HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONF COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO Bt ACCEPTE0 Dat A F Permit Number -- Building Permit Application Building 0rnd COde Regulation Vj6r Sion 2-300 Vrfginio Avenue, Fort pierce Ft 34 2 CO M r} a r is PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: — ------ L PJR V MENT OCATION. --- Pfo Perty Tax I D #; Site Plan Name; _ Lot No. Project Nam .k,)U 16/Rock ND E7aiLEo DESCRIPTION of WORK: C � K--I New t i ecrrrca i Meter � _ Second El extra ca f Meter z — — — _ (Aff rd avi t required CONSTRUCTION I A i J r,a I r k t-obe performed under this permit —check a N that apply. char�rcal — has Tank ` Gas Piping Electric Numbing — SPranklers TOtar SQ. Ft of Constru "Os# of ccnstruction; 5 000 Urn i Wdresa -ity lip Cc de. - Fax: 'home - I Shutters _ windows/Doors Pond Generator _ Roof Pitch Sq. Ft. Of first Floor: Utifitfes: — Sewer _Septic st-ate: V k — 1II in fie simpie T Ie Holder on next Page (if different N ar'ne: Address E- Zip Cud e: ' Phoned ' E-Maif i Y ( r from th a Owne r I istecl a bore) State o r County ricensq If value of cc nstmction Is 25DD 0 r rn Ore. it RECORD E 0 Notice of Comrrrme neement is red u fred, ` If Value Of HAVC 15 $7,500 01 mote, a RECORDED NOtice 01 Urnm-encement 15 riequkreri, ti SulldRng Height: Fa loomcertificate of Product Ratin Fir' FL l Mertiftad R1911' Ines Number : 201$276 75 Da1�-, - 07-22- 22 0I(f AHRJ .Referenoo, M um6er : 74.28�09 A H R I Type ; H P-A (5iggle-package He&t Purrrp Air-$our-ce ) S'96e$ : G PH 14 0011mr Unit Brand -Nome ; 000-DMAN Oufifoor Unit WOW Number (Goncfensar or Single Packaged ; OPHI44g,H41P- Eligible for Fed am f Tax r � M11des Statur. - Active TbCL manufacturer Of file GOODMAN product is r&5PGn8ibhe IN the rRlang of th ir. !3yStam warn btr+Rlron_ Feted 2S FnIlows in a0mdanCe wrth the iRteSk eddtion of AHRP 2101240 - 2017 wilill Addy Xr-Conditionino A Ajr u H aR PumP Eui merit and subjecf to r tin a cu r►durn 1, e�f +rmarrC,� atin of Ljnitar}� 9 ��+ �� AHRl�pcnsored, fr�dsper�dant, third R�rtr lestin�: GOoiirl9 Raoity (A2) - :SPng� -or High SLage (95F). �h : 000 SEER : 14.00 EER ( ) -Sing113 or High tagn (05.p) . 12.00 "IestingGaOacitr (1611 f 2) - Single or High Stage (47F) - 4.aoQo HSEF ftgion IV) ; 8.00 t`A'#IvW $I SWU-s erg, tugs& I'hat iaa AHIIJI 'Cer[iFoakion Program PerlicipgpL is Currenll} �r du�an rnBM d but ara nOt Y61 lamp prMLjW.'PrbdLiion 8wMad- Mode !Status a g AND 9wling or off -swig fnr sale; OR n�rr sall4rti or Fv,rinq for sale, n+ those chat an ,4HA I CeMf slion Pr ram ParticiPanO is m l af d� that 8re haln Ratings e. nib in to fi I nts $UT is sMI r�r Th � li DISCL,AIIMiIER'i 4YI I. 1+A rail Aril doft rid[ enQorse the prodwC'Cls'� listed on kCtias 0+dcaCe and makes �Q �pre9B�n[atiOns, '�nss�kias or guerarrteeg as to. and assurrtir;s rtiP r� the �rodu tl aM listeg on this Certifi�ake 4 H171 uaa �I[eralfolM f dat,7 IIStm on Mr. Certlflcgt� Cert de11 rating��� � Id only Tb modem ant; C�o•�dguratl�na ilst� In riOrmar,ce of Lhe �Ulhlll#,�for, direC[4n} M www_a h ri dire Ctory,org. Lsk or R he the TER MS AN D CON DITMD NS This CertrflC;jqo and its trntiten#s art PmPnetar"Y Products of AHR1. This Cerlillcate shall anq be used for inpwid-w$j, Per%onal and ci?nfldentisi referew-e Rung. YM ow'R"ks of the Certif ate rrkay nal, in whole ar Ln entered Into M rem porter da#abase; or oII4er�e utlld�d. I n amp+ f orrn or manner ar y rn be r�Produ x he ed; dlasernia;p tee; personal a nff oonf Elential ref ereFKe, ' any m Qarrs, except Ifnr #no U�r's i ndividual, AiiRl CERTIFICATiE VERIFICATI014 AIR-04CFbtTI0NjNp, MEATJNc, Th-0 information for the model 6W Cn thds CARWIG8te Can be 4erffled at ww w.abritf re ctu ry. o rg_ Glick M OVA rift' C&IL11irat e' fink a 111WRIGERATION ASTITUTE arrd enter the .4HM rtifie-d WeM Numtbgf and the daR$ on which Me rtiigrat$ was iss�ea. we tnaLe ide hrrter% whie� Is L� m abime. arid the att No., whLth i5 ils[ea al bantam fight. a A; Ran& wt1 Min g kat� n%, and Re#figeratio n I n stitute CERTIFICATE NO.: