HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUC7- ^OUNTY FILE # 4.689635 OR C 4398 PAGE 1219, Recorded 03/19„ '0 12:26:02 PM AI3EgRECQR01t1G-Rfi111RN 70: , M.A�Ry , 2020 . PFRMrTHI1MBEBi �. p18rlMt�n9 St' Wqe ClouW NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, , Florida Statues the following information is provided in the Notice ofGommencement ( ' C 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Legal description and street address, if available) TAX FOLIO NUMBER: Y 6 f _ 6 "' Oda —co �' Z TRACF-1,07 BL➢G � SUBDIVISION' BLOC/X� UNFT' ` �AntlSE Cf/Y\ \R1\l7M^� \rMCynin1deA 14Y\ /� of �•P I.Lo; '.q GcJk l7 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF AIPROVEMF.NT: Concrete Repair A'•a 01 3. OWNERINFORMATION: i.Ne iOceandsa Ccndwinlum Assxiation b. Add— 1W10 B Ocean Dr. Jensen Beach FL 34957 e. Inliron in property d.N- endeddrrae'W simple iftl"der(Ifothar then Droned 4. CO.NTRACTOWS NAME, ADDRESS AND PRONE NUMBER: DMF'Construction Inc 601 Heritage Dr Ste 459 Jupiter FL.33450 11 561.76"988 5.SURETY'SNAME, ADDRESS AND P➢ONENUMBER AND DON13AMOUNT: 6. LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 7, Persons within the.State of.Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may lie served as provided by Section 713.13 (1) (a) 7., Florida Statutes: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBERr �t S. In addition S0 himself or herseif, Owner designales the following to receive a ropy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Sec(ion, 713.13 (1) (b), Florida Statutes; N,"IF ADDRE95 AND PRONE NUMBER: 9. Expiration date of notice ofcommencement (the expiration date is I year from the dale ofrerording unless a different date is , specified): May ao 20za Signature of Owner or Print Name and Provide Signatory's 71tle/0I111ee Owners Authorized Officer/Direttor/Partner/Nanager �.1 �^1 r .,/� Q • State of Florida �..i' M M if (! /� M-' 4 TJ ,- county of W-Be-+ -T•iu D I H-Aj 121 U ER.. / The foregoing instrument was acknowle ged before me this -lay of J��.10•l0 J --aqP�--, 20f, 2_Q By C- / as (name ofperson) (type ofouthority,...e.g. officer, trustee, attorney in fact) for aa.,; uecsF- Ca,-,DOirl1,y zm (name of parry'on behalf of whom instrument was executed) 04 pg,, BARBAiiAJ PELSIER aq Aft' COMMISSION A GG 066235 • E)(pIRES: May23.2021 Notary a ,igfiture serial N Two Budget NOWY SWIkes Under Pcnaltics of perjury, I declare that I'have read the foregoing and that the facts in it ere true to the best'of my knowledge and belief (Section 92.525, Florida Statutes). Rer,06.14-07 (SAmordiag) I (Signature of Natural P,, son Sign' bove) STATE OF FLORIDA ST. LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A. TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL. E H E. SMITH ERK ' uApwU Date t- � c{ —fi-- - f -• ''•