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termite cert
THIS AGREEMENT PROVIDES FOR RETREATMENT OF A STRUCTURE AND THE REPAIR OF DAMAGES CAUSED BY WOOD DESTROYING ORGANISMS WITHIN THE LIMITS STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT. Account No.: 3360973 SUBTERRANEAN TERMITE REPAIR AGREEMENT Section 1. GENERAL INFORMATION. Name: Adams Homes South Billing Address: 751 SE Port St Lucie Blvd Service Address: 5376 Lugo St City: Port Saint Lucie City: Fort Pierce State: FL Zip Code: 34984-5211 State: FL Zip Code: 34951-4456 Home Phone: 772-905-8394 Work Phone: Section II. INSPECTION FINDINGS. The condition of the readily accessible areas of the structure(s) located at the Service Address on the date of the inspection only is listed below: a. No Visible evidence of previous or current subterranean termite infestation was observed. b. ❑ Visible evidence of a subterranean termite infestation was observed as follows: ❑ Live subterranean termites (description and location indicated on the attached graph) ❑ Termite parts, exit holes or shelter tubes (description and location indicated on the attached graph) ❑ Damage from subterranean termites was noted in the following area(s): Any damage noted above should be considered only as evidence of current or previous infestation of subterranean termites. If any of the boxes in subsection b. above are checked, some degree of damage, including hidden damage, may be present. The inspector's training and experience do not qualify the inspector in damage evaluation or any other building construction technology and/or repair. Any visible evidence observed above appears: ❑ Active; ❑ Inactive; ❑ Activity cannot be determined without further investigation. Reason: In many cases, based upon visible signs of infestation by subterranean termites, it is not possible to ascertain whether an infestation is active or inactive without benefit of subsequent inspections and evaluations over a period of time. ❑ It appears that the structure(s) or a portion of the structure(s) may have been previously treated. Evidence of previous treatment: Section III. OBSTRUCTIONS AND INACCESSIBLE AREAS. The following areas of the structure(s) inspected were obstructed or inaccessible (see Section VILI under General Terms and Conditions): ❑ Basement ❑ Exterior ❑ Crawl Space ❑ Porch ❑ Main Level ❑ Addition ❑ Attic ❑ Garage ❑ Other Section IV. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS. Section V. TYPE OF TREATMENT. OBLIGATIONS: ❑ Post Construction Corrective Treatment (See reverse side for a description of the Company's obligation to retreat and to repair damage caused by subterranean termites.) ❑ Post Construction Preventative Treatment IiYl Pre -Construction Treatment Location of Treatment Sticker: Panel ❑ Other: Treatment is provided against the attack of subterranean termites (Reticulitermes spp., Heterotermes spp. and Coptotermes spp. (Formosan)), but does not protect against any other pests, plant, animal or organism other than subterranean termites. During the term of this Agreement, HomeTeam Pest Defense, Inc. (the "Company") will provide re -inspections to the structure when deemed necessary by the Company or annually if requested by the Customer, subject to the General Terms and Conditions on the reverse side. Customer agrees to make the treated structure(s) available for re -inspection. The Company will retreat the treated structure(s) only upon (a) visual evidence of a live termite infestation or (b) disturbance of the soil surrounding the treated structure(s). The Company has not inspected or treated the structure(s) for health -related molds or fungi. By law, the Company is not qualified, authorized or licensed to inspect for health -related molds or fungi. Actual Treatment Date: 12/30/2021 PAYMENT METHOD: Initial Treatment Date: ❑ Cash ❑ Check ❑redit Card Down Payment: $ 0.00 Balance Due: $ 0.00 If paying by credit card or recurring debit from your bank account, please Annual Renewal: $ 275.00 complete the attached Authorization for Pre -Arranged Payments. This Agreement contains certain ]limitations, conditions and exclusions on the Company's obligations. Please read the entire Agreement before signing. In consideration for the Company performing the services specified above and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Customer agrees to make the payments indicated above. Customer acknowledges receipt of a signed copy of this Agreement. This Agreement is not binding on the Company until signed by an authorized manager or executive officer of the Company. CUSTOMER: HOMETEAM PEST DEFENSE, INC. Signature: Signature: Printed Name: Printed Name: J Rosa Email: Effective Date: 12/30/2021 RIGHT TO CANCEL: YOU, THE CUSTOMER, MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. SEE THE ATTACHED NOTICE OF CANCELLATION FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT. © HomeTeam Pest Defense, Inc. 2017 09/17- (53314 5YR) Section VI. OBLIGATIONS. A. The Customer agrees to be solely responsible for maintaining the Treated Premises free from any condition conducive to termite infestation ("Conditions Conducive," see below for explanation). The Customer agrees to be solely responsible for identifying and correcting Conditions Conducive. The responsibility rests exclusively with the Customer, not with the Company. Failure of the Company to alert Customer to any of the above conditions does not alter Customer's responsibility under this Section. In addition, the existence of any Conditions Conducive that was not timely corrected, including any Conditions Conducive existing but not visible at the time of the execution of this Agreement, will permit the Company, at its sole discretion, to terminate the Agreement or to require Customer to purchase any additional treatment required as a result of the Conditions Conducive. Customer agrees to fully cooperate with the Company during the term of this Agreement, and agrees to maintain the area(s) baited free from such Conditions Conducive. Other specific items may be noted in "Additional Comments" (Section IV). CONDITIONS CONDUCIVE: Conditions Conducive include, but are not limited to, roof leaks, improper ventilation, faulty plumbing, and water leaks or intrusion in or around the structure; inherent structural problems, including, but not limited to, wood to ground contact, masonry failures, and settlement of the foundation, foam insulation, stucco construction, expanded polystyrene or styrofoam molded foundation systems, siding (including vinyl, wood and metal) if within 6 inches of the ground; and firewood, trash, lumber, wood, mulch, shrubs, vines, and other protective ground covering that restricts visual inspection or treatment of the structure. B. ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS, AND OTHER CHANGES. This Agreement covers the Structure(s) identified in Section I as of the date of the initial installation. Customer will immediately notify the Company in writing (1) prior to the Structure(s) being structurally modified, altered or otherwise changed, (2) prior to any termiticide being applied on or close to the location of any Station, (3) if soil is removed or added around the foundation of the Structure(s) or (4) any tampering of baiting equipment or supplies occurs. Failure to notify the Company in writing of any event listed above may void the Agreement. Additional services required by any addition, alteration or other such event may be provided by the Company at Customer's expense, and may require an adjustment in the renewal fee. C. REPAIR AND RETREATMENT OBLIGATION. Customer initials . Subject to the general terms and conditions of this Agreement, if an infestation of subterranean termites occurs in the treated structure(s) during the term of this Agreement, the Company will retreat the area of infestation at no additional charge. In addition, subject to the general terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Company will repair, at its cost, new termite damage to the treated structure(s). The Company's total liability will not exceed in any one calendar year the lesser of (i) $200,000 and (ii) the fair market value of the treated structure(s), nor exceed $1,000,000 in the aggregate over the term of the Agreement, including extensions and renewals. Customer expressly waives any claim for economic, compensatory, or consequential damages relating to the existence of Subterranean termites or Subterranean termite damage, or for increased costs, loss of use, business interruption, diminution of value, or any "stigma" damage due to the presence of Subterranean termites or Subterranean termite damage. The Customer acknowledges that the Company is performing a service and except for termite damage repairs set forth above and any damage to the structure caused by the Company in the performance of its services, Customer waives any claim for property damage, and agrees that under no circumstances shall Company be held liable for any amount greater than the amount paid by the Customer to Company for the termite service to be performed. 1. The Company is not responsible for the cost of repairs of subterranean termite damage caused by or related to structural conditions or Conditions Conducive. 2. Due to subterranean termite habits, termite activity may continue to be present in a structure for a period of time following treatment. The Company is not responsible for (i) repairs of subterranean termite damage to the treated structure(s) or the contents thereof that occurred prior to a treatment date or that occurs within six months following a treatment date or (ii) any costs or expenses incurred by Customer as a result of any such damage. 3. If new damage, as evidenced by the presence of live termites, occurs while this Agreement is in force, following written notification from Customer and an inspection by the Company, the Company agrees, at its discretion, to either (i) repair the damage at the Company's cost or (ii) reimburse Customer for the reasonable cost of the repairs, but only to the extent that, in either case, the total reasonable cost of such repairs is less than $200,000 in any one calendar year. 4. Subject to the remaining provisions of this Section VI.A.4, if the Company chooses not to repair the damage itself, Customer will be entitled to select the contractor who will perform the needed repairs to the treated structure(s). Prior to entering into a contract with a contractor, Customer agrees to provide the Company a copy of the proposed contract or written bid. If the Company determines the bid to be excessive, Customer agrees to grant access to the treated structure(s) to a contractor designated by the Company for the purpose of obtaining a second bid for the work. In cases where there are multiple bids for repair work, Customer acknowledges that the Company reserves the right to select the contractor to perform the repairs. 5. The Company is not responsible for the repair of either visible damage (noted on the attached inspection graph) or hidden damage existing as of the date of this Agreement. The Company does not guarantee that the damage disclosed on the attached inspection graph represents all of the existing damage as of the date of this Agreement. Customer waives all claims for damage to the property or people that may result directly or indirectly from services provided by the Company, with the sole exception of claims for damages due to the gross negligence of the Company and/or its employees. D. PRETREATMENT LIMITED WARRANTY RENEWAL. The following applies if the Company previously provided a pretreatment for subterranean termite protection on the treated structure(s). The pretreatment included an obligation for the Company to retreat the structure(s), at its cost, if live termites are found at the structure(s) during the one (1) year following the pretreatment. The Company hereby transfers the retreatment obligation to you, subject to the remaining terms and conditions of this Section VI.B. You have the option to renew this obligation annually after the expiration of the first tern for four (4) additional one year periods provided that at the time of each renewal the annual renewal fee shown on the front page of this Agreement (subject to adjustment as provided in Section VII.2 below) is paid and a previous one year renewal was purchased. The Company's repair liability is limited as described in Section VI.A above. Section VH. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 1. INSPECTION. The inspection provided for in this Agreement was conducted in the readily accessible areas of the structure(s) located at the Service Address. If visible evidence of the infestation by subterranean termites is reported, some degree of damage, including hidden damage, may be present. The inspection covered only the readily accessible areas of the structure(s) inspected, including attics and crawlspaces that permitted entry during inspection. This inspection did not include areas that were obstructed or inaccessible at the time of this inspection. All structure(s) that were inspected are specifically noted. The Company did not inspect areas that were obstructed and/or inaccessible for physical access, nor did the Company inspect areas that required the breaking apart or into, dismantling, or removal of any object including, but not limited to: molding, floor coverings, wall coverings, siding, ceilings, insulation, floors, furniture, appliances and/or personal possessions. 2. TERM. Unless otherwise specifically provided herein, the parties agree that the initial term of this Agreement will be for twelve (12) months and will be automatically renewed on an annual basis, for a maximum of four (4) additional one (1) year periods, following the initial term, upon payment by Customer of the annual renewal fee shown on the front page of this Agreement (subject to adjustment as provided in this subsection), unless either party cancels by giving the other party written notice at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the then current terra. The Company reserves the right to increase the price of service. This Agreement may be terminated by Customer by providing written notice to the Company within thirty (30) days following Customer's receipt of the notice of increase. 3. CONDITIONS. Customer agrees to repair and correct, at Customer's sole expense, any condition of which the Customer has been notified or otherwise placed on notice by the Company, including, but not limited to, any and all conditions that are conducive to infestations of subterranean termites or that prevent or negate proper treatments, inspections or the effectiveness of the treatments. If the condition is not corrected within sixty (60) days following notification, the Company may, in its discretion, terminate this Agreement with no liability. Customer further agrees to maintain the treated structure(s) free from any factors contributing to infestation including, but not limited to, roof leaks, improper ventilation, faulty plumbing, and water leaks or intrusion in or around the structure; inherent structural problems including, but not limited to, wood to ground contact, masonry failures, and settlement of the foundation, foam insulation, stucco construction, expanded polystyrene or styrofoam molded foundation systems, siding (including vinyl, wood and metal) if within 6 inches of the ground; standing water under pier -foundation structures, and firewood, trash, lumber, wood, mulch, shrubs, vines, and other protective ground covering that restricts visual inspection or treatment of the structure. 4. NOTICE OF CLAIMS, ACCESS TO TREATED STRUCTURE. Any claim under this Agreement must be made immediately in writing to the Company office. The Company is obligated to perform under this Agreement only if Customer allows the Company access to the treated structure(s) for any purpose contemplated by this Agreement, including, but not limited to re -inspection, whether the inspection has been requested by Customer or is considered necessary by the Company. 5. ASSIGNABILITY. This Agreement is transferable to a new owner of the structure(s) located at the Service Address. The Company reserves the right to charge a transfer fee, adjust the annual renewal rate, and change the terms of the repair and retreatment obligation upon any such transfer. If the new owner fails to request continued coverage within thirty (30) days of the closing of the sale of the structure(s) or does not agree to pay the annual renewal fee or transfer fee, the Company's obligations under this Agreement will immediately and automatically terminate effective as of the date of the closing of the sale of the structure(s). 6. PAYMENT. Unless Customer prepays annually, the Company will invoice Customer on a monthly basis for services rendered in the prior month. The full amount of the invoice is due and payable upon receipt. Invoices that are not paid within thirty (30) days of the invoice date will accrue interest on the unpaid balance at a rate equal to the lesser of 1.5 % per month (18% per year) or the maximum rate allowed by law. If the Company must take legal action to collect any amount due the Company, the Company will be entitled to recover from Customer all costs of collection, including reasonable attorneys' fees, in addition to all outstanding amounts due the Company. 7. MODIFICATION OF STRUCTURE(S). This Agreement covers the treated structure(s) as existing as of the date of the initial treatment. If any treated structure is structurally modified, altered or otherwise changed, or before any soil is removed or added around the foundation, or before any soil is removed from under the structure(s), Customer will immediately notify the Company for proper instructions and/or any additional treatment, at Customer's expense, required by the changes. If Customer fails to do so, this Agreement will immediately and automatically terminate. In the event of structure additions, the Company reserves the right to adjust the annual renewal rate. 8. CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY OR SPECIAL HEALTH CONDITIONS. If Customer believes that Customer or other occupants of the treated structure are or may (A) be sensitive to pesticides/termiticides or their odors or (B) have other health conditions that may be affected by pesticides/termiticides or their odors, Company recommends that you not have an initial or a subsequent service performed at your premises until you have consulted with your family physician. At your request, Company will provide information about the chemicals to be used in treating the premises. By permitting the treatment, Customer assumes the risk and waives any and all claims against the Company in connection with such sensitivity or condition. At your request, the Company will provide information about the chemicals to be used in treating the premises. 9. ARBITRATION. ANY CONTROVERSY OR CLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT OR ANY OTHER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY TORT AND STATUTORY CLAIMS, AND ANY CLAIMS FOR PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, SHALL BE SETTLED BY BINDING ARBITRATION. UNLESS THE PARTIES AGREE OTHERWISE, THE ARBITRATION SHALL BE ADMINISTERED UNDER THE COMMERCIAL RULES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION ("AAA") OR, IF APPLICABLE, IT SHALL BE DETERMINED UNDER THE AAA PROCEDURES FOR CONSUMER -RELATED DISPUTES. THE PARTIES EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT THE ARBITRATOR SHALL FOLLOW THE SUBSTANTIVE LAW, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT, AND THAT ANY ARBITRATION PROCEEDING UNDER THIS AGREEMENT WILL NOT BE CONSOLIDATED OR JOINED WITH ANY ACTION OR LEGAL PROCEEDING UNDER ANY OTHER AGREEMENT OR INVOLVING ANY OTHER PREMISES, AND WILL NOT PROCEED AS A CLASS ACTION, PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL ACTION OR SIMILAR REPRESENTATIVE ACTION. EITHER PARTY HAS THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE A PANEL OF THREE (3) ARBITRATORS, AND THE REQUESTING PARTY SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST OF THE ADDITIONAL ARBITRATORS. EITHER PARTY MAY REQUEST AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO THE HEARING THAT THE AWARD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A REASONED OPINION. THE AWARD RENDERED BY THE ARBITRATOR(S) SHALL BE FINAL AND BINDING ON ALL PARTIES, EXCEPT THAT EITHER PARTY MAY WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE ORIGINAL AWARD REQUEST AN ARBITRAL APPEAL TO A THREE MEMBER APPEAL TRIBUNAL. THE APPEALING PARTY SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL APPELLATE ARBITRATOR(S) FEES AND COSTS. THE APPEAL TRIBUNAL SHALL REVIEW ALL QUESTIONS OF LAW AND FACT UNDER A CLEARLY ERRONEOUS STANDARD. THE AWARD OF THE APPEAL TRIBUNAL SHALL BE FINAL AND BINDING. JUDGMENT MAY BE ENTERED ON THE AWARD IN ANY COURT HAVING JURISDICTION THEREOF. CUSTOMER AND COMPANY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THIS ARBITRATION PROVISION IS MADE PURSUANT TO A TRANSACTION INVOLVING INTERSTATE COMMERCE AND SHALL BE GOVERNED BY THE FEDERAL ARBITRATION ACT. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND SEVERABILITY. This Agreement and the attached graph constitute the entire agreement between the parties. Customer expressly warrants and represents that, in entering this Agreement, Customer is not relying on any promise, agreement or statement, whether oral or written, that is not expressly and fully set forth in this Agreement. If any part of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining terms and conditions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect. The terms of the Agreement stated herein may not be amended or altered unless a written change is approved and signed by a Corporate Officer of Company. No other employees or agents of Company have authority to amend or alter any part of this Agreement. Provided, however, that as to the paragraph on ARBITRATION, if the sentence precluding the arbitrator from conducting an arbitration proceeding as a class, representative or private attorney general action is found to be invalid or unenforceable then the entirety of the ARBITRATION paragraph shall be deemed to be deleted from this Agreement. 0 HomeTeam Pest Defense, Inc. 2017 09/17 - (53314 5YR) Subterranean Termite Protection Builder's Guarantee This form is completed by the builder. OMB Approval No. 2502-0525 (exp. 09/30/2022) Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 5 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This information is required to obtain benefits. HUD may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Section 24 CFR 200.926d(b)(3) requires that the sites for HUD insured structures must be free of termite hazards. This information collection requires a licensed Pest Control company to provide the builder a record of specific treatment information in those cases when if any method other than use of pressure treated lumber is used for prevention of subterranean termite infestation. When applicable, form HUD-NPMA-99-B must accompany the form HUD-NPMA-99-A. Builders, pest control companies, mortgage lenders, homebuyers, and HUD as a record of treatment for specific homes will use the information collected. The information is not considered confidential, therefore no assurance of confidentiality is provided. HUD is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals' information stored electronically or in paper form, in accordance with federal privacy laws, guidance, and best practices. HUD expects its third -parry business partners, who collect, use, maintain, or disseminate HUD information to protect the privacy of that information in accordance with applicable law". This form is submitted for proposed (new) construction cases when prevention of subterranean termite infestation is specified by the builder or required by the lender, the architect, FHA or VA. This form is to be completed by the builder. This guarantee is issued by the builder to the buyer. This guarantee is not to be considered as a waiver of, or in place of, any legal rights or remedies that the buyer may have against the builder. FHA/VA Case No.: Location of Structure(s) (Street Address, or Legal Description, City, State and Zip): 5376 Lugo St, Fort Pierce, FL, 34951-4456 Buyer's Name: Builder is to check and complete either box 1 or box 2. 1. �x Pest Control Company Applied Treatment (See HUD-NPMA 99B for treatment information) The undersigned builder hereby certifies that a State licensed or otherwise authorized pest control company (where required by State law) was contracted to treat the property at the location referenced above to prevent subterranean termites. The builder further certifies that the contract with the pest control company required the treatment materials and methods used to be in conformance with all applicable State and Federal requirements. All work required by the contract has been completed unless noted on HUD-NPMA 99B. Where not prohibited by applicable State requirements, the buyer, for an additional fee payable to the pest control company, may extend the protection against subterranean termites. Contact the pest control company listed on the attachment for further information. The builder hereby guarantees that, if subterranean termite infestation should occur within one year from the date of closing, the builder will ensure that a licensed or otherwise State authorized pest control company will treat as necessary to control infestations in the structure. This further treatment will be without cost to the buyer. If permitted by State law, the buyer may contract directly, at the buyer's expense, with a pest control company to inspect the property on a periodic basis and use EPA registered products to control any infestation. The builder will not be responsible for guaranteeing such contracted work. The builder further agrees to repair all damage by subterranean termites within the one-year builder's warranty period. This guarantee does not apply to additions or alterations that are made by the buyer, which affects the original structure or treatment. Examples include, but are not limited to, landscape and mulch alterations, which disturb the treated area and create new subterranean termite hazards, or interfere with the control measures. If within the guarantee period the builder questions the validity of a claim by the buyer, the claim will be investigated by an unbiased expert mutually agreeable to the buyer and builder. The report of the expert will be accepted as the basis for disposition of the case. The non -prevailing party will pay the cost of any inspections made to investigate the claim. For further information, contact your State structural pest control regulatory agency. All service must be in compliance with the International Residential Code. Type of Service:: Termite Bait System Q Field Applied Wood Treatment ❑ Soil Treatment ❑ Installed Physical Barrier System 2. ❑ Builder Installed Subterranean Termite Prevention using Pressure Treated Lumber The builder certifies that subterranean termite prevention was installed using pressure treated lumber only and certifies that use of the pressure treated lumber is in compliance with applicable building codes and HUD requirements specified in FHA Single Family Housing Policy Handbook 4000.1 (4000.1). Note: Using pressure treated sills as a sole method of termite prevention is NOT acceptable and violates the requirements of the 4000.1. Initial of Builder Date Attachments: Builder's Company Name: Adams Homes South Phone No: 772-905-8394 Builder's Date: Consumer Maintenance Advisory regarding integrated Pest Management for Prevention of Wood Destroying insects. Information regarding prevention of wood destroying insect infestation is helpful to any property owner interested in protecting the structure from infestation. Any structure can be attacked by wood destroying insects. Periodic mainte nance should include measures to minimize possibilities of infestation in and around a structure. Factors which may lead to infestation from wood destroying insects include foam insulation at foundation, earth -wood contact, faulty grade, firewood against structure, insufficient ventilation, moisture. wood debris in crawl space, wood mulch, tree branches touching structures, landscape timbers, and wood rot. Should these or other such conditions exist, corrective measure should be taken by the owner in order to reduce the chances of infestations by wood destroying insects, and the need for treatment. An original and one copy of this guarantee are to be prepared by the builder and sent to the lender. The lender provides one copy to the buyer at closing and includes a copy in the VA loan package or HUD insurance case binder. The builder sends one copy to the licensed pest control company which performed the treatment. Attached is a copy of the state authorized pest control company's New Construction Subterranean Termite Service Record, HUD-NPMA-99-B. Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001. 1010, 1012:31 U.S.C. 3729.3802) form HUD-NPMA-99-A (8/2008) New Construction Subterranean Termite OMB Approval No. 2502-0525 Service Record (exp.09/30/2022) This form is completed by the licensed Pest Control Company Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This information its required to obtain benefits. HUD may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Section 24 CFR 200.926d(b)(3) requires that the sites for HUD insured structures must be free of termite hazards. This information collection requires the builder to certify that an authorized Pest Control company performed all required treatment for termites, and that the builder guarantees the treated area against infestation for one year. Builders, pest control companies, mortgage lenders, homebuyers, and HUD as a record of treatment for specific homes will use the information collected. The information is not considered confidential, therefore, no assurance of confidentiality is provided. This report is submitted for informational purposes to the builder on proposed (new) construction cases when treatment for prevention of subterranean termite infestation is specified by the builder, architect, or required by the lender, architect, FHA, or VA. All contracts for services are between the Pest Control company and builder, unless stated otherwise. Section 1: General Information (Pest Control Company Information) Company Name: HomeTeam Pest Defense, Inc. Company Address 4341 Fortune Place City west Melbourne State FL Zip 32904-1532 Company Business License No. 7B165929 Company Phone No. 321-409-8489 FHA/VA Case No. (if any) Section 2: Builder Information Company Name Adams Homes South Phone No. 772-905-8394 Section 3: Property Information 5376 Lugo St, Location of Structure (s) Treated (Street Address or Legal Description, City, State and Zip) Fort Pierce, FL, 34951-4456 Section 4: Service Information Date(s) of Service(s) 12/30/2021 Type of Construction (More than one box may be checked) ❑x Slab ❑ Basement ❑ Crawl ❑ Other Check all that apply: ❑ A. Soil Applied Liquid Termiticide Brand Name of Termiticide: EPA Registration No. Approx. Dilution (%): Approx. Total Gallons Mix Applied: Treatment completed on exterior: ❑x Yes ❑ No ❑x B. Wood Applied Liquid Termiticide Brand Name of Termiticide: Bora-Care EPA Registration No. 64405-1-AA Approx. Dilution (%): .23 Approx. Total Gallons Mix Applied: 2.5 ❑ C. Bait system Installed Name of System EPA Registration No. Number of Stations installed ❑ D. Physical Barrier System Installed Name of System Attach installation information (required) Service Agreement Available? X❑ Yes ❑ No Note: Some state laws require service agreements to be issued. This form does not preempt state law. Attachments (List) Comments Name ofApplicator(s) Alexander Navarro Certification No. (if required by State law) JE133994 The applicator has used a product in accordance with the product label and state requirements. All materials and methods used comply with state and federal regulations. Authorized Signature Qz le&d.l Date 12/30/21 Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010. 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) form HUD-NPMA-99-B (08/2008) 12/30/2021 County PCL Form St Lucie County Inspections L 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce, FL 34982 OR 1D (722) 462-2172 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT # BUILDER Adams Homes South JOB ADDRESS 5376 Lugo St, Fort Pierce, FL 34951-4456 PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR HomeTeam Pest Defense. Inc. PEST CONTROL LICENSE # JF0001886 We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above -described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet of area treated: 220 Chemicals used: Bora-Care Percentage of solution: .50% Date of treatment: 12/30/21 ® Footing A 1 st Treatment ❑ Re -treat ❑ Slab ❑ 1st Treatment ❑ Re -treat ❑ Driveway ❑ 1st Treatment ❑ Re -treat ❑ Pools ❑ 1st Treatment ❑ Re -treat ® Other Wood Stud Treatment ❑ 1st Treatment ❑ Re -treat Total gallons used: 2.5 Time of treatment: AM FBC104.2.6 Certificate of Protective Treatment for prevention of termites. A weather resistant jobsite posting board shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certificates as each required protective treatment is completed, providing a copy for the person the poermit is iisued to and another copy for the building permit files. The Treatment Cerficate shall provide the product used, identity of the applicator, time and date of the treatment, site location, area treated, chemical used, percent concentration and number ofgallons used, to establish a verifiable record ofprotective treatment. If the soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. ® Perimeter for Final Inspection 4S*ture of exterminator NOTE:There must be a completed form for each required treatment or re -treatment and this form must be on the job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will fail and a re -inspection fee charged. https://ht-xb.pestpac.com/forms/countypcl_print_plain.asp?Form I D=1931034&preprint=0&pdf= 1 /1