HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Data SheetProduct Data Sheet Edition 2.18.2015 SikaQuick- 1000 SikaQuick® 1000 hardening repair mortar with extended working time SikaQuick° 1000 is a 1-component, rapid hardening, early strength gaining, cementitious, patching material for concrete. Where to Use ■ Use on grade, above, and below grade on concrete. ■ Highway overlays and repairs. ■ Structural repair material for concrete roadways, parking structures, bridges, dams and ramps. ■ Full depth patching repairs. ■ Economical patching material for horizontal repairs of concrete and mortar. Advantages ■ Specially suited for hot weather applications when extended working time is required. ■ Rapid hardening as defined by ASTM C-928. ■ Epoxy coatings can be applied as early as 6 hrs. On site testing.is recommended for verification. Please consult coatings manufacturer for recommendations. ■ Freezelthaw resistant. ■ Easy to use, labor-saving material. ■ Not gypsum -based. ■ High early strength. ■ Open to foot traffic in 4 hours; to vehicle traffic in 6 hours (at 73°F). ■ Easily applied to clean, sound substrate. ■ Not a vapor barrier. Typicat Data lmatedaland curing conditions 073•F (23'Ci and 50-A R.H.)1Waterlpowder= 0.10) RESULTS MAMINFFERBASED UPON STATISTICAL:VARIATIONSDEPENDING'UPON MiXiNmMEfHODSAND EQUIPMENT, RATL&;' TEMPE-APPLICATION. METHODS,TEST METHODS, ACTUAL SITE CONDIr1ONS AND'CURINO"CONDMONs. Shelf Life 1 year in original, unopened bag. StorageConditions Store dry at 40°-95'F (4°-35'C). For best results, condition material to 65" 75°F before. using. Color . Concrete gray. Mixing Ratio Approximately 4.5 - 5 pints of liquid per 50 lb. bag. Application1ife Approximately 30 minutes after adding powder to the water. Compressive Strength,, psi Mortar-ASTM C409 3 hours 1,250 psi (8.6.MPa) 1 day 4,000 psi (27:6 MPa) 7 days 5,000 psi (34.5 MPa) 28 days 7,000 psi (482 MPa) FlexuralStrength, psi (ASTM C 78) 1 day 700 psi (4:8 MPa) 7 days 900 psi (6.2 MPa) 28 days 1,000psi(6.9.MPa) Splitting Tensile Strength, psi. (ASTM C496) 1 day 300 psi (ZO MPa): 7 days 400 psi (2.7 MPa) 28 days 500 psi (3A MPa) Bond•Strength, psi (ASTM C-882) modified. i day 1750,psi (12.o MPa) 7 days 2000 psi (13.8 MPa) 28 days 2500 psi (17.2 MPa) Direct Tensile Bond, psi (ACI.S03) 28 days 300 psi (substrate failure) Drying:Shtlnkage, % (ASTM C-596) 28 days 0;06 Modulus ofi lasticity, psi-(ASTM C-469) 28 days 4.6 x 101 Chloride,Permeability, Coulombs. (ASTM C-1202) 28 days < 1000 Freeze/ThaWResistance, % (ASTM C-666). 28 days 98% Scaling+R'et (stance, IbJft2 (ASTM C-672) 50 cycles 0.080 Initial Sd%-:Minutes (ASTM C-265) 40-90 Final:S4% Minutes (ASTM C 266) 6D-120 Abrasion^Resistance, Inches of Wear at 4 hr. (ASTM C 779) 28 days 0.026 •Independent,oadificates available upon request. PRIOR TO EACH USE Of ANY 91KA PRODUCII, I HE USER MUST ALWAYS REAL) ANL) t-OLLOW THF- WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS ON THE PRODUCT'S MOST CURRENT PRODUCT DATA SHEET, PRODUCT LABEL AND SAFETY DATA SHEET WHICH ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE AT HTTP:11USA.SIKA.COMI OR BY CALLING SIKA'S TECHNICAL SERVICE DE PARTMENTAT 800.933.7452 NOTHING CONTAINED IN ANY SIKA MATERIALS RELIEVES THE USER OF THE OBLIGATION O READ AND FOLLOW THE WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR EACH SIKA PRODUCT AS SET FORTH IN THE CUR RENT PRODUCT DATA SHEET, PRODUCT LABEL AND SAFETY DATA SHEET PRIOR TO PRODUCT USE. A120 Approximately 0.42 cu. ft When extended.with 25 lbs.. of 3/8 in. gravel yield is approximately 0.58 Cu. ft Packaging 50 lb. multi -wall bag. How to Use Surface Preparation Surface must be dean and sound. Remove all deteriorated concrete, dirt, oil, grease, and other bond4nhibiting materials from the area to be repaired. Be sure repair area is not less than 114 in, deep. Preparation work should be done by appropriate means. Obtain an exposed aggregate surface with a minimum surface profile of t 118 in. (CSP-6) on dean, sound concrete. To ensure optimum repair results, the effectiveness of decontamination and preparation should be assessed by a pull -off test. Saw cutting of edges.is.prefened and a dovetail is recommended. Saturate surface.to.be repaired with cleanwater. Substrate should be saturated surface dry (SSD) prior to application. Priming For priming of reinforcing steel use Sika°Armatec° 110 EpoCem (consult Technical Data Sheet). Concrete Substrate: Prime the prepared substrate with a scrub coat of SikaQuicle 1000 prior to placement of the mortar. The repair mortar has to be applied into the wet scrub coat before it dries. Mixing Mechanically mix in an appropriately sized mortar mixer. Wet down all tools and mixer to be used. With water. Start with 4.5 pints of water added to the mixing vessel. Add 1 bag of SikaQuick° 1000 while continuing to mix. Add up to another,12 pint ofwaterto achieve desired consistency. Do not over -water. With Latex R. Pour 4.5 pints of Sikat ate)° R into the mixing container. Slowly add powder, mix and adjust as above. With diluted Latex R: SikaLatex° R may be diluted up to 5:1 (water. SikaLatex° R) for projects requiring minimal polymer modification. Pour 4.5 pints of the mixture into the mixing container. Slowly add powder, mix and adjust as above. For applica- tions greater than 1 in. in depth, add 3/8 in. coarse aggregate. The aggregate must be non -reactive (reference ASTM C-1260, C-227 and C-289), dean, well graded, saturated surface dry, have low absorption and high density, and comply with ASTM C33 size number 8 per Table 2. Note: Variances in aggregate may result indifferent strengths. The addition rate is 25lbs, of aggregate per bag of SikaQuick °1000. (25 lbs. of WS im aggregate is approximately ZD gallons by loose volume of aggregate).. Do not exceed a slump of 7 in. This may cause excessive bleeding and retardation and wig reduce the strength and performance of the material. Application The prepared mortar must be scrubbed into substrate. Be sure to fill all pores and voids. Force material against edge of repair, working toward center. After filling repair, screed off excess. Allow concrete to set to desired stiffness, then finish. If a smoother finish is desired, a magnesium float should be used. Mixing, placing, and finishing should not exceed 3D minutes maximum. To control setting times, cold water should be used in hot weather and hot water used in cold weather. Tooling & Finishing As per ACI recommendations for Portland cement concrete, wring is required. Moist cure with wet burlap and polyethylene,a fine mist of water or a wring compound meeting ASTM C309. Moist cure should commence immediately after finishing. If necessary, protect newly applied material from rain. To prevent from freezing, cover with insulating material. Limitations ■ Minimum ambient and surface temperatures 45°F and rising. ■ Minimum application thickness 1 /4 in. as a mortar and 1 in. extended with aggregate. ■ Maximum application thickness i in, as a mortar and 6 in. extended with aggregate. ■ Do not feather edge. ■ Do not exceed 7 in. slump when extended. ■ Use only potable water. ■ Variations in aggregates may produce differences in strengths from the typical values stated in Sika's Technical Data. ■ Aswith all cement based materials, avoid contactwith aluminum to preventadverse chemical reaction and possible product failure. Insulate potential.areas of contact by coating aluminum bars, rails, posts etc. with an appropriate epoxy such as Sikadura' Hi -Mod 32. ■ Do not use SikaOArmatec®110 EpoCem as a bonding agent with SikaQuick° 1000. PRIOR TO EACH L FIROUUG 1, 1 HE USER MUST ALWAYS REAL) AND FOLLOW I HE WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS ON THE PRODUCT'S MOST CURRENT PRODUCT DATA SHEET, PRODUCT LABEL AND SAFETY DATA SHEET WHICH ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE AT HTTP://UsA.SIKA.COM/ OR BY CALLING SIKA'S TECHNICAL SERVICE DE PARTMENTAT 800.933.7452 NOTHING CONTAINED IN ANY SIKA MATERIALS RELIEVES THE USER OF THE OBLIGATION O READ AND FOLLOW THE WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR EACH SIKA PRODUCT AS SET FORTH IN THE CUR- RENT PRODUCT DATA SHEET, PRODUCT LABEL AND SAFETY DATA SHEET PRIOR TO PRODUCT USE. KEEP CONTAINER TIGHTLYCLOSED. KEEP OUTOFREACH OF CHILDREN. NOTFOR PHERNALCONSUMPTION. FORINDUSTRNI.USE ONLY. FOR PROFESSIONAL USEONLY. For further Information and advice regarding transportation, handling, storage and disposal of chemical products, users should refer to the actual Safety Data Sheets containing physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety related data. Read the current actual Safety Data Sheet before using the product. In case of emergency, call CHEMTREC at 1-800421.9300, International 703-M-3887. Priorto each use of anySika productjhe user must always read andfollowthe warnings and instructions on the product's most current Product Data Sheet, product label and Safety Data Sheet which are available online at http•Nusa.sika comr or by caging Sika's Technical Service Depart- ment at 8004333-7452. Nothing contained In any Sika materials relieves the user of the obligation to read and follow the wamingsand Instruction for each Slim product as set forth In the current Product Data Shed, product label and Safety Data Sheet prior to product use. SIKA warrants this product for one year from date of Installation to befreefrom manufacturing defects and to meet the technical properties on the current Product Data Sheet If used as directed within shelf Iite. Userdetermines suitabirity of productfo► Intended use and assumes all risks. Buyer's sole remedyshad be limited to the purchase priceor replacenentof productexdusive of labor or cost of labor NO OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED SHALL APPLY INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SIKA SHALLNOT BE LIABLE UNDERANY LEGALTHEORY FOR SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. SIKA SHALLNOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE USEOFTHIS PRODUCT:IN AMANNERTO INFRINGE ON ANYPATENT ORANY OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS HELD BYOTHERS. SALE OF SIKA PRODUCTS ARE SUBJECT SIKA'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE AVAILABLE AT HTTP:HUSA.SIKA.COW OR BY CALLING 201d33J18011. Visit our website at usa sikacom 1.800-933-SIKA NATIONWIDE Regional Information and Sales Centers. For the location of your nearest Sika sales office, contact your regional center. Sika Corporation Sika Canada Inc Sika Mexicana S.A. de C.V. oe 201 Polito Avenue 601 DelmarAvenue Carretera Libre Celaya Km &5 Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 Pointe Claire Frerx, industrial Balvanera f Phone: 8OD-933-7452 Quebec 1-1911 4A9 Coregidora, Queretaro xesroNs,e�E cv E ��_ Fax. 201-933-WS Phone: 514-697-2610 C P. 76920 Fax:514-694-2792 Phone: 52 442 23135800 Sika and SikaQulckamn trddernaft Fax: 52 442 2250537 Primed in Canada. Product Data Sheet 26.2017 Sika®Armatec®110 EpoCem Sika° Armatec° I10 Ep006 Bonding Agent and Where to Use Reinforcement Protection Sika®Armate& 110 EpoCem is a 3-component, solvent -free, moisture -tolerant, epoxy -modified, cementitious product specifically formulated as a bonding agent and anti -corrosion coating. ■ As an anti -corrosion coating for reinforcing steel in concrete restoration. ■ As added protection to reinforcing steel in areas of thin concrete cover. ■ As a bonding agent for repairs to concrete and steel. ■ As a bonding agent for placing fresh, plastic concrete to existing hardened concrete. Advantages ■ Excellent adhesion to concrete and steel. ■ Acts as an effective barrier against penetration of water and chlorides. ■ Long open time - up to 16 hours. ■ Not a vapor barrier. ■ Can be used exterior on -grade. in Contains corrosion inhibitors. ■ Excellent bonding bridge for cement or epoxy based repair mortars. in High strength, unaffected by moisture when cured. ■ Spray, brush or roller application. ■ Non-flammable, solvent free. Coverage Bonding agent: minimum (theoretical) on smooth, even substrate 80 ft.2/gal. (=20 mils thickness). Coverage will vary depending on substrate profile and porosity. Reinforcement Protection: 40 ft.2/gal. (=20 mils thickness) (2 coat application). Packaging 3.5 gal. unit. (47.6 fl. oz. Comp. A + 122.1 fl. oz. Comp. B + 46.82 lb. Comp. C) Comp. A + B in carton, Comp. C in multi -wall bag. 1.65 gal. unit. (22.7 fl. oz. A+ 57.6 fl. oz. B + 4 bags @ 5.5 lb.) Factory -proportioned units in a pail. PRIOR TO EACH USE OF -ANY SIKA PRODUCT, THE USER MUST ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW THE WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS ON THE PRODUCT'S MOST CURRENT PRODUCT DATA SHEET, PRODUCT LABEL AND SAFETY DATA SHEET WHICH ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE AT HTTP://USA.SIKA.COM/ OR BY CALLING SIKA'S TECHNICAL SERVICE DE PARTMENTAT 800.933.7462 NOTHING CONTAINED IN ANY SIKA MATERIALS RELIEVES THE USER OF THE OBLIGATION TO READ AND FOLLOW THE WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR EACH SIKA PRODUCT AS SET FORTH IN THE CUR- RENT PRODUCT DATA SHEET, PRODUCT LABEL AND SAFETY DATA SHEET PRIOR TO PRODUCT USE. aration Cementitious substrates: Should be cleaned and prepared to achieve a laitance and contaminant -free surface prepared in accordance with the requirements specified by the overlay or repair material by blast cleaning or equivalent mechanical means. Substrate must be saturated surface dry (SSD) with no standing water. Steel: Should be fully exposed and have all corrosion removed by blast cleaning or other means of mechanical abrasion Shake contents of both Component'A and Component'B'. Empty entire contents of both Component'A and Component 'B' into a clean, dry mixing pail. Mix thoroughly for 30 seconds with a Sika paddle on a low speed (400-600 rpm) drill. Slowly add the entire contents of Component'C' while continuing to mix for 3 minutes until blend is uniform and free of lumps. Mix only that quantity that can be applied within its pot life. As a bonding agent - Apply by stiff -bristle brush or broom. Spray apply with Goldblatt Pattern Pistol or equal equipment. For best results, work the bonding slurry well into the substrate to ensure complete coverage of all surface irregularities. Apply the freshly mixed patching mortar or concrete wet on wet, or up to the maximum recommended open time, onto the bonding slurry. Maximum recommended open time between application of ArmatecO 110 and patching mortar or concrete: 80°-95°F (26°-35°C) 6 hours 65°-79°F (18°-26°C) 12 hours 50°-64T (1W-17°C) 16 hours 40°-49°F (4°-9°C) wet -on -wet For corrosion protection only -Apply by stiff -bristle brush or spray at 80 ft.z/gal. (20 mils). Take special care to properly coat the underside of the totally exposed steel. Allow coating to dry 2-3 hours at 73°F, then apply a second coat at the same coverage. Allow to dry again before the repair mortar or concrete is applied. Pour or place repair within 7 days. ■ Substrate and ambient temperature: Minimum 40°F (5°C). ■ Maximum 95°F (35°C). ■ Minimum thickness: As a bonding agent 20 mils. ■ For reinforcement protection 40 mils. ■ (2 coats, 20 mils each). ■ Not recommended for use with expansive grouts. ■ Use of semi -dry mortars onto Sika® Armate& 110 EpoCem must be applied "wet on wet'. ■ When used in overhead applications with hand placed patching mortars, use "wet on wet" for maximum mortar built thickness. ■ Substrate profile as specified by the overlay or repair material is still required. ■ As with all cement based materials, avoid contact with aluminum to prevent adverse chemical reaction and passible product failure. Insulate potential areas of contact by coating aluminum bars, rails, posts etc. with an appropriate epoxy such as SikadurO Hi -Mod 32. PRIOR TO EACH USE OF ANY SIKA PRODUCT, THE USER MUST ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW THE WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS ON THE PRODUCT'S MOST CURRENT PRODUCT DATA SHEET, PRODUCT LABEL AND SAFETY DATA SHEET WHICH ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE AT HTTP:11USA.SIKA.COM/ OR BY CALLING SIKA'S TECHNICAL SERVICE DE- PARTMENT AT 800.933.7452 NOTHING CONTAINED IN ANY SIKA MATERIALS RELIEVES THE USER OF THE OBLIGATION O READ AND FOLLOW THE WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR EACH SIKA PRODUCT AS SET FORTH IN THE CUR- RENT PRODUCT DATA SHEET, PRODUCT LABEL AND SAFETY DATA SHEET PRIOR TO PRODUCT USE. KEEP CONTAINER TIGHTLYCLOSED. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. NOT FOR INTERNALCONSUMPTION. FOR INDUSTRUILUSE ONLY. FOR PROFESSIONAL USEONLY. For further Information and advice regarding transportation, handling, storage and disposal of chemical products, users should refer to the actual Safety Data Sheets containing physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety related data. Read the current actual Safety Data Sheet before using the product. In case of emergency, call CHEMTREC at 1-80D-424-9300, International 703-527-3887. Prrorto each use of any Sika product, the user must always read and followthe warnings and Instructions on the product's most current Product Data Sheet, product label and Safety Data Sheet which are available online at hftp:/Iusa.sika.corn/ or by calling Slka's Technical Service Depart- ment at 800.933-7462. Nothing contained In any Sika materials relieves the userof the obligation to read and followthe warnings and Instruction for each Sika product as set forth In the current Product Data Sheet, product label and Safety Data Sheet prior to product use. SIKA warrants this product for one year from date of Installation to be free from manufacturing defects and to meet the technical properties on the current Product Data Sheet If used as directed within shelf life. Userdetermines suitability of product for Intended use and assumes all risks. Buyer's sole remedy shall be limited to the purchase price or replacement of product exclusive of labor or cost of labor. NO OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED SHALL APPLY INCLUDING ANY WARRANTYOF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SIKA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE UNDER ANY LEGAL THEORY FOR SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. SIKA SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER TO INFRINGE ON ANY PATENTOR ANYOTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS HELD BY OTHERS. SALE OF SIKA PRODUCTS ARE SUBJECT SIKA'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE AVAILABLE AT HTTP://USA.SIKA.COMI OR BY CALLING 201-933-8800. Visit our website at usa.sika.com 1-800.933SIKA NATIONWIDE Regional Information and Sales Centers. For the location of your nearest Sika sales office, contact your regional center. Sika Corporation Slka Canada Inc. Sika Mexicans S.A. de C.V. BST 201 Polito Avenue 601 DelmarAvenue Carretera Libre Celaya Km. 8.5 ��� Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 Pointe Claire Fracc. Industrial Balvanera 0 @ Phone: BOD-933-7452 Quebec H9R 4A9 Corregidora, Queretaro REsroN:o,FTaE Fax- 201-933-6225 Phone: 514-697-2610 C.P. 76920 - _,- Fax: 514-694-2792 Phone: 52 442 2385800 Sika and Arrnatec are registered Fax: 52 442 2250537 trademarks. Printed in Canada. rRfmcoe vulkem@350, Neighbor Friendly - Low Odor, Low VOC Basecoat for Pedestrian and Vehicular Applications Product Description Vulkem® 350NF is a single -component, fast curing, low odor polyurethane basecoat that possesses tenacious adhesion primarily to clean and dry concrete, but also to wood and metal. Vulkem 350NF is a versatile basecoat that can be applied underneath any Vulkem intermediate or topcoat or used under tile. Vulkem 35ONF is available in two viscosities, R (roller grade) for vertical or horizontal applications and SL (self - leveling) for horizontal applications. Basic Uses Vulkem 350NF is ideal for plazas, vehicular and recreation decks, balcony terraces, mechanical rooms, restrooms, kitchens, stadiums, ramp areas, elevated plenums and other primarily concrete surfaces. Please contact Technical Services for additional information on applications. Product Features • Fast cure - refer to chart on page 2 for cure rates. • Low odor • Unprimed adhesion to concrete • Less than 90 g/I of Volatile Organic Content • Low potential for out gassing • Low viscosity • Compatible with all Tremco intermediate and topcoats • No cure inhibition or adhesion issues when used with Tremco's Dymeric 240FC, Dualflex, Vulkem 45 SSL and Vulkem 116. • Can be used under tile - contact Tremco Services for application information. Product Benefits • Fast cure means quicker turnaround on jobsite • Low odor ideal for restoration and interior applications • Easy to apply • Compatibility with other Tremco products minimizes the risk of failure when it abuts other transitions or penetrations of the structure such as floor -to -wall transitions, detailing and drainage areas. Availability Immediately available from your local Tremco Sales Representative, Tremco Distributor or Tremco Warehouse. Compatible Vulkem Intermediate and Topcoats Tremco offers a complete line of time tested, compatible Vulkem intermediate and topcoats that form a strong interlaminary bond to the Vulkem 350NF Compatible topcoats are Vulkem 351, 351 NF, 346, 951 NF and 950NF (indoor only for 950NF). Compatible intermediate coats are Vulkem 345 and 950NF. These Vulkem coatings, when used in conjunction with the recommended aggregate, create a tough, aesthetically pleasing, abrasion -resistant wearing surface over the Vulkem 350NF basecoat. Additionally, Vulkem 350NF is ideal for use under tile in bathrooms, kitchen, on balconies and other applications. Packaging 5-gal. (19L) pail 55 gal. (208L) drum Installation Refer to Vulkem 350NF Application Instructions for specific application details. The techniques involved may require modification to adjust to jobsite conditions. Consult your local Tremco Sales Representative or Tremco Technical Services for specific design requirements. Warranty Tremco warrants its Products to be free of defects in materials but makes no warranty as to appearance or color. Since methods of application and on -site conditions are beyond our control and can affect performance, Tremco makes no other warranty, expressed or.implied, including warranties of MERCHANTABILITY and FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, with respect to Tremco Products. Tremco's sole obligation shall be, at its option, to replace or to refund the purchase price of the quantity of Tremco Products proven to be defective and Tremco shall not be liable for any loss or damage. Please refer to our website at www.tremcosealants.com for the -most up-to-date Product Data Sheets. www.tremcosealants.com Page 1 of 2 TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Property Test Method Vulkem 350NF (SL) Vulkem 35ONF (R) Tensile ASTM D 412 440-460 psi 220-240 psi Elongation ASTM D 412 600-700% 600-700% S100 ASTM D 412 220-260 psi 110-120 psi Hardness, Shore A ASTM C 661-83 50-60 45-50 Peel Strength — On Concrete ASTM C 794 25 — 30pli,100% Cohesive 20-25pli, Cohesive Failure Failure Permeability ASTM E 96 .1.5 perm -inches .1 perm -inches Vertical Hold N/A' >50 mils Weight % Solids 90-92% 97-98% Non -Volatile Content ASTM D 1353 <90 gll <20 g/I Viscosity, cps Brookfield C&P 4-6000 cps 15,000-20,000 Cure Time to Recoat @ 770F (250C) 50% R.H. ASTM D 1640 4-6 hours 5-7 hours Flash Point Setaflash 160°F >200°F Pull -Off Adhesion ASTM D 4541 min 300 psi min 200 psi Temperature @ 50% Relative Humidity Cure Rate 40° - 55'F (4.4!-12.8°C) 48 hours 55° - 65°F (12.8°-18.3°C) 16-24 hours 65° - 85°F (18.3°- 29WC) 4-6 hours 85"F (29WC) < or = 4 hours Variations in temperature and humidity can affect the cure rate of the waterproofing membrane. The above chart should be used as a guide only to determine the approximate rate of cure. Other factors can also influence the cure rate such as substrate temperature and enclosed environments. For more information about proper application procedures please refer to the installation instructions or contact Technical Services. Tremco Commercial Sealants & Waterproofing 3735 Green Road, Beachwood, OH 44122 11 Phone: 216.292.5000 // 800.321.7906 220 Wicksteed Avenue, Toronto, ON M41­1 1 G7 /! Phone: 416.421.3300 // 800.363.3213 1451 Jacobson Avenue, Ashland OH 4480511 Phone: 419.289.2050 // 800.321.6357 An �� Company www.tremcosealants.com 0512N350NFSD Page 2 of 2