HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0152 152 , ., "- i t , Lot 3ixt&en (16) of the lll)rtheast i}U8'tter of the 3:tbdiviRion of 3eotion Twenty-three (23) Township,Thirty Five (36) 30uth, R~nge Thirty Nine (39) E~st, aooording to plat made . b7 P. r. Jenkins, C.E., and reoor,ded in Plat Boot No.2, page 10, 3t. Luoie Count~' Reoords. i Cun taining Ten (10) aores, more or leas. . , , ~ . (501 I. R. Shmp cancelled) ! I 0.#' . TQGE~HER with nIl and slngular.the improvements tenements, and appurtenanoes there- i J ~ t \ into belonging or in anj...,:ise apfertainirig, and the reversion end reversi:ms, remal ndol' and ! remainders, rents, issues and ~rofits tb.creot, AIm AL30, all the estate, right, title,' j j interest, dower and rigJlt of do.....er, separate est~te, proj:erty, possession, claim and demand: ~ whatsoever, us ~e11 in law us in erlii ty, of the said payt~1 of tho first part, of, in, and ! to the same, and every pnr t !lnd 1-'-8rce1 thereof, \~::. th the apP'1l'tenances: TO HAVE AND ~O f I SOLD the above granted, bargained and de~oribed ~remise3, with the appurtenances, unto the i i said parties of the seoo~1 ~firt, their heirs and aS8i~n3, to their own proper use, benefit ~ I~ ~~d behoof forever. i Ii And the aaid Farty of the ~}rst part 'for his heirs, ezeoutors and administrators, d6es eovenunt, proI:lise and agree .to (nd with said ra:!'ti',:S of the seoo'1d part, t~eir heirs ani a9si~ns that t~e said party of the first part at the time of the 8ealin~ and delivery cribed'pre~ise8, ~itb. the app~ten~ce8, and has good right, full pewer, and l~w~~l author- of these presents, lawfu1l7 seized In'fee simple o~ e b~~d. absolute and indefeasible e9t~te ot" inn~dl.:mce~ or ana. in, all o;l.nd. singuar the r,bove gra.uted., bargaine\l and. des- , Ii I ~ n Ij said parties of the see ;jnd rart ti:e'ir heirs e..'1Q. assit.ms, s?;s.ll and may at all times here- 11 b ity to grant, barSain, sell, and convey the same in r::anner and form aforesaid. And the~ the after, :peace::ully and quietly have, hold, use, occ'J.py, oossees !':.nd enjoy tte above grunted pre!:'liS6S, and ever:: part end parcel thereof, with the' t,\}JpurtennnCEs, wi U:out any let, suit, ~rouble, r~estation, eviQtion or di9tr~bance of tte said party of ~h~ first pert his heirs J t:. Qr assiene, or of any o~i:er per30n or ~er8on3 l~~fully cluinin; or to c1~iI:l the s~e. And that the sarne are now free, clear, d~se!l'lrged and tL"1in:mbered of and from all ior:::er ~ " ani other grants, titles, ch&rges, estates, ~udgment3, tr~{es, aS3es3~ents and inc~br3nces And tl:e said Farty of the first }art, for hicsel! !.md, his heirs, the above described , . I i j ., 1 1 j I " ! ~ ~ j: of what n,:turc and l:ind soever. ! ,- '>.; end hereby granted and released pre~ise3, ani every part and ~arce1 thereof, with appurten- anc,es, unto t~e said !Ourties of the seoond purt their heirs and assigns, aef:i"'.st tl:e said party 0-:: the firet part and his heirs, and a5air.;:;t all end every ~erson or peraons ",'r.:x:.- soever, la7ifully claiming or to claim the 3:Ulle s:~all and ..ill \vurrant, I::nd by these ! presents forever ~efend. . , ' . .d' ~ ~ f J- ~ II ~ -r. i~~~~~~~-!L~~:/~~'1~7..dAlllsotf (Seal~ - l-.f4~~ ,Jf~1r- ~ uJ-~ ~ ' . ~igned, sealed and Deli\ered in Presence of us: Ilarjorie Thoma.s Jeff L. Da'lis. STATE OF YLORIDA ) ) COUUTY OP,3:'. LUCIE) J' I ~ Ii I , i j . i I i ~ I , ',,} I i I Oil THI3 DAY pOl'BonalQj appeared ilefore me Paul Addison to mo \VeIl known 8S the })erson described In, and v.no exeouted the foregoing Deed of Conveyanoe., and aoknowledged that he exeouted the same for the 9urpose thorein exprassed; wher~upon it is ~rayed that tte same may be recorded ' . ;:/: ~_~ ~ ~~ ~. _'".'..-".: .~~.~: ~~..... ':.~ ., ,!~,''''4.. : . ~ ~~":,,:},:,,,,::.; '~:~:~'; :", >~~~';: ->.'.:<: ;,: \, ~ -. '. ......:0 "~'i.:'..: :-.;.:''.... : .' " .' . ' - :~:, .~. '~/~;:;:.f~;~;.::?~