HomeMy WebLinkAboutWeel Services Installers. 7 . K `TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT - TINE : 01/27/2020 12:21 NAME : SLO INSPECTIONS FAX : 7724626443 TEL : 7724622155 FAX NO./NAME 4621578 DURATION 00:03:35 PAGE(S) 01 RESULT OK MODE STANDARD ECM ! JQB ADDRESS: _( f` ` �Z.Yq 41 - Yo.o d. +r ;� S 2 3 q 15 -. STATEMENTOF-064N9PLIANCErWe =the' 'Uhl ersigned,'hereby'dertify that the thermal insulation has been instalied,le,the referenced building in compliance with the Florida Building •Code - En'erg Conservation and the approved•ph o and specif'' .ataonsj:and in accordance with good construction practice: The insulation furritisited is of the, type;.thickness,and R-vaiue.as set forth below: ".'AREA TYPE THICKNESS.. '_REVALUE•j ..MANUFACTURER Roof Area; Y .50 Q Ceilin 'Common-V99a6i, Exterior, RECEIVED JAN 2 7 2020 Qualifiers Name-.,,)f -G "Gertlflcation Date: 0. Permitting Departmer St. Lucie County = Signature of Qualifier: srtATEar � omb cwwy oRJM.��� �.o ry : . Thr� Fore oin t> r5{m nt was aced a 6efQre ine this �*y day of Y T4 Y/ , Q° '�Gi%ty 3r •„i NotiryPabUc-Slat' of Ftarida Commission 9,66229969 k:?or My Comm. Ezphet Jun 13. Z022', Bonded through National Notary Assn. (3fgnaiure, of Notary Public) Personatly (Clta or. Produced.litentificatton .- _...-.. _ w Typo of tdentif(cation..