HomeMy WebLinkAboutLeeter Plan Review Fee_r+
From: Permits <Permits@stlucieco.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2020 3:38 PM
To: lee@lstfire.com
Subject: RE: Permit Fee for Contract Value of $57,900.00
he plan review fee will be_$150.00.
From: lee@lstfire.com [mailto:lee@lstfire.com]
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2020 3:41 PM
To: Permits <Permits@stlucieco.org>
Subject: Permit Fee for Contract Value of $57,900.00
Importance: High
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Good Afternoon. I will be submitting a permit (currently in with SLC Fire) for Grand Isle — Hutchinson Island. Our
contract is for $57,900.00. 1 need to know what the fee is so I can request a check. Assuming check is required when
permit application, submittals/plans are dropped off.
Or has that changed?
Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
Lee gattow
New CovtstmreLow Co Aviator, PervwttttvL@ SperLaUst
1st Fire & Security
6101st Street
Vero Beach FL 32962
Office: 772-794-2220
Fax: 772-794-2204
Email: lee@lstfire.com
Website: www.lstfire.com
lte gattov-
New Cov�.stmrtLow Coordivwator, Pervv.Ltt44,@ SperLaLtSt
1st Fire & Security
6101st Street
Vero Beach FL 32962
Office: 772-794-2220
Fax: 772-794-2204
Email: lee@lstfire.com
Website: www.lstfire.com