HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0265 o f . 'fa J ~ t ! ' I, '- 1& 0' ,.;.- " ," 26'S' , ~ . I ::~ It~B or BOIJDi ) - , I OOlJftY oJ 'f. r.VOIl.) i \ OJ DI8 hty ~1'80Da1l7 appeared b.fore .. Maude V. 'tatun, willow,' '0 .. well knom ( I as the pel'80n dellOribel in, aM who exeouted the ~OI'e"ina ..84 of OonftJQOe. and ' t I aoknowledge4 that lIbe exe.uted 'he .... ~o~ the purpose. therein expr.ssed; wher.upon it 'I 1s pra7ed that the .... -1' be reoC&" 4ecl. - ,--- -- - - j , . I IB WI!BE88 lIHlmBO:r, I have hereunto affixed -.IT DIUlI8 an4 offio ial .eal,; thie the l' dq of Auguet, A. D. 1920, at :lort Pieroe, nodi.. CirO!AllY 8:&&L) J. Is. Howart Hotar~ Publio. ~'Comm1s8~on expires the 28 a~ of ~7, 1'24. i i -' . ~ :riled and reoorded .. , thi8 18th dlq of August, A. D. 1920. '?€ ' , CoIIO ,,~, ",." ,to: I~() . j 1 ~ t CO!: Of. SBAL) t ! ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '. ,~ MADa CBLnm DAlOOIBB BIDAlJI,! G.l8COIX, Gl1ABDLU, eto.. to c- " ! " ""~R1Uwry DDD. ' PIJ ~ 1 ~ !HIS IlIDB31fUD, Kade this 21 4~ of .JIme 19tO - A~ D. 1920 between _ Mar;& Ce1ine PraT'loolse i liffau1t Gaeooin, widow, indivi4ua117 , and as guardian of tho perlOn an~,..tate of )(aeter ' ! Ohar1e8 YTee Batard. a II1nor. inheriting through his mother !'vonne JlarieJo8eph 'l'herese $ < . ! Oeline Gaaooin CBatard b7 Marriage) and Karle 'elioite Francoise Gaaooin fForUn b7 mar- I :nage) an4 b;,aona ~~8 Joseph fheodore lorUJI, 'er husband, . of Jlesl~, 'IIar~erJl\. Karle ; _ ", .. 4 . ~ Henriette Ga800in (P.rrin b1' Jl&lTlage) and Hyointhe Karle Jl.bert P.rr~n, her husband, of ~ i bnnee, Germaine Jfar1e JIa11ie GaBooin (Hemar by marriage) and llarie Jean Hemar, attol'n81'. ~ ~', - . . } her husband, If Laval and Kaeter !liohel Karie QharleS Joseph Guooin, unmarried of La....l, ; ,'\" \ ' ~ J ! and all of the proTince of )(qenn8 and ,jRepubl1o of J'ranoe,' J8rtiets of the first part and I :i. L. Prioe of the 01t7 of J'ort Pier_oe, and State of Florida, par't)'of the second part. i WI!BE8SBfH, that the sait partis. of the first part for an4in oonBideration of the l ' , i IIWD of Sixt7 fiTe hundred dollars .6,600 nO/1OO to them in hand paid b7 the said partT ! ' ~ of the 8eoond part. the reoeipt whereof i8 hereby aoknow1edged. has granted, bargained and t ~ ! sola to the 8&14 ~U.B of the seoond part, his heirs and assigns forever the, following i ,~ del5Cribed land. 'to-wit: t ' ' , i '.'!.nn1n8 at the point en the West line of Lot .,ur (4) in SecUon fifteen (16): J . ~ 1 !oa8hlp !blr~l'-flTe (86) louth of Bange :rorty (40) k8t, fiTe h1U1dred CIlOO) feet north of j , . 1 ' - - f tl1e south west oomer ef ..il r.ot. !beno. east to the _'ere o~ In4ian liTer, ~ distanoe , - " ..' -. . .... - ~ e' 1,632 tee" lDDre or' leaD, thence ~ol101r1ng the _alder of Inlian Riftr at an angle I. 1.,0 'r W~ a 41staDo. of 629 feet., !heDGe ...t par&1l'el to the south btundary to the west line of ! .' .. t r _ ~ the firet 10' tint 4esoribed, a distanoe of 1.'"9 fe.' aore or leiS. Thenoe South along ~ - \- . - - i the West liBo,.t the r.ot first 4eBOl'ibe4. a 4istano. of 1t4 feet, to the point of begiunins. t ' ';- , , t oontain1JlC tw,,~, aor..' of 1an4 ..iUSiTe of the bUroH ri~t of -V. I ant' tl>> ..id pVtle. ef, the ~irat part 40 herebJ'tuJ.17 _Rant the U tle to 8a1d land and , I ,.' " ~ - ' ~ rill defent ,be ... against &11 )t8r80nS whO_GeTer. . 1 . . i In witne8s whereof, We haye herev.n'o affixed our haD4s and 8eall thiS the aa7 an4 7e&Z' ; . . , t above wr1 tten. I >" P. O. BLDRKD, Olerk Oirouit Oourt. B7. C~/ rY? ~~/, (-e./~.C. /. ' B. L. PIIOB. ;- " :,1 " -- , ~ . ~;: >" ,,:::,:' ;~} ,,~~ ::'; ,: ,c.: ~:':