HomeMy WebLinkAboutEvaaluation ReportCoilffic-it.d. of Au,ftfizeiff6l! No 29824 11590 Ediriburdfi DdVe CREEK Tampa, FL33647 S TEcHNICALERVICES, LLC ;(813) 480-3421 EVALUATION REPORT' FLORibABUILDING CEDE,; VEDitioN (2014) 'Manufacturer: TAMKO BUILDING. PRODUCTS, INC. Issued August 22, 2016 PD.' Box i404 Joplin, MO 64802 ,(417) 624-156" htti5'//wWW.ta'fnk6.dom DOI - ity.Assurance: LfLILC,(QUA9625)SCOPE: 'dat9gry.. Roofing .e Subqategqry. Under,16yments ,Code Sectionm-. 1507.2.31 1507.2,.4"`1507.2.8,,1507-.2.9.2,1507-.3.3,1507.4.5.1,1667.4.5.-2,1507,4.5.3, 1507. 5.3. 1507;E3:2.,.-150-7.6 3,,1507,,-.6;'3:2,1507.6.5j 1507.7;3i 1507.7.32.4507.8.3. 1-507.8 ' 9.2,1507.6t8, T15.07;8,,1.507.9.3,1.507.9�'3.2,,1'507.0.51150,7-.9.9 'Properties: Phy.5ical properties. REFERENCES ED-t4y Report No. Standard Year t , PRI-Consruction Materials TePhnologiqs,(TsT6049) TAP-191-09-01REV ASTM D 1970 2009 ,PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST6049) TAF=1M 9Z=01 ASTM D:1970 ;2009, -PRI Construction Materials T ech - n . ologi - e s.(T;3T6P49) TAPA93r02-01 ASTM D 1970 2009 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST6049) TAP-214-02=01 ASTNI, D 4869 .2005e01 PRI Construction I Materials aterials Technologies (TST60 . 49) TAP-216 1 m()2- . 01 ASTM. D 226 2006 06 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST6049) TAP;-21J6-02-03! ASTM 0 6380 2003(2069) -PRf,Constru6t!on Materials Technologies (T.ST6049) TAP-217-02701R-EV- ASTM D 6380 '20.03(ZQ09) PRI' bo'n§'t-fuctidn' "m, aton-a,ls, Technologies; (TST6049) TAPw21&02701 'ASTM D 226 2006 P RI-Const ructibri Materials . , I Technologies (TST6049) TA P-21 9-02-0 I ASTM. D 226 200 6 0m: tonstru6tion Materials Technol6gIbs'(TST604,9) TAI?426:42-01 ASTM ci 63780 2003(9009) .P,RI Construction Materials Technologies (TST60,49)' TAP-222-02-01 ASTM' D, 4069 200501; 'PRI-Construction.Materials TechncilogieS(T$,T6049)' TAPr399m02701 A AC.M. Q 188 2042 (TST4U8) -13CA12269 ASTD 226 2006 PRODUCT IYEsdmptm AND APPLICATION, TAMKO@) ASIN'Slate Asfm b 6980, -clagsA',Ty-pe I und6flayrribht constructed fr6m.okidnic felt saturated I 'Surfaced; Roll Roofing With asphalt and coated on,both sides 'Wifh:'asphalt ,an.d,surfa,qed.'Vvith granules; -A Mi- w -p1ope: -1. 212, Applic6tilW117 The Ond6daypi6rit shall'be installed with minimum 2" side laps andnihimum, 4",s-taggered end laps:and in accordance: with FRSAITRI 07230 for tile applications. .1iC0 Allowable roof coverings:: Attachment of asphalt shingle le Valleys and clay ,and concrete tile shall be, Oermift6d- in accordance with the, F14-C. T6131.4061.3 FL123247K7 'Page I of 4 This evaluation report is provided for State, of Florida product approval,under.Rule.61132073. The rrianufact 11 fyAq Technical Services j LLC'6f anyproduct changes, or quality assurance changes throughogt the duration for. is s- li This6v�-j-ldatio- h* f6pbrt -doesnot dxprds9s h6rirhpIY--Warftfhty installation, recommended 6§61-,cie other-pfodb at specifically addressed `herein. CREEK K TAMKO BUILDING PRODCUTS; ING, TAMKO iMderlaym nts TECHN.jPALSSERVIcEs,. LLC' TAMKO®ASTM': Tile ASTM D 63t30; bass: M,, Ty pd II underlay ment,constructed,from an, orgarncfelt saturated Undedayinent with asphalt then coated:on: both sides -with asphalt and surfaced with -granules. Application. The underlayment shall be installed with minimum 2" side laps and minimum 4" :staggered end:laps and in. accordance with kwrRI 07230 for tile applications. Allowable roof coverings: Attachment of clay arid, concretb. the shall be. permitted in accordance with the FBC. TAMKQ®.Master ASTM; D-6380; Class:S; Type IV underlayinent-constructed from -an organic felt saturated. Smooth with asphalt,then coated on.both sides with asphalt.and surfaced with a fine imineral. Application_ The undedayment, shall be installed along the valley In accordance with'FBC requirements. Allowable roof`covaringsr Attachment of asphalt -shingle valleys shall be permitted in. accordance withthe FBC. TAMKO® Moisture 861f-adhered.,, ASTM; D 19701, fiberglass reinforced, modified bitumen. sheet membrane Guard Plus® with a mineral.surfacing and `a removable. release: film on the. adhesive. side, Application: The underlayment shall be- attached by adhering directly, to -the _roof deck with minimum -112" side laps and minimum 6" staggered' end laps. :Min. application temperature: 40°F. Allowable roof;coverrigs:; Attachment of asphalt shingles and mechanically fastened concrete.:and clay ;tile roofing shall be permitted in accordance.with the FBC. TAMKOO No. 15 ASTM ASTM D'226,, Type I undedayment constructed from a non -perforated organic felt that.is Asphalt Saturated saturated with, asphalt.. lOrganic'Felt Application: The undedayment shall 6e installed with minimum 2" side laps and minimum 4" end laps. Allowable roof coverings;, Attachment of asphalt shirigles,jrhetal _roofing; wood shingles, wood shakes, and roll roofing shall be, permitted in accordance with the FBG: TAMK08'No. IS UL ASTM' D 226;. Type: I underlayment constructed from a non:perforated organic feit.that is Asphalt Saturated saturated With asphalt: .Organic Felt Application: The underlayment Shall 60 Installed' with minimum 2" side laps and minimum 4" end laps.. Allowable roof coverings: Attachment of asphalt shingles;, metal roofing; wood shingles;, wood shakes, and roll. roofing shall be. permitted in accordance "with the FBC. T 14d61:3 FL19328-R7 Page 2"of 4 This.evaluation: report is provided, for State of, Florida product approval under°Rule 61 G20-3, The manufactufer shall notify CREEK Technical Services_; LLC of any'product changes or.Guality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this, report is valid. This: evaluation tbport.does: not express noi• imply wairanty;, installation; recommended use, -or otFier:product attributes that afe -not specificaliy addressed:Fie�ein. TANKID, BUI'MING-PRODCUTS, INC CR8EK TAMMUnderlaymbrits; TmHNIPALS E.RVICES, LLC TAMKOON0. 36 ASTM ASTM' 0 226i, Typ6A.LunId'eqla en_t c-o,nstruc edfrom a non -perforated _orit felt that is .Asphalt.Saturatbd saturated with asphalt., Dirgani . C Felt App lication; Tfie.underlavment shall be Installed, with minimum 2" side laps and minimum 4°1 end laps. Allowable, roof coverings: Attachment of asphalt shingles, metal roofi,ng,, clay and concrete Jile; slate, shing!es.,- wood shingles, Wood: sh9Yds,;and -roll roofing shall be permitted in accordance with.the FBC. TAMKO@ -No. 30 UIL ASTM D -226, Typre4l VndbrlaVrrient constructed, from-abon.-OprIorated -organic felt that is, Asphalf Saturated saturated with asphalt; OrganicFelt Application: The underlaymentshall be,installed' with minimum 2" side laps and minimum 4" end laps'. Allowable roof coverings:: Attachment of asphalt .shingles, metal roofing; clay. . . hingibs, wood hingl ' es, and concrete Me, slate 8 shingles; wood shakes; and, r6_11permitted' shall be ed' in accordance With the MC. ' TAMKO@.TWM.6tal and ;Self -adhered, flexible,.ASTM 0 1970, rubberized asphalt. shQ6t membrane with a Tile'Underlayment r face and a r6rad-Vabld release film'on the Adhesiv_6 side. :polymer film bri. the surface Application: The underlayment: shall be attached by adhering roof deck With 4" side laps directIV. to the minimum and minimum -67 staggered send laps. Pffin; application temperature: 40?F Allowable: roof . coverings: Attachment of lagph6lt shingles, metal roofing, and mechanically- fastened: clay and concrete tiles 'shall be -permitted inacdordance' With the FBC. TAMKO@TW Selfradhered, flexible,;, ASTM. D 1970-,. rubberized asphalt, sheet membrane with a .! Underlaymoni polymer film.pn,-th6' 'urf6ce-and a rerridvable'releas6film on the adhesive side. Application: The underlayment shall be attached by adhering - h minifflUfft 4" S-106 laps directly to the -roof deck: with and minimum 61 staggered end laps'. Min.sapplicalion temperature, 409F Allldwoble roof coverings:; Attachment �6f asphalt! shingles ;and metal roofing shall be -permitted in accordance with.the FBQ. TAMk6@7AM_-FELT Alteffiate.to-ASTIVI D226i Type i Land!Typell und.erlayme-rit cons #Qctedfromanon- perforated organic feltlhaflt saturated with.asphalt. Application: The underlayment shall be. installed with minimum Z' side laps: and minimum 4" end laps-. Allowable roof coverings: Attachment of .asphalt. shingles shall .be permitted in Efeco-rdafrice.-VA-ith the Pl3t. TWU60.3 FLI2328-137 Page 3 of 4 This evaluation report is, provided for State of, Florida.prodUct approval 6-1 G20-3. The. manufacturer shall,notify P _n y, CREEK Technical'Servi es; LLC 6f,any-produc changes or q6aify assurance changes throughoutt ,he duration for which4his report is valid: Thisevajatioh report does not wpt6ssfidvirplq­Wainstallation, recorfineided use, or otKdr_pr6dudtaffHbUtdsIhat are"riot spedficafly addresseFd'K�ereln. CREED TECH _NICA4, IERV ES, LL TAMKQ: BUILDING PRODCUTS,, INC. TMIKO.Un 'derlayments 'UmuTATioNs 1) This evaluation reportiisnotf&,u'�e1hthbHVHZ. 2) Oire� Classification Js not within th - e sc'opo ofihis? evaluation. 3). Wind tjplift-Tesistanbein qoiwifhlrfscope ,df this evaluation. 4) lrjstallation of the eValuated::pr.OoLkQt-.shEill;botnoly With1his re port; the FB ;, and the manufacturers published application Anstrudfibri& Where discrepancies'. exist between, thesei, sources, 'the more restrictive -and FB_G comp jiantiris ta 11 Mid ri d OW i[shaWipfOybi 1:, 5) "Minimum application 4emperature shall be 50T' unless otherwise noted. Contact: the manufacturer When installing at temp6ratub6s` below the mjAimUrn2'aP'pIi I cation t&mp6ratur6- 6) Dkksubstrates shalland-frbefrom anV irregularities -and debris. Ail.fasteners in,the deck be clean, dry;,:and: shall bo'checked for protrusion and Corrected prior to, underlayment application. 7) Roof deck shall be, installed in accordance with FBC'reqbiremenA5. 8) Unless otherwise stated, the minimum roof sl6pe'shall be in accordance with F80 requirements. 9) All uhtlerlayments.shall. Oe,trjstqk1pq with the. tot! -.16,09th parallel to, the ,daV%.starting at the eave, and labijed insuccessive courses installed upthe deck in, a manner ,that effectively sheds: waterfrom the decks. End laps, "be staggered'een course in t oetW accordance with 10) The•un.derlayment,may be used as. -described in other current FR.0 product-opproyai documents.. 11)- The un-derlaymient--shall riot be installed overexibiting roof coverings. 12) Contactthe manufacturer.regardih specific -exposure limits f6f.badhOiderlayment 1,3) Alf products listed in this report shall be- manufactured under,a! quality. assuranceprogram in, compliance With ,Rule 61G20-3. COMPLIANCE STATEMENT Thia., products dvatLipled herein b 'Z c ar v i. � y, R. Priesfi. R.E. have demonstrated. c6mbliarice with the: Florida Building _y a " h Code,. Edition (2014)as-evidenced in the referenced.documents! submittedby-the named manufacturer. �kY R p ee G'E -N & .is No 74021 Q: �2,53 STATE OF:BUJ: A- J* % ,fillill illOO � ZERTIFICATION-OFINDEPENDENCE 0 11 20' 16. 0 8. 2_ 2 0 93 5:39 -04'00' Zachary R. Pd'e§t,:P - E. Florida Rogistrati6h No 74021 Organization No,., ANE9.6.41, CREEK Techhlcal'Seivices. LLC,dddt not ,have'ribil"will it dcqUirk.Eifindridal interest in any t6rtipOhy,,todnu,fdtttidhg.btdistributinqprqdiidts under -:this CREEK Tbc1fin1carServices :LLC is not owned; operatetro ed . by any cornpEkny rnEjulaL Ici 4r ing gr cl�istfibutirlg producis under this evalua-fion, L 46hary R. Priest,,P.E...does not have, n will acquire; a financial interest in any company or distributing products -roducts under this evaluation.. Zachary'R. Priest" P.E_Aoes:nothav%,nor will acquire, -a financial interest in any other entity involved in the -approval process of thei product. ;END QF REPORT trOP14001:3 FL12320-,97- Page 4 of 4 Thiseyatuation report is. provided: for State of Florida product approval under ,.Rule ,.'6lG2G-3. Tha manufacturer shall notify CREEK TqqW1cq! Services; l;,LjQ of qriy:p rqdqcI(-chqngqs qrqqqljtyassurance' changes throughotifthe duration for -which this report is valid. This evaluation report does� not express nor imp drfmdrided Lst),:6edther"--productattibut&s that'arb hot .b.pecific'a addtessed,Kerein.