HomeMy WebLinkAboutA2P0036B RenewalA2P0036B PLA\\ I NG A\D DE\.ELOPME\.T SE RVICES DEPART}I E\T J BUILDING AND CODE REGULATIONS DIVISION 2fOO VIRGINIA AVE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 (772) 462-1553 Fr\ (772\ 462-1574 PER\IIT RE\E\\'AL REQUEST pERMrr NUMBER SEC2104-0921 aoon;ss. 1100 Dyer Rd 1. Laura Zollinhofer , am requesting that the above permit be renewed. I understand that I must schedule and pass all required inspcctions for the permit to be finaled. Further. I understand that this is a ONE TIMf, RENE\ilAL and the permit shall expire should I not receive a passmg lnspec Justification E on during any six month period during the renewal period nsion is needed because the materials for construction were delayed c supply ue OWNER/BL NATURE DATE ERICSSON, INC / Steve Nichols Print Name STATE OF FLORIDA cowry op LAKE ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS BY STEVE NTCHOLS HAS PROVIDF]D lD ,o"o. t=t . zo22 wHo Is PERsoNALI-Y xNowN ro Nas H ,ot AS IDENTIFICATION S LAKEATF FLO Cougty of S]ATURE O OTARY CouNTv f LO R I D A RACTO FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Number ofOpen lnspections: _ Total lnspections (Divide open by total to get % ofopen inspections) Percentage Original permit fec x%open = $Rcnewal fee Example: [l5 divided by 23:.65(%)] $ 175(permit fee) x .65=$ I t 3.75 (renewal fee) Revis€d 7/21,2014 i/ SEAL