HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application\a 1 ` SUPPLEMENTALCONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: •_ z, .a, DESIGN ENGINEER . __ Not A livable PP MORTGAGE:COMPANY: N ppUcable x ,Name.. _ =. Na 0 Address... Address State Cityc State: r ,Zip Phone Zip ,. Phone >' FEE SIMPLE TITLE.H.OLDER: Not Appilcable BONDING -::COMPANY: _Not,Applicable Address - A ame; Cigr .... ddress , Zip Phone i .hone OWNER) CONTRACTOR AFFIDVR: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to,do thework and installation as indicate_ d. 1 oertifyahat no work or,installation has commenced prior to the:issuance of a permit: , j�',LucleCoit iauthorize the permit holds ao bulidahe subject sucture iSin ooi es, bylaws orandcovenants-tint mayrestrict or proftitlt such ure:_Please consult:w h your Home Owners;Associationand-review yourdeeclfdtany restrictions which may appty., in oonsidetation of the granting of this requested,permit a dohereby agree that I Wlll, in ai-I respects, perFomt the work . in:aorordance with the approved plan;, the Florida Building Cedes,.and St::Lurie County Amendments. The foilowin builds B rig permit applications;are exempt from undeigoing a full concurrency re�►tew _room additions; accessory"'structures, swimmi . rig Pools, fences, walls, signs; Green rooms and acoessoryuses toanother.non=residential use - ''AARNIIYG TOOI!l�NE1G. YOUR> FAIWRE Tp RECORD A NOTICE=.OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT tiN YOUR PAYING` TIriCE POR `tiMPR01►EMENrS 'hp YOUR PROPERTY; A IYOTKE OF:COMMENCEIIiENT.AtOST 'BE RE�IORDED. AND POSTED OIII THE JOB SttiE BEFORE T1E FIRST` WECTiiON. IF YOU �IREND TO'OBTAIN FtNANCt911G.170NSULT` -.h ER- AiTORNEY'iI;EFORE REGARD N Sig ature of Oumer/lessee Contractor as / Agenti for Owner 5i _ ture of Contractor/License: Holder STATE.,OFFLOiRIDA.:t.i/dFk9RtBl4- COUNTY OF i�Setn COUNTY OF. T�' ; s The fo p rig inst " �eni'was acknowletlged 6efoe me The fo ing ins_tru t was a 'knowledged efore me this ��' tlay of r Vet r 20 :2Dby xhis �a J Y 20?�tiy tr 'Name"of. n malung statement: Name of person makingstatement. Personally Known; OR Produced>Identification... Personaliy Known Type of Identification MLIRKANDBEW:BONNEMA Type of IdentrflcaUon MARK 4NO E BONNEMA" ' Y.PUBLIC Produced : Produced NOT Y_RUBLIC STATE;OF COLOPA O OF COLORADO NOTARY ID 90194030034 YIQ 20189039094 " "NOTAR MYCOMMI 10 tilt COMM ON.E�IRES OCTOBER �� Z022 - � N t7lPIAES OCTOBER 9, Z022 , s (Signature of Notary Public St4tebf Florida) (Signature of Notary Public- Smote of Florida ) CommtsslonNo %O/g yb394y (Seal)'` ;CommisstonNo 2Q%$�to39a3y '(Seal N - REVIEWS._. . r,'FRONT, ­ , ;ZONING; SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEATURTLE MANGROVE t ;,_ ti . COUNTER REVIEW. $ REVIEW ;REVIEW" F x.REVIEW ` REVIEVII REVIEW' DATEs s:.,f k RECEIVED r � DATE COMPLETED :t