HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnergy Efficiency CodeFORM R'405-2014 FLORIDAEN ' ERGY EFFICIENCY- CODE POR.-BUILDING: CONSTRUCTION FloridaDepartrhent-of Business and, Professional. Regulation,_�-:R -.:Residential Performance Method Project Name: FARKAS: RESIDENCE Builder Name: HARRY BLUE-BUILDE R Street: S, Permit Office:. ST LUCIE. COUNTY- CIty,.State, Zip, FL, C11 , Permit Ntimber. wrier J . urlOiction: Design Location:, FL, Fort Pierce County : t. Lucie (Florida Climate Zone 2 L00, 1. New construction or.exlstl Mg New (From Plans) 0. Wall fes,,.(g`1110.3, soft.), Insulation Area 2. Single family or multiple farni)y a. Cciticret6.Bldc Single-family . . k - Ext Ins0l, Exterior R=4.1 2110.30 W 3. Number of units b. NIA N multiple family I R= ft2 4. Number'of Bedrooms c. N/A Riv ft23 d. N/A R= ft2 .5. IS this, a worst case? No 10. Ceiling Typd$.,,' (2029.0 scift) Insulation Area. a. Roof Deck (Un.vented) R=k:0 2029.00 fi- 6. Conditioned floor area above grade (W) 2029 b. NIA. R= ftz Conditioned floor area below giade'(ffl) 0 c. N/A R= ft2 - 7. Windows (286.0 soII.Ducts R ft2 .) - Description Area a Sup:Attici Ret- Attic, AH: Garage 6 175 a. U-Factor. SgI, U=oAs 286 1 .00 ft2 SHGC: SHGC-"0.25 b. U-Sactor: NIA ft2 12. Coolling,systems kBtu/hr tfficiency SHGC: a. Central Unit 36.0 SEER:116.00 c. U-Factor. N/A ft2 SHGC- 13; Heating systems kBtuthr Efficienc d. U;Factor. NIA ft2 y I a. Electrlc.-WO�Heat 27.0 COP:,1.00 SHGC: Area Weighted Average OverhangDepth: 2.000 ft. AreayVeightedAverage SHGC- 0.260 14. Hot:Water systems 6. FloorTypes '(2029.o sqft.) Insulation Area a. Electric Cap: 40 gallons MM a 0 Eft V '0 — I EF:,0.980 a. Slab -On -Grade -Edge -Insulation R= .0 202.9.00 ft2 b. nfe None b. N/A R= ft2 *6 6. N/,A R:� ftz N 15. Credits 10iaf ProOosed Md d . FGlass/Zloorkrea: OfI60 L -0 a S� . ..64.77 PA$$.' Total Baseline Lo6d$: 71.341 I hereby certify, that the plans and SPPcificatiobscovered by this calculationare In compliance- With the Florida Energy Code. PREPAR DATE: I hereby certify that this bUildi With the Florida. Energy 9510 DATED Oesidned, is in compliance Review of plans s and soedificatl6n..§ covered by this caicIJla_fldh)hdid`a_t6s compliance with .the: Florida Energy Code. ,Pef&.e,cbhite0ctlon ist6mpleted, this bull" Will be trisped I tod-fo . r complia, Ith `bl edti 66 '55$.908 Florida statutes. BUILDING_ OFFICIAL DATE: %wompiianc.e,requires certification by the,air,handidr unit. Manufacturer that th& air haitidler'dncl9siure. ,qualifies`as -as certified fact,t)iY=tealedi,h.racci)edan'c6'With,,1463.2'.*2.1 -C-ompliance requiret'ah'Ali Bdtler'gn'd,ln'iuiatioh,Inspopilon Checklist In accordance With R402.4.1.1 and'an envelope leakagetest report in accordance with R402AA.2. 7/6/2017 5:19 PM EnergyGauge@ USA - FIaRes2014.SqctIon R405.4-1.,Corhpliant Software Page 1 Of co 0 M A 0 N O O) 0. t0 co V O)' (A A W N �. m Q1 V 01 w A W N .-� G: s Z I C \ o cgZ MQtnt 'C- -p. pp.'O# Q.. W C ....I -. --w c 9S 3 m`� °-� �' � C iCML IT NO , : fn O o-n: to oy.�O D N m Z�Q: z Z 2 z ,CO) mI � -(nt. D, A S Z D o Z_ co m 0 CD CD O 0m 'cc ZEp c m I< v '0 CJI N" W W W V� O N N N W C) _ W '0) CV71 D m; M m. 1) �f fD 0T � D CA) W N N T V 0) al C31 _a N W W In A ?O � CO bo4). �.W Z 0 O., W o 0 0 WN wag 5. t Z ' O Z O Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z �O CD fD �i O O O O O O O ; .N 0 O DOO 0 ID a C:C, 0 CA (D W . O O O O C O O O O O, O O O O• O Or. 0 0 pZ o cn 0 m o v �. c -I` n: n to -U. to r n. . Ea ,CD, .CL .cr y N N' N �N �, N. O Z O Z O Z. O ,_ n N• NN, N .q ;�j- N' 'N N = l0 d � .�_ r Co)cn C (g �-p< m H m O (0 a O' y N N y (per ( FLOORS2 # Floor Type 1 SlabwOn-Oradefdge insulation "Space BEbAOOM73 -P arimetair Penmeter.R Value.; Areal .: '28 ft 0 161 ft2 Joist R,Value, Tile Wood 0 Carpet, rpet, 0. 2 Sfab=On!Grade Edge insulation BATH 2- 5 ft 6 75 ft! 1 0 0 3 SlaboOfi-Giea.dezdgp Ins.pla flort CLST 3 2 ft .0 16ft= 1 0 0 4 Slab-OnrGrade. Edge Insulation BEDROOM 2 13ft 0 161 ft2 1 0 0 S.Slab-On.G.rade Edge Insulation CLST 2 1 ft .0 18:112 0 6Slab-On-.Grade ltdqd Insulation HALLWAY I ft 0 -26,W 0 0 7-SIab-OnTGradeEdge lhsulafion FAMILY ROOM 32 ft 0 256 ff21 0 0 '8SIab-On-:Gralde Edge Insulatim KITCHEN 1 ft 0 -162,ft2 0 0 9 Slbb-on-Grade Edge Insulation LINEN 'I ft 0 12 f(2- 0 .0 1081ab-Onmi3rade Edge Insulation LAUNDRY 15ft 0 54 W 0 .0 11SIab-On;-Girade Edge insulation HALL 13ft 0 72 W 1 0 0 Mlab-OnwOrade Edge Insulation STUDY 22.9 ft 0 .196 ft2, 0 0 13SIab-Oft-Grade Edge Insulation NOOK eft 0 40 ft2 0 0 14SIab-On-Grade Edge Insulation LIVING ROOM 8 A 0 :287 ft2 0 0 1255Iab-OnwGrade. Edge Insulation FOYER 8 ft 0 56 ft2 1 0 0 lffilab-On-GMde Edge Insulation WIC 2 2 ft 0 56 ft2 0 0 17SIab-On13raqbE0gq Insulation MASTER BEDRO '32 ft 0 '253 ft2 0 0 1831ab;On.-Grade Edge)nsulatioti WIC 1 7ft 0 42 ft2 0 19SIab-On-Grade Edge Insulation M BATH 30 ft 0 '141 ft; 0 0 20SIab-On-G,rade Edge Insulation M TOILET 3 ft 0 15,ft2 0 0 ROOF Roof # Type Materials Area Gable Roof Area Color Solar �Absor. SA Erhht Tested EmIti Tested Deck Ins6l. (doitch g). I Hip Metal 22.69 f? o.ft2_ Light 0.6 No 0.9 No 20 26.6 ATTIC # Type Writilation Vent Ratio (1 in) Area R' B& IRCC Full'a'tfic Unv6nted 0 202912 N N 716/2017,5,19 PM EfiergyGpug I e@ USA - FlaRes2014 Section R405.4.1 Compliant Sdftware Page 3 of 6 CEILING. - # dellln§.Type :Space R-VMu'e Ins Type Area: Franiingfrac Truss Type I Under Attic: (Unvented) BEDROOM 20 Blown 161.ftz 0.'1 2 Under Attic(Unvented) BATH 2 20 Blown 76 A2 Wood 'Wood 3 Under Attic (Unvented) CLST 3 20 Blown 1 &ft2 0.1 4 Under Attic (Unvented) BEDROOM,2 20 Blown 161 ft2 .0.1 0.1 Wood Under Attic (Linvented) CLST 2 20 Blown 16fe 0.1 Wood Wood I Under Attic (UnVe nted) HALLWAY 20 Blown 26 ft2 0.1 Wood. 7 Under Attic (Unvented) FAMILY ROOM 20 Blown 256 62 0.1 Wood 8 Un.derAtfic (Unvented) KITCHEN 20 Blown,, 1612 ft2 0.1 Wood 9 Under Attic (Unvented) LINEN 20 Blown 12 ft2 0.1 Wood 10 Under Attic (Unvenfed) LAUNDRY 20 Blown! 64�ft2 0.1 Wood 11 - Under Attic, (UhVentod) HALL 20 Blown 72 W 0.1 Wood 12 Under Attic (Unvented) STUDY 20 Blown 126 ft2 0.1 Wood 13 UnderAffio(Unventedj NOOK 20 Blown 40fik 0.1 Wood 14 uriderAftio (Unvented) LIVING ROOM 20 Blown, 287fP. 0.1 Wood 15 Under Attic (Unvented) FOYER 20 Blown 56 ft2 0.1 Wood 16 Under Attic (Uhv6n.te.d) WIC 2 20 blown . 56 ft2 0.1 Wood 17 Under AtUcF (Unvented) MASTER BEDRO 20 Blown 25$T 0.1 Wood 18 Under Attic (Unvented). VvId 1 -20 Blown 42 fe 0.1 wow 19 Under Aftic (Unvented) nted) M,BATH, 20 Blown 141 ft2 0.1 Wood 20 Under Attic (Uni/ented) M TOILET 20 Blown., 15 ftZ 6.1 Wood, WALLS 0 Omt Adjacent•v -CaAty T;� AMAt:r4po Space. Width Ft In Ft -1h . . 166atlilng Framing R-X *4- Exaction - 'Solar Below - 1 N Exterior Concrete Block.- Eit, Ins0EDROOM3 - .4.1 12 0 b -.5 113.012 0' 0 W Exterior Concrete Block -'IEA InsGEDROOM:3 4.1 13 0 .9 4 121-.3 112 0 0 0.6 3 N Exterior Concrete Block - Ext Insul BATH 2. 4A 5 0 9 46,71F 6 0 0- 4 W 'Exterior Concrete. Block - Ext Insul CLST,3 4.1 2 0 9 .4 4 18.7-ft2 0 0.6 0.6 0 5 W Exterior Concrete Block - Ext InsGEPROOM 2 4.1 13 0 9 4 121.3 ft2 .0 0 0 0.' 6 0 N ExtMor Concrete Bloc -k- Eid lnsdRAMILY ROO 4A 16 0 9 -4 149.31? 0 0 0;6 0 0 E Exterior Corldretb Block - Ext Ins& MILY R06 4.1. 16 '- 0 9 4 . 149.3 62 0 0 0.6 a S Exterior Concrete Block - E.xt-Irisu.ILAUNbRY 4.1 0 0 9 4 ft2 0 0 06 0 9 W Ex(er[gr Concrete; Block - Ext IrisuILAUNDRY 4.1 8 0 6 4 .84.0 56.0 ft2 0 0 6.6 0 0 10 S Exterior Concrete Block mk)d-InsuI HALL 41 13 b 9 4 121.$ft; 0 0 11 S Exterior Concrete Block m Ekt Instil STUDY 4.1 13 0 9 4 121,3.ft2 0 0 12 W Exterior Concrete:� Block - F3d Insul STUDY 4.1 16 0 9 4 93.3 ft2 0 0 0.6 0.6 0 0 . 13 N Exterior concrete Block - Ext WWI NOOK 4.1 4 0 9 4 37.3 ft2 0 0 0.6. '0 14 E Extehor Concrete Block - Ext Iniul NOOK 4.1 4 0 9 4 37.3 -ft2 0 0 0.6 0 15 N Exterior Concrete Block- Ext, InsWIVING-ROO 4.1 8 0 9 4 74.7 W, 0 0 O� .6 .0 - 16 8 Exterior COnCreie Block - EkiJnsul, FOYER 4.1 8 0. 9 4 74.7 W 0 0 0.6: 0 17 S Exterior eribr Concrete Block U Itisul WIC 2 4A 2 0 9 4 18.7-ft2 0 0 0.6 0 1.8 N EXid&r Concrete Block.- Ext InstM STER BE 4.1. 16 0 9 4 140.0'ft2 0 .6 6;6, 19 E Exterior Concrete Block -'EA . InsiMASTER BE 4.1 17 0 6 4 158.7 ft2 0 0 0.6 0: 0 20 E U&idt Concidte.Block WIC 1 4A 7 0 9 4 65.3 ft2 0 0 0.6 0- 71612617 5:19 PM EnergyGaugea 'USA m FIaRes2014 Section R405.4.. 1:Corholimt Software Page 4 of 6 FORMA405-201A WALLS' it nzjjtSpace F A01acerif" Cawty Width lid Et Height -gf. Sheathing Framing Solar, Below 21 It Fbderior Concret Q Block- Ext Ins ul M BATH 4..f 6 0 ;in 9. '.4 q.. . . 22 S ' Exterior Concrete Block - Extinsul - M,$ATH 4.1 15 0 9 56.0112 0 0 -0.6 0. 23 W ExdQi`loir Concrete, Block - Ext Insul M BATH 4.1 9 4 140.Qftz 0 0 0.6 0 ,24 El 0 E)4eflor dOncrete Block" E)d InsiJIM tblLiET, 4.1 3 6 9 4 '4 84.0ft2 0 0 0.6 0 9 28.0f? 0 0 0.6 -0 bn'bws .O&ntarlomshown sWWN-e tend; Prooposad -orientation., Wall Omt :1P, Ube Panes NFRC U.Fktor SHGC _-Area rhang,' Depth -Spipatafloh Int.8hade Screening :I W .2 Metal Low-E Single Yes 0.65 0;25- '2 ftVin I ft 4. in None, None - 2 N 3 Metal Low-E Single yes .0.65 0:25 6;0 it' , 4 ft,0 in 1 ft-4 in None None - - 3 W 5 Metal Lo*E Single Yes, 0.65 0.26 1 041:2 Zffo in 1 ft41n None None - 4 N 6 Metal Low-12 Single Yes 0.65 0.25 ft? 27ft in 1 ft4 in None. None - 5 E 7 Metal Low-E Single yes 6.65 0.26 40.*0 ft. 2 ft Oln 1. 41n t Nona None - 6 S 1 11 Metal L.6w-E-Single Yes 0.65 0.25- 31.0 0 AF '2 ft, 0 in 1 -ft4 in None None - 7 N 13 Metal' LowrE Single Yes 6 5 0.25 .6 T&OA2 �ftOin 1 A4 in None Nona - 8 E 14 Metal LowSingle Yes 0.65 0.26 1 P.0 ft2 2ft0ln 1 ft4 in None None - 9 N 15 Metal Low-E Single Yes 0.65 0.25 4o.q.ft2 2 ft Oin 1 ft416 None None - 10 N 18 Metal Low -ESIn le Y65 0.165 0.26 4.0.0 ft2 2 ft O:In. I ft4in None None 11 E 19 - Metal L6vv-E Single Yes 0.65 0.25 . ;201 ,0 ft2 2 ft I 04n 1 ft 4 In None N . one 12 S 22 Metal L E Single yes 0.65 025 .91� - � 2ft 6 in 1 ft -4 in None None 13 E 24 Metal Low-E Single yes 0.65 0.25 Ab ft' 2-ft 0 in 1 fi4in None None GARAdE, Floor Area ` dej Ing Area' ft 2 441 ft- 30 ft' 9# -4.1 INFILTRATION Scope Method SLA CFM 56 ELA EgLA ACH 50 ACH 5b Whdehous6 Prbpdsad.ACH(50) -0004418 2225.1 122.16 229.7'3 .3052 7 "S HEA ING S T YSTEM # System Type Subtype, lEfficiency •�Block.. Ducts I Electric 'StrIO Heat None COP. 27 kB(Ufhr sys#1 'C.60LIN'd SYSTEM # .Systemtypa" Capacity r, w `81­111 Bloc'k Ducts I Central I Unit Split SEER: 16 36AI(8julhr _1080 ofrh 0.8 716/20.17 i5i19 PM EnqrgyGaugqP USA - FlakO82014'Section R405.4.1 CoftiPllant$dftwar& Page 5 of.6 HOT WATER -SYSTEM Systernty�e Su, None ISP�-AR. HOT WATER V�tEW FSEC . Cert- #, Company Name System Model # Collect or Area Storage Volume FEF o None None it PProgra!MiWeThermostait: Returh— Area. Le6k,apType Hindler out QN. RCF. Heat. Cool N Ceiling !ng Jan HE jah ve Jan Feb Feb Feb Mar Mar Mar Apr I Apr Apr May Jun n,Jul May Jun Jul Jun Jul Aug Aug Aug :Sep, 4.00dt.. Qcr Nov -Nov M-Nov Dee Dec Dec thermostat Schedule- HERS 2006,Reference Hours Page, 6 of 6 FORM R405-2014 ENERGY PERfORMANCE LEVEL (EPL). DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE INDEX* = 91 The Iowerahe EnecgyPerformance..Index, the mtre,efficenYthe home. 1. New construction or existing 2. Single family or multiple family 3. Number of units,, if multiple family 4. Number of Bedrooms s. Is this a worst case? 6. Conditioned_ floor area (f-F) 7. Windows** Description a. U-Factor: SgL U=0.65 SHGC: SHGC=025 b. U-Factor. N/A SHGC: c. U-Factor: N/A SHGC: d. U-Factor: N/A. SHGC: Area WeightedAverage Overhang Depth: Area Weighted Average SHGC: 8. Floor Types a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation b. N/A c. N/A ,AFL, - New (From Plans) 9..Wall Types, -, Insulation Area Single=family P. Concrete; Block - E)d Insul,, Exterior R=4.1 2110330.ftz 1 b. N/A R=. ft; c: N/A R= ft2 3 d. N/A R= ft2 No 10. Ceiling Types , Insulation Area, a.:Roof Deck:(Unvented) R-20 0 ­ 2029:0o ft2 2029 b. N/A .R= . fe Area c. N/A R= ft2 286.00 ft2 11. Ducts R ft2 a. Sup: Attic, Ret: Attic, AHt-:Garage 6 175 ft? 12., Cooling systems ` kBtu/hr Efficiency ft2 a. Central,Unit 36.0 SEER:16.00. Iv 2.000 ft. 0:250 Insulation Area R=0:0 2020. 0 ft2 R= ft? R= ft2 13. Heating systems a:Zlectric Strip: Heat 14: Hotwatecsystenis a. Electric: b. Conservation features None 15. Credits I certify that this home has complied with. the.Florida Energy. Efficiency -:Code for Building. Construction througF the above'energy°saving features.whlchwll be Insfalled,(or exceeded) in this home before#tnal inspection. Otherwise; a new EPL.Display Card willbe completed based on installed 'Co a compli nt features. Builder Signature: y Date: Address of New Home: City/FL Zip17M kBtu/hr Efficiency. 27:0 COp 1.60 Cap: 40 gallons ER D.98 None *Note: 'This is not a Building Energy Rating: If your Index is below70, your home, may qualify for energy.efficient mortgage (EEM) Incentives, if you obtain a.Fldrida: EnergyGauge Rating. Contact the.Energy.Gauge Hotline at,(321) 638-1492 or see the EnergyGauge Web --.site. at energygauge.com for information and a,lisf of certified. Raters, for information aboutthe Flonda'Building,Code,'Energy Conservation;-contacf,the Florida Building; Cornm ss on's support staff. **Label required by -Section R303.1.3 of the Florida :Building Code;: Energy Conservation, if noY:DEFAULT. 7/6/2017' 5:19 PM. EnergyGauge® USA - FIaR..es2014 Section R405.4.7 Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 FORM R405-2014 TABLE 40Z4.1.1 AIR BARRIER AND IN-SULATI.ON,INSPE.CTI.ON;-COMPONENT CRITERIA ­7 Project Name: FARKAS RESIDENCE Builder Name: HARRY.BLUE BUILDER Street Pertfilt,Offide: ST LUCIE 6b.UN* City, State, ZIP: FL Permit Numb er. Owner. Juris-diction-' Design.Locattion: FL, Fort Pierce COMPONENT RITE CHECK Air barrier and thermal barrier A continuous lair barrier shall beIristalled irilh&bul101ng ehvdl6 00. EXtpilora.hdrrp.tFenv,eldpe-contiairis 6.dbntihUous barrier; rier; Br'eakti;orjoi.ntsi.n.tho6it:b�irriershall-be sealed. Air-piermeable: I intul6tionshiall.n6tibe..use'd" -�& assealing� materiaL Ceilih le g/att The aii$arrier in any dropped delling/soffit shall be aligned with :the insulation and any, gaps, in.the air Nrrier'sh6111 be sealed. Access openings, drop, idownstairs .-dr khee`wqlt: doors to -unconditioned a.tticspacer, shall be sealed. Corners 'and .'h:ea'de'r'ssh,,�ll:be: insulated -and the junction ,o th&46dfidation . f Walls. and sill plate sha I , I be'sealed. . The Junction Of tfie,top plate and the top or exterior walls shall be sealed. Exterior thermal envelope insulation1orfra me -walls shall be:installed in ,substantial contatt;a'hd.cohtinuous'dligh'm-e' nt.,with the air barrier. XneeWalls shall be sealed. Windows, skylights - The spaceabetweeh window/doorjambs 61-hbs and fr6ming an&skylights'and Rirnjbists� Rim joists are insulated and includean: air . barrier.. .Floors b (including:a ' ovemgarage ln6ulati6n'shall.b6:installib,d:to maintaih-pdtmane'ht-contddt.with underside, and pahtileVOred floors) Of sy§poordecking., The, air barrier shall •any exposed edge of ifisUl6tion. Crawl space Walls P Where provided in',Ilelu of,fi6ofinsitilatioh, insulation shall be permanently attached to the crawlspadb Walls. Exposdd•eOrth in unvented crawl spaces shall be cdvde6d'wlth a"Cla'ss I Shafts, penetrations Duct shafts, Utility penetrations, and flue shift opohingst6 exterior or "space O'nc.briditiohed:shall -be.sea,i.e-d,, Narrow cavities Batts in narrow cavities shall becutto -if be filled or.njrfow cavities the a by insulation that -on Installation readily adily confo.rms,to the available,, cavity - Wages., Garage Separation Air sealinqq0aliba. provided between the. garage and conditioned spaces: Recessed lighting Recessed light fixture ingtalled'in the building herm6l".e velop ei 'bp airtight, ICraf0j'and;keaIqd;tq.the drywall.;: 'shall Plumbing and Wiring Batt Insulation shall be cut neatly to fit"aeound w ring and'plumbing in , exterior rl6r, Wells, Lbe insulation that on; installation I readily conforms , L to ai.vailablie=ace-shall extend bphiho piping and Wiring. 7 Shower/tub on exterior wall Ext6ri& Walls adlacent to>rhowers: and'tubs shall-bei insuliat6d and'the air barrier. installed separating them from the showers a I nd tubs. Electrical/phone .boX,.on The air-ba'rrier shall be installed behind electrical or communication. boxes or air-sealed.A0900hpIllbe installed. HVACL register.bbots HVAC register boot . s that penetrate building thermal "envelope sh . all be seal6d-to the sub -floor or 4rywali. Fireplace An'air . barrier shall"be installed.oin' fireplace wal-16.. Fleeplade"s shall have gasketed doors. V I I 9:40 VIVI En6rqYGaqgd9.USA- FlaRes2014 Sectidn R405A.1 Compliant Software Page Tof 1