HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoofing Project ManualA24-17MI STRUCTURAL ENGIblEERING PROFESSIONALS, INC. Struaw-al, Aft.7thanical (;' Ciz 17 ROOFING PROJECT MANUAL For Aquanique Condominium Association 2,700 N. Hwy AlA Fort Pierce FL 34949 Prepared by: David T. Colston, P.E. FL Reg 55501 751 Northlake Boulevard, SLdte 2C v North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Office (561) 844-4060 + Facsimile (561)44-1001 inniv.struc-engineers.com Page I of 36 AQUANQUE CONDO ROOFING ~~~~~~----- S�n~ ENGINEERINGPROFESSIONALS,INC. RUCTURAL TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECTOVERVIEW: ................................................................................................................................................... 3 SCOPEOF WORK: ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 BASELINE PROJECT: .--.—_._''.—...---.---_—_--'__—_—.-----_----''----.'----- Flat Roof : (Soprema �orch Down over Lig-lit weigybt) ----'------'--------------'---- __ PARAPET WALL OPTION: -----~—'----------------'----------'---'--'----'' LOCATION: ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7 WINDLOADS: ................................................................................................................................................................... 8 PRODUCT __._____.._______.______________._________._------_—_.X ENGINEERINGINSPECTIONS: ....................'....'''...'................................................'...................'.............'.....'..'�� ENGINEERINGAPPROVALS: ........................................................................................................................................ . GENERAL REQUIREMENTS —'_''--.---.---_----_--_'------'-_.---------_--_---_..9 ofRequirements --.------_--''—_--_-_—.-----._—'_---_----__--_'—_'-9 ReusewfDocuments / Ownership: ................................................................................................................................ 9 AdministrativeResponsibilities ..........'...........'...'......................................................'.................'.................................' Permits, Fees, and Notices ............................................................................................................................................ lO Substitutions.................................................................................................................................................................. D ,Submittals ...................................................................................................................................................................... I ��mb��z��n/StmQ�qg��rmu---_-_--'_--_-_----------_---._'---__---'-------ll Utilities........................................................................................................................................................................... ll Public Construction Inspections: ................................................................................................................... ............ l2 STUCCOREPAIR: ........................................................................................................................................................... l2 Preparation ______.________.__.___.__________._____________—__--.--.—'l2 l% CwnmmmtP�m�y�mg(0toocw).---.----_—.--.---_----_----.-----'---'---------------_ ROOFWARRANTY ............................................................................................................ ----.-----............... l3 MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS _______________._____.____--.----_--'—_—.l4 ROOFING DE TAILS . —.--_----__-36 ^ 75uNorudakeBoulevard, Suite uc ^ North Palm eeari,Florida 3u400 Office (561) 8444060 ^ }acsiofle (561) 844-100 AQoANuQUECONDO ROOFING STRUCTUiRAL ENGiNEERING PROFESSIONALS. INC. —y 41-tic:turnr`. 4%4 clzallical & Ch,il Di` ineerin Con-sidtivits PROJECT OVERVIEW: This project is to replace.the entire roofing system for the Aquaiiique Condominium Association building at the subject address. The current roofing system is a BUR system which is failing due to several reasons. Radiographic (Nuclear) moisture surveys have shown the vast majoriq, of the roofing system to be wet. Decent repairs to the NE coder of building also revealed the roof to be soaked. Plow long the roof has been wet is net known. Referring to the attached figure, the baseline replacen-i6it system will be a Sopreina / Nemo Torch Down system over llghtwelglit concrete. ' The eciuiiiinent room and other raised roofs Avill also be a torch down system. Penthouse Particulars: `.There are six (6) penthouse (PH) 'units that have access to their own recreational areas of the roof and they currently have concrete pavers. pour of the PIS decks have hot tubs. It is anticipated that the other two Ply owners will ills€all hot tubs in the future, so plans are to provide a built-up curb for all six PH hot tubs. The actual area of payers for each PH is gyDroxiilaately 700 SFT Crr_roQ11zl�..4 2^40 §P totaT) The new roofing system provides for PH owners having mud set pavers of their choice installed in those areas, over the lightweight concrete. Also. in the areas of hot tubs. we will pour standard 2500 nsi concrete as a base and raised curb. Privacy Fencing: Approximately 120 ft of privacy fencing and gating will need to be replaced. Although not verified, it has been reported that the existing fence posts are recessed into the structural deck. Please Note this is a POST TENSION deck. so extreme care must be taken before anv 17enetrations are made into the deck. GPR examination will be reauired unless the new penetration is exactly the same as the existing ParapetWalls: The baseline project will not include the parapet walls, BUT we are asking for optional pricing to include the parapet walls. The baseline intent is to extend the new roofing system 8" up on the parapet walls with riglets and turn bars. The option will be to cover the parapet wads with a modified system up and over the caps, terminating on the outside edge of the' cap. 751 Northlake Boulevard, Suite 2C # Nordi Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Office (561) 84 4060 f Facsimile (561) 8441--1001 www.struc-engmeers.com AQUANIQUE CONDO ROOFING Page 3 of 36 STRUcruRAL. ENGANEERING PROFESSIONALS, INC. 751 Nord-dake Boulevard, Suite 2C North Palm Beach Florida 33408 Office (561) 844-4060 o Facsimile (561) 844-1001 wm%r.struc-engjneers.com. AQUANIQUE CONDO ROOFING Page 4 of36 1 STRUCTURAL EE RIN PROFESSIONALS, INC. ---� of?•r►i:frr?fa?: 1�i.�C!?f?r►[i:!??^�.?i'►r L i%►!.'tr►?i,� �_t�l►; i'ff fil%(f.? SCOPE GF WORK: The scope of work to be perf'orined under the tei rms of f:his s ecitication includes furnishing all materials, labor, services, utilities, permit fees, supervision, tools and equipment required or incide.ltaI to the removal, replacement and repair of the rool=ing system. Tate work :will include but IS not iserit�-.t4 tn tsar? fi}lintal-tc e1,usalelzts: i EA.SE~✓TNE PROJECT: i=•lat Roof : (Soni•erna Torch Dowi1 ove.i- ..irtiht iveiaht) Net Flat Area is 147581 SFT less 1815 S?<T = 121766 S17 • Remove existing, BUR �Vste-m entirely, includ' inb perimeter flashingin s, a/c stands, curbs, hor tugs with curbs, fencing, and PH pavers. • 'Notify Engineer to inspect deck surface prior to installation of the roof systen•1. • Repair any spalled concrete TAW with specifications for concrete repair contained herein. • Scarify deck to a CPS 4 - 6 roughness or to atianufhet€ rer°s specIFled roughness. .p Acconiplish mechanical / electrical upgrades. This will include new goose necks, replacement / extensions for a/c copper- lines, Miami Dade approved a/c curbs, mechanical and electrical for hot. tubs, etc. • Form and pour new concrete pedestals / curbs for the hot tubs (.40 w/c ratio Sika 2l 1 bag mix) • Ensure concrete deck. is cleaned and smooth, free of depressions, waves, or projections and that deck surfaces are completely dry .prior to installation of the new roof system. Engineer will give approval for placement of the new system. in accordance with this and manufacture's specification. IN AREAS NOT TO HAVE PAVERS: • Prime with Elastocol 500 • Torch a Sopralene 180 SP 3.5. • your new I.,WIC (350 psi). New deck shall have'.%" slope to existing drain locations • Install a Sopralene 180 PS in Colphy E1', (Fully Adhered Systent) y • Torch a Sopralene 180 • Torch a Sopralene 180 FR GR IN AREAS TO HAVE PANELS: • Sarne as Above, but Use "Col_Uhene" in lieu of Sopralene r 1 • Install pavers TBD. Min 12 x 12 x l ", embedded into dry -set Portland cernet,t tom` lAW ANSI A 118.1. • Current plan is to use the old concrete pavers. PH Owners may at their expense upgrade to a new grouted paver system. SubmittalRequired. 10 751 Northlake Boulevard, Suite 2C + North Palm Oeach, Florida 33408 Office (561) 844-4060 + Facsimile (561) 844-1001 evww.struc-engulteers.com AQUANIQUI: CONDO ROOFING Page 5 of 36 1 STRUCTURAL ENGINEEMNG PROFESSIONALS, INC. "'° �T ""trutttlrrrl. ,1'[i�lnrllt�ril C* iC fi l 11illt''1''�t6 i_�t?/7 tlitflilf • Fumish &L .install now lead flashing for plumbing stacks prin-ied and flashed into new roofing system. • Furnish and install new retro tit drains and lead all drains, flashed into new roofing system. • All metal flashings to be 304 Stainless steel. • Furnish and install new .040 aluminum all purpose vents, printed and #lashed into new • hoof hatches and eclilipirieprt roof door crabs to be stripped and flashed new. • Furnish and instal l new .40 aluminum scuppers, primed and flashed into new roofing system. PRIVACY FENCING 3 �- * - Remove and replace 160 LF T of privacy fencingwith like. • Submittal Reou.lred Indicating Fencing Wind Load Capability • Because of FT deck, new post to be embedded in already existing hole (cleaned of old grout) with Sonopost Epoxy Grout or Equivalent. IT CT TUBS • Existing loot tubs will be removed and reinstalled. New 2500 psi curbs / mounting pads, same outside dimchsiotls as old, will be poured from the structural deck to a height 10" above the new finished system, solid inside the perimeter. • Surface and sides to be covered with Alsan down to term bat:' on curb. • Mechanical and Electrical to be brought to new Code where practical. (Only new hot tubs must meet current Code). • New Hot tubs (if requested by PH Owner will require submittal) Ea iror rent Room / PH Towers / E &r. W Stair Towers: (Sor rerna Torch Down) • Remove roofing systems on the equipment room, PH stair towers, PTA stair towers and East and West stair towers. • Ensure concrete deck is cleaned and smooth, free of depressions, waves, or projections and that deck surfaces are completely dry prior to installation of the new roof system. Engineer - will give approval for placement of the new systein in accordance with this and manufacttur•e"s specification. • Prime with Elastocol 500 • 'Porch a Sopralene 180 • Torch a Sopralen.e 190 Fly GR 751 Northlake Boulevard, Suite 2C t North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Office (561) 8441-4060 + Facsimile (561) 844-1001 www.struc-engineers.com AQUANIQUE CONDO ROOFING Page 6 of36 1 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS, INC. Sfr-rrciurrzl, -fechanical & Civil Eitc-ineering Qlnsidf. nt: a PARAPET WALL OPTION: (2020 SFT) The option to include the parapet wall in the project will include most of above steps, except the following: • AccompIish any concrete repairs as directed by the Engineer to the parapet wall... Engineer to provide ICRI concrete spec if needed. • Waterproof top cap with urethane membrane (Allan or Equivalent) prior to modified. • Sopralene flam 180 and Sopralene '180 FR GR will continue up the parapet wall and over the top, terminating on the outside edge of the parapet wall cap. NRCA Term Bar Detail • Mid level term bar to 24" up the wall. (See Soprema Detail) Clean and remove all roofing debris and construction materials from the site per this specification. LOCATION: The subject project is: Aquanique Condominium Association, Inc. 2700 N. Hwy AIA Fort Pierce FL 34949 751 Northlake Boulevard, Suite 2C ♦ North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Office (561) 844-4060 ♦ Facsimile (561) 844-1001 www.struc-engineers.com AQUANIQUE CONDO ROOFING Page 7 of36 ! .— ----- MUD SET TILE SEALED TIE IN ALSQN RS 230/FLEECE/230 /'C❑LPHENE FLAM 180 FRGR �, S❑PRALENE 180 FRGR -- \ ;`� �--- C❑LPHENE FLAM 180 II C❑LPHENE 180 PS S❑PRALENE FLAM 180 ---- z `�ti �` %/ , S❑PRALENE 180 PS—��QLPLY EF ADHESIVE ► --- \ /- 2 NEW LWIC �\ S❑PRALENE 180 SP 3.5.. VAP❑R BARRIER/TEMPR❑❑F \` C❑NCRETE DECK I SEAL APPROVED BY: PROJECT. AQUANIQUE OCEAN CLUB CONDOMINIUM TITLE: ROOFING_ SYSTEM DAVID CO_STO.N, P.E. — ] j�, l i : ! ..,.1ir1L i=.f`v • ., I ; i1,js rt.! ` �. DRAWN TG DATE: DWG. N0. FLREG#55501 j't;i,iFFwIC r�%:i�.?I`;i._. --� CHECKED DC l DATE: .cNasz, SCALE NTSI 7-20-21 SK-1 tf -- P.L.R e1T1.. Saifa _G 1-o .: (see) 34 -aWO ltnrh Pda Ba�e�. P �aeao I ! SFIEET •I OF 1 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS, INC. ilk _ - �I1'lf��flfJ'lll, :�rlu�:�1c7111i.'i7I is{(_(i�li 1_Tl`�'llfe't'1'Illk� L��ll�lf�f(l1ff� WIND LOADS: Wind loadswere calculated using MecaWind v 2386 and In Accordance with FBC 2020, 7`i' Edition, ASCE 7-16: (See attached) Basic Wind Speed — Vult = 170 mph Exposure Category- Category D Maximum Roof Pressures: Zone l: -92 PSF Zone 2: -135 PSF Zone 3: -.188 PSF PRODUCT APPROVALS: FL 28136-R2 ENGINEERING INSPECTIONS: A. During on site engineering inspections, the engineer shall review any work underway, regarding work locations, methods, property protection, installation issues, owner concerns, or any other items as appropriate. B. The Engineer is to be provided with an inspection request at least 48 hours prior to the needed inspection. C. DECK INSPECTION: The engineer shall inspect and approve the structural integrity of the roofing deck and the finished surface preparation prior to installation of new roofing materials. D. INSTALLATION APPROVAL: The engineer shall inspect all areas prior to membrane or other roofing material placement and give approval, as required, for all membrane placements on prepared surfaces. The engineer shall inspect all prep work, including pitch pans, a/c stands, curbs, vent stacks, conduit, etc. E. PLACEMENT OF NEW ROOFING: The engineer will monitor and inspect roofing installation in progress to insure compliance with the manufacture's specification, this specification and the Florida Building Codes. F. FINAL: The engineer shall inspect and approve, as required, the completion of all repairs, and finished product placements, including any correction -or punch list items for each work area as (�1 appropriate. 751 Northlake Boulevard, Suite 2C ♦ North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Office (561) 844-4060 ♦ Facsimile (561) 8441001 www.struc-enpineers.com AQUANIQUE CONDO ROOTING I Page 3 of 36 Dat : Jul 20, 20_21 Wind Load Standard = ASC:E 7-16 Exposure CaEegory = D Wind Design Speed = 170.0 mph Risk Category - II 5tructLire' Type = Building Buildi.nq Type = Enclosed 1'ncl LF = Include RSD Loall Fact0': of 0.6 in P_essI_r = Trur D(,,n,Tvpe = Dvnamic T:Ue of Structure = Ri id NF = Natural Frequency. ,f Structure (Mode. 1) = 1.000 Hz 'g -Altitude (Ground Elevation) above. Sea Level = iJ.000 _t Bdist. = Base Elevation oI Structure = 1).000 ft. SDB = Simple Diaphragm Building = Fa1se. Reacs = Show the Base React:ions in t'lie outtnit = FaIsa- MWFRSType = HWFf?S Methop Selected = Ch 3? Pt 1 Topo = Topographic Feature = None K' t. = Topcgra;jhic Factor - i-00 i Rr•,)I:Typ,•Building Roof Type = Fl• t x.fllt RcVof Height = 1+5t.J:?J ft s� SGilding 'Kidth = 162.000 ft L Isui.2-ding Length = 108 . 6,70 .ft Par Is 1-here a Parapet = True Pitt Wright of Parapet = 4.0n(i It. Pot Fa_awtPut +siL ,+ _ ..c ).ici Y-GCYi c;�lapet .int Press = +/-i).00 Alpha: Tablo 26.11-1 Const -II .50G Zg: 'fable 26.11-1 Const = 700.000 ft At.: Table 26.11-1 Coast = 0.087 Bt. : Table 26.11-1 Const = 1.070 Am: Table 26.11-1 Const = 0.iii Bm: Table=6.].1-1 Const = 0.a00 C: Table 26.11-1 Const - 0.150 Eps: Table 26.11-1 Const = 0.125 St.d -- Ov__hanas on all .. _:_les are: the same -- Trae OHType = Tvpe of Roof iall Inteaec•tions - OH = Overhang of Roof Be_+ond +la11 = 0.000 f.[. I. = Mean Roof Height abovY arade _ 162.000 ft Kh = 15'ft i4.572 m]< Z < Zq-->i2.0_a(Liz9)''(2%alpha) (Table 26.i0-?,- 1.558, K---- L = Topographic Facitor is 1 sJ.nce no Topographic feaLure Specified = 1.000 Kd = Wind Directionality Factor per Table 26.6-1 = 0.85 Zg = Elevation above Gel Level - 0,000 ft Ne _ Ground Elevation Factor: Ke = e^-(O.0000362'"Zq,) (Table 26.9-11 = 1.000 GCPi = Ref Table 26.1.3-1 for: Enclosed Buildinq i-t = Roof Area 1.7604.51 sq ft LF - Lo id Facto_- bas-nd upon ASD Design. 0.60 _lh = (0.00256 .. Kh ' K2t .. Kai I Lfe I G" 2) - LF - 58.80 psf q1n = For Negattive Internal Pressure of Enclosed Buil(:L.i.na use. qh*'L`' _ 58.80 p.:.i p - 'cr- PuSitiVe Internal Pressure of Enclose<J Building use gh"i,F = 58.80 ps< GI For Rigid Structures (Nat. Freq.>1 Hz) use 0.85 - 0.8� Zm = 0... A. Et = 97._00 ft [2m = Cc ''' (33 / Zm) 0.167 = 0.125 Lzm = L (Zm / 33) Epsilon = 743.973 Q _ (1 ! ((-1 + 0.63 ((R + Ht) / Lzm)"0.63))^0.5 = 0.866- '2 - 1��1 �k. # t' �i = [�-, 5 (t1+:.7 t,_„ 3-.*Q)/('I+1..7*;.-�1zm}) = 0.e73 . G = Lessor Of GI Or 32 = 0.8,So n = I+iean Roof Height Of Bui.iding = 162.000 ft hp = Height to the top of the Parapet = 166.000 ft, RHt. = Ridge height_ Of Roof = 162.000 ft 3 - Horizontal Dimension Of Building Normal. To ?Find Direction = 108.670 ft L = Horizontal Dimension Of building Parall.e.l. To Wind Direction = l.62.000 ft L./B = Ratio Of L/B used For Cp dater=rination = 1.491. h/L = Ratio Of h/L used Lor Cp determination = 1.000 r SlOpB =Slop= of Roof = 0.0 Dt:•_ 0H_Bg.t_-Y -• ,Overhang Bottom --1- (Wi ndwarci Face Only) = 0.8, 0. R%.,.)f = "Roof Coeff (0 r.0 h/•) 0.000 ft to 81.000 f.t) _. ..0.1$, -1.04 Roo = Roof Coaff (h/2 to h) (51.000 ft to 162.000 ft) Roc, f - Rooi Coeff (rl to 2h) (l0'_.000 %t to 162.000 ft) - -O.lfi, -0. "Includes Reduction Factor 0.8 For roof area, applied To :_p=-1.3 For h/ L>=1 F, (0 To 1)/2) Cp Wrr1 = Windward Wall Coefficient. (All L/B values) = 0.80 Cp LW = Leward Wall Coefficient. using L/B = -0.40 Cp_SW = Side mall Coefficient (All L/S values) = -0.70 GCpn_'.K)iJ = Parapet Combined Neat Pressure Coefficient. (Windward Parapet) = 1.50 GCpn_LN' = Parapet Combined Net Pressure Coefficient (Leeward Parapet) = -1.00 Press Press Pr=s.s Press Pressur-* i =t psf psi psf psf psf ------ ----- ----- --------------------------- ------ ------ psi ---=----- 166.00 1.565 1.000 59.05 Parapc•:t 88.57-59.05 -39.99 147.62 9.60 1621.00 1..558 1.000 5s.30 0.18 29.40-.30.67 -45.57 60.07 9.u0 Ele% Kz K--t c(:. Pi Windward Leeward S,ide Total Mi.rinlua: Pies_ Pros_ 1=[e..: L; Vr._ss 2re__;ur.- f±. psf psf psr psf psf psf iu6.0G 1.565 1.000 59.05 Pa Caper 83.57-59.0`_ -31 4.99 147.62 9.60 163.00 1.55.3 1.000 58.60 -•0.18 50.57 -9.50-::4.40 60.07 t'.60 Notee. ,Mill Pees-5]res: „� = Velocity Press Exp Coetf Kz1. = Topographical Factor = 0.00256Kz*Kzt*Ad*V^2 GCPi = Internal Press Coefficient Side _ qh * G '" Cp. Set gil*) '` a•GCPi Windward _ qz * G *• Cp_WW - qip * +GCP1 Leeward = qh * G * C'p LW - qip '" A•GCPi Total _ Windward Press - Leeward Press Windward Parapet = qz*GCpn W3P! Leeward ParaFiet = c12-.'I'GCpn_L'sti Minimum Pressure: Para 27.1.5 no le.zs than 9.50 psf (=nr1 LF) applied to 4:alls = Pressures Acting TCVARn Surface _ Pressures Acting Alk' from Surf_^e, Roof Var. Start End _min C*_1r,ax GCPi Press,.,ro Pressure Pressure Pressure Dist Dist 16'n mint Pp_min* Pn ma:_ Pp n1:_x ft ft psf usf psf psf OH Bot -Y N/A N!A 0.800 0.800 0.000 39.95 39.98 39.98 39.?8 Roof (r,1.1.) 0.,000 81.000-0.1.80-1..040 0.1.80 1.59 -19.58 -41.39 -62.56 Find (All) 81.000 162.000 -0.180 -0.700 0.180 1.59 19.53 -24.40 -45.57 Froot (All) 16=.000 1.62.000-0.1.80-0.700 0.180 1.59 -19.58 -24.40 -45.57 Notes" Rnof Pressures: ._part Gist = Stari. �'isr fr•oni rr:i.ndward Edge End Dist: = End D.is't from rlin.-_wal.. edge Cp Max = Largest Coefficient b-lagnitude Cp Min - Smallest Coefficr.ant Magw.tude Pp _pax = ch*G*Cp_max - gin'(+G(.Pi) Pn_max = qh GICp max - qin*(-GC)-,i) Pp --min, qh*G*C_o_min - qip*(+GCPi) PP -_min* = qh''G^Cr_min - qin'"(-GCPi1 OH =. Overhang X = Di..r along Ridcfe Y = Dir PerAendcular to Ridge Z = :vertical * The smaller uplift pressures due to G'p_Min can become critical when wand is combined with roof live load or snow load; load combinations are given in ASCE 7 + Pressures ducting TOWARD SUrfalCe - Pressures Acting AWAY from Surface h = Mean Roof Height Of Building = .162.000 ft hp = Height to the top of the Parapet = i66.000 ft FHt - Ridge Height Of Roof = 162.000 ft B = Horizontal Dimension Of Su.i.l.d).ng .C1oranal To .find Direction = 162.000 ft C, = Horizontal Dimension Of building Parallel. To W)nd Direction = 103.670 fir. L/B = Ratio Of L/B used For Cp determination = 0.671 h/L = Ratio Of h/L used For Cp det'ermination Slope = Slope of Roof = 0.0 Den OH Bot -.. = Overhang Bottom -a (Wi.ndward Face Only) = 0.8, 0.8 Roof - = 'x"x'Roof. Coeff (0 to h/2) (0.000 ft to 81.000 ft) =-0.1:$, -'L.04 Proof = Roof Coeff (h/2 to h) (81.000 ft to 108.670 ft) = -0.18, -0.7 **Includes Reduction Factor 0.8 For roof area, applied To Cp=-1.3 For h/L>=1. S (0 To 1-1/2) Cj�_ww = Windward Wall Coefficient (All L/B Values) = 0.80 Cp_LW = Leward Wall Coefficient using L/B = -0.50 CpjW = Side Wall Coefficient (All L/B values) _ -0.70 GCpn_WW = Parapet Combined Net Pressure Coefficient (Windward Parapet) = 1.50 GCpn_LW = Parapet Combined Net Pressure Coefficient (Leeward Parapet) _ -1.00 Elev Kz Kzt_ qz GCPi Windward Leeward Side Total Minimum Press Press Press Press Pressure* ft psf psf psf ------ ----- ----- ------------ psf psf psf --------------- 166.00 1.565 1.000 59.05 Parapet 88.57 -59.05 ------ ------ -34.99 147.62 --------- 9.60 i c2 nn 1.558 1.00n s. en n i o a. nn -a:: c7 -45 57 Elev Kz Kzt qz GCPi Windward Leeward Side Total Minimum Press Press Press Press Pressure* ft psf psf psf ------ ----- ----- --------------------------- psf psf ------ --------------- psf IG6.00 1.565 1.000 59.05 ,Parapet 88.57 -59.05 -34.99 147.62 9.60 162.00 1.558 1.000 58.80 -0.18 50.57 -14.41 -24.40 64.97 9.60 Notes Wall Pressures: Kz = Velocity Press Exp Coeff Kzt = Topographical Factor qz = 0.00256*Kz*Kzt*Kd*V^2 GCPi = Interna.l Press Coefficient Side = qh * G * Cb SW - qip '* +GCPi. Windward = qz * G * Cp_WW - qip * +GCPi Leeward = qh * G '' Cp_LW - qip * +GCPi Total = Windward Press - Leeward Press Windward Parapet = qz*GCpn_WW Leeward Parapet = gz*GCpn_LW * Minimum Pressure: Para 27.1.5 no less than 9.60 psf (Intl LF) applied to Walls + P_essures Acting TOWARD Surface - Pressures Acting AWAY from Surface Roof Var Start End Cp min Cp_max GCPi Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Dist Dist Pn min* Pp Pn rnax Pp_max ft ft psf -min* psf osf psf ---------- ------------- ------ ------ ------------- OH_Bot_-X N/A N/A 0.800 0.800 0.000 39.98 ---------------- 39.98 39.98 -------- 39.98 Roof (All) 0.000 81.000 -0.180 -1.040 0.180 1.59 -19.58 -41.39 -62.56 Roof (All) 81.000 108.670 -0.180 -0.700 0.180 1.59 -19.58---4.40 -45.57 Notes Roof Pressures: Start Dist = Start Dist from Windward Edge End Dist = End Dist from Windward Edge Cp_t•Iax = Lamest Coefficient Magn.i.tude Cn._Min = Smallest Coefficient Magnitude Pp_max = qh*G*Cz: max - qip*(+GCPi) Pn_mar_ qh*G*CQ max - qin*(-GCpi) pc min* = qh*G*Cp_min - qip*(+GCPi) Pn_min* = qh*G*Cp min - qin*(-GCPi) OH = overhang X = Dir along Ridge Y = Dir Perpendcu.lar. to Ridge Z = Vertical The smaller uplift pressures due to C Mi.n can become critical when wind is combined with roof live load or snow load; load combinations are given in ASCE 7 + Pressures Acting TOWARD Surface - Pressures Acting AWAY from Surface Theta = Slope of.Roof = 0.0 Deg h = Bean Roof Height- above grade = 162.000 ft Fh = 15 ft [4.572 m]< Z <Zg-->(2.01*(Z/zg)^(2/A.lpha) (Table 26.10-1)= 1.558 Kzt = Topographic Factor is 1 since no Topographic feature specified = 1.000 Kd ='Wind Directionality Factor per Table 26.6-1 = 0.85 GCPi = Ref Table 26.13-1 for Enclosed Building = +/-0.18 , LF = Load Factor based upon ASD Design = 0.60 r qh = (0.00256 * Kh * Kzt * Kd * Ke ' V^2) * LF = 59.80 psf LHD = Least Horizontal Dimension: Min(B, L) = 108.6'/0 ft al = Min(0.1 * LHD, 0.4 * h = 10.867 f_' a = Max(al., 0.04 * LEID, 3 ft [0.9 ml) = 10.867 ft Description Zone Width Span Length ft ft ft Zone, 1' 1' 1.000 1.000 Zane 1 OH iaH 1..000 1.000 Zone 1'_OH I120H 1.000 1.000 scription Zone Elev Width Span 1/3 Area Ref GCp GCp Length Rule =ig Max. Min I'.t ----------- ft ±t ft sq .it ---- ------ ----- ------ ---- Lene 1 ----- 1 162.00 1.000 1.000 No 1.00 ------ ----- ?0.5-1 0.000 ------ -1.400 �•�.1 2 2 162.00 1.000 1.000 No 1.00 30.5-1 ki.i00 -211.:1100 Sone 3 3 162.00 1.000 1.000 No I-00 30.5-1 0.000 -2.300 Z ?ne = 162.00 1.000 1.000 No 1 .OU 30 . 6-1 0. ;'00 -0. 900 5 5 162.00 1.000 1.000 Ho 1.00 3"). 6-1 0.900 Description Zone qi. 1_:ar: <�ol'h P_�VjW P ;JiJ P '3tlt E'_Gth P_Ma' P_Hin Max Mir, M_,z Min ft psf psf psf psf psf ps.f psf psf psi Zone 1 1 58.80 58.80 58.80 0.00 0.00 10.58 -92.90 10.58 -^2.91) 'on= 2 2 58.80 58.80 58.80 0.00 0.00 10.5S -145.82 10.58 -145.8' Z:v?e '. 3 52.SO Se -SO 58-80 0.00 0.00 10-50 -145.82 10.58 -145.82 Se7ne. 4 +i 58.90 `d.?0 5e":-80 63.50 -63.50 6 .:0 -c3.50 IG3.5CI -6.3.`•0 Zone 5 5 58.80 58.80 5.8.80 63.50 - _.42 5 __ ....., _� =r, 16.4 53.__ , -11v.4_ _ :p = ,e-1-1-: and Flat Roofs (Slop , < 10 Deft) U5:? Fig .30.56-1. _ _er Fig 30.5-1. :'IOI:•".: G R,-,of Slapes >= 10 E•1i=-i i7-z..J Fiy 30.7- 2P�/ Ec and _. Ji = qh for Encl.os_.'d nuil.aings q_w-w = qz for Windward walls q-oil-, = qh for Leeward walls, Sidi: walls and hoofs P 4@ J = Press on Wind -ward Ltialls: q_;,jw * GCp - qi. � (T/-GCpi) [Eqn 30.5-11 F_^Oth Press on Leeward/ Side/Roof: q_oth * GCp - • -4. * (•I-/-GCpi.) [Eqn 30.5-1] 2 Max = Max Positive Pressure on C&C component: Max (P WW, P Oth) P Min = Max negative pressure on C&C component: Min (P WN, P Oth) Per Para 30.2.=' the Minirnunt PrirsSUre for C.&C .is ?.6i) ps, [0.•160 ';Pa] (Znr:lUdes LF) hp = Elevation of top of P:.irapet above arade: Rilt•I-Pht = 166.0 ft = Toraugrapn?c FactDr is: 1 since no 'Topographic feature spec-ified = 1.VOCI Kd - p)ind Directionality Factor oar. Table-216.6-1 = 0. _ - Internal Pressure for I'araper_: Solid = 0.00 Tr = Load Factor based upon ASD Design U. 610 P.:. = 15 ft [A.572 m]< Z <Zg --= (2.01' (Zr'3g) ^ (2./Alpha) (Table 26.10-1 ]- 1.5C•5 c!1 = (0.00256 * Kz. y Kzt Ed * V^2 * 1) K LF _ 59.05 psf Description Zor,= K.idth Span Araa 113 Roof GCp1 GCpi- P"1- P2 Pri t. Rltl= Fig ft ----------- ft it ft ---- ----- ----- p 5 f psf os f ;ne " F ----- ---- ------- ----- ------ 41 P 1.000 1.000 1.000 tto 30.3-2A 0.900 -2.300 ----- ------- 93.14-135.81 ----_- 1: 8. Zone S P 1..000 1.000 1.000 No 30.3-2A 0.900 -2.300 43.14-135.81 1.88.96 GCu - External P1-6s-7n..._ :,...._. _._;er+ •. + =,ven r, ,* i ; s?,.r-- _. ...-i' rhrough 30.3-7 p - Wind Pressure: qp* (GCp - C,,_.pi) [Eqn 30.9-1] .one - 4 P (Edges) --% Wall Zone = 4 and Roof Zone = 2 _ .5 P (Corners) Wall. Zone 5 and Roof Zone - 3 GCp1 & PI = GCp and pressure for Windward size of Upwind Parapet (Load Case A.) GCp lased upon Positive Wail Pressure GCp_' & P2 - GCp and pressure for Leeward size of Upwind Parapet. (Load Case A) GCp based upon MPclat.'ive roof Pressure Prl2t =stet wind pressure on Parapet: -Lp*(GCp1 - GCF2) Description Zone Width Span Area 1/3 Roof GCp3 GCp4 P3 P4 Pna--t Rule Fig ft ft ft ft psf psf psf Zone, 4_P 4_P 1.000 1.000 1.000 No 30.3-2A 0.900 -0.900 5-7.14 -53.14 106.29 2o:le 5 P 5 P 1.000 1.000 1.000 No 30.3-2A 0.900 -1.800 53.14-106.29 159.43 GCp = External Pressure. Coefficients Laken from Figures 30.3-1 through 30.3-7 p = Wind Pressure: qp*(GCp - GCpi) [F.qn 30.9-1] Zone = 4_P (Edges) --> Wall Zone = 3 and Roof Zone = 2 = 5 P (Corners) --> IWall Zone = 5 and Roof Zone = 3 GCpi & P3 = GCp and pressure for Windward size of Downwind Parapet (LC A) GCp based upon Positive Wall Pressure GCp4 & P4 = GCp and pressure for Leeward size of Downwind Parapet (LC S) GCp based upon Negative Wall Pressure Pnet = Net wind pressure on Parapet: P3 - P4 h = Mean Roof rieight above grade = ab2.000 it Kh = 15 ft [4.572 m]< Z <'La-->(2.01*(Z/zg)•'(2/Alpha) (Table 26.10-11= 1.553 Kzt = Topographic Factor is 1 since no Topographic_ feature specified = 1.000 Kt( _ Wind Directionality Factor,per Table 26.6-1 = 0.85 GCPi = Rcf'Table 26.13-1 for Enclosed Euildinu_ _ -,/-0.18 LF = Load Factor based upon ASD Design = 0.60 qh = (0.00256 * Kh * Kzt'* Kd * Ke * V^2) * LF = 58.80 psf Description Zone Width Span Area 1/3 Ref GCpi GCp GCp p p Length Rule Fig i-/- Max Min Max Min ft ft ft sq ft psr psf ----------- ---- ----- ------ ----- ----------- ---- ----- ------ ---- ------- Zone 2 off 2_OH 1.000 1.000 1.00 No 30.3-2A 0.00 0.000 -2.300 9.60-135.24 Zone 3-OP 3 O[i 1.000 1.000 1.00 No 30.3-2A 0.00 0.000 -3.200 9.60 '-183.16 n OFI = 'Lone # on Overhang with Zero Internal Pressure (GCPi = 0) Area = Span Length x Effective Width 1/3 Rule _ Effective width need not be less than 1/3 of the span length( p = Wind Pressure: q(-i*(GCp - GCpi)*LF [Eqn 30.3-1]* * Per Para 30.2.2 the Minimum Pressure for. C&C is 9.60 psf [0.460 kPa) (Includes LF) Values of GCp for overhangs include contributions from both upper and lower surfaces.