HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationJUI AR�,. 'INFO -MUST WCO M-PLETED,FOR APPILICATION10 BE ACCEPTED Dqt PVrm it Number ber: -_-.. 7 Bbildift"Pl6trnit'A 4- n'. tio A,UG 0420, Bu110b9and _Code ' RegdWan DWoh, 2300 VenJJL*iAdrtPkrjCeFLA ucii nment, Phork.47-7 _,Comm 191 .72).-4 15S1,6bt-(77­ ,627 2. 0 - Residential �PROPOSEDIneSCondominium `FL uglgan, LUCle'j'.-!, PropertyTax 10 Site ,Plan -Name: ', Bldck-Nd.. Project Adclitional work to bd perfbmio, de - Ah un r 1$ permit —check allihat apply-.- n 60s,T G", Piping, 'S ftwm-,Windows/Doors is c 'R60f Pldmbfilsi: Generator . . .. . ........... Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Sq. Ft..of I rsf Fioor.-. Cost of'Construction. $•98.`- Utilities Sewer Septic Building 'CONTRACTOR !tA Na-me-CasUe Pinjet, Lange-Martagernont J Ninjo.., Philipp Utu Addri 831 1 RooftOpRoo hgj, ckr. Port St. .Lucie, Florida, state-, i - - - - -1'0ff'-E6c9 Addness- 1011a Ave 'Cjtv.: Zip Cod `F e: Pensaco a` FL PhonelVo.M489 ZIP'..r Fax E-Mail • Phone -720-29692 FIN In fee sh0pli Tftlkmcodei OnJngiepage,(04 nt, rap0raise so irs-RgthaiLz m: from theft-n6r listed _vbvife). 1. '-StatevrCm Y N,vmkwdfHVACb$7AN�or'more;aiRECORDED Natktd.f-Commmamentb-reqljlrod.---lI FDES EMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION '_I ENGINEER: • Not A liable . , - PP MORTGAGE COMPANY. Not Applicable -Address - Address sty. State- City:.. State. Zip one Zip Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE.HOLDERc PP _Not Applicable Not:A Iicable BONDING.COMPANY. -Address. .Address r �+tr► ,Phone: ne, - - _ e Pho :NER/ C01Yi'RACiOR AFFIDVIT;:Application ishereby made to otitain a permit fo do the work and Insiallatlon_asfndicafed. (.certify that no.work or installation has commenced priorto..the issuance'of a permit,. St Wde:Coun makes no repress tation'that is granting a ermit iII aut orizethe ermit holder to bulid`the`subJect cture: �y r� h p stru whtdi is in conflict with an t applica le Home Owners Ilssoc�ation rues, bylaws or.and.covenants that may restrict or prohibit such . structure; Please`consult:w h: our Home ;Owners Assodation and review,.Vg - d , d for any.restri alons; which ma a y Y PAiY� in consideration:of the &"Ming otthis requested`oermit,hdo hereby agree thk-1,wdl, in all respects, perform tfie>work - in accordance "h the approved plans .tl a Florlda "Building Codes and-k-Wele,6unty Amendments:: The foiioyAn build 6 g penriit applications'.are exemptfrom undergoing a:full co1.ncurrency review:.room additions, arcessorl►:structunsswimmin0 pools, , n.'Mi4al% signs, screen rooms.and accessory uses to another non4esidentiaf use. "!'rARNE11G.T0 :Ol'nYEiC YQIIR;FAICURE°TO'RECORD A NOTICE -`OF GOMMENCEMENT`MAY RESULT 1N.TOW 4PAYING TtNICE flOR tlMPR01!EIMEIIf�'S.?O YOUR PR&Ekk-A NOTICE OF''COMMENCENIENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTEa ON :TiiE:-JOB:SiM BEFORE THE FIRST. PISPECTrIO YOU;.EItiFJ11D T OBTAIN FItYANCiNC :,CONSULT ER-ATi0R_ NEY`BEFIORE RECO - -Y t]YC1FIiff.M r - Si re of Owner Lessee/Contractor as [m Agent for, Owner � Signatureof Contractor/Ucense Holder STATE-OFf6ARIBA,. �I✓ytG�O STATE OF ! Ora�p B COUNTY OF ?� r5 COUNTY -OF. i r; o The for ing rostrum n ovas a knowledged before me The fo ' tng. nstrumJp�e ! was acknowled ed efore me �p �Q this. i."'davof- Ar 20'ZDtiy this.�7`hiay..:of20?by ; :�OV _ hh, ► tau ray: ,'Nameof: erson;meking stateineriL Ngme,bf person making'statement Personally Known _ OR Produced identification.. Per naafi Known OR'Producetl Identification . Type Of ldentiflcation "Type of Identiflcation . A MM ANDREW. BONNEMA , ; Produced = Produced-.- MARKANDREW'BONNEMA Y RUBLiC . AM IART PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO. NOTARY1Q201114038034: STATE OFCOLORADO.. NOTARY10 20194039034 ., COfNMISSION E1�IRE$ OCTOBEA`,3,'2ti22; . , COMMISSION (S(gnature of NotaryPub ic-;State of, F H a- (Signature of:NotaryrPu c to e Comrnissionft.,ZO/gg03903y _(Seal): Commisslon_"No 20/ :ya3 :0� ' .. y (Seal) REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEG,0*0ON .." - SEA TURTLE ; 'MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW ; _REVIEW",. ,REVIEW ; REVIEW `REVIEW " . REVIEW DATE RECEIVED _ DATE COMPLETED: ev. s