HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0222 -'"-: 222 I ' I I I I , I I! ! I I I I ,J ~ I I t I ! . I t r I' ,: '\\ I of and in all and eil16ular the above granted. bargained aud desoribed premises. with the I t I part his heirs and aBsigns, I I hold. use. oooupy, possess. thereof. with the appurtenanoes, without 'any let. sUit, trouble, ml1estation, eviotion, or I disturbanoe of the said parti~s of the first part. their heirs or assigns or of any other I person or persons lawfully 018 iming ot to olaim the same. And that the same are now free. ~ l 1- oloar. d io"h.rg.d an~_:ininownb .redof and from .11 forme;' and other granto. ti no.. Oharge~ I' estates, 3udgments. taxes, assessments, and inoumbr&n~e8 of what nature and kind soever. Party of seoont part to assume alltaxos subsequent to 1919. I I II desoribed and hereby granted end released pre~ises. and svery pa~t end paroel thereof. wit~ the appurtenanoe~ unto the said part700f the seoond part his heirs and assigns. again't ! tr.e said p.rtieB of the first part, end their heirs. and arainst all and every. person or persons whomsoever lawfully clB:iming or to olaim the same, si1all and ,:ill warrant, ani by I b ~ 1 i I hands and seals tl:.e 4ay and year first above t"ri tten. I O. K. Rogers I i ~ Signed. Sealed and Deliyered in the presenoe of '. bargain, sell/ j and oonvey the'same in manner and form aforesaid. And that the ee.id party of the seoond ~ . . . ~ shall and m61 at all times hereafter poa'otably and (iuietly haV8l , 1 and en30J" the above granted premises, and svery part and paroe1 , - a:OPUl'tenanoes and have gOod right. full power, and la~l autll0Tl ty to grant, I \ ~ And the said parties of the first partt for themselves and their heirs, the above ' these pr6sents forever defend. .- DI :; ITnESS \'HEREOF. The said !1arties of the first part have he:rsunto set their Louise K. Rogers (L. S.) (L.S.) I , L.' H. Thompson , Li1~an ~. Thompeon STATE m' i'LORIDA~ COUL'TY OF VOLUSIA KNOW ALL MEN BY TEESE ~RESEliTS, ,That I Louise M. Rogers wife of the" above ~amed ~ i . f I f 't i 1 ~ ~ j , , c. M."Rogers do by these presents. made and exeouted by me separate and apart from my said husband, and in the presenoe of-of the State o~ Plorida. L~~owledge and deolare that- l'dld me.ke mysel~ a party to and execute t:e foregoing Deed of Conveyance for the purpose ' of releasing all my'do~er and right o~ dower und'conveyir~ all my sole and separate estate in and to the lande in said oonveyanoe therein desoribed end granted. and thbt I did the game freely and voluntarily, ana without anycom~ulsion, constraint. apprehensi~n, or fear of or from ~ said husband., III i1ITl1ESS W;reREOF. I hereunto subsoribe my name and affix my seal, ti:is 3rd day' " o~ Maroh, A.D.. One Thousand Hine Hundred twenty. Louise M. Rogers, (L. S.) . i ~ J ! . t I I' J I t r' STATE OF }'L03IDA. ,COUlITY OF VOLUSU. TO ALL flHOK IT UAY COnCERN, Be 1~ known that on this 3d day of !larch A.j;.. 1920 perso~allY ap~eared before me, a Notary Public. of tho State of Florida, the above named ., Louise M. Rogers to me well known as the wife of C. U. Roger. and ss one of the ~ersons , desoribed in and whO exeouted the for-egoing Deed of Conveyance, who. being at the t 1me separate and apart ~rom her said husband. did then and there make and CA80ute the foregoir:g aoknowledgment. her-name being with her own hand Bubsoribed and. her seal afftxed in my , I preBe~ce. l " , '.t1tnes.$ my hand and seal ,at Daytona. the day and year ~lrst above writt'ln. Lawrenoe n. Thompson (L.S.) Notary Publio. State of J10rida K1 oommi&slon e~ireB Oot. 3/1921 Botar;y Seal) ::)~'~ :~.: <.-., :>./; '.~, ~ _: ~- ;) :>~~'-;.'.: ::::_':"';2: " ",- -.' ,.'.\'.~ ", :.,:' ":.~.";:':::.',: : '.': ' '. .. ,."q:..~:,".~~.~ ~.....~..r~.:-..