT#3 BLOCK B I Co�G � 6F LOT SIZE REQUIRENTS Occupied �SIF Gj ,_ 2: y �� // / / % Existing ZONING:IL I w 4' ,. -. ' -�°�P5 �I i/ „wM.��S'' Drivewy MIN. MIN. LOT MIN. RD MIN. FRONT MIN REAR MIN. SIDE MAX. MAX. LOT LAND USE:TVC Q \` 4 °• �\ Exist. FPUA / v� G / a LOT SF WIDTH FRONTAGE SETBACK SETBACK SETBACK HEIGHT COVERAGE 06 Z_ LU t \ < \ Lift Station / �Lh // "' w Q ¢ \ \ " REQUIRED_._.__20 00.0_S.E_._._.].DQ.F_T_._.__. /a W o wy f e \\ O / G� M•/�% ' _ ........Ea.FL_._._._._._._._._._.25-EL._._._._._._.2D_EL._._._._._._.-._1Q.FL_._._._._._. Q.FL_._._._._._._. �� / PRO'✓IDED._._._._.Z.9 4Z.1-S.E_._.-.4.2a.F_T_._._._. °� � s�� _.42�.FZ._._._._._._._._.51,.Z.5_E.T._._._._._._._.4D_.EL._._._._._._._.24.FI._._._._._._.2t.FI._._._._._24._92.1a._. NOMA t \� V Q \ \ O "' - DO SIGN(R g \i \\` - \� \.z / / / < c1 +LQ D ZOIJE=P' THIS PROPERTY LIES IN ZONE X ACCORDING TO THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP COMMUNITY PANEL NO. 12111 C 0160 J, EFFECTIVE DATE FEBRUARY 16, 2012. \ �\ / / � ���� •�. G• - � NOTE z � \ / Exist\\ / �� � � � �� Stub 0 � EXIST. � i � � Proposed Sidewalks & Ramps PROPOSED STORMWATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM WILL COMPLY WITH SFWMD ST. LUCIE COUNTY / Must Comply with most recent DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS AS WELL AS KINGS HIGHWAY INDUSTRIAL PARK ASSOCIATION. edition ofpADA Guidelines RDOLJS WASTE STA� T_E NI / ANY & ALL HAZARDOUS OR TOXIC MATERIALS GENERATED OR USED OR STORED ON SITE SHALL UP �a ��\�- � \ ` s / � � BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL LOCAL , STATE AND „ter r FEDERAL REGULATIONS 701 / / / �i %� / / NOTE : ENVIRONMENTAL STAILKNT ✓ TYPE / ca i/ PROJECT WILL MEET AND COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS & REGULATIONS D CURB / / �� /� / 14,1 Proposed Sidewalks, Ramps REGARDING NATIVE HABITATS & VEGETATION. -� �5� � & Curbs Must Comply with `.` TRAFFIC U RY STATEMENT �� Latest FDOT Standards y AVERAGE TRIPS PER DAY : 6.97 TRIPS/1000SF x 18954SF 132 TRIPS/DAY AM PEAK HOUR TRIPS 1.13 TRIPS/1000SF x 18954SF 21 TRIPS/HR Ole / PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS 0.98 TRIPS/1000SF x 18954SF 19 TRIPS/HR ` v / ��'� FROM ITE (INSTITUTE OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS) 21 ;...': \�\„ 0.5 GENERAL LIGHT INDUSTRIAL CODE 110 , ITE MANUAL 10T"Edition \\\a \�� � / �1tELOP NT SChC2_�_ULE :, 30 BEGINNING DATE : JUNE 2021 COMPLETION DATE : JUNE 2022 WI \ /� � STOP SIGN � 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING (R1-1 / CALL TOLL-FREE N - 1 - 800 -452 -4770 � /` r SUNSHINE STATE ONE CALL L LP. / / 00,0010 °� ,. a ' / /� OF FLORIDA, INC Exist. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NOTIFICATION CENTER 000 / / ♦♦ /, 00 � // REVISIONS DATE i��o �/ / KINGS COMMERCIAL DESIGNED BY AC / j ABRAHAM CHABAB, Inc. CENTER LLC � nv / DRAWN BY 01 FL. BOARD OF PROF. ENG. AUTH.#26790 AC /i / �� 1391 NW St. Lucie West Blvd #411 DATE peC.7�2�2� PORT ST. LUCIE FL. 34986 SITE PLAN Email agchababl®msn.com :;,F.H• Ph: 772-475-6630 SHEET 1 OF 8 NOTE : Proposed Sidewalks & Ramps Must Comply with most recent edition of ADA Guidelines F- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SIGN SIGN SIGN 1 ' � I 6' LONG x 4" DIA. I NOTES I ♦'MIN "OR 31r HOLES 12" D-MAN 11� STEEL PIPE FILLED N N N 1 Y M" e"L�i'�x ' I W/ GROUT I ( r , ,- 1 Top Portion of FTP 25 & 26 ' 4p aPnGNAI CONCRETE STOP CONCRETE STOP CONCRETE STOP Shall Have a Reflective Blue FnICH Background with white TM PER GUMD I I ( Reflective Symbol & Border 12' R- cAsr OR RU NO 4 BMS 18"L.ONG � 12' 12' 12' 2 Bottom Portion shall have a CONCRETE BUMPER GUARD ' I 2 x2 x24 D I I with Opaque & Border 1 , , „ Reflective White Background DEPTH GE SA,�T I CONC. FT R ' 3,/2-MIN I I I WHITE WHITE WHITE 3 FTP 25 is for use in areas tlj4l��r: Where Space is Limited PARKING B 00 T sfx GENERAL NOTE I1. FOR CURB, GUTTER AND CURB AND GUTTER PROVIDE 1/B"-1/4" CONTRACTION JOINTSPAWMEHT AT 10' CENTERS (1GX). CONTRACTION JOINTS ADJACENT TO CONCRETE PAVEMENTFIAT CURVES ARE TO 11ATCH THE PAVEMENT JOINTS WITH INI EDIATE JOINTS NOT DISABLED AND C�IrR EXCEED iIRB AND GUTTER EXPANSION JOINTS sHAtJ.BE LOCATED Dr ' I I I ° 4 Height shall be 7 FT. Measured PERMIT ,�aWO TYPE D ACCORDANCE 1/1TH SEC'ftON 520 of THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. From the Ground or Sidewalk ONLY CONTRACTION JOINT IN CURB 2. ENDS OF CURBS TYPES B AND D SHALL TRANSITION FROM FULL TO ZERO 1 TYPE D HEIGHTS IN S FEET . to the Bottom of $250.00 Fine ' Sign or 8 FT. to the Bottom NOTE: FOR USE ADJACENT TO CONCRETE OR FLEA LLE PAVEMENT, CONCRETE SHOWN of Permit Only Sign. 250 FINE EN BETWEENMANSION NSINC JO]N 'ANPREFORMED D CONCRETE T FILLER ONLY.JOURT SEAL SEE DIAGRAM ARE REQUIRED I 1 D I 1 1 5 Pavement Markings Shall comply FTP 20-06 1 CONCRETE CURB I I I ( w/ Latest FDOT Design Standards L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — ' ' ' Index# 17346 1 CURB DETAIL L- - - - - - - - - - -� 6 Handicap Sign Shall comply with N.T.S. BOLLARD DETAIL 1 Latest FDOT Design Standards N.T.S. I Index# 17355 w w I HI �- E �D w � ' ,4 F - w � I I 1 WHITE I I I 1:0 CC) 8)) W co '0 W Q„ W W 1 I I I I 1 �— - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � H.C. Pavement Markings and Signs shall comply with Latest FDOT Standards � 1 LJ I I H.C. PAVEMENT MARKING DETAIL v I N.T.S. 1 1 ' ' -• - - - - - - - - - - - - R . ., 1 1 1 10' LO co I � - - - - - - - - �co CQ - , 12" 1 ' co 2 ' 2#5 REBAR #5 REBAR2.. I I I 2 2' '� 6 IN 3000#CONCRETE �� I ' 4 ' 1 I ARROW DETAILS 1 ' SLAB W#4 121N OC ON ' 1$" COMPACTED FILL 1 g" CHANNEL SIGN POST 3 `/FT ON SITE ONLY - - - - - - - - - _ FLANGED U-CHANNEL 'F`YPE ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL 1 PAINT TRAFFIC GREEN BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH FDOT ' C0 10' ' D U M P S T E R PAD DETAIL I INDEX N.T.S. NO. 17346 FOR STREETS & BLVDS I 61N WHITE BAR ' STRIPED 1 z Ico 12" SOLIDI K I 6' SOLID WHITE ® 2' 12' 1 ' INTERVAL I SIGN DETAILS WHITE MIN. I L - 1 r RMW - - - - ALL SIGNS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE /'� WITH FDOT INDEX NO 11860 2W SOLI MIN. I STRIPING DETAIL WHITE ' FOR LOCATIONS REFER TO MUTCD I SECTION 2A-16 I CROSS WALK & STOP BAR DETAILS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H.C. Pavement Markings and Signs shall comply with Latest FDOT Standards SIGN & PAVEMENT MARKING DETAILS N.T.S. REVISIONS DATE ABRAHAM CHABAB, Inc. KINGS COMMERCIAL DESIGNED BY AC CENTER LLC FL. BOARD OF PROF. ENG. AUTH.#26790 DRAWN BY AC 1391 NW St. Lucie West Blvd #411 DATE PORT ST. LUCIE FL. 34986 SITE PLAN Dec.7/2020 Email agchababl®msn.com DETAILS Ph: 772-475-6630 SHEET 2 OF 8 i - - - - - - - F.H _B 11II 15 �,� 20' CONVERSION FACTOR LOT#1 BLOCK C I i I II LEGEND LEGEND ' 10' S' s 15, FROM NAVD TO NGVDOcc ZONIupie' SFWMD#56 - 0059 - 5 - 29 I i I II EXISTING GRADE TEE J 10' UTILITY LAND USE:TVC ' II x��� 1 Q 17 EASEMENT . ADD 1 .48 Kings Highway Industrial I I I) II ELEVATION � 45° BEND I II ® HIGH POINT Tq 90° PR s'OP .K DRAT GE� EXIST. ROAD I - - - - - Park 3 II ELBOW %Y UT. EASEMENT ::'' I CO G °C16 ;f /- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � I I I II TcuRs F.H.FIRE HYDRANT i be g I II .1 751 PROPOSED ELEVATION `b I 20' DRAINAGE& I I cD I) a/cuRe N GATE VALVE -. . - . . �� -TOB- . . - . . - . T1 ' . . - . . - . 16 �- -� ExiI.C.H. �r . - ' • � UT-EASEMENT � - . . � : . - . . - . . -TOB- - . - . . - . . RIM 13.44' N 15 aQ'e 1y>v / / _TOB- - - -� I INv. 1o.z9' BACKFLOW PREVENTER Swale I / / / 1z"X18OVAL�2CC. _ 44' II RUNOFF FLOW DIRECTION C.O. T _S SERVICE CLEAN OUT 1 14 e PROPERTY LINE S 8 '27'52"E 249.95' t + g +`��1 ' / / N,00-5'37"E s I � 9.20 +' _ FDOT MITERED END � Box 20' DRAINAGE& _ s�' II SECTION s.s' 6�.- .. - - . .-q. . . �. UT_EASEMEN y5 - . . 1 . - . . - . . - TOB- - - :. - . - -TOB- " - - - II TcP II 2"W.M. EXIST.12"W ATER MAIN DU�B10 20 30 40 50 4 'Conc. 4'x3'Conc. Typ a FM EXIST 8"FORCE MAIN1"=10' HORIZONTAL Flume 1 \ - .'.. ,.,.. � gin. .. :< .. \ .:. .. `J\\\ N \.� e \ _- CATCH SECTION \ \\ � � �\ \ \ r„ . • � BASIN TYPICAL SWALE S r � � \ \ \. a_. \ \\ ..� � . CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIP \, .._r \\ \ <. � CPP \ N12 C L C ~� 4 N CO ._ ANUF. BY A A L - - - - - - - -ALONG �\ �� ADS GAS MAIN ... . .., \`�� . \ z \. ': .__ . kill ...-.... ..,......,.. \ ......, ... .. : 5,. ._tea.. __.- .,.,: \\.. .,. ct5 •, ,� � - . ., PVC POLYVINAL CHLORIDE \\, > x �,.Y CAST IRON PIPE / \ 12 OVRHD \ \ II - - - \ / f � \��\ : \\ E "< DOOR \' DOOR ILI 0' 20' 40' 60' / / O F „ \\a\ \\a \�\ WV ( s 1 20 16 , Y" I FFE 17.5 / / / vx ,� yew v` I gOAD v ., ;. PROPOSED `� v �Av II 1 p. v 1 TYPE 0 y R ,v�, v\vv�\ y \,: v \. D CURB v . A,... AREH I F W O SE O FICE B D - r 1 7 4'x3 C c. �� o_z Ca 784 SF P a v, ya Q II 1 � 0 .v SCALE � � e yR�, ! � •� F E 17.50 � A v� < 16- / / (• JP \\\\\\ \„ Z OOP , \\ P4Q \ I I I 1\ \ i-il 5- / I i Green 16. 16 1g \ \\\\ ��\\ .,: i�t� I O r} II 1 Areal OFFICE OFFICE'1 OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE \\\p \� U O� �O• / / \ �` AREA AI D AREA AREA AREA AREA N * 278SF 2783F 2783F 278SF 2783F 276SF \\i;.:, "__1 F- 1 139 \` \ 8�. +�, II I 14 \� Ir \\ e e vi\ e. a P , .e a ° o O e rop. :�Concrate Sidevl*a . ' � p e� �. Z I I I �> O ♦ II N13- a a a Q 0 G \ \ \ �• 4 x3 nc ,,.••: F \ _ ! O < [ . . � 12-„ �,r 2 e• � o ti„ \t w E r=. Rem .. \\ \ Si g-�on. 1 r. -TOB - . . - . 101 a,,, \\ \m \\ 2 0 enin / / \ ,\\\ \\ P g a 10 2 0 3 0 4050 60 Picnic R, / I 1 -10 HORIZONTAL II - . k1a 4' -ter I 0 Area SECTION D D - - - - J W y _ �6"FM= 6"FM ee \\ A MINER." in lieu =6"FM �I GF' TYPE \�� \ � \ o .• • D CURB \ " \ wte / TYP• \ \ � � ; ��„� �.," / � / i 6°FM 6+ EXIST aF \ \\ / y �� 3 / H.H. _ \\�\ a \\\ i 7' . r 3 1 \ \�s tD LIJ . \\ �\ / y� / SITE BM I o o \ \ fi / o v<�� / :/ i 6 �- x�6 4 �s 1988 NAVD 9' EL 16.29 ,` <\ 6* G; as „W - - - - - DD - - - - - - LOT#3 BLOCK B I \ 04 \ \/ � i �f� / 8 M'/ 'LI - - \ G F� s / Driveway _n / 20 20' 20' Occupied ` W Z I \, \ \\ 6.7 (� - - � r , �, \\\\\\� \ ,/ MC" CJ�\u` I /6 / //S/ / 1 = ZONING:IL w ,<: ��\ �,,,4 �> V P / � M ,/ G• LAND USE:TVC I 1 Q �I j �% to Exist. FPUA / JC G�� // g"`N , �1F Z �: e \ `\ Lift Station \ �� / / / / / I 9.5 121 9.5 FFE 17.50 \ / o . / R wCf3 w <L ¢UJI . °1 a\` \ ��q' // / TYPE OP. OAD _:: E / CURB •:•'. O Z w F: ,\ ey, / / gyp! Q N ` .r `v` / \:- I .. 7 p w \I \\ v \ \ �r v / / 3.8 /� �• i 1 I I �.•. / e / /I \ i/ �s GxP I � �� 17.5' _ 17.5' ' ' 16 .9 . I \ o \ � � o• ' I - E 1 , S•/ 1 1 ,aQJ I Exist. / t'Et�r E.O.P. A / I U / 1 / 1 Stub 0 \ .. - �a EXIST. 1 I � Q � tt � �; , .. �. ��� � �. - . � x/ �H.H. / 16 . .... :,a' / I in. \ 2X I lot w W 1T- vh�- I / .. O r N \ w15 , s.* - \ `_12 \ TYPE / / of / �� I r 12"x18" RCP D CURB I , Typ. / / OTE ' 1 3 ' Proposed Sidewalks, 'Ramps \ z 1 & Curbs Must Comply with ' 40 �' r�� Latest FDOT Standards I 10 20 30 40 50 60 I I 10 20 30 40 1 10 HORIZONTAL 50 60 70 I �,. \\ \ �` r 1 1"=10' HORIZONTAL 1 L r.. \,\, z �� % SECTION A-A -+1 I - - - - - - - - - - SECTION C-C - _ - - - - - - - - - _ - - / 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING 28.5 �'� 17.5' CALL TOLL-FREE \� e / / 1 17 •16.8 1 - 800 -432 -4770 �\ 09 / / / / 114. I j5 D ' 4' E.O.P. I SUNSHINE STATE ONE CALL 1 J RIVEy� i , \y i AY3.y�=` O i too / Q :..�..,:. 16 � OF FLORIDA, INC r L.P. � / . 153 in.2Exist.C.H. I UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NOTIFICATION CENTER RIM_13.30' 00 / i INV.-18:09' N/ / w15 :; . ... . . REVISIONS DATE _2 __ // �i / CV ' DESIGNED BY i'if 3.3 / o / j II 14 KINGS COMMERCIAL AC SLC Cmts 1.17.19 i� / Off. I T 12"x18" RCP I ABRAHAM CHABAB, Inc. � )C\St�� $ 1 1 CENTER LLC i 3. 13 DRAWN BY I FL. BOARD OF PROF. ENG. AUTH.#26790 AC S' I 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 I 1391 NW St. Lucie West Blvd #411 DATE F73 " r PORT ST. LUCIE FL. 34986 DRAINAGE GRADING & De'C.7/2020 �� / / � 1 =10 HORIZONTAL 1 , i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SECTION B-13 _ _ _ _ - _ _ Email agchababl®msn.com PAVING PLAN - - - Ph: 772-475-6630 F.H. SHEET 3 OF 8 LEGEND LEGEND / 2 20' DRAINAGE& ' , II ' I Exi It.C.B. "v DO 20 40 60 / UT--EASEMEI - . . � :. - . . - . . -TOB- " - - �� - - -- RIM 13.44' �T�•�� > > - .. -. . - . . �6- . . - . . TOB- .. - . . - . . - . . �- y� 6 II EXISTING GRADE 1�`•1 TEE -TOB- -' ' - / ' -� I iNv. lo.2s' 12•X18 OVALJIC, �- 44' I x ELEVATION N► 450 BEND / / B PROPERTY LINE S 8 '27'52"E 249.�35' ��� >> > / Nf�O'15 37 E _ + ( +, � ® HIGH POINT T, 90°ELBOW SCALE - 0 9' 0 s II T CURB F.H.FIRE HYDRANT / / 20' DRAINAGE& • 9.8' � 9 � 9 _� I I I II / / -. .- . . -. .- .. 6:.-.. TOB-. . - . . - . . �:y . . �. - UT�EASEMENT y5 - - - ' - -TOB- - TYP \\ PROPOSED ELEVATION / / / / D CUBS y Vv x3' oe c• ' 4Flume c. Typ �Av � II H GATE VALVE ` II BACKFLOW PREVENTER / \�\ ` \\\\\ RUNOFF FLOW\\\ \\\\� \;, ; DIRECTION -� Ile \\ / R \ k..•� \ :tee \ ,\. C.O. a \ SERVICE CLEAN OUT i` \\... .w METER__..__.. BOX MITERED END _. . CONST. 12._ x18 RCP ,,.. . 66LF SECTION �2 W.M. EXIST.12 WATER MAIN \\ 1 w_..._ \\\\ \ a\ W/MITERED ENDS till till w / O• \\\\mot \\ € asp \\ `;. ,.< ,.. , a .,.;" ,.=; � 12 OVRHD 1 \ ,\\ \\\ ..,., II { nn.w.w...w..wiMaM'�•"... ...grhe „r.4+n p o•i,,.., i, , ...\�\\\\\ a+-.•`"a,.k..r..»_ DOOR 2 OVRHD \� SEE DETAILS � PIPE INVERT e•r� EXIST. 8 FORCE MAIN DOOR \ \ w�\ III / CATCH BASIN \ \ t s CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE `\ s IllI / CPP (N12) MANUF. BY ADS 4"GM- GAS MAIN / loll \ j : II / PVC POLYVINAL CHLORIDE 1 WAREHO SE/OFFICE BLD .2 PROPOSED LUI4'x3'C C. x`' 784 SF CAST IRON PIPE / CIP o P !1P/ Fl e `� F E 17.50 I a p� x /C O 5 rn � 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o� Q (� II 13�E+t%�t+ �� o Q•_ I I 66 /•" / a� \ Green I C3 O I I ' / �/ / O� +16 Area* OFFICE OFFIC20 OFFICE OFFICE 16 OFFICE OFFICE ' N (,� 0 TRANSITION TRANSITION / O +1 / / r AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA \\ \\ �N I M*R +, �I II I AREA AREA / r 2788E 278SF 278SF yr CL v 278SF 2783E 278SF vv A 7• S /• / +� f a. 139' d ��• LL1 +/s I I 5.5 5.5 22 22 5.5 5.5 All- d • e.. °. d ide�nra • < d , .. d�. v e Wz<PrOP oncr®te S `RQ o pQ Bike \\\\ \\> / z o 5 a I I , Q �C o s �:. O a a z O o I a E CI s a. \O\ J w \ \ r> .c «., cn en �\ \, \ U i 7 \ S 4 x3 nc. \. \, I ._ _<� a \\\ \ �, � \\\ � � .... 1 d� I - F \ P \ tur CONST. 12 xl8 RCP 66LF > \ \ 1111011 .., ,. ,. Ra FDOT Y\ \\ , \ \� � W MIT. ..: ,,. . .,,, ..._ .. .: �\\\\ ERED ENDS \ Ind. 002 a z 1 \ II I \ \ L.P. . \ \ Opening 2' OP � � _ 2 ?' Ro CC t e ;.`�Z`\'c,: \c \\\\\\ \vim. a�_\ `a�a `- Picnic t � o \u \ a 0Area 1 E.O.P. PLAN VIEW E.o P. CONSTRUCT PIPE & MITERE aq \ \ \� F \` 3 / / ���� ee in lieu -6"FM= _ _ - _ _ =6"FM = _ _ _ _ _ �16"FM= _' ENDS PER FDOT STANDARDS H TYPE \\ \�\\ \ \F s M _ I \ \ �, _ °�� .•'e D 11 CURB ��e\� �s �,���'\\c�M \\\\\ / / � 6,FM_.- Typ. \; p\\\ ti.., ✓ ,t ixs N \s // / / 3)• s WOO SITE BM -- - W '" \ ° o ` o_ � � � � �\ / 10 v��� / ♦ S. x,s 4 �s �� 1988 NAVD EL 16.29 5. 5.5 22 22' 5.5' 5.5' �� . \ \\.... / ]9, B / i I r r r 0. \ �d 8 W.M. 8"W.M. 1 7 \ "�• -_ � .. fie••4 \\\\.va s\\ �\.\ � \.�&'o\ - R.`...- � (•16. ' // � 4?• ,W M --. I / / y - DWY Eli 15.80 16 v JO % j�A\\1l � �� 6��i �s�s / /g w.M Drivewa 2 W p4 �P h M I ;. : � , CONST. MITERED END ♦ : LU Cn e• s _ Lift Station / a a ° : y\ \ / o / / // CO ST. MITERED END Z W. ,/ / PER FDOT INDEX 27�3 ♦ ' ;P FDOT INDEX 273 CONST. 12 xl8 RCP 66LF Inv.3.8 F F ` _ EXIST. SWAL•E E1 W/MITERED• ENDS 14 - Rya \\\\\\\\\`\ - Q. :♦ O � y .,. . nv.E1.13.50 -13 Exist\\ Stub 0�= / � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1100 90 80 70 60 � EXIST. 50 40 30 20 10 P _. / o 3.9 \M•H �- 1"=10' HORIZONTAL \ / o SIDE VIEW Fow \w $ , 80' IL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UP \\ `\y\\w\ / / �'� \\ /// / 1 DRIVEWAY CULVERT WITH MITERED END DETAILS / ' 5.5' 7' 27.5' 27.5 7' 5.5' TRANSITION TYPE I / AREA / M / D CURB / w / a� / Typ' / / / � ' I / / � a� / 1 NOTE : Proposed Sidewalks, Ramps / lb �� /' r & Curbs Must Comply with . ,�b•. i/ TRANSITION i AL ' " C� Latest FDOT Standards ter,. AREA I I / WA-LE CONST•12"x18"RCP SOLE ' �\ ' _"' -- y� MITEREp ENDS \`M` " e2 � O p \ / 1b��. w m I NOTE. 1 / ; \ PLAN VIEW CONSTRUCT PIPE & MITIJRE ��� / ,� s34. • \ // ' ENDS PER FDOT STANDARDS I 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING � \ , CALL TOLL-FREE �I 80' 13.4' �� // / ��• I 1 - 800 -432 -4770 •i SUNSHINE STATE ONE CALL_ I OF FLORIDA, INC / \ / / ' 1 7 5.5' 7' 27.5' •27.5' 7' • 5.5' ' Q UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NOTIFICATION CENTER / v 16 DWY El 15.80 I r��� \ CONST. 12"x18" RCP 80LF / I . , . ONST. MITERED ' /a Lu R; , . ,,: •. ND PER FDOT W/MITERED ENDS > 1 INDEX 2`73 A / SEE DETAILS I �, DESIGNED BY AC Inv.El. CONST. 12 x18 RCP 80LF nv.El. ABRAHAM CHABAB Inc. KINGS COMMERCIAL 1 4 13.50 ' W/MITERED ENDS 13�0-EXIST. ' CENTER LLC F.H. I - SW_AL E DRAWN BY I13 FL. BOARD OF PROF. ENG. AUTH.#26790 AC ' 1 1391 NW St. Lucie West Blvd #411 DATE I 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PORT ST. LUCIE FL. 34986 DRIVEWAY CULVERT Dec.7/2020 1 SIDE VIEW 1"=10' HORIZONTAL Email agchababl@msn.com PLAN Ph: 772-475-6630 SHEET 4 OF 8 DRIVEWAY CULVERT WITH MITERED END DETAILS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - i i F.H II i II LEGEND LEGEND EXISTING GRADE TEE ELEVATIONFA 450 BEND OT111 BL9CK I I 3 II ® HIGH POINT o T� 90°ELBOWccupied ZONING:IL F.H•FIRE HYDRANT — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — LAND USE:TVC � ' 00 I II T CUIRB PROPOSED ELEVATION // . . — . — • �6 1_ . . — . GATE VALVE —TOB— 20' DRAINAGE& OB- -TOB— — UT-EAS�MEf� — �a?- - . . - - - -T BACKFLOW P REVENTER -•E--Z_ RUNOFF FLOW DIRECTION N�1�$ I �.44� �� C•OQ SERVICE CLEAN OUT / / a PERTY LINE S 8 '27 52 E 249.95 e �h / N,00 37 E I s �' FDOT MITERED END . — +� � � ® METER BOX 9.20 20' DRAINAGE& SECTION � TOB— ss II s.a' T OB— . . — . . — . . 9�Y. BUT EASEMENT . . — . . 55 0 k — — — — — — — — — —/ I 112"W.M. EXIST.12"WATER MAIN O STRUC I II 0T#2 BLOCK i a"n,I EXIST.8"FORCE MAIN 4 x3 Conc TR NSITIO vaccant / / I I 2 PIPE I N V E R T / . . , Flume � Flume II h 6.50 -- -- ZONING.IL '• Y:== � � CATCH BASIN \.. \ r..\ \ LAND USE.TVC5 .... . . ,, � _ �\\\�\\\\ ' �\ ...�_\ \\\ �_ :. ... . .. — — — — CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE Z \ \ _... MANUF. BY ADS 4GM GAS MAIN `S \\\.. .. \\\\ \ \m\\\.. tea\ \\\. \ \ \ 1, PVC POLYVINAL CHLORIDE \ \ �I x \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \K . \ . , \, � ., \. \,\ r\ \\ ..,_ ... CAST IRON PIPE �,..., , u �\ \\ \. \ \. \\ Y\\ �\\ C I P I I/ \ 12 VRHD \ 12 OVRHD \ \\ o \\O\\\\\ \ \ DOR \\\\\\ \ "x4" SERVI E DOOR \O\ �\ I) SADDLE WI H > / O� \ \\ \\\ . w. \\\ \\,. s?, �s I) CORP. STO of 20 40 60 / / / / \\ I \ s• PER FPUA -4 / / / \\ r PROPOSED \ \\\\�\\ 7\ \ \ \ \ \ '� '��\ \ �� WAREHO SE OFFICE BL G.2 ��`��. ¢ I II �� G 4 x3 C ct. \ . . ? 7784 SIF 17.50 SCALE 1 - 20 � �� ,�,P. �� II Flu e \ \\\� \\ \\\ ` / ,�5 / O� 'i✓yam \, 12000 \\ \ ��\\ A. (211 I / / \ EE L-Jreen I I _J. Area*''\O OFFICE OFFICE y16 OFFICE OFFICE 16�' OFFICE OFFICE \\\\\\ \` I I I + / AREA AREA AREA \\ 3 I I I AREA AREA AREA "(12)5/8'I x ly t / \ �\ 276SF 276SF 276SF 276SF 276SF .avyAA�\� A��A \y v e °. • ° _ s 'a a °PRop. �'�oricre Sidewalk ° ed•' ° vvv II fi \e� J VA `vv �L Bike \ Av c� v. O O F 0.�P \ Q o� �. < \ \ .\. . \ \ \\ \ 1. \ \\. '\� z\ \ 9 \ \\ \ \� \ \ \ „ . .a F m e ck' 0. \\�.\�\ P P / � 5 > 51 ture II on. Si 9 .,. Ram P \ t \\ DOT t, P a\ TOB I \ 01 r\\ un 01 ,<. \ O \\ orO `\\ \� \�\ \�\\ a<,=, „\\ \\Y / L.P. \\ 1 w:. E \\ \ \ \\ \\o\\\. \ �.. 2 Lopening-. Picnic - ` � I I Area ' Cir. � "::: _ ,,. ,. .`� v� : v � a -: av: / / �� � �4.¢• �������� �� ��� �� ��� ��=Q„GMT ee in lieu �6"FM— 6"FM — — — �16'FM— — —6"FM— — — — — — E•. E.. � dry TYPE � �\����\ \\ `' / / �G''GM y — �I I II A. D CURBS\\ \yO000 t \ fie\ �\�� \\\�\\ �`�/ / • ♦ /6'F -ram' I C�f�'P• ° >\ \� _a�°. ��., i g \�\,.`>\- �\\\\\\\\\\� \\\ \\o�\\ . \sue..:..- � ��� '( / ♦ � 3 S i � SITj BM 49 6 u \\\�\\ ;\\ \ �ov� ♦ s x 1988 NAVD i EL 16.29 \ C 8"W.M. �6'• [ O \ ���� � � \is � � � a � 0 ♦ � / 4 -- + �e �`�� `�� � t > / ♦ � __— 8 W.M. O I I ExistingT#3 BLOCK Driveway ZONING:IL w z: 5 \ ��' ♦ / / LAND USE:TVC I I C7 �I100 W W Lift Station ¢LL_ Will • ara Q p \\ \ \\a \\\\\\ \\\ / / w \/ ::::/ ! Q W N I • \\\\���\ �a ,a3t. ' :. ay k.>�\--vim\ \�\\\\ \ / / /?' / / i e ' i \an i EXIST. �( M.H. UP �L I ` CPE UR D B � Typ. �� &- / k S I 9 \ \ b_\ \ / �• WI / h . x�ss3• / 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING y CALL TOLL—FREE � . 1 - 800 -452 -4770 / \ 1100, SUNSHINE STATE ONE CALL OF FLORIDA, INC� / ♦ \ / f�. Exist. ' ♦ / UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NOTIFICATION CENTER C13.4' ♦♦ �4. � / " ♦♦♦ 5.� �� �$ REVISIONS �GM:o► / / DATE /� KINGS COMMERCIAL DESIGNED BY AC SLC Cmts 1.17.19 /i ii'/� /� w0 / / _ ABRAHAM CHABABwoo gog , Inc. a CENTER LLC prNeW j 5% s3o' DRAWN BY / j FL. BOARD OF PROF. ENG. AUTH.#26790 AC +'ss 1391 NW St. Lucie West Blvd #411.H DATE M i / A /� PORT ST. LUCIE FL. 34986 WATER c SEWER D@C.7/2020.H Email agchabab1®msn.com PLAN Ph: 772-475-6630 SHEET OF yoF.H. J 8 F.H II 40 I I � II I II I II �T_ AB- -LAT- -NUI© AR- -E- - - A : LOT#1 BLLOCKJC Ocu led ZONING: IL0 PROPOSED AREAS THAT WILL 1 .52 AC — AND USE:T ( I I II _ ShtFe ce II BE UNDER CONSTRUCTION -TOB— . _ . . _ . . �. . . `DRAINAGE-&� 51. _ . . — . . — — �01 I I �Arh And C .BII t1T-EASEMERI . . _ . . TOB— . _ . - - . . _ . . _ . I i� II- Ih 1 .8 _TOB- II I TOTAL SITE 2 AC / � 2-7'52"E II 1�� .NfO'5'37"E 3 'tka ( Cn � - - - - - - - - - 9' 0 20' DRAINAGE& — � s, II 98 I I i I II / / 6,. — • • TOB— . . — . . — . . -- 59. . y. 00 UT�ASEM,ENT . . — . . 5`' — . . — . . — 9. _ . . — . . — • / �. TOB- . - . _ . _ . I I II LOT#2 BLOCK C GENERAL NOTES/ / / J — — — / / Vaccant / _ — — — — — — — — — _� — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I II -No clearing, including the installation of erosion control devices, ZONING:IL /� � LAND USE:TVC / UP / _ _ _ _ _ _II is authorized until the Permit for the Installation of Erosion Control CONSTRUCT STABILIZED I r �I Devices and Preserve Area Barricade has been issued. / Silt Fence I II -Property corners shall be located by a licensed land surveyor and Silt Fenced CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE a a a a /•' / ,, / 16� RDO IOR TO CLEARING 1 � II clearly marked in the field prior to the Engineering Department ' s P �1 � IOR INDEX 10 pre-construction meeting for site development . /�• / ,�� / / +,�? �16' I I (1 I II -Authorization to install erosion control devices and preserve barricades °�' will be granted at the pre-construction meeting.This authorization shall O� / s. +ss2 (+'s II be posted on the site, in the permit box, its location shown elsewhere 09 20 40 60 / / / / / d I 1 I ss- on this page. -No additional land clearing shall commence until a satisfactory inspection of the required control structures and barricades has been obtained. 1 " — 9 / �,/p�� �G� G�� �'�1' / / Portable �o I <� I 00 II -A Land Clearing Permit may be obtained subsequent to the satisfactory SCALE 1 — 2 0 / o "PS�� P�� �� z � I II inspection of the control structures and barricades . This permit shall Toilet ® I Z 01 ( II be posted in the permit box, its location shown elsewhere on this page. 0 1 II ii -All construction barricades and silt fences will remain in place and be 31 W I monitored for compliance by the permit holder during the permitted 00I II development activities . oAQ / / +�6a +`6� *N6 �� U II -Soil stabilization shall be completed within 30 days of vegetation removal. -Following certification of occupancy for the development, all barricades / +, f' I I I s�•�.%{� II and erosion control devices shall be removed and disposed of by the V0'' II contractor Z I ° CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NOTES o I o 11 / / I I ►�, , VIA -The entrance shall be maintained in a condition that will prevent s / A�2 9? W �o I� tracking of sediment onto public rights-of-way. This may require Spence/ _ - -- �I II top dressing, repair and/or cleanout of any measures used to trap I / X'- II sediment . / Silt Fence B — — — — i I / O II -When necessary, wheels shall be cleaned prior to entrance onto +, /�' _ � -�- / (,� II public right-of-way. I ale,/ / I II -When washing is .required, it shall be done on a area stabilized ,gyp• +. 4 �6- T I 6,L.P. I i + x,6 3 r ary + II with crushed stone that drains into an approved sediment trap or sediment basin. NOTE5 __ _ �_ _ _ _ _ _ T `J �� / / 6FM= = = — = = =6„FM 6"FM= = = =_ 0 0 0 i / r GMT �I Inspect and repair fence after each storm event and remove I II sediment when necessary. I / / / ♦ t i 6'FM rn u a3T l , ♦♦♦ 3' ls3�. �s Y.H. ___ __ __—_ Removed sediment shall be deposited to an area that will not contribute sediment off-site and can be permanently stabilized ♦ �6 FMB ...- -�- 3/ / �-� ,� ♦ / SITE BM -Silt fence shall be placed on slope contours to maximize ponding w I v��� �� / ♦ G S 1988 NAVD i \ o / / P��/ / 4'♦♦ �� s 'k�s48 s �� efficiency. EL 16.29 - o I + + 8"W.M. 8"WM 8"W.M. CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION `6 " \ ^ + / / X�6° ♦� �!/ X,6'42 �'wrn•_ -All disturbed areas will be seeded or sodded within 30 days Existing of final grading in the area. Driveway LOT#3 BLOCK B \ w1z Occupied I l Q 21 Exist. UA / „��� �� 8'w.M G' EROSION CONTROL MEASURES DURING CONSTRUCTION ZONING:IL ;�IH Z_ w I Lii station LAND USE:TVC I w Z awl I \ / l w a \ / y�a�- / //� -Prior to clearing , a silt fence (trenched 12-in deep and backfilled i a Q o ? I / / -�- �M/ � /a�M�% ' on the uphill side) shall be installed around the perimeter of the site . : ow l N I / / a .. / /� \ �i �s94 G�jgl � -During the clearing, grubbing and site grading stages, areas that are o to disturbed more than 7 days shall be stabilized with rye grass applied l at manufacturer ' s recommendations . After seeding, each area shall be h I / / +fie mulched with 4, 000 pounds of straw per acre. All expected slopes that l ry. l I 6� / 4 / Q. G. , , are equal to or greater than 5 0, an Erosion Blanket shall be utilized MST. ��[� until the area achieves final stabilization. A rock access road (that H. is 50ft long with a 6 inch depth of FDOT#1 stone and lined with filter fabric) shall be constructed to minimize the effects of truck and H F / / 40 \\ -4� sedimentation tracking both on and off of the site . There will be only 7 IUP I / / 00 / one construction entrance at this site . ki y -After the initial site grading work, all proposed inlet (s) /outfall, once installed, shall be protected from erosion and sediment runoff by �4, �4- the use of filter fabric and properly installed hay bales (with the �5! same installation as above) . Disturbed portions of the site where / / 5��°'a� construction activities have permanently ceased shall be stabilized Silt Fene with permanent stabilization methods no later than 14 days after the O last construction acitvity. *J*� ��� �5� x�ss3. / 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING CALL TOLL-FREE 1 - 800 -452 -4770 / �00 SUNSHINE STATE ONE CALL ♦ / OF FLORIDA, INC / Exist. L.P. / `♦-- S34 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NOTIFICATION CENTER 13.4' ♦♦ W ♦ ♦ /a REVISIONS DATE Silti e � � / DESIGNED BY / ABRAHAM CHABAB Inc. AC SLC Cmts 1.17.19 A�' C .B. . � / � KINGS COMMERCIAL ♦ / $�jk •oo E,JSt�ng CENTER LLC DCtveW08 cy% s3o. / i FL. BOARD OF PROF. ENG. AUTH.#26790 DRAWN BY AC / s 1391 NW St. Lucie West Blvd #411 DATE / +,s / PORT ST. LUCIE FL. 34986 DeC.7/2020 MAST. R URFACE WATER POLLUTION g Email agchababl@msn.com PREVENTION PLAN oF.H. Ph: 772-475-6830 SHEET 6 OF 8 y Section 14 Waste disposal, this may include All construction materials and debris will be placed in FLOATATION POCKET Section 1 Project Name and Location Information: Kings Commercial Ctr, LLC construction debris, chemicals, dumpster and hauled off site to a landfill or other BETwE CAL SEAMS MTiON WHEN FABRIC IS INSTALLED litter, and sanitary wastes: proper disposal site. No materials will be buried on ELEMENT Section 2 Describe the nature of the construction Build Three Warehouse/Office Buildings Site. FLOATATION COVER SPACING OF POSTS ARE WHEN FABRIC / INSTALLED activity: 5 TO 8 FT APART IN A TRENCH W/COMPACTED SOIL, ANCHORS CAN BE Section 15 Offsite vehicle tracking from Off site vehicle tracking of sediments and dust GALVANIZED CABLE ATTACHED TO REDUCE THE POTENTIAL OF"BLOWOUTS" 0-3 Days: Site re aration & construct construction entrances exits: generation will be minimized via a rock construction (NOT NEEDED IS"SLICING" Section 3 Describe the intended sequence of Y 0 H q END/TOE PLATE METHOD IS USED p p entrance street stabilized construction entrance t sweeping and the use of water to major soil disturbing activities: P g :GEOTEXT( E FLT R:::.. g 4-7 Days: Construct temporary Swales nc keep dust down. :' FABRIC SKIRT OR 8-10 Days: Install Silt fence & erosion Control `3 MONOFILIMENT 24-I Y MIN. HGT 11-15 Days: Clearing Grubbing & site prep. Section 16 ThePro proper application rates of Florida— � friendly fertilizers and pesticides will be all fertilizers, herbicides and used at a minimum and in accordance with the GROMMETS STITCHING 16-120Days: Construct building; foundation, frame structure roof, finish pesticides used at the manufacturer's suggested application rates. STEEL OR WOOD construction site: BACKFILL TRENCH interior & exterior Work. POST INSTALLED 121-180Days: Install Utilities, storm sewers, AFTER COMPACTION Section 17 The storage, application, All paints and other chemicals will be stored in a OF "SLICE" grading & paving generation and migration of locked covered shed. NOTES : 81-220Days: Landscaping, sodding & clean debris GALVANIZED CHAIN 1. TURBIDITY BARRIERS ARE NOT TO BE INSTALLED WHERE FABRIC MATERIAL MUST BE all toxic substances: BALLAST FLOW WILL CAUSE EXTENSIVE MOVEMENT OF THE FABRIC SECURELY FASTENED TO THE_,-"� 21-240Days: Punch list items & final inspectior SKIRT POSTS OR (IF USED) TO THE Section 18 Other: Port-0—lets will be placed away from storm sewer WIRE MESH RU OFF 2. FLOATATION SIZE DETERMINED BY SKIRT DEPTH/SITE r systmes, storm inlets, surface waters and wetlands. VARIABLES No vehicle maintenance shall be conducted on-Site. 3. BEFORE TAKING THE TURBIDITY BARRIE AWAY FROM A "7E71 N Section 4 Total area of the site 1.82 acres A washdown area shall be designated at all times and TURBIDITY CONSTRUCTION SITE, ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT BEHIND N. FABRIC SKIRT MAY HAVE TO BE REMOVED AS DIRECTED will not be located in any area that will allow the BARRIER BY THE ENGINEER OR OPESC STEEL OR WOOD Section 5 Total area of the site to be disturbed 1.52 acres discharge of polluted runoff. POST INSTALLED SLICING METHOD BEFORE COMPACTI Section 19 Provide a detailed description of the maintenance plan for all structural and non- BACKFILL MATERIA ATTACHING TWO SILT FENCES Section 6 Existing data describing the soil or Gray & brown fine sand with little silt. structural controls to assure that they remain in good effective operation condition. WHEN TRENCHING IS USED quality of any stormwater discharge draining toward existing ditch at the south RUNOFF PLACE THE END POST Contractor shall provide routine maintenance of permanent and temporary sediments OF ONE FENCE INSIDE from the site: property line. THE ENDerosion features in accordance with the technical specifications or as follows, whichever 12-IN OTHER FENCE OF THE 1S more Stringent: SEDIMENT LADENT M N. Section 7 17-WATERS' Estimate the drainage area size of each * Silt fence shall be inspected at least weekly. Any required repairs shall be made r ROTATE BOTH POSTS 1.52 acres �, ,� �, �, AT LEAST 180 IN A discharge point: immediately. Sediment deposits shall be removed when they reach approximately W W W W c LEAST DIRECTION one—half the height of the barrier. FABRIC MATERIAL MUST BE PLACED IN O CREACH W/"L" SHAPE BEFORE TE A TIGHT SEA * Maintenance shall be performed on the rock entrance when any void spaces are full W W W W C N RUC I N AR A W W BACKFRENNG &COMPACTING THE SOIL W/FABRIC MATERIAL Section 8 Latitude and longitude of each discharg Lat: 270 28' 18" Long: 800 24' 06" of sediment. W W W y W W .� .� .� .� W W W W DIRECTION OF point and identify the receiving water * Inlet(s)/ outfalls shall be inspected immediately after each rain event and any W W W W W W W W TRENCHING METHOD WATER RUNOFF DRIVE BOTH POSTS or MS4 for each discharge point: Receiving water body is Reserve Commerce a a � ABOUT 12" INTO THE Center Master System and then to C-107 Canal required repairs to the filters inlets, silt fence or filter fabric shall be performed GROUND & BURY THE immediately. FLAP IN A TRENCH * Bare areas of the site that were previously seeded shall be reseeded per TURBIDITY BARRIER SILT FENCE BARRIER INSTALLATION Section 9 per manufacturers' instructions. Give a detailed description of all controls, Best Management Practices (BMPs) and * Mulch and sod that has been washed out shall be replaced immediately. �q measures that will be implemented at the construction site for each activity identified * Maintain all other areas of the site with proper controls as necessary. in the intended sequence of major soil disturbing activities section. Provide time 50 FT frames in which the controls will be implemented. Section 20 Inspections: Describe the inspection and inspection documentation procedures, as MIN. NOTE: All controls shall be consistent with performance standards for erosion and required b the FDEP and NPDES Generic Permit for Stormwater Discharge form Large EXISTING P q Y g sediment control and stormwater treatment set forth in S.62-40.432, F.A.C., the and Small Construction Activities: FLOW GRATEq PAVEMENT applicable Stormwater or Environmental resource Permitting requirements of the U W Deparmtnet or a Water Management District, and the guidelines contained in the State Qualified personnel will inspect all points of discharges, all disturbed areas of U Y IA of Florida Erosion and Sediemnt Control Designer and Receiver Manual FDOT, FDEP and construction that have not been stabilized, constructed areas and locations where 00 6"MIN. 2"4' FILTER vehicles enter and exit the site, and all BMPs at least once ever 7 calendar days QW ROCK CLOTH any subsequent amendments. Y Y 0�W EXISTING VIEW and within 24 hours of the end of rainfall event that is 0.5 inches or greater. Where Oz GROUND N. • sites have been finally stabilized, said inspections shall be conducted at least once P� 091 2- Prior to clearing a silt fence staked with 2"x2" wooden stakes shall be installed around every month until the Notice of Termination is filed. �-SS S�oPE the perimeter of the site. 5o FT .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::::::: P Section 21 Indentify and describe all sources of non—Stormwater discharge as allowed by the MIN. ................ Place hay bales around existing inlets. FDEP and NPDES Generic Pit f Stormwater Discharge f Large Small Exposed slopes shall use erosion blanket until area is stabilized ener Permit or ormwaer scarge form arge an ma �.*q ::::s' :::::::::::::::::::::: There will be one temporary construction entrance. Construction Activities: PLAN VIEW ..M.N'.......... Use seed and mulch for exposed areas during construction. N.T.S. ATTACH FILTER FABRIC 12 FT ...:.:.EX15TENC-;-;- SECURILY TO 2x4 WOOD TOP FRAME NECESSARY MIN. ...PAVEMENT Section 10 Describe all temporary and permanent stabilization practices. Stabilization practices FRAME, OVERLAPPING FOR STABILITY include temporary seeding, mulching, permanent seeding, geotextiles, sod stabilization, FABRIC TO NEXT STAK ONDING HT. vegetative buffer strips, protection of trees, vegetative preservations, etc. .:::::::::::::::::::: Section 22 All contractors s and subcontractors identified in the SWPPP must the following 18" 56° 2x4 WOOD FRAME 2°-4 Temporary seeding shall be applied for areas that will be subject to erosion. ( ) ( ) g M X MAX. 4 SIDES OF D.I. ROCK 10 :':':::::::::::::::::::::::::: EMI certification: PLAN VIEW N.T.S. "I certify under penalty of law that I understand, and shall comply with, the terms and 12' MIN.conditions of the State of Florida Generic Permit for Stormwater Discharge From Large DROP 12 FT INLET I , and Small Construction Activities and this Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan prepare there under." 3°MIN. Section 11 Describe all structural controls to be implemented to divert stromwater flow from le S CTION A-A P N.T.S. exposed soils and structural practices to store flows, retain sediment on—site or in any NOTES: 2"4' FILTER other way to limit Stormwater runoff. These controls include Silt fences, earth dikes, NAME SIGNATURE TITLE COMPANY NAME, ADDRESS DATE 1,DROP INLET SEDIMENT BARRIERS ARE 4. THE TOP OF FRAME (PONDING HEIGHT) 6"MIN. ROCK CLOTH diversions, Swales, sediment traps, check dams, subsurface drains. pipe slope drains, AND PHONE NUMBER DR BE USED FOR SMALL, NEARLY LEVEL MUST BE WELL BELOW THE GROUND P P P P DRAINAGE AREAS ( LESS THAN 5/0) ELEVATION DOWNSLOPE TO PREVENT level spreaders, storm drain inlet protection, rock outlet protection, reinforced soil Kings Commercial Ctr, LLC 2.USE 2x4 WOOD OR EQUIVALENT METAL RUNOFF FROM BY-PASSING THE INLET. SECTION A-A retaining systems, gabions, coagulating agents and temporary or permanent sediment Mike Jimenez Owner 7416—A SW 48th Street STAKES, ( 3 FT MIN. LENGTH) ON EMPO THE RARY DIKE MAY SIDE BE REQUIRED N.T.S. Miami, FL 33155 .INSTALL 2x4 WOOD TOP FRAME TO STRUCTURE. . 772,209.2845 INSURE STABILITY Silt fence staked with 2"x2" wooden stakes shall be installed around the perimeter of ILT FENCE DROP INLET SEDIMENT BARRI-EA SOIL TRACKING PREVENTION DEVICE the site. Rock Construction Entrance. Section 12 Describe all sediment basins to be implemented for areas that will disturb 10 or more acres at one time. The sediment basins (or an equivalent alternative) should be able to provide 3600 cubic feet of storage for each acre drained. Temporary sediment basins (or an equivalent alternative) are recommended for drainage areas under 10 acres Not Applicable ( site is only 1.82 acres and disturbed area is less than 1.52 acres) REVISIONS DATE DESIGNED BY AC Section 13 Describe all permanent stormwater management controls such as, but not limited to ABRAHAM CHABAB, Inc. KINGS COMMERCIAL detention or retention systems or vegetated Swales that will be installed during the CENTER LLC construction process. DRAWN BY FL. BOARD OF PROF. ENG. AUTH.#26790 AC During construction plans call for the construction of temporary Swales. They have the capacity to hold most of the storm events. 1391 NW St. Lucie West Blvd #411 GENERAL NOTES & DETAILS DATE PORT ST. LUCIE FL. 34986 FOR STORM WATER Feb. 15/2021 Email agchababl®msn.com PREVENTION PLAN Ph: 772-475-6630 SHEET 7 OF 8 GENERAL NOTES PAVING GRADING AND DRAINAGE NOTES : - All construction shall be in accordance with the latest Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction with the Standard Specifications of the St. Lucie County s Asphalt pavement shall conform to applicable parts of section 300-339 as described in Florida D.O.T. standard specification for Road and Bridge Construction jurisdiction. s - All applicable County and State permits must be obtained prior to commencement of construction. - Limerock base construction shall conform to applicable parts of section 200-230 as described in Florida D.O.T. Standard Specification for Road and Bridge Construction . Base course shall be compacted to a density not - All work shall be done in a good workmanlike manner . Material installation shall be in accordance with less than 98% of the maximum density as determined by A.A.S.H.T.O. T-180 and have a minimum LBR of 100. manufacturer's recommendations. Prime coat application rate at .10 Gal/SY density tests for base course greater than 8 inches in depth shall �ONC. SIDEWALK 7"THICK � be take in 6-in lifts. 1 MIN. COMP. STRENGTH 3000 PSI 1 - Shop drawings of all materials being used shall be submitted to the engineer of record for approval prior to JOINT SEALING commencement of construction - Compacted subgrade construction shall conform to applicable parts of section 120 , as described in Florida I SAW CUT EVERY 6 FT & CONTROL f COMPOUND I D.O.T. Standard Specification for Road and Bridge Construction compacted subgrade shall be compacted to 1 JOINTEVERY 30 F-T-.-\ 51 � 1 - Contractor shall notify the city & the engineer of record 48 hours in advance prior to commencing work in 100 % maximum density as determined by A.A.S.H.T.O. T-99C . I MAX. DINT MATERIAL I city Right-of-Way. Proctor testa for subgrade and base materials shall be supplied by the developer . Density tests shall be 1 -G .4 Contractor to be totally responsible for maintenance of traffic and safety of motorists and pedestrians using taken at a minumum of one per 500 square yards . The developer shall pay for all testing if the required 1 a .. a e � v •� MIN. 6"x6" o..e J ,G� ° d' this site. Adjacent streets roadways and waterways during construction maintenance and safety procedures density is achieved . Contractor shall be liable for all retests for any failures . Tests location shall be determined I FTR—N,, 44. : I shall conform to M.U.T.C.D. by the Engineer of Record . Base/Asphalt shall not commence until satisfactory density tests have been a- :a reviewed by the Engineer of Record. All Elevations shown or referenced within these plans are based upon information obtained from survey. t ° ° - All underground utilities situated in paved areas included but not limited to sewer and water mains , I ` ' The existing elevations shown are for the purpose of indicating late round elevation at the location• 1 g p p a ng the approximate g gas mains electrical distribution telephone etc. shall be completed and approved before any subgrade \\� shown and in no way reflect surface conditions or subsurface soil condition. work commences . /�8" subgrade Compacted to not / Less Than 98% AASHTO T-180 The locations of existing utilities shown on the approved plans are to be verified in the field by the - Concrete for curbs gutters drainage inlets sidewals etc. shall be class 1 in accordance with F.D.O.T. contractor. An discrepancies shall be brought to the attention to the engineer . At no time is the contractor to P g y P b' g Standard Specification for Road and Bride Construction section 345. � tamper with existing utilities except as noted on the plans. - Pavement markings and signage shall conform to Florida D.O.T. Roadway and Traffic Design Standards , the The contractor shall be responsible at all times throughout the duration of construction for the protection of Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices , with the Standards of the Agency having jurisdictions . existing and newly installed utilities from damage or disruption of service - ' SIDEWALK DETAIL I Radii refer to edge of pavement unless otherwise noted. _ 1 1 All muck and yielding material within road right of ways , paved areas , sidewalks , building pads, drainage I _ _ _ _ N TS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I and utility trenched shall be removed completely and replaced with clean fill material in 8 inch layers - Materials and workmanship in county rights-of-way shall meet the requirements of the county. 1_. J compacted to 100% maximum density as determined by A.A.S.H.T.O. T-99C . - Backfill and Bedding material shall be non-cohesive and non-plastic free of debris lumps clods , wood No asphalt shall be placed in city , county or state rights-of-way until certified as-builts of the finished rock base have been submitted to and approved by proper agency. broken pavement or any organic or unstable material . No rocks larger than 6 inches shall be permitted as backfill or bedding. - Any Muck (A-8) materials found in subgrade shall be removed and replaced with approved materials . - Record Drawing certified by a Florida Professional Engineer or Land Surveyor shall be submitted for review and approval to engineer of record and proper jurisdictions for final acceptance of the system - All berms and grassed areas will be seeded and mulched Slopes will be sodded . - U.N.C.L.E. registration number must be shown on drawings prior to start of construction in right-of-way and - Location of drainage structures shall govern and pipe lengths may have to be adjusted to accomplish prior to permit issuance . construction as shown on plans. - Turbidity barriers must be installed at all outfall locations prior to connecting to receiving waters. Turbidity - If hardpan is encountered within retention area or swales , it shall be completely removed and replaced with barriers must remain in place until construction is completed soils are stabilized and vegetation has been granular material . established . - Erosion and sediment control ; contractor is responsible for providing erosion and sediment control using the latest FDOT standards baled hay , straw and siltation barriers will be installed where needed to prevent siltation of adjacent property , public right-of-way wetlands and waterways . These measures will remain in place until grassing or sodding has been completed or until siltation and erosion are no longer a threat to adjacent properties. - Entrance traffic control , stop sign , stop bar and lane delineator shall be in accordance with M.U.T.C.D. specifications. - MES indicates mitered end section per FDOT index # 272. - All areas disturbed by construction shall be restored to pre-construction conditions or better. 1 Y2 in FDOT Asphalt Suprepave EXISTIN G GROUND 1 Pavt Shall have Superpave Mix of 1000 LBS ; , Prime Coat Sealant to be applied on Top of Rock /i'%< i��i��i��i��i��i��i� 1 - - - - _ NOTE: _11 1 ` FOR PLACEMENT OF 7—In Concrete (Min. 4000 PSI) 2 12" ���� ���� BACKFILL OVER PIPEF 1 O .��;, SEE SPECIFICATION Saw Cut Joints 15 Ft 0 e 1 8—In Limerock or ( 0W� � PIPE O.D. + 24 ��� U_Z< Expansion Joints @ 40 Ft OC e \�\� \� I Coquina LBR 100 1 ' % ` 12" 12" e n a F J W --�\j, e ' 1 �' •" ^ �- x VA PROPOSED PIPELINE i vviwviwviw, 1 a : �wvwvwv /X�lX z iii 12 In Stabilized Sub grade 1 vivi iv Stab'lized S rade I1� i \ \ \ 1 With LBR Value of � HAND PLACED SELECT 1 R e f 40 „ 1 With LB Valu o 0 MATERIAL IN 6 LIFTS Compacted to 98% V� V� V� V� V� V� V� V� \� V� V� V� � 1 0 1 << _ / / / Compacted to 98/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ V ( z: 1 M Q X Dry Density ���AAVA�VA�\\�VA�V\�VA�VA�\\�\\�\\�V� 1 M a x Dry Density \��V��V��V��V��V��V��V��V��V��V��V��V� v�v z LOWER QUADRANT TO BE SHAPED PE BNELL AND BARREL TO Mod Proctor • /�� /�• /�• /�• /�• /�� /i• /i• /i• /i• /i 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ z Mod Proctor /A /i��%�/i�/i�/i�/i�/y�/i�/y�/A�/i �� L - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -I 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EXCAVATION SIDE SLOPE SHORING, ETC. SHALL CONCRETE PAVEMENT DETAIL Xz CONFORM TO O.S.H.A. STANDARDS. COMPACT TRENCH ASPHALT PAVEMENT SECTION DETAIL D0 BACKFILL TO 98% OF MAXIMUM DENSITY IN I N TS N TS 1 M o p ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO T-180. DENSITY TESTS 1 I M id F SHALL BE TAKEN AT 12 LIFTS EVERY 100' IN PUBLIC I a RIGHT-OF-WAY AND 200' IN EASEMENTS Standard Trenchin_Procedure_ REVISIONS DATE ABRAHAM CHABAB, Inc. KINGS COMMERCIAL DESIGNED BY AC CENTER LLC FL. BOARD OF PROF. ENG. AUTH.#2679 DRAWN BY AC 1391 NW St. Lucie West Blvd #411 DATE PORT ST. LUCIE FL. 34986 GENERAL NOTES/ DeC.7/2020 Email agchababl®msn.com DETAILS Ph: 772-475-6630 SHEET 8 OF 8