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PRIDE and reme y er that this WORz; `1ovr mo i h�r'S
is ultimate) someone's
A GHO HOMES INITIATIVE dream home. dC ACT hovse!
590 NW Mercantile Place
Port St Lucie, FL 34986
The Porch Factory, LLC
7356 Commercial Circle, 4D
Ft Pierce, FL 34951
772-465-6772 Fax: 772-465-3252
Purchase Order
PO #: 106489
PO Release Date: 7/6/2017
Current Date: 7/7/2017
0097 Meadowood
2703 Bent Pine Drive
Fort Pierce FL 34951
Plan: Avalon
Elevation: M Handing: Left
For additional details, re -print PO, or payment status please log into our Trade Partner web site,
GHOjobview. Go to www.ghohomes.com, click the link FOR TRADE PARTNERS at the top of the page
Terms: Net 15 Tax Rate: 0.00 %
Trade Discount: 0.00 Payment Discount: 0.00 %
Blew ipu0n Product Location - Where Used Tax Quart U/M Cost Extenaton
No Ity
Screen Enclosure for Pool - custom per plan screen NONE N 1.00 ea $8,640.00 $8,640.00
Sub Total Disco Sales Tax Total
$8,640.00 $0.0 $0.00 $8,640.00
This purchase order represents the total payment offered for the scope of work and job details as noted
herein. By beginning any phase of the work you accept this total payment, which shall be paid subject to the
terms of the Master Subcontractor Agreement previously executed and GHO's approval. Upon receipt of the
amount stated you hereby waive all mechanics' lien rights or other rights to claim additional compensation for
said work.
When complete please sign and email this purchase order to Contractor Invoice No:
workdone@ghohomes.com or fax back to 561.688.0909.
Signature Date
Friday, July 7, 2017 - 9:06:13 AM Page 1 of 1