HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (Roofing)uct Appmwal db�pr ftcslf"_A� cor"wents Arxrowzv ItId"Ifical Represattat)vc Abet: c55e`Fiae�elF.Eskail BUt—WV CVYAV4e Aga File cooy F1,1454,R27 VIEV1/� D FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ST, LUCIE COUNTY j)BOCC2//4fZL PMYGLASS USA V�� NOWPAd Cent4- DMVC srft �Zith. ft 3344Z `9!Wi 231-1333 ExT 242 TECH REP t * I I Wwl N"*WT ceft'r -In Vfg 0--vIficid SeWt� FL 33442 502-801 pAath., FL 33A4-;, Evalluzuwg Rmort from a 9*rkla Rtqaefej Arviaw or a uamseo Eforkta -otessional Bingimt.c, flanda Fwawation pert fb6da Ucensc qil;hAy As"'kiml1w, Entity UL LL C Qw,Ry As.wrance Cori :,-,ct ExafratiGn Date mw�sha� av jayrr V1. Xrmzemn. .*Ilbdatimq cm-r-kh.v, - "ard'opy Rrr'6)md trMhatb v� tinagpendtfic, stil"lazra al_ Ye:)f JIG'. stanclzrd) smmdos- btar Aff'm D4601 2.012 AW14 041347 Way JL-STM U6162 2M ASIT". 05161 2*15 ASIM 06164 261 A ASTM M222 MO. ASTM D6509 ;rol's PA 4470 FM 44174 UL 1397 M-1 of prft%,Ct slzndar� CanifL-d 8v Pmewl Aparwwal MW=4 �Ietr;od I Owomn, D Mw Submis-te-0 1010212920 Validated Dee Isnq FBC APWM7al Dole A=mNpd summary of produEft FL V Model, M=Wr or Name Description ....... .... 1654.1 pajy0l SUmtn Pml SDS arty APP nuxl4led tftmtV MO SV%keM% Svaems Elan ns of Use Irislaliat3tmInstrimUcma Apomired for us* In HVHL- No ......... ..... AMMOed for use OuWde MUZ. lb"s rmpact Resistant": WA verojw ay: Rob-,rt Mernmen PE-591 DejIgn PressAwe: -?JjAt-622:5 Created by lr)de;xft4e.T)' Tbifd Pafty'. yes other. .1 A The desip) wemra M Ors appDMOn mWes Evaluation Reports 4 Z' ,o arixt fwt�cuiw as&ernaly over concrete deck, 9—efer to the LFW& ER AooLnax for other sistmis and deck rp-es. Z.) Refer to 17"Ut EP, Stctwn slot, othex LMIts of u9�c. 3.1 Refer to FL. 6717 Created by Inde0coftn' , Third PMWr Yeti for tivii Z junoicn.0m, U w*--RAM',-L )WAW4r'qg� Pd0 �' Clt* Z2 TACKDEtK APPLICATION TXRE DEstRIPt tORf RACal. New or, Retoof )Y+ear.-Olf .. A-1 _ gomlcd lmolatten, l+pnaed !loot Cover Ill Woad New of Reroof lte.tr,410 1t*2. Meth, Attu bed Author Sheet, Bondcd InsuWoon, Donded Rohl Covet 8 12 ! ' Wood New, iter'aof Re -011) of Recover A,2. NNW$, Attatland Arathut Sheet, Ponded Insulatiolr, Poodod stool i,over 12.14 g Wood New, Hero al (1e4t.00) at $.,:Cover t1• l Atmclrtd rinse lowlatWlr, OondF d Top Inwialiom, Oor"Jed Roof itNQr � 14 M lE woud New, Rr(oof (Tttilr-Off)Or Rncnvcr C11 Meth, Attaches! InsulattCh, flooded )agof COW-Y 15,19 1F Woad New; Peruot 11e.ar•Oti) or ffoCaVor 0 Insulated. Mlerh. Attochod )talc Sheet, Oondeti Roof graver 10•23 1ta M7cttad New tat iit:ratrf {Taar•^Ofl) L•2 Nrrn•htst+lutc,t, Ntetfa. Altit"d time Sheet frw1%), 000110 Roof Cover 23) l 1N Wood New, Recent Ileaarlaff) of RAco.vet C-2 Nan>lnurlasled, Mt`tn. Arta OM;l &rse Sh."I fitMws & trlat4s), l?+rnded Root coveY��c3 r �� '' .i'' aNrwd S t.'r�w of Hs rust {lnar 'Ott! F' Nun-lnuitoled. Sondva Roof Ctavor 1 _ 2A _ Steel tar 5krucxur s) causerie fiJeva Rests! 11 eor•r ff) srr RrCtivtyr g^ 1 Viet h. Attye)u:si gate Insulatltrrr, pondr:l t,op lr su1'rtttait, EYn„n rye/atl Ronr C+r er 1J Steel C,r Sa[utturpl cianrret� tJew, Rrrrlfsl {1t ar•tlif) or Rett?vtr C•1 NIWI Attached Irs4ulirt.©n, ftondess RxaorCsiW 44'50 2C 3tc 1 iar Strtt SurAl cvnttrtg Ni? u, Rrrcvot lTe«ir [iff) of Resume 0.2 Intollled, Ftecit AtVW*d bAW Silent: f3 "Od Rqut Cayce 1p �ateei ut SSrucfttrAl'¢tancrotat tJew, llrrrxa! ITear I?ff) tat tt tiyC r 0 2 lomilated, Mech. MI(O tad Velmillm SON1 0 User,! Leaver _ 3P, 5lrixtural ConcrItie New ur hatool JTO. +i Olt) A• I Bonded Insulutlon, Bonded Roof Co; of Sft uA 3U structural concrete Now tat Nrroal Veot-010 F Non.InstllMod, Borsdetlf Roue Cnus>r ,tA ll>tlttvvr lght tune?rtr. New t,r ReraUi (Yrar•fttfl A•1 Bonded insulation, Bund^d Rnrsf Cnvrr h`I 7d 40 Lj4htweight tonriete New or Rerool jTraa+r•ufl) A•2. Much, Attached Anchor Sheet, Banded 1nsIAMIrin, Bonded Rona Covet dG lightweight concrete New sir Vacate! {feotr olf) t. l Non•Insialated, Meth, Attatlaed ffir3r Sheet, tlt nd 110Rtsol CoyCr 24.78 5A Gsttncnaftious wood Mmt Reroof ITC-ar^Cell) A•1. Bontfed Inmu)atitrn, bonded Roof Covor SB ce"Itnultutis wood fiber Reml (Tk ,alj) or Retoyer A.Z Meeli Attached Anchor SthaeL floodmi In au)atlan., flooded Roof Covet £10•82 cemrnkllluus wood fiber Aumal I tear -Off) or "eCovr..r 0.1 WO, Atlarhod date Insu)ntiOn. OoAdcd frp 1>t 2' to ool n, f�rar,sisss M� SU come�ntitiou%yroQ4 filet fleroof j7e3r-olf) or llftoveo C4 Meeh Aitathed inxtr)ution, llumdert (Root Covet it Conte(,lit)a?rs v anti 1)hz»r RerC,Ct (Tcur•g11) 4t Recover k•2 Non, ln,tdated, A loch. AtlatTled fibre Sheet, Branded Roof Cover _ 0! file 00 Exhtl nA 6' p um Ca,I Ih4$ ttyPsum PCt o! 14.lr 014 Woof f.leartlff) or P--ovet A 1 A•2 Rofirind ins „cation fiur,tl�•d Roof Ctrvrr � Mr!mh. Atlached Ant hem Sherlt, 1t )hkll InM1141146, 8ondtee Root I'ovef 8A HAL RR GC EX17,u R ppsurt, Peroot flevr.ofl) or recover C,l Mech, Attarboo lnsutatlon, Hooded Roof Cove 88 fee 1A L�)sting gypsum V:irloos Roloot 11CAt•0flj.of kmpver Recover C<2 A•:1 Non•lntulatr+l, Much Allmhod DOW Sl trot, tt,i„+1e01100f t;orer ponder! hlsulat,nn, ttmsdr.d Root Covet Ii5 K9,94 WI Vatttrtrf liecover f Non•insuloted. bonded Root Covet 94 MEMO V1(I . t:lE: E:v?ltabt3 rt 4sport t 92stil Q g5 42.5 Im l L,16$44(27 tertiflt4ir of .Authom.4tion $12455 'r li1f71£2N 11020) vor httlk.tiv#42 fwal='!VON Rrvftton 25. C' 1101«t?;1G 02018 KNO ETC. tilt polltiglass Modified pltumen Roof Systems; (954) 2.31.1330 Mitre elk i NiAti 1 Of 9A ONE= I etc. Ole fillfrwing mto appiv w the ipgstam* I tilt'! mot w%tem-wIlivation "fqiA owtaftij to-3bovv4�0 voot ot"Po"w acts{ 4KksjrW wworm bp it) with rfic rstilassi ettsilntf to of WeAuthwilv Nov" sari... . ........ - ...... ....... ......... ........ ........ " ...... Fatvftem shaft bi A - wffij:te0j ltt%th for tho (fiAlowinj rw Wood Oak, All»lfrtutn I.filch g Writ. 5tsal tick:: mi"Jimm D"n l"01 steel ponetrat!()ll and Cite oap. the lop filito of the or'91 ijocit Oniftim 1,00 elfillodmotil 1,110 Dijol hbit'llt wordame wild published illsIANtIon toltiummis kinimo whetwi,e h.ttitt-4, ihiutotion worn 1W ativ one. lay,et Or cavriblo.et.ilit) of W Applowd 11,001 of statewdej ftiordisl that mcm W 1$05 Ord. tot 101111 plomit. rbr- choptor 20, whell iftiltalleti with the wit t0vto mmitimp" thick roc l'.titivmte fit thirough tbri liglitwtight mmonlitig Coo-orle to engaile lite typo, INCkneki $"J %trongth tome stet--rid decks and -All Wtoritl Mt- this ti 0 wind (11316ff reomittv CAlowimto wid dari oot oulport to itd4re.1s ;MbPri gliall be fit Ate"filAncs! with to the VIMLIC110"01 the Aottwmy K1000 jUltIOM1041 nowwwd uPlift ililijvl, iurb dsdftk V001010 40 100410tv lovels within lite I.WIC tend the Roll nits! PiNcto". oveffirmg Com;V10onts 5 prolim.maty inw4molm, atI40111,01.11 for 5", tiirvi tvp" 1); UlAteo otheivoso noted, MOW W SeCtICIA 2 4 to 13 of W Loss pteventior Oato sheet J-2.9 Jh!brt;'J1v 29l01 ri U»lens tatltrr+vtsis itzated, rriaul�twsii, atit!rFciwre apfslit't'itati» rites aria a>s fiailiw': f#i#rhori yr bean width is �1t tttc kfrta ttt #tptilliAtt..». tlse ntihota€lflr.�i3> �hatl ercttanil :as n,5#rfil ira tli! menitfprtur*�r's lsiittlt51aef3 rut; mvproge at 15' 40 1b*t5qurtv- 4- Dollont iNISTA Slit: 0olk Set Conliiwawi 015 10 MillLio , 1) wide ijbti iltis OOP, I )tep 17WMAI!�, Adho- ive (WOM Aj: Cottliouoi)� 0_2,5 to, KH, {tiller Millerthium PIG, I Pump Gt.)de Adhesive Sw foll'S00); _V L-r owd whem Qtvtivrnt 3Gkt iS rvjxrrrttcai. OtVilund Clusit (00 Chiv,4-00: f 01; 4r'#vN;4gv at I gal/squire iC.P A414miVe. & Sr-014110 VOWSM JR 4W wide jrilibom.lW inch ox, N oppiierdailho0w. ore -ri itfoito of insvioNom uW16t, iwi: b unt f ..: , re, joyp" Note: At mosirni" i0dor 44taftrefrvm fbi, udhesIve obbon to thl, �dvr of the ittlWatitm ]Doord shoh to not 10is than we. boy tire veviVed ribbylts 'Imirmu, UWvo'Jv%lht!!Wge- flolv4, all Immiations we "41,mocs of t,%pqf botrid of th"- mitilmium llrOfio*a wivii Topem'd A the folimmna PAmAnemi limitirtlofis maybe 6UbMilufo wilh hats foljowitie j viijut-s (�o. oKW to �wtrotvlml this0,40P fisirng� to 010, tablof" CQ*thAlkt d tot tfie IaWm ffien the thl"rWr W1401 listed bt-wim m;ty be AJW,,d 04 i);frply,jn lor.ttw � qjujv�Hq jjjjrx 'Itt table. it. I it* Mar tt , 0.. rijilolmd1wihim stun Stop roamAlt, A&I", Ive 110,05FAI: N101' 4 AS7 5 0 NO'. D-5 4t(h thiCH Kel follor IWmilid'"wom P641 Pump Grade Adlwivo IWO), mbp 4 -157-50st 1.1041 p,$=inth thick] O 001011d 5001. MOM Mop - .,45:0 pNf (Min, 0.5,inth thick hjultl-M;lw rA-3) 011AG 04W. ad SM 4010001; MOP z 191's P-0 1him. 93-ifldl th"Ick, ISO %+ at) 0mq olvNitto R10 1000, hiop * .1tS,ofilf (M.in. 0.5-heft thiti tNRfV 11) 0mG 0104ind SO MOW); 41UP-4 -487:5 itif jM1h V01,011f CR 20i Mvp n' 117'5oil Win 19 {nth ttwt) may3mult, 40all, prosittv for the selft.ted 4sw0bly SOMI rpte! Ur #Iiievett 0 tf'mt 010 ?trove I plilmt, dowtv filowire dertmnkmod It, It roc 04ptot tb- 00wifto afvsvwc� totwn '"hafi omo* Ve attAO!"Will; drtiviv dr4firil by A qw)IIA00 (Ai#(I to frwit thp. pfr"4mjm* Colviii, Commor-4 U;od -mettlod� atf-- lit atcitvilluotta" "voorl 092" 02-08-H25 fat M tit IN CpjTjQV J,��QZOJ tIsC NONW4W WALUAT10,14 11"Visilpi .15.: cortiliruoc of Awliolilam'm 16j4S5 App-mW 1, of 4 4 Clot$ WWI EX, ttc rolyfilass Modiffed Ultum.1m 116011 40timli)(954) Z33-UIG ONEMO I e`ci ANSii'SP81 W D I, IM toss P1'eV0ni9pn V4ta Sheet 1.2`1, i?oollri(t AntilicsttOn SlaridoW MI 117 and Rooting Applis,rteon Standard RAS 137. A.isernblies rr,arked :.with on aliletisk' carry the litnihilii7nc wl foM, rn 5,eal,011 ?,2.10.3 of Fh,S Leas I're+nrIsWul Data Sicocl t-79 frebtuary 2020) tot%Qne Zia rrt;itneementa. ID roY atsernbhes with all conipopon#s fully banded, the it+a.cttiutn daWl pressury for this wlected amernbly sh ail meet at exceed critical tit sign lrrwgsure determined In a L'f.Y dante with tilt. Chatster 16No It fat nlecimnically attnchet! components owrr eaisttng dt?--ks, lar3ttlnm shall be tested in tale cxtlting deck tot wit6dsaKal resistance. A gaialitled design nretle saiLnitt shalt r Mtnv the data lot Cetnldutisan lu thr rniiuntrirn rC4tidireanM14 for the Wstern. Tolling and amity is shall be In,accoidance with ANSI/SPRI FX-1 ur Trisling Application Slaindard TAra 105. 12 Far bonded insulation tat metntitane aver edfl3fing 4ubxlrntes in a to -toot hear off) at woven Installation, the existing ef>cti or a sisitng saof 3utf;rce shall tdQ xa.mined for . Gtitpatikr►llty with the ;adh+ give to ue Installed. if any SUtf a COnifitirlf s CdS xt Sbtt# ttt►ng WSWIn tserfarxntintt onto qu:+at10_ fteid uplift teming in accoidantc sholi be conduacd artrisock-upi; of the ptopoted next rood assernbly Far banded intttitcittrdn or mernhvianr. avel exhli g substrates in a feco `er Initi#ilatirn, the rtelstlrtg root ayslem lihail he ta(iabl,e of rtsisling project dc:slgri pr"swez on as aura anent to cites tt9fact on Or the Aut}worry is w±tog ltdrist#iGtlan, as afncumt!ntcai ttirauRlt iteid uplift tt*stirryl Field uplift teiting 3lrai! bp it, acci3n arxii awlth AiTM E007, FAA 10ss 1r rthu lyata Sheet 1.52 ai Toxtln8 iigpuraLhsn 5tundar,l TAS 124. 1A Refeir to FOC 011 list requirement, and iimtt ttion; legardint necover initslluittrnx. f of Structural Concrtite LVci sir Recursr Appttraiiunw testng System Typtz C,1,C.2. U 1 Or U 2. the inSN19t413n l5 optio)nai Allern lk,,toly, in FBC Anprovie'd RKulaltWO Iitdurd Or tavesbaard may be .heal ss a separation IatyW, Board Wodutts V'Alt fir: P(elltnlnWily utLiciicd prier to root cover instoltanon (state 5 hereln). Ittir iVPW0tnr ratnonnent sliali be toad vented rtt3 mectintt FAC 1505 and. lilt fimm pfasttc, FfRC C1tapter 26, when installed with the matt roost in Recczver tifiptic.;tlosrts. 14 Lightwoot insulating concrete 1.LSVICI shall brr cast In accord4ntrr with FIIC'Stclttdn 1911 to ttie salisfnetiors of V:a Authority Having hml drwo w Foar t'yU,,rW% where W00fic 1---WIC ir, refnrenteil; taler to Curre 't t VIC Prod rt Appttivat lot spit iftc duck construction andlirtittatsaitt. tlrilest oche wise noted, fart tin,., wfirtp specific WiC is not tnferenmd. the, coheir=ium design mix ghyll b,-; 300 psi- In oil uses, the; minimum lop-wat thir-knets is 2-tnchri. for LWF'IC over $tridtturat conrns te, rrfer"re is made to 1`8C Section 1Sr17.A1. paint I. for pro naNIstent" (NViC dtrferitntes, tiltrngs were gntabitetir(i throi!gn trstrrig ever fightwelgid concrete cast usltig only fiaarning ageol !ASTAt C896), water and Portland cement (ASTNI C SD): With tea proprfatary Nti ilttrnts, in accs}rdarter with Procedures aa#ttined IN Moroi -DAP WD (1Ft1C tEit1Sr321 t}ir. Ql tltt^se itsitngs ih rtew rtlnxtnaCliQn 6r re rtatdf �tear•ulf) npptisattans is of the rltscreliun of the tieslgrter or Atgord aril Atathnrity Halving luasdictinn. tar tdadid4d tnrdnbrane :dpphcntlans, unlCyb Qtn�+aYt:SQ ttartttat, risd�r rid inr.� rua!aaxjsrb, Mr,»4isA1'4e.):iAONt�tirECit�aritt�►titlf+l5 REFERENCt LAY01 MATNIAL APPLIUNTION Bp. Boss:. Pay one or !dotes .Ii+ s Poi lass 62 Baba, Fit[ Annrowd A51M 04601 I'VIV It rttit Asphalt lit 2tt.dri p One air inttre tits$ pal; Iris Ply WPoN#Ltas5 Ply VI, FGL Ap tared ASTM 01178, Typo Ile at VI jfiatr< vniy Ply'.beets, Note. As half F lard screed; of instrkstian shall not be a fled to t rtirt act aced rnembmnrt.- Axpt,alt tipitriff - — Base Ply One P O stvuote lmnitBand tl istoflea V, Elastufin c SG, El.woitex 56 Ifp, Etasteiiftld HT PG3S0 ill SOS CAI Elritashfeld ttT' G, tl „w5bleld "I G FA, Elalstoftex V G. Eiastonew V 6 FH, Ela stollex Sti, Chl"Millex 54 HP Ethxtnflex 5Ce C, itnstatiez guljsquara Cal) Dly SG G t N llaslashield T5 G, Y astothietd TS G FR. Pu! foes!" G WS svraii-backedi, Pta1 Ptesla G SOS Fri lsrdnd•bac.ked Base Ply Hoeg nay £lastobaw isondt"t1d), Elastonex V. > lmlollett 55Elastolte's 56 HP i Fit, V C iti', Elasloll&x 3C, Etuxtaflelx 56 HP ElasicHe>< Sr G, EfasWttex 3S st 1.5 2.0 � 5n)inlypfus CA1, Cap tilt Elastoshiefd HT G, Elaifali'lrld NT G Elactoffex VG Eta tatl11ax TS Elustashinld TS G FR. Polviresku G SSS lsirtd•bat:kedl, ►tolyftealyd G 505 Fit 1witi-backed) gat sguurr 56 G M El4stoshlold Ci, One ul mars pllcs f:lailobaw (t,9rid/Rind or polyl§and), elmiobaso P (santttsanaf or poly/stied), Eiasto1WIt V. LiAstoilex'1t3. flasltsltex (iaie Ply ur pay So lip, Etastolblefd Mi Elastus+tinh4 tti Ct, CtaxtuJltlrtd MT G t tl. ElastoRec V, E13atoltraV G, klastaflex V a FA, Eta- ON!* Sfi, Ef�,totlex SF, tip, ElastUflex Sfi G,5, Ftlat Aslahatt ai G�:ft [apply Palyfrrsi xi Ca Sit§ FTi lsnad•tracki to �.SUWAA eiiirt93tt Al �titttlf #laxtaftr s 56 G 1R, Eiusiaatileld T5 C+. Efasto.h"arid iS G FH, Pal ireskci G SttS srind•b,tcltcsi). Neter dsttltRlt fledtheetsarl"Jubflora,fliouna"beaAptledtapt-4Wittsurf""idtrrsxrtbrvnt --- ►sra�s%uf?t•'.or arw sir %nitre nuts Efasiobotu is sncflaot El sattdfaasr tint yl ELystottex Y Etasto`si±x 3Fa, f.l»htolicx St: W. tta€tashretd HT SB5• T,3 Elaxtasnri ld MT Etostosl aeld HT ci FR, Elailctflex V, Efri>taflut V ►'a,i tsLnifea V ti Fft, t faatoftk SEi ETasti�lft x 5si NfR, l i istiif)e, SG f .tote Apptieai 1501, Tadtcts e!f!tsli{tl) Ciiai Ptq G, EtastQllt?x ta5 � Fat, Efnstte hfeld TS ti, Claistaviield Ts G I'll. PrFiyfrrska C.S$5lpoty•ftSns f},tClt�ii), Pcilyfi N..i:at C3 �$S t11 lot lti titan l Ey-jivation Rtaport ►+9290.0240 R2S tat FtU&I-027 ier#ilicaizw of A[ittrnrltu'tian k3245fi 7rh SF#ittr2ty' (X72a) Litt: !i>:tl�:•ttVttZ e.VAtitIATItiW Hwisrpn 25. la's/30!1f12D i01R NEW CTt, a tC polyrglasi Modified Bitumen 1?oot Syttemik.19541233.1310 AuPeiridix 1, Nile 3 nl 04 7X t6 (ONEN40letC. REf RfAtC& LAYER WAWERtAL APPUCAUGN Still ad.hering (follow4d 5R5-SA•Fl Date Ply Fld,,d* W SA . by tot ctL-atstslted t6attF ESA�S•?rsf<•3W:arm-q..?rirsnfiSttrrrm Giasfi LI t3t?e rfe ertnrle Or* lrlasloflea SA V, EhUnlles $A V ;R, €laxtottcr SA y Plu+. F laxtrrtles SA. V Pit,rs l t�. EtaStrtCta L A lase MR Cap Ply Netrx Elastailex SA P. Elastallex SA P rlt, Palyreltett glRleis otherwlsfs rmtaZ permtssibte ra£rnbraure tubtiratEY/ar585•SA are tift?ttsd to the SP •SA Pose Ftyaptfans herrtrr, EdttSlobwsr Y/serltl) Of Ewtobale S65.5A t50S, Srtl•AfArertngl Scll•AdherinR BG351i at 15 2.0 APP•CAl Cap Ply Palyllax G FA w ��V� y y sr uarr APP-TA (APP, totch,Appilk,41 Dace Pty or Ply One of lrlatepl!im, Pat lass t?:ase Pal li Pal [wnrt ----- -- te5rrh Aq„rrti af! 5rz11•uftBr ln{l (latiawed c ap a{y Pal Ilak, Palvttes G, Pal Rex is rfi. Pate bond!, Paly'aanzl G, Pa('frasko 0, Ira ttesko �G FR ��_ AM-SA•t[ Darer Ply Poly0ex SA Base tatctt-nts»fMd Sheri) d±+� �t:t•A9wttn6;fge+d5wxfcm9r . (APp, tielr-.ldhenrtQ�1 t i Pt ^•••«...•.�•..••-•.•."•••...� PuIvllvx. Sri. P, Pu[ c+r SAP FR, tfak)jtctko G SA, Pat` frpiko G 5A FR. Ptft t traI Sell Adhering Natfa: llnlasa afharVrtfc rtatrr , txrrrttttstblfa rtterrtbronc iubltrata� fcrAPPwSA a+e tiinitrsd to the SdS•Sel 6rrte t2ty aptlons heretrt, ftisstabsasa fps (sr±nd) � Elsatot}ostt .,..,....,...,.,...,_�,, ._ .. - .. _. -._ .._........__ .,n.. ,:.•..,..::.,., ♦�.,, a...«.;r. ,.f"et,w R.9r5D tldina. hnirru vx rf9ntn in IAbIr> 327 C+I1BErS!5. Vapol04 rflef xflitlom lot UNO vw-r srfucaretc7r Ce131G/r x9 N9«4R 49/114driSSic Utl 4Ml.N4 U r,u,.v.•ru••r r.� p {y 9ha±PtalaRtt�itsi}SsAttcitiYAt.Co tit t;FatLcsvrtD®YApt�lsW4WP I?tUAAU09OutTAut3& OPTION VAPOR BARRIER VAPOR INSULATION AUHES1VE PSF ( PSl'} (NOTE"ICaPPUGI IgFI p PRIMER t •VA-t. P ate vagollox SA v Ptw 5rtlt•AdhPlIn ti•M or CR 20, 12-lmb as, 6Q.E! C<V6-2. 5-5 __ tsal R(rsgRaae �"grrf+wtK l d t}•tS®rCi?•2U. z2•inchQ.c, -75A 7S.D C=vfl-3 PGICC, Flaftilex SAP Ssstl-hi;lzerlrfR � ..A Q tS, ai-1 `char., C-YU,4. • k &iix) Elmtollox SA P ,. Self AdholiNg ki t:+SFA 1. !7eh ra.t;. C-itll•S. p� L tlastrziea SA P 1 Sf•ll.Adh lletR CR 2l3 .124mlt a.t. -270A C-V'd-6. Pai100 Elastofl.a% Sit V. E.lusloftex SA V rR. Etastaftex SA V Plta, EiRstrlflaw SA V Plus I'll Y Srsit.Arltt4Hng _M tJSt A, 11 PG 3, t�95k1i! e5r' Cit-2D, 12 tnrlt a.c. 29t1..t3 C-Vtz-T, PGIL�13 S85•Titltylthsendcal•tfrp•surfa+ei 'Facets ftzpletd G"tiSkA.MtG•l.L#€iSC!UartR-dz,l2•inchR.e 2'ttk.tz 1.7 the Iuliowmg cuff ocilig may lie 4tpplier5 to the 00 Ki V.,a it c4vor =e. atre;:t Pn the :Y-stcmv4lnd toad parlwmar:e Peru. Ra Currnart floc€d"i! Pfo iur. APra0val fat .:pp+ov ei Rety `lass end k6A t tinRs rt t coazfrtp for apph;;ihltort llmilat'rans and a Roatile6 &1aterials Difretory for lire ratir9ps atfxxrated with coating usarcf. St,Ardr ;'t?tltL'9t� FDA Fam4slAu tVlQtt11;10611VYAN FlWfAYStfl4 3 OPTION Y SURFACING El �R6DA FRt]tlUs:t APifRtlYAI SUltl�t. IrG00 F6Ltl251 SUAi-x. PG 6W suff-I.. PG 650 SUPr,4 PG `ii�=. SURF-S. PG 7m QS _ Fl.l1?101 SURF-6 PG sm FLIC291 SURF-7 Pnlyplit Fr+t rtloxq lkt.4 o "C. uM Gertiltcalm Of Authari,orzsn 113245.5 tt2019 NENIQ LIC, iK pn. C0111 14, (20201 FEC ksalF•-tfIFtF.E °ALifR7ii9[�Y Poly#last Modified DRUWn tltsaf Systeftts; (9541233.1T30 Evijiv4lian Rofio[t P02%).tr2,011 FQS for FL1G�a+ Kl Re-ulsran.2ra 09130AD20 APplAdtz l; Page a 0194 system ta Mat, 1) F0FEo. prim I Root r.9"t "Ole 131roof Joint Titcatmant alm. ply I—Ptv cop P1 y ct I APA rated, IM GA'l 0$,R jqmts.;ire rfaveopd wit1w 44nch Mde strips of 54 V. MtO 1:Wtaftex SA v P44 (lastallex SA v (Onoo"Zill sits-W, SBS- St- l7s'SA, roil -SA, W Um to c(tiate cootiftuatm Wnd 1A, AP04A 90'" Norm, Si!SflS- IA, APPAW SWTA. 4 SUS-W 54$' %S-SA. APP-16k min. Pa 1,00 None 5 0 S �S* A M, A Pk4 TA, Sri`,I'A,. AM M Plywouti !otitis a(pr'Wuy0d with 4,inch wide k1po5 of [144tqflc* SAVI'lus, tailed E1010110 $AV Ot 10"mortill) 55s,8k W. SBS-S4k. APP,Sk %VM Min, 115M, inch plywood Optional) PG1W imo pjat�q to ,.tjote contjntiao� kjorid, flail oil".. SA V CR I A, APP-TA SM-TA, APP-TA Mr. ir. �rvA POUBRITE 745 None ik 505- IA, OP4A S%,& , OP-SA, M-1A. APMA W412 '— Min tsM Plywood 10110 at fmmcri) with 4,int'h wide Vopb of riast'00to 54 %,, EIngohm, SA V Plos of Eta-ilcille)(I.A v WpWool Stwlt,SA SM�- IfA., ses-m' App� $A, W-213 Inch PlywUad foptifmal) Prilm Into Wars to 00410 cooltaskicui liomt, p1w rA APPJA DAU PM a. Mtn. AS/32, AFPSkfl (Gotionhi APP TA APP-TA W,214 . taut Plywood Will mrJA(J Prilt)(1i thine — Mim Plovood ictillswe Covetedwet WIM01 04�t(Iflk7x SA VKA, rtlilteO APPISA-ti 1151) W 1 2 V�' Wistlon.all P6100 to vfqtyw. cominkso"'o Wrta into pkit-, Min, IS/32, 4A (Optio"al 1 TA W411 Nlw- 15/32. MIN Mine Inch PAYW;A10 54vplui ftbo"d N401 1504, plywood oms;*rr cVverld with 4-irtch Wide.SWM Of WOO(Iey—SSfS lorAij�pw.j S115 fA W ZIA lapbunal) Placc, ko tpsg"A'tr t"IMMUMM tiond. A"t S13S IIN SAN IF? 219 tvaltimign Reocift OW WW'W US far Ru , i x P I , I MEMO r1c, kovo�jl 2 5, 00/301202.0 Aothionga"itIft "U 0 'Ariti Palys'-03 Modified 13110-men 11001 5lfstfllft� (9541104430 ApvvtWix A. PiMM! P Of �4 c I c � LK