HomeMy WebLinkAboutFloor Plan Florida Building Code Data Building Data Utilities Project Data WINDOW SCHEDULE ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE Fort Pierce UtilitiesAuthorit Mark Use Floor Walls Ceiling Hgth. Base t ; Use Group: Assembly Group F-2 Occupancy Type: Group F-2 y Project Name: South Fla. Alum. Products 1 1. - Mark Size Type Glass Frame Finish Screen Type of Construction: VB Unprotected Metal Products (Fabrication & Assembly) Street Address: XXX Weatherbee Road 3 101 Storage Sealed Concrete CBS / Steel Bldg. Steel Building 18'-0"" NA Construction Type: VB Unprotected Scope of Work 1 35-x 50- Fixed Impact Aluminum By Owner N.A. Building Variables: (FBC Table 503) Allowed Provided h City: Ft. Pierce MAY 2 1 102 Entry Broom Finish Conc. Stucco Alum. Panel 8'-8- NA Number of Stories: One County: St. Lucie 2 60"" x 72"" Fixed Impact Aluminum By Owner N.A. Building Height in Feet: 40 ft. 21.0 ft. Renovations and New Covered I S1. Luc Count%, 103 Toilet Rooms Sealed Concrete M.R. d.w. & paint d.w. & paint 8'-1" 6" Vinyl Building Height in Stories: 2 1 Entry to an existing CBS building. State: Florida _ 3 90" x 54- Storefront Impact Aluminum By Owner N.A. Building Area/Floor Area: 13,000 s.f. 8,815 s.f. Foundations and Three CBS walls co Area Tabulation existing. Install new Windows and 0 Window Notes: ALL CLEAR GLASS Doors. Steel Building by Others Building Code L_ Z oo All wind design pressures as per elevations Fire Protection Requirement Storage Area: 8,580 s.f. New Steel Building by Steel Building le `�. j Ln DOOR SCHEDULE y Systems Inc. (Job No. 16-01-016)to 2017 Florida BuildingCode: Building Confirm all masonry openings as per window and door manufactuers Part & Fire Walls: N.A. N.A. New Covered Entry: 96 s.f. g _J sa_ '0 be installed inside the existing walls. � Structural Frame including columns: 0 0 2017 Florida BuildingCode: Plumbing —I All windows to be impact resistant. Frames Factory finished. Color by owner Door Frame g C I1 Fire Girders & Trusses: 0 0 Total Area: 8,676 s.f. i Mark Size Remarks 2017 Florida Building Code: Accessibility (> � Profile Face Core Finish Material Threshold Finish Rating Exterior Bearing Walls: 0 0 Occupant Load: 'U) Interior Bearing Walls: 0 0 p 2017 Life Safety Code: NFPA 101 Z A 12'-0"" x 12'-0"" Corrigated Steel N.A. Factory Steel N.A. Factory N.A. � t; Floor Construction: 0 0 Life Safety System Occupancy Area: 8,580 s.f. 2014 National Electrical Code: NFPA 70 ® r- B 10'-0' x 12'-0" Corrigated Steel N.A. Factory Steel N.A. Factory N.A. Roof Construction: 0 0 Storage: Emergency Lighting: Yes r U v C 36"" x 80"" x 1 3/4- Flush Steel Insulated Painted Steel A.D.A. Painted N.A. Keyed handset & Dead Bolt Design Loads ' 4 � U Plumbing Code Data Exit Signs: Yes 8,E80 s.f. gross / 500 gross: Z a- D (2)36- x 84- x 1 3/4- One Lite Alum. Hollow White Alum. A.D.A. White N.A. Non Latching Hardware Panic Hardware: Yes Roof Live Load: 20.0 p.s.f. � i 18 Occupants � 18 Occupants = 9 Males 9 Females v O E 36"" x 80"" x 1 3/8"" Six Panel Masonite Hollow Painted Wood N.A. Painted N.A. Fire Suppression: No Floor Live Load: 100.0 p.s.f. " � Fixtures: Ratio Required Provided Fire Alarm: Yes (By Others) 18 Total Occupants Wind Speed: 160 MPH 0 cn d� All toilet room doors to have passage sets & Closers, Male / Female Graphic & Braile Lables Fire Extinguisers: Min. 2A10BC Wind Importance Factor: 1.0 Male Female Male Female Male Female p Liz Exterior Doors to have Crash Chains Water Closets: 1/100 1/100 1 1 1 1 Building Category: 1[ ®E M All doors to be Medium Duty Wind Exposure: B A.D.A. Thresholds not to exceed 1/2" max. heigth Lavatories: 1/100 1/100 1 1 1 1 Requirements Egress E Re U Internal Pressure Coefficent: .18 � All handsets to be lever type, Brushed Chrome finish Urinals: 0 0 g+ q Required Provided Structure Designed: Enclosed i Confirm al masonry openings as per window and door manufactuers Service Sink: 1 1 1 Soil bearing capacity: 2000 p.s.f. Q Drinking Fountain: 1/400 1 Egress Width: .2- per person x 18 3.6- 160- Single drinking fountain with Maximum Distance to Exit: 75.0' 70.0' two separate spouts in a high Minimum Number of Exits: 1 5 low position per FBCP 410.3 Exception 1. 126'-4"" 16'-8" 4'-0- 3'-4- 2'-112 T-O- 10'-4"" 12'-7"" 35'-6- T-0" 6'-10- 2 27'-0" 2 2 T-0"" 7-02 3'-0" 4'-8' 8'-4' 8'-4" E r op rn w 4t N & 4 W C; 4-1 M 00 Z 0 00 © EXISTING 8'-0""TALL CBS WALLS L-4 _ o a, U Lu — ————————- -- EXISTING 8'-0""TALL CBS WALLS Pq * O LO ai eaL Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing NEW CBS WALL UP TO 8'-0" .y 4 U W LL I----- --------- Lintel 'Q ❑ Lintel Lintel Lintel Lintel DetAal a°i m J � a CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY THAT ON o * t j r- v THE SIDE OF EACH MASONRY OPENING " w THAT THERE IS A REINFORCED AND GROUT ° g� .° 00 0 3 FILLED CELL. IF NOT, THEN INSTALL VERTICAL s D REBAR AS BE THE DETAILS IN THESE PLANS a L-1 \ N O O � PJ O r1 Q. I I I 4 to Storage N Z U Q o I O Y 101 0 Q I CL L_3 q ®_ W N 102 O J l w U_ L Q I w N o ❑ I o 7 I V Z o 0 uJ o __ J .� rn 23'-8"" 23'-6"" 24'-4" 25'-0"" 25'-0" 19'-10" o {� 3 5- 7 0- 6 9" 4 7 0- > O O Line of Alum. Canopy with o Z overhead supports. See shop LJ drawings by Eastern Metal I o Supply L-1 date revision Service Changed Labels from Sink O o0 60 Drinking 4/27/20 � Fountain Warehouse to Storage o 4/27/20 Drinking Fountain aPa _ I—————————————--I Existing 1———————————� Ref. Existing 103 103 Existing Lintel Lintel Lintel drawn ——————————— — — —————❑ s.l. EXISTING 8'-0"TALL CBS WALLS © EXISTING 8'-0"TALL CBS WALLS Detail checked A- _aor S.I. REVIEWED FOR date CODE COMPLIANCE 2/21/2020 10'-41/2" 12'-61/2" 3'-10' T-41/2" 19'-3" 10'-7" T-10" 3'-41/2" 26'-11"" T-0" 41'-3" T L��CWE COU� ® � asscale noted 143'-0" 4'-0- BOCC V job number Floor Plan Column Key 14092 sheet scale: 3/16"= 1'-0" #5 vert. rebar in solid filled c.b.s. $ cell 00 z M < Lo �- U- co CO Lf? U) a EXISTING 8'-O'TALL CBS WALLS `� m !2 m o EXISTING 8'-0"TALL CBS WALLS .ad m NEW CBS WALL UP TO 8'-0" w a.. > 0 LL1 tf9 Right Elevation Scale:3/16-= 1'-0- VJ b0 c 'C U 42 `* Rr bu 0 w C M I� W -3. O M W Z U y rn w See Shop Drawings v 91- O I Q by Eastern Metal Supply N J LL 0 m J N w r n" w +1 Ir * fn C v U J �L LLI I LU ]I I I ]i ffl (tf LU .2 w O ^ m a LL C T U EXISTING 8'-0""TALL C85 WALLS m O EXISTING 8'-0"TALL CBS WALLS m c y N W \ L11 cc Left Elevation Scale: 3/16" V-0- CL Q Proposed Metal Building Top of Parapet Wall EaL y 23'-4" Doors _ E fV _ 12 Top of Parapet Wall 20,-8„ - -- 2_ `1_ � Line of Entry komlenbyadrs. _ canopy above In 4 Sign -- Eave of Metal Bldg. 18'-0„ Typ O 60"wide accessable F-.- route. Painted diagonal L Q Light Textured stripes on pavement See Shop Drawings Stucco Finish Light Textured by Eastern Metal Supply over C.B.S. Q J Stucco Finish u, U LL overC.B.S. m N Concrete Window Head Parking g-g 8 8 _a z T-2", v < O Line of Existing (/) LLJ CBS Gable Wall to Remain i / / / Existing CBS Wall � � � � / � / ® '�'� J W F.F.E. 0.00, < Rear Elevation Front Elevation 2x4°ailing 2ists24 o. 0 joists 24""o.c. (2)2 x 6Zjo ists 24"'o.c. Scale: 3/16"= P-0"" -o Plate To 2 l 6 z Scale:3/16""= 1'-0"" P Top Plate P/1 UJ V� PRODUCT APPROVAL (2)2 x 4 I x 6 studs date revision Top Plate :4"o.c. Building Rated Product Rated Approwl Glass 2 x 6 studs Accessible Route Product Design Pressures Design Pressures Manufacturer Model Number Numbe- Type Attachment Method 1/2"de interior e Room finish, 1/2" d a e Roam interior 24.°° 4/27/20 finish, See Se � Plan ' Custom Window 3/16-Dia.Tapcons with 1 1/4"min.embedment&2"edge 2 x 4 studs Finish Schedule Finish Schedule �q g gam, Windows +38.8 -42.0 +/-65.0 Systems PW'-3150 FL 1580.1 Impact distance min.Head/Sill: n from corners and 9 1/2""o.c. Accessible Route.e.r Plan max.Jambs:6" from corners& 10 1/2"o.c.max. (2)2 x 6 Door Alum,Storefront 1/4-Dia.Tapcons,2 1/2""min.Edge Distance, 1 1/4-min. Header N.T.S. YKK AP 200 Narrow Stile r Non Embedment.Head/Sill:6"from corners and 12"o.c. See ADA Bath See ADA Bath Doors +38.8 -42,0 +/-55.0 FL:58.1 n r America Alum.Outswin Impact Details for Fixture Details for Fixture 1/z"d.w. i drawn Double Swing g Jambs: 12""o.c.&6"max.from ends&(4)Tapcons 2 1/2"oc � .._/ '\ J j' �_-?�"�,__/� at mfg.stile ends. Locations Locations 8.1. Series:LS-18 3/8-dia.x 5-Steel Uni-can sleeve anchor(4)per Jamb. Insulated checked Impact 8""from head&6-from sill&equal o.c.2 1/4-embed.&3-min. +38.8 -42.0 +/-70.0 Daybar Ind. Outswing FL 245D.1 Metal Door Commercial E.D.Sill: 1/4"Tapcons 1 3/4"embed.2 3/4-from jambs and s.l. 10 o.c.with 3-min.E.D. date Steel Rooling +33.5 -36.3 +36.0 -41.0 Janus Int.Group Series 3100 FL: 1276i.3 Non Guide Jamb fasten with 3/8-x 4""Powers wedge bolt 2/21/2020 Door Impact 12-o.c.Typical scale as noted Custom Window Non Installed with mull bar clip with(2) 1/4-dia.Tapcons k.A job number Mullion +38.8 -42.0 +/-72.1 Systems 3-Mull Bar FL:57773 Impact with 1 3/4-embedment.Typical 14092 sheet 28 Ga.Steel FL#: 12853.2 Impact 1/4-All Points Solid Set Anchor x 7/8"embedment.2"min. 2 x 6 t plate 2 x 6 t plate Storm Panels +38.8 -42.0 +/-54.0 Town&Country edge distance 12'"o.c,Top&Bottom fasten to founation fasten to founation Toilet Room Section with 8d cased hard with 8d cased hard A_ coil nails 8"o.c. coil nails 8-o.c. scale: 1/2-= P-0" Safe Load Table Notes Installation Notes STRUCTURAL NOTES: 0 54- min. 1.All values based on minimum 4- nominal bearing. 1. Installation of U lintels must comply with architectural All reinforcing steel shall be high strength billet steel and shall Exception: Safe loads for unfilled U lintels must and/or structural drawings. conform to ASTM A-615 grade 60 specifications. Lap continuous (� ED— Toilet 3'-6"" 12"" be reduced by 20% if bearing length is less than 6 1/2-. 2. U lintels can be field cut to the required length. reinforcing 48 bar diameters or 30- in beams and in slabs. Lap max. bottom steel over supports and top steel at midspan. Hook .--� 103 Grab bar at 2. N.R. = Not Rated 3. Cast in place concrete may be provided in composite discontinuous ends of all top bars. Reinforcing steel shall have Tissue Rear wall U lintel in lieu of concrete masonry units. a minimum of 1- concrete cover, or as follows: 0-48 60 a`Je Holder 3. Safe loads are superimposed allowable loads. 4. The exterior surface of U lintels installed in exterior 3 e�p IcaC 4. One #7 rebar may be substituted for two #5 concrete masonry walls shall have a coating of stucco BOTTOM TOP SIDES 0 Nt� rebar in 8 inch U lintels only. applied in accordance with ASTM C-926 or other z M approved coating. Beams: 1 1/2" 1 1/2- 1 1/2- 5. All safe loads in units of pounds per linier foot. Q LC) °� M Slab on Grade: 1 1/2- 1" _ o <+ 5. Concrete masonry units used in composite U lintel shall Structural Poured: 3/4" 3/4�� LL rucura oure :30" 60" 0 6. All safe loads are based on simply supported span. be laid in a running bond. — Poured Walls: _ _ 3/4- ai I r32- Clear M 7. Safe load ratings based on rational design analysis 6. Shore composite lintels as required. Slabs exposed i11 per ACI 318 and ACI 530. 3/4 1 N o0 7. U lintels are manufactured with a 5 1/2"" long notch at to the weather — w r holder not locate tissueboth ends to accomodate vertical cell reinforcing and holder behind the 7"-9 z +-' N #5 rebar at top grab bar ma.al req'd. grout. Reinforcing steel shall be detailed and fabricated in accordance r„ Plan View 4uaeity or#5 rebar with the -Manual of Standard Practice of Detailing Reinforcing O LL r at bottom of Irld Concrete Structures and the current ACI Building Code 318 U 6 Water Closet Clearances F=filledgoor ""It" Composite U Lintel Materials — 0 Motha� All structural steel shall conform to current ASTM Specification A-36 .N Z � _U C M.I j " 1. Grout per ASTM C476 fg=3000 psi with maximum 3/8 € inch aggregate and 8 to 11 inch slump. (.7 Toilet Room Plans out 8F16-1 B/1 T All wood in contact with masonry shall be pressure treated or approved (� > 0 2. Rebar per ASTM A615 Grade 60 seperating material. U T.O.B. � With Floor Clearances 8' u, caskege 3. Concrete masonry units (CMU) per ASTM C90 with ='=sss All dimensions shall be verified in field by the contractor. If there are U0 I;mel m; a J minimum net area compressive strength = 1900 psi #5 rebar at bottom ao steel Building any discrepancies the Architect or Engineer shall be notified before rn 1'-6"" 16 18"" 7 5/8Norl;ntel cavity heigth rL a..ron by others .......... proceeding. a„Nom;nal 4. Mortar per ASTM C270 Type M or S m rro Steel Building > t2 s Lintel Type Designation Beyond IL.. No slump over 5" shall be permitted for any structural concrete without x N Two course Bond the Architect or Engineer approval. -I--) E �) Beam with #5 t/1 Hori.z. Rebar in each a—D T.O.B. course.Grout fill All Design and Construction shall be inaccordance with the current I Cast Crete Lintel Schedule All Reber to be #5 Grade 60 min. (U.N.o., Two courses American Concrete Institute (ACI). and the American Institute of Steel x x x insulate all Construction (AISC), The Florida Building Code and all applicable m pipes under N E E .S c sink LENGTH OF ALLOWABLE APPLIED ALLOWABLE APPLIED local codes. c E MARK BEAM SPECS. •L O ; LINTEL GRAVITY LOAD GRAVITY LOAD UPLIFT LOAD UPLIFT LOAD I Grout Vert. Reber s ,yy • M Grout filled cells 0N L-1 6'-4"" 3480 550 1880 300 8F16-iB/1T II see Plan for Structural Concrete shall attain a minimum ultimate compressive strength V c r 00 N Locations bA N (Fc') in 28 days as follows: it L-2 T-0- 6472 1350 3508 500 8F32-1B/1T �--� Lu o L-3 T-2"" 6472 1350 3508 500 8F32-1B/1T II Column Footing and Wall Footing: 3000 p.s.i. > J o co d 8 x 16=a Column and walls from foundation to roof: see column schedule. S v LL M w L-4 4'-4- 6113 400 2724 200 8F16-1B/IT NC.M.U. * depth All other concrete: 3000 p.s.i. (� 0 1 <coJ LL Min. Beam depths shown, beams may be increased without convent II (U .2 45 U r� Existing CBS Walls Footing sizes and reinforcing are based on allowable soil bearing Lavatory Clearances In Beams Greater than 24 "" deep provide (1) #3 vertical rebar at 24""o.c. along length of lintel Ex 0 m J CV w and Footing to remain II capacity of 2000 p.s.i. All footings shall bear in virgin soil. If this 0 o- Contractor to verify M.O. with manufacturer specs prior to start of construction is not the case, the Architect or Engineer shall be notified before 1 2i 4 ,r, _ Grab Bar Locations II proceeding with the work. * GO 4, LU Timber (Heavy Timber Construction) Q' d tr Toilet Room Doors to have Lever Doors shall have signs indicating 3/8"" continuous bead of I (a) Truss manufacturer shall submit a signed and sealed shop < IL Handle and Privacy Lock ADA Accessable Restroom caulk (back bedding) behind II drawings by a registered Engineer. Lavatory or Sink Controls to be Grab Bars to be 1 1/4" to 1 1/2" buck to prevent liquid passage (b) Wood rafters to have a Stress Grade of Fb=1200 p.s.i.ADA Approved dia. and 1 1/2" from walls set flange in continuous 4"3001 Fibermix (c) Roof members should be secured to the beams or other bead of caulk across the See Column Plate concrete Foundation structural components with hurricane anchors for wind uplift. entire face of buck New 3000#concrete and Anchor Bolt on.006 Vapor Barrier o Foundation and Footings on clean, compacted, c� A.D .A. Toilet Room m CBS. . Min. 1 1/4- embedment Details term;tetreatedfill All wood members shall have a minimum fiber stress in bending \ o m fA at windows and min. of 1200 p.s.i. with 1/360 max. deflection. ` 1_0 a a 11/2"" embedment at Side Wall Section , o Y a a ° d sl. gl. doors All bolted connections shall be 1/2" Cadmium plated or better. � io° — AT NEW C.B.S. SIDE WALLS Lag bolts to be used only in shear connections with minimum 0 Y all N d 4 threaded penetration past steel late. 1/2"" drywall P P P ao ° Lag bolted conditions shall be drill tapped no larger than the internal thread diameter and shall not be hammer driven. ><V Under Girder Trusses provide equal number of studs as girder stucco finish plys at frame bearing locations CIO perimeter caulk Side Wall Section z Attach 1x4 p.t. bucks 1/4- max. struct. shim 0 with 8d coil nails at scale:3/4"=1'-0" 0 caulk attach as per ® Q Typ. Alum. window manufacturers jamb or sliding glass product approvals GENERAL REQUIREMENTS doorjamb ® Or All work to be as per the current edition of the Florida Building Code F= O t i l l requirements. Q local NOTE: Method of attachment and tunable sealants shall comply with and meet or exceed all applicable :3 LL waterproofing procedures are the ASTM C 920 Class 25 grade or same at poured concrete sill. greater for proper joint expansion General contractor is responsible for all labor, materials, utilities, testing, and contraction waste removal, storage, securing of site, accomodation, transport/freight, Z Z Coat Bucks with Protecto LWM 200 Waterproofing Add new vertical and all other cost related to the completion of this project., unless explicitly _� Z) after they have been installed and Chaulked Stucco Finish #5 rebar in filled identified here. Q Q over concrete cell (SEE NOTES) 0 Window & Door Flashing Detail at CBS Wall block PLAN Owner is responsible for all municipal related charges such as impact 0 W uJ U Includes Buck Attachment Method fees, and water connection, except building permit fees, which are to be :D included in the construction bid. 0 % -J O Notes General contractor to check all drawings for errors and ommissions and bring them to the attention of the architect prior to starting any work, or 1. Break outside wall ordering any materials of the respective division of work. If such errors Q S of block cell vertically and ommissions are not reported in writingto the architect, any resulting } from top of foundation damages or costs shall be born entirely by the general contractor. 0 -5 to top course of block O Z 2. Drill into footing at an Architect is not responsible for the contractors method or means of W angle a hole I- in dia. construction. 9- deep Of General contractor is to keep the site in a clean and safe state through 3. Insert a #5 x 8' long out the course of construction. On building turnover, general contractor to rebar with epoxy (Non clean all surfaces so as to be free of dust, grease, stains, scuffs, etc. date rev sor Shrink Grout) When hard bend straight and vertical Unless otherwise noted, the installation of specified hardware shall conform to the manufacturers instructions and standard practice. 4. Then after inspection Pour 3000 PSI concrete All plans and drawings are not considered complete until they have been Small Aggregate into cell reviewed and approved by the St. Lucie County Building Department in lifts of 36"" high and the building permit has been issued. drawn • sal. 5. Epoxy shall be either y THRESHOLD NOTE C-100 or Simpson Epoxy Tie checked install as per the manufacturers sal. instructions At egress doors the maximun hgth. date G of the threshold shall be 1/2- 2/21/2020 scale as noted SECTION BUCK ATTACHMENT NOTES job number AT DOORS AND WINDOWS USE P.T. FINE OR SPRUCE 14092 AND ATTACH BUCKS TO BLOCK WITH COIL T NAILS sheet e ERTICAL WALL REINFORCEMENT 4- FROM ENDS AND I2"o.c. MAX. INSTALLATION DETAIL USE -STRUCTURAL- SHIMS DURING DOOR INSTALLATION A-3 WOOD AND/OR CEDAR SHIMS SHALL NOT BE USED. Galy. Cap Pitch _ 30'-0" _ for Drainage 14'-0` 16'-0"" Three Coat Stucco over (2) 2 x 8 top plate paper backed wire lath r� y 5/8""c.d.x. plywd. fastened Raised Stucco Bands,Smooth Top Of Parapet VW to studs as per Nailing Schd'l. Finish ---- .. Cover with one layer of House 23 -4 Top of Parapet Wall CL Wrap. � 23'-4" Line of finished roof of � CVO oo steel building behind (2) 2 x 8 top plate 00 Frame of Steel ® ~ d' Building by Galy. Flashing along 'v coOthers Intersection of Roof Top of Parapet Wall LO Roofing ofsteel and frame Wall 5/8-c.d.x. plywd.fastened SHEATHING NAILING — e - 20r-8 Building by Others to studs as per Nailing Schd'l. J Cover with one layer of House -- Wrap. Nailing Schedule — — y W i i 00 Three Coat Stucco over EXTERIOR SHEATHING � � ____ 'U) paper backed wire lath Use #8 gun nails at 4o.c. at panel edges (D } N and #8 gun nails at 4"o.c. at panel top and I' ---- (with 2 x 8 studs 24-o.c. with 2 x 8 studs 24""o.c. with bottom and 6""o.c. in field 12'-6"" 1'-6"" SP8 at to SPS at top plate with (6) p plate with (6) O 0 ____ 40d x 1 1/2- and SPH8 IOd x 1 1/2"" and SPHS Steel Building (12) 10d x 1 1!2""at 5/8-c.d.x. plywd.fastened with (12) 10d x 1 1/2"at tBV Insulation byJto studs as per Nailing Schd'I. Others sill plate P g sill plate Z >1 Cover with one layer of House Wrap. M (D O 2 x 8 studs > 24-o.c. with U) CY Rigid Frame of Metal LLJ CC) Bldg. at Roof T.O.B. 2 x 8 .t. sill late fastened 13 -4 E 2 x 8 p.t. sill plate fastened P P c v m to grout filled bond beam with rout filled bond beam with 5 I o m . g mm 5/8`"x 9""wed e bolts with g ......... ............................................................................................................. ....................................................................................................................... /8""x 9""wedge bolts with _ 3x 3""x 1/8-washers 24o.c. 3-x 3-x 1/8"washers 24""o.c. 8 x 8 Grout Filled Q) and 6-min. from ends Cell with (1) #5 and 6-min. from ends Vertical Rebar ________ T.O.B. 13,_4.. (2)Course Grout Filled r xx T.O.B. ..... ............ P - Zi Bond Beam with(1)95 1 -� P o rebar in each course bA v E v C P C A 1 N O N — y m m • d) u in Head m Window 2 x 6 .t. ledger continuousas 2 P g ch- T 6J ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8'-8" U alongrigid steel at roof fasten with o0 g tV C — r #5 Vert Rebar 'bA cal G . x 4"" elf Tapping 0 v c 14 a S PP r Grout filled cells m 1�1 O Screws 24""o.c. staggered Sea Plan for W gg +' M 00 Z Locations - - f/) 00 Simpson H2.5A at each stud - (5) 8d to ledger and (5) 8d to S * LJi COMLu Studs Steel Building 2 8 N un J Frame by h Window O x 8 Grout Filled E CO T.O.B. Wire Lath Attachment 8 x 8 Grout Filled .0 .yJ U 11 w Others _ _ -_-_________ 10-0-" Masonry Cells with (1) #5 Vertical (2) 8 x 8 Grout Filled Cell with (1) #5 +.� — Opening Rebar in each cell [� J N w Over wood framing the paper Cells with (1) #5 Vertical Vertical Rebar — a e backed wire lath shall be installed Masonry Openings Rebar in each cell LU 2r +J i over one layer of approved plastic * N O L v w house wrap. Lath shall be attached _______ horizontal framing members with 1.5 �i 8 x 8 Grout Filled w g-g" g � �'Cell with (1) #5 roofing nails and to vertical wood 6� a framin members with 6d common Ve tical Rebar t r g = Canopy with Overhead Supportnails or 1"" roofing nails driven to Shop Drawings to be prepared g ss w K. by Eastern Metal Supply penetration of not less then 3/4` of an inch, or 1- wire staples ____ _ _ _ Entry Door Head �,_4,, driven flush with the plaster base. Staples shall have crowns not less than 3/4- and shall engage not less T-0- 12" than three strands of lath and N FFE. See eintel penetrate the wood framing members ._. . Q 00, \ w Schedule 4._0�- not less than 3/4 The fasteners must 1� penetrate the wood framing members not less than 3/4-. Fasteners shall be 8 x. Grout Filled 8"" o 7- o.c. max. 8" C.B.S. with (I) #5 8""Vertical Rebar Alum. Storefront Doors Front C.B.S. /Frame Parapet Wall CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL WINDOW, DOOR, AND MASONRY OPENING SIZES PRIOR TO ORDERING WINDOWS AND DOORS. Z {_a U O 8 x 8 cons.Ftng. O with One#5 rebar sour. G7 MF±11 IF±llE 11] a SlopeCr FEE d 0.00, Q 0 Y 3'-6- 9'-0- 6'-8- 5'-8" F-2` ° 4" 2500#Fibermix 12'-6"" 17'-6- Concrete Foundation an clean,compacted, 8 x 8 cons.Ftng. Top of beam at 14'-0- Top of beam at 10'-0- epoxy J with One#5 rebar Drill and a ox the new #5 treated fill bar for the new bond beam Q O cost. 5e"into the ex sting grout filled 0 6" Parapet Wall Plan o.6.5. Li Entry Section p 0 scale: 3/4" =1'-O" Z ' J T.O.B. ° J ® 'Z Q I— e I-- EL co m m m Q Existing C.M.U. One vertical #5 rebar 0 � masonry wall in grout filled cell drilled and epoxy into foundation Z 00 W 90 DEGREE HOOKS New 8 x 16 x 8 a OVERLAP 25"" MIN. C.M.U. Wall date revision HORIZ. TIE BEAM STEEL SEE WALL SECTION FOR STEEL REQUIRMENTS corner bars at beam (outside only)(2)corner bars at footing(min.) POURED CELLS WITH (1) #5 BAR CONTINUOUS drawn FROM BEAM TO FOOTING sa. F.F.E. checked vert. dowel lapped with h 0.00, wall reinforcing, all all corner bars to be the s.l. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . laps 30" (min.) in grout same size, number, and date filled cell spacing as horizontial bars 2/21/2020 in footing,beams, and walls See vertical reinforcement installation detail scale as noted job number existing new addition 14092 Detail sheet Perimeter Beam Reinforcing Detail Change ir1 Beam Elev. Detail A A-4 MASONRY TO MASONFY ATTACHMENT 4% , FORMWORK & SHORING GENERAL FOUNDATION NOTES SOIL STATEMENT: No structural concrete shall be stripped until it has reached at least Concrete shall be Fibermix, with a minimum of 4" thick over clean, Relear overlap shall be 48 bar diameters. 30" for #5 rebar Foundation has been designed for a soil bearing capacity of 2000 p.s.i. 80% of the 28 day design strength. compacted termite treated fill and 6 mil polyethylene vapor barrier. Fill shall be laid in layers of 6". Each layer to be compacted to 95% (� The foundation design assumes that the soil has a minimum compaction. � Design, Erection, & Removal of all formwork, shores, & reshores shall Concrete shall have at minimum compressive strength of not less load carrying capacity of 2000 p.s.f. �--' meet the ACI Standards 347 and 301 than 3,000 p.s.i. If the contractor encounters, while digging the foundation, any In the event the soil bearing capacity falls below 2000 p.s.f. This discrepancy to suggest the soil may be inadecuate, he must Ci All 9090 hooks are to be extended 10" minimum beyond the turn. foundation plan may be superseded by Foundation Design Engineer. immediately report it to the owner and the Architect or Engineer � C4 Contractor to verify all building setbacks prior to the start of construction. Field bends are to be done cold and the diameter of the bend, so as to order a soil boring test. A formboard survey shall be submitted to the building department for (� F— � approval prior to pouring concrete. measured on the inside of the bar, is not to be less than six Satisfactory compaction test of fill does not verify lower soils are bar diameters. adequate. L. Z e'M Dowel Rod Repair Note J 1O Minimum coverage for rebar shall be 3' in footings and 1 1/2" in All specifications and dimensions to be verified by contractor. � � LL. CD bond beams. Hooks may be rotated horizontally if required to In the event vertical steel has been omitted from the down r9 pour locations. drill 5' into concrete (no closer than 3 3/4- J N achieve minimum coverages. All exterior slabs shall slope a minimum 1/8" per foot for drainage Z U I from edges and 5" from ends of cap walls) Remove dust L Ln per manufacturers instructions and use Two part epoxy to d 00 anchor the #5 rebar in place. Use either "Hilti C-100 or Cn NOTE: Foundation design for the metal building Simpson Epoxy-Tie. z is based on the reactions provided from plans by Q O 11- Steel Building Systems,Inc (Job Number: 16-01-016) U ai dated 1/28/2016 'N 12 _m v 6'-4" 16'-8' Z F- 0 N O 24'-8- 23'-6" 24'-4- 25'-0" 25'-0- 3'-10- 6'-5" 3'-10- 6-5" � (/) J rn Lo 6"• 12'-7" 6"• 4'-4" 8'" 0 EXISTING MASONRY OPENING ^> W '4—) 12" 1 1/2" Recess 4" 2500# {/ / for Door Conc. Pad 0 0 4" 2500# ® Conc.Pad D EXISTING 8'-0" TALL CBS WALLS EXISTING 8'-0"TALL CBS WALLS 0/4-_Nz29MMMM=l 0 0 ❑ oo U r00 © - - F_4 - - -! © � - - - F-4 - - � 0 F - - - F :_4_ © F- - - - F-� - - - -� [] - - - F_4 - - - � © F F-3 B 1� WSJ � z > � F- 1 I I I I I I I I I I PI I F 1 v * o `` Lu J I F2 I I F2 I I F2 I I F2 I I F2 p L 41 U CO J N W L — — J L — — J L — — � L — � J L — — �� I * 0 ; ! - 00o t r I U Q I Ft7 a I I N ° F-5ZIC -� I REMOVE THE EXISTING CONCRETE FOUNDATION AND REPLACE WITH NEW Cut Joint J (Typical) I 0.00, a WITH MONO. PAD FOOTINGS. I o.00' I OIL slope I " h EXISTING PERIMETER FOOTING UNDER I THE ISTING EXTERIOR WALLS TO REMAIN I o w N id, F6 z +� 0.00Assumed F.F.E. v F3 QDO Z ! 4" Thick 3000# Fibermix I o o Concrete over .006 Visquine I ! over Clean, Compacted, Termite I I p pp w Treated Fill ! I `Z "- I I I z ❑q ; o — F-5 J Q o I ° Q U w I z _ o \iLine of the Existing F-f 7 i� O Edge I U) p J Q ------------I- ' o > +- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I O 0 L— F —I f —1 F z cn LU I F 2 I I F 2 I I F 2 I I F 2 I I F 2 I F F-1 I 1 1/2" Recess I I I I I I I I I I I F-1 1 I/2'" Recess © — F_4 for Door © — — F— A — — — I © or Door — F=4— — — - © L — — F—/� — — — — I © L — — — — — — — I © — =a — I © date revision r �} J 1 T J L r J o EXISTING 8'-O' TALL CBS WALLS EXISTING 8'-0" TALL CBS WALLS o 4'• 2500# t8- C 2500# © 0 18- M Conc. Pad .o Conc. Pad M 12" 4„ 2500# L 4" 2500# Conc. Pad Conc. Pad draw" J. 6• 12'-62 6• 61 10'-7' 6• checked EXISTING MASONRY OPENIN EXISTING MASONRY OPENING date 2/21/2020 24'-8- 23'-6" 24'-4"• 25-0- 25'-0- 20'-6- scale 143'-0" as noted old number 14092 Foundation & Footing Plan sheet scale:3/16•'-1'4' A-5 Out the existing spread footing flush with the inside of the existing C.B.S. wall Bolt Diameter & 12"in each direction from Existing C.B.S. Projection per the inside corner 12" exterior walls Steel Bldg, Systems (2) Layers 6- Specs. Anchor Bolt Placement 10/10 WWM per Steel Bldg. Systems Shop Drawings I 04 Existing 4- 8 4" 00 Existing Spread existing I-- a� 114- Spread Existing C.B.S. Footing walls L- z M Footing exterior walls n F�E �g J LO NT 0 0 -, u� -'r- _ Footing 1 See Civil bb z oLID Base Drawings �. Plate F-4 Footing 6„ cn a, 00 _ _ F-4 I �I� z B E TYp. Existing Footing ® LL i\ 1 — -- — — w re —•— s- -� •= U U .� o o � 0 0 d Base \— See Plan View Footing a� O Plate „B„ Mono. 3000# Concrete C- co iY Cut the existing spread Footing with (1) #5 Rebar UJ u-) Existing C.B.S. I footing flush with the inside 6-o.c. Each Way F-2 = T-6" Square 0a exterior walls 1 of the existing C.B.S. wall F-1 - 6'-0" Square 8-in each direction from 01 1 1 center of column location "a Footing Detail at. '4 Frame Columns car) -- Footing F-1 Plan View Footing at End Wall 2" v.t.r. — — — — TYPICAL AT EXISTING C.B.S. WALLS & FOOTINGS — — � I L'U 0 •'~ Lll +i M 00 Z Footing 1 PLUMBING NOTES: �\ s i co ld F-3 Plumber to consult with contractor and equipment ordered / 1 1/2 R L Plan View Footing g 1 g at Corner for rough in dimensions. / I � � 1 1/2" - omJ cvw TYPICAL AT EXISTING G.B.S. WALLS & FOOTINGS Verify all dimensions with the floor plan. The floor plan / � I " � a dimensions dictates all other dimensions on other sheets. 2 Drinking E N Lay. Fountain m --T t-' J Do not scale drawings, if any conflicts arise, contact the / 1 .° 00 0 Architect or Engineer for clarification prior to construction. / / ( Lay. s rn a 1 -4" Existing C.B.S. \ 1 1/2- 2"" aoi a exterior walls 4 8 4" All sanitary lines 2"" or less shall have a slope of 1/4"" per \ \ Service g Existing Existing foot minimum. r(1 Sink WC Spread c.es. 2„ Walls WC Footing All sanitary lines above 2- shall have a slope of 1/8- per ( 3" \ foot minimum. a 2" c Existing All work shall be in accordance with the F.B.C. Plumbing 3" d' Spread 6th Edition Sink _ ` O.O. >. Footing DWV piping shall be schedule 40 p.v.c. -Cr 0 0 • 0 o Water piping shall be Type L Copper or PE for piping in building. Footing Base Existing Footing Sleeve all copper in contact with concrete or underground in the 2 4 F-4 Plate Footing building. Insulate all hot water piping. C"" F-4 18" x 16- 3000# Cont. F-3 All N.C. fixtures to meet A.D.A. and F.B,C. requirements.— — Conc. Mono. Footing with 18 q Plumbing contractor to provide a (2) #5 rebars cost. water hammer & shut off valve at 6" 6" Water Heater shall be RUUD Low Boy 20 gallon with pan and each fixture l n to sanitary drain to bu dl g exterior and with T&P relief to buildin exterior. Y 12" g I 1 Insulate all hot water lines system .� Cut the existing spread z footing flush with the inside O of the existing C.B.S. wall 1 6-in each direction from 1 °"w - RiserDiagram F-- ° center of column location 1 not to scale < Q 0� EE Exp. Tank ® E z z z 1 _�1 4„ 8„ //// Wall „ Q Existing U � W C.B.S.s. U Walls g z -0 F F t2 Note: Set WH Temp. ° W.H. 1/2'" Cn at 140 degrees max. 1 TIt � �— _ -- -- • I 1/2" i / Drinking Q Fountain > Plan View Footing at i Wall Existing Footing /" O a`� z ° TYPICAL AT EXISTING C.B.S. WALLS & FOOTINGS 12" x 12" 3000# Cont. 12„ I /' i �„ 1 Conc. Mono. Footing with (2) #5 rebars cont. F-4 12: 11 1/2" Sink I date revision Wall New C.B.S. 1/2'" 1 I 1/2" V New C.B.S. Wall I m Service 5/9/20 Updated Plumbing � IVIII Sink Risers to show ENTRY service sink and - II I Sink drinking fountain 0.00, h Slope 1" 0.00, 3/16- x 1" Saw Cut 40— 4- Fibermix Slab Joint. Cut as soon as 1 drawn a on Grade possible after Troweling Grade Fill Joint with Liquid Sealer HB 3/4„ I n 1/z„ non n n checked v� date 1 3/4" 1/2' 2/21/2020 • • 1 —� scale (1) #5 Las noted rebar 8 r — — 1/2 job number Soil shall be Clean Granular 18" x 16' 3000# Cont. 18- x 16- 3000# Cont. p to Meter&'BFP heel s" EDGE DETAIL Fill Compacted to 95�o Dry Conc. Mono. Footing with -- Conc. Mono. Footing with 18 Density Water RiSekr Diagram (2) #5 rebars cont. (2) #5 rebars cont. sheet F-7 R Typ. Saw Cut Joint A-6 CL LU 99b9-98L (ZLL) : a0!J40 Sb66V0N '038VlJ 3d 'H013MlnVd Adw v(lnjo-,J 'AINnoo 31om 'is 8886-98L (ZLL) ° y Z86VE IJ 'aoae!d '4d 'aoeld ,lan!d 906tr ti86bE `�� 'a!onj •IS m 1od �` 1 N 11 n s N o o N o i s a tiG G# '�S aaow�l!8 MS ti861 S�onp®� l�lnu6ltlni� �p��olj n�� N a0+ N m — Y _ '°'' N m E m y / v a° Ms m v o c N 2ui.100ui2u3 1!AQ * [BOIJ}0913 * leoiueyoayq J ¢x ¢w 'ou ` noA ul'disa !sn GA94S 0ouj `yolaM Ined N o I 1 1 Cl G V G N V s N ® z s V n 1D N 3 a = o 3 O F*j: a VW n SU 3a (7 Y ¢ ¢ W ¢ a ¢ O om OY z O>- J Q � N N N N N N W 2 LL « J W F>- ch i # 7L u u u W; ZF wp�[n WF W} O a N N N N N N Q1 w 03prozo � ¢¢ �F _i O - mm � < ow ooz - 0 Nw � J Q m 04 0dX N O O Qa a Q LLJLL mO O O O O O V 2 - a \ N W N N N N N N J = wO CD O UNO (a M N E a -�O Fz N Q z �Q LL Wy - O / .I LJL O ? O O O N N N N E (n LU W U = U N ^ > 7 ¢ a U z z zw F a o oco LLI 7 7 7 � y U)0 0 0 0 Q LU O N aNO 41m > O U.UiR) UW 0 ° mOU o x w m Q QQ 1D w Uw O mo o W W W -1 > w 0) 0y o06 o N 7 7 F 7 C = 0 N. E m n N Vl U7 U) 3 O N V) H U p _I W U p -O z N m o v v lyj y N M 1 CO O) p ¢ I I r �w ¢ I Q u L 3 C Q U � o > aa) 0 m U 'So > m U N U 0. > N M U N m a- � a N C. \ U bjD R N U a C Q ,N- d' �Y d N r O m N T # U N N ^ CD O Y c Co �- O C 11 .9 N Y O 0 U- y a ho G x 3m 0 V 0 � c w m Q m N C Q Q Cl) U 0 0 C N Lo N L0 Lo m U¢ m N m N Q m O " N a n 0 y ¢ O aO 0 W y cu LL O � � 0 ) 0 XV w ¢ m X ¢ w LU i w Li T44-) p ❑l M ¢ �w 0 1 -0 00 Q X= 0 U I bb _ O _ CL O Cod Z O \ N Y Z LL Lo O > W 0 Cl a o c U Zw � W w +j 4a o z ° =O2W pF j .� U }H�LLi Wm Z o¢ z M .� oaZuj a o � O Q IL 20 N <1 I I CrCL0 LL � � Z O > J V .i E Z N 0 H O Q O O . U 4- 7QN >+ U >n � Qz000 Q OiN UZZ m Z lLU > C > O W�VO � W aNR m N W � � U) N *3 0 -0JmUO�_ m Q � JON tr R to (n N=w�� razo Qam cE m 'o ¢ I 1-xWO m a ir Sa)a Ooz � 0..� mZ WZO w0 oa U 4� -a x no m OWw N0) QZ r o � co W fro>O a � o J a d FZ Qr`.a mOLL .00R CL R� N Q omZ m �pLU 3U ¢ w z � . QU>O � ww > Q R '- c N v -jw � a J Q =wZ) o Q U w a w ¢ a w I-O m U) z a o a a m o m o a LU cv ri ici cc N N 4-cu W C Z N vwi a 4- I LU ¢ QQ j > j " 00 ,Jx � Y � a z Q > » oo `6 � < � Y W W � N(D �� co Q J U f\'- r M N O � E~ m �_ -� T a co uj w w ¢ Q (;3 m co Q g LU m v ., � o W m �- O J Q r Q (� g \ J Q Q > LLl Q I I E o _I w3 � m N U 0 a a N U F n Q Q cu > N Q� LU -i O CD CD N d co "t Co N N U N M> N D 4- R .V U o 0 W c0 4- CD ej U U N -J u7 CD .- - LU co Ir