HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor Agreementr PERMIT # ISSUE DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4u.'ray¢{u.�i:SY-�\ vS.;:vFk: .',�.44.���..•,�2��`�„�c PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -'CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT z dLl 'P�L ./ - , have agreed to be (C m ny Name/Individual Name) the /1'�9 '8 I.AJ�ij Sub -contractor for Z Q Un'lt_x"? (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 27D.3 16W R AJ'# D"e (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that; if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. ONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME L'U C/ / COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of \ P The foregoing instrument was signed before me this -/— day of who is personally known Lor has produced a en ca pn. /) ST a u e o No r. ublic Print Name of Notary Public 9111�-CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) 9`� 6 � < PRINT NAME SU COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of / The foregoing instrument was signe before me this ,L day of Zt by vho is personally known has produced a Print Name of Notary Public S;1ERtti F&;L Pw) MY COMMISSION I FF 100370 .'' . `•� 1%R; i (-c„L ipA?1 EXPIRES: March 14, 2018� .�, * MY COM"„ISSICN # FF 1003; 0 Revised I I/16/2016 s� , aP Kv_ , ATFOFF"��\ Be00edThru C3udaetNotarySeNicee sjga4 0 E,SPIRES: March 14, 2018 �OFFV BordedThruBuegetNotaryServicoF ST i LUCIE 'cow �V ; I J��TIg.DIIVti,, EMT ' 8v13-CO Q.p AgRtEEw St Lucie County Cohtractor Certification: NUmber. State of f=loridd Certificatloii Number (It ipplicable): e l ! Cep z 7 „. P1 ha's-:agreed to%be (compdnylipdivklUel barn®) .,• ,,. the sub-cgntracto: (type'or oonsWquon tried-) ' "• t :•(name of Ih®:pdmd•eontrador) for'the project located at -L2�_3��" •�/ :. It is understood that, r ;��. (street addres9• or properly tax io'd) i if there is any change of status regarding our participation.'With the above mentioned project, I Will immediately advise, the Comm 'I :Devi opment Department (Growth t Mat agement: bivision)::of St. Lucia; Coun b ' iy y Yp rso all `filing .a Change bf Contractor Form (SLCCDV FORM N:o: 004-00). • ir,S.o i,eat i. at BUSI� qUA (orlgInatsI96dtured tequlred): signatu :. ' ' print 6 ' Z� p,. t nom� I date business no e: •: ; . I 1` G, �`� , address: clty,state,zip: t .,t" ; ;i ' ' phone: f ! I sLccDV poRM NO.: 002-00 ' PERMrr # ISSUE DATE