HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0272 272 . Beginning at the Count, lIhell road at the north nst Gomer o~ land of W. P. . 1l;"'g1n lOll tho B1.t 0'" ot Oot 1914) lUl4 .... O.lt .10118 ~o*th 111l~ ot IllU'glll loIl4 to thO. 110 ot.'"th. n.__ Grant then J'UIl northweaterlv along sa14 line e1ght1 fhe (86) ~eet, then in a we8ter17 d1reot10n to a point three hundred and twent7 fiTe (826) ~e.t,'Hortb of Burgins" oorner in the oount7 road (the point of 'begimtlng in the oount7 road) then run south 8111II tbe: sald "rod to point of beginnins oontaining one and one ~OUl'th (1;t) aores ! / I . t i i i I , i I I j i I i Mre .r le... ' no Ilbon 4o..<1b041_ 10 . part ot SOOUOIl thlrvlZOlot tho 1'10_ OrlUlt ohloh ..0- I 'tion is more perfeotlv desoribed in a oertain map of ....vegan Plat" in the 8814 Grant lIMe; b7 8., B. Oarter and filed in the land reoord8 of Brevard 00unt1' being bounded in the west J -" " , - I b7 the Horth east boun4ar;y ~f the Plor14a Bast Ooast B. B. Bounden on the Ilort~ west b7 I the ]forthnster17 sid. of Lemon S'treet boun~ed in the northeast b1' the northeaster17 boundoo( arv ef the neJllD1ng Grant and b7 'the Indi-.n Biver and bounded on the 80uth east b, the , ' >>lat' of S. Xi toh1Jlg a8 8hnwu on sai~ I18p and also b7 the indian riTer. ogether with all and 8ingul.ar the 1mprOTellllllnts, tenements. heredi'taments and appurtenanoes I hereunto belonging, or in aD1Wise appertaining, and t~e reversion an~ reveraions, remtlinder I and rell8in4ers, rents, iS8\18., and, profits thereof; AID .!L80 all, the estate, r1ght, title, [ , - I tntere8t,hollllllste8d, dower and right of dower, sepa~ate estate, propert7"poBses.sio~. olaiml and demand whatsoever, at law and in equi t7, either and both. of the said part of the f I first part, ot, in, and to the same, 'and eTer)' part and paroe1 thereof; !r0 IUD AID to HOLD ~ , ' , the abOTe desoribed premise., each and eTe1'7, unto the said part7 of the seoond part. hili i heirs and assigns, in fee si~le, abaolute, indefeasib17, foreTer. I I ~d the sa14 parties of the first pe.rt, for them and their heirs~ exeoutors and admin- i , I istra'tors, 30int17 and seTeral17, oovenant, promise and agree ~o and with the said party of ~ - .. ~ ~ the seoond part, hi. heirs, exeoutors, administrators and assigns that the said pi rUes of . . the first part, at the time of the sealing and deliTer;y of these presents. are lawfully ! Hi..d in fee simple ot a good, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritanoe o~ and in, . all and singular the above desoribed premises, ~80h and ever;y, and have good right, full power 'and lawful authority to o,onve7 the same in IIl81Ul8r and form aforesaid; that the Baid " , _., . i party of the seoond part, his heirs and aBsignD, aha11 and 1M7 at. al~ t~8 hereaftei.a Jl8B:oe;~ I ab11 and quiet17 have, hold, use, ooouPY, pOSseBS and en~07 the abO"7e deaOl'ibed premises, , i and eveq ~ and :paroel thereof, without BnJ let, suit, trouble, mUestation, eviotion or ~ , - i disturbanoe of 'the said parties of 'the f1rs~ part. their heirs or 88signs. or of an;y other . . person or persons law:tul.17 olaiming or to claim the same; that the same, all and singular. ' ; are ~ree, olear, disoharged and uninoumbered o~ and from all former and other 1;1 tlee, oloudS, and inouabranoe8 of wha't na~e and kind soeverl that the aa1d parties of the fu-st part. 'their heir., exeeutors and adm1nietrator8, eaoh and eTeq, shall ake. exeoute and aoknow- ! , i , ~ I t I ; prelli.... and eTeri part and parcel. thereof, 1lIlto the said part7 of the BlcOnd part, his I \ -' -' beil's an4 asaips. agaiDst the '!sld parties 1f the first part, and their heirs, and against' \ _' " ' I il11 and eTeq per.on or persona whosBoevel' lawful17 el--,,.h18 or 'to olai. the ... ,ball and ! 11111 ~t 0Il4 b., tho.. pro_to. fo~nr 4d0n4.' I thiB alienation ia with the ~oint consent of huabanA and wife where that relation exia1J8. ledge auoh firther and other 4eed. and aaauranoea aa b7 oounsel le~d in 'the law -., be con.idered reasonab17proper to efteotu&'te the full intent and meaning o~ this instrument. .lDd the sa14 partiei of the firat par't, for them an4 their,. heir., 'the aboTe de.oribed ~ . ; ".-- '"' ~'..-. .:: 5i\ ! ~-. . - -~ __ }': l, ..... . ~. - . . ",",:> -.,.,'....: ':~ ..,'~~.,~ L,: :.," - .:~!~<, a:. 1J -!.-. I . r t o ,;'. " - ~' , .::.': -:,. ~ \ ~~~; :~~:'~~ ;~:': - . . . - .. . ,... .. '.