HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Review Affidavit 3-24-16Bitilding Permit Planning &DevolopmentSer-4., ' 9 vicegDepartme.iiit j3oildmiLy & R-eg.plations:UVision Product Review Affidavit Apolieant:% Name., STANDARD PACIFIC Prodkt CipOn.lhg 00819ki prer;sures, Product Rated Deslcfn Pressure -.0anufad.b.ror Model Nqm'ber: P.epdu6t Approval Glass TypQ Method. of Attt Xt Windows Mullions Fixed Glass, Sk lights: 911dirid Glass. Doors SWIng TypwDoors . French Doors Garageboora Hurricane' �Protectlon Roof Ventilatl6n. Roofing Material ATTACHED EAGLE BEL AIR -Ft 17326'.2- N/-A'2=#8,2-.-51.' QUICKDRIVE -5C,R'E.ws- Revised 07122.12014 1 have -revIeWedilie: aboVexonimfibiAs OY cladding ind 114ve approved their use in thigAtriiettike. Tlfos'b PrddiicU pt9vide a0q wviudjqidg -And.forces specified b lb codd pYpVWi0ns y'cuirr.A. Name:, Co 8!jLAjCL4-,, -Signature:: Design Prof: Cert. No, KL - RB LOT 46 seal I - C4A rR y1 �'e.r iY'gj i�x%t%'�T 4'`j. � i � iwp•n, csr� Building Permit #.. Planning & Developme>nt:S.ervices Department Euilding.,& 1Regulatinns Division Product Review Affidavit STANDARD PACIFIC: .Owners dame. Applicant: Product Opening Design Pressures Product Rated Desi' n Pressure. -Manufacturer .: Model Number Product Approyal Nurtitier Glass. TY06 Method of Attachment`z - --; Windows Mullions Fixed Glass Bloch Glass Skylights Silding Glass Doors Swing Ty Ooors French Doors Garage Doors Hurricane Protection Roof Writilation Roofing Material (9) 3 CULFCOAST ALUM GULF LOK FL 11651 NIA #'l0 12X1" STAINLESS STEEL PANCAKE- TYP:E.A-.2 Revised 07/22/2014 I have reviewed,the -above components;_or cladding and.Ihave approved their..use in.,t2 i .structure. Theseprodncts provide adequate resistance to.the windloads andforces specified bb�ycu.��r:rent.code.:provisions.. 1Vai�e Signature.' seal Design Profi (%rc% CerL No.. 42W^ Date: 1101 KB LOT 4t MI% I. Po Sth-EDITION REVISED colit.'d fro 2 . m page Flip :ah .4 Ridge Plastic Sup.port StWitture. Shall be in compliance with the Florida 8W[ding--Code (FBq_ Hip 'and Ridge Plastic Support: StructureAW1 meet die test require- UNDERLAYMENT & �LASHWGS Inspectidn- - Verify that Surfaltes to receive the underlay- ment are uhif6riTl, tnio.p-,h, clean and -dry Proper ventilation, is recommended on all tile. -applications. Verify 'ventilation req4jr0'r.*n9n;4 as set -forth in t . he govern-frig.bulliding code. When exposed ceilings are utilized, s . pecial precautions m6nf5 of SSTD- [ I and verip, bd:by third party indepeTident. FBC approved laboratories: . . ...... .. should be -used. Roof Par'ameters - Use the table below to determine the "e crfroof that wifl,be installed. Each parameter is depend- ent upon the n&-t- Do. not inix and match, follow the table as it flows from left to rfg. t Yes 4:12 and Mechanical or Adhesive Srngle . . . ...... Self Adhered . 7.1 Pre-t-orme'd Eiil;e­r­" TransitionalGreater TWO Cold.Applied Pre -Formed Either Transitional HeiitApplied Prp-Formed, Either _;Fjot-MOPPed Pre-ForTned- Either. Transitional Self Adh4ed Pre Formed Either Transitional No:_12 and reater Me!tha'n1caJ_ Mechanical 7. .§tn216 Single Dry/Mechani6l 5 if Adhered WfAdhiirdd :Pre -Formed: Phi Pre -Formed Either . Either' _Iran �Won,l or Adhesive Standard Seeootebejow Less -than Lem than 4: 1 TW6 ColdApplied Pre -Formed rmed; -Either, Sealed ea A Pat. pplied H �t pp P, P�e=1`66ned Efther 'SLand;2ird Sealed Hot MOO FrFormed Fiber Standard' _—Te.led NelfAd4breio. Tre-FoLrr!ed, Father - Standard Either 10 nat See note below Mechanical or Adhesive Adhesive Single Dry/Mechanical : Prd-Forime Self Adhered Standard Pre -Formed Without.Re-curns Sealed Se.le.d. .5tandird Sealed Two 5irfgle Cold A plied, A Pne�Foerfied . Wienout Returns Sealed Standard . HiattApplied Pre -Formed Wthbdr Reiurns - Sealed Standard Hot M6pped Pre-Forrrred Without Returns. — Sealed Standard Sealed SO.Adbered S61f Adhered Pre -.Formed Without:Returns - Sealed Standard Pre -Formed:. With6ut'Raturfis- Sealed2:12 -Sealed - I Standard" - healed Tao. Cold Applied Pr&=Formed. With6ut.'Returns Sealed: -Sealed. Heat Applied -HotMopped Pr-Formed 'Wilthbut Returns, Sealed Standard Pre -Formed Without Returnst Sealdd.. p. *erafed- Standard - Sealed [!S611 7AdlEred :Pr L-FafmedWithout RdtUMS Sealed Standard Sealed I-NlMe: WEr to t nlfistructiionsorproduct approve: COPYRIGHT P 'F41SAN11 t: ROOFINGINSTITUTE April 2012 5 . n m ;a O '0 ,Z 0 Z n 1 ti Z3 m Q. C; It as .1 0 C5 ul In W, w CN. Ull ww 0 CF, ul. Ul w N:r CS Ul o Cm Lm b 0 Yl Un 0 L ;rT 0 Ln 61-:0 ui, C) VI: ul Y C> %D CO -4 14-Ov ON W L%J (A) W C31 W 00 W W 4CN C;%. b, b, io bo is-) v I w L'i L-j 0 t�- ,C0 A�C� V. 4h, ul � 4- w I- \0. 000 -4. �4 In w W co w W bo 4,� :-4 a, .o 0: -P W ON o% ism Lki ��D a� DO co -4* �4 a% Ui, NPO PO .4- 4, bo — b ta 1 6) Lm b � :N. b Lri Z::) N --4 D — — — — U) r) A. w uj w W W w w Lj Ca w uj- 799 .•O* o0 -4.1-4 W No U -P a: 44 bo N uu 'ts. In Lj as b Lrl WN, c) m -:-4 N Cr� :,4 bo Tbo �6. bo I-P CL.. W w w W (D W W. w -,W, L.), w w W-W N NNY 1--) -1-0. No ^4 wpl (D OD W 0 CO UV (D -00 00 -4 Ch w- wUj w �O*lo N1-J.: v, C9 5. W' L4J W W' IIJ t-J, K-J Co -4 LA N 'o. 1= %.D: Co. -4* lbo� to �J ill tj bo: bo bo bo U, bo C). U''l tv 00 .Ps. .45 .1.4 bs 'o Ul C) Co to Ul t 44- w r� W. -:w LIJ W C) C) ul, w 11) %0 .00 as C3 .00 o', cm yi. N 0 po 0% m 01 6 w . W 0 �D. vo ` 4h, �N -i& ZT, -4 (7N. % m G% Ln (n 01 Lnitm Lm. -Ln to Lm Ul W.W JW W W. W C)L %,0. 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